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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 101 KB, 256x189, mmx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2398975 No.2398975 [Reply] [Original]

ITT games that would've been far better had they been made for a different system at the time.

I'll start with an obvious one.

>> No.2398982

You consolewars kids are really sad.

>> No.2398989
File: 23 KB, 480x472, ahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2399000

>make a hardcore, badass, adrenaline-rush successor to MM with electro-metal music
>put it on a console with a slow processor and a shit sound card like the Super Nintendo

Does not compute at all.

>> No.2399005

Nice full house. Nice bait. Nice.

>> No.2399006

Reminds me of the old MMX dos port. It can take advantage of the FM synth sound chips of the period.

>> No.2399016

>At several points, the game suffers from very bad slowdown. However, for less-skilled gamers, this can be a positive effect; because the Yellow Devil's stages in Mega Man and 3 suffer from it the most, as does the battle with the Wily Machine in Mega Man. This makes those boss battles much easier.

Ahh yes the Genesis has such a good history with Mega Man.

>> No.2399023

>using a bad remake-compilation that wasn't even programmed by Capcom as an example

This is SNESfag logic, folks.

>> No.2399032

oh man megaman x so good on de genesis my parents were too poor to buy me both consoles so now i shit up the internet


>> No.2399034

epic man simply fucking epic XDDDD

>> No.2399037

thanks man we workin hard to defend the honour of glorious genesis through shitposting like children

>> No.2399045

your retarded post with pirated mmx3 doesn't deserve any better response than a shitpost

>> No.2399049

Let's be real here this whole thread is a shitpost. You'd be far better off deleting it and trying again with a better thought out OP.

>> No.2399050

But MMX would not have looked anywhere near as good on the Genesis. I'm not a huge fan of the way some designers used the SNES's wider range of colours (some games end up looking washed out for having too many bright colours, or too muddy for using too many "in-between" colours) but I find MMX looks perfect.

>> No.2399057

Not really, you're just a defensive SNESfag who's shitting up the thread because OP decided to go with MMX.

Instead you could mention games on Genesis that would've worked better on SNES, such as Panorama Cotton or Road Rash II because of the mode7 effect.

>> No.2399061

MMX on Amiga=???

>> No.2399064


The Genesis processor isn't appreciably stronger than the SNES. And it has a far more limited color palette.

While I do like FM Synth quite a lot, the SNES does not have a 'shit sound card'. Admittedly, I do prefer the Genesis remixes of the soundtrack. But it wouldn't really have been much better on the Genesis.

>> No.2399068

You're the one calling people fags around here friend.
I'd actually be interested to hear why a game like MMX would be better on Genesis but all you've posted is a fan-remix (could that exact mix run on actual hardware?) and this stuff here >>2399000 which includes an actual argument and a strong opinion.

>> No.2399070

I can dispute that by citing the Wily Wars.

Genesis was just a strange console. Games just look wrong on it, and everyone says the sound is better on it but I think it sounds worse.

>> No.2399071

Sounds like shit

>> No.2399076


FM Synth music is great, but it wasn't nearly as versatile as the SNES

>> No.2399096
File: 26 KB, 640x480, Sonic3andKnuckles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genesis didn't need the shit that is MMX because it got the superior platforming trilogy: Sonic the Hedgehog.

>> No.2399108
File: 17 KB, 200x275, Nightshade (U).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite even if this thread seems to be for desperate baiting:

While Nightshade is one of my favorite NES games I'm first to admit it's fighting scenes and menus are mediocre at best. If Nightshade had been released on SNES both of it's shortcomings probably would have been drasticly improved just by simply having more buttons to do things with. Also had it been one of the first SNES games it would also have gotten much more attention and as a result of that it might have gotten sequel or two.

>> No.2399119

Eventually you get to "every game should have been made for the 'best' system available at that time." Okay?

>> No.2399126

But what if there were no best system at the time, like the fifth gen?

>> No.2399137


>> No.2399145
File: 8 KB, 506x446, mmxgen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is roughly what the game would look like on a Genesis. The life bar, explosions, miniboss and Mega Man himself use one 16 color palette, the background uses another. That leaves 2 palettes for other objects to use.

The Genesis doesn't use these exact colors, but with over 1,500 colors to choose from, you can make something very close to this image.

>> No.2399152
File: 13 KB, 256x223, mega-man-x-snes-ingame-1635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the same screenshot on an SNES. It's "duller" and lower contrast because it can work with a more subtle range of colors, whereas the Genesis has to squeeze a wide range of colors into a small space. Many ports to the Genesis boost the contrast for this reason.

>> No.2399153


>furry garbage
>generations of fanbois
>going fast

It was graphically impressive with great music, but far from superior in terms of gameplay. Whatever it was, the long term costs in terms of sheer autism isn't worth it.

>> No.2399154

The best thing that ever happened to Sega was becoming a 3rd party software developer, I can only hope Nintendo befalls the same fate one day.

>> No.2399159

>The Genesis processor isn't appreciably stronger than the SNES

Nigga really.

That being said, Genesis lacks L and R buttons, so speedrun spergs wouldn't like to play Megaman X on genesis.

>> No.2399161

>Megaman X has slowdown every time you kill a large enemy, like those tortoises or bee helicopters
>Gunstar Heroes constantly swamps you with enemies, and doesn't stutter on the constant explosions

Look, I like both systems, but you're in denial if you think action games aren't more fun on the Genesis or Sharp 68000.

>> No.2399162
File: 56 KB, 615x310, ATQrkl4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megaman X has a similar color count to Circus Mystery, and the genesis port of that game still looked pretty good.

>> No.2399170


Here, a multiplat game that relies on brute forcing the CPU, and taxes both consoles.

I would give the Genesis a lead, but it's hard to tell. 1.5fps vs. 2fps is huge on paper, but hard to actually see.

>> No.2399172
File: 318 KB, 850x1194, flyer-gradius3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no reason to port this game as a launch title for the SNES, the Genesis has a closer soundchip to the arcade, a better CPU closer to the arcade, THE SAME resolution of the arcade etc.

>> No.2399175

Konami didn't care about the Mega Drive until saw how big Sonic did in America.

>> No.2399180
File: 3.56 MB, 2100x1534, 2364844-snes_superrtype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shame honestly, same applies IREM's SNES ports.

>> No.2399181


The otherwise mediocre Aaahh Real Monsters has some interesting differences on each console. The SNES runs at 30fps, but looks better. The Genesis version runs at 60fps, but looks worse due to missing "fog" effects and a smaller palette. It sounds shitty too, but I won't hold that against it.



>> No.2399184

Underrated toast

>> No.2399195

>furry garbage
Mario is furry as well but you probably like his games.
>generations of fanbois
Megamanchildren are worse.
>going fast
Back then there was a good mix of well designed platforming as well as fast sections.

>> No.2399201


It was like 4 MHz more and it was a coprocessor that had nothing to do with graphics.

>> No.2399208

And you think the relevance of a CPU is better graphics? lol. That's why the SNES never had a brawler as rad as Streets of Rage 2, or a shooter as frenetic as Thunder Force IV.

>> No.2399215

>Megamanchildren are worse.
This. MM tards won't get off their soapbox over how Capcom screws them over time and time again. I'd take autism over whining any day.

>> No.2399226

That sounds like fucking garbage OP.

Whoever thinks that sounds better than the SNES version or that Mega Man X would have been better in the Genesis are fucking delusional.

>> No.2399229

>Mario is furry as well
Hold on. Are you seriously comparing two suits that appeared prominently in one game to an entire series where all the main characters save the villain are anthropomorphic animals?

>Megamanchildren are worse.
Opinions. When I see Coldsteel the Reploid I'll consider taking you seriously.

>Back then there was a good mix of well designed platforming as well as fast sections.
True, but Megaman X had superior design. Unfair comparison due to the difference in era, but still.

>> No.2399232

Obviously a soundtrack designed specifically for one system isn't going to sound so great when you port it.

>> No.2399235

I agree OP, however you picked the wrong covers.


>> No.2399236

Sounds too tinny. I think I need to get a metal plate removed from my knee after hearing that.

>> No.2399237

Not to mention how much more difficult it is to write FM synth tunes compared to the snes.

>> No.2399238

Do you even know what a furry is? It's a human wearing animal costumes, which is what Mario does (racoon suit, frog suit, cat suit, etc.).

>> No.2399240

>The furry fandom is a subculture interested in fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics. Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, the ability to speak, walk on two legs, and wear clothes.

Two seconds in a search engine. Tell me this describes Mario more than it does Sanic. I fucking dare you.

>> No.2399241


mario does that in like two games out of i dont even know how many, that argument is retarded

then again so is every other argument in this thread

>> No.2399246

Tradtionally "furry" generally refers to people who are sexually attracted to [anthropomorphic] animals. The wearing of fur suits can be an extension of that, but generally speaking these people are attracted to [anthropomorphic] animals, not a human being who has a raccoon tail.

>> No.2399249

Anthro characters are fine and shouldn't be likened to furfags. Otherwise you would have to avoid 99% of mascot platformers and cool cartoons like Looney Tunes.

>> No.2399254

Capcom had no problems writing convincing music for the older megamans with the NES's limited sound capabilities. So I don't see why it would be a problem for them to do the same on genesis.

>> No.2399256

Sonic attracts furfaggotry like a plague. I have yet to see the same said of Mario. Keep trying, though. It amuses me.

>> No.2399264

yoshi fans are pretty fucked up, man

>> No.2399265

Mario is a textbook definition of a furfag, just because the fanbase isn't as cancerous as Sanic's doesn't change this fact.

Sanic is a cartoony anthro character in the vein of Mickey Mouse. Granted, you have people dressing up like Sanic and Tails and fucking each other, but that does not by extension make Sanic himself an actual furry.

>> No.2399269

Thats the thing, you only hear people diss the gensesis sound in these snes vs genesis threads. Well guess what? All the older consoles have shit sound compared to the snes, yet you never hear people complain about them.

>> No.2399276

>All the older consoles have shit sound compared to the snes
I'll take chiptunes over super-compressed samples of the wind blowing as heard inside of a can while you're underwater any day.

Face it, SNES sound card was absolute shit and the beginning of the end for videogame music consisting of awesome beeps:


>> No.2399281

No one was arguing that Sonic himself is a furry. As for the argument is that Mario himself, the character, is a furfag?

His powerups--which are just as often non-animal based as they are animal-based--are adopted because of the powers they grant, not because of the jollies they purportedly give.

Regardless, you see a lot more "inspiration" from Sonic's cast than you do for Mario's suits.

>> No.2399285

>Mario is a textbook definition of a furfag
Show me how he is attracted to anthropomorphic animals, and I'll agree with you. As far as I can tell, he just uses enchanted animal suits in order to gain the abilities necessary to rescue the only other HUMAN in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Now, if he wanted to fuck Birdo, you would have a point. But he doesn't, and you don't, and you're a retard.

>> No.2399287
File: 29 KB, 608x480, Reptile_Garden_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the beginning of the end for videogame music consisting of awesome beeps:

He really believes that the advent of disc-based media didn't make this inevitable and if not for the SNES it would've never happened

>> No.2399289

Thanks, OP. I needed a good laugh, and that got a huge guffaw out of me.

>> No.2399293

I'im so glad you brought up the important topic of dinosaur gender identity in mario games, I don't think it gets as much coverage as it should

>> No.2399294
File: 30 KB, 500x500, its a big one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I do believe you're retarded, I don't believe you're actually as retarded as you are trying to convince us that you are.

>> No.2399301

I always thought a Genesis Gradius would have been really cool.

>> No.2399323

The SNES didn't help though, it could've used fm synth instead of a chip designed by a moron at Sony.

>> No.2399332

Nah anon, slow-ass RPG/adventure games don't mix well with FM.

>> No.2399336
File: 74 KB, 256x188, mario_world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Yoshi giving Mario that lustful smirk isn't implicitly sexual at all.

>> No.2399342

>it could've done the same thing all other systems before it did!

Sure, it /could/ have. Heaven forbid a company experiment with different hardware. Heaven forbid they introduce a little variety into the market.

Even if the SNES stuck with FM, today's audio tech would remain the same. There's really little point in vilifying the SNES sound chip for its "role" in taking away your precious FM.

>> No.2399343

Interpreting that look as "lustful" says a lot more about you than it does Yoshi.

>> No.2399346

>Heaven forbid a company experiment with different hardware. Heaven forbid they introduce a little variety into the market.
>implying arcade didn't have much better sampled music at the time
>implying there was another 4th gen console with FM

>> No.2399356

>implying riding Yoshi isn't sexual innuendo for Mario and Yoshi getting it on while Mario wears a yoshi suit behind the scenes

>> No.2399357

it depends, raizing stuck with the yamaha for a long time

>> No.2399360

>long tongue and eggs are a metaphor

>> No.2399361

Yeah, but my point is that the SNES wasn't "innovative" as he implies, there were already arcades with better quality sampled music in the early 90s.

Raizing still used tons of samples in their later arcades tho.

>> No.2399365


Okay, but more innovative than sticking with FM would have been.

You're losing me, man. First, the SNES is foolhardy for using a non-FM chip, now it's bad because it wasn't the /first/ to move away from FM (while simultaneously suggesting that an affordable home console of the day could've possibly had hardware comparable to arcades?).

Oh, I get it. The SNES sucks. Okay buddy :)

>> No.2399368

First, i'm not the same guy, it's okay that the SNES used sampled music, however that doesn't make it necessarily better than FM considering the limitations of SNES samples music.

>while simultaneously suggesting that an affordable home console of the day could've possibly had hardware comparable to arcades?
Not really, because there were also many arcades with FM in the early 90s.

The difference is that Arcades were actually prepared for sampled music, because they had big-ass storage for music and good quality samplers, SNES had shitty cartridge storage, so sample quality was never very good.

FM doesn't need storage, so, i think FM is a better option for a 4th gen console.

>> No.2399371

Can't the SNES sound exactly like the Genesis by using samples?

>> No.2399373 [DELETED] 
File: 1.49 MB, 493x369, yummy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time.

>> No.2399376

thunder spirits did just that by sampling an yamaha chip!
it sounded like shit

>> No.2399380
File: 1.94 MB, 1000x977, VIRTUAL_BOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the SNES wasn't "innovative" as he implies

It was iterative not innovative, and we all know deep in our hearts that was a good thing. We know what happens when Nintendo decides to innovate.

See also: N64 controller, Gamecube controller, wiimote, wiiu tablet thing, and the DS.

>> No.2399381


>> No.2399382

>that doesn't make it necessarily better than FM considering the limitations of SNES samples music.

That's a matter of opinion; you'll notice I never asserted that it was better or worse.

>SNES had shitty cartridge storage, so sample quality was never very good

Perhaps not on a technical level, but it was pretty good stuff for a home console. Again, it's a matter of opinion, but there are many celebrated SNES soundtracks; it has its fans.

>> No.2399391

Yeah, the Wii and DS fucking tanked. The Wiimote was so awful that all competition attempted to replicate it, and the DS was so bad that not copying it led to the Vita's prominence.

>> No.2399394

Yeah, i can agree with this.

Not really, just because it uses samples doesn't mean it doesn't have limitations.


>> No.2399406

Jesus SNES' sounds so muffled, just like all SNES games music...

>> No.2399408

Everything listed but the Virtual Boy was a commercial success, even if the performance of the Gamecube was disappointing from a relative perspective. Ultimately this is divorced from the poor design decisions made by Nintendo and relies on their strength as a software developer.

Motion gaming was imitated by the other consoles after the success of the wii in opening up a more casual market space that more or less did not exist before, but hasn't really managed to open up that market to the other consoles. (price point, lack of software)

That Nintendo continues to be able to do whatever they want with hardware and succeed is a testament to their design teams and the strength of their franchises, but that doesn't make those designs not shit.

>> No.2399417


>still fighting the console wars this hard

Or just really awful bait.

>> No.2399418

I'm not here to defend every use of the Wiimote, but it's a lot more fun to swing a "tennis racket" than it is to press left/right and a button. It has its functions. I don't know what your problem with the DS is.

>> No.2399425

>I don't know what your problem with the DS is.

I'm just not a fan of the form factor (and I'm not that fond of most touch screen gaming), honestly I do think it's probably the best of the bunch that I named.

I loved my DS dearly when I still had one.

>> No.2399426

I'm even more confused. You loved it when you had one, but you consider it a failure of innovation (despite it being popular enough to completely replace the Game Boy line) because you personally don't like the form factor?

>> No.2399430

tennis and light gun games are the only things that work properly on that thing due to lack of physical feedback

>> No.2399442

I think it would have been a better system and just as successful if they had used a different solution for extra screen real estate. I loved it for the games I played on it. The DS has a really good library.

>> No.2399516

Holy shit that sounds fucking horrible. It's an aural holocaust. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.2399518

And it starts again.

>> No.2399521

>Literally no reason
Except to cater towards a broader demographic, and the fact that the SNES could handle 128 on-screen sprites vs. 80 for the Genesis, which is PRETTY IMPORTANT for this type of game, you fucking stupid twat. Do your homework and go to bed you retarded nigger.

>> No.2399528

>and the fact that the SNES could handle 128 on-screen sprites vs. 80 for the Genesis, which is PRETTY IMPORTANT for this type of game
And how many sprites take Gradius III on the SNES to slowdown, 6? don't be a fucking retarded, do you watch AVGN or what?

Final Fight SNES has only 3 enemies on screen and it runs slow as fuck.

>> No.2399529

really? could swear the snes was a lot worse at handling sprites

>> No.2399536

It's funny that any time anyone states a FACT about the SNES that you could go google right now, you jump on the "HURR DURR YOU WATCH AVGN" bandwagon. Who the fuck brought that asshole up? Oh yeah, that's right, you did, dipshit.

>> No.2399540

this old talk about cpu power is always oversimplified as another anon put it. Depends largely on the programmers on the team, whether it's a port or not, whether it's an early vs late gen release, etc.
Sprite numbers don't mean anything all you had to do is flicker some of the sprites every scanline and you instantly get twice as much

>> No.2399541

Name a single SNES game with 128 sprites on-screen and good frame-rate, otherwise you can go back to /v/.

>> No.2399545

Name a single Genesis title with 128 first, otherwise go back to reddit.

>> No.2399549

alien soldier.
I personally counted them

>> No.2399550

Back to reddit.

>> No.2399553
File: 67 KB, 640x644, mmx-562670_45319_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it, what's the problem with MMX? Should it have been on the PC engine so that it would be less of a radical departure away from the NES classics? Should it have been on the phillips CDi? The amiga?

>> No.2399554

here's the thing, snes has 2 rom modes, quick rom and slow rom
Something technical about trading cpu power for faster ram band, I don't know.
Most earlier titles such as gradius 3 use a slow rom even though they should really have been using quick rom because the programmers lacked the experience to properly use the hardware

>> No.2399558

and this is just one of the reasons why comparing 'cpu power' is a dumb idea

in reality every home console was underpowered

>> No.2399562

And yet here this thread is, arguing over systems, ignoring the fact that programmers play a major role in this sort of thing.

>> No.2399569
File: 366 KB, 709x516, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tiny sprites
>game boy resolution
>still has slowdowns

>> No.2399589

>grew up a nigger
>parent stole a Genesis for me for Christmas
>still the only system I own, because nigger
>still think it's actually good, because nigger

>> No.2399609
File: 57 KB, 700x958, Virtua-Racing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing right here! Would have been INFINITELY better on the virtual boy, PC, 3DO, jaaaaag, rather than the most idiotically expensive overdesigned cartridge ever made, and that's even without hypocritically one upping the superFX cartridges it bashed in such a petty way!

>> No.2399637
File: 140 KB, 800x956, 972244874-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people wanna know what was put on an outrageously WRONG platform?!? I'll show you what was put on a really wrong platform! And there were so many of them! How could those PC neckbeards be THIS mean and hoggy? Those selfish jerks already could LEECH extra levels from all those pirate BBSes and the like. And they had SO MUCH official doom stuff already, final doom was like 2 dooms in one, so that's four dooms and up to strife then it's three more de-facto dooms! And they already had good music, but you could download EVEN MORE catchy music! WTF! But all these add on troves were available for PC, that's just beyond hoggy!

The 32X version NEEDED a D!zone add on CD, to give it more content, and to make use of the well made port. Or any of those doom level collections, but there was none! UNFAIR, UNFAIR, UNFUCKINGFAIR!

>> No.2399641

>sega fanboys still salty that their masters withdrew from the console wars 14 years later

>> No.2399653
File: 217 KB, 955x955, 3333_530876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unthinkable that this wasn't on the master system? It had exactly the right chip for it! They jealously confined it within nintendo's system, and then it couldn't even venture out past japan! They screwed everyone just like that! Wasted it so horribly! Bastards!

>> No.2399657

big deal, the entire japanese industry was completely wiped out this gen
i hope you like cellphones

>> No.2399672

>exclusive IP
>Jaguar/VB wasn't out yet

PC game being a PC game with PC features

>no reason to port it because it's a slow RPG and would play/sound the same on the Master System.

If you are going to bait at least do it right.

>> No.2399675

>thing that didn't actually happen

>> No.2399680

What a out the PS4?

>> No.2399683

konami was the last one to go
chances are your favorite dev is dead too

>> No.2399687
File: 97 KB, 640x891, Doom32X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PC game being a PC game
Tell me, where exactly was the cartridge slot on the PC?

>with PC features
Poop metal is a PC feature?
Use of CD's and FULL MOTION VIDEO is a PC feature?

>> No.2399689

>>no reason to port it because it's a slow RPG and would play/sound the same on the Master System.
No reason to port it to a system that would be pushed to the limit with it? So instead port games using sound chips more advanced than OPLL to master system and NES and downsample them all to pulse waves?

>> No.2399695

The BBS part exactly. Also, hard to do expansion packs with cartridge storage limitations, hard to keep doing the same game in a dead system, even harder to do it when mixing two unpopular systems (32x and CDs)

>> No.2399697

>No reason to port it to a system that would be pushed to the limit with it?
How? a few more colors?
And we all know that Konami didn't give a shit about the Master System, so it's kinda obvious.

>> No.2399702

Japan is the 3rd largest video game market on the planet, still does not have a taste for western games, is the home of two out of the three viable home consoles, is the home of the only viable portables on the market.

Despite the growth of mobile in Japan and the shift of some developers towards it in response there's not the slightest reason to think that the Japanese industry is going anywhere.

>> No.2399707

Any non-RPG on the SNES would have been better of the MD.

>> No.2399708

>still does not have a taste for western games
wrong again

>> No.2399723

Pretty much this, except those slow-platformer with tons of eye candy like Kirby Super Star or Yoshi's Island, they have a great presentation hard to replicate on the Genesis.
But as for action games, many would have been better on Genesis, especially beat 'em ups.

>> No.2399725
File: 142 KB, 450x400, ea6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw playing the SNES version of Final Fight on Christmas after loving the arcade version so much

>> No.2399738

Captain Commando, Final Fight, King of Dragons, Undercover Cops, Combatribes etc. any of those would have great ports on Genesis without many sacrifices, especially if they were ported by Sega.

>> No.2399739

Play the Japanese version. Its more faithful to the Arcade Version.

>> No.2399745
File: 611 KB, 1725x2490, Night Trap (32X) (U) (Front).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even harder to do it when mixing two unpopular systems (32x and CDs)
Sure! Only was done 6 times! Without even needing to do the expansion pack thing, with running all the data off the pokey 1x CDrom.

I bet it would be hard to program for the 32X and then do many of the exact same programing optimizations for the saturn! Just imagine, how horrendous doom engine games, based on the 32x port, using the ram expansion pack would have been!

>> No.2399750

Well it has Poison, but it's still very inaccurate compared to the arcade.

>> No.2399754

>The BBS part exactly
Okay, fine, they presumably would not have been able to secure the rights to all those levels, unlike the shovelware vendors who just didn't give a fuck. Especially with having to convert all the files to console format. But, hey, would have been pretty cool!

>> No.2399767

Still could have made an expansion pack, just splitting doom 1 and 2 carefully. They could have put strife on a smallish cartridge *and* a CD.

>> No.2399769

Sales numbers don't lie. The Japanese market continues to be dominated by its domestic developers. Sucks that game sales in general are fairly low there these days, but they're nowhere near low enough to justify your "the sky is falling" narrative.

>> No.2399816

this is pathetic.

>> No.2399827

But the DOS port had its sound ridiculed. I don't think they had put much effort into remixing it.

>> No.2399838

God damnit, now I'm gonna have to play the PC versions of Megaman X, X3, X4 and X5 just to spite you segababies!

But then, I'm gonna have to NOT play those to spite you Capcom cunts!

Hmm, there's probably some good sega-to-PC ports, that should be the answer!

>> No.2399901

The whole library of games on Virtual Boy.

>> No.2399919

4mhz is a lot more when the snes is a measly fucking 3.6mhz. SNES = lagggg, which is why action games, shooters, brawlers, and any other fast paced genre is better on genesis. Shill harder SNESfags ITT

>> No.2399943


>> No.2399964

Stock Genesis controller doesn't have enough buttons to handle all of the actions of Mega Man X.

Even if you used a 6-button controller I wouldn't want to play MMX without the ability to map dashing to a shoulder button.

>> No.2399969


>> No.2399973

I don't give a single fuck about speedrunning bullshit.

Dashing is most comfortable on a shoulder button for me. It prevents awkward dash jumps and doesn't require me to claw the buttons.

>> No.2400002

You know some of those games were pretty fun.

Shame about the system they were on burning out the red detecting cones in your eyes and all.

>> No.2400085

Genesis music sounded cooler, but nintendo ahd better graphics.

>> No.2400713
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>> No.2400718

I have a crappy sound blaster clone so everything sounds bad.

>> No.2400719

You must be out of your goddamn mind.

>> No.2400725

jesus christ that music is terrible

>> No.2400731

>Genesis music sounded cooler

Until Phil Collins took over.

>> No.2400748

Even Peter Gabriel was pretty lame, though. Not as lame as Phil, but still lame.

>> No.2401020


All this bloody SNES fanboyism

>> No.2401027


>> No.2401032

I know it's a different sort of game (topdown wrgp with adventure elements), but have you ever played the SNES Shadowrun game? It was made by the same developers and was intended to expand on themes in Nightshade.

>> No.2401068

oo m8 put some bangers an mash on the barbvie with da tea

not now m7 im fuukin me sister

>> No.2401128


Sure, sure bros.
But let's not move goalposts here, OP posted the track assuming it sounds better than the SNES version, which it doesn't, it's fucking garbage, that's what i said.

>> No.2401142

you realize that some of those posts were actually sticking up for your shitty troll, right?

>> No.2401157

>people actually trying to defend the SNES' garbage CPU

When did /vr/ become infested with fanboy retards? I love the Genesis but I'm not gonna defend its sound chip.

>> No.2401242
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>I love the Genesis but I'm not gonna defend its sound chip.

Your face when the Earthworm Jim composer preferred the Megadrive sound card to the SNES'.

>> No.2401292

this has to be a troll, no one person can be that much of a faggot

>> No.2401295

Sounds too tinny. There's a warmness to the snes. Like vinyl.

>> No.2401614

y-you too

>> No.2401694

Technosoft too, that's why they never ever touched the SNES again after Thunder Spirits, that and the shitty CPU.

>> No.2401865

fucking weeb, just die.

>> No.2401872


>> No.2401901
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Terrible example op.

I've always woundered what darkstalkers would be like if it had been made on the cps3

>> No.2401903

Not FM tho.

And yeah, the SNES was maybe more "versatile", but that versatility has a cost, we all know the quality of the samples wasn't the best always, doubt it could emulate FM perfectly with the shitty storage of carts.

>> No.2401934

Literally all the SNES had over the Genesis was a larger color palette, some hardware graphical effects, a sound chip optimized for using samples, and an architecture made to handle the addition of custom chips.

The Genesis, on the other hand, had a higher default resolution, generally cleaner-sounding audio, and much more processing power, which basically made up for the lack of hardware effects in many cases.

This all being said, I still prefer the SNES. Why? It's a hard thing for me to put my finger on, it's partially due to nostalgia, but also because it just seems SNES games, particularly the later titles, tend to hold up better to modern standards. While the Genesis was mainly focused on fast-paced arcade action, the SNES instead focused more on games with atmosphere, slower-paced titles that just sort of suck you in. That's not to say the SNES didn't have any decent action games, it's just that it was harder to develop good action games for it, and many of the faster-paced titles it had suffered from slowdown at various points. The Genesis could do some incredible things when you had skilled composers and programmers working on it, but ultimately, it just didn't have nearly as many memorable titles, and many of the games it has seem incredibly dated by modern standards.

Now, a lot of you are going to cry foul, but just hear me out, I never really played any Genesis games until 2005 when I picked up Sonic Mega Collection, whereas I have memories of the SNES going back to the 90s, when I was just a young kid. In other words, I am kinda biased towards the SNES, even though I acknowledge that the Genesis is stronger in some very significant areas. While the SNES had classics like Super Metroid, Final Fantasy V, and A Link to the Past, I don't think it could have pulled off games like Gunstar Heroes or Zero Tolerance.

>> No.2401945

>with the shitty storage of carts.
but the genesis used carts too...

>> No.2401946

This is kinda true, but that's not to say the Genesis didn't have adventurer/RPG games with similar quality, games like Phantasy Star 4, Shning Force 2, Landstalker, Monster World 4, Beyonc Oasis etc.

I think a big part of the reason of why the SNES games are better remembered is better marketing on them, and Japanese really liked RPGs at the time. Nintendo had different business model that focused on "memorable" IPs with countless sequels, Sega and others companies like Treasure disliked that model, and preferred overall more unique titles over sequels.

>> No.2401947

FM synthesis doesn't require much storage as samples, it was basically instruction for the soundchip to make X sound.

>> No.2401971

I never said it didn't have memorable titles, I just said it didn't have as many. I really should get around to checking out some of the titles you have mentioned. A number of years ago, I actually played through Crusader of Centy, and that was a great game. I really think it would have been much better remembered had it been an SNES title, but then it wouldn't have had such nice sounding FM/PSG-based music.

>> No.2401976

Name one good Megaman gsme on the Mega Drive.

>> No.2401979

>I really think it would have been much better remembered had it been an SNES title
By that logic the reason of why the Genesis games aren't as "memorable" aren't the gamesme, it's that Nintendo is a better recognized brand today.

I still think Nintendo is a bit fluential for modern gaming, for better or for worse, but not by far.

>> No.2402014

The only good thing that would have come with it would have been the lack of slowdowns and bigger resolution.

>> No.2402023
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FF3-6 should've been on the PC-E CD

>> No.2402024

You say that like it's some minor thing.

>> No.2402076

A bit surprised when I learned that the guys that ported Megaman X to the PC were the same guys that made the DOS PC Megaman games.

>> No.2402079

Gamecube controller is pretty comfy though.

>> No.2402240

The ergonomics aren't bad, but the button layout and build quality are.

>> No.2402258

why must you destroy my childhood

>> No.2402639

Vectorman, because you can actually aim up.

>> No.2402661

Megaman: The Wily Wars.

>> No.2402665

It's not as bad as people say once you play on an overclocked Genesis which removes the slowdown.

>> No.2402685


>> No.2403060

going on 4chan and complaining about anime is like going to a bar and complaining they sell liquor

>> No.2405228


>warmness to the snes. like vinyl

If only the SNES could replicate the bitchin' bass tones of the Genesis, I think it would have been THE perfect mix for game music, especially for games with high-energy guitar.



>> No.2405421

The hell, bad build quality on a first party console pad?

>> No.2405431


SNES sound feel: Mushrooms

Genesis sound feel: Meth

>> No.2405438

Reminder that the SNES's library shit all over the Megadrive's.

Eat shit, Segafags.

>> No.2405442
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>Better than MMX
>This is what Segatards actually believe


>> No.2405462

Only if you have a fetish for boring JRPG's.

>> No.2405463


What genres does the Genesis have?

>> No.2405464

Seeing as X3 was a turd with awful level design, I'd gladly take Sonic 3&K over it.

Also MJ music > weeb music

>> No.2405473

Platformers that weren't rehashes (muh mario), run 'n guns, beat 'em ups, shmups, racers, real-time strategy, roguelike, rail shooters that didn't lag like hell (muh starfox).

>> No.2405496


>platformers that weren't rehashes

Oh, you mean Plok, Mega Man X, Kirby, Donkey Kong Country, Super Metroid, and Super Castlevania IV?


Rock 'n' Roll Racing
Super Mario Kart

>Beat 'em ups

Turtles in Time
Knights of the Round
Batman Returns
Ninja Warriors
Final Fight

The SNES has the Megadrive beat in fighting games, RPGs, and sports.

>> No.2405506


Oh, adding to racers:

Stunt FX
Top Gear

>> No.2405524

Actual good game.
>Mega Man X
NES Megaman rehash, but with dumbed-down gameplay like wallclimb and the X armor upgrades.
Rehash and those games are meant for retards.
>Donkey Kong Country
Even the DK creator said this game was shit.
>Super Metroid
Rehash, albeit a good one (even if it becomes a bore halfway through due to Samus being too OP).
>Super Castlevania IV
Rehash, and worse than CV3.

>those racing games
enjoy your no Road Rash games or OutRun games. and RRR was multiplat.

also how does it feel that your hated enemy SEGA made the best F-Zero game?

>those beat 'em ups
Inferior to their arcade versions. Also not as good as Streets of Rage or Golden Axe. and Batman was multiplat, again.

>fighting games
It's about the same actually. And SNES didn't get the best console fighting game of that gen, the Yuyu Hakusho game by Treasure. Or the pretty cool Eternal Champions games.

Already said SNES had more RPG's but Genesis' were good too, like Lunar 1&2 and Phantasy Star 2&4.

You wot? Genesis had a shitload of sports games, way more than SNES.

>> No.2405549


I meant the Donkey Kong Country GAMES, idiot.

SNES also had better puzzle games.

Tetris Attack
Tetris + Dr. Mario
Super Bomberman
Kirby's Avalanche
Bust a Move

More platformers:

Super Adventure Island
Super Bonk
Super Ghouls n Ghosts
Demon's Crest
Metal Warriors

Shoot em ups:

Wild Guns
Pocky & Rocky
Contra III

>> No.2405552


>calling Plok the best platformer on the SNES

I'm literally its 3rd biggest fan and even know that it's not in the top 10 platformers on the system.

Shounen Ashibe
DoReMi Fantasy
Yoshi's Island
Adventures of Batman & Robin
Demon's Crest
Front Mission: Gun Hazard
Rainbow Bell Adventures
Run Saber
Goemon 2
Magical Pop'n

>> No.2405909

Yup, that sure qualifies as one of those games.

It would have been far better suited for release on the PCE!

>> No.2406249

Are you mental?

>> No.2408236
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imagine that master tier soundtrack filtered through a sega.

>> No.2408246

>any SNES soundtrack
>master tier


>> No.2408247

I didn't list the things that would have to go though.

>> No.2408275

X3 disappoints. Not as hard as next sequels but it just doesn't compare to the first two ones.

>> No.2408276

Fuck off, NECdroid.

>> No.2411027

Funny because it already sounds filtered as fuck on the SNES.

>> No.2412698


fucking asshole

>> No.2412715

>MMX, DKC, CV4 and Kirby are shit
>every franchised game is a rehash
Holy fuck please end yourself, you ignorant faggot.

>> No.2412747

I just want to say megaman and castlevania were better on the NES and I prefer the genesis because it stayed truer to the NES roots of difficult games. Just because genesis games were less popular doesn't mean they can't be better. Even the shitty megaman X games still sold lots of copies because of the name so please don't argue sales cause a lot of good n64 games sold less copies than Castlevania 64 which also got carried on its name. I'm not saying megaman x is bad infact its very good I'm just saying the genesis has games of that quality too just most people like this dumbass >>2405438 who thinks MMX, Kirby, Castlevania or whatever else are the best games ever cause thats the only shit he knows.

>> No.2412847

>replying to days old post
>the other anon specified to NOT list games that were sequels
end thyself butthurt nintendrone