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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 139 KB, 560x502, FFA-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2386681 No.2386681 [Reply] [Original]

ITT bullshit moments/puzzles/items/bosses/levels/etc in retro games.

I'll start with Final Fantasy adventure...
>"Palm trees and 8"
How the fuck was a NORMAL person supposed to figure this shit out ?!

>> No.2386689

figure what out

>> No.2386693
File: 110 KB, 500x374, sonishit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The barrel in Sonic 3 is actually impossible to figure out on your own. You will get to it and feel the urge to do nothing but jump over and over despite that not working. You have to have a secret tip from Sega themselves to tell you the arcane secret to getting past it. Playing this as a kid my mom wouldn't let me call the hotline so I never could beat that game. Fucking bullshit.

>> No.2386698

To gain access to a cave, you are only given one hint "Palm trees and 8".
You have to find the spot in the pic and then walk around the palm trees and form a figure eight.

Seriously, how do they expect you to figure it out just from a NPC "palm tees and 8" ?!

>> No.2386703

I just started pushing buttons at random till I figured it out.
It's annoying but I still don't get why people had so much trouble with this.

>> No.2386707


>It's annoying but I still don't get why people had so much trouble with this.

Kind of a side-track but a theory of mine after playing pen and paper games for years is that a silent majority of gamers are a bit dull-witted.

No, I don't mean "everybody but me is dumb", I mean that you know how it is easy to make fun of modern gaming for having an arrow tell you everything you need to do at any given moment and games are more spectacle and straight lines than actual exploration and thinking? That sort of stuff. A silent majority of gamers think that is the norm and need that to play the game at all.

I see it a lot in P&P gaming, so many people who never accept even a single bit of subtly or nuance. NPC is mildly rude to me? I hate them, forever, and will kill them at the first chance. We need to sneak into a place but a door is right in front of me? I kick it down and start lighting fires. This NPC is mad at us and I need to talk my way past him somehow? Fuck that I Intimidate 3 times and slam him against a wall. What do you mean things don't go the way I want them to, Mister DM?

Fuck just think of dudes in low-end jobs you've had where they can't handle anything that isn't given to them in crystal clear instructions and they fuck that up consistently.

So for every one of us who get to these problems, take the clues and our resources available(i.e. even the possible functions of each button on the controller) there are 9 other dudes who held right the entire time and are upset Sonic is "stuck forever."

>> No.2386720

That's impossible! Sonic jumps. So trying anything other than jumping would be completely foreign to everyone trying it. Why would anyone try pressing down? That's insane! It was designed to be an impossible obstacle for anyone who didn't know the secret trick.

>> No.2386723

I don't even know what game it is.
I just saw a greentexted "palm trees an 8" and two palms laying in the middle of the screen and knew what was needed.
It's not that hard.

>> No.2386724

that's a but obtuse but I think it would still be doable if your thought about it long enough.
though I bet some one is going to get their panties in a bunch and yell "6th GEN GAMER!!!" at you. I'm seriously sick of that shit, it's becoming this board's version of calling some one a redditor or tumblrfag..

>> No.2386731

you are literally retarded

>> No.2386737

P&P roleplaying is like that. With a good group it can be amazing, but with the wrong group it can be just awful. I had a rules lawyer in one of my campaigns once who was a seriously annoying piece of shit, but I couldn't ditch him entirely because he was my step brother. I did at one point physically tear an offending section he kept mentioning out of one of my books (Fighter's Handbook I think) and ate it to get him to shut up.

Also oddly enough, the most creative and fun campaign I ever ran was with a group where 3 out of the 4 had never played before. Sometimes it's the new players who aren't bogged down by expectations that are the best.

>> No.2386740

I was being 1000% completely serious too.

>> No.2386743

how exactly did you get sticking directly to the rules out of a post about hand holding?
does not compute
also you sound like a cunt

>> No.2386745

nice try

>> No.2386754

It's just what came to me reading your post about bad players. 2nd Edition had some real bullshit rules in it and I'd always run campaigns where I prefer looser rules if it helps the flow of the actual roleplaying which to me is the real point of P&P. Someone stopping the game constantly to point out when the book isn't being followed to the letter is the antithesis of fun for me.

But you're also right on the money. I am often a pretty huge cunt. Hell, half this thread now is just me mocking some kid who made a topic about getting stuck in Sonic 3.

>> No.2386760
File: 41 KB, 445x488, 1333044910091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 bravo sherlock.

>> No.2386765

that doesn't even make sense in this context

>> No.2386783

>nice try

He was implying that I was being genuine in my frustration here >>2386693

I was ironically calling him sherlock because he must be a real genius for catching me trying to backpeddle and say the original post was mockery.

The picture of Alan Cumming is just to give me giggles.

>> No.2386809

When I was 10 years old, my friend literally described the clue to me and the environment using only his voice and I figured it out for him never having seen the game.

You are a literal retard.

>> No.2386812

In fact, until this very thread, I never even knew what game it was from so thanks for being retarded I guess.

Now I know what puzzle I solved years ago.

>> No.2386819

Wow, Brianna Wu is looking a lot better these days.

>> No.2386849

>When I was 10 years old
What, like 2 years ago ?

>my friend literally described the clue to me
You have no friends, you never will never have friends.

>> No.2386862

I figured it out alone. I remember there was one other npc saying that the cave was near an oasis, and the "palm trees and 8" hint makes sense once you go around to all the oasises (spl?) and find only one where there are 2 trees you can run around in a 8 pattern.What was more bullshit about this particular moment in the game was that the npc was willing to give you the hint if you gave him "a bag of fang"; how the fuck are you supposed to know "fang" is a really rare enemy drop item that is dropped by only 1 enemy? Atleast earlier in the game an npc told you that you could get the skeleton key from killing the lizard men.

>> No.2386864

The end of ninja gaiden 1 for NES.

>> No.2386882

Return to Zork is Bullshit Moments:The Game.

First off, at the very start of the game, there is a plant visible. You have about 8 different ways of acquiring this plant. 7 of those ways actually KILL the plant, but you won't know until a little while later. And you don't actually NEED the plant until halfway through the game where not having a living plant will get you stuck with no hope of escape, requiring you to restart from the beginning.

Picking up ANY item in the game that the game has decided you don't have permission to take(Or killing anyone you weren't supposed to kill) will result in you getting a visit from the Guardian of Zork, who takes every item in your inventory. There's no way to get those items back. Better restart.

At one point you are in a maze forest. You encounter a character only ONCE in that forest. If you don't pick the exact right response options, you don't get the item. You don't get a second chance. Odds are you don't even know there is an item to get, so you won't know you've missed the item until you are near the end, and can't continue forward.

At one point in the game you are supposed to show a photo to a certain character. If you don't, when you visit the swamp you don't get the staff. Without the staff, you can't leave the swamp. Didn't get that letter you didn't know you needed? You better restart, cause there's no way out.

At one point you cross a river with a ferryman who looks like Death. In order to get his services, you can either give him a coin, or show him the coin. Yes, you needed that coin later. Did you give it to him? Better restart.

At one point you need to tie a rope across a chasm, and climb across. Did you ask that one guy about the knot he was tying? No? You fall to your death. Good luck figuring out why.

You are near the end. Now you need to throw every item you have into a pit to raise the bridge to the final area. Game glitched? Didn't count one item? Restart!

>> No.2386910

Won't call it bullshit but the only time I recall getting really stuck is dragon quest 3 (I think its that one). You need to find some guy in prison to progress the game but hes escaped when you get there. Traveled the world a bunch of times talking to everyone again before giving up and checking a walk through.

Not gonna lie, the only reason I solved this is because of people complaining about it online so I knew the solution in advance. Almost certain this would have been a job for gamefaqs otherwise.

>> No.2386964

Found it. Its from quest 2 and rather than make excuses I will just accept the mocking I deserve.

At 8:15

>> No.2386976

Talk to the NPCs and one will tell you - no PhD. required.

>> No.2387026

Eventually figured that out - power of no games you feel like playing cause you have not much in general and a lack of computer (even though I was like 17, was just waiting for it to arrive to where I moved).

A lot of stuff in the legend of zelda. Fucking bush is first thing that comes to mind. Then there's no overworld map (like map map you know) - which I can see where it's coming from, but it sucks to do this tedious walking around to find the dungeon you haven't beaten yet. Like I have 8 dungeons done and can't find the ninth, even though I've been their, had my ass kicked and then dropped the game for months. Although there's a map in the manual, so it's not that big of a problem. Stuff like burning random bushes is.

>> No.2387051

The Eye of Dracula in Simon's Quest allows you to see hidden objects in the scenery. Of course this is a treasure acquired at the third mansion, so its usefulness is severely hampered by that point since to get to it you're pretty much used to going without.
Also, none of the areas in the game are labelled, so good luck figuring out where a clue refers to if you don't have access to the shitty map that originally came with the game.

>> No.2387072

As a kid, English being a foreign language... finding castle 7 by using the flute In the original loz.

The barrel in sonic3, i have jumped for half a day with perfect rhytm until i finally managed to squeeze through. I remember psychological experiments proving most people will never look for a better ( alternative/optimal) solution if they think they can do it with their method. I have proven that for myself here...

i still think the 3 endbosses in a row in castlevania 3 was too much. I knew being hc after that was beyond my grasp. Seriously fuck that

>> No.2387085

yeah that was fucking stupid.

>> No.2387086
File: 158 KB, 584x450, Metal_Gear_Solid_ntsc-back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, let's try to think of things the angry nes nerd hasn't already called "cryptic bullshit".
>Wasn't the code on the back of the CD case?

I thought it was a third person sincerely congratulating him on catching you out.
Because he did. It's childish to go back on what you said, just accept that you sound serious in your original post. Why would you even care? Your name's not on it, it's just an anonymous post.

>> No.2387091
File: 735 KB, 1174x820, hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cousin farted this puzzle at me through a walky talky when i was 4 years old, and i still solved it the next day later with my eyes closed on a tiger gamecom.

>> No.2387095

>Why would anyone try pressing down

To spin dash?

>> No.2387104

>only intelligent explanation ever of the lift in Sonic 3
>English being a foreign language
Proof of American retardation right here.

>> No.2387139

lol u just dumb

>> No.2387154

Anyone who read that first post and thought it was serious is kind of retarded.

>> No.2387157
File: 84 KB, 477x345, 1327715725548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just still don't understand why you're trying to make yourself feel better about it.

>> No.2387173
File: 229 KB, 160x157, mor cap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like saying "I just don't understand why would someone want to feel good".

>> No.2387210

This sounds both hilarious and awful at the same time, those devs were hit by karma I'm sure

>> No.2387287

>Wasn't the code on the back of the CD case?
I wish I had played Metal Gear Solid back in the day before all the meta puzzles were common knowledge. I already knew the codec was at the back of the case and that you're supposed to switch controller port when fighting Psycho Mantis, but I wonder if I'd have been able to figure that shit out myself. (Well, Campbell tells you outright about how to beat Mantis, but still.)

>> No.2387320

I think this kind of gaming has actually affected even older people who still play games, who grew up with Nintendo and played side scrollers regularaly as kids. Its like using spell check consistently. Eventually you rely upon the tools so much that you dont feel the need to figure it out for yourself. It dulls your mind.

I say this because I still do play games, and I was one such kid. Going back to the SNES and NES games, I have trouble at times. Its like my intuition has been completely dulled by quest markers. Compare the original Legend of Zelda, where there was no hand holding, only exploration, with newer iterations of Zelda. Its such a drastic change.

Anyone who played the newest version of a zelda game knows how unnecessary the handholding got in that game. I know now adays Nintendo caters to younger gamers, but hesus christ, do I need a signpost AND an NPC telling me what to do ALL AT THE SAME TIME?

As to the Sonic Carnival Night zone barrel, I dont know why people had issue with this really. I figured it out fairly easily on my own, if I remember. Is that a newer gripe, or a classic gripe? Or is it just a may may to mention it?

>> No.2387330

Tell me, in the world of Sonic, what Sonic does when you press down on the d-pad that would make the barrel go down.

Tell me what that is and why it makes more in-game sense than jumping, and I will concede that it is a clever puzzle.

>> No.2387332

Deep Dungeon

>> No.2387374

Sonic looks down so like a swing or something. You don't jump on a swing.

>> No.2387379

Wrong quote whoopsy

>> No.2387449

But he doesn't look down or anything at all. He just stands perfectly still on the barrel as it spins him around.

>> No.2387507

If kids don't finish the game, how can they expect them to buy another game?

>> No.2387518

>rented MGS
>got to this point
>didn't have internet access
I'm not sure how I got beyond that point, but I know I got all the way to the part where Gray Fox is being crushed and the game wouldn't progress beyond that because the disc was scratched. Went out and bought the game the week after.

>> No.2387545

such a great game though .. one off my all time favs!

>> No.2387560

How are you supposed to know to walk over there? Would have fooled me I guess.

>> No.2387776

It was Infocom's last game, and its reasonable to believe that this game killed them, so....maybe?

>> No.2387809

Lol, pirated PC version player here. Didn't have access to any manuals or game boxes, and no Internet access at the time, so I just brute forced the damn frequency.

>> No.2387824
File: 83 KB, 252x293, BioForge_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game had a few. Usually, if you miss a key item, you'll get stuck. A walktrough is very much needed on your first play.

>> No.2387857

The Carnival Night Barrel is a classic. I didn't have a problem with it, but i can appreciate why people would- If you DO just try jumping, it seems physically possible to get the barrel where you need to go simply by timing your jumps perfectly. So a lot of people assume that's the answer (because every other puzzle in the game thus far has basically been solved by some manner of jumping). The people who bitch about the barrel can be called stubborn, but you could also see them as dedicated. The kind of people who will start a project and see it through. The pillars of our society.

Me, I'm just lazy as fuck. Tried jumping, saw it didn't work as immediately as I liked, tried to find a workaround. Pressed down. Done. Those who found no trouble int he barrel are creative thinkers, but also unlikely to follow through on difficult projects. But if you show them a hard problem, they're also the most likely to come up with a creative solution.

Both of these people are required for society to function. So remember, /vr/, if you ever are giving someone a job interview: pull out that old copy of Sonic 3, and when they get to the Barrel, you will know what kind of worker they are.

And if they say "I heard of these 'Sanic' games, they're fucking terrible, aren't they?" Dismiss them on the spot, and spend the rest of the evening drowning your sorrows.

>> No.2387871
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>> No.2387876


Being a kid who pushed buttons emphatically I would mash down when I landed so I actually would get past that part without ever figuring out that I shouldn't be jumping.

It would still be mega hard obviously but I eventually you kinda push through it that way.

>> No.2387910
File: 56 KB, 633x532, 1423516897933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really like to post about this in every possible thread on both /v/ and /vr/ don't you?
Well you are still a faggot and the fact YOU weren't able to figure out something that was obvious as fuck doesn't make it a "bad design" or something that was impossible to figure out:

First off blowing the tube is shown during the intro.
>B-but it only shows that if you have beaten the game!
If you bought a secondhand copy of Super Metroid or rented the game from a friend it was more than likely previous owner had already beaten the game. Do remember that Super Metroid was common as shit game everyone and their mother had beaten.

Second if you play through the game normally (going to Maridia from eastern parts of the map like everyone did the first time) you go through this room on your way to the "impossible to figure out" room and as you can see it shows a familiar looking tube that is already blown.

Lastly even my 10 year old self figured out you were supposed to destroy the tube simply because you can clearly see the room continuing both upwards and downwards which is shown by the map and the fact you see enemies crawling on walls.

>> No.2387914
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>be 32
>never got stuck once in super metroid when it was brand new and there were no guides and shit
>glass tube especially was extremely obvious that you were supposed to break it in some way
>younger generation of gamers have problems with this game and think the glasstube has bad game design
sad frog.exe

I'm honestly concerned about the next generation of gamers believing that "Y Cant Metroid Crawl?" is a valid complaint and using morph ball being something that was impossible to figure out on your own. Gamers truly are becoming stupider with each generation... apparently there is a reason modern games hold player's hand all the way from beginning to end.

>> No.2387924

also who the hell wasn't power bombing every room, like seriously

>> No.2387925
File: 16 KB, 200x275, Robocop 2 (U).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole fucking game is one big bullshit moment, Robocop 2 is already challenging enough due to it's incredibly stiff controls and Robocop having HUGE moment of inertia but to describe where the main challenge comes from:

>Didn't kill all the bad guys? Go and do that level again faggot!
>Didn't find all those hidden items like those hidden in that secret room you can only find by pressing down at random spot? Go and do that level again faggot!
>So you finally killed all bad guys and found all those items? Good for you but if you don't get a perfect score in this shooting gallery mini-game I'm still sending you to do all that shit all over again!
>You finally did ALL that perfectly? All-right then I'll finally let you advance to the next level which has even more ridiculous goals to meet! Have fun faggot!
The fun doesn't stop there if you do poorly on the level you just got they sometimes send you back to previous levels.

>> No.2388005
File: 1.57 MB, 1600x2079, CYBER-COP-sega-30312746-1600-2079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just by your post, I can safely say I like you. Doesn't matter what kind of person you are in all other aspects, I like you. Kudos, anon.

On topic: this entire game is a bullshit moment. Didn't 'full pause' the game? You're dead. Didn't buy your extra life(that's not even HINTED as an extra life)? You're dead. Got a bad hit from some random spider drone? You're dead. Can't figure out the interface? Yeah, fuck you...you're dead.

>> No.2389139

Through experimenting, of course. Took me a few tries, but it's hardly a permanent obstacle.
I wouldn't exactly call the snake fangs a /rare/ drop...
Eh. Not really. Sure, I managed to walk past the morning star (Beat the local boss by way of buying a ludicrous number of pick axes instead), and had to beat the game without it, but even screwing up like that, I could beat it without a guide.

I feel it's actually preferable to do it this way. Sure, the later dungeons are a pain to navigate, but the immersion is great - you actually ARE almost lost, stumble through unknown, trap- and monster infested fortresses, stumble over bosses you then beat by the skin of your teeth... But damn does it feel great when you finally get excalibur, when YOU beat the game, alone, when it is YOUR accomplishment.

I'm not denying that it is hard, but it's really good for immersion. To some extend, this is of course true for every game, but Mystic Quest in particular has the kind of forlorn, helpless atmosphere that is really helped along a great deal when you're genuinely lost, running out of items, and have no idea when the dungeon will finally end.

>> No.2389142 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1431031459899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kekmore kek

>> No.2389167


Was it JJ?

I remember that mother fucker spending an hour doing computations on how to swing past a black hole on a rope after he showed up an hour late and wanted to catch his character up.

Never wanted to kill someone over a game before that.

>> No.2389209

You really can't play this game without studying the user manual. The invisible traps that can't be seen without the goggles, you would know about it only if you read the manual. I could figure out how to crouch and jump only by reading it.

The game could've been good but they messed it up by trying to make it too complex.

>> No.2389851
File: 24 KB, 200x275, Immortal, The (U).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk few steps in wrong direction in the room you start in
YOU DIE but at least the trapdoors in this room are visible
>room next to the room you start in is a bigger room with insta-kill tiles and fireballs flying all over the place
Changes are you are either going to die again or lose most of your health from getting hit from the fireballs
>on said room you find seeds and you'll soon find a place to plant them
Doing that kills you.
>Between the room you find the seeds and place you can plant said seeds is room where instead of fireballs there are arrows flying all over the place
Getting hit by even one of them insta-kills you.
>along the aforementioned seeds you'll also find a bait and a place to put it in a room next to the place to plant the seeds
Doing that kills you.
>I forgot to mention that between this room and the one with arrows that kill you in one hit are invisible enemies and floor-tiles that kill you instantly and those floor-tiles look just like the rest of them
>In the next room you end up you find a potion and the game asks you if you want to drink it
Picking "Yes" recovers some of your health but makes the game unbeatable as you need the potion later on.

And this is just the "easy" first level of the game...

>> No.2390085

God I hate this generation of "gamer". Lazy shits.

>> No.2390107


Very true. Unfortunate then, that when I played this, it was pre-internet. This was the epitome of "no manual = you are SCREWED".

I mean, obviously you could figure out a vast majority of the controls within 15 minutes, but advancing to different floors? Without the manual, good fucking luck figuring out how to do that, and where.

The masochist in me still wants to go back and try to beat it some day...

>> No.2390114

Seiken Densetsu (GB) aka Final Fantasy Adventure aka Mystic Quest

>> No.2390130

Am I really bad at saga frontier or is this game just cheap with cocksmacking you in the forehead all the time?

>> No.2390172

There's a part in the mansion where you can get permanently stuck between two locked doors and no enemies that can drop keys.

That's even more bullshit.

I coded my own version of Sonic 3 on a punch-card voting machine just so I could solve the barrel puzzle before the game was even out.

>> No.2390179

Honestly I was glad I looked it up I wouldn't have even figured that a gameboy game was capable of registering my movement path around 2 trees. Fuck all these elitists I was stuck on that puzzle for more than a year before I caved

>> No.2390193

Nah, SaGa games can rely a lot on RNG shit.

>> No.2391025
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>> No.2391075

That isn't Mystic Quest, bro. Mystic Quest was on the Snes.

>> No.2391141
File: 161 KB, 488x500, 2387809-mystic_quest_europe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy Legend is called Mystic Quest in Europe.
The SNES game is "Mystic Quest Legend" here. Very confusing.

>> No.2391143

>Final Fantasy Legend

I meant Adventure.

>> No.2391395

That's the series that essentially became Secret of Mana, isnt' it? I seem to remember Secret of Mana being a sequel to another game.

>> No.2393140

Ghosts and Goblins - even though I like this game for some reason. It's so mesmerizing, I don't even know why, ha-ha.

Pretty much everything AVGN has reviewed. Can't remember more that I played myself and hasn't been reviewed by him. I know he's done G'n'G, but if I could pick one, that would be it.

>> No.2393347

Agreed, this guy is a massive douche (and yes, by massive, I mean really fucking fat).

>> No.2393390

That's it. FFA is Seiken Densetsu. Secret of Mana is Seiken Densetsu 2.

>> No.2393406

Seiken Densetsu = Final Fantasy Adventure (US) = Mystic Quest (EU)
Seiken Densetsu 2 = Secret of Mana
Seiken Densetsu 3 = No official English name because it was Japan only. Sometimes it's called Secret of Mana 2, but I think that just made people more confused about the series.

After the first three games they dropped the numbers to try and make things less confusing. Legend of Mana is just Seiken Densetsu: Legend of Mana in Japan. Also Sword of Mana for the GBA is actually a remake of SD1/FFA/MQ.

>> No.2393436

I haven't played the game but as I recall from other threads, there are several screens in the area you can wander around, it's not like you're giving that one tiny section and the clue right there. Someone gives you the clue in a town somewhere and you have to even figure out that this is the right screen in the first place.

>> No.2393472

Commercial text adventures (and most adventure games) are dead because of that bullshit.

>> No.2393485

>boy, everybody but me sure is stupid

>> No.2393630


They're fine actually, they just made a very hard switch over to the LucasArts style where it's almost impossible to lose harder than an immediate death and reload.

>> No.2394195

>You will
No I won't. I'm ADHD free.

>lol i troll u

>> No.2394545

Yeah that was the thing. The desert was huge as fuck. I think the biggest area in the entire game. That one screen in OPs pic with the palm trees just looked like any other dead end. There were dozens and dozens of palm trees in other places.

>> No.2395439

These people don't know a thing about palm trees and 8. First of all what does it mean: Find the screen with 8 palm trees? What do you do on the screen with 8 palm trees? Or is it find palm trees that form the number 8? Or walk in an 8 pattern around palm trees?

Okay let's go for that last option. How trees do I need to figure 8 around? Groups of 1? 2? 4? 6? Will it register if there is more than one space between trees? How laps will make it trigger? Eventually you be zig zagging around the desert not knowing WHAT you're doing or if you're progressing at all, so don't stroll into here thinking you're mighty clever when the context is here, you don't have clue about the palm trees and 8.

>> No.2395471
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Startropics (U) [!]-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This if you are like me and bought a second hand copy of Startropics that didn't come with instruction manual or more importantly the letter you were supposed to put in water.

>> No.2395498

back then you could figure on your own or call power line, and now we have gamefaqs

>> No.2395534

I think it was Leisure Suit Larry 2... you had to find out the hard way that you were supposed to bring sunscreen with you to the cruise ship. Otherwise you die of radiation.

So... in order to buy the sunscreen, you had to go to the pharmacy, and stand on a VERY SPECIFIC TINY AREA in the store in order to pick it up from the shelves. And there was no visual indication where... you just had to shuffle Larry along, pixel-by-pixel, typing in the same commands until he picks it up.

>> No.2396357

Interesting. I never got too into Secret of Mana because it was too friggen hard, but I played and beat SD3 over a 3 day weekend while my mom was out of town so I was able to just laze on the couch smoking weed and playing on her laptop.

>> No.2396940

Holy shit, did you ever massage these points to make it seem like you aren't a complete adventure novice. Most of what you wrote is bullshit and here's why:

>bonding plant
Ok, so how would a human take a plant if they wanted to keep it alive? Would they cut it, or dig it up and keep the roots alive? And when you need it, you can clearly see ahead of time if it's dead - which isn't a problem because you can get another one.

>can't steal from or kill NPCs
I'm not sure how casually murdering the friendly, plot-relevant NPCs or brazenly stealing from them is bullshit for putting you in an unwinnable state. Do you play other games where you kill people who are important and cry bullshit when the game can't be won?

>maze forest
Here's how I know you're writing this from memory: because everything you say about the maze forest is wrong. You encounter the fairy more than once, and your conversation options are "be friendly" or "shout and threaten her." Everyone here should know that this isn't anywhere near as complicated as you've presented it.

>witch itah and ben the boatman
Asking Ben about ANYTHING relating to women (dozens of talking points qualify) will get you the letter. If you want a point for bullshit, you should have mentioned that you have to go through the swamps a second time if you didn't ask the witch about the bats the first time through. Also, there's a workaround for the swamp maze which I'll address in your next complaint.

>the ferryman
Yeah, you can show him the coin or give it to him. If you had the whistle, though, you aren't screwed, because you're on the island where you get the magnet - whistle + magnet = fast travel to anywhere you've been before. You're half-right, it IS possible to have screwed yourself if you didn't get the whistle, but it's one of the first items you can obtain, so it shouldn't be terribly likely. You can use your fast travel ability to bypass the swamp mentioned previously.

>> No.2396948


>not asking about the knot
Why the fuck wouldn't you?

>throwing items at the gate
Yeah, this is a common complaint because it means you dropped something somewhere and you need it. Every item you take that isn't consumed in some way is needed for this puzzle. It's not a glitch.

I'm frankly surprised that nobody else on /vr/ has taken you to task for this yet. No Zork fans here?

>> No.2396956

reading is for faggots

>> No.2396967

It takes a while to figure out that you need to avoid combat and steal treasures in the beginning, and use the quick save function _a lot_..

>> No.2396991

>all this deaths
At least he is immortal

>> No.2396993

If you think reading is for faggots, why play a text adventure of all things?

>> No.2397116


Return to Zork was graphical.

>> No.2398060
File: 145 KB, 238x244, king jeff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure i'll fix your ship, just go find those tribals real quick

>> No.2398674

I think point and click games and text adventures are on a whole different level of bullshit for video games in general. Talking about most games with bullshit moments compared to point and click is like people talking about how dangerous going hiking in various parks is, and then someone else goes and compares it to climbing mountains.

I still remember the horror stories of my cousin telling me about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's text adventure.

>> No.2398707

Literally stopped playing at that point.

>> No.2398738

What are you talking about? LL games are the easiest. Right up there with King's Quest.

>> No.2398743
File: 203 KB, 1294x1500, 81B7oeBC++L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thumbnail looked like the goddamn Dragonzord.

The thing about adventure games is that there's really nothing except the puzzles to provide a challenge. Some games have short arcade sequences, but other than that the only thing stopping you from going start to finish in one sitting is more or less bullshit puzzles.

>> No.2398908

>jumping doesn't seem to be working
>hell, i spent 5 minutes jumping
>i guess i'll try something else
>what about spinning
>no.. what else could it be, duck and stand up, if that ain't is i guess it's some button...
>oh, there it is.

easy. You had autism.

>> No.2398940

I got stuck there too :^)
at least I figured out on my own I had to blow up the pipe in Maridia

>> No.2398984
File: 7 KB, 512x448, 36-Robin_Hood_-_Prince_of_Thieves-60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves for NES.

Has an item that you need at one point or you can't continue the game - a seemingly useless dagger that you have to show to identify yourself. Of course since it's useless as a weapon I put it in the invetnory of the most usless character (I thin it was friar Tuck) and then while you are unaware of hte inmportance of hte dagger, Tuck leaves your party and never comes back.

Meaning, you have to start OVER FROM THE BEGINNING of the game and do it right next time. I've seen people talking about this before so it's not just me who did this.

>> No.2399007

Played this on the GBC version, to be fair there are other instances where you find secret passages, the only clue is that there is no wall texture over it, just void. I think this happens on the first game too.

>> No.2399008

The real problem is that it makes you believe you can do it, if you just try A BIT harder, do it a bit more precise, so you get stuck trying to nail it. But yeah, if you give up on jumping, why immediately quit, instead of trying to press other buttons.
Can you provide a pic or better yet a video? Forgot that part.

>> No.2399296
File: 264 KB, 783x678, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me, bombs didn't work!

>> No.2399421

>part in the mansion where you can get permanently stuck between two locked doors
I remember reading about that in Nintendo Power. Pretty sure it was in the section where they answer questions about games, so I guess someone got stuck there and had to wait a month to be told there was nothing they could do.

>> No.2399440

why arre people on this forum so damn angry

we're talking about old video games, jesus christ

>> No.2399591

>not knowing to superbomb based on the TV commercial

>> No.2399593

>>bonding plant
And yet nowhere in the game does it EVER tell you that you need that plant alive. How exactly are you supposed to figure out that's what is killing you?
>can't steal from or kill NPCs
And you never know if you were supposed to take those items, or if it will be considered stealing until after it happens. Same with some of the people you actually have to kill.
>The fairy
BS, I know because the first time I met her she fucked off, and I spent 30 minutes wandering around trying to meet her again.
Yep, because you'll know to do that before you ever visit the swamp.
Yes, and you know taking the magnet won't be considered stealing because?
Why would you?
>The gate
Ok, now I know you're full of shit, because I had the game glitch on me THREE times while playing through the Floppy and CD versions. The glitch exists, even if you've never had it happen to you.
In a genre that was overrun with bullshit logic and cheap deaths, Return to Zork was the worst. Don't even get me started on how half the clues are missing outright in the floppy version.

>> No.2399603
File: 323 KB, 780x674, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That didn't work either!

>> No.2399686

It won't break until after you move after the bomb explodes. I know, it's a brain teaser.

seriously hope they post the right screen shot for epic lulz

>> No.2399690

>First off blowing the tube is shown during the intro.
no it's not

>Super Metroid was common as shit game everyone and their mother had beaten.
it didn't sell well at all, and it sold worse than the original metroid at that

>> No.2399692

Not sure if trolling or just stupid.

>> No.2399726
File: 221 KB, 779x670, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no it's not
It's shown during the demo play if you have a file on the cartridge with enough progress (along with pic related), so there's that. Dunno if it's available before you do Maridia though.

>Not sure if trolling or just stupid
...or just joking.

>> No.2399735

None of the four opening demos show the tube being blown up.

>> No.2399747
File: 207 KB, 1446x1011, this is bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn its so tedious.spent about a hour on this level and ragequited after falling at the very end of it for the gazilion time.

>> No.2399749

Welp, you got me there.
That's what I get for trusting people saying things I thought sounded reasonable.
Achievement earned: humbled by /vr/ posters. Again.

>> No.2399752
File: 23 KB, 425x334, vcstar010908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the VC release of Startropics handled that. They just threw the letter into the digital manual and included a little icon that simulated dunking it in water.

>> No.2399758

Given all the "you need a code from the manual to proceed" parts in games, this one was probably one of the easier to bruteforce though, since it's only 3 digits and there's not much time spent between attempts, as well as it being far enough into the game that it's a worthy waste of your time to keep going.

>> No.2399857

same here

>> No.2400025

If you'd played the original or seen the game on store shelves you'd have known it.

>> No.2400032

this level in Kid Chameleon


>> No.2400045

One of the biggest bullshit moments in an adventure game, for me, comes form Labyrinth (Yes David Bowie) on Commodore 64.

At the beginning of the game, you are able to collect a towel.

Now, this item can be used as a solve-all for literally every puzzle. But there's only ONE, and it's only used once. So you're to think "Oh, I'll just use it for this really difficult puzzle or that one."

No. The ONLY way to defeat Jareth at the end is by using the towel against him. If you've used it you're restarting. No indication is given that this will even work outside of "Hey, towel works EVERYWHERE else."

If you think it's odd how the towel object works, don't worry. The C64 version of Labyrinth was wirtten by Douglas Adams. It's perfectly normal.

>> No.2402843


>> No.2403865
File: 119 KB, 560x505, 2387810-palm_tree_and_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Palm Trees and 8" was without a doubt the hardest clue ever in video games. In a time before strategy guides and before the internet, Nintendo used to have 800 numbers (like porno lines) where you paid by the minute to talk to a video game 'expert' and even those guys didn't know "Palm Trees and 8".

I was maybe 6 or 7 when I played this game in the 90s, my friends' mom owned it, she was 40 at the time and didn't get the clue. I got into FFL2 because I couldn't beat FF Adventure, then when I got the clue, it made the game even more fun to replay.

Either way, Final Fantasy Adventure was an awesome game.

>> No.2404941


I personally think the room in Zelda Link's awakening, where you have to kill 3 enemies in the right order is the worst. There's no indication that the clue refers to killing enemies and it uses the names of the monsters like "Stavros". How was I supposed to know the names of nintendo's characters, when it's not mentioned anywhere. That's total bullshit imo, I had to call nintendo hotline for that one.

>> No.2404957

you could use process of elimination since you knew there was an order or kill them all at the same time with a bomb
I was surprised they didn't "fix" it for the DX version

>> No.2406875
File: 549 KB, 826x717, Screen Shot 2015-05-16 at 12.51.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats bullshit and you know it. Use combinatrics and its not hard to see it wouldn't take that many combinations to get past that room (yes, I've played it too and heard it was hard by a friend growing up who also had a problem with Final Fantasy Adventure/Palm Trees and 8.

It was actually "Stalfos Knight" and he was the only one with a sword so that should have been easy enough... it gives you SPECIFIC directions... "defeat Stalfos Knight... (then something) finally Pols Voice" and the only 'voice' is easy enough to understand because it makes a loud noise and sucks you in, in fact its the only enemy in that room with a 'voice' as the other characters make no noise.

It also didn't help that in Jadd, right before you enter the city, theres a huge fucking "8" made out of Palm Trees making the whole thing even more confusing. I want to say on one level that Final Fantasy Adventure was fundamentally 'broken' in this clue, maybe even an error in translation? What did the Japanese version say as far as clues and how to get past this?

This guy knows where its at!

Oh shit, I didn't think of the bomb idea... thats genius actually... but does it work?

>> No.2406915

>complains about "this generation"
>Never played the game on a gameboy
>probably never even played it on emulator

Suck dicks and die !

>> No.2407517

Okay, wow, now that I see a screen shot of the actual clue it's actually obvious af

>> No.2409356


"First, defeat the Pols Voice, last, Stalfos..."

Yep, totally calls him a knight. Unlike a lot of people though, I fortunately know what a Stalfos was from previous Zeldas. Still didn't know Pols Voice, but by knowing one, I knew to look in a room with a singular Stalfos and one other monster alone.

The puzzle could've been improved by simply letting people know what the creatures' names were ahead of time.

>> No.2409415

Pols Voice were in the original Legend of Zelda though. In the Famicom version you yelled into the mic to kill them.

>> No.2409525

They were, but I didn't remember their name. I always called them bunny dudes. I thought the Pols Voice was the thing in the next room, the eye that sucks everything in.

>> No.2409625

Upon further research I noticed it doesn't list the enemy names in the manual, so I guess it was possible that people really didn't know.

I'm not even sure how I knew come to think of it considering I didn't have Nintendo Power.

>> No.2409950
File: 278 KB, 982x1237, book-OfficialNintendoPlayersGuide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you have a book like this in your childhood, sir?

>> No.2409960

Nope. No guides, no collect calls, nothing.

I could either get games, or guides, and I opted for variety.

>> No.2409961

>I guess it was possible that people really didn't know.

It was very possible. Link's Awakening was my first Zelda game. I was stuck on Bottle Grotto for I don't know how long because of this puzzle.

>> No.2409975


Huh...well, that's the extend of my knowledge on where that name could be found...


I too got stuck on Bottle Grotto, but mainly because I could not figure out how to beat the boss. Never occurred to me to use the bracelet(I smacked him with the sword and planted bombs...but always ran out before I could break the bottle).

>> No.2410007

I was stuck on Link's Awakening for years before I learned that you had to sprinkle dust on that one raccoon. I wasn't about to waste pixie dust on that fucker.

>> No.2410213


Had this as a kid; dad was in the military and bought it because we moved to Guam and it somehow seemed appropriate. Anyway, I got to this part and was stuck all day. Dad watched me struggle and get angry (as any kid would) and I screamed that I needed a fucking helicopter or a plane.

Instead of washing my mouth out with soap, he asked how many digits the password was. I told him. He told me to enter 747, and it worked.

>thank you based dad
>never would've beat this amazing game without you

>> No.2410762

Not a bullshit moment, but I got stuck on FF6's blitz input for almost a month. I had never played a fighting game, so I had no clue what it was trying to get me to do.

I tried entering the input with the cursor on Sabin, when that didn't work, I tried it before I clicked Blitz, then I tried it after selecting him, and finally I got it to work and couldn't figure out how to replicate it until I played street fighter at an arcade a year and a half later and someone told me how to do a shoriuken/hadoken.

I still couldn't get anything with a diagonal input though since I kept entering it as individual commands (Down, release, down-right, release, right, release, X vs quarter-circle right X). I think Blitz's input function was kind of neat, but it does make the assumption I've played SF before (Which I always overlooked in favor of MK anyway).

>> No.2410768

>has Alucard
>didn't wait until he was in range to fly the rest of the way to the top

>> No.2410793
File: 3 KB, 248x192, Skyhigh2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had a problem with that one, but the hang glider in Sonic 2 (Master System version) fucked me up.

>> No.2410808

Oh god I remember that. I hated that zone as a kid because of the hang-glider.

>> No.2410923
File: 70 KB, 641x481, mm ww hopeless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I thought - well I'll just return through the footholders and farm some energy on missiles, but I forgot that
> there's no stairs
, so it's exactly like those wall fuckpets in megaman 2. Except I guess that it's easy enough to do it on the first try, unlike pink ball spraying motherfuckers in megaman 2.

And of course in Wily Wars because of the bigger sprite it's harder to get out without using too much energy.

>> No.2411446

Oh, yeah, that palm-eight in front of the city fucked my efforts up for a couple hours.

>> No.2411514

I genuinely don't understand how people didn't get how to use the hang glider. I just read the manual, was pretty bloody easy after that.

>> No.2412957

I don't think most of these puzzles are hard.

Part of the reason I don't play games much anymore is how every new game throws a fucking obvious puzzle your way and still has the audacity to have a goddamn scientist or whatever fucking step you through it.

It's ridiculous. I have been going through some of my GB games recently. I've forgotten enough about them to make it feel like I'm playing them for the very first time.

>> No.2413291

> Part of the reason I don't play games much anymore is how every new game throws a fucking obvious puzzle your way and still has the audacity to have a goddamn scientist or whatever fucking step you through it.
That never happens.

>> No.2413334
File: 13 KB, 850x968, fapfap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was some weird masturbation joke

>> No.2413449

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team has an actual scientist walk you through a piss easy puzzle in some ruins that they've renovated.

One of the other annoying things is how it takes more time to go through this little tutorial than it does to actually do it by yourself. It wastes time.

>> No.2413521

You talked about new games. Also >dat anecdote.

>> No.2413580

That's not a new game?

>> No.2413614

I've thought about doing this. I have a really good memory though and it all comes back to me fairly quick.

>> No.2413616
File: 4 KB, 320x200, prince.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of the first level in Prince of Persia 1 you were presented with a room full of numbered potions. You had to use the manual to find the number of the right potion that would open level 2. All the other potions would kill you. I never had the manual or the internet so I would have to play the first level 15 times in a row before I guessed the right potion.

>the potions random every time
>mfw copyright protection used to be that deep

>> No.2413619

It's been about 8 years or so since I had played Metroid II, so it worked out for me. I just couldn't remember the map so it seemed like a great time to play.

I also beat Super Mario Land in probably 30 minutes. That game was shit.

>> No.2413631

I think maybe if I started with a couple games I never really played, built up to the ones that I never beat, took a break, played some new stuff, THEN replayed stuff I've currently played throught I might finally be able to enjoy them again

>> No.2413770

That fucking hang glider. If you played any SMW, you'd assume it works like the cape. Nope.

Pisses me off even more that YouTube videos make it look so easy, prompting me to go back and try it, and fail. Again.

>> No.2414098


I think one of the problems is that the developres of newer games try to apply the rules of user experience applied toward user interfaces in games failing to see that part of a game is the challenge.