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File: 149 KB, 800x800, saturn-1329515098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2408250 No.2408250 [Reply] [Original]

Finally got a Sega Saturn emu working so I could play this gem for the first time

What other great Sega Saturn games do I need to experience while I'm at it?

>> No.2408267

Panzer Dragoon Saga is a must

>> No.2408268

That shit was emulated in MAME years ago.

And try Fire Pro Wrestling S - 6 Man Scramble, Panzer Dragoon, and Guardian Heroes.

>> No.2408270

Three Dirty Dwarves, Psychic Killer Tamaru

>> No.2408273

Princess Crown

>> No.2408296

I'm literally too stupid to figure out mame


>> No.2408316

Read a tutorial.

Also I'm not sure, but I think arcade and Saturn versions of Radiant Silvergun are different.

>> No.2408329

Bulk Slash

>> No.2408334

It was also emulated in SSF years ago, so what's your point exactly. Even Yabause of all things manages to emulate it properly.

>> No.2408337

I can't get the voice acting to sound mid-game in SSF

Anyone know the fix?

>> No.2408339 [DELETED] 

You probably have a shitty cd rip without the audio files
You are using SSF right?

>> No.2408343

You probably have a shitty cd rip without the audio files

>> No.2408406

Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shining Force 3, Fighters Megamix.

If you like shmups, Thunder Force V (not an exclusive but it is the best version and the soundtrack is insanely metal).

>That shit was emulated in MAME years ago.

MAME still has totally broken graphics for Saturn/STV up to this day, and the Saturn version of the game adds extra bosses/enemies to make the game 2x longer. Plus a whole extra game mode.

And if you don't mind the graphic glitches in MAME, then it was technically emulated way back in 2003 when girigiri-gav came out.

I remember I used to play it on SSF with my old syncmaster monitor set exactly to 704x448 resolution and no scaling. it had such a nice, sharp as fuck look.

>> No.2408412

Is there any reason to play the Saturn version over the 360 version?

>> No.2408462

I've played this game for two hours total but have only just recently beat "stage 3". Is this a problem or is this normal, are all the stages this long?

>> No.2408464


The Saturn is basically shmups and arcade ports: The Console. The downsides are that some games are mega-fuck-ultra rare and most of them are JP-only; very little was localized.

>> No.2408470


Nearly everything you see on a list for must have Saturn games will cost you at least $50. I love the console but that shit is like having a black hole that only sucks in money.

>> No.2408476

Being a manchild truly is a hard life of suffering

>> No.2408484

If not wanting to pay close to $260 for some of the shmups on that system makes me a manchild then consider me the biggest manchild on this board.

>> No.2408490

$50 is not expensive. A ton of the great shmups on the system can be had for that, as long as you look around and don't immediately buy the first L@@K RARE item on ebay. It still costs less than a top-tier current gen game.

Now, there are a bunch of titles which are very sought after, those can easily go 2-300$. Radiant Silvergun is one of those.

Upside is that you can get a modchip for as low as 30$.

>> No.2408498

I used $50 as an example because it gives a good idea how much higher other stuff can get if $50 is considered cheap for most Saturn games. Compare that to something like the Genesis where you can get a lot of great stuff for under $10.

>> No.2408560

^ these

Die Hard Arcade
Initial D
Lupin III: The Sage of Pyramid

>> No.2408756

>Finally got a Sega Saturn emu working



>> No.2408772

>Initial D
Fuck, there's an Initial D game on the Saturn that I didn't know about? Good lookin out anon.
Not OP, but SSF worked out of the box for me. I was about to play Darius Gaiden and a few other things with no issues.

>> No.2408775

was able*

>> No.2409212
File: 649 KB, 2848x2136, 1368999397900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there an AVGN episode that said that saturn emulation didn't work or something. Where are these people coming from, I've been emulating saturn games for almost a decade now, and keep hearing people claiming that either saturn emulation doesn't exist or surprised that it even exists.
How does a simple google search not get you to SSF

>> No.2409237

That's because you are looking at bottom bin stuff. Stuff that is complete and boxed is definitely not $10 unless it is Sonic.

And shit JP copies of Bare Knuckle 2 and 3 are definitely not $10 either.

They probably think that emulation = android, or they are looking for some retroarch plugin, or they get stuck at the point where you have to manually mount cd images.

>> No.2409246

My guess is that they just download Retroarch because they think it's the best at everything.

>> No.2409254

H-have you been able to emulate Radiant Silvergun and have the voiceovers working?

If so pls halp

>> No.2409260

Already told you that you most probably have a shit iso with no audio files or even the cue file is badly written
Redownload it from somewhere else

>> No.2409262

I've tried a number of different ISO's and so far no luck

>> No.2409263

How is SSF really, every game i throw at it seems to work perfectly. (though i only ever played dragon force, guardian heroes and saturn bomberman on a real saturn. is there many compatibility issues?

>> No.2409270

Well I don't know what to tell you Jim, RS is one of those games I usually emulate and it gives me no problems. Even works with Yabause, and not a lot of games work with Yabause.

>> No.2409281

So you can emulate it right now, start the game, and that very first little cutscene once you actually start the actual game, you get voiceovers?


This part, you get voiceovers?

Because even from the comments in that video it seems like getting the voices to work is rare

>> No.2409321

Maybe you are playing the game in Arcade Mode, which has no voiceovers?

>> No.2409342

I'm definitely not playing it arcade mode.

I see the pictures of the people, but no voices when they talk. It's weird because the actual non-ingame cinematics work fine and have sound but not the in-game voicovers...

It seems to be a common problem according to the comments in this vid: https://youtu.be/nIssxkVORh4

I wonder if you have maybe a particularily good ISO of RS? Are you able to get your voiceovers to work in SFF?

>> No.2409364

You're here with us, you sardonic moron.

>> No.2409367

Voice overs in Radiant Silvergun have been working for me just fine in Yabause on Ubuntu.

For anyone wondering, if something doesn't work in Yabause -- try it in SSF or vice-versa.

>> No.2409369

Okay, just from the top of my head:
- you are mounting the Cue, not the Bin, right?
- if you boot the game to the CD Player (hold A while booting), can you play back the audio tracks there? Do they appear at all, if they do, are they just silent when you play them? The voiceovers are CD Audio.

>> No.2409602

Ah, I got it fixed. It was a combination of things.

First of all I need to download Daemons Tools, as the VirtualClone drive I was using couldn't actually mount .cue files.

Second I had to use a specific image since a bunch of them don't work for whatever reason.

Anyway, thanks for your help. Because of it I was able to get RS working in full glory

>> No.2409614

RSG is so fucking overrated.

Shmups Thread

>> No.2409645

Agreed, Ikaruga is way better.

Although RSG has much more content.

>> No.2409646

Is it? I understand Ikaruga being overrated, but nobody knows RS

>> No.2409652

Gradius V was Treasure's only good shmup, but it wasn't even a good Gradius game (no moai level, unskippable cutscenes...).

>> No.2410236
File: 825 KB, 234x448, video games.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're conflating being overrated with not being good games. I understand if it's not the greatest shmups of all time and getting tired of people overhyping ikaruga and rsg a lot, but now you're just being absolutely silly by saying they're not good games, so now it's really hard to take anything you say seriously, you just sound like a hipster not liking things because they're popular.

>> No.2410260

Not that Daemon Tools is pretty much malware at this point.

For example even if you refuse all the shit it offers you during installation, it'll still drop adware into your %localappdata%/Temp folder after installation.

Even if you uncheck reporting back during installation, it'll still be check as active in the program's settings.

Well, the emulator wiki already warns against it, but I feel it's better to repeat the warning.

>> No.2410279

Dragon Force
Samurai Shodown RPG
Guardian Heroes
Fighters Megamix
Shining Force III
Princess Crown
Burning Rangers/Nights

>> No.2410447
File: 85 KB, 704x448, 138543-Panzer_Dragoon_Saga_(E)_CD1-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panzer Dragoon Zewi
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Guardian Heroes
Bug Too
Psychic Killer Taromaru
Three Dirty Dwarfs
Die Hard Arcade

>> No.2410489

>Bug Too
Please don't

>> No.2410645

The way I see it, RSG tries being an epic long shmup with tricky weapons and a hardcore scoring system.

Ikaruga is stripped down to only have the hardcore scoring system, while Gradius V is the opposite - epic long shmup with tricky weapons, just without bullshit score system.

It is arguable which one is the "best" shmup depending on your point of view. But Gradius V is indeed the one you can pick up most easily. (last 2 levels had bullshit difficulty though, I think I can manage up to the elephant boss from 1 credit - that thing with the multiple triple-point legs that walks on both the floor and the ceiling)

The Moai were indeed the only thing missing from Gradius V but I think it is still the best Gradius game besides that. What else would be eligible to that title anyway? The first few games were relatively primitive, the later ones were bullshit 101, I can think of perhaps Gradius Gaiden that was okay, unless you count Parodius in which case Sexy Parodius would be the best Gradius game.

>> No.2410647

There's a Lite version of Daemon Tools which has less bullshit included, but it's been a while since I updated it so they might ruined that as well since. I know that it was pretty well hidden in the download page.

Also, if you install Daemon Tools, the driver it uses will interfere with Imgburn and make it burn coasters randomly.

>> No.2410649

Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory ; All problems,troubles are caused by prejudice.Only proper education solve them.Please utilize this rationalistic philosophy

>> No.2410651

Elevator Action Returns is great

>> No.2410652

Forget daemon tools, get virtualclonedrive

>> No.2410689

Can anyone tell me if Astal is any good?

>> No.2410728

It's alright. Don't pay too much for it but it's worth a playthrough.

>> No.2410752

Gradius Gaiden is definitely better, I think. Gradius V has some cool stuff, like the ability to aim your weapons, focus your options and such, but the game just feels dry. I guess the graphics and music just don't do it for me.

Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius would be the best if we were counting Parodius, though.

>> No.2410914

>Forget daemon tools, get virtualclonedrive

OP specifically had problems because he was using virtual clone drive, see:

>> No.2410919

>Samurai Shodown RPG
Is there a full English translation yet?

>> No.2411018

Rather be a hipster than someone with horrible taste in shooters.

Also RSG's and Ikaruga's chaining systems are bad, as seen in your gif. I want to play a shmup, not a puzzle game.

>> No.2411109

What I want to squeeze out of you is to know if you actually consider them de facto bad games or just overrated.
Are you seriously sticking to the premise that they're flat-out bad?

>> No.2411223

Well, I don't like them, but I wouldn't call them necessarily "bad" games, just average but flawed, like 5/10.

>some pretty cool bosses, almost too many...
>technically impressive for a Saturn game
>chaining system that only allows for one strict, best route
>arcade mode doesn't let you play through the entire game
>scoring to powerup your ship is a stupid concept
>only 1 ship that moves too slow; some weapons are useless
>unfitting orchestral music which belongs in a jRPG
>poor pacing; stage 3 (first one) drags on forever
>no customizable boss rush mode (seriously??)
>stage 5, 6, and 1 are lazy as fuck

>fixed RSG's slow, sporadic pacing issues
>improved RSG's chaining, but still bad idea
>got rid of the stupid level up gimmick
>music feels more shmuppy now
>bosses are shit compared to Silvergun's
>bullet absorption makes the game too easy
>patterns are a joke for a bullet hell game
>art palette is disgustingly muddy and brown/gray
>enemies are too predictable and static (boring)
>stage 5's level design is lazy as fuck

Some pet peeves of mine they both have in common:
>no items (powerups, extends, etc.)
>no adaptive difficulty system

So there you go, there's what I as a (according to you) hipster think of Treasure's retro shooting games.

>> No.2411239

You can play RSG as a normal shmup once you max out the score and save it on the Saturn version.

My nephews really like to play RSG, mostly because I made a maxed out save for them, so its a nonstop shootdown fest with tons of impressive weapons.

I'm gonna bring over an arcade pad to them this year when they are home, see how they play the game with that.

>> No.2411256
File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>bullet absorption makes the game too easy


>> No.2411257

Hey it's Turbo Tunnel

>> No.2411260

Yeah I knew, which is why I was hesitant to use it. Luckily my MalwareBytes caught whatever bullshit they had try to install the moment I started the installer, and then I declined all the bullshit they offered.

>> No.2411316

Yes, I actually cleared Ikaruga back in the day on Dreamcast, and also the Steam version.