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2436594 No.2436594 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to pick up a retro console to collect for since I wasn't really into games in my younger years. I'm trying to decide whether to go Sega or Nintendo and am leaning towards either a Genesis/MegaDrive or SNES/SFC. I tend to prefer platformers and shmups and the occasional RPG. I've seen a lot of this from Nintendo with the exception of shmups and know next to nothing about sega's offerings except they have lots of hidden gems apparently and very expensive shmups. Can any retro anons help me out?

>> No.2436596

original snes shmups turn out ok
it's only the arcade ports that are terribad

>> No.2436601

Do you have any suggestions? I'm also not sold on the snes route btw

>> No.2436636

sega has tons of cheap good shmups too though. A lot cheaper than what you will find on SNES. Good cheap SNES shmups are Super Nova (Darius Force), Gradius 3, Super R-type, and Thunder Spirits. There is a reason most of those are cheap Super Nova I assume is because people don't know it's a Darius game, R-type and Gradius because they do have some slowdown BAD slowdown but I can look past that easy enough Gradius 1 arcade had lots of slowdown too so it's not just consoles that are guilty. Thunder Spirits because its a crappier version of thunderforce 3, it's still great because TF3 is a fucking amazing game but it doesn't look as nice as the Genesis version and is lower res too.

Good cheap genesis shmups

Bio Hazard Battle - cool unique genesis exclusive with 2 player coop.

Arrow Flash - very very average not a bad game at all just not special in anyway worth it if you can find it cheap.

Truxton - Awesome port by sega with help from toaplan themselves uses actual arcade source code. This can go for a lot but I have found 3 copies for 10 dollars, the japanese version is pretty cheap if you keep an eye on ebay I got my copy for 7 bucks.

Insector X - Cheap as hell and better than the arcade game

There are way more shmups in the 20-30 dollar range but if you have patience you can get mega drive stuff on ebay cheap cause not a lot of people bid on them. I got hellfire CIB 18 bucks, Granada with the box for 8 bucks.

>> No.2436682

I don't particularly care whether the game is in english or japanese so I may have to look into that. Most of the shmups I've seen talked about on the system are the ridiculously expensive shit which I'd probably end up buying an everdrive for. Glad to see there are other good shmups. How would you say the genesis compared against the snes in terms of other games?

>> No.2436683

What kind of platformers do you prefer?

Genesis has pretty good action platformers like Rocket Knight Adventures, Dynamite Headdy, Alisia Dragoon, Valis III, Ranger X etc. SNES has slower paced and longer platformers like Mario and DKC games, it depends on what you want.

>> No.2436709

>I tend to prefer platformers and shmups and the occasional RPG

SNES is very platformer and RPG heavy. Shmups are lacking unless you get into importing.

Genesis has platformers and shumps, but few RPGs that are worth playing.

>> No.2436726

Good to know, I'm fine with importing

>> No.2436821

I was a snes man myself and it's got some great imports like Sailor Moon and Ys. I honestly don't really known of any good genesis games outside of the typical Sonic, Ecco, Altered Beast, etc

>> No.2437576

If you can afford to, I'd say get both. If not, you can't go wrong with either choice, though you will likely want a flashcart for SNES. Mega Drive games tend to be far more affordable, with the exception of a few fairly expensive games.

SNES is the champion when it comes to RPGs (though that's not to say the Mega Drive has no awesome RPGs either; Phantasy Star IV is as good as many SNES RPGs I've played), and Mega Drive has a lot of great, cheap shmups. When it comes to platformers, both consoles are pretty even, in my opinion. As another guy said, the SNES tends to have longer platformers that in my opinion feel more like an adventure, while Mega Drive has a lot of great action-platformers that are shorter.

Ignoring prices, both consoles are excellent, and they have very different game libraries but you can't go wrong with either. If you want to actually collect games and not just use a flashcart, the Mega Drive seems the obvious choice to me, MD games have been rising in price lately but they're still nowhere near the level of SNES prices yet. Eventually I'd recommend you get both though.

>> No.2437897

Interesting, as far as SNES prices are considered I've noticed SFC versions generally seem to be much more affordable. Can you recommend any of the "hidden gems" of the Genesis/MD? I always hear people say these are what really sells the system but don't see much talk of what they actually are.

>> No.2437957
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ITT: weenies

>> No.2437967

Too bad the Neo Geo is expensive as fuck and doesn't really have a wide variety of games that appeal to me (as far as I know)

>> No.2438002

You should choose the Genesis. Both consoles have lots of great games, but Genesis games are a lot cheaper.

>> No.2438004


You can blow through the entire Neo Geo library in an emulator in an afternoon. There are lots of great games that aren't fighters.

>> No.2438018

Like i've asked before, any recommendations that aren't Sonic, Ecco, etc?

>> No.2438023

That is true, SFC versions of SNES games are pretty damn cheap. The thought never crosses my mind usually, to be honest, because I've got a European SNES that can't play Japanese games without a region mod or a converter cartridge (the reliability of which tends to be pretty shaky).

I think a lot of these "hidden gems" people speak of aren't really that "hidden" in the context of the Mega Drive, but are from a modern perspective, due to the fact that a lot of the games on the Mega Drive were one-off games that either never became a series, or never left the platform. A lot of the big games on the SNES are still continuing franchises that everybody knows about, while many of the games on the Mega Drive that were well known at the time never left the Mega Drive and are unheard of today. Some of my favourite games on the system:

Empire of Steel/Steel Empire -- A shmup with a steampunk style with blimps and stuff. Feels pretty unique in terms of style considering every shmup back then was all sci-fi spaceship fare
Thunder Force II, III, IV -- excellent shmups; IV is known in the US as Lightening Force
Sonic the Hedgehog 1,2,3&Knuckles -- I shouldn't even need to explain this one
Micro Machines 96 -- A really fun racing game that's awesome with friends. The cartridge has 2 extra control ports built in so you don't need an adapter for 4 player
Dynamite Headdy -- An action-platformer from Treasure with bosses that are tough as nails. The graphics are really colourful, in the style of a puppet show, and would be right at home on SNES.
Revenge of Shinobi -- Another action-platformer, this one has you playing as a ninja. It's hard as balls, I've never managed to beat it but love it anyways.
Ristar -- Yet another platformer, this one was made by Sonic Team. Unlike Sonic, Ristar is a slower platformer with more focus on exploration than going fast and getting points.

You might notice that I tend to play a lot of platformers...

>> No.2438035

Thanks for the info! I'll have to look into some of those

>> No.2438038

>Beyond Oasis
>Shining Force 1 & 2

>> No.2438042

I'd also definitely give mention to Another World (Out of this World in America) and Flashback, two slow-paced, rather methodical platformers along the same vein as Prince of Persia. I didn't mention them, however, as they're not exclusive and were released on a ton of systems, including the SNES.

>> No.2438046

Alien Soldier is the best 16 bit action game bar-none. Never released in the US though, so that might be a problem.

Shinobi III is in second place just behind it.

And Gunstar Heroes.

>> No.2438112

Mega Drive/Genesis is my favorite console of all time!

A lot of good and fun games:

Soleil (Crusader of Ceny)
El Viento
Blades of Vengeance
Gain Ground
Jewel Master
Road Rash 1, 2 and 3
Skitchin' (Sampled songs + Scale effects like Road Rash)
Outlander (Mad Max The Road Warrior game without license + Scale effects like Road Rash)

Alien Soldier
Contra Hardcorps
Comix Zone
Kid Chameleon
Misadventures Flink
Shadow Dancer
Kid Chameleon
Shinning Force
Beyond Oasis
Ghouls n Ghosts
Elemental Master
Herzog Zwey
International Super Star Soccer
Vectorman 1 and 2
Gunstar Heroes
Golden Axe 1, 2 and 3
SOR 1, 2 and 3
Alisia Dragoon
Yu Yu Hakusho Sunset Fighters
Dynamite Headdy
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Monster World IV
and etc...

>> No.2438114

If I only pick up one system I would definitely be buying multi plats for it

>> No.2438124

In Japan they all live in tiny boxes so they tend to not hold onto things. Also they have really high standards when it comes to cleaning and preserving their games, therefore you can get them on the cheap

>> No.2438191

Nosferatu and Blackthorne are both great SNES games.

>> No.2440332

OP let me remind you that the snes has mario, zelda, metroid, fire emblem, ys, seiken densetsu, sailor moon, cotton, magical pop'n, mother, final fantasy, and many other classics

>> No.2440889

genesis has games that are just as good though, seriously what point are you uneducated faggots trying to make when you do this. World of Illusion is a better game than Super Metroid according to famitsu and you haven't even heard of world of illusion. You are the epitome of retarded nintendo kid.

>> No.2440935

No one cares about some Disney game, and regardless that's just one game. The genesis can't compete with the likes of FF and Seiken.

>> No.2440960

dude final fantasy isn't that great lmao. You jrpg fags are the most delusional retards ever.

>> No.2440965
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of course

>> No.2440972

Not him, FF isn't that great but the Seiken games are god tier.

it's not his fault the genesis only has phantasy star

>> No.2440976

Yeah, and it's not my fault the SNES only had JRPGs

>> No.2440981

You trolling bastard!

>> No.2441083

It's japan thats trolling us. I think they are both great games personally. I just like to point it out when some SNES faggot tries to say how their games are "the greatest games of all time."

jRPGs aren't "good taste"

>> No.2441110

"videogames" aren't good taste either yet here we are

>> No.2441153

> I just like to point it out when some SNES faggot tries to say how their games are "the greatest games of all time."
So true, to be honest Super Metroid barely sold 1 million worldwide, it wasn't a big hit back then and no many people cared about it. It's just that "metroidvanias" are much more popular now than back then.

>> No.2441156

lol what is Magical Pop'n, what is Doremi, what is Cotton

>implying jrpgs are bad

>> No.2441163

>Magical Pop'n
That's one of the most overrated "obscure" games on the console. Seriously, the game is so slow-paced and standard, i always try to like it but i get bored in Stage 2.

>implying jRPGs isn't an overrated genre and action games are much better and challenging.

>> No.2441169

>implying jrpgs are bad
Not at all, I like JRPGs. I just wouldn't mind some diversity is all.

>> No.2441178

1. Pop'n is fucking fantastic
2. The snes has a wide range of jrpgs, many of which are action based

Like I said to the other poster, the snes jrpgs have a lot of diversity. You have turn based stuff like SMRPG and FF but you also have real time action stuff like Ys and Seiken. Honestly, Nintendo actually did a fantastic job with their 1st party releases on the snes which I can't say they have done since. The genesis does have some great games, but I think the snes is the clear winner.

>> No.2441182

It´s funny how this advertisement makes the PC Engine sound stronger than it is.

>> No.2441201

1. Not for me at all.
2. What is an "action based" RPG, Secret of Mana? don't want to be a dick but i got bored as fuck with that game, i think Beyond Oasis did it a lot better as an action-based "RPG" since the beat 'em up combat is just much more fun for an action game fan.

It's just a matter of preference, people which like "adventure-ish" games prefer SNES often, people who prefer arcade-style action games prefer the Genesis often.

>> No.2441352

>implying jrpgs are good

they are basically 2d moviegames.

>> No.2441365

Only if you play turn based rpgs exclusively, try ys or seiken

>> No.2441368

action rpgs are not jrpgs imo. jrpg to me implies dragon quest style. Ys is amazing and also not a jrpg to me.

>> No.2441381

JRPG literally stands for Japanese Role Playing Game. The Ys series is a series of Role Playing Games originating in Japan and is therefore a JRPG. Action RPGs are a subset of JRPGs which are a subset of RPGs in general.

>> No.2441393

the japanese refers to japanese style roleplaying games not just all roleplaying games from japan you asshat. Are you some 18 year old revisionist trying to change the meaning or something. It has never meant role playing games from japan and has always referred to the dragon quest/final fantasy style of RPG. By your logic all the ultima/wizardry/western influenced RPGs made in japan are jrpgs too.

You're wrong.

>> No.2441435

>JRPG is an initialism used to describe role-playing games made in Japan

>> No.2441452

And they outright lie about Nintendo.

>> No.2441454

Wizardry is WRPG even though most of them are from Japan.

>> No.2441509

>This article is about Japanese pen-and-paper role-playing games.
>For Japanese role-playing video games, see History of Eastern role-playing video games #Japanese console RPGs.

get it together scrub

>> No.2441527

They are both pretty sweet consoles in spite of any fags who try to say otherwise

>> No.2441556

Ys games are also on the Mega Drive.

And the PC Engine had the best versions by far.

>> No.2441575

YS 3 is better on the genesis the scrolling doesn't look like shit and falcom were the masters of the FM synth I don't give a fuck about real arrangements the synth version is the best. Same goes for the remakes of the first game you can choose the superior Yuzo Koshiro PC 88 soundtrack. The PC engine version of books 1&2 does have good music but it can't stand up to this.


>> No.2443507

>hipster come lately
If you have to choose only one console you can't afford to get into the game at this point. Emulate?

>> No.2443515

>no one cares about some disney games
it's a good game, so uh yeah we do.
>genesis can't compete with the likes of FF
stop, hammer time.