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2403404 No.2403404 [Reply] [Original]

KEMCO took a mediocre\okayish FPS game and turned it into a soul-sucking abomination that makes you want to kill yourself the more you play it.

Definite contender for worst port of all time.

>> No.2403412
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Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya took a wonderful action game and turned it into a existential nightmare of slowness that makes you wish they actually tried,

Definite contender for worst port of all time.

>> No.2403415

its not even that bad

>> No.2403420

Not him, but for being on the Saturn, the port is really poorly done. In no conceivable way should the game run as badly as it does on the Saturn. The extra content's great but the amount of slowdown is pretty inexcusable.

>> No.2403424

>evo's space adventure
>0 results
What the fuck?

>> No.2403493

they took something made the PSX. Then ported it over to saturn, just added a bunch of extras because they knew it wasn't mechanically sound.

>> No.2403502

>any version of Diakatana
it's a steaming pile of poo no matter what system it's on

>> No.2403505

from video I've seen it runs fine... if you only played it on an emulator remember that saturn emulation is in a shitty state

>> No.2403509

Game Boy Color version

There's slow down and a loss of many graphical effects such as transparent sprites on a native Saturn. It was a rushed port.

>> No.2403512

got any other popular opinions you want to share

>> No.2403518

yes, because saying something that is actually true is just me repeating popular opinion, I'm sorry if you love John Romero so much that you are willing to be his bitch.
It's not like I'm parroting "ET IS WORST GAME EVER!" or something.

>> No.2403525

I wasn't really counting that since it really has no connection to the version that was on every other system other than it's name.

>> No.2403526


>> No.2403554

That's because the programming was done by a subdivision or contracted or something, not by KCET.

>> No.2403556

Not him, but as someone who bought the game on PC when it was released I can attest that it was nothing but a big pile of bugged garbage.

>> No.2403568

It wasn't contracted, it was a subdivision of KCE. If anyone's curious the Saturn dev team left notes hidden in the game.

>> No.2403576
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>got any other popular opinions you want to share

The sky is blue, Space is vast and your mother's a whore.

>> No.2403586

>Space is vast
The opposite is the popular opinion.

>> No.2403780

>It's not like I'm parroting "ET IS WORST GAME EVER!" or something.

Except you're doing exactly that. Literally everyone who played Daikatana agrees that it was just a mediocre game that didn't live up to the massive hype. It's not a coincidence all these kids claiming it was bad popped up after that shitty Jontron review.

>> No.2403861

Is this the thread where we go full retard and pretend games didn't have a shit reputation before an internet reviewer.

>> No.2403872

Well, I find that space certainly is vast ever since I invested in a Retron V.

>> No.2403884

I just finished up shadowgate 64, another kemco-produced game, but I haven't played daikatana. I'm curious if you ignore the shooter aspect of daikatana and just look at the first-person engine, how do the two games compare?

>> No.2403889

>Literally everyone who played Daikatana agrees that it was just a mediocre game that didn't live up to the massive hype

No we don't. It's shit.

And for fuck's sake do you have any idea how hard it was to actually hype a game back then?

>> No.2403892

>No we don't. It's shit

Confirmed for never playing it and just parroting e-celebs.

>> No.2403908

>No we don't. It's shit.
Daikatana for PC is not shit. It's a flawed game, but it's far from terrible.

The N64 version is an abomination. I recall John Romero personally referring to it as an abomination.

>Removed levels.
>Redone, much worse cutscenes.
>Horrible spelling.
>No Daikatana. They literally cut the Daikatana.
>Missing Cerberus boss.
>Horrifyingly bad graphics compared to just about every other N64 FPS.
>No AI partners. (Could be a benefit in some light...)

Oh, yea, and they added a fuckwitted piano puzzle on the third mission that caused a lot of players to just give up.

>> No.2403934

>Confirmed for never playing it and just parroting e-celebs.

>waaaaaaaaaaaah he disagrees with me he must be parroting E-celebs

>> No.2404108

he later admitted that the game it's self was an abomination though...

>> No.2404110

no, it's just that in this case the "e-celebs" were actually correct, usually you guys stay to your shitty doom threads, why are you venturing out into the rest of the board?

>> No.2404134

4 comments in and you post that shit. come one man. If you want to enter a contender just enter, don't le epic meme text it

>> No.2404145

I finally got around to playing Daikatana back in 2013 and honestly it's not that bad. It's not good in a lot of places but it's certainly not a complete wreck or the worst game ever made. The controls are pretty tight, a lot of the weapons are fun and some of the levels are pretty well made, the medieval levels in particular look pretty damn good. The music is also really, really good, which is something that rarely gets a mention when people talk about the game.

It's definitely better than Blood 2.

The Daikatana is in the 64 version, it's just only useable in second to last bossfight and it's the only weapon you can use. The piano puzzle is fucking bullshit because the hint omits a note. Also being able to keep all of your weapons completely breaks the game, bosses are a complete joke if you've got ammo for the trident and that shockwave cannon.

>> No.2404171

I actually kind of liked it

>> No.2404251

yes, weapons that kill you are so cool
fuck off back to your Romero circle jerk in the doom thread, the rest of this board hates your type.

>> No.2404259

Never had that problem, maybe you just suck at FPS.

>> No.2404284


>> No.2404287

>he later admitted that the game it's self was an abomination though...
No, John Romero still thinks Daikatana PC is just misunderstood.

>> No.2404312
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but Kemco also developed based Shadowgate 64.

>> No.2404324

maybe romero just suck at design

>> No.2404325

Someone is butthurt over getting themselves killed in a game because they suck.

>> No.2404329

>yes, weapons that kill you are so cool
You know, let's take a look at all the weapons that can kill you in Daikatana and why.

>Ion Cannon, Kineticore, Venomous
They shoot bouncing bullets. Bullets hurt so it makes sense that they'd also hurt you. It's no more bullshit than hitting yourself in the face with flak cannon shrapnel in Unreal Tournament.

>Sunflare, Cordite Grenades, Metamaser, C-4 Vitzatergo
They're grenades. Be it incendiary, proximity or just firing lasers, they exist for the purpose of indiscriminate death.

>Sidewinder, Trident, Ballista, Staff of Stavros
They're all rocket launchers. Enough said.

Now to be fair, let's look at the weapons that can actually be classified as bullshit death weapons.

>Shockwave Cannon
This fires a bouncing ball that emits large splash damage when it hits a surface and a constant steam of damage when it explodes. The damage it does and the area it does it in varies, making it possible to die even being a supposed safe distance away.

>Hades Hammer
This hurts only if you charge your attack and only if you release it while standing on the ground. This is bullshit because this damage is pretty much required to take to defeat the statues in Athens.

>Nharre's Nightmare
Locks on and kills the first target it finds. If there's no enemies, it finds you. This is bullshit because you won't actually know this until you fire the weapon for the first time.

All of those take forever to fire and are ultimately not effective weapons against enemies. If you died to anything else, then you're pretty darn stupid.

>> No.2404342

I havent even played it, nerd. :^)

>> No.2404343

i think daikatana is probably more justifiable than the quake 2 campaign
and that's saying something

>> No.2404351

A lot of Capcom fighting games on PSX, especially the Vs. series.

Worst of all time is probably something like Pacman 2600, though.

>> No.2404383

Daikatana was almost universally considered shit before JonTron was even out of high school.

>> No.2405764

you have never had that problem because you have never played the game, you just blindly worship your god romero

>> No.2405770

First off I didn't know that Jontron even reviewed it, also everyone here has agreed it's shit since the board started, it's only recently that I have seen anyone sticking up for it.

>> No.2405773

That was what? Two weeks ago?

>> No.2406345

You'd think if I considered Romero my god, I would of played his game.

>> No.2406346

There's a difference between playing it yourself and saying it sucks and saying it sucks because you watched johntron play it.

>> No.2406354

> a mediocre\okayish FPS game

You have to be fucking kidding me.

I bought that game used at the age of 13 because it said on the back of the box it was made by the maker of Doom and Quake.
I vividly remember that day, I bought it at the end of the morning, took it home, and by the middle of the afternoon I was back at the shop to sell it back to them.

That's how bad it was. Of course no port could do miracle, although the GBC version looks good, but it's a whole different game altogether.

>> No.2406365
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>> No.2406449

You say this story every time about Daikatana but you never say what you hated about it.

>> No.2406473


maybe it was the dull level design, horrible muddy graphics, gimmicky stupid weapons (a ridiculous amount of which focus around "...but if you aren't careful it'll kill you too!"), the horrible partner ai that constantly gets in your way or gets killed, or even the fact that the game was released hilariously buggy for something that took as long as it did to make and stayed that way for awhile?

daikatana just isn't fun, regardless of how you want to spin it. i played it when it came out and while multiplayer was occasionally enjoyable that didn't really make up for everything else and in the end i'd rather just play doom or quake

>> No.2406501

>maybe it was the...
And there's the thing, we don't know. If you've been on /vr/ for more than a day, you'd know this is strange because NESfag, bless his autism, will go into pretty large speeches about why he loves or hates something. Just utter the phrase "Redneck Rampage" and he'll turn up within five minutes to talk about how good the expansion packs were, it's like a fucking super power. The guy probably knows more about the Build engine than Ken Silverman.

But he won't talk about Daikatana.

And NESfag not talking about something is weird.

>> No.2406515

>But he won't talk about Daikatana.

Then let us declare Daikatana a safe haven for discussion.

>> No.2406516

I honestly only vaguely remember exactly why I disliked it. I think it was the glitches and the co-op partners, and the dull environments and shooting.

btw Redneck Rampage only has one expansion pack, Rides Again is a standalone sequel.