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File: 2.80 MB, 2099x1478, Mega_Man_X2_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2331347 No.2331347[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>worst armor upgrades
>fortress stages nearly as bad as X6
>slowdown out the ass
>removes most of what was great about the first one

How do people defend this?

>> No.2331354

One thing about the game no one else seems to notice:
>invertebrate mavericks outnumber vertebrate mavericks

>> No.2331357


>Overdrive Ostrich
>Wheel Gator
>Flame Stag

>Wire Sponge
>Magna Centipede
>Bubble Crab
>Crystal Snail
>Morph Moth

>> No.2331378

>How do people defend this?
Nobody played X6.

>> No.2331392

Meh im such a fanboy i just like every megaman game

>> No.2331406

this one had just as many, if not more great stage themes as X1

the decline is subtle, just like the class series

>> No.2331461

How are the armor upgrades worse?

The helmet is just as useless as X1, the boots provide a useful airdash, armor provides same protection as X1 plus extra attack, x buster is more useful than in x1 as you can use two attacks in addition to charging your weapons.

>> No.2331517

its still fun

>> No.2331585

Breaking rocks with your head is still allows for more possibilities than the scanner bullshit. Don't recall the airdash being as good as the one in X3. The buster might be a personal preference.

Indeed. I just wanted to ask why people like it more than the other games.

>> No.2331597


Nice meme kid.

>> No.2331634

Well there you have it

Why are there so fucking many of these games and why are they all the same

>> No.2331638

Man, X3 gets a bad rap but gaddamn are the movement options perfect

Shame none of the other games are as good in that regard

>> No.2331762


motor bike parts. most people didn't get to play x3 because it cost a fortune back then and was hard as hell to find.

>> No.2331771

I don't like any of the 16 bit Megaman games, I think they perfected the formula on the NES, and was happy that MM9 returned to that model. The SNES titles at best feel like fan fiction, the stories have always been the worst part of the franchise.

>> No.2331807

>>fortress stages nearly as bad as X6
I disagree. X2 had much easier stages

>> No.2331830

^ this. Nothing is more annoying than Gates Laboratory Stages. Holy fucking hell, they really put your skills and patience to the test.

MMX6 went all out with Spikes and Pits.

I wonder if they based the first MM Zero on that. Spikes and pits everywhere, some leaps of faith, etc.
Shit's fucking intense.

>> No.2331869

Because it's still better than X3, X5, X6, X7 and X8.

The Mega Man X series is mostly shit. X and X4 just happen to be some of the greatest games ever.

>> No.2331891
File: 88 KB, 529x639, mmx-24v7dw8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, they had the decency to spare PC users the pain of this game!

>> No.2331897

>removes most of what was great about the first one

I've never played X2 onward so I can't comment on X2 overall, but I have played X1 and: how can you remove most of what makes something great when there was nothing great about it?

MMX felt massively shallow and easy compared to mega man classic. Its idea of depth in gameplay was backtracking for upgrades that weren't needed if you were a decent player, whereas mega man classic offered gameplay depth by making levels creative and difficult.

>> No.2331902

It's better than every game in the X series except for the original.

>> No.2331913

I will never understand what the problem with series being samey is as long as the quality's consistent. If you want something different then nothing's stopping you from playing something different.

>> No.2331917

Difficulty and creativity are not the same thing as depth. Mega Man X is much more deep than the classic games due to the movement and weapon utility alone. Combine that with the inherently satisfying exploration and the best bosses the series has seen up 'till that point and it's not hard to see why the game's so great.

>> No.2331919


But i want Mega Man to play like Doom.

>> No.2331973

That's a con. It would have been better to be able to just play X2 on the PC, warezed.

Okay fine, or scooped up from the bargain bin!

>> No.2331983

Crystal Snail Flash Man
Wheel Gator Metal Man
Overdrive Ostrich Quick Man
Flame Stag Heat Man
Magna Centipede Crash Man
Bubble Crap Bubble Man
Wire Sponge Wood Man
Morph Moth Air Man

>> No.2331986

It is a pretty poor sequel to something as exceptional as MMX.

Try to imagine it as anything other than a Mega Man game, though. It'd probably be regarded as a solid SNES action game.

The soundtrack is still pretty terrible, though. The instrumentation is just awful.

>> No.2332094
File: 112 KB, 600x900, maverick hunter art full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maverick Hunter: The Mega Man X FPS


>> No.2332123

Dude it has Wheel Gator.

>> No.2332132


It's a lot more challenging than X1

>> No.2332134


>fortress stages nearly as bad as X6
Don't even say that. X2 has nothing nearly as bad as Gate Stage 2.

>> No.2332137
File: 74 KB, 1200x838, goodman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking away all the color, rock-n-roll, and fast-paced platforming of MMX
>Replace it with gray 'cinematic' FPS garbage

>> No.2332142

I'd rather play MM 8bit Deathmatch. This looked so fucking awful I'm surprised anyone was disappointed that it stopped being developed.

>> No.2332153

at least the movement was twice as fast as the average shitty cinema shooter.

A shame that I could see a megaman shooter being good too.

>> No.2332354

I'd play it, story sounded pretty interesting. Dunno how they'd fit maverick bosses into it though unless they were gonna drop them.

>> No.2332626


air dash upgrade was cool though.

>> No.2332651
File: 1.97 MB, 500x290, RIP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Man X2 had one of the most important things though, a sacrifice, without which X would have been destroyed and the Mavericks would have won, ending the series.

>> No.2332670


The fug is this.. this doesn't seem like Mega Man at all, I mean I'd play a Metroid Prime like Mega Man game, with some platforming still, but it'd need to be you know.. the mega buster that could charge up still, not just a machine gun.

>> No.2332716

Someone dislikes the arm upgrade too? The delay between the first and second shoot always bothered, it become even worse with MMX3.
It wasn't until Mega Man ZX that they made a double shot right.

>> No.2332747

Mega Man is like sex and pizza. Even when it's bad it's still pretty good.

>> No.2332773 [DELETED] 
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>bad sex

>> No.2332787
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>even without crap like soy cheese and glutten free flour

>> No.2332832
File: 55 KB, 400x500, grrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad sex

>> No.2332854

This guy doesn't follow the console limitations, but he's done some amazing remixes of MMX tunes using soundfonts from the Genesis. Makes it even more apparent how bad MMX2's soundtrack sounds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3ueBVC3DVw

I don't remember the arm upgrade well enough to care. I fucking loved the MMX3 upgrade. Throwing around combo shots was so satisfying. The X4 double-shot was the fucking best, though.

There's a pizza chain here in New Orleans called Naked Pizza that does the whole "healthy" pizza concept. It's fucking horrible. It insults me in the same way drawings of Mohammed insult Muslims. Pizza is supposed to be fucking deliciously bad for you.

>> No.2332874


Genesis sounds like farting asshole though.

>> No.2332878

Virgin confirmed, bad sex is terrible

>> No.2332890


depends on just how bad of sex it was.

If you still bust a nut you bust a nut.

If you didn't bust a nut then it's truly bad sex.

>> No.2332896


Non-gluten pizza with fake cheese is crazy good. I don't know what place you went to, but they make a delicious vegan, gluten free down the street from me. I really can't see what you guys are on about with healthy pizzas. They're really good, just different.

>> No.2332903


I remember thinking Crystal Snail's track would drop channels during gameplay, sort of like Genesis games do, until I noticed it was 'off' on every copy on the internet. It sounds much better here, which just makes you wonder what was going through their head picking those godawful instruments (excluding glorious MMX synth guitar of course).

>> No.2332904

Stretching a little bit on Morph Moth and Magna Centipede (attack patterns are too different), but the parallels are striking. Neat you've pointed that out.

>> No.2332976
File: 3 KB, 150x200, call liberty!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pizza made with tapioca starch, potato starch, soy and separated casein

Hello, there's more than one possible level of wrong, don't you people know?

>> No.2332994

Is it me, or did X's armors get progressively uglier and uglier with each game? Except for X1's, they're all over-designed.

>> No.2333030


>There's a pizza chain here in New Orleans called Naked Pizza that does the whole "healthy" pizza concept. It's fucking horrible.

Hearing things like this continues to make me glad that there's a massive swamp separating New Orleans from my city. Maybe one day the swamp will finish what Katrina started.

>> No.2333064


There is everything wrong with fake/substitute food. Everything.

For one, it's ____NOT____RETRO____ and if you need to switch to 'healthy' alternatives to the shitty foods you've been eating, then that says more about how fucked you are, than how fucked up the food may be.

>> No.2333139

However, one thing you could substitute for pizza, rye based dough, IS retro, and it IS healthier, it merely tastes completely weird and would only conceivably make sense if you carefully matched the toppings and used sourdough. Oh, and it's also not gluten free, in fact you might have to add extra gluten to make it fluffy enough.

>> No.2333257

Spelt and Kamut are TOTALLY retro, though some might say they don't qualify as substitutes.

>> No.2333580

>I'd play it, story sounded pretty interesting.


>> No.2333747

All that swamp does is supply Na'leans with plenty of gata' and nutria and catfish. God bless 'em.

>> No.2333767

>last level is a random revisit of a previous level

Did they run out of time?

>> No.2333826

Morph Moth is an aerial Maverick who sucks in and blows out debris. Air Man is a Robot Master who shoots blasts of air.

Magna Centipede fires missiles that stick to their target before exploding. Crash Man fires bombs that stick to their target before exploding.

Very few of the attack patterns or weapons are exactly the same, but the Mavericks are clearly meant to be homages to the Robot Masters of MM2.

You even fight a hologram at the end, just like in MM2.

Fuck you.

No one says "Nawlins."

I think it's actually due to the fact that Magna Centipede's stage is an enormous computing center. It has enough processing power to create a tangible hologram.

>> No.2333859

That part confused me. Was it actually Magna Centipede's domain? Or is it just an identically styled lab? I know the X-Hunters were shown at similar computer center, presumably at their HQ.

>> No.2334040

More ornate is just how you convey stronger than the last one in these kinds of games.

>> No.2334061


You can select Magna Centipede's level from the level select and it'll take you to the final level too.
I'd say it is the same place.

>> No.2334094
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still not as bad as X3

>> No.2334272
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>implying anything in the X series can out-shit X6

>> No.2334296

The one that comes after it.

>> No.2336001

You also fight Serges the second time on floating platforms like the Mecha Dragon.

>> No.2336025

This, I prefer X6 to X7.

>> No.2337186
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The FPS idea looked like it had potential. Too bad it wasn't going to deliver considering Capcom's track record.

I wish they could try one more "new" Megaman where he is a giant combination Mecha with multiple pilots. Hell, X was starting to look like a Gundam by X4

>> No.2338745

The X11 helmet was used in like 2 areas. Nothing special. Air dash is better than no air dash. X2 buster upgrade was pretty dope. Two charged shots on a boss withouth dealing with the invulnerability frames.

>> No.2338903

>he believes the mega man x games are not practically carbon copies of one another

>> No.2338906

what do you mean?

>> No.2338961

>>MMX6 went all out with Spikes and Pits.

It's not even hard.

>> No.2338967

Please stop this meme. X5 is a much worse game than X6 in every aspect.

>> No.2339295
File: 1.14 MB, 1693x2082, MMX4Promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2341507

Can you press up and Attack to do a downward Attack?

>> No.2341704

Can you be stopped still by the attention whore Alia in the middle of a lava stage and die when the fires of hell come and you can't get to shelter?

>> No.2341707

I agree. X4 and X1 are right up there as the best games in the X series.

X1 = X4 > X6 > X2 > X3 > X8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> X5 > X7

>> No.2341719

The X series makes me so sad. Most of the sequels aren't bad games, but none of them ever managed to surpass the first one, and thus kind of failed in their duty as sequels.

>> No.2341724

X4 is at least as good as the first game. You can say it's the first of the PS1 X games.

>> No.2341730

>double buster shot forces you to stop in place when you fire
>in a game designed around speed

I will never know what in the fuck they were thinking. It's easily the worst mechanic in the game.

>> No.2341735

stop getting your panties in a bunch, it's an unreleased prototype, it was before capcom got ultra poor so it was probably dropped simply because it was a stupid idea in the first place.

>> No.2341740
File: 415 KB, 388x501, wait what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that image supposed to be a representation of bad sex? I don't see how, to me it looks pretty degrading and hot, I want to be her :P