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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2401323 No.2401323 [Reply] [Original]

Which one should I play? I can't decide

>> No.2401331
File: 155 KB, 1000x500, legend_of_zelda-majoras_mask_orchestratrions_inlay3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majora's Mask is a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time

>> No.2401335

Are you playing both for the first time? If so Ocarina then MM, obviously.

>> No.2401337

Right, to clarify this, I have played both and finished both multiple times. I just can never ale a solid pick on which one to play because they each have their own pros and cons

>> No.2401385

Go with MM.

>> No.2401389

Obviously you play them in order, OP.

>> No.2401394

Personally, I find MM to be obtuse and a little archaic. It's just not an enjoyable game. Not in the same way as the entire rest of the Zelda series, anyway.

OoT is FAR from my favorite entry, but given the choice you offered, I't pick it over MM any fucking day.

The thing with MM is that it's basically one of the "special snowflake" Zeldas. A game that I honestly feel most fans are drawn to, just because it's different. Even though it's just not as good ad the other entries.
This is perfectly legitimate though, honestly. As by this point in time, there's just SO much saturation of that sub-genre, that anything different at all can feel like a blessing to a jaded fan.

Sort of how I was able to enjoy FXIII (you heard me). It was a shitty game, sure, but it wasn't just the same fucking thing repackaged again. So I was able to enjoy it on some level, lol.

MM would basically be a FAR lesser version of that. Well, that;s my theory anyway.

>> No.2401405

>It's just not an enjoyable game.
What didn't you like about it? I don't consider it better than Oo (though I wouldn't consider that much great either), but I still personally enjoyed the game even with its shortcomings and find it a pretty decent sequel generally.

>Not in the same way as the entire rest of the Zelda series, anyway.
That's implying the rest of the series after WW (take that as you will) has any worth.

>Sort of how I was able to enjoy FXIII (you heard me).
>enjoying corridor simulators
also not /vr/

>> No.2401442

The beginning of Majora's Mask.....eh I just don't want to do it again.

>> No.2401454

I can mention liking a new game if I want. I certainly can't rant on and on about it though. Nor can I starty a thread about it. So bite me on that point. Especially since you mentioned WW in YOUR OWN POST.
Also, I believe I said that FFXIII was a bad game, but I enjoyed it anyway. Specifically because it was a different take on it's stale series and genre. So once again, eat my ass on that one brother.

Also, what I didn't like about MM (what I played of it) is the whole "you have X amount of time to do X task, and we're not going to be any clearer than that" thing it had going. Not to mention that you had to play as alternate versions of Link, rather than the ACTUAL Link. Which was a bit tryhard, IMO.

It just genuinely felt like a game that was different for the sake of being different that didn't take any actual gameplay, design, layout or balance elements into mind when they did it. More like they took an existing engine, fucked with it a bit, sort of built what could easily have been an expansion around THAT and then decided last minute to make a whole game out of it. It's just not an enjoyable game to me, sorry.

But that may just be me. I never did bother beating the damned thing. It's just annoying in that "Megaman X5" sort of way. And I fucking hate that.

And don't try making any counter points against me at this point. I've shared my opinion, you WON'T change it (as I won't change yours) and I'm not a big enough Zelda fan to keep bothering with this thread anymore.

That's just the way that I feel about this particular game, and that's that. My opinion is long lived enough and justified (in my eyes) enough to not be swayed by the butthurt of any fanboys.

>> No.2401469

>"special snowflake"
Is this a /pol/ thing? Just curious.

>> No.2401703

Majoras Mask is the only Zelda game I like. Note that I have not yet tried Wind Waker.

>> No.2401895

Op is so retarded, he can't choose what game to play.

>> No.2402064

OOT is shit.

>> No.2402089

You can do both...

OoT, then MM.

>> No.2402092


It's just a stupid thing in general.

>> No.2402324

oot then mm

>> No.2402367

Play Ocarina first. Some of the references in MM won't make sense unless you're familiar with Ocarina.

>> No.2402368

I prefer MM, but I'd honestly recommend playing OoT first, as its more straight forward.

MM's mechanics can be pretty daunting for inexperienced players.

>> No.2402371

Oh wait, just read >>2401337
Play MM. It has better replay value, IMO.

>> No.2402551


You meant Might and Magic right?

>> No.2402570
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I think he means Mischief Makers.

>> No.2403330

Ah, this should be the right thread, I have about the same question but without that having played already part.
Currently playing some N64 games that I ahve never played as a kid, right now I am still at DK64 but want to do LoZ next. Now the thing is from what i have read I got the impression the Majoras Mask is the better of the two, it is always said that it has the better gameplay, better story and is all in all more polished. Now, which to start with? How much do you need OoT for MM? And is MM really the better one? And if should I still play OoT first?

>> No.2403352

it's very subjective and you should still play oot first

>> No.2403364

Nether, both games are shit
Play the OG NES game

>> No.2403371

fuck yeah let's bomb every rock and candle every bush IN EVERY SINGLE SCREEN OF THE WORLD MAP

>> No.2403383

>I got the impression the Majoras Mask is the better of the two, it is always said that it has the better gameplay, better story and is all in all more polished.
Never base your general impressions on a certain thing from some fans' own; they won't live up to what they claim most of the time. Always form your own impressions from your own experiences.

Nah. People say that the N64 Zeldas are overrated and all (which is somewhat a valid claim I guess), but I personally feel that 1 is even moreso to a greater extent. Zelda 2 and almost all the games after that (including the N64 titles despite what I said above) are better, at least imo.

>> No.2403396

Save the best for last and play MM.

>> No.2403429
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Play both in order for the best Zeldog experience.
MM is objectively better though.

>> No.2404029
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but honestly do both. They both feel like halves of a complete experience, each excels where the other fails.

This is the only right answer and you know it.

>> No.2404034


They are very different experiences that complement each other.

>Implying this isn't a bait thread.

>> No.2404046
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>I have played both and finished both multiple times.

So you killed a thread on page 10 just to ask this faggottery?

>> No.2404072

Majoras mask is superior, but OoT is also fun

>> No.2404098

It was on page 10 for a reason.

>> No.2404140

OOT seems more of a solid game than MM. Play OOT first and if you want a challenge play MM next. When I was a kid I remember getting stuck a lot and having to look up an online guide to get through the game.

Also I've never have officially passed MM, I cheated using a glitch.

>> No.2404142

Both are amazing.
I personally prefer Clock Town over Hyrule/Kariko village though.

>> No.2404257

Just play FF7...

>> No.2404273


Why, FF VI exists.

>> No.2404372

VI is for hipsters that wants to do everything to not fall into the popular "I like FF7" crowd so they jump on the previous less popular game that is worse.

>> No.2404376


>> No.2404379


>> No.2404387

I've played them all. If you don't think 7-9 and tactics are the best then your just an ignorant arse.

>> No.2404393

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is an idiot

>> No.2404396

FF7 is baby's first RPG, though.

>> No.2404397

So you've played them all?

>> No.2404401

When i was 11, oot absolutely stunned me. The music, the ocarina melodies, the story or just visit places, i alredy been to, after i completed it. It soaked me really in and it was the first game that i actually completed.

later i got majoras mask and this game never really catched me. Tried it again on the 3ds when it came out but i can't understand why anyone should say, that its better than oot... never played it trough. A big problem for me was, that the ocarina melodies are so uninspired and rewinding. like they thought >"lets take the same melodies like in oot and make them backwards"

>> No.2404404

3-6 > 7-9

>> No.2404418

Can't formulate your own opinions and messages you you just type whatever is the buzzword for that game, the final fantasy series as a whole is babbys first rpg

>> No.2404419

I played them all, 4, 7-9 and tactics are the best

>> No.2404428

I was kidding, anon. I like both 6 and 7.

>> No.2404430

play both

>> No.2404527

Why is there so much shitposting on /vr/ lately

>> No.2404560

Play both starting with OoT

>> No.2406856

>Best for last
>MM first.
You must be confused. The best game comes last here, and that would be MM, silly Anon.

>> No.2406859

Thanks doc

>> No.2406862

Fifth gen is posted on /v/ all the time, some of them must be coming here.

>> No.2409942

Okay so I have a quick question on the LoZ timeline. I know this kinda strays from retro but is Twilight Princess a sequel to Majoras Mask? I told my friend it's not and he thinks TP Link is the same Link from MM. Does anyone know which one is correct cause I'm pretty sure TP is a whole different universe.

>> No.2410525

MM is just some hippie reddit bullshit love. Take that piece of trash and toss it out the window.

>> No.2410625

Technically, yes, Twilight Princess is a sequel to Majora's Mask, though not a direct one, taking place hundreds of years after Majora's Mask, in a different world, MM takes place in Terminia, while TP is in Hyrule which is the default setting for Zelda games. The main characters, both named Link (even though you can rename them before the start of the game), are different from each other, though the one in Twilight Princess is implied to be a reincarnation of the Link from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask (the Link from OoT and MM are one and the same), however there are tons of references to MM in TP, as well as taking place in the same world, go search Zelda timeline for more details on this.

>> No.2410629

worst b8 I've seen in a while
there's your response

>> No.2410686

Um, no it isn't? Just because it was made on the same console doesn't mean it's the same game. In fact, it would be impossible for it to be a "direct sequal" as Nintendo got lazy and recycled all the same NPCs.

>> No.2410690

>Brings up anything after WW
>Doesn't mention the 3DO games.

>> No.2410724

...Are you retarded? MM is a sequel to OOT. At the end of Ocarina, Navi leaves Link alone. MM begins with a Link going into the fucking woods to find Navi. He ends up going to a parallel dimension, which is why all the NPCs resemble characters from OOT.

>> No.2410749 [DELETED] 

You fanboys just accept whatever Nintendo tells you, huh?

It's not a sequel. A sequel would be expanding upon OoT's storyline somehow. MM plays like some shit tier homebrew, and the only reason anyone thinks it's better is because of the ram expander.

>> No.2410883

Master quest

>> No.2411073


Who are you replying to? I hope it's not that fucking retarded namefag that's been shitposting around lately.

If it's him, I adivse you to filter him as well, not worth your time at all.

>> No.2411423

>You fanboys just accept whatever Nintendo tells you, huh?
You call people whose statements you disagree with "fanboys", huh? Before you say anything though, I personally thought the N64 was pretty underwhelming as a console, especially in comparison to both its predecessor and even its successor consoles (though I honestly think the NES wasn't that great of a console as well).

>A sequel would be expanding upon OoT's storyline somehow
But it does expand upon the story of that game's Link. Just because it wasn't a full-on OoT retread (other than that whole NPC thing, which is partially justified anyways) doesn't mean it's suddenly not a sequel to that game. Do you disqualify LA as a sequel to ALTTP just because it "didn't expand upon that game's story" as well?

>> No.2411439

Reported because MM isn't retro (released in 2000, one whole year after the cutoff date).

>> No.2411449


How new are you?

Read the rules in the sticky again. Carefully


Stop replying to the namefag.

>> No.2411460

Clearly you're the one who needs to read it again, as it explicitly states that only games from '99 and before are allowed on here.

Fucking /v/irgins killing this board...

>> No.2411486


>and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

>on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier

it's the release date of the platform that matters, not the game. learn to read.

>> No.2411501

If that were true then we could discuss any PC game here since the PC is older than the stone age.

Your logic is all fucked up.

>> No.2411510


Uh, no.

Try booting up a floppy disk with DOOM on your laptop.

There's a reason why DOSbox exists. it emulates the old DOS.

Modern computers aren't the same computers that were used back in the day.

Welcome to /vr/, newfriend. I see you're kind of new to the hobby as well.

>> No.2411532

>Try booting up a floppy disk with DOOM on your laptop.
It would work if the notebook had a USB floppy drive and a Win95/98 installation on it as those could play all DOS videogames.

>There's a reason why DOSbox exists. it emulates the old DOS.
That's for people who are too lazy to setup a real installation.

>Modern computers aren't the same computers that were used back in the day.
Of course not, but software is still software and you saying the rule is about hardware as opposed to software is fucking retarded, like you.

>Welcome to /vr/, newfriend. I see you're kind of new to the hobby as well.
Hilarious /vr/ meme, my friend. Now fuck off back to /v/ with your non-retro thread!

>> No.2411625


So you agree that modern PCs aren't the same as older ones, yet you said here

>PC is older than the stone age.

It's not. The IBM PC standard isn't that old, there's a lot of other Personal Computer variants that are different than the IBM compatible and are older than it.
And yet, modern PCs are now a whole different beast than what we used to know as "IBM PC Compatible".

Again, research your own hobby, then come back again.

If you have any issues or questions regarding /vr/'s rules, e-mail the admin, don't shitpost.

>> No.2411631

I'm claiming the cutoff date applies to software when discussing software.

Sage for you being thick of skull.

>> No.2411641
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But you are wrong, and we've been discussing software released on pre-1999 consoles since this board opened.

As I said, try e-mailing the admin with your questions regarding the rules, don't bother us with your autism.

>> No.2411685

Play both, since both are great, and do it in chronological order.

>> No.2411718

This. It's in your best interest, as not only you'll form a solid opinion of both, but also because Majoras Mask kinda rides on that you play OOT before hand as it has less tutorials.

Think of OOT as training wheels for MM.

>> No.2412074

This thread is a subtle bait but I give it credit for making me reply. They're both short games so there's barely any point in asking which to play first. Not to mention the fact that one should always play games in their release date order. That is specially true for OoT/MM since MM's creepiness works much better when playing it directly after OoT, given all the alternative versions of the characters.

>> No.2412229

I wonder when Nintendo is going to release their games on GOG.com

>> No.2412952


Tried with a petition on change.org?

>> No.2413776

You're a fucking faggot. Go back to /v/