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File: 194 KB, 466x268, who-is-magus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2333058 No.2333058 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is their problem with Magus? He's not in the picture in the opening cutscene of the PS1/DS versions, and doesn't have a doppelganger in that doppelganger room in the Black Omen. What gives with the Magus neglect?

>> No.2333067

"Secret" character. He was never intended to be part of the main cast.

>> No.2333084


He did try to kill them, waged war on a kingdom and tried to usher in the end times for petty revenge

>> No.2333087

It's just proof that he became a vampire.

>> No.2333119

But he was only trying to summon and defeat Lavos.

>> No.2333169

Magus is truly an interesting and cool character but let's not forget he's a huge asshole, he murdered many people and turned Glenn intro a frog just because he felt like doing it.

His dream was to have his sister back and what did he do to achieve it?
Cause wars and bring death and destruction and shatter the dreams of others.

He suffered for losing someone important to him but he didn't think twice killing who was important to others like he did to Glenn and Cyrus.

He deserves punishment.

>> No.2333197
File: 19 KB, 325x320, 14689723678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That character archetype always triggers me. Bonus for Toriyama design.
>Hey hero, remember when I killed your family and friends in cold blood? Let's pretend this never happened.

>> No.2333221

Vegeta from dbz really

>> No.2333245

>Let's pretend this never happened.
Because it was NOTHIN PERSONEL, KID!

>> No.2333265

And that's why it is extremely satisfactory taking Frog to go in a solo battle against Magus and killing him once and for all. Don't get me wrong, I love Magus, and he's an awesome addition to the party, and in a way a tragic character. But damn if I didn't feel good when I made that final blow with Frog against him.

>> No.2333284

Vegeta never killed any of the DBZ staff

Not for lack of trying.

>> No.2333290

Psaro gets his own legendary equipment in Dragon Quest IV DS, so i forgive him. =^)

>> No.2333291

not spoiling is a thing.

>> No.2333294

I still feel like this was the canon order of events.

>> No.2333313

>optional character in an rpg
>they never have any sidequests, lines, cutscenes, or any relevance at all really
I hate this with a passion. I would rather they simply not be recruit-able, then that they disappear after recruiting.

>> No.2333334

FF7 kicked that cliche to the curb, though because of that most people don't really count Yuffie or Vincent as really optional.

>> No.2333803

Yuffie had that entire Wutai thing going on for her, okay. What exactly did Vincent have aside for backstory you can find out digging around? I forgot if he had any side quests or not....sure, he got his own shitty game later on, but the actual game he came from?

>> No.2333817

Wutai was miss-able and pointless. Also any part that undermines your primary game mechanic is stupid.

Vincent at least had some main plot relevance an revelations about the main plot.

Both suck though.

>> No.2333823

vincent had lucrecias cave I guess and shinra mansion scenes but other than that it was pretty much just dialogue on current events

>> No.2333870

Not by his own hand, no, but neither did Frieza himself kill most of the Namekians, and yet it's understood that he is indeed at fault for their extermination. Vegeta was effectively Nappa's superior, and Vegeta let him do as he wished. Nappa's kills count as Vegeta's kills.

>> No.2333908

Vincent was awful mechanically. He was at least okay story wise and kawaii for fangirls ^.^. Yufie was awesome. But they were both more or less pointless story wise.

>> No.2333918

they neglect crono's dialogue though

>> No.2334652

Magus is an emo kid, all he had was his black cat as a kid and had no friends or family so became raised by Ozzie and other ghouls. Magus is the outsider.

>> No.2334661

He's standing behind Robo because the camera flash hurts his pale skin.

>> No.2334665

What if they took the picture before Magus joined?

>> No.2334885

Maybe Magus is the one taking the picture?

>> No.2335124

>He suffered for losing someone important to him but he didn't think twice killing who was important to others like he did to Glenn and Cyrus.

>He deserves punishment.

I always thought the point the game was trying to make by allowing him to join you was that allowing for redemption was more noble than punishment/vengeance.

>> No.2335147

>allowing for redemption was more noble than punishment/vengeance

Fuck that shit. I'm glad Frog skewered his ass.

>> No.2335184


>> No.2335187


Does this really matter in a series where you can revive if you know the right people and they like you enough to really want you back?

>> No.2335190

You get some extra bonus lines if you take Magus to Ozzie's Fort and the Black Omen.

>> No.2335192

I make it a requirement for Magus to ALWAYS be in my party when fighting Queen Zeal in the Black Omen.

>> No.2335229

Magus has a bunch of lines if he's in the 3rd party slot. Comments on damn near everything. He was particularly impressed with the genocide factory in the future.

>> No.2336118

don't you get magus theme if you fight queen zeal with him in party ?
Gotta love fighting her 4 times, all dat charm loot

>> No.2336127

Well, I've never fought her without Magus, so I don't know if there's different music for that fight. But I know with Magus, it does indeed play his theme.

>> No.2336394

>Vegeta never killed any of the DBZ staff

No, he just stood by laughing while Nappa did it

>> No.2336401

>Vincent at least had some main plot relevance an revelations about the main plot.

"I was too much of a pussy to talk to a girl so she ended up becoming the mother of the villain" Is not story relevance. Lucretzia barely had any roll in the game.

Yuffie at least had goals

>Yufie was awesome. But they were both more or less pointless story wise.

Every character not named Cloud was pretty much just tagging along

>> No.2336403

Tifa and Aeris were both directly connected to the story.

>> No.2336465


Aeris's connection was dying and Tifa did fuck all of shit

>> No.2336489
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you obviously havent played the game in years, anon.

>> No.2336517


>plot relevance
>completely optional character

>> No.2336521


Oh look it's the alleged black belt who got into a slap fight when her life was on the line. What a gripping and influential character arc

>> No.2338009

Piccolo did though

>> No.2338087 [DELETED] 

you're an idiot

>> No.2338125

He didn't. Krillin was killed by his henchmen and that's it.

Vegita killed quite a lot of enemies (like all of Freezas elite), just never the final boss. Could've killed Cell too if he wouldn't have been so over confident.

>> No.2338137

you're an idiot

>> No.2338139

Everyone still hated him even during the Cell saga.

>> No.2338171

>Wutai was miss-able and pointless.

wutai was optional.

you're the brightest bulb, are you?

>> No.2338220

Chaozu was killed by Piccolo directly.

>> No.2338228

That doesn't count. The only move Chaotzu has is a suicide explosion attack. Killing him is like watching Yamcha fight himself.

>> No.2338354

>you're an idiot

calling me an idiot doesn't really prove Tifa's importance. I know she was your first boner, mate but she's a vapid useless bimbo

>> No.2338435

She rebuilt Cloud's psyche when they fell into the Lifestream together.

>> No.2338450
File: 5 KB, 200x242, magus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hahaha, wow, didn't expect something i wrote to become copypasta.

I am the person that wrote the text you posted, i wrote it a few months ago in another CT thread, the thread had this gif in the OP.

Not complaining, actually nice to see you liked my text and didn't change anything, even the spaces between the lines is the same.

>> No.2338497

Honestly she was the entire childhood friend / love interest type. In the date stat invisible without a trainer, she is second highest (30) where Areis is (50) i think its really well made by the programmes because the player will develop feelings for one of the female npc. A. Boyish tiffa that is your childhood friend or B. Soft and sensetive Areis. You know exactly that Areis is programed to die so if you follow A. You are crused that areis dies and you lose your friend, but that motivates you to protect Tiffa more and develop more feelings for her or B you lose your love interest but you are still suported by your childhood friend that understands you more than rest of the team. One of the reason cloud join Soldier was to impress Tifa and when he is back to midgar she is the one to make him join the Avalanch

>> No.2338525

Holy shit you sound like some kind of liberal fuckwad.

>> No.2338583

I always thought the other dates were more interesting to watch than the Aeris/Tifa one. It felt liek the programmers had more fun with the Barret and Yuffie ones.

>> No.2338605

Because Yuffie and Barret were more interesting characters than Tifa and Aeris.

>> No.2338624
File: 1.97 MB, 288x216, yuffie kiss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2338626

FF7 fags pls go, this is a CT thread

>> No.2338635

Neither of them appear in the ending, even if they're in your party during the final battle.

>> No.2338784

please can this game die already

>> No.2338821

