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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 183 KB, 639x856, 80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2313961 No.2313961 [Reply] [Original]

You guys like 80s through 90s video game adaptations, right? So let's discuss them.

>> No.2313971

I remember reading this as a kid. Don't remember if it was any good or not.

Carry on.

>> No.2313982

Not a comic or cartoon, but I really loved Nintendo's choose your own adventure books.

I read a couple Mario comics, but I don't remember much at all about them.

>> No.2314009
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Back in the early '90s, I really dug the Tokuma Street Fighter II manga when it was released here in the States.

I'm pretty sure Udon has reprinted them.

>> No.2314027
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/vp/ has a vendetta against manga, which is a shame because there are so many good gen 1 and gen 2 manga.

>> No.2314048
File: 10 KB, 185x273, sonic4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to read Sonic the Hedgehog novels.

>> No.2314051

It was a mixed bag, depending on the artist or writer for each story.
At its best it was amazing, at its worst it's toe-curlingly bad.

>> No.2314054


Better than Archie. Pretty good but it will never get an official compilation release

>> No.2314063

Also worth mentioning that besides the absolute wealth of Sonic novels I mentioned before >>2314048, we also had our own comic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_the_Comic

You might be interested in the non-Sonic strips its featured

Shinobi (3 series)
Streets of Rage (3 series)
Kid Chameleon (2 series)
Eternal Champions (2 series)
Golden Axe (2 series)
Decap Attack (3 series)
"Pirate STC" (1 series)
Marko's Magic Football (1 series)
Ecco the Dolphin (2 series)
Wonder Boy (2 series)
Sparkster [Rocket Knight Adventures] (1 series)
Mutant League Football (1 series)
Shining Force (1 series)
"Megadroid" (2 series)

>> No.2314901


Do they dislike the Pokemon Adventures series? I heard it's one of the best adaptations of Pokemon to manga.

>> No.2314921
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Great artwork, quirky sense of humor, and some of the best characterizations the characters have ever enjoyed. Their official portrayals are so bland compared to this. The lighthearted comical tone was pitch-perfect for the Mario franchise.

>> No.2314923

/vp/ doesn't dislike the manga, they try to discourage the kind of discussion that it attracts (Like the anime threads)

>> No.2314931

Given the kind of banal conversation that passes muster, I can only imagine what they're trying to avoid.

>> No.2314936
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It's sad that Amy will probably never look like this again. But at the same time, I like both of her designs...

>> No.2314959
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It's still relatively recent (serialization started in 2008 and ended in 2012, if I'm not mistaken), but the Breath of Fire IV manga is probably one of the best game-to-manga adaptations out there:


It also features an extended ending, which I doubt it's canon (even if the manga was made under Capcom's supervision).

>> No.2314992

That Toad with a 'stache kills me every time I look at it. Do you have more of this stuff ?

>> No.2315002

Is he hypnotized in that or something?

>> No.2315016

british super sonic is an invincible monster that wants to destroy everything

>> No.2315046
File: 198 KB, 669x946, super_mario_adventures_issue4_page_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There you are. If the format or quality doesn't suit you, Google "Super Mario Adventures" and you should find some alternatives.

>> No.2315072

Thanks man.
He is also "less invincible" as in the Sonic gang can defeat him without going full emeralds on him.

>> No.2315131


No, /vp/ has a lot of anime discussions.


Every time someone mentions Pokespe there's an argument about how edgy it is. Honestly it's not one of the best adaptations but it is the most popular

>> No.2315143
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No. Super Sonic in Fleetway canon is a demented version of Sonic that wants to murder everything. That's why Sonic can't be near Chaos Emeralds

>> No.2315164

Her original design is cute as fuck. I love how it emphasizes the black and white cartoon influence, while also being a product of it's time.

>> No.2315181

Who here thought Archie Sonic comics were good back in the day, only to track them down again years later and be horrified at their child -self's lack of common good taste?

And to think I was so goddamn sad I never got to read the follow-up to the "End Game" saga. I was legitimately broken up over _nothing_.

>> No.2315197

I only liked them as an extension of the SatAM Sonic cartoon. That's it.

On that note, that cartoon was pretty good. Earthworm Jim was the best animated adaptation of a videogame period.

>> No.2315208


I never got a chance to see that. I got stuck with the shitty Sonic 2 (starring Jaleel White!) adaptation.

>> No.2315215


The original issues were good but once it got plot heavy it turned to shit. It's a shame such good art is wasted on such a crap adaptation.

>> No.2315218
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This needs to be back in print, because I think its the best thing to come out of the Mario franchise.

Speaking of Mario adaptations, I see dvds of the Super Show all the time at Target and redbox. They seem to still be really popular, presumably with clueless parents who just get it because it has something their kids like on the cover. Why Nintendo hasn't decided to make a new Mario cartoon is beyond me.

>> No.2315224


I was always dying to know who was responsible for attacking Sonic the night of his celebration party (for finally overthrowing Ivo Robotnik) when he got trapped in a nightmare world.

>> No.2315239


Archie's wanted to adapt Nintendo IPs into comics but they declined. With the reassurgence of video game cartoons I wonder if Nintendo will bite.

The Japanese Mario OVAs are pretty good

>> No.2315273

...uh, Jaleel White was in the SatAM one as well. He was the voice for animated sonic back in the 90's.

>> No.2315280


I heard different, but as I never got to watch it even once, I'll take your word on it.

>> No.2315298

I found the whole series on a torrent. It's not too late to see it for yourself.

>> No.2315314
File: 34 KB, 374x500, 519KawLmuaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything, Nintendo's less likely to bite. They're very protective of their IPs and now that they're all pretty firmly established, I don't think they really want alternate takes.

The Zelda comic that was printed alongside the Mario comic is getting reprinted; it'd be wonderful if they put this out, too. The original graphic novel print included the first Mario/Wario comic, but the second one never got printed outside of Nintendo Power. I agree with you; deep down, these are the characters I think of when I think Mario, Luigi, Peach, etc.

>> No.2315326


We always have Japan. They have consistently been making Mario and Zelda manga for 30 years

>> No.2315338

Because Nintendo has to make sure Mario is as much of a wet blanket as possible to prevent alienating anyone in from buying the games. That's what happens when you set your targets on the entirety of the casual audience.

>> No.2315380

I used to have that book, spent a while looking for it when moving houses but have never been able to find it again. Maybe I gave it away or something. Can't even find the cunt online for a nostalgia read.

>> No.2315381

cant blame them for wanting money
if people wanted more mario with characterization they'd be buying wario land

>> No.2315424


Can't torrent.

>> No.2315712


She looks like the girl version of Sonic. The new design differentiates her a little. But, what it also does is make her look more mature. Amy is supposed to be 12, yet she looks like a teenager.

>> No.2315890


Have you seen RL twelve year olds?

>> No.2315918

I'm not allowed to anymore

>> No.2316048

Nintendo specifically made a statement last year that they are now more open to adapting their IP to other media.

>> No.2316060

I don't understand why people hate AoStH. It's a better adaptation than SatAM, which is a random furry cartoon with Sonic added in.

>> No.2316067

man, I wish nintendo made that tsun tsun peach canon.

>> No.2316161

Man, I really like Peach when she is snarky.

>> No.2316179
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I have always wanted to read the NiGHTS comics. And welp, I guess I can do that now thanks to the internet. Never thought of that...


>> No.2316335
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>> No.2316356

Oh, yeah. They're maturing faster these days.

Never mind.

>> No.2316365
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>> No.2316573

>Hero's Awakening
>he literally awakes

No way!

>> No.2316582

Is there a download for the Resi comics? Got the first issue, did get the rest, but they got water damaged along with a load of games mags a few years back

>> No.2316608

Sonic the Comic UK, right? I used to buy this regularly and I loved it. Were these strips ever published anywhere else?

>> No.2316920

I hated it as a kid since it felt like a generic cartoon with Sonic shoved into it. I hate it as an adult since it looks like crap.

>> No.2316948


No. There was a site to read them online but I cannot find it. Maybe SEGA killed it

>> No.2316995


That cat has an incredible ass.

>> No.2317031


Fun fact, that is Giovanni.

>> No.2317519

The same could be said about AoStH because it's Loony Toons as fuck with Sonic shoved in.

>> No.2318078


Yes, but it fits Sonic more than grimderp SatAM. And it has refefences to the games, unlike SatAM

>> No.2318449

>Yes, but it fits Sonic more than grimderp SatAM.
Stop that, both cartoons fit fine, and both cartoons are just generic shit with Sonic forced into it. Sonic had barely any characterization in it, or much of a plot for that matter. They could have done just about anything, and it would have fit. Some people prefer one or the other, some like both, some hate both.

Quit trying to act like one was better than the other. At the end of the day, you are just arguing opinion.

>> No.2319079


>> No.2319084

Looks better than half the shit kids have these days. It's weird to me how even cheap American cartoons looked decent enough but Japan churned out nothing but crap (at least when it came to the actual animation,) but now it's the other way around with American producers having some weird fetish for CGI and Adobe Flash and Japan figuring how to actually have their characters move.

>> No.2319471

Someone on /sthg/ posted a mega with all of them a few threads back

>> No.2319932
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I liked AoStH, and frankly I've come to enjoy it more as I've gotten older.

>> No.2321059


Neither are true to the games but it's obvious as day that SatAM is way less true.

>> No.2321174
File: 27 KB, 507x382, 1114175-ppg_child_fearing_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was debating to make a new thread but decided against it.

Gaming references in cartoons are allowed.


>> No.2321176

There you go again. Want to explain how the following episodes are true to the games?

"Sonic and Tails help an alien prince fix his space shuttle to return to his home planet for coronation to become king, or else his younger brother will be crowned in his place and destroy Mobius."
"During a fair in his honor, Sonic's shoes are stolen, and he and Tails use detective intellect to try and solve the whodunit case."
"Coconuts acquires a magic wand and magical gadgets from Wes Weasley (after agreeing to forward all payments to Robotnik), and attempts to master them. Meanwhile, Robotnik tries to change Sonic-themed mobium banknotes into Robotnik banknotes in the Mobius Mint."

Please, tell me how these eps are more true to the games(which barely had a plot to begin with).

>> No.2321196
File: 79 KB, 1010x763, Chaos_Emeralds_in_Aosth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Truer, not true. Not even X is close to the games.

SatAM barely had anything to do with Sonic. They had three game characters and butchered two of them.

AoStH is too goofy but it's closer to the game tone than SatAM's overly dark tone. It has more game references and Tails is a proper sidekick.

>> No.2321201


Japan has a lot of good Zelda manga that haven't been fully translated. I know the one with Link in overalls was translated

>> No.2321218

>Truer, not true. Not even X is close to the games.
Now I'm starting to think you are trolling, since by your own metric stated in the last sentence, Sonic X is closer to the games than any other series.
>SatAM barely had anything to do with Sonic. They had three game characters and butchered two of them.
And AoStH had three game characters, and constantly had them acting out of character. What is your point there?
>AoStH is too goofy but it's closer to the game tone than SatAM's overly dark tone. It has more game references and Tails is a proper sidekick.
You just said X wasn't close to the games, even though its one giant reference to Sonic Adventure and SA2? As for tone, the games barely had a tone to begin with, how can you say for certain what the tone was?

I get it, you like AoStH more, but they are BOTH crappy cartoons that had Sonic shoe-horned in to them. You are still trying to argue opinions.

>> No.2321246

>complaining about Sonic, Tails and Robotnik being "out of character"
>when there had been a grand total of two Sonic games released before both series' started airing
All three of them had no character to be out of, aside from "Sonic is the hero, Tails is the sidekick, Robotnik is the bad guy."

>> No.2321471
File: 1.89 MB, 400x305, tumblr_ne6xru3yWF1sxudx7o7_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Chaos Emerald Saga

God I loved that.


>> No.2321480


From the atmosphere and supplementary materials you can tell Robotnik wasn't as dark as he was in SatAM. Tails was fairly in character however the problem was he wasn't a hero. They treated him like a normal kit when he's supposed to be as adventerous as Sonic

>> No.2321483


X is not game accurate. It's more accurate than other medium but not game accurate.

For one Chris is not a game character. Sonic lifes on Earth in the games, in X he is from an unknowb planet.

>> No.2321575

Ok, I said "Sonic X is closer to the games"
Tell me how you got "Game accurate" from that.

>> No.2323170


>> No.2323267

>Peach is badass
Nintendo needs to hire the writer of this comic to do their next Mario RPG game.

>> No.2323339 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2323345

Peach Raider?

>> No.2323347

>that Tails

oh man

>> No.2323392
File: 62 KB, 128x175, my EYES 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That comic, that art, good god. I've got a collection.

>> No.2323636
File: 51 KB, 421x640, 1856920-novas_aventuras_de_megaman_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting Nova Advenutras de Megaman

Anybody else remember this trainwreck?

I once did a "naked roll" drinking game when reading this comic and ended up passing out because of it.

>> No.2323638


>> No.2323667
File: 306 KB, 1000x1465, mega0305t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's actually an English scanlation, though the scanlation site is down. I'd post download links myself for you or do a storytime, but... yeah, I'd probably have to censor it since this is a work safe board.

Though, that's at least saved you all a migraine.

>> No.2323671

Yeah, loved it as a kid and still enjoy it because of its so bad it's good kind of quality. Plus grounder and scratch made the show, love those morons

>> No.2323676

Why does Tails look like he's aging?

>> No.2326163

The American Mega Man cartoon is probably the best retro, western, game adaptation.

>> No.2326190
File: 1.43 MB, 1988x2377, AStH_Breezie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They've actually referenced AoStH in the current story arc in the Archie comics. Hell, they even have Breezie literally running the show in the current arc, and the other Badniks are her employees.

>> No.2326592

I don't really like her design to be honest, but I guess it's better than nothing.

>> No.2326595

Honey's design is pretty cute and works, but yeah, I don't like Breezie's design. Too "generic Sonic character" for me. Sally's new design has the same problem.

Then again I haven't followed this comic since 1997 so what do I know.

>> No.2326897


To be fair, Honey's design is from Sonic the Fighters,so it's not like it's an Archie original. Then again, I like the design of that Breezie also Sanic girls are the lone exception to my no furry fapping rule.Yes, I do also feel the apropriate amount of shame.

>> No.2327357



There ya go. Brazilian Megaman is the jam.

>> No.2327367

is she a robot in this continuity?

>> No.2327415


Most Archie OCs look like bad OCs. And Fleetway OCs don't even try to look Sonic

>> No.2328115

She appears to be an actual hedgehog, but the comic hasn't specifically talked about her personal origin story yet, since she was barely introduced.

>> No.2328185
File: 54 KB, 265x347, Sabrina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has some of the best takes on the grills in the entire franchise

>> No.2328260

>Pokemon Special

Would The Electric Tale of Pikachu give them heart attacks?

Though, that reminds me... what was the name of that official pokemon comic with the trans boy who didn't want to train a Pikachu because he thought it was too girly? And he has to get over than hang up to become a real pokemon trainer and thus a man? I think it came with some of TCG game or something? I remember reading it and remember it being. I just don't really have any evidence at the moment that it EXIST and that bothers me because I now it's fucking real.

>> No.2328264

*remember it being cute

>> No.2328295

That is actually a real thing. It's a chapter in a manga called How I Became a Pokemon Card.

>> No.2328383

Fun Fact: The artist for the original pokemon Manga had made a career out of drawing Hentai, and Pokemon was the only thing he did that didn't involve a ton of sex.

>> No.2328385


ETOP is perfectly safe. Pokespe is edgelord central on /vp/. Mention it and people bitch about how they made so many characters evil or asses.

And yee, that exists. I had scans but lost them on my old pc and I don't like downloading manga anymore. I wish we had scans for the Erika chapter

>> No.2328389


ETOP wasn't the first manga. It was a 4koma gag series

>> No.2328401
File: 1.24 MB, 2261x1118, EToP_Japanese_volume_edits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about those edges.

>> No.2328912
File: 715 KB, 1322x1000, PsychoRedandHitokage1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the original Pokemon manga. It was a 4koma. Then came Pocket Monsters, the ongoing manga with Isamu and Blockhead Clefairy.


I don't understand why they let a shota artist make a Pokemon manga.

>> No.2328915
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>> No.2328916
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>> No.2328926


Bleh, I can't stand Sabrina as a bad guy. Erika would have been better.

Sabrina has it bad. She's a normal person, not remotely malicious, but because she's a little intimidating looking and a psychic everyone thinks she's bad. She even plays villians in movies

>> No.2331735

Boy I wonder what they'll think of Digimon Tamers.