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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 677 KB, 1575x1161, 1373076545-souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2353441 No.2353441 [Reply] [Original]

I might get hate for it, but what are some /vr/ games that are comparable to Demons Souls/Dark Souls/Dark souls 2 and Bloodborne?

By comparable I mean either visually, thematically or gameplay wise.

The first games that come to mind are the Kings Field and Castlevania series. I also think The Ghosts N Goblins series and Demons Crest can be compared to it.

Can you guys recommend other games that fit those criteria?

>> No.2353526

Die By the Sword

>> No.2353531


>> No.2353534



>> No.2353539

Gameplay wise, I'd say Alien Soldier. Balls hard, huge focus on dodging out of the way while you fight enormous monster bosses.

>> No.2353547

It's either Spanish or Portuguese

>> No.2353548

Zelda 2

>> No.2353551


Spanish = Vigor

>> No.2353553

Thanks for the suggestions so far. Any games for SNES or Mega Drive?

Alien Soldier is already on my To Play list. Glad to hear it suggested.

Never thought of it like something one could consider like a Souls game. But yeah you're right

>> No.2353557


Portuguese it is then

>> No.2353558 [DELETED] 


Wanna get mad at the game? Sword and sorcery?

Try Enclave pc version.

>> No.2353575
File: 87 KB, 792x669, 33450-Demon's_Crest_(USA)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I don't wanna get mad, but a fair amount of challenge should be there. I'm not so much looking for the difficulty aspect of the Souls games, but rather, as I mentioned, the style aspect.

>pic related

>> No.2353578

King's Field...

I never understood when people say Castlevania or Ghost n Goblins are similar to the From games.

>> No.2353580

huh why did you delete your post?

>> No.2353582

This. And Shadow Tower. Possibly a little Echo Night.

>> No.2353586
File: 28 KB, 256x223, dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it mainly has to do with 1) art direction, 2) setting and 3) difficulty. I mean you can't deny there are similarities.

>> No.2353602
File: 66 KB, 485x700, gurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Alien Soldier being similar to Souls gameplay-wise or anything-wise

I dunno, I don't see it either.

This thread kind of smells like /v/ teenagers. Games being difficult was a norm back in the day, not a "souls thing".

>> No.2353616


I figured it wasn't old enough.

>> No.2353625

Op here. We all know that a high difficulty was the standard back then. It's just that today Souls is synonymous with difficulty, as not many games nowadays are challenging.
So one might say that Souls is the definition of difficult nowadays, of course someone would reccomend a game that was especially difficult for it's time, as is Alien Soldier.

It has nothing to do with "/v/ teenagers" and more with what games were difficult for their era.

>> No.2353628

It's a sure sign of the decline of vidya when a game's difficulty is now a feature.

>> No.2353635
File: 149 KB, 468x425, faxanadu-20110224112509378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But back to topic please.

I once read on /vr/ that Faxanadu for NES is essentially "Dark Souls for the SNES". Can someone elaborate? True or false?

>> No.2353637

*NES of course

>> No.2353642


Faxanadu can be a little taxing.

I'm dropping in to say actraiser 2 and battletoads.

>> No.2353649
File: 38 KB, 256x224, 2nvfpea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right, Actraiser 2 is good examle of what I'm kinda looking for.

>> No.2353650

Boss fights in alien soldier work just like in dark souls, except 2D. Big boss with lots of attacks, keep dodging and try to get up in its face and get a hit in and dodge away before it. And overall, boss fights are the best moments of dark souls, so the comparison only makes sense. dark souls is certainly not a boss rush game like alien soldier, but I still draw the comparison.

I didn't say alien soldier just on the basis of difficulty.

>> No.2353668
File: 7 KB, 320x240, Mischief_Makers_Merco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


big bosses with lots of attacks and a dodge mechanic... Alien Soldier remind me a lot more of games like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta than it does Souls.

In Souls, combat is a lot more slower, doesn't have that arcade feel Alien Soldier has.

Alien Soldier, like many of the other Treasure games, have a big arcade element to them. Souls games are more RPG-oriented.

>> No.2353690

Wait. Merco was inspired by the chicken from Alien Soldier? I never realized this.

>> No.2354206
File: 40 KB, 300x219, rick-dangerous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2354248
File: 223 KB, 900x1198, The-Immortal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna talk about "balls-hard", look no further than pic related

>> No.2354251
File: 17 KB, 512x480, 1392584359983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wizards and Warriors. Dark Souls totally ripped off this one. There's a hollow tree and invaders.

>> No.2354254


Oh, nice! I had this for NES, what a pain in the ass.

>> No.2354289
File: 3 KB, 256x224, Zombie_Hunter_(english_translation).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombie Hunter for the Famicom/NES (translated). I've beaten it without savestates and it has some replay value. Does get a bit grindy in the beginning and at some times to find a key to go to the next stage and farm torches but I had fun with it.

>> No.2354292
File: 309 KB, 959x714, Chakan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demon's Souls?

Chakan: The Forever Man.

>> No.2354295
File: 136 KB, 200x283, 200px-Chakan_Coverart[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death doesn't screw you over, in fact you literally can not be killed off for good due to plot reasons as finally being able to die is your final reward for completing the game. When you do "die" you simply get sent back to the hub to try again. Only way to lose is by giving up. A few but importation weapons each with their own reason for existing. Learning the best item for the job can make your life easier. Dodging (funny enough which is by rolling) is pretty much your own defense. Magic exist but is extremely limited and must be earned. The ending is that basically nothing you did even mattered.

>> No.2354296

Fuck, I took damn long typing that shit up. Whatever. It is a decent game though you will need to play on either normal or on hard for the true full game, forgot which. Easy is basically just there for you to try things out and will cut the game short.

>> No.2354304
File: 147 KB, 985x1291, brandish1renewal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of course someone would reccomend a game that was especially difficult for it's time, as is Alien Soldier.
I'm not sure any Treasure game qualifies as "especially" difficult for a certain time frame or genre.
I'd recommend looking into Brandish. It's certainly closer to what you're looking for than most sidescrollers.

>> No.2354328


I've always wanted this as a print without the text.

>> No.2354354
File: 576 KB, 2923x2043, Deathtrapdungeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assrape Dungeon

>> No.2354365
File: 51 KB, 400x240, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master of Darkness aka In the Wake of the Vampire for Sega Master System.

It's victorian London, Jack the Ripper is Dracula. Your name is Dr. Social, you have a cane, you have to stop Jack the Dracula.

>> No.2354508

you'd be surprised. I've even heard people in real life tell me that Zelda 2 was 'the dark souls of platformers' or something like that. Humorous notion, especially when he proceeded to tell me he'd never actually played it. Some people, huh?

>> No.2354513

I hear that

>> No.2354525


Just beat this for the first time, can confirm. Combat is dangerous, and every enemy moves in a unique way that you have to anticipate. Exp/gold is lost when you die, sending you back to the last guru you spoke to. You cash in you exp at the guru to level up, which grants you more starting gold/exp when you respawn.

You will spend a lot of time dying as you try and hack a way to the bosses. Great game, terrible translation.

>> No.2354527


This man is a devil, he whispers poison in your ear. He steers you from Faxanadu, which shares actual mechanics with Dark Souls as well as difficulty, and tells you to play fucking Battletoads. Also, Actraiser 2 is not a god damn thing like a Souls game. It's just hard.

>> No.2354541

Dark Souls isn't that difficult.

>> No.2354671

Why would you get hate for it? Souls games + Bloodborne are fucking great... not so much DaS2 though.

>> No.2354687

>I once read on /vr/ that Faxanadu for NES is essentially "Dark Souls for the SNES". Can someone elaborate? True or false?

false. Faxandu is fairly straight forward and easy. if you have experience playing action-rpgs you should have no trouble beating it in one weekend.

>> No.2354689

Wizards and Warriors is easy as fuck though. the final boss is a little tough but thats about it.

>> No.2354692


>> No.2354760
File: 236 KB, 378x376, 1683460-msxcover[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So can I assume that this thread has become a "Dick Hard ARPG" thread that isn't going to be deleted by overzealous janitors?

Because I've been refraining from wasting my time contributing to the latter.

>> No.2354764

still harder than Dark Souls.

>> No.2354796

no it's not. not in any conceivable way.

>> No.2354825


I was going to call you a dumb cunt but I've been lauging my ass off at the whispering poison line.

>> No.2354940
File: 702 KB, 850x478, 1375822311100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Thanks for all the recommendations so far. There are many games that I only have heard of, and it's nice to see that many of them are the kind of games I was looking for in this thread. I guess the next games I'll play then are King's Field and Faxanadu.

But I'm still curious about other ARPGs that share similarities with the Souls series, are are just fun in their own right.

So please, recommend away!

>> No.2354941

Never understood tha meme.
Dark Souls isn't casual, but it's not really hard either. I managed to beat on my first try many boss, things that never happened to me in any Ys. (except maybe in YsII chronicles ? I think there was one boss that was broken in the remake).

>> No.2354948

The Souls games kinda have a bad reputation with retro gamers. Most of them hate those games because "Souls games aren't hard, try *insert 25 years old game", THAT is hard!"
But I'm glad to see such a civilized discussion (for the most part)

>> No.2354949
File: 104 KB, 714x690, 1429219795361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even as a big Souls fan, I was disappointed greatly with the difficulty.

>> No.2355050
File: 223 KB, 300x385, uu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread kinda went the way these always do.

What people don't seem to understand is that King's Field, and by extension the souls games, were primarily influenced by old first person dungeon crawlers, primarily Ultima Underworld. with that said, my suggestions are

Ultima Underworld 1/2
Arx Fatalis (spiritual successor to Underworld by former devs of it, just as good as UU)
La-Mulana yes I know not /vr/ but it's a perfect suggestion

my suggestions that are kinda give or take are

Dragon Buster
Maze of Galious
The Goonies 1/2
Legacy of the Wizard

Those are all suggestions that are more in line with the suggestion of Faxanadu, but aren't truly "like Dark Souls"

What you're looking for OP is metroidvania games, and dungeon crawlers, though not every dungeon crawler. Like, I wouldn't say Wizardry is like Dark Souls

>> No.2355138
File: 14 KB, 250x191, Foto+Kings+Field%3A+The+Ancient+City.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah most people are suggesting difficult games based on that I look for Souls like games. But I didn't ask for difficult games, but for ones that share either aesthetics or gameplay elements of Souls.

Dragon Buster, Rastan, Maze of Galious and Legacy of the Wizard all look like what I was looking for. But sadly those games aren't that easily available to me except through emulation.

Metroidvania games is a good suggestion, I like backtracking and intertwined paths (one of the main reasons I love Souls). What are some metroidvanis that aren't Metroid or Castlevania or La-Mulana?

I kind of do not like dungeon crawlers, though. Most I know of consist of redoing the same boring locations again and again just to farm materials for forging, and the combat of those I know of is very minimalistic. Wow that kinda sounds like the Souls games, but it's not, ya know? Care to recommend good dungeon crawlers?

>> No.2355140


Zelda II

>> No.2355142
File: 191 KB, 640x360, 2012-03-18 21-48-51.674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the immortal for how frequent and horrible your deaths are.

>> No.2355156


which is why I said I'm not suggesting Wizardry, give Underworld and Arx Fatalis a look, I think they're exactly what you're looking for

>> No.2355418


i played this as a kid, goddamn was i a masochist.

>> No.2355457

If you're looking for games with aesthetic similarities, not many games pull off the romantic dark fantasy style of Dark Souls nearly as well as that series.

>> No.2355492

What's the deal with these games

I have DeS but I didn't play past the tutorial

People seem obsessed with these things and keep drawing some connection to retro games but I'm not seeing it

>> No.2355498

The main connection is that the games don't hold your hand, are vague, contain secrets and have a simple control scheme that's easy to learn but hard to master.

There's just a certain "feel" to them that evokes the old games in a way that modern games have generally left behind.

>> No.2356868

Mah nigga

>> No.2357096

Also the message system and discussion around the games really invokes the 'playground lore' so common in the times of those old games.

>> No.2357105
File: 237 KB, 892x873, exile3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exile: Wicked Phenomenon.

And I'll also second Zelda II.

>> No.2357767

Zelda 2 is hard but it isn't like dark souls other than no direction is really given to you in game

>> No.2357768

Is it wrong I liked talking to npcs in dark souls?

>> No.2360054


>> No.2360056

I liked NPCs and their voices

>> No.2360246

Bump for a good thread