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File: 6 KB, 202x250, Beatrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2403615 No.2403615 [Reply] [Original]

Characters who should have been playable.

I'll start.

>> No.2403624
File: 68 KB, 850x1100, Mike_Haggar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick a Street fighter game.

>> No.2403728
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>Characters who should have been playable.

pic E-X-T-R-E-M-E-L-Y related.

Him not being in Alpha was ridiculous. Same goes for Zangief in Slam Masters.

>> No.2403847
File: 99 KB, 350x496, zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In X3.
At least they got it right later in X4 and Xtreme 2, but what took them so long? The cock tease approach they took instead seems purely a (bad) design choice, not a technical limitation.

>> No.2403851
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The hack doesn't count

>> No.2404587

I'd have rather Zero remain as a side character in the main X series -- it is MEGAMAN X after all.

The X3 implementation was a tease, but my main complaint about it was for a character you can summon in and only gets one life the entire game and at most gets to venture through 1/3 of a stage, he's fairly weak in comparison to X. It would've been better to make him monstrously powerful as his backstory suggests if they wanted to keep it like that, because as it is, there's nothing I feel that Zero does that X can't really handle himself.

From a gameplay standpoint though, X4-6 probably handled him better. Making him a separate, different, yet equal character to X added a lot of replayability when you can play through the same game two different ways with each.

>> No.2404594

Oh boy, here we go, FF is full of these guys.

>General Leo
>Seifer (Fuck I was disappointed he wasn't the MC)

>> No.2404603
File: 314 KB, 1057x641, Lani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was all set up to become a party member.

Then we got the Flaming Faggot instead.

>> No.2404604

What Job Class was she supposed to represent

Now that I know how much room audio takes up, it makes a lot more sense that he wasn't included.

>> No.2404606
File: 57 KB, 760x948, Xenogearsramsus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was she setup? If anything, she was the usual trope of inept villain that keeps appearing throughout the game to get her ass kicked. Like Gilgamesh in FFV. Or Ultros in FFVI...or hell, pretty much every kind of character in every jrpg ever.

Pic related

>> No.2404607


>> No.2404608
File: 221 KB, 900x598, beatrix_by_ablaine-d5hmmik[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day


>> No.2404617

You sure? It's pretty clear that Beatrix represents paladin.
Plus Lani doesn't really look like one.

>> No.2404636
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>> No.2404637

>voice Clips in Mario games

Hated it then, REALLY FUCKING HATE IT now.

>> No.2404743
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>> No.2404842

Quina and The Flaming Faggot should have never been party members to begin with. They're the definition of tacked on.

>> No.2404858

First time I've seen this. Would've far preferred her to Amarant.

>> No.2404874

>you'll never build a team out of a Garnet/Beatrix/Lani harem
Guess we'll have to make due with unicorn girl and rat chick

>> No.2404893

Story-wise, sure, even though I do kind of like the whole Qu thing in general. But both of them are way more useful than fucking Eiko.

>> No.2404942

His charge shot is OP, nigga. It just doesn't shine because anything you face in those brief sections is so weak that X can also overcome it quite easily, but the sword lives up to his name when you get it as an upgrade, and it also holds up if you gameshark Zero permanently into the game and you get to use it against bosses and sub bosses.

He certainly feels a lot more "legendary" than the nerfed versions of later games which is about on par with X.

>> No.2404952

the way they balanced it in the other games, zero does twice damage but also takes twice damage

>> No.2405061
File: 333 KB, 708x600, Erin_Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As party members, drop:


>> No.2405073

What class would Blank represent? Generic faggot?

>> No.2405087


>> No.2405090

Quina is perfect for an optional party member.
Shame they forced him/her onto the party for the most contrived reason.

Amarant and Eiko were bad and Freya was in desperate need of more attention in the second half of the game.

>> No.2405096

That's filled by Steinberg.

>> No.2405104

>that side note
>"her waist needs to be smaller and her pants need to be bigger."

>> No.2405124

Her design screams "Berserker", but she uses black magic, so...

>> No.2405129

>dropping Quina
For what purpose?

>> No.2405131

Freya is essentially forgotten completely after the 2nd disc.

>> No.2405134
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Queen Zeal.

>> No.2405136

So red mage?

>> No.2405138

>not Schala

>> No.2405140
File: 55 KB, 338x464, vagrant-story-sydney-losstarot-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sydney Lassarot

>> No.2405147
File: 574 KB, 630x700, rat_and_faggot_drinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They went balls out with her on disc one and half of two then it was like she didn't even exist anymore.

Amarant and Quina got shafted too.

>> No.2405171

>tfw no sydney ng+

>> No.2405174

Oh the pain....

>> No.2405178

Man, you can't miss something that wasn't ever there, you've just got the phantom pain.

>> No.2405184

Steiner is a Knight.

>> No.2405285

Beatrix is playable. Did you even play FF9, OP?

>> No.2405298

Wiegraf (FFt)

>> No.2405310

True dat.
Basically any of the side characters in VS to be playable would be legit.
Or Delta

>> No.2405319

He IS playable, I think,

>> No.2405326

the storage space thing is bullshit, i mean look at like resident evil 2 on the 64, and luigi jumping and getting hit would somehow make it too large?
nah, they just didn't bother

>> No.2405329

Can we all agree that in general, any mandatory blue mages were fucking shit?

>> No.2405339

He's not

>> No.2405362

Quina's blue magic was too much of a pain in the ass to get.

>> No.2405364

>Matra Magic

Stealing was way more of a pain in the ass. I really wish they would either just raise Steal to 100% in games or get rid of it, spending 50+ rounds trying to steal an item is just retarded and not fun.

>> No.2405365

>Now that I know how much room audio takes up, it makes a lot more sense that he wasn't included.
They could have just sped his voice up like they did in Smash Bros. Luigi didn't have his own voice til later.

>> No.2405368

Quistis was pretty decent, you could just teach her spells by giving items, couldn't you?

>> No.2405370
File: 6 KB, 256x223, smrpg2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Johnny should have joined your party after Seaside town.
Croco should have joined after Nimbus Land or in Bowser's Castle.
Yoshi should have been the optional party member reward for winning a certain amount of races or something.

>> No.2405378

i always felt a huge wave of relief when i decide to stop caring about stealing in rpgs. at least in ff9 there weren't any items you could only get by stealing, and you had master thief by the time you really wanted to steal cool endgame stuff. the steal system in 9 was awful but it wasn't forced on you as hard as in other games if you wanted to collect everything, and it didn't force you to have someone in your party you wouldn't have anyway

>> No.2405408

I wrote up a bunch of gameshark codes way back when to sub out Zidane for Blank. It required almost two hundred lines written, many of which had to be toggled on and off via Joker commands at various points to keep the game from crashing, but in the end, it worked pretty well.

I kept Steal with Blank and also gave him Sword Art from Steiner.

>> No.2405429

Hnng dat rack

>> No.2405484

Wow, that's some grade A autism.

>> No.2405495

It was also written by hand rather than supplied by a site -- most of the codes were generated via memory editor.

I also used to write custom classes for Final Fantasy Tactics.

>> No.2405507

>Quistis who doesn't even count because it as her limit break is complete shit: why bother?
And Quina and Kimahri were pretty shit characters on a whole.

>> No.2405572

I don't think she should have been playable, but her attack (Starburst on DS, Hexagon Mist on SNES) was the ultimate water attack, which I think Marle should have gotten. Life 2 isn't actually bad, per se, but it sees so little use that it's ridiculous.
I'm actually gonna go with what the makers were originally have and put a vote in for Gaspar to be playable. He was supposed to be recruitable waaaay back when, but got dropped (probably in favor of Magus).

What I believe they should have done with Queen Zeal was, if you beat Lavos at the Ocean Palace (doable, but very difficult), she reclaims her sanity. The party, as well as Schala, Magus, and Queen Zeal, all get thrown out of Lavos' pocket dimension and into the End of Time. With her mind intact, Queen Zeal decides to listen to the party as they tell her of what was to come before they leave. When they're all finished, Gaspar and Zeal have a short conversation where he decides that he's too old to watch over the flows of time anymore, and walks into the blackness beyond the iron fence of the End of Time, while the queen takes his spot under the light post.

The Magic Kingdom still falls, now that Lavos is dead, and the timeline returns to what it was about as well as it can,but the damage has been done, and a new chain of events begins to take place when one of the pillars of light reappears. Intrigued, Queen Zeal steps into it and finds herself in Porre....

>> No.2405578

The world needs more neckbeards like you.

>> No.2405598

Tell us, regale us with your tales of FFT classes, talented autist!

But seriously if you've already done all that release a mod already

>> No.2405601

So much this

>> No.2405616

>I'm actually gonna go with what the makers were originally have and put a vote in for Gaspar to be playable. He was supposed to be recruitable waaaay back when, but got dropped (probably in favor of Magus).
that was a never a thing, all he had was an overworld sprite in the pre-release rom

>> No.2405627

You sir,are a genius, and therefore my nigga

>> No.2405645


This is why people hate name/trip fags

>> No.2405652


I beg to differ. There's even a link in there that goes more into detail about it.

>> No.2405657

Just figure I should point this out, but no, I'm not that Anon.

>> No.2405678
File: 82 KB, 520x720, Fft-zalbaag-beoulve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiegraf over based Zalbag? I don't think so.

>> No.2405702

Indeed, he would be pretty awesome. Fukken Dycedarg and Lucavi shit.

If we were to have one of Wiegraf's bunch join, I'd actually say Miluda should have been the one to stick with Ramza, since it would make Wiegraf sliding down the slippery slope that much more tragic, what with her watching her own brother slowly descend into madness.

>> No.2405723

Yeah, you are. Just stop doing it if you don't want to get called out on it.

>> No.2405765
File: 463 KB, 687x795, Ramsus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fekking Ramsus from Xenogears. There was even a quest chain at the end of the game that seemed designed to add him to your party.

>> No.2405782

...Whatever, keep telling yourself that.

Back on topic, I want to say that Dario from Chrono Cross should have been playable, because there aren't enough good Black-innates on your team by the endgame without doing at least two New Game Pluses (the two good Blacks consisting of, essentially, Grobyc and Harle, with the latter not even sticking around unless you use the Chrono Crossas a key item in the Dimensional Vortex).

>> No.2405829

It's not really that bad. Games nowadays just have completely uncompressed sound to sell more hard drives on consoles.

>> No.2405850
File: 50 KB, 600x651, 240ee5886188968e6752ae26099f5249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Margie from Xenogears. She was originally going to be a character that joined your party that had miniguns in her cape. Not shitting you, read Perfect Works

>> No.2405865

I would take Dyne over Barrett. Seems a bit more interesting and the gun looks cooler.

Zalbag. Or at least availability of some of his ruins to Ramza Ultima style.

>> No.2405919

It actually wasn't THAT difficult, and really, later on someone came out with a site dedicated to doing it. I don't know if the site is still up since it's been almost a decade ago, but it was CzarDragon's Den, FFT section. It had an HTML web page that allowed you to select things from a drop down menu and it would automatically fill out the needed values.

Note that you have to replace various classes and ability lists already in the game to create your own, but since there's a lot of dummy classes and ability lists, it's not a big deal. For instance, if you replace the assassin's ability list, it's not going to affect anything but two fights in the game I think.

>> No.2405924

Miluda would've never made sense to have her join you, though I could've seen you joining her. She hated the nobility, and Algas didn't do anything to help that.

Besides, her death was one of the major catalysts that drove Wiegraf to his fate.

>> No.2405941
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Characters that wield a entire arsenal is a sad rarity.

>> No.2405948
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>> No.2405974
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> Not debugging you game and taking on Memoria with Beatrix, Blank, Cinna and Marcus

If you haven't smashed Necron in the face with a hammer then you can just fuck right off

>> No.2406032
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, taj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friend

>> No.2406383

if they put in johnny, this game would have been the greatest off any rpg.

>> No.2406405

This and N. Oxide top my list.

>> No.2408092

Did you ever max their levels? Are there stats similiar to eiko/amarant/Quina in terms of hp and stuff?

>> No.2408098

>Luigi didn't have his own voice til later.
What about Mario Kart 64?

>> No.2408104

That shit sounds awful.

>> No.2408107

At least they fixed that for Mega Man 9 and 10, even if it was DLC.

>> No.2408109

Would've been a better reward than fucking T.T.

>> No.2408125

FFIX had really bad characters.
A lot of NPCs would've made better party members that those wrecks.

>> No.2408709

Awful as in it's sad, or awful as in it's a terrible idea? It was mostly as setup for Radical Dreamers, considering I'm of the opinion that Queen Zeal is Vera.

>> No.2408738

There's always Super Mario 64 DS!

>> No.2408791
File: 35 KB, 229x187, Kane_attack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kane in SF.

>> No.2408812

The Templar class in Tactics Ogre should have been usable. Not even the remake fixed this. Their sprite is cool too.

>> No.2408959
File: 87 KB, 350x400, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought that too, but for OB64. You can hack them onto your side, but their sprite shows up as a soldier, and their stats are mostly identical to a Knight.

Knights of Danika/Gatekeepers would've been a close second for me as well, but I guess it all boils down to the creators wanting to have unique enemies. At least Carth is recruitable.

>> No.2408981 [DELETED] 

If Kain could get away with it, why not Kane? They were both brainwashed by the enemy, after all. Also, Kane is family.

>> No.2409651


It was either that or the SNES Excitebike clone that gave everyone a voice for the first time. The voices in MK64 were fucking perfect too, just iconic. Every MK onwards fucked them up.

>Toad going from "I'M THE BEST!" to a horrible smoking witch
>DK becoming generic monkey
>Bowser becoming generic growl

But yeah, they got lazy with Smash Bros, that's all it is. Stood out like a sore thumb considering Luigi doesn't even have a particularly high pitched voice in the first place.

>> No.2409797

at this point of the game, i barely could find any member of my mighty force to drop for bleu. Whenever I replay shining force, i never bother with characters joining after chapter 4 again, except for bleu and hanzou.

however, kane would have been an interesting supplement, at least as a secret character. I wonder how he would have blended in the force and what class he would have been. A second swordsman or a second hero would have been really cool.

>> No.2412539

For those of you who want to play as Golbez: http://www.letsplaysnes.com/play-final-fantasy-ii-playable-golbez-edition-online/

Yeah, it's kinda shitty on the website, but whatever. Download and emulate it if you wanna be picky.