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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2374874 No.2374874 [Reply] [Original]

Your minds. Final Fantasy 3, SNES.

As a kid:
I always used Sabin and Edgar and always gave them the best items even if they didnt need. Genji Gloves for both, even if I generally only used Tools or Blitz
Relm and Strago were jokes and weak in my mind and never used outside of required times
Always went for the weapons with the highest damage only, never once ever took into consideration weaknesses and such
I used to think Throw and Swordtech were awesome abilities
I used to think Umaro and Gogo were second to Sabin/Edgar in badassery
I took the Ragnarok magicite
I thought Gau rages were cool AND useful

As an adult:
I took the time to make sure I stole enough Genji Gloves for everyone before leaving the floating isle from the Dragons
Gogo and Umaro were weak as fuck no matter how you geared them up, those Espers really beefed up the regular cast.
Sabin and Edgar, while still useful between fire dance and crossbow, were better off using genji gloves with two weapons for bosses
I balanced out my teams more, I grinded Cactaurs/Worms. Atma Weapon+Sniper Sight = ded cactaur. 4 people with Doom = dead Worm, everyone learned every spell in a matter of hours while gaining shittons of levels along the way
Speaking of balanced teams:
Team1: Relm, Shadow, Setzer, Locke. Relm was the pure caster for X-Magic, holy shit Relm had the highest base magic stat in the game
Team2: Strago, Sabin, Edgar, Celes. Strago was the pure caster, I went out of my way to fill out his monster abilities this time
Team3: Gau, Terra, Cyan, Mog. Gau was a pure caster, always in control and with proper Esper leveling he was on the same tier as Strago. Mog's dances remained useless. Cyan got the Offering/Genji Glove.

So with all that said, what things do YOU do differently that you did as a kid in old video games now that you are an adult?

>> No.2374881

As far as RPG's go; the waifu factor comes into play when I'm making my team a lot more now.
As a kid I only liked 3DPD. So the waifu factor was nonexistent.

>> No.2375045
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>As a kid:

Pretty much same here anon.

I still have a soft spot for Cyan, but don't really give a shit about minmaxing because I'm a huge faggot.

Same as when I was a kid I have basically no patience for maxing out blue magic, except in FFTA because I had too much free time/autism and was really itchin for some final fantasy after a long hiatus.

>> No.2375067


>> No.2375081

>soft spot for Cyan
I feel ya. The feels as a kid, the guy lost everything. He always ends up in my line-up every play-through, regardless of what my initial plan was.

>> No.2375505

As a kid:
Used to Sabin/Terra/Gogo/Umaro
First genji gloving Sabin for double claws
Couldn't find Locke on first playthrough bc crt was too damn dark to beat the phoenix cave
Later would merit award Sabin to get dat Illumina action
Used to esper boost vigor
Vanish + Doom/X-Zone

As an adult:
All characters used properly
No more merit awards or genji gloves
128 Mblock (FF Anthology version)
Shadow(Interceptor counter so godly)/Terra/Celes/(Locke or Edgar)
Esper boost speed to 80-100 per character, the rest into magic pwr

I could go on and on but I gotta get into a meeting

>> No.2377221

dammit OP, I was hoping more people would reply in this thread

no one else has more fun doing a low level game till you get esper boosts?

no one else likes keeping odin till everyone is 99 like I touched upon yesterday?>>2375505

anyone ever completely play through the game with a 2nd player? (my partner only wanted to be edgar and mog w/ dragoon boots+horn the entire game)


>> No.2377902
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theres really nothing like fighting the cranes at near base level without Gau or a thunder rod to break.

>> No.2378387

>anyone ever completely play through the game with a 2nd player? (my partner only wanted to be edgar and mog w/ dragoon boots+horn the entire game)

My friend and I played FF7 like this. I'd pick girls like Tifa and Yuffie and he'd think I was gay. He'd be characters like Vincent and Red XIII and I'd think he was a tryhard.

Still, it was actually really fun to do an RPG like this.

>> No.2378393

I hated random encounters as a kid so I always used Mog with the moogle charm whenever I could. I think the party I used the most was Locke, Celes, Sabin and Mog.

Was I also the only one that pronounced Celes as "Cells"?

>> No.2378587

Sabin was always my main, though I the rest of the party was Terra, Cyan, and either Edgar or Locke. I think I would even give Sabin a gembox at one time, I remember casting Ultima on the final boss twice. I abused the Vanish trick in of later playthroughs, though eventually realized that this was lame.

I played a couple times with a second player, I usually use Sabin/Terra/Cyan and he'd use Relm/Locke. Somehow, it became competitive and we'd level our characters independently from each other sometimes.

>> No.2378594

Umaro isn't weak.

>> No.2379770

Umaro can't cast magic but he can be exploited just the same as the main cast can be.

>> No.2379784

not gonna lie I got a laugh out of this

>> No.2379802

As a kid:
Played the game however I wanted

As an adult:
Went to the internet, got told it's a buggy overrated shit of a game
Got shoved a FAQ explaining how to break every single character
Got called a casual shitbag for mentioning how I used to play it
Started caring about metagame bullshit and making every one of the easy enemies in the game even more toast

>> No.2379950
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My experience one-hundred percent.

I don't game for fun anymore, I do it as some sort of grueling perfection death march.

>> No.2379997
File: 386 KB, 733x1000, AmanoCrusader1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its me again (>>2375505 >>2377221 >>2377902)

Im so glad more people are getting into this thread, as i find this topic to be very fascinating.

OFFICIAL THREAD MUSIC (6+hrs long, but its the best!):

Anybody ever kill an Intangir the hard way?

Anybody actually complete Gau's rage list?

Anybody ever Rippler Interceptor to their fav character for extra fun?

>> No.2380035

Pretty much everything you nailed. Are you me?

Just read a bunch of FF6 stuff and am feeling the urge to replay...

I want to cripple the non-magic users. No one can use magic spells except for the magic users. Celes, Terra, Relm, Strago

I think I'd be okay with letting others get magicite bonuses.

>> No.2380801
File: 36 KB, 872x625, i-just-dont-know-any-more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my pre-teen years to the early twenties I absolutely loved exploration in video games. JRPGs were my favorite games from the start. Later I added roguelikes and to a lesser extent WRPGs and sandbox games to the favorite game genre list.

Fast forward to 2015 and I have lost that sense of wonder from exploration in video games. However, I am not sure if it is all me growing "old" or if it is also that I have more or less fully explored what novelty JRPGs have to offer. One exception to that is games that break _their own_ rules on purpose, like Yume Nikki, but those are only good in small portions.

Heck, I think today I just know what kinds of experiences you can expect from video games in general. I recognize mechanics, plot elements and graphical styles. It is frustrating because this is a major reason I no longer enjoy games like I used to. I learn the systems faster than ever (thanks, STEM degree!) and only thing that excites me these days is playing against clever human opponents in highly competitive environments. Maybe I should quit video games and try the stock market.

Sorry, OP, I had to get this off my chest.

>> No.2380829

as a kid:
I liked using Mog, Gau and Setzer a lot because they have fun abilities
I thought Sabin was pretty cool
Edgar's tools are all pretty awesome
Thought Terra was hotter than Celes
Strago is cool but too much of a hassle to get his abilities
Waited for Shadow
Used whoever I wanted if it worked, then that's awesome

as an adult:
pretty much the same actually, Mog/Gogo/Gau/Setzer best team

>> No.2380835
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Anbody ever kill Kefka with a party of imps? Like NP asked back in the day?

>> No.2382735

I've googled a little and http://www.cavesofnarshe.com/ff6/tower-preparation.php implies the author did.

>> No.2382757
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Oh boy.

>Never have a team of more than 3
>Use starter for every battle, by endgame it's at least lv80
>Never use ANY items
>Pokecenter after every battle

>> No.2382768

>Use starter for every battle, by endgame it's at least lv80
>Pokecenter after every battle
I still do that

>> No.2382772
File: 54 KB, 256x250, Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw 100 of every spell
>Never equip item command because the tutorial didn't so I didn't either
>Never use any items ever
>Never run from battles
>Never use abilities that permanently raised stats
>Always use auto junction, never taking elemental strength/weakness into account

>> No.2382779

This is such bullshit.
Never use Internet or it will ruin the experience. It's really not that different from game genie (if not worse).

>> No.2382798

As a kid:
Terra, Celes, Cyan, Mog.
I put the Offering Ring and Genji Glove on Terra along with AtmaWeapon and Illumina ( I still do this, I don't even know why ). Always have Celes with X-Magic, even today.

As an adult:
Terra, Celes, Cyan, Edgar
I now pay attention to which espers give what gains. I never used to years ago.

I've never experimented much in FF games.
Though, I did end up always having different combinations on FF9.
Years ago I used to fucking hate Quina, and now I really like to use her/him/it, it's the only FF game where I bother getting all of the blue magic.

>> No.2382819
File: 10 KB, 268x200, Joysticks-2a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we specifically talking about Final Fantasy?

>As a kid Fighter Red Mage Black Mage White Mage
>As an adult Fighter Red Mage Black Mage White Mage

For me, the difference is that I was more hardcore when I was a kid. I have great respect for the 1988 me that would do speedruns on Metroid just for his own entertainment. Then in the '90s I was part of the 3D revolution and I had earned my nerd stripes during the burning times so I actually got nerd-bird ass as an alpha-nerd which required me to keep my collection strong but I only could spare the time to seriously play the really really good stuff. Now it's pretty much the same except I have a wife and boy who take even more time than the nerd-birds did but that's fine since so few really great games come out these days.

Now it's like I'm a normal with a hidden power that can be unleashed and only the true non-hipster nerds really know about it.

Are you two fucking kidding me? You should be the opposite of this. Escape the path you're on while there's still time!

>> No.2382849

As a kid I always wound up using Sabin, Celes, Gogo(at the time I only thought he could mimic things and used him to mimic bum rushes for some reason) and Shadow in the end for some reason. Not very balanced but I liked the characters. Almost never really used Edgar or Cyan once WoR happened. I think I even used Relm more(though I liked the character).

When I replayed the game I tried to give all the characters more of a shot and tried to use magic more. Gau's Rages and Strago's Blue Magic are pretty fun once you actually know how to use them properly.

>> No.2382874

I used to beat games rpgs unconventional ways all the time as a kid.
>make up some asinine personal handicap
>never use items
>beat things in a weird order
Even some platformers
>game glitches out
>think thats how its supposed to be from that point on in the game
>beat it without something that is required
>game is glitched so sometimes You could find a way around an obstacle

>> No.2382878

As a kid, I had to replay the floating continent section about 4 or 5 times in a row because I kept leaving too soon and Shadow would always get left behind. I couldn't stand the thought of continuing the game without him so I kept reloading my save until I FINALLY figured out that you just have to wait.

As an adult, it's far too easy to look up stuff like this on the internet.

>> No.2382892

>everyone learned every spell in a matter of hours while gaining shittons of levels along the way

You could have just used Game Genie and had the same end result and not wasted hours on grinding.

>> No.2382898

You could just watch the ending on youtube too

>> No.2382914

>so I kept reloading my save until I FINALLY figured out that you just have to wait.
Final Fantasy 6: Teaching children patience since 1994!

>> No.2382927

I really, really, really, really like this post.

>> No.2382960

Where's the fun in that?

>> No.2383394

It's always good to let Shadow die at least once, to see the differences and the weird Relm dream you get.

I know during my first playthrough Cid and Shadow both died.

>> No.2383774
File: 39 KB, 550x395, 12003-550x-ffvi-floating-continent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

Back in '94 my 9 year old self thought it would take a few seconds to reach the airship after jumping, and once the timer reached ten seconds i panicked and went for it.

I also fed Cid all the fish i could find because i didnt know any better. However, my reward was one of the greatest scenes in gaming history.

>> No.2383790

Uhhh, what? Cid living or dying isn't really emotionally affecting

>> No.2383795
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As a child it was my first final fantasy, and it was the buggy NES version. I played with the NP recommended team: Fighter, Black Belt, White Mage, Black Mage

As an adult i played the PS1 FF Origins version: Fighter, Thief, White Mage, Black Mage love having two casters for haste and whatever that Attack Up spell is called (Sabre?). Took out Chaos in two rounds

Over the summer i think my next playthrough will be Fighter, Thief, Red Mage, White Mage

>> No.2383807
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Cid living i can agree with, but his death and Celes's attempted suicide after believing she was the last person alive on the earth was beautifully executed. When she then finds her "reason" to go on made it even a more powerful scene imho

>> No.2383808

Never read NP, had no idea that was a recommended team, it's what I used the first time I beat the game.
Good fucking god, the Black Belt deals so damn much damage halfway through the game. Seems weak at first, but shit, he packs a hell of a punch, eh?( should say, Punches, several punches )

>> No.2383827

As a kid:

Terra, Celes, Shadow, Locke. Terra was cute, Celes was hot, Shadow is a fucking Ninja, Locke I needed someone to steal shit. Sometimes Figaro Brothers if I wanted to shoot or punch things.

As an Adult:

Terra and Celes still because they're hot, Shadow still because a fucking Ninja. Mileage may vary on 4th.

>> No.2383852

This sounds fun

>> No.2383858
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I know bro

>> No.2383886
File: 7 KB, 191x263, toweroffanatics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except Relm isnt natural magic user, despite her naturally high magic stat. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree, as one day she will grow up and become a great ninja.

>> No.2383893
File: 22 KB, 256x220, 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you found a cool website that i never knew existed. thanks anon

>> No.2383913

As a kid:
- would levelgrind early and at every possible point. I even did the "leave your game on overnight on the Lete River where it loops and keep the A Button pressed down" thing once. I would grind up magic on Cactrots & Hoovers and not really care about the stats.

- I never knew Cid could live. I didn't put much thought into the Cliff scene.

- I either didn't use Gau or collected as many Rages I could until I got bored with it.

As an adult:
- I'm a bit more picky about leveling. I learn magic on the Veldt. I equip stat boosting Espers for dungeons.

- I also enjoy learning more about alternate translations of the game. There aren't too many massive changes, but some stuff gets fleshed out a bit more.

- I often use Gau and often bring him along (sometimes it's a challenge if he's the only one alive in battle). I'm picky about what Rages he learns, I only seek out the most effective ones.

- I've learned you can save Cid, although I hate that there's no point. (It bothers me, why can't he even simply come on the Airship with you or something?)

>> No.2383931

as a kid playing Yellow, my only useful Pokemon was my Pikachu
overleveled that thing to the damn sky (it was level 80 something and everyone else was less than 30)
and playing Gold, my Meganium was similarly overleveled (but I at least made sure I had other Pokemon to back it up -- it'd be in its 60s and everyone else would be anywhere from 5 to 30 levels down or something), and I hadn't even reached Kanto yet

these days, I don't grind at all, I'll fight whatever random battles I get and make sure I fight every trainer on a route (because money, and it's a good barometer for level), and if I'm underleveled, I just power through whatever fights with a fuckton of items and keep going

like, fighting against Red in Gold version semi-recently, my team was like, the 40s/low 50s

that comic is unreasonably cute

>> No.2383947

I've liked exploring since I was a kid. I love looking for crap in games. I still do this, and I'm 33.

>> No.2383968

Kid mind:
"These [Nintendo Power] drawings [of FF6 characters by Yoshitaka Amano] look gay, I'm not buying this game."

College student mind:
"This game is fucking awesome, too bad boxed copies now cost more than I can afford and someone scratched half the label off this thing."

>> No.2383971

I'm dedicating all of 2015 to Ulillillia-ing Dragon Warrior 7.

I Ulillillia'd the shit out of RPGs all the time before I had an actual life. But this game is fucking huge. 60 hours in and only level 30, still on Disc 1. It might even take me to the end of 2016.

>> No.2384090

dang. been too long since I played.

Start a rumor:
If you level relm up to level 50 without equipping magicite once or learning a spell, she'll get the throw command!

>> No.2384103


You do realize that none of this matters right? The battle systems for these games are pretty shallow. Doesn't Magic Evade do nothing in the game? No one noticed for the longest time. Spirit in FFVII also doesn't do anything.

>> No.2384106

This picture makes me angry because they look like trashy band members.

>> No.2384116
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>> No.2384118

How do you define Ulillillia-ing something?

>> No.2384136

>Spirit in FFVII also doesn't do anything.

a) Doesn't matter because the game is balanced for that.
b) DID nothing, works as originally intended now, but the magic system wasn't rebalanced for it, so now FF7 is easier than it's ever been.

>> No.2384147
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As a kid:
>Played who I liked; party was a healthy mix of Gau, Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gogo, and Mog.
>Equip espers to teach spells, lol

As an adult:
> Looked into game mechanics
>Cyan has shit for speed and magic, fuck him.
> No one levels up unless they have the appropriate Esper equipped, including Magic for Sabin
> Pimp out M.Ev because I know real evade is bugged
>Don't rescue mog, because Gold Harpin is awesome
>Get Shadow with me in the WoR because I know to stay behind now and wait until 0:05
>Beeline to Mog ASAP in WoR; use moogle charm to get the low hanging yet awesome treasures in Kefka's tower
>Plan out Kefka's tower multi-party split from the start; everyone gets a good healer at least and a mix of might and magic

>Still watch in awe and wonder as the ending rolls

>> No.2384172

Mostly a Final Fantasy fan, get a PSX solely for the reason of playing VII to IX and the old game remakes, also Chrono Trigger.

The only RPG I can tolerate as for now is the Suikoden series (and BoF, sometimes). Not saying it's better or worse, but can't draw the same ammount of joy I did from other titles from when I was younger. Wonder if other people feel the same.

>> No.2385201
File: 471 KB, 1280x1718, magazine-nintendo-power-guides-final-fantasy-v1-3-of-6-1990_10-page-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to know I'm not the only one.

I've only ever played the NP-recommended party, or the same party with the black belt swapped out for a thief. One of these days I'm going to try the BALSTOTHEWALL party configuration.

The NP guide to FF was pretty damn handy to have back in the day. I've still got my old worn out copy.

>> No.2385227

>I thought I was the only one
Are you legitimately retarded or something?

>> No.2385454

Yes, that's exactly what I was implying. That I was the only person in the entire world that this ever happened to. It definitely wasn't just a figure of speech, you fucking autist.

>> No.2385554
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As a kid:
I used Peter Olafson's players guide, so I painted by the numbers for the most part. I didn't miss major items, I waited for Shadow, and followed equipment recommendations, but I didn't exactly break the game.
Relm, Strago, and Gau were garbage to me.
Gogo, Setzer, and Umaro were awesome to me.
I favored special commands over magic in some cases.
Didn't utilize Espers while leveling from what I remember.
Hardly utilized Genji Gloves.
Didn't know about X-Zone or Doom/Vanish trick.
Strangely enough my teams were pretty similar to yours.
Team 1: Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Setzer
Team 2: Terra, Locke, Mog, Gau
Team 3: Shadow, Relm, Strago, Cyan

As an adult:
Haven't played it since.

>> No.2385583



>> No.2387496

i like this

>> No.2387554

Here's a tip to break the game for folks who don't know already..

as soon as you get the Falcon after clearing Darrill's Tomb in the WoR, grind Edgar Celes and Setzer to lvl ~80 in the tyranosaur forest (rotating the Exp Egg at first to get some Momentum, should take less than an hour) then recruit everyone else normally for autoleveled characters.

the downside is you miss out on Esper-boosting your dudes, but this doesn't really matter considering you'd just have lvl 40 something characters simulating lvl 90 characters anyway.

>> No.2387594


Why keep Odin? Speed stat is useless

>> No.2387609
File: 49 KB, 512x448, ff6e_01897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 12 yrs old I just enjoyed the emotional power of the stories.

As an adult I see the theme of people recovering after the inevitable trials in life, and I love it. It's more than just a game.

>> No.2387636


As I'm nearing my 30th birthday I'm loving it more and more with each day. It's a timeless story about love and loss, life and death and just people living and dealing with it all. A work of art if there ever was one.

>> No.2387638
File: 1.27 MB, 934x930, ff6_by_style_xx-d4c12ko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be me. Ha ha.
I turn 30 in 7 months. It's fun to be an adult and see the layers of meaning in things I enjoyed as a kid.

>> No.2387943
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>Thought Terra was hotter than Celes
> hotter


>> No.2388259

i dunno, i find with high speed as soon as one turn ends your next one begins. Minus cyan i really have no use for Quick this way

>> No.2388275
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I did that too my first run of Yellow as a kid. I kept that save file for years and years, level 100 pikachu and 5 useless HM slaves/cool pokemon at low levels. Interesting little story, I lost my copy, and months later found it outside my house in the pouring rain right next to a storm drain in my stairwell. It still had the save, and didn't stop working for at least a year I wish my copy of Yu Gi Oh Darkest Duelist Stories would've been as durable, which broke when my sister sat on it.

This is not /vr/, but its my most cherished FF memory; when I was in grade 6, my best friend and I called Auron from FFX Booze because of his portrayal in the Final Fantasy Mixed in Balamb flash series, and we called Bahamut Bouncer because in battle he kept his arms crossed like a stereotypical club bouncer you'd see in the movies.

>> No.2388307

Who's the artist?

>> No.2388327


Mein negar. I had that same guide when I was growing.

>> No.2388336

Always makes me feel a little silly when I think about my first playthrough because I got really far into the game without unequipping nunchuks. He never got stronger and I got frustrated, I thought something was wrong with my save or something. One day as I was heading for that foreign language town I just randomly took his nunchuks off, and BOOM, 6 hits 286 dmg or something. Credit to get that far I guess but damn I felt stupid.

>> No.2388340

>Don't rescue mog, because Gold Hairpin is awesome
You can literally farm Economizers (1 MP cost for all magic) in the World of Ruin from Brachosaurs in that dragon-head shaped forest. You fucked up big time, son.

>> No.2388856
File: 30 KB, 350x300, niki-anitia26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, but a reverse google image search brings up some nice artwork.

>> No.2389061


>> No.2391981

All the characters are OP as fuck

All of them

>> No.2392150

I know that feel. I have a backlog of 15 games, but I find myself playing Goemon's Great Adventure instead, and I'm having a great time playing it

I'll probably get stuck with retro games, there's few games today that inspire me to fully explore their mechanics probably the only one from this generation is TW101. Dunno if it's nostalgia, but I always have a great time playing SNES games instead of this generation

>> No.2392330

I always pronounced Celes as "See-Lees" but I had a friend who said "Ceh-lehs" like it was short for Celeste or something.

My party is always Terra/Celes/Locke/Setzer

>> No.2392404

I don't even and I don't think any one else evens.
Just nah, mate.

>> No.2392416
File: 49 KB, 600x720, c406a44ce2c45c3eada5da66e7ed3026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kid:
Everyone in back row except melee beaters. Genji gloves on everyone, beat enemies to death.

Everyone still in back row. Abuse M. Evade bug to be impossible to hit. No point in using Genji Gloves except to equip 2 stat boosting weapons. Boost Sabin's magic to do 9999 damage at like level 35 with Bum Rush.

>> No.2392743

You might have ADHD or some other problem affecting you. Being able to recognize the mechanics and plot of the games has nothing to do with not being able to enjoy the games. If your theory is true then how do you explain game modders and developers who make games catering specifically to their own tastes?

>> No.2393108

I think you misunderstood the purpose of my post. I did not mean it as a general explanation of how a person gets bored with games, just one that, as far as I can tell, applies to me. If others can relate to it, fine, maybe we will commiserate together, but that's it.
>Being able to recognize the mechanics and plot of the games has nothing to do with not being able to enjoy the games.
True. I have been able to recognize mechanical and setting/plot elements in games since childhood and it hardly hurt my ability to appreciate them. The difference is that I used to recognize something and think "neat, a mechanic/theme/setting I like!" but now I go "okay, that again". It's like I've hit a level cap where no JRPG I run into gives enough experience for me to keep on playing it.
>You might have ADHD or some other problem affecting you.
I have more crap on my hands than I used to back in school/college/early working life. That's probably why I haven't found a passion for some other type of time-consuming single player vidya. As for JRPGs, I my working hypothesis is that I've actually sort of seen it all.

>> No.2393276

damn, really makes it look so easy with imp gear

>> No.2393296

Thanks op now I gotta play this again. for the millionth time.
I still don't really know the intricacies of all the characters. Like if I remember Sabins blitz scales with magic, not strength or some shit.
I just always put 3 juggernauts and surrond them with mooks. So Celes,Locke,and Terra would be the tanks, and everyone else just is there for the ride. I also love all the shit characters in games. I got Cyan,Gau,and Mog on my fave list. Gau can be useful tho. I'm gonna play now.

>> No.2394697

Now that is cool.

>> No.2397160

is a genji gloved + offering + dual sniper Locke really the way to go against dante's inferno & kefka?

>> No.2397176

i think i made a mistake of overpowering Celes. i equiped her with the dualcasting relic and the relic that made every magic consume 1 MP.
i made her the center of the story when i should've done that to Terra. Terra was still OP, but not as much.

i always tried to put Sabin and Edgar because Edgar is a fucking King of the most technology advanced city, and he didn't mind tagging along. Sabin for being the definition of badassery.

Relm and Strago are shit mainly because they join a bit too late into the game, and their story isn't well-polished so i didn't care much about them

>> No.2397824
File: 35 KB, 512x448, 1-capture_18112010_203717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i just came up with a strategy to make the Lete River easier if you are like me and try to have the lowest level possible until gaining esper bonuses...

Ive read that if Bannon is petrified it is not the same as the auto game over as if he is KO'ed.

So once he joins the party, go back to the grassy areas of Mt Koltz and get him hit with Cirpius's possible 3rd round attack, Beak, to get him petrified.

So this may or may not help you in the fight with Ultros (no insta-game over vs no free Health skill), just figured throw this out here!

Last time i just KO'ed everyone but Bannon and leveled him up outside the Returner's Hideout, but that may have auto-leveled Locke in the process.. i can't remember

>> No.2397849

Genji glove, offering, and dual wielding with ANY character is pretty fucking overpowered.

>> No.2397870
File: 133 KB, 817x1000, Terra_Esper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, i just mean because the Sniper in particular ignores row and has that special animation and like 4X attack vs floating monsters a la the Hawk Eye

apparently all the final bosses are floating

>> No.2397901
File: 27 KB, 320x320, FFAB_Sketch_%28Flan%29_-_Relm_Legend_SR[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Relm and Strago are shit
Stago a shit because blue magic has always been boring and limited.

Relm a qt but shit because sketch is almost useless apart from the novelty. She has good magic power if you take the time to level her but at that stage in the game, meh. Though the sketch bug is super useful for getting 255 Excaliburs for Shadow's throw command.

There's just too many ways to break this game.

>> No.2398045
File: 4 KB, 256x256, Atma2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could have only one relic, which would you choose?

My fave is the Marvel Shoes. The auto-haste is almost always must have to me. The rest is just icing on the cake.

Any total gear set-ups you find fun to mess with?

Lately im digging a genji glove/offering/dual thief knife/red cap/mirage vest for Shadow&Locke

Ive heard rumors that only the last item stolen actually counts... is that true?

>> No.2398071

This is true but it's like debating whether someone would die harder being hit by a jet or being run over by a steamroller.