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File: 57 KB, 513x899, Tales of Phantasia (J) [T+Eng1.2LowCase_DeJap]_00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2425675 No.2425675 [Reply] [Original]

What retro games do you know of that have terrible translations?
Both official and fanmade.
Take the DeJap translation of Tales of Phantasia, for example. Who thought this shit was acceptable?

>> No.2425692
File: 29 KB, 300x292, wildarms2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally haven't played one worse than Wild Arms 2. It's apparently a very literal translation, meaning all the Japanese nuances get lost with it. It's because of the bad translation that the script became ambiguous enough to make people think Brad might be gay. Word of God says otherwise on that though.

>> No.2425704

> Who thought this shit was acceptable?
Horny teenagers who took a couple Japanese courses and ad libbed the rest.

>> No.2425709

Context, In the japanese game doesn't say that but its clearly that arche is dreaming about fucking Cless. I recomend you try the absolute zero one, or the one by phantasian productions. the context is the same, even if you read Japanese is the same context.

>> No.2425717

I like how people with zero Japanese skill like to talk crap.

I played the PSP version of this scene (I can read Japanese) and then watched the DeJap translation on youtube.

- Arche's initial comment to the boat captain is pretty well represented; it's made a little more explicit in the DJ version but it's abundantly clear what she's offering in the original Japanese as well, even though a literal translation would just be "I'll do something for you."

- The conversation between Klarth/Claus and Cless does not mention sex at all or even allude to sex, it's just talking about which one they like better. Klarth doesn't mention Arche fuck like a tiger". He does mention her being fiery or energetic; it would be possible to interpret that sexually but it's not necessarily the case.

- The original Japanese of Arche's dream does indicate that she's having some kind of sexual dream about Cless, but the language is not as blatant and vulgar as in the translation. (She does start out with "Cless, don't touch me there!")

IMO the change that represents the biggest modification to the intent of the original text is the "I bet Arche fucks like a tiger" and the subsequent explicit sexual talk.

I looked at the GBA script too -- the GBA translation does go in the opposite direction of bowdlerizing the text -- the captain's response to Arche in the first part makes it seem like he's not understanding her as offering sexual favors. The Klarth/Cless dialogue is translated fine.

Arche's dream is basically the same as the Japanese but less explicit.

So neither the GBA nor the DeJap translations are entirely accurate; the actual Japanese is somewhere between the two.

>> No.2425731

isnt the arche dream thing in reference to this

>> No.2425763

I don't understand why you said I was talking crap and then supported me with greater detail, but thanks I guess

>> No.2425838

Illusion of Gaia. It's like it was machine translated, except they didn't have machine translation back then. Maybe an intern with a Japanese-to-English dictionary?

>> No.2425994

I remind you guys that the scene with the Unicorn proves that Arche is a sexually active girl indeed, while Mint is still a pure maiden.

>> No.2426007
File: 132 KB, 502x1000, 0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing the point & click adventure game Drascula. Bad translation, bad voice acting with weird middle European accents. It's an experience.

>> No.2426085
File: 85 KB, 650x650, cover-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just all around awful. Working Designs also hacked the difficulty level to make it harder, because a couple of weeaboos know how to design and balance a game better than the actual developers. Thanks Vic.

>> No.2426134
File: 463 KB, 1204x1564, 1432075553896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That awful FF7 fan translation thats far too dependant on an early Japanese book filled to the brim with Engrish

>> No.2426145
File: 74 KB, 640x512, alundra_its_a_madhouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The translation is fine, the issue is the "classic" Working Designs humor they add. Most of their games were like this. Alundra actually isn't too bad, except for Jess. Lunar is waaay worse.

>> No.2426154

Worse than the original game? I dunno what you've been playing but you're talking out of your ass. He's since put up some videos and their version is 100x better.

>> No.2426586

>>When finished, this mod will completely remove Cait Sith from the game in favour of a new human character called Iscar Matthias. Iscar is from Judus Iscariot, and Matthias was the apostle chosen to replace him. I have chosen these names to be symbolic of the character's betrayal, and change into a valued ally.

>> No.2426620
File: 15 KB, 256x223, robotrek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that there is a worse translation of a game than this

Even as a 6 year old kid I thought the dialogue was weird. I didn't have a concept of "translation" back then, so I thought the dialogue was weird on purpose to be funny or something

>> No.2426636
File: 20 KB, 198x197, 1432535449082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100x better.

>> No.2426638

It's really a shame that such a good game has this really crappy translation.

Liz and Ard always confused the hell out of me.

>> No.2426708
File: 53 KB, 1024x768, 2144742-deception_3___reina_loading_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember Deception 3 having tons of typos and awkward wording

>> No.2426784
File: 88 KB, 512x448, Breath-of-Fire-II-U-.004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breath of Fire II. This isn't even a particularly bad example.

>> No.2426789

nice ass

>> No.2429045

What are some tips for someone who's in the process of attempting a translation of a game? It's hard to draw the line between using literal or stock phrases, and making the game sound good by being a little more liberal with the translation.

>> No.2429054
File: 271 KB, 500x500, liz ard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liz and Ard always confused the hell out of me.

Liz and Ard are nonsensical via design. I know it seems like just another thing when next to all the other problems it had but they where pretty off the wall in the Japanese version as well

Gotta love that battle music though


>> No.2429072

Learn the actual definitions of Japanese words instead of the English words that kind of mean the same thing that a Jap-Eng dictionary gives you.

Know that your audience doesn't know shit all about Japanese and half will be unhappy no matter what you do.

>> No.2429074

>What are some tips for someone who's in the process of attempting a translation of a game?

1. Fuck the weabs
2. Focus on translating the spirit of what's said not the phrasing
3. Fuck the weabs

>> No.2429081

So you act all high and mighty when people with zero Japanese skill talk crap about this translation, even though you admit that it's blatant and vulgar?

>> No.2429090
File: 284 KB, 662x518, emotional heartbreaking scene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still better than I

>> No.2429096

I remember that scene.

>I must go, my planet needs me.

>> No.2429107

Wild Arms 3 translation wasn't very good either.

>> No.2429117

i like dejap. they actually get projects done! amazeballs, i know!

>> No.2429124

The first 2 Darkstalkers games. Number of winquotes per character is chopped down from ~20 to 4, and the 4 that they have are completely rewritten, bearing no resemblance to the original quotes whatsoever, and have no personality beyond "generic fighter" with a few thematic keywords sprinkled in.

>> No.2429126

>very literal translation
I thought stoopig weebs love those kind of translations?

e.g. "Please read the atmosphere, demonther. Or my tsukoyumiyumi will bakara you ,and your Mushimoshi-jutsu will not protect her smile.... BAAAAAAKA!"

>> No.2429128

I'm okay with this. Repost in /jp/ to BTFO the weebs?

>> No.2429129
File: 92 KB, 400x400, skeleton computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW waiting for Tales of Destiny PS2

>> No.2429131

they do take on a LOT of projects. but at least they never give up unlike some other groups.

>> No.2429146
File: 1.24 MB, 1068x701, team awesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I certainly get things from there perspective too. I can only imagine how translating and editing text heavy games can wear on you, so having another project to work on when you feel the burn is actually a pretty good idea. Ive just really been wanting to play this since it first came out.

Actually, while we're on the subject, ToD for the PSX has a shockingly decent localization. Not the best Ive ever seen but far better than a lot of it's contemporaries. It's liked they cared or something.

>> No.2429396
File: 113 KB, 640x480, YPJQumS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WA2 is a classic.

>> No.2430007


>> No.2430045

I've never played the WA games, but I've heard they're great. That being said, that font is horrendous.

>> No.2430204
File: 4 KB, 256x224, doubledragon3-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bimmy jokes aside, Double Dragon III on the NES had a pretty awful localization where they completely changed the story for the American version and they still couldn't get a proof reader to fix all the typos.

>> No.2430341


The Chrono Trigger fan retranslation that came out a few years back was pretty bad.

>> No.2430485

>fan retranslation

Let me guess it was just a bunch of weaboo garbage with no life to it whatsoever

You know Ill be the first to admit that some translators can go over board but I really wish that more people would stop to think that maybe the original script wasn't that hot to start with

>> No.2430575

Chrono: Marle has that quiet elegance about her, but I bet Ayla fucks like a reptite.

>> No.2430768

pretty much. overly literal translation by weebs and niggas calling each other chan and sama and shit

>> No.2430779

stop with this shit, a couple of stupid sections doesn't make the entire translation bad, stop being an autistic cunt

>> No.2430795


there are actually some really good fan translations, you two seem like some major closed minded cunts that belong on /pol/ or /r9k/ though

>> No.2430803
File: 161 KB, 499x499, 1411849410269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, but I haven't been on those boards for years

>> No.2430805

fuck off asshole

>> No.2430828

>there are actually some really good fan translations

and this was not one of them

>> No.2431491


Ur a fgt

>> No.2432762

It's really not though. Look at the dialog between these two at 11:00 and tell me that's not some awful, generic bad guy writing. And I'm not even going to mention that character that talks like a surfer. Fucking awful

>> No.2432942

I can't see any typos there.

>> No.2433190

Too bad half the stuff they have is already translated, and translated well at that.

>> No.2435578
File: 102 KB, 640x923, zero-wing-gen-cover-front-eu-28777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2435584

Natsume has always done a subpar job of translating Harvest Moon, since the original game.

>> No.2435596

Wild Arms 1 and 2 have tons of mistranslations, and 2 specially has a really literal translations, which gives us stuff like >>2429396. Worst thing is, when they remade 1, fans DEMANDED they kept the original mistranslations! So instead of Sieg Zwei and Marduk, you get stuff like ZEIK TUVAI AND MALDUKE.

Breath of Fire I was particularly atrocious, I agree. Sometimes I couldn't even understand what was happening, and only near the end I got to understand that the merman and the thief had a sorta of love-hate relationship (no homo). The scene where you save the bull guy is pretty awkward to read too, and you'll probably finish it without understanding half of what happened in there.


>> No.2435601

Translate for meaning instead of word-per-word. When in a dialogue, read the sentences aloud and see if they sound natural.

That would make your job a little longer, but of higher quality. You should have seen the initial translation Tyria did for Super Robot Wars Alpha. They had to get some people to edit it, because the guy had english as his third language, and sentence structure was mantained from the original.

>> No.2435609

That's just the funky English-English way of saying it. A lot of the stuff that has C's in positions like that gets replaced with an S.

>> No.2435649 [DELETED] 


>> No.2435696

Seiken Densetsu 3's translation has a few inconsistencies and I hate that. It could be perfect but it's not.

>> No.2435823
File: 41 KB, 256x224, other-consoles-42935-31333636582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing the Shin Nekketsu Kouha: Kunio-tachi no Banka fan translation isn't accurate.

>> No.2436221

She always had a foul mouth.

>> No.2436242


see this is kind of where you have to focus on the SPIRIT and not the actual words.

She did have a potty mouth in Japanese but the Japanese and the English speakers just simply don't swear the same the way.

>> No.2436276

Nothing is perfect when it moves from one language to a different one, though. It's very subjective sometimes,

I've been told that although it's more crass, the intent is relatively similar. Japan has no specific curse-words, per se (or so it has been explained to me.)

>> No.2437567

Practising can be spelt with an s or a c.

>> No.2437574

Bullshit. I know exactly what's going on at any given time and what everybody is saying in Wild Arms 3. You sure can't say that about 2.

>> No.2437585


I am sorry you're pure waifu had a wet dream in the original and you couldn't explain it away by appealing to muh japanese version

>> No.2437591

Outside of America, "practicing" is the typo. Practice is a noun, and practise is a verb, only North American English keeps practice as a verb.

>> No.2438590

Cynic back again.

Even if dialogue is perfectly grammatically correct and sounds natural to the translator, people will still complain because American English has so god damn many dialects that refuse to accept that they're different. One guy will translate 放課後は部活があるし… as "But I have club after school," and someone else will translate it as "I have to go to club after school, though," and you'll have people flinging shit on both sides insisting that the other is unnatural and wrong.

Basically, as in all things internet, ignore the haters.

And drop the -san, -chan, -domo etc unless the game takes place in feudal Japan, goddamn.

>> No.2438605

Kisama-tachi wa, yurusan!

>> No.2438736

It was no BoF2 retranslation, I'll give you that.

To be fair, it's point was for those interested to do research. Much like Sky Render's FFVI. Basically it's a way to analyze exactly how it is in Japan without knowing a lick of Japanese.

Which is idiotic when you have something like the Compendium, but I guess it has it's uses.

The Doctor L re-do, however...

>> No.2440553

One of my pet peeves in translations is translators filling up the mouths of everyone with stuff like "Bastard!" and "This is really pissing me off!"

It just usually sounds extremely unnatural, especially in older games. In my opinion it often points to a lack of imagination on the part of the translator! (note: if it doesn't fit the tone of the world)

As I suspect, this anon >>2436242 might be right in pointing out that English curses are of a different kind.

Playing a lot of WD games I am very glad that they never touched Grandia. The Voice-Acting would not have been any better, but the script sure was saved!

>> No.2440563

Japanese games are filled with KISAMA, TEMEE, CHIKUSHOU, KUSO, KONO YARO and all manner of expletives.

So they go by the most accepted translation instead of context. KISAMA could very well be "Why, you!", but almost everyone translates it as "Bastard!". Every time I see a KUTABARE or FUZAKERUNA, someone translates it as a single "FUCK YOU!", which isn't true to the context in most of the cases. Just look at manga scanslators, they have their own glossary for this kind of stuff.

>> No.2440573
File: 328 KB, 699x393, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a meme about "Fuzakeruna" in /m/. Some guy who does translations on Youtube translated "Omae wa... fuzakeruna!" as "You are the... fuck you!"