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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2404802 No.2404802 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /v/, I fucking love RPGs like Final Fantasy 1 and Dragon Quest 3 where you just simply go on a fucking adventure with few random adventurers based on job classes without 2deep4u storylines and cringeworthy romance subplots getting in the way of you exploring the world on your own. I know there are countless of dungeon crawlers that are based around this concept but I'd really like to find more "normal" RPGs that are like FF1, FF3 and DQ3. I'm already well aware of FF5 being similar to them gameplay-wise but I actually want to find a game with characters that literally are nothing but blank states only defined by their job classes. While I'm hoping to find a new, "normal" RPGs to play I'm also open to dungeon crawlers. Apart from FF1 and DQ3 I have already played the shit out of the following:

100 World Story
AD&D Pool of Radiance
Chaos World
Sugoro Quest
Swords and Serpents
Ultima 3 and Ultima 4
Wizardry 1, 2, 5

Can /vr/ suggest me some new games to play?

>> No.2404826
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>Pool of Radiance
God that game was the shit way back in the day. I actually had a version for the Macintosh Classic. Ugh, those fights with like 50 kobalds and shit took forever.

The Dragon Warrior games on NES are pretty cool, but be prepared to grind a lot for levels. I emulate them now and bind a button to speed up the gameplay a ton.

Have you played Crystalis? It's one of my all time favs, and it's pretty RPGish, but more action oriented like Zelda. It's a must-play, though. I'll come back if I can think of something else more along the lines of FF1.

>> No.2404850

>Swords and Serpents
Man do I ever fucking love this game. If only it had random dungeons it would be absolutely perfect. It would be a beautiful hack for the game.

>> No.2404862

dragon quest is all the way like this, maybe except for DQ5

>> No.2404963
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I have played and enjoyed shitloads of Dragon Quest games during the last years and out of /vr/ related ones the only one I haven't gotten around playing is DQ5.

Yea, I'm aware of this and it's one of my all-time favorite NES games. One game I want to recommend to people who like Zelda/Crystalis like games and Dragon Quest is Magic of Scheherazade which basically combines the elements from both into one interesting and criminally overlooked game.

>> No.2404970

One of my favorite childhood games right there. I rec Magic of Scherezade whenever possible.

>> No.2404974

SO MUCH THIS. One of my favorite games as a kid that no one's seem to have heard of. Thank you, based anon, for mentioning it.

>> No.2404990

>AD&D Pool of Radiance
is the NES port decent?

How about Dragon Wars, does anybody know that one?

>> No.2404993

I would recommend Final Fantasy Legend for the GB. It suits all your criteria and is a pretty cool game

Also to a point, FF2. It does have preset characters, but you can develop them any way you want. Play the PSP or GBA ports if you don't want to deal with a heavy grind or having to game the system.

>> No.2405028

The NES port of AD&D Pool of Radiance is good and IMO in someways better than the original.

>Dragon Wars
More info about this? Never heard of this one.

Will look into Final Fantasy Legend, it really seems to be just what I'm looking for.

>> No.2405041
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Exile/Avernum series

>> No.2405057

Dragon Wars was a spiritual successor to Bards Tale, by the same people I think. Supposedly BT NES cuts content so I worry about DW

>> No.2405084

Have you tried Inindo? There's also Etrian Odyssey.

>> No.2405117

this, these games are so much fucking fun to explore.

i've been playing the new avernum 2 remake and it's actually not that bad if you're okay with the dumbed down mechanics and just want to explore casually

>> No.2405209

Secret of Mana characters were fairly simplistic and bland, though not entirely blank slates.

>> No.2405554

Does anyone remember Realmz?

Fucking love this game.

>> No.2405671

There's someone who went and hacked the NES version of Ultima 3 and called it Ultima: A New Exodus. Loads better than the original, and far more balanced, as well as some renaming of stuff. The characters all have enough buffs and tweaks for pretty much any party to be viable; my favorite is a Paladin, Illusionist (I fluff the two of them to be sisters in my head, no homocest), Ranger (fluffed as an androgyne who just lets everyone else try and fail to determine their gender), and Lark (fluffed as the only one of the bunch who isn't slightly mad). Leveling up actually does you good, so you don't have to spend all your time grinding for money to blow it all in Ambrosia at the shrines, although that does help.

>> No.2407842

Here's a link to play it on Vizzed, if you want:


The main point of the game was to make it be less of an ass to you, and also make the best team something other than three Fuzzy Wizards and one Bobit Cleric.

>> No.2407853

Did they fix the gender options? Ultima 3 isn't the same without transgendered Fuzzies.

>> No.2407883

I don't think they did. The races have been renamed; I think Fuzzies are called Pixies, which actually is probably even funnier, since it doesn't matter what gender they are, they're all just a bunch of fairies, the lot of them. I think the classes all just keep their innate genders, although the races have also had some adjustments made (like how humans can have 80 in everything, I think, and whatnot). Here's a list of all the changes (only thing he doesn't list the entirety of is the names of equipment and the actual monsters, I think): http://jeffludwig.com/ultima3/download.php

>> No.2407890
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I will definitely try this out. Ultima 3 is a game I have tried to beat many games but have always given up because how ass the game is or due to losing interest when trying to grind for money so I could increase my stats at the shrines. The unbalanced classes (of which half are fucking worthless), the way game threads experience and leveling up and the ridiculous amount of grinding for money/stats are a shame as I really like the idea/concept of this game but the execution made it almost impossible to enjoy it.

As a sidenote I quickly tried Final Fantasy Legends and Inindo out and they seemed decent. Can someone tell me more about >>2405041 ?

>> No.2407918
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Exile is an old faux retro indie game originally released as shareware in the mid 90s. The story is about the plight of nation of criminals exiled to a system of underground caverns.
The gameplay lets you create a party of 6 classless characters, the sequels added additional races, flaws and merits. The world is two scale (overworld and town), combat is turn based with action points where your party fans out as you enter combat. Dialogs use Name/Job keywords. A few years ago it was
released for free. As it's 16 bit Windows and PPC Mac you're likely going to need an emulator to run them.
In the early 2000s the series was remade as Avernum with a different engine and various gameplay changes. The party is reduced to 4 and you can hire a few NPCs. Spells got a significant workover.
A few years ago another remake was started called Avernum Escape from the Pit and Avernum Crystal Souls.

>> No.2407921

Why is it based on the NES version? The changes themselves don't seem like a bad idea.

>> No.2407925

Because that was the version with the biggest issues.

>> No.2407927

how the hell is Exile "faux retro", it was similar to many of it's contemporaries, it was just low budget.

>> No.2407929

Final Fantasy Legend 1 and 2 (SaGa 1 and 2). Various races that vary in the way they develop and what skills they can obtain, from humans, mutants, and monsters.

>> No.2407963

Also, for those of you who didn't know, the NES version of Ultima 3 had a remix album done of the soundtrack. It sounds primarily like late-80's-early-nineties J-pop, but honestly, I don't mind too much. Here's one of my favorites.


I keep imagining the Paladin offering Sherry a flower at the light of dawn with a soft breeze blowing through their hair when I listen to that. I might try drawing it...

>> No.2407975

Jeff Vogel said so.

>> No.2407982

And have another:


>> No.2407989

I liked the original Ken Arnold soundtrack in Ultima 3.

>> No.2407994

Pretty cool. It sounds more distinctly medieval; kind of make me think of the song from Quest of the Avatar where you're doing the thing with the cards.

>> No.2409962
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>> No.2410537
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OP, you might want to keep an eye out for Antharion which is coming out in about 2 months.

>> No.2410541

Also OP, you should really play Ultima 5. It's basically 4 except better in every way.

Also also, check out Avernum\Exile and Magic Candle. The latter is available on Abandonia.