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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3 KB, 97x96, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2282615 No.2282615 [Reply] [Original]

This guy still gets me nervous.

Things that still irk you thread.

>> No.2282642

Phantoms from SMB2.

>> No.2282646

if you press a you can jump over him anon
just drop the key ya fuckin momo. figured out that shit when i was like three.

>> No.2283507

I know but he's still fucking scary as shit.

>> No.2283519
File: 11 KB, 512x448, Countdown_Ceres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Countdowns. Especially in Super Metroid. I used to ask my brother to do the intro part for me. This shit makes my heart pound.

>> No.2283524
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>> No.2283526

Agreed. That still makes me freak even though I've done it countless times.

>> No.2283591

OMG yeah, this scares me shitless!!!

>> No.2283598

the sun and the phantom are spot fucking on.

fuck them both (born in 87)

>> No.2283603
File: 2 KB, 192x128, Doomgaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In FF6 when you're in the Falcon in the World of Ruin. I'm always scared I'll have to fight this dickhead.

>> No.2283607
File: 23 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The foggy room at the end of the deku tree in ocarina of time is the worst

>> No.2283610

>Things that still irk you thread.
All of original castlevania
All of it.
It gets me so tense when playing I feel like i'm going to break my computer.

>> No.2283612

I never ran into him until I looked him up on the internet. Fucked him up with Ultima after.

You mean Gohma?

>> No.2283626

No, Gohma is a boss. Not a foggy room.

>> No.2283627

I meant Gohma's Room

>> No.2283790

Darknuts specifically blue in the original Zelda

Dis gun b bad

>> No.2283802
File: 119 KB, 319x840, ReDead_(Ocarina_of_Time).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2283843

That is why I always grabbed that turtle shell before he comes down.

>> No.2283873
File: 31 KB, 266x441, 101159-82345-popeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario kills the sun and there's still daylight out. Mario was used in Donkey Kong because they couldn't get the rights to Popeye at the time. Popeye has been able of doing things such as punching a tiger so hard, it produces a leopard's skin.

Is Mario Popeye's son?

>> No.2283875

whoops, meant to quote the OP.

>> No.2284108


Fag on newfag

>> No.2284149
File: 47 KB, 567x469, and you have to go through them at least 5 times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just know it's coming and it makes it even worse

Pic related always makes me nervous.

>> No.2284267

The Xenomorph level intros from the genesis version of Alien 3. That, and the time over sequence where you see everyone you failed to save die via chestburster.

Not as bad as Super Macho Man and his spin punches. Even now, I have trouble getting the timing down to dodge his super version.

>> No.2284813
File: 185 KB, 320x240, 1386046985848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disappearing Motherfucking platforms in Mega Man NES games.
Fuck you Wily, Fuck you.

>> No.2284820
File: 213 KB, 620x365, 151258-PhantoMainImage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2284824

Dropping the key every few seconds like it's radioactive.

>> No.2284825
File: 106 KB, 610x409, TMNT_Nintendo_dam-level_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2284835

I remember taking him out with a starman

I had conquered my greatest fears then

little did I know real life did not come with starmen

>> No.2284949

Fuck that level, fuck the guys who programmed it

>> No.2284964

Whoever tested this level and thought it was perfectly fine must be one of the most skilled gamers of all time.

>> No.2284975 [DELETED] 


>> No.2284976 [DELETED] 

Any fucking game that has a beeping alarm when your health is low, fuck you fuck you fuck you.

>> No.2285043

Always hated this so damn much. Makes some games almost unplayable for me.

Uncharted Waters: New Horizons is still a game that gets me nervous. Fucking storms and monsters always scared the shit out of me. Especially the sounds that play during the storms and the screen gets all fuzzy and if you're not close to land or have a balm it's basically game over.

>> No.2285103


fuck that whole game. i had that shit and i was too young to explain why the game sucked and not me, so i was stuck plaything that piece of shit whether i wanted to or not.

>> No.2285106
File: 32 KB, 499x570, tonnin_seteli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not killing the Angry Sun with a Koopa Shell

>> No.2285107

The entirety of Ecco and Ecco: Tides of Time.
Can't even really explain why.

>> No.2285115
File: 953 KB, 900x698, A Broken, Warped, Hateful Thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh FUCK those bastards. Do you know how much courage I had to screw up NOT to use the Sun's Song every single fucking time?

And then the sadistic bastards used a whole goddamn choir of them to add "ambiance" to the Stone Tower Temple. At that point I figured that if there was a place somehow more forsaken and damned than hell, I was probably there.

>> No.2285123

It's a scary, spiritual game.

>> No.2285125
File: 145 KB, 468x569, 1424286123712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not speedrunning the level as the best option to avoid the sun

>> No.2285143
File: 2.24 MB, 2100x1528, 2364489-snes_nhl94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How normies retroactively ruined retro game collecting by buying a ton of sports games. Every goddamn flea market/pawn shop I go to is filled with this junk.

>> No.2285146

My local vintage stock has ~100 n64 games.
All but one are sports games.

>> No.2285183

fuck sports games.

>> No.2285193
File: 19 KB, 400x300, medusa room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These little assholes.

Many many instances of not noticing one or forgetting they can shoot through trees and just being killed out of nowhere have made me nervous around them, especially if I have to walk past one and it opens its eyes. I worry it's somehow gonna shoot through the rock I put there precisely to keep it from shooting me.

>> No.2285197

Sometimes I fantasize about buying all the shitty NHL and Madden games in the world, then having the carts gutted and repurposed for homebrewing purposes.

I call it... the Ballocaust.

>> No.2285198

This is Maddeness!

>> No.2285204

god fucking damn zelda & metroid

>> No.2285335
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>> No.2285339

hella f*cking epic bro. that'll teach those jocks!

>> No.2285370
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>> No.2285626

Puck off

>> No.2285642
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>> No.2285648
File: 5 KB, 320x224, Silversonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still suck shit at this boss fight

>> No.2285661

Actually, it's probably just you who's shit. I did it when I borrowed the game from a friend at age 6.

>> No.2285665

Just mute the volume.

>> No.2285668

Here. Let me help you by providing the audio aid, plebeian.

>> No.2285672

>No rings.
>Have to fight two bosses back to back without making a single mistake.
That shit is fucking cruel.

>> No.2285675

This is what I used the P-Wing for.

>> No.2285682

What a glorious waste of a P-wing.
Why not use it on one of the unforgiving flying boat levels?

>> No.2285686

I usually use them on world 8

>> No.2285689
File: 2.77 MB, 1280x720, silver.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still suck shit at this boss fight

Have a crappy how-to

>> No.2285719

>The secret areas that require you to get mudokens to through those.
God fuck that shit, I love yet hate how difficult those can be at times, but really it's all a matter of patience and studying the pattern of when it's gonna come down, same with getting the pattern for the red-green mines.

>> No.2285793

I was a stupid kid who couldn't get past world three anyway.

>> No.2285803
File: 655 KB, 260x146, fuck2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was that easy the whole time?!

Jesus Christ I feel like a moron.

>> No.2285804
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>> No.2285810

Can you do the giant Robotnik robot as well? I've only been able to beat him once.

>> No.2285813



>> No.2285843

If I didn't constantly fuck up the way you did I might have to say something...


But I'm an inclusive kinda guy so Thank you for the contribution attempt. You should stick around these parts.

>> No.2285850

Here goes. Not my best run but, yeah, you have it. Couldn't fit that easily in a <3Mb WebM, so here's a low quality YT link.


>> No.2285872
File: 284 KB, 150x150, ballrubbin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /vr/ post forever immortalized on youtube

>> No.2285886
File: 10 KB, 512x448, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized a way to make it easier as time went on, but I always fucking hated the climb to Nimbus, especially if you're getting that goddamn frog coin.

>> No.2285935

I usually got the habit down pretty quick for Silver Sonic, but had I known I could've just done that, I would've saved so much fucking time back in the day.

>> No.2286016
File: 57 KB, 505x451, adventure_island_2_eggplant_by_lumine12-d4ol6j3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2286091

shit is piss easy

>> No.2286094

this proves my point that children are fucking stupid.
never have kids, /vr
i regret it everyday

>> No.2286107
File: 26 KB, 300x372, Strife_box_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sound of those fucking robot spiders.

>> No.2286119
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>> No.2286186

This doesn't make sense, you only go down the stairs to get to the blue tunic.

>> No.2286242
File: 117 KB, 635x480, luvgains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not my best run

listen to this modest mother fucker

>> No.2286292

You're the one who's shit. your poor parents couldn't afford the game so you had to go beg the only person who'd talk to you in first grade for their game to satisfy your turtle fetish.

>> No.2288335

never happened to me.

>> No.2288356

Stop pushing up or down and this won't happen.

>> No.2288364

>Fucked him up with Ultima after.
You scrub.

>> No.2291214

Well, if that's the way you wanna see it, go ahead, man.

>> No.2291279


Holy shit I was about to post this

>> No.2291314

Ever since Descent, I've learned to fucking book it no longer how long the countdown is.


>> No.2291352
File: 25 KB, 550x453, 7c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That perfect technique

I never figured that out.

...I have failed as a gamer.

>> No.2291373

What kind of desktop environment is that?

>> No.2291393

>I dont like sports games, so nobody else should be allowed to!

Fuck faggots like you for reaffirming the gamer/nerd stereotype and letting people pigeonhole us. I played and still play all kinds of non-sports video games, and I also enjoyed sports games because they were a good way for my friends and I to actually live out the backyard football but with "real" NFL players.

Super Tecmo Bowl was the shit and it's a damn shame nearly everyone on /vr/ was the hamplanet with no friends that never played catch with his dad or basketball/football/whatever with his friends. Fuck's sake, /sp/ and /vr/ are the only 4chan boards relevant to my tastes, it's too bad that so many nerds are incapable of not being fedora tippers when it comes to sports

>> No.2291425
File: 93 KB, 480x359, saygoodnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2291547

looks like ubuntu

>> No.2291559
File: 84 KB, 443x332, unnamed (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, forever this

>> No.2291908

for me it was the exact opposite, i spent days trying to find a way to re-encounter this shithead and i had to make sure it didn't ran away again

>> No.2292135
File: 27 KB, 320x240, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The goddamn Dreamland Express.

>> No.2292138
File: 313 KB, 4685x2457, 1422886105029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter level with racoon
>fly past the whole thing

>> No.2292160

Sigma stages in Mega Man X2.

>> No.2292245

Nice bro

>> No.2293431

Honestly, that's one of the most epic boss battle rooms ever. A MASSIVE room with pillars and organics and shit, and you're doing battle in it.

>> No.2293449


>> No.2293548


>> No.2293563

I had to restart my fucking file because of that fight.
It's easy when you know actually know it's coming, but that first time playing through I wasn't prepared at all, no matter what I did I got my ass handed to me. Then, restart whole game.

>> No.2293565

Forgot to add, that I saved at that part just before the fight, so I couldn't grind job points or levels or anything.

>> No.2293578
File: 120 KB, 600x440, DK64Crosshair[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2293596

>>Get to this part
>>Die constantly
>>See online that it recommends some squire yell bullshit combinations
>>Fuck that noise
>>Take dragoon class without investing a single thing in it until now
>>Game is retarded and always will try to make Wiegraf attack you from the back
>>Use jump command and know what square he'll attack because again, this game has the worst poker face in history of everything
>>Beat him without a single hp lost.

>> No.2293863
File: 112 KB, 400x600, wiegraf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, that part is a newbie killer. When playing that style of game I always have at least 2-4 save game files in case I fuck up... or Wiegraff appears.
'haven't played the game in ages, I remember the quicker fights vs him, where with the use of triggering reaction abilities.

>> No.2297292
File: 449 KB, 260x195, tumblr_ml624qVzqr1s9qubto1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2298047
File: 359 KB, 754x726, Like_Like_(Ocarina_of_Time).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2298057

unequip your tunic and hylian shield dude it's literally easy

>> No.2299582


Doesn't make them any less repulsive, Anon.

>> No.2299710

>never played the original Oddworld games, always saw people raving over the Mudokon lemmings
>got New N Tasy free earlier this month
>try it out, loadsafun. got to the Zulags before restarting to try and save all Mudokons
>save every single Mudokon up through to the beginnings of the Zulags
>that terrible, terrible feeling when you get about twenty minutes in and see a sign with CASUALTIES: 1
I can't fucking handle this game man

>> No.2299721

>people didn't know you could do this
I literally never touched a SEGA console growing up and never played the classic games until I was old enough to know what emulation/virtual console was and I still knew this when I was, like, eight.

>> No.2299725

gonna hijack this to say: The X-Hunters in MM2. The way they move on the screen and the order you have to fight them and etc. just makes the game incredibly tedious and stressful if you want to get everything, that's why 1, 3 and 4 will always be my favorites.

>> No.2299740
File: 945 KB, 245x150, 1426196534422.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember this. this shit was tense

>> No.2299868

>jump over first bits of quick sand
>pick up that one turtle
>run as fast you can
>angry sun swoops down, hits turtle
>keep running
>time your jump with the twister
>sail into the air
>land outside the ending
>run in for a star card

Easiest level in the world after learning and practicing this method

>> No.2299869


>Find the exit
>then go destroy the core
>book it to the exit
>Enemies have popped out of other secret doors

>> No.2299878

>hitting him in the skull area
>not his ass

I distinctly remember getting behind him and jumping into his ass to kill him.

Or am I high?

>> No.2299930

Daggerfall dungeon sounds

>> No.2299932

I remember playing this game on emulator the first time and breezing right through that part. Played it again a few years later, it took me for fucking ever to get through. Had to resort to save states. No idea how I did it so easy the first time.

>> No.2299938

that is practically cheating.

>> No.2300703
File: 76 KB, 420x420, 2d58d73e65798160787cea2bb3964965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every single time.

When that fucker comes to life

>> No.2300739

Ugh I remember that shit. Fucking panic attack.

>> No.2301197

I panicked when I first saw this. Though it was going to come to life and kill me. Glad I was wrong, right?


Then again, the human mask in the original was no slouch either.

>> No.2301210

To finish him faster you could move a bit to the left, spin dash when he lands and get two free hits when he arches forward before spinning away. I always do that. In my opinion that's the safest technique

>> No.2301227

You need to fight him legit if you want the esper.

>> No.2302449
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>> No.2302531
File: 41 KB, 640x480, airetamstorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright that's it. This thread has made me want to relive so many moments. Best controller for SNES emulation?

>> No.2302535

that fireball looks so happy.

>> No.2302542

/vr/: Us Gamers edition

I hate you guys.

>> No.2303069


Well, wouldn't you be happy if you could fly and never had to worry about someone setting you on fire?

>> No.2303121

OR make yourself a normal snes controller usb input

>> No.2303142


>> No.2303174
File: 58 KB, 900x506, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2303446

I don't panic on countdown levels because I assume I'm given plenty of time. If there's a countdown, I don't explore. I just run like hell. It's just common sense, really.

>> No.2303530

This fight is fucking stupid. How the fuck are you supposed to tell when he has a hitbox and when he doesn't? I could never hit him anywhere except for his abdomen after he lands.

>> No.2303540

It's easy when you figure it all out, but yeah, they should have given you 1 ring so you can experiment with him. It sucked as an 8 year old making it all that way and dying right away.

>> No.2303781
File: 99 KB, 345x460, Dagger-ffix-battle-long.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Command failed!
>Dagger can't concentrate!

>> No.2303860
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>> No.2303927
File: 1.16 MB, 1278x702, Don&#039;t fall!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst level in the game.

>> No.2303961

Now you have to explain.

>> No.2303986

Rusty Bucket has a few points where you can die outright (Engine Room, drowning, and the embarrassing getting stuck behind the propellers)
Click Clock Wood you can't explicitly die, but too easy to fall. One false move and you lose half your health.
>That climb back up

>> No.2304021

Her ass is the best thing about her.

>> No.2304049
File: 113 KB, 400x300, alex47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy made me hate the game. If you played it, you know who I'm talking about.

>> No.2304062
File: 828 KB, 320x224, garnet-ff9-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also her new haircut

>> No.2304080

Looks like a seal with a runny nose.

>> No.2304743


I could never tell- is he supposed to be a disc or a sphere?

>> No.2304760

Came in here to post this.

Thank you.

>> No.2305524
File: 19 KB, 120x92, 120px-WallmasterLoZArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

though OoT's one's I didn't have a problem with

>> No.2305534
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>> No.2305542

come on you guys...he is not even that
hard to avoid...unless you are 10 of course in which case he must be scary as fuck.

>> No.2305545
File: 30 KB, 486x382, JP38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this one...
the music, the feeling, the fact you couldn't kill it and if she caught you you were dead...
but mostly the music.
Haven't been so scared in a game before that.

>> No.2305552
File: 495 B, 304x232, 3D-monster-maze-T-rex-2-steps-away.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2305575
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>> No.2305585
File: 11 KB, 70x64, TANK1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intimidating as hell the first time around, still worrisome in consecutive runs.

>> No.2307215

Omg I HATED that!

>> No.2307220
File: 313 KB, 499x281, tumblr_lpjgic1XzO1qfu47lo3_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2307225

dem guys is assholes. The skeletons too scare me sometimes cause they just... come to life. Spooky

Nervous? Moreso irritating.

Even with cheats, this still fucking sucks.

>> No.2307228
File: 5 KB, 320x288, II5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing but these motherfuckers

>> No.2307253

Bad Breath

>> No.2307937
File: 10 KB, 130x159, skifee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2307954
File: 7 KB, 99x73, Attackfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These motherfuckers in Spyro
also the whole Tree Tops level and the spiders in High Caves

>> No.2308034
File: 13 KB, 512x448, Kirby&#039;s_Dream_Land_3_(U)006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scarfys are weird,
But Dreamland got weirder.

>> No.2309370

>nuclear launch detected

sure it never cause me too much trouble, but it still puts me in panic every time.

>> No.2309531
File: 17 KB, 480x320, you&#039;vemetwithaterriblefatehaven&#039;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy.

>> No.2310038

How do you record webums so quickly please teach me your ways

>> No.2310041

It is possible but if you touch the fire from the jetpack you die.

>> No.2310489
File: 346 KB, 576x359, Fuckingassholes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck going through this level, so tedious.

>> No.2310534
File: 35 KB, 626x317, purplephish20-20120324T144213-jpubtc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trouble in the trolley, eh?

>> No.2310627

Not retro, but yes, a great asspul. I lost my save, so I don't know how bad he is on advanced.

>> No.2310640

Far worse was when I missed my save on spyro 3. The hack music was cool, though.


>> No.2310820
File: 84 KB, 282x505, Barnacle_HL1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2311806

just press f to speed up

>> No.2311920
File: 15 KB, 256x223, kirby3-3_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason I beat these stupid puzzles in Dream Land 3 is because of the U's save state feature. I can't beat them on physical carts

>> No.2311924


Are they easier in the Wii reboot? I can beat everyone easily except for the final boss, and the post championship guys

>> No.2311926

I was playing Chrono Trigger and got stuck on the first Flea fight. I deleted it off my Wii so now I can't replay CT

>> No.2311928


You're a shit dad who should leave your kids alone

>> No.2311931
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>> No.2312881
File: 40 KB, 638x476, gfs_40272_2_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bloody level

>> No.2312909
File: 324 KB, 500x1967, 1406405535017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually commonplace for game designers.

>> No.2312925
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Well, your children may be stupid. Not all children are stupid, some are. You should love your stupid children in spite of their stupidity. Being stupid their lives are probably not going to be all that great, ending up as servers, dishwashers, cashiers, etc. so you might as well not be another reason their lives suck. Why don't you try from now on to be a reason your kids love the world on into their disappointing adult hoods instead of just another reason the world sucks for the stupid.

>> No.2312938

There's always some yahoo on here claiming everything is piss easy. That's the guy that's going to have a hard time peeing as an old man. Karma's a bitch.

>> No.2312943
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We were all stupid when we were kids, try to help your kids to be not "that" stupid, at least so they don't have to go through bad times becuase of their stupidity... oh and, yes... kids are obnoxious.

>> No.2312948


Adults are more obnoxious than the most ignoant child

>> No.2312951
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What kind of wussy kids are you trying to raise here?

>> No.2312961

You haven't been around enough kids.

>> No.2312967


I am a teacher. Adults are worse and you can't be the boss of adults

>> No.2312971

So you find adults obnoxious because you cant boss them around like you can the kids in your classroom?

>> No.2312979

well yeah, I agree with that in a way
don't have any kids, thank the gods... from what I've seen, even the bright, smart kid everyone is proud of is in a certain degree stupid and does lots of stupid shit. Smart adults, can fuck up, but they at least know how to behave and after fucking up they can acknowledge, say I'm sorry, and mos importantly fix things... but if we're gonna generalise as >>2312948 said, I too believe us adults are obnoxious.

>we are seriously digressing here m80s...

>> No.2312980
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You are a teacher. I now simultaneously admire and loathe you. This is a very confusing feel.

>> No.2312982


I don't boss the kids around. Adults are just more annoying. You're much more likely to meet an adult who thinks they know everything then a whiny kid

>> No.2312995

There just isn't enough ammo for me in survival horror games. I don't like having to use knives and let's face it, if you use a knife against many of the enemies in that close of a range you're going to die.

>> No.2313008


>thank the gods

There is only one God.

>> No.2313026

Can't you just redownload it?

>> No.2313035
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not according to these guys... anyway, it's just a way of saying, in my case.

>> No.2313037
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Yahwehfag pls leave

We Zarathustra nao biatch.

>> No.2313050


Probably but I don't wanna use my Wii and am too lazy to buy a SD card to transfer data to my U. Iwill just buy it again one day

>> No.2313057

I guess the Chemical Plant Zone boss in Sonic 2. I always feel like I'm going to fall in.

>> No.2313062


All of my rage and hate. 9 times out of 10 that was as far as I got in any play session.

>> No.2313084
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>> No.2313745
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>> No.2313802

speedrun strats?

>> No.2314637


The best part is where you jump to hit him but Tails somehow hits him first so you fall through him during his invincibility frames and there are no platforms to land on so you fall into the mack and die.

Fucking Tails, I swear.

>> No.2314647


I hated Tails so much by Sonic 3 (because of how fuck useless he was in 2) that when I got bored during a run-through I would find ways to deliberately lure him into dangerous situations and get out of them just late enough to kill him. Repeatedly.

Loved Hydrocity Zone Act II just for this.

>> No.2314659


Tails was useful in a few areas of Sonic 3 if you grabbed a second controller and airlifted Sonic around.

>> No.2314669


Oh, he was more useful in Sonic 3 period, 2nd player or no. He didn't actually have an AI in 2. He was just set to mirror whatever action you did, delayed a bit.

>> No.2314693

The boss rush in Kirby Dream Land 1. I still can't beat it

>> No.2314769
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>> No.2314797
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So, was he supposed to be a reference to Rover from The Prisoner?

>> No.2315109

Things that still irk me:

- Having to play along with the bad guys to advance the plot as if I hadn't played before.
- Timers in RPG areas with high random encounter rates, especially if no Moogle Charm or similar item.
- Half-assed applications of RPG elements in non-RPG games.
- Characters that are awesome when the computer controls them but suck ass when a human controls them (Why the fuck you gotta put "up" in a special move command, Street Fighter?)

>> No.2315939
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now that you mention it...
>run in for a star card

>> No.2316836

Git gud you candyass.

>> No.2316947

fuck that guy

>> No.2316962

those were a bitch in Oracle of Seasons in Poison Moth's Lair, that one room where you start out with 6 tiles of space to fight four of those fuckers.

>> No.2317098
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These little motherfuckers.

>> No.2317107
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This guy with the jelly shield :(

>> No.2317291
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>> No.2317568


>> No.2317764

Not him, but you can use ffmpeg to record your screen and encode it directly to webm.

>> No.2317797
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>> No.2317810


>> No.2321163


They're so cute but annoying.

>> No.2322181

those stupid ass birds from ninja gaiden, I hate them so much. even worse, is that when you dodge it and try the jump again, they respawn.

>> No.2322237
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Cleaning out the farm takes days.

>> No.2322241

gb2 tumblr u whiney cry babby, we here on the chan of 4 do not take kindly to ur type here, we are too cool and edgy for such stuff here.

>> No.2322243

I usually just clean out sections as I need them...

>> No.2322263


I think it's gross having weeds and logs everywhere. It strikes up my OCD

>> No.2322289

It's tedious, but you can do it in a single night if you really want to. Just work until you're exhausted, spend some time in the hot spring and get back to work. Rinse and repeat. That's how I collect wood.

>> No.2322482

how much of a difference will regular and the golden tools make?