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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 649 KB, 798x597, 243f04h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2390391 No.2390391 [Reply] [Original]

Djipi Zelda OOT 2014 texture project.


It's a GLideN64 texture mod for Ocarina of Time.

>> No.2390393

back in 2009 texture replacement mods were all the rage, then megaupload went down and everything died with it

>> No.2390404

People should be putting these things on torrents and then setting up proper trackers to ensure texture pack are always seeded.

>> No.2390657
File: 114 KB, 769x672, 1335520671980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shitty texture projects are making a comeback

>> No.2390670

looks like shit

>> No.2390671

looks like crap as they always do, and besides there's a full professional remake by Nintendo on more powerful hardware, why not play that

>> No.2390682

3DS? Have fun playing on a 5 inch screen.

>> No.2390742

Redone models, 3d, and water temple fixes >>> screen downgrade

>> No.2390760
File: 1.14 MB, 1010x905, lates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the best OoT texture replacement project

>> No.2390762

5th gen games really look bad with this hidef shit. You need to actually remodel everything if you want to look good.

>> No.2390764


It really doesn't make that huge a difference. A tiny screen close to your face feels not hugely different from a larger TV screen across the room.

Once 3DS emulation becomes a thing these OoT "Texture Replacement Mods" will simply vanish.

>> No.2390772

Are you seriously saying you rather play your little gameboy instead of actually playing a snes on a nice TV? You can defend an inferior choice all you want, but it doesn't change that it sucks.

>> No.2390774
File: 259 KB, 550x413, [screams internally] Char.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw remembering all those shitty FF7 textures packs

>> No.2390793


Can't models be modded in n64 games ?

>> No.2390796

Beats me. The problem is the low polygon count.

Probably why you rarely see 5th gen "remasters". Only 6th gen or later.

>> No.2390808

And actually now that I think about I'm not really aware of any HD 5th gen remakes.

>> No.2390830

It's terrible. Especially since the reason they work in the first place is because of an emulator flaw.

Even if one was good, you'll never see it on your actual console.

>> No.2390837

its 240p 30 fps that's the problem. the 3ds is fucking trash. nintendrones should be mad that nintendo ahs a ruined and shitty platform for games rather than be happy its somehow still getting support

>> No.2390854

30fps is better than the 20fps the game used to run at

>> No.2390856
File: 216 KB, 590x322, patrick-bateman-cheers[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw Ocarina of time is 20fps

>> No.2390857

still not good enough and still fucking trash

>> No.2390862

>still fucking trash
>still not good enough
Well maybe I agree but I'm not as mad as you

>> No.2390863

>removed fire temple music, replaced with absolute shit
>removed crescent moon on shield and blocks
>green blood
>tiny screen

Also, not /vr/.

>> No.2390867

im totally indifferent to nintendo platforms in real life, i only pretend to be mad online so that people will stop supporting it and we could finally have someone create something that i'd actually enjoy. its a joke that the best handheld this gen is the fucking nvidia shield

>> No.2390876

never understood the appeal of these, super high res textures wrapped on like 30 polygons is the definition of polishing a turd

>> No.2391165

Personally, blurry low res textures bug me way more than low-poly models do so I'm perfectly okay with this.

>> No.2391375

>n64 retexturing

This triggers me.

>> No.2392050

I love these retexture projects and all the haters can choke on their own dics.

>> No.2392565

>most of those were in the n64 version
i mean yeah not in the early cartridge versions but those are trivial as fuck things to get upset about anyway
>tiny screen on a handheld
what a travesty

>> No.2392595


>> No.2392839

so much hostility in this thread, what's going on? /vr/ usually has some nice rational discussion

>> No.2392905 [DELETED] 
File: 2.67 MB, 480x360, dire-dire-cocks-2redux.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2392913 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.67 MB, 480x360, 1431154644772.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2392916

>didn't retexture the leaves

>> No.2392937 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.08 MB, 320x240, 1431155531963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2393092

The point of these is having the textures in a higher resolution. Of course it wouldn't ever run on an actual fucking console.

>> No.2393103

>i only pretend to be mad online so that people will stop supporting it
This is not how you change people's opinions and spending habits.

>> No.2393115

Metal Gear Solid is the only one that comes to mind

>> No.2393119

Oh, and Resident Evil

>> No.2395028
File: 65 KB, 638x478, cz6IJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have pictures of OOT without texture filtering?

>> No.2395035

Wow, looks just like a PS1 game.

>> No.2395582

the textures wouldn't bother me if they weren't blurred to fuck and back. i don't even care if the textures were shitty and extremely blown up, but as of now nintendo 64 games are a pain on the eyes

>> No.2395584

how was this accomplished? emulators?

>> No.2395640
File: 393 KB, 1440x1080, Glide64_ZELDA_MAJORA'S_MASK_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it in Glide64, just force point sampling.

>> No.2395672
File: 431 KB, 1025x1300, sFAQumY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no way to replace the backgrounds in FFIX
>lots of high-res 3d renders have been released
>can easily repaint the rest

The environment art is so damn pretty but it's all hidden behind low resolutions...

>> No.2395715
File: 3.11 MB, 1280x1439, goldeneye xbla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banjo Kazooie, Tooie and Perfect Dark all got ported and given a higher resolution.

Goldeneye too but it was never released. Never forget what we almost had

>> No.2395768

this looks better for some reason


>> No.2395850

Just play it on a good CRT, then the resolution won't matter.

>> No.2396004


Point filtering doesn't work with N64 because so many textures were made to be 3-point filtered so you get really strange looking textures with point filtering.

PSX only use point filtering so its textures were made with that in mind and you don't see weird tiled patterns like on N64. It also generally has larger textures too.

>> No.2396717

>what a travesty
Heh. Even for a handheld device it has a pathetically low resolution these days.

>> No.2396721

>not running it at 60fps in Dolphin

>> No.2396725

You also tend to get artifacts if you try to force bilinear filtering for PSX games.

>> No.2397286

That is fucking hideous.

>> No.2397336

>removed fire temple music, replaced with absolute shit
>green blood
Already replaced as early as cartridge v1.1. I'm glad they made the music change anyways; shit was distracting as fuck. Shame about the blood though.

>removed crescent moon on shield and blocks
Replaced as early as the GC port.

>tiny screen
More of a nitpick than an actual flaw but I can still see why someone would be annoyed by that.

Not trying to sound nintoddler-ish, but I don't see anything wrong with its resolution; I mean, to me it's not much different from any other handheld I play really. Eye of the beholder I guess.

>> No.2397656

Am I the only one who actually prefers the fire temple music without the Islamic chanting? The weird midi chanting sounds cooler

>> No.2397680

Yes, there are over 1 billion people on the planet, but you're the only one to like a certain thing. You can now go congratulate yourself on how unique and special you are.

>> No.2397908

there are also over 1 billion people who use the phrase 'am i the only one who' figuratively, i guess you're one of the few 'special' people who choose to get upset by it.