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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 12 KB, 544x544, Crushing intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2390230 No.2390230 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We cry for the dead and deleted FFReborn. Best final fantasy experience I ever had, never kept in contact with anybody.

For anyone who doesn't know, it was an old BYOND hosted game where you played through FF4 with one character of a chosen class, teaming up with other players to form parties. You took your turn in battle as soon as it came; the co-op was simple but immensely satisfying.

There's nothing quite like relying on someone else to be the healer/damage dealer/ buffer while you fulfill your own role. RIP.

>> No.2390236

Why are you talking about it. It was c&d'd.

>> No.2390242

Yeah, I'm told it's dead and gone. RIP. Is there something wrong with mourning it?

>> No.2390247

I remember this. It was really laid back and the small community was cool. Maybe devs should take a hint and make a simple game like this to just coast through.

>> No.2390263

Yea. It's dead. And gone.

>> No.2390870

Cool thing is with these kind of projects is that a C&D doesn't always equal death.

Take Crimson Echoes for example. It's now Flames of Eternity and hasn't triggered anything for quite a long time.

>> No.2390872
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They did. Unfortunately it was a mobile clicky game.

>> No.2391131
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I didn't even realize that I would enjoy something like this, so Squeenix probably thought "eh, match the hardware to the game" and put it out on mobile.

I feel old for thinking 'simple is fun' because that was always the older generation's complaint about newer games. Maybe it was the small community and the fact that everybody wanted this type of mod as a kid.

Can anyone direct me to more comfy co-op fantasy rpgs?

The game was coded like 10 years ago, it shouldn't be too hard for somebody to make a (legal) spiritual successor, considering some of the players were borderline pixel artists from experience making their own avatars. Good luck finding your Uematsu and Amano I guess.

>> No.2392132

My younger bro played this shit exclusively for years back when he was in middle school and then well into high school, too.

If you're looking for a spiritual successor, then try out NEStalgia. He's been a addict for a couple of years now.

>> No.2393016

I can see why. The artstyle of NEStalgia didn't appeal to me as much; like I said, it might just be that I wanted online FF for so long, and not in the generic MMO forms that Squeenix prescribes

>> No.2393070

The community was toxic though, and the people with the best ability to create a community (the devs) were all 'NUH UH MY CODE IF I CAN CODE IT YOU CAN CODE IT' rather than, y'know, espousing a community and helping with a spiritual successor with any of the free or free/custom spriting resources floating around the net.

Sadly none of the other BYOND MMOs use the FF side-view style; they all use the 'let's use 8/16bit art with WoW-style interface' which I find hard to play on BYOND.

>> No.2394041
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Probably wasn't so much the devs as it was the non-disclosure agreements square made them sign.

>> No.2394973

It was up for a while in secrecy but it seems it's gone now. It's possible they switched hostnames though. For various reasons they've been swapping around lately iirc? Makes it a pain in the ass to find if you're not "part of the community" though.

>> No.2395526

Probably not. The code was not a rework on SqEnix code, it was an emulation of their code with the code of a BYOND game. So it's not going to be a use of copyrighted code. You can't, IIRC, copyright a specific style of something; like, WotC can't copyright the mechanic of 'roll a d20 and add stuff'.

The big C&D came from using the spites and resources, which CAN be copyrighted.

>> No.2395539

Plus at one point they literally said 'yeah, some old dev who had access pirated the old broken version of the code, but we're not going to share anyway and his code is so out of date'.

>> No.2396870
File: 39 KB, 544x544, trippin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's dead eh?

I remember temporarily quitting last august and when I tried to get back to the game, the URL just didn't work.

Oh well, messing around in this game sure was fun!

>> No.2396893

hey im in that photo!

good times

>> No.2396897

P.S. the game is still alive, we just aren't aloud to talk about it here anymore bc of that one "person" who caused all that trouble etc etc etc

>> No.2396905


the only real way to stay up to date on the server address is to be part of the secret facebook group which im not allowed to invite people to bc they could be said "person". but don't worry, the game is pretty much empty all the time now. Maybe if enough people make enough noise on here (and wherever else) we can convince them to go back to the way it was last summer!

>> No.2397062


>> No.2397159


>> No.2397178

Fucking hell what did this guy do that made you all freak to the point of hiding?
Also, that's my favorite FF so I am interested in this.
When it was big here the last time i was occupied.

>> No.2397194

I guess its not really related but is anyone going to do the FF5 Four Job Fiesta coming up in June or July?

>> No.2397281

I may sign up for that yes. Why?

>> No.2397440
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i wasn't there when it happened but ive heard he was spamming the chat or something, thus became muted, and then threatened to bring the game to SE's offices on a silver platter

HK & crew were not amused by that threat

>> No.2397602
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Why would you advertise it, man. This isn't a private board.

>> No.2397603

Considering that's how the first C&D came about, it's a valid enough threat.

I wish it was easier to find the damn game. I'm ~~part of the community~~~ enough to be able to find it if I wanted to, but damn if I want to go asking people I haven't talked to in 3 years for the server info.

>> No.2397612

Possibly because without the address attached it means jack shit.

>> No.2397754
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That doesn't surprise me at all.

>> No.2397765

Not sure if you know this but all of the old FF games have a multiplayer mode where you can control different characters with the controllers. You could just net play it on an emulator for generally the same effect.

>> No.2397801
File: 11 KB, 544x544, scrnshot14kk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i remember this!

>> No.2397804

Fuck that piece of shit manlet. He's the reason they changed IPs and all that?

At least tell me they perma banned him and his army of alts.

I can't Red / Time Mage it up anymore now due to him, so that sucks.

>> No.2397812

>all of the old FF games have a multiplayer mode
just ff6, innit?

>> No.2397815

Hey I remember this
Did that Mega Man based team ever finish their run?

>> No.2397817

FF4 / 5 / 6 had it where you could assign multiple party members to specific members in the option menu.

>> No.2397818

V and VI had the option, I through IV did not.

>> No.2397828
File: 5 KB, 544x544, scrnshot66666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure, i remember them tho, i was part of an ancient chinese warlord party we had going til till almost the end

yeah they got em all

thats how i remember it. but i might have to check the anthology and chronicles versions to make sure

>> No.2397829
File: 2 KB, 256x224, FF4-ConfigPSX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese version IV did, but the English SNES release had it removed.
The option was also kept in for the English Playstation re-release.

But >>2397765 isn't entirely correct, since you could only set up characters to player 1 or player 2. That's not the same as FFReborn's five player action.

>> No.2397832
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shit, wrong pic, meant to post this one from the labor day event

>> No.2397836

I wanna say they did, or got close to it, since I recall a blue mage following that naming convention helped me unlock Red Mage.

Good on them for removing that primadonna. He kept causing issues in the threads and dragging fights into the game as a result. Writing was on the wall that he was a trouble maker.

>> No.2397856
File: 9 KB, 544x544, GETINLINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna say that blue mage was Bass?

dammit this game really needs all the good people back!!!

>> No.2397872

I remember the whole team.
Mega Man was a Blue Mage
Proto Man was a Red Mage
Roll was a White Mage
Bass was a Dark Knight
Duo joined later and was a Monk

>> No.2397873

Maybe, but it's been ages. I just remember the sheer hype and joy when we downed Zemus and I got it unlocked, and how I proceeded to completely break the game once I got my Red to cap and had all that wonderful gear available.

Now I sit here idling on XIV with no fun and no friends, and accepting that XI is dead now.

So is the game still alive in hiding, or is it truly dead now? I can be your Time Cop with broken Regen and Bleed just like the good ol days

>> No.2397875

you're pretty much exactly right. i just found a pic with Bass the Black Knight in my party actually.

bass if you are ready this im sorry

>> No.2397880

My most current address doesn't work, but last I checked in that was the situation, yes.

>> No.2397881

>reading this

im trying to log in right now and hopefully talk to a dev if any are on and beg to let more people on

>> No.2397887

Wait, it's more or less an MMO with ATB combat? I've wanted this for YEARS. I'm heartbroken that I missed out.

>> No.2397889

Well I understand why they have it closed down on all the ports, so I don't hold it against them. SE really is dicks towards their fans, and having a 10+ year old labor of love threatened over the Manlet Poopsocker throwing such a tantrum didn't help things.

I'mma have to learn if they got a secret mailing list or something to keep people in the know. The two addresses I have haven't worked in ages, and Kori's version hasn't worked for even longer.

>> No.2397891

Yes, anon. It was legit FF4 ATB in a MMO format. You could find people fighting on the overworld and view their fights, and each person had their own character to control and do whatever they wanted.

Truly, it was a great innovation of its time.

>> No.2397893

Well, they've lived through one C&D caused by someone throwing a temper tantrum, albeit at FFO rather than FFL (The C&D hit every FF game on BYOND). I don't see why they couldn't live through another. It'd be better if they didn't have to though.

>> No.2397896

Well that would likely be due to the circumstances of a C&D. Getting told to "remove" the offending work is one thing, but to directly violate it is another.

Continuing to keep the work going despite being told they're legally in the wrong and spooky scary Jewish skeleton lawyers are out to bone them kinda puts them in the wrong to a degree.

>> No.2397898

I know it's not the same, but just today I found Dragon Warrior: Shadows of Erdick, which seems to be the same kind of thing but with Dragon Warrior/Quest III instead of Final Fantasy.

>> No.2397902

ok, sorry it took me a while to "download resources." there are no devs or GMs currently online but theres 8 other players, im quite surprised theres that many!

>> No.2397905

How many are active is the real question. Probably about 2 at most.

>> No.2397907

clans online include:

Id Mana Tap That
The P- Nazi

im the only "/vr/ bro," sadly

>> No.2397909

all are active, its two parties, one at max level, the other in their 30s

>> No.2397910

I still remember the big fight over TwinMagic for the pass.

I admit over a year later I went ahead and did that just to see who actually read the thread and who didn't.

>> No.2397917

well im not sure what to do from here...

i guess i could bring this up in the fb group, that anons from last year and beyond would like to have fun again and see what HK has to say.

I wish i could just gather your individual emails and add you all to the group myself, but ive been warned that Dythos reads the threads here, and id like to avoid a ban myself.

>> No.2397928

the pass?

ive only been playing since last may myself so im not sure what that was exactly

>> No.2397937

Don't sweat it, since they're right about Manlet likely reading these threads. Like I mentioned earlier, he was notorious for stirring up ingame stuff over comments in the thread, and I'm sure is eager to look for a way to lash back due to his "MUH KEYBOARD ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!1!" being rendered null and void.

Just let HK and gang know we appreciate what they did with their retelling, and that they captured the magic of Final Fantasy classic quite well.

The chat password got compromised somehow, likely due to having easy to find public threads at the time, so a new password was nominated. Was gonna be TwinMagic, but they backed down, and I went ahead and changed it to that when I made a new thread, just to see if people were reading the threads or not.

The magical result was many clueless /vr/ players.

>> No.2397967

ahhh the chat password! i remember now. somehow i was thinking of the 10000GP pass in Troia or something

>> No.2398078
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That'd be great to see this game come back at some point and time, but it would be better to keep it underground for a while especially if manlet monk is still a threat.

>> No.2398093
File: 136 KB, 544x544, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh damn I remember this

Good shit, had a lot of fun with you bastards.

I remember fucking up my portrait and you guys helping me defeat Gilgamesh again.

>> No.2398119
File: 11 KB, 544x544, scrnshot3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that Behemoth being a pain in the ass to kill. Good times.

>> No.2398124
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>> No.2398125

>tfw you grinded all the Engineer tools in FFR

That shit was painful, but it made the last area really easy. Air Anchor everything

>> No.2398127

Bass here. As a team, no, we never completed things. That said, I think we all hit 70 or so, and just never found the time again. I know I saw Mega Man a few times later, but the team kinda fell apart. I went on, hit the cap, and pretty much finished getting all the gear I could've hoped for. I still was awful. I'd love to play again, but that's life for you. I miss the old times, truth be told.

>> No.2398137

Fuck the King Behemoth

>> No.2398207

They made it pretty far together but I think they ended up doing Zeromus separately. They could never manage to all be on at the same time.
I was Cutman for that little bit when Duo was absent

>> No.2398212

>I'm in that picture
I need to install Byond on my new computer. Pretty sure the "new" server I got a while ago is out of date now.

>> No.2398215

I know I traded Steam info with some people. Just wish I'd labelled them better.

>> No.2398218

Ahh, I remember I got a multi-paragraph rant from him because I called him what amounted to an autist in one of the threads. It was pretty funny but I think it began his destructive behavior. Well, maybe not but it certainly didn't help.

>> No.2398232

I dunno.
I was thinking about doing it.
Is it hard? How is it vs. a normal run?

I've done FF5 about 3 times and completed it twice. I feel like its probably genuinely the most difficult FF on SNES and maybe PS1.

>> No.2398240

It's not difficult at all, there's too many ways to break/cheese the game and certain classes are very OP.

>> No.2398530

wtf is this

>> No.2398535

You learn a lot about playing the game by being restricted for just four jobs.
It CAN be hard at some points, depending on the classes that get rolled, but for the most part it's just a fun alternative playthrough.
Unless you choose Berserker Risk and get unlucky and roll three Berserkers. Even then it can still be fun.

>> No.2398836

Exactly what >>2398240 and >>2398535 said, the game, especially since you already beat it 3 times, is relatively easy to begin with. So you shouldn't have much problem even if you roll weird jobs setup. And it is indeed fun, because it forces you to use setup you may have not considered otherwise.

>> No.2399163

Man, I remember that gilly run. Good times.

Miss you guys.

>> No.2399897

I don't know if you were there but at some point, Gilgamesh was almost impossible to kill. We eventually got ourselves a team and managed to take him down using strats.

Good times indeed.

>> No.2399980
File: 1 KB, 76x89, Chun Sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greg ultimately relied upon using a Ninja with their death ability and lots of healing, when I last played. I got lots of service as a Ninja as a result, or else sat on Time Mage to help make the fight more manageable with all the mechanics in place.

Then people would always screw up their sprites somehow, and we'd repeat it.

Speaking of sprites, I remember toying with this many threads ago due to one of my pals in the game wanting to use Chun Li for some reason. No clue if they ever got a Chun Li sprite set done up or not.

>> No.2400007

what did you guys end up getting from the mods? I was there and always curious.

>> No.2402075

Mods likely tweaked the fight to make it beatable, or even a very rare case of restoring the image upload feature for them.

>> No.2402759

He told us we could get a weapon of our choice as long as it wasn't a mod's personal item. I personally chose Nirvana.

>> No.2403870

On the other hand, would Squeenix really take it to court? Would the really spend their time and resources attacking a game with at most a few dozen people playing at any time that's not directly competing with any current Final Fantasy IPs? Yeah they technically have the law on their side and yeah they'd technically be in the right but this would be like trying to stop the "Sense of Right" action figures at a flea market. You could but it's not going to really help you.

With Squeenix was cool like Capcom and their current stance on MUGEN.

>> No.2403871

>With Squeenix was cool like Capcom and their current stance on MUGEN.
I mean "wish" Squeenix was cool

>> No.2403886

Should've gone for Cactus Jack. Hell, I would've helped you grind for a yellow tail.

>> No.2404047

Theyre' C&D'ing FFXI private servers with populations of <40 every now and then when they find them

>> No.2404106

That's different from actually taking it to court, as discussed earlier.

>> No.2404269

Yeah but I mean actually taking it to trial instead of just scaring people with C&Ds. Hell, I have youtube videos with "copyright infringement" notices on them but like hell am I taking them down. Been that way for years and no one has done shit outside a warning.

>> No.2404514

Unfortunately, I didn't know about the existence of Cactus Jack at the time this happened.

>> No.2404546

I don't see why Squeenix can't make this an official thing on PSN or something.
Why do big companies hate good ideas and money so much?

>> No.2404551

>threatening to narc on a f2p project and get it ceased and desisted

What a pussy.

>> No.2404553

C&D is a notice you're legally treading on their ground, and they have the right to enact legal actions against you.

Think of it as warning shots.

If you ignore it, then their lawyers start breathing down your neck, and begin making bullshit damages up, and can present a case.

Imagine it like this: HK and them are presenting a "classic" FF with multiplayer aspect for free. Meanwhile, SE has millions invested in stuff like Record Keeper, another free game based on the premium model. This "free" option is direct competition to an official SE product, which they spent untold amounts of money on with market research and hiring another studio to create it, all of this investment is jeopardized by allowing a free option to exist. Damages can be chalked up to the millions if a lawyer wants to be a real dick about it, due to court fees and other things. Even Nintendo did this, as noted below


There are differences, but same deal more or less. The fact is that it violates various legal junk, and the devs of FFR don't have a leg to stand on, since they don't own or have a license for the FF brand.

Because it was made with BYOND. If possible, it could be remade in some format for mobile, presented to SE as a proof of concept, and then likely licensed out. Or the FF elements could be removed / altered, and everything is in the clear.

>> No.2404597

As a member of the original development team of Chrono Resurrection, I can freely state that yes, Squeenix is very, very happy to take people to an actual court of law and sue you. We received a legitimate, 100% signed by spooky-scary-jewish-lawyers court order after initially ignoring their C&D on the project, which is why everything immediately vanished. The project actually did eventually reach near completion, and it'll never, ever see the light of day because if it does, a bunch of really great and skilled people will go to jail. RIP CT:R and fuck you, Squeenix.

If you're out there in this thread, you're still the fuckin' boss, Justin.

>> No.2404642

Holy fucking shit the nostalgia. Please don't tell me it's dead and gone bb. Please tell me it's out there, somewhere on BYOND.

>> No.2404667

It seems to still exist on the undernet, but thanks to Manlet Monk Dythos, it shall forever remain hidden.

>you'll never get to grind items Alchemist to break the game
>never get to get a tail drop and feel that joy
>no more cactuar fighting for exp
>will never know the joy of Cactus Jack dropping

The dream is dead, anon.

>> No.2404865


Dythos? I feel like I know the person but I can't put my finger on it. But it should still be privately hosted on there shouldn't it?

>> No.2404876

He used the Sabin sprite shown here >>2397754
and did this >>2397440

He's also why the game is now super sekret.

>> No.2404894


I might have a better idea now,,,but is it taboo or something to say his name?

>> No.2404903

Why? I just said it. He's not Freddy Kreuger or something, just a literal poop socker with a massive ego for no reason at all. He just sat around all the time with 4-5 characters playing an online game like a customized offline FF5 set in FF4, and kept picking fights from the thread to drag into the game.

Hell, I'd welcome a return to FFR if they do a data wipe, just to make it easier to spot him, and also to further snub him with "None of what you've done matters", since I'm a sadist like that. Probably due to all those older games making me used to that thinking.

>> No.2404972


I was probably not there for that then, I know there was a shitstorm before HK and whatshisface took over and the whole thing with Dolph, but didn't they say if it was privately hosted they couldn't do anything about it? I mean, game mechanics can't be used in a legal suit can it? Unless they were somehow using sprites already owned by Squeenix? I know for a fact nothing could've been done since it wasn't being advertised on BYOND.

>> No.2405139

pls gib ip

>> No.2405160

They're using sprites and battle mechanics from Final Fantasy IV, hosted on BYOND, which has advertisement and premium subscription revenue.

As others have said, SE still goes after XI private servers when they find them, despite SE announcing they're ending support for that game. It's all an exercise in control, and SE loves them some control, and has the legal prowess to do it. They already sent a C&D over this, so violating it lets the Jew lawyers rush in and make an example out of the devs and net SE free money. Welcome to the legal system.

No clue what it is currently. Only really keeping the thread alive for now to see if that one guy ever heard from HK and pals in the game about opening the ports once more, or if we're just gonna let these threads fall to the wayside from here on in.

>> No.2405187
File: 730 B, 44x54, Wizard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i spent a while copying frames for my custom sprite on my summoner. from seiken densetsu 3, some generic enemy.

and for the overworld portrait i used a mage from ff5 i think

>> No.2405267


I'm...pretty sure the engine and mechanics can't fall in Squeenixs' favor. That would be like the original dev of Slender suing all the copycats...surely they can't successfully win those kinds of lawsuits.

>> No.2405278

except they can and do

>> No.2405302



>> No.2405314

not him, but it's more like the sprites and characters. The engine is distinct from anything square did, mechanically, well its a hell of a coincidence that it's identical to ff4s atb ain't it?

>> No.2405330

They put a ton of effort into it, but you forgot that they basically also use the same maps + music + scenario (to an extent, they do have an original story, but it basically just follows IV's progression and the like), pretty much all those things that make IV iconic.

Then there's stuff like FF USA characters and other clearly FF aspects like Blue Mage + Red Mage and other iconic jobs.

If there wasn't anything to worry about, then clearly there would be an IP and access + FAQs and guides like before. Think about it.

>> No.2406095

No they wouldn't. Companies of their size can c&d projects like them on any grounds with impunity, because they can easily outlast them in court, and fan made mods kind of defacto use SOME aspect of the games that use copyrighted material

>> No.2408447

I remember your sprite. Turned out looking pretty good.

>> No.2408964

They should just go in and scrub everything that belongs to SE and turn it into an "original" produce that just happens to feel like FF4. All they'd need are writers and sprite artists and those people are a dime a dozen. Hell, I'd do it.

>> No.2408996
File: 156 KB, 500x282, 1376456029520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would sacrifice my first born child to Exdeath to be able to play this. I heard about it ages ago, but never tried it because I assumed it was just a carbon copy of FF4. Now I see these nostalgia threads about all the adventures, and I see it was a lot more. Fuck.

>> No.2409003

It WAS a carbon copy of ff4. It was just a lot more fun than that implies.

>> No.2409007

Take a name branded game that works off recognition and strip it to the core, and you're left with a game nobody wants.

This is what you're suggesting.

Also, this thread is over 10 days old now with no indication the ports are going to be reopened even briefly, so let that logic fall into place and soak in.

>> No.2409017

But with class selection, sprite modification, and other changes, correct? I very well could be wrong, I'm only going off of what I've seen on these threads from time to time.

>> No.2409256

Not strip it to its core, just remove the stolen intellectual property. If the devs are so afraid of getting sued that's the only option other than for it to just die (or become completely open source)

>> No.2409732

Not that guy but yeah. Obviously a lot of rebalancing and new skills to make characters different(as well as slightly different progression) but it was mainly FF4.

And it was pretty fun

>> No.2409831

People told them to do that.

People offered to do so if they were willing to share code.

Noone was willing to do so, even with many free sprite resources out there on the net.

>> No.2409952

Which is commendable in its own right. They stick by the work they've made, which is their own version of FF4.

"I" still want to someday try their FF5 variant if they can make that happen. FF5 was designed to be crazy, and I heard it had ruthless challenges within it from when they had their own variation.

>> No.2409965
File: 87 KB, 604x467, feeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best experience I had in a online community tho, I love byond in it's hayday
>mfw cow rp
>mfw mitadake high
>mfw murder mansion
>mfw sunday the 19th

>> No.2410017

Fuck. Now I want to play this so bad.

Is there any other game with the same style worth playing?