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2405603 No.2405603 [Reply] [Original]

Which console looks the best, the purple US blocky SNES, or the multicoloured, sleek, JP/PAL SNES?

>> No.2405609

American SNES because I'm Murican.

>> No.2405630

I like both the JP/PAL and NA versions but for different reasons.

>> No.2405638

They're both ugly but the US version is the ugliest.

>> No.2405668

For nostalgic reasons I'm going with the American version, but I think the Jp version has a nice retro look.

>> No.2405690

I don't care one way or the other about the consoles themselves, but I much prefer the US controller. Shitty 3rd party controllers sold here in the US had the JP rainbow color buttons so I associate purple/gray buttons with first-party quality.

>> No.2405705

>The multicoloured JP/PAL SNES?

It's just shades of gray. You make sound like it's a lego party or something.

>> No.2405781

Our controllers are colourful and all the better for it.

>> No.2405785

It makes no difference at all, unless you look down at your controller when you're playing in which case I suggest you git gud.

>> No.2405817

To be fair that is not the console. Op asked about the console itself.

>> No.2405820

Does it hurt you in any way? It makes association either. If you need to push A you can tell by either seeing the A or red.

>> No.2405848

As an American that grew up with the American SNES, the SuFami/PAL SNES looks better. It's sleek and stylish.

>> No.2405852
File: 1.38 MB, 4020x1800, SNES-Model-2-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this?

>> No.2405854

SNES Mini a cute.

I still have mine from when I was young.

>> No.2405856

You're going to get a lot of hate from retards who shit their pants because it has no power light.

I like my mini. I don't have to worry about it yellowing and I'm not retarded and count beyond potato so I can verify my system is off by checking the power switch.

>> No.2405863

I think it's cute too.

Do people actually complain about that? Seems rather trivial.

>> No.2405867
File: 186 KB, 1678x893, Snes_control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american snes
pal controller

>> No.2405902

I always thought the American SNES looked too toy-like compared to the SFC. It's a huge contrast from the NES, which tried to look as unlike the Famicom as possible.

>> No.2405908

totally agreee

>> No.2405913
File: 13 KB, 400x400, famicom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the american version is better in one picture

>> No.2405915

The NES looked like a toy VCR.

>> No.2405918

>Do people actually complain about that? Seems rather trivial.

You sound surprised, considering you're on 4chan, in /vr/, in the umpteenth "which SNES design is better" thread.

>> No.2405921

That and the loss of the eject lever.
They're both retarded complaints, but I've heard them multiple times at my job at a retro game store from colectards.

SNES Mini also has (in my experience) the best RGB output, but requires greater effort to pull off than a 1chip.

>> No.2405926

so you pay gametechusa a little more and wait a little longer, big deal.

>> No.2405935

Why would I be paying some chode on youtube any money to do anything?

>> No.2405936

have you seen his videos? he's really good at making mods look pro.

>> No.2405938

you have not yet explained why I am paying him and what for.

>> No.2405943

he does good work that's nice and clean to mod rgb, region switches stuff like that. if you want jagged holes and wires sticking out of your console okay.

>> No.2405947

Why are you trying to shill for him in this thread?
I said the SNES Mini requires a bit more effort to get RGB out of, I never said it wasn't worth it or I didn't feel like doing it.

My SNES Mini is RGB modded, there are no jagged holes or wires sticking out of my console. I have been soldering and fixing consoles for over ten years, why am I going to pay someone else to do something I can do for the cost of parts?

>> No.2405951

Oh I didn't realize you were a modding master, so sorry

when I mention a guy it's "shilling," when you brag about how good you are it's nothing

not everyone's as talented as you, that's why commerce exists you idiot

>> No.2405956

Oh shit. Ha. Saved.

>> No.2405959

So I'm the idiot because you can't read?
I know commerce exists you fucking retard, I make money on the side doing rgb mods for locals.

Once again, why did you even bring this person up? No one ever said that an SNES Mini RGB mod was something undoable for most people, out of nowhere you tell me to go pay some guy to do work for me, without me asking for someone to do a mod for me?

I'm going to assume that English isn't your native language. I'm going to assume that because I don't want to immediately jump to the conclusion that you're too retarded to understand why you trying to push this guys service is out of place in this thread.

>> No.2405962

>I make money on the side doing rgb mods for locals.


>don't bring up a person who offers rgb modding service, but it's perfectly okay for me to offer rgb services

double standards abound

i never said only gametechusa was the only option either, he's jsut a well known example, calm your tits

>> No.2406021

I prefer the JP/PAL SNES because it has more curves thus making it more eye appealing.

>> No.2406138

I like the PAL Console and controller, except I like the US concave X and Y buttons. I wodner why consoles don't have concave buttons anymore.

>> No.2406161

I like the US system the most.
I like the curves on the other two machines, but the US SNES looks great. Bold looking early-90s design.

>> No.2406170


Well, that was the point.

>> No.2406174

Because they're retarded. In my opinion, if you pay to have your consoles modded, you don't deserve them. The SNES-mini RGB mod is one of the easiest around, it's literally just soldering 3 fucking wires to a board that costs you 20 bucks.

Pretty much the only mod I could understand getting someone else to do is the NES RGB shit, if it's your first attempt at soldering. But that mod is pretty retarded anyway, and you'd probably just be better off hooking up a Wii if you really want RGB for a 30 year old console.

>> No.2406221
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 420-125.01_s500_p1._V26e0e18c_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In my opinion, if you pay to have your consoles modded, you don't deserve them.
Yeah? Well in my opinion the average casual is not going to dump a hundred plus for a nice variable temperature soldering irion, and as such is best not trying to 'mod' their own consoles or at the very least should not attempt to mod any non-retro sixth-generation or newer console with their shitty $15 soldering iron from radioshit. But yeah, continue to act like a faggot and tell all these casuals they should mod their own systems. Resellers everywhere are standing by.

>> No.2406230

Genuine question. What was the point of creating an entirely new shell for NES and SNES in NA? Did they really have money to spare to do this just for jokes, or is there some cultural thing behind it?

>> No.2406232

It always blows my mind that the American SNES looked different. In my mind the word SNES is just so synonymous with the PAL design.

>> No.2406236

A 15 dollar iron is enough for most tasks, honestly. Variable irons can be had for 40 bucks these days, China puts out truckloads of cheap clones that perform almost as well.

No shit, people shouldn't be trying out 40 wire mods on their PS3s with a 5 dollar iron.

A 3 wire mod on a SNES mini? A 6/7 wire modchip on a PS1? These are easy shit. Basic soldering skill is so incredibly useful, it's mind-blowing to think that some people just give up when they burn themselves once as a kid or something. These are the retards who will sell their shiny consoles for spares or repair when a power fuse blows.

You can buy surface mount practice kits for a dollar or two. Youtube has a host of tutorials. There's no excuse to getting someone else to do your basic mod work.

>> No.2407041

>if you pay to have your consoles modded, you don't deserve them

Elitism at its "finest."

>> No.2407065

Nintendo of America was bribed by SEGA to make the SNES as physically as unappealing as possible.

>> No.2407362

Well I think the NES design change was a good idea for the most part, if only it retained the 60 pin cartridge size and the top loader. But the SNES I believe was because Nintendo of America repair technicians were complaining that dumb American would rest their drinks on top of the NES, only for the drinks to spill into the vents. That's why the US SNES is boxy and irregular, making it harder for kids to rest drinks on it.

>> No.2407383

I was a stupid American kid who did a lot of very stupid things, but holy fuck I would never put a drink within 20 feet of my Super Nintendo. I treated that thing with more reverence than any object or person I knew.

>> No.2407394

Who bribed Sega to make every incarnation of the Genesis so ugly?

>> No.2407401

>That's why the US SNES is boxy and irregular, making it harder for kids to rest drinks on it.

I never understood this common knowledge If anything, the flat surface makes it EASIER to rest your drink on the console, easier than the SFC's slight curvature. The back of the US SNES easily accomodates two cans of soda.

>Nintendo of America repair technicians were complaining that dumb American

Your bias is showing. American repairment would not complain about "American kids."

>> No.2407978

As a murrican I think the super famicom shell looks nicer but I use an american snes for convenience. Easier to mod for jap games than a super famicom is for american games. PAL is obviously out of the question.

>> No.2408009

>Basic soldering skill is so incredibly useful
I have soldered literally nothing since I left school. I sure am missing out.

>> No.2408014

American cause it's easier to play japan games on it rather than the pal one

>> No.2408572

SNES Model 2 aka Baby SNES is the best

>> No.2408576
File: 40 KB, 250x230, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2409050

Why would you put drinks on a console?

>> No.2409065

If you're sitting and playing on the carpet where else would you put them? The NES has the right shape.
I'd be interested on why other flat consoles like the PS2 didn't encounter this problem.

>> No.2409090

Repairman doesn't like people breaking stuff because he has to repair it and get paid?

>> No.2409138

I like the US SNES. But that's likely just nostalgia. The PAL version looks more like a generic "home computing solution" or something...

Either way I think most people prefer whichever version they grew up with.

>> No.2409142

8 year olds with no foresight.

>> No.2410881

PAL SNES/Super Famicom looks the best. American SNES looks like a brick. It's and unnecessarily big console with unnecessarily big cartridges, but the worst part is the purple buttons on the controllers.

>> No.2410891

Don't talk shit about the Mega Drive, faggot.

>> No.2412001

Yup, you're missing out on nothing. Having roughly 100 consoles and even more cool accessories that I could easily afford because I can do repairs just can't provide the entertainment your Drakon modded NES can.

>> No.2412041

>I've collected more shit than you! Are you jealous?