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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 29 KB, 226x200, segasaturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2416821 No.2416821 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything on the Sega Saturn that is a must play? Since it was such a forgotten part of that generation of consoles, I always assumed there was nothing on it worth playing, but I'm curious if there were actually some good hidden jems on it.

>> No.2416836

A lot of the exclusive stuff was left in Japanese. You can also play Wachenroder with a strategy guide, but you miss most of the story. Baroque got ports for the PS2 and Wii but I still prefer the original version.

>> No.2417221


It really depends on what kind of games you like but in my opinion, the library is pretty fucking great.

It's an entirely different beast to the Playstation and N64

>> No.2417242

>House of the Dead
>almost arcade perfect

Whoever wrote that was a fucking moron. The Saturn port was absolute dogshit due to hardware limitations.

>> No.2417247

I never owned one, but my friend who was way more into vidya than me vehemently claimed it's the most underrated system of all time. There's a few other threads on Saturn already. You should scope those out.

>> No.2417249

>Baroque got ports for the PS2 and Wii
Nah, that's not a port, it's basically a completely different game. Third person instead of first, new (crappy) music, style changed to anime. Awful.

The SS game did get ported to the PS, though,

>> No.2417252

Plenty, depending on your tastes. If you like shmups it's a fucking godlike console, but even besides that there's some great stuff on there (Snining Force III trilogy, Panzer Dragoon Trilogy, Daytona CE, Burning Rangers, etc).

One of my favorite consoles of all time, for some reason.

>> No.2417267

SF3, PDS and Burning Rangers make the system for me.

>> No.2417391

Exclusives only:
Astal; Burning Rangers; Dragon Force; Guardian Heroes; Legend of Oasis; Mystaria/Burning Heroes; Nights; Panzer Dragoon I, Zwei and Saga; Shining Force 3; Shinrei Jusatsu Taromaru

Give it a try Tier
Clockwork Knight 1 and 2; Shining The Holy Ark; Shining Wisdom; Shinobi X;

>> No.2417410
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Only answer

>> No.2417412

It took me a while to come around to it, but Nights is a really fun game.

>> No.2417671
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>> No.2417680

Looks pretty spooky.

>> No.2417690

i'll post my usuals:

lupin iii: the sage of pyramid
initial d

okay that's all i can think of atm

>> No.2417741


Shit, OP here and I just realized that error. I meant gems.

>> No.2417767
File: 301 KB, 640x480, Super Tempo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play this

>> No.2417795
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Gundam games, i don't know how they did it, but it's good.

>> No.2417809

The Saturn didn't do 3D stuff very well, with a few exceptions here and there.

>> No.2417858

It wasn't due to hardware limitations, it was just a rushed port so a lot of the textures are lo-res place holders because they thought they had more time before shipping. It still plays fine too, it's a lot of fun.

>> No.2417868
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The AM2 guys knew what they where doing

>> No.2417874

No you, the game is very faithful to the arcade in terms of gameplay and number of enemies on screen. In order to acheive this though they had to make it look like ass. It's a very good shooter if you can overlook the low res textures.

>> No.2417881

Virtua Fighter 2 came out early on, and looked better than any fighter the PSX had in it's entire lifespan. The 3D capabilities were very good for the Saturn, but you needed to be a genius to get the best from it.

>> No.2417883

well, gameplay wise it is

>> No.2417885

>bulk slash
>zero results
I'm legitimately disappointed in you, /vr/.

It's extremely necessary.
By far the best of the 3D games on the machine.
It's like Ranger X in 3D. No Japanese actually needed to play.
Graphics are nice and play heavily on the Saturn's strengths, maybe a bit blocky due to the game's geometry being squared out to render nicely with quads.

Only issue is that there's an escort mission, but it's not hard or terribly annoying.
it's a bit pricey (like, $70+), too
kind of mad I didn't get it back when it went for $50, but only a little bit
works 100% fine in SSF, too

VF2 on Saturn is fucking magic. Nothing else on the machine looks that good.
but AM2 is fucking magic


>> No.2417886

ah, whoops
that video was meant to go above the quote, not below it

>> No.2417907

If you have more than a passing interest in playing 2D fighters and/or Shoot em ups then you need a Saturn. If not then don't bother.

>> No.2417908
File: 28 KB, 480x360, saturn shenmue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you needed to be a genius to get the best from it.

I still can't believe they got a Shenmue build on it. Man that's like the 4th time Ive said that this week

>> No.2417923

Bulk Slash is an awesome game. Worth the money if you've got it to spend.

>> No.2417956
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I'm actually more impressed at gundam federation vs zeon and gundam side mission.
Those textures are amazing.

>> No.2417964

Are these playable if you don't speak Japanese? Which Saturn Gundam games would you recommend? Thanks.

>> No.2417968

>Which Saturn Gundam games would you recommend?
Virtual On

>> No.2417969

>not everyone is as obsessed with a random SS game as I am
>I am disappointed in you reddit....oh shit I mean /vr/
get out

>> No.2417972

im not the guy, but it's far from 'just a random game'

>> No.2417974

I just watched the 3 minute clip on this and fucking hell.

Aside from the framerate being dogshit - which is more of a thing from the time - this looks absolutely incredible. That beats the shit out of 90% of similar era Playstation games.

>> No.2417976


Anon you are one of those people that consolidate the theory that any fan of any kind is annoying as fuck.

>> No.2417980


Gundam side mission has even the narration in english and the menu too, not the dialog during the mission, but it's definitely playable.
For Ferderation Vs zeon, well you can play the ps2 version (it's the same thing with better graphics) in english with jap voice acting, but you can always try it out to see how it plays on the original platform.

>> No.2417985

Already got it plus two twin-sticks brah. Fucking masterpiece

I'll give Side Mission a try and see how it goes, thanks man.

>> No.2418029

No, I'm a Gundam fan actually. It's just that Virtual On is like 10x better, so fucking playable. It's hard to believe that there's never been a great Gundam game after all these years. Super Robot Wars just isn't it, I want something like Omega Boost or VO. Especially with the twin sticks like >>2417985, I need to pick up a pair of those sometime. Such a fun game.

>> No.2418034
File: 71 KB, 450x706, Enemy_Zero_cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never been this fucking scared my entire life.

>> No.2418035


Gundam has all kind of games, today i completed the one on dreamcast, and what a fun game and hard too, but it's many times slower than virtual on.

>> No.2418058

>It's hard to believe that there's never been a great Gundam game after all these years.
Not /vr/, but I love DWG to death. It might not be as sleek as a game like VO, but it scratches my itch for giant robot action like little else.

>> No.2418075
File: 210 KB, 256x424, Dragon_Force_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Force not only hooked me, but my roommate, his girlfriend, and another friend who stopped by frequently. I'm pretty sure the console was on for a month straight as this game got played in shifts.

Funny thing, everyone just watched when someone else was playing. No one ever bitched that they wanted a turn - we were just as happy to watch other people play as we were to go through it ourselves.

>> No.2418120


Reminds me of the old days. Me and my buddies would just watch other people play single player shit, especially RPGs.

>> No.2418131

I still enjoy watching other people play through stuff. The guy who stopped by frequently, for example, I watched him go through most of Heavy Rain, and he is nearly always at the controls for survival horror stuff, going back to RE. One bud I watched play everything from like the first few Phantasy Stars to FF7. Another dude had amazing reflexes and it was fun to watch him own shooters like Thunder Force.

I broke Dragon Forc by beating the BBEG first. I figured he was the biggest threat, and the map let you go wherever you wanted. So I never actually beat that game, but it was ok cause I watched at least 2 friends do it, probably more!

>> No.2418261
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It did 3d well it's just that nobody wanted to take the time to get the most out of it. It was the PS3 of it's day.

>> No.2418264

Except the Saturn actually had games.

>> No.2418295

>regurgitating outdated memes

Why don't you goanfuckyourself m8?

>> No.2418305

In my Saturn collection, I have a couple that stick out to me greatly. Some of these games are pioneers, others are just superior to their counterparts (i.e. SNES, Genesis ports).

Earthworm Jim 2

NBA Jam Extreme

Virtua Cop


Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems

While it did 3D (pretty well for it's time), the Saturn REALLY excelled at 2-D fighters. Compare Earthworm Jim 2 on the SNES with the Saturn version, equipped with CD quality sound! @_@

>> No.2418319

>VF2 on Saturn is fucking magic. Nothing else on the machine looks that good.

Dead or Alive looked better, except for the low-res backgrounds. But the animations were waaaay smoother.

>> No.2418321

>Except the Saturn actually had games.

Not in America it didn't. All the good stuff was japan only.

>> No.2418720

>Federation vs Zeon
I didn't even know it was on the Saturn. Is it really? I can't find anything about it being there. Like, anything.

Gundam Side Story looks pretty cool.

>muh reddit

Oh wow, DOA on Saturn looks fucking ace. Never saw the Saturn version before.
The animations are smoother yeah, but they look somewhat weird.

>> No.2418895

NIghts nuff said

>> No.2418904

where the fuck is my guardian heroes PC port with online multiplayer, treasure?

>> No.2419069

>Compare Earthworm Jim 2 on the SNES with the Saturn version, equipped with CD quality sound! @_@

Yeah EWJ2 looks and sounds great on the Saturn, but the SNES version is actually the overall best, controls on the Saturn port feel less precise.
Still worth playing on the Saturn anyway.

>> No.2419132

>le gem

>> No.2419134

that shit looks dope as a mufuck

>> No.2419487

>where the fuck is my guardian heroes PC port with online multiplayer, treasure?

My body is not ready

>> No.2419496

Saturn one actually looks worse because the team who did the port fucked up almost all of the background art. And they couldn't even get linescrolling done.

It definitely has the best sound though. The cd audio tunes are incredible, and I'd really like to know how they recorded that version of Moonlight Sonata because it is a world-class performance.

>> No.2419501

Quake, Exhumed/Powerslave, and Deuk 3DD

>> No.2419513

Nights Into Dreams
Dragon Force
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Legend of Oasis
Radiant Silvergun

>> No.2419757


cek one by one maybe you interested

>> No.2419785

Labotomy software are one of the only 3rd party devs who really knew how to get the best from the Saturn. The Quake conversion is a technical marvel.

>> No.2419908
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If you're talking console exclusive, Op:
Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean
Assault Suits Leynos 2
Blast Wind
Bulk Slash
Burning Rangers
Dragon Force
Dragon Force II
Fire Pro Wrestling S: 6 Men Scramble
Guardian Heroes
Keio Flying Squadron 2
Magical Night Dreams: Cotton Boomerang
Nights into Dreams...
Panzer Dragoon
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Saturn Bomberman
Shining Force III Scenario 1
Shining Force III Scenario 2 (FanTran)
Shining Force III Scenario 3 (FanTran)
Shining the Holy Ark
Shinrei Jusatsushi Taromaru
The Legend of Oasis
Three Dirty Dwarves

>> No.2419918

>Saturn one actually looks worse because the team who did the port fucked up almost all of the background art. And they couldn't even get linescrolling done.

You might be confused with the PS1 version.
The backgrounds don't scroll on the PS version, but they do on the Saturn and it looks gorgeous, most noticeable on the first level.

>> No.2420035
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>> No.2420049

While we're at it, where's my new console Sega?

>> No.2420274

No, I'm not confusing it. The Saturn version only has 2-3-4 normal scrolling backgrounds at most. SNES version has parallax linescroll on some levels which is way more impressive.

They also changed all the backgrounds, and some of them look awful. Compare Puppy Love on SNES to the Saturn - Saturn version has completely different ugly as fuck backgrounds with no linescroll (so, no 3d depth).

Most people agree that the Saturn/PS1 has worse backgrounds in EWJ2.

>> No.2420278


Uh, you may be right, I remember liking Puppy Love on SNES better than the Saturn background. More moody.
However I still think the background on the first level looks amazing on the Saturn, don't particularly remember it being so good on the SNES.

Still, SNES version is better overall due to controls.

>> No.2422048

tose texture are awesome... i wonder how they did...

>> No.2422117

Panzer Dragoon Saga is a genuinely amazing game and I think JRPG fans are missing out that this game is so rare.

>> No.2422407

which inital d game?

>> No.2422506

How do you emulate Saturn? I'm interested in buying it eventually, but I'd like to try it out in emulation first so I don't waste money on any underwhelming games.

>> No.2422519

Read the sticky

>> No.2422525

That site looks like shit. The page on DEmul is practically blank.

But thanks regardless. I'll try what it recommends for Saturn.

>> No.2422526


>> No.2422554


>> No.2425413


I honestly feel this is one of the most underrated games. The sheer variety in gameplay between stages is something that needs to have happened more often.

Then again I just legitimately beat it for the first time recently (i.e. no level skip), it's tough at parts, but easily worth the time and effort.

>> No.2425416

Dragon Force 2 just got a translation. Fun game.
Dragon Force, Guardian Heroes and Saturn Bomberman where the only games I remember from when my brother had his.

>> No.2425695
File: 624 KB, 650x730, af2d83613d2317998479b218f8eb768e.jpg?868850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice. Thanks for the news.

>> No.2425751
File: 947 KB, 1936x1487, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so lucky to have been a Saturn owner while it was still out. Although that kid Bill never retuned my copy of Burning Rangers.

>> No.2425784

Lotta garbage in that collection besides the three up top.

>> No.2425787


He has Panzer Dragoon Saga. That's enough.

>> No.2426252

>dat Katt
Damn, I didn't know I was into furries.

>> No.2426558

I played them all, so no regrets. There are games missing from my collection too. EB used to give you a 30 day return policy, no questioned asked. I used to beat games and then return them for new ones. I also tended not to buy games that my best friend already had, since we shared everything. These weren't games I collected over the years, this was my actual library.

I got garbage? Whatchoo got?

>> No.2426587


He problably saw the Madden in there and proceeded to call your entire collection garbage.

You've got a nice collection, especially if it's from back in the day and you enjoyed it back then.

Do you still have the sampler CD?
I still have my old NiGHTS sampler disc, but I lost the other one.

>> No.2426617

Doesn't the XBLA version do online multiplayer, even if it's a ghost town these days?

>> No.2426904

Zeonic Front is really good. I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.2426909

You mean there still isn't a Saturn emulator with Kaillera or netplay support?

Oh yeah my bad,
>Saturn emulation