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2304143 No.2304143 [Reply] [Original]

How long until there's an hardware perfect Nintendo 64 emulator?

>> No.2304147
File: 892 KB, 1280x720, Victory After The Doomsday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ask MarathonMan at Cen64. That is currently your one best shot at a cycle-accurate N64 emulator.

>> No.2304164

That's nice, didn't know there was one already in development, thanks Anon.

>> No.2304175

>How long until there's an hardware perfect Nintendo 64 emulator?

Exactly until you code one.

>> No.2304181

Put a dollar a day in a jar, and you'll have enough to buy an everdrive long before it ever happens.

>> No.2304183

This is the kind of project I'd really be interested in making, but unfortunetly I can't code to save my life, left alone understand how the hardware works.

>> No.2304186
File: 470 KB, 1101x726, Of Darkness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even if you had basic coding experience this would be out of your league; he's being an asshole.

>> No.2304301

>perfectly emulating an entirely non-standard hardware platform
This is what underageds actually believe

>> No.2304307


Poor choice of words, I agree. Not only is it currently impossible with consumer-grade hardware to "perfectly emulate" even fuckin' PONG, but it's a rather dubious proposition this would ever even be necessary.

>> No.2305208

5th gen emulation is a radioactive wasteland permanently fucked for all future users.

>> No.2305217


mednafen strongly disagrees with you.

>> No.2305235

at this point fucking wii emulation is almost as good as n64 emulation

>> No.2305247


gc/wii emulation is better than n64 emulation

>> No.2305335

To be fair, the 64s architecture is gook medicine man magic

>> No.2305625

>gook medicine man magic

>> No.2305631

The n64 is such a clusterfuck that i doubt we will get the one emulator that works with all games out of the box

>> No.2305635

>almost as good
It's fucking better.

>> No.2305647

Hi! I'm completely naive regarding the subject.

What makes the N64 so difficult to emulate exactly?

>> No.2305675

It's powered by regret and corn oil

>> No.2305751

It has a weird processor with lots of floating zeros.
It had a crazy GPU which could be reprogramed on the fly.
A lot of games did really weird things with the hardware too.
Most of what we have for it is hacks pieced together.

>> No.2305768

Even with all that duck tape, n64 emulation is meh. I'm still waiting for banjo tooie to be emulated without problems

>> No.2305806

>mfw that joke on The Big Bang Theory about a poorly-coded N64 emulator was accurate
Well shit, I guess I have to give them some credit for proper research.

>> No.2305816

>The Big Bang Theory
You gotta be shitting me right?

>> No.2305817

>duck tape

>> No.2305820


What >>2305751 said, but additionally factor in really shit hardware documentation for a good long while after its demise.


People said the same thing about
PSX emulation. I'm pinning my money on Cen64. If nothing else, some more ambitious dev will comb through what they manage to accomplish to learn from it.

>> No.2305821

flashcarts exist

>> No.2305826

Well sometimes you can't help but hear what's on the TV when you're sitting with your family and don't want to be the guy complaining about what everyone's watching.
Joke should have been in quotation marks. It's almost anti-humor, except the things that aren't supposed to be not-funny are laughed at.

>> No.2305829

nope, there's actually an episode where sheldon complains about n64 emulation while playing SM64 on his laptop.

>> No.2308436

This makes me wonder how long it will take between generations to emulate a system. If it's taking this long for N64, then would the WiiU take decades?

>> No.2308442


Depends on

1. The interest.

2. The thoroughness of the DRM.

3. How esoteric the platform is.

4. How competent the coders are.

>> No.2308446

Anon the Gamecube and Wii have been better-emulated than the N64 for some time now. The DS, too. Nintendo consoles being mostly emulated BEFORE the end of their in-stores lifespan is a long-running joke.

>> No.2308465


"mostly emulated" is a bit of a stretch, but certainly basic working implementations for every goddamn one before end-of-life. Typically that means at least a few games boot and play in some manner and you may or may not have a working sound subsystem.

That's still a lot of fucking work to even get that far.

>> No.2308624

I think emulating the N64 will become some kind of meme between coders, in the end some group will probably appear and do it ironically.

That's it, in a very distant future.

>> No.2308627


I'm pretty sure the problem isn't coding difficulty so much as the rarity of devkits to actually know whats going on. Don't forget it's technically illegal to own a devkit, and Nintendo were pretty strict during N64 era.

>> No.2310568


Or you could juat buy a N64

>> No.2310832
File: 18 KB, 240x300, 81631221d8e826d1c6123a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey Sheldon, what are you up to?"
>crowd giggles audibly
"Nothing much, playing some Super Mario 64."
>various chuckles are heard across the stage
"Oh really, you got it on your laptop?"
>laughter breaks loose in spectacular form, making the dialogue difficult to make out beneath it
"Yeah, I'm using an emulator. It's kind of slow though."
>at this point, the dialogue is no longer audible. the laughter begins turning to screams as the live audience members lose control of their bowels and begin to shit themselves with pure comedic ecstasy
>cut to commercial break

>> No.2310841


They let a reference to emulation on tv? Was he scorned for emulation? Whenever piracy appears on tv it is always portrayed negatively, which makes sense but still.

>> No.2310842

have you actually never seen big bang theory or something, I mean I don't like it very much, but still... you are dumb.

>> No.2310843

what? he made a perfectly valid point, piracy in any form is always made out to be some evil hacker type stuff in tv/movies

>> No.2310854


>> No.2310856

Nothing came of it. It was basically just "Hey, what are you doing?" "Playing Super Mario 64 on a poorly coded emulator." It even had the sounds right, instead of BEEP BOOP ATARI NOISES.

>> No.2310857

Circa 2006 when the Wii and its Virtual Console came along.

>> No.2310887

Hopefully never.

>> No.2310909

jesus christ there's actually a laugh track after the line i was kidding how the fuck do people watch this

>> No.2310912


>> No.2310921

Meant for >>2310854

>> No.2310930
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>gook medicine man magic

>> No.2310940

>an actual well written joke appears
>jesus christ how do people watch this

I really don't know what to say to you. This was one of the times this show actually got shit right and you're bitching about it?

>> No.2310951

>This was one of the times this show actually got shit right
And you got it wrong. They're not laughing because "it's a well written joke." They're laughing because nerd is doing nerdy nerd things, ha ha! The fact that you think you "get the joke" makes you the butt of the joke by extension. Ha! Ha! I bet you play video games on your computer all day, you nerd!

>> No.2311015

>an actual well written joke appears

It's not even a joke though. All Sheldon does is say that he's playing Mario 64 on a bad emulator. The entire punchline is just for people who know nothing about emulators to go HAHAHA HE'S SUCH A NERD! just like every other shitty attempt at a joke on the show.

>> No.2311024

Kaley Cucuo sounds more and more like Jennifer Aniston.

>> No.2311036


See, but YOU guys got what he was talking about. You knew better. Which means the joke really was for guys like you, and everyone else is being prompted to laugh.

If what you said was true, he could have more accessibly said he was playing Boof and Doof in the Land of Rainbow Farts.

Layers, bitches.

>> No.2311042

> he could have more accessibly said he was playing Boof and Doof in the Land of Rainbow Farts.
Right, because "Mario" is an obscure IP that would mystify most people upon hearing it.

We "got it" because it's not a joke TO get. It's just a statement that sounds nerdy to the average person, and THAT, to them, is the joke.

>> No.2311045

There are no layers. The entire joke is just that he's doing something nerdy. It'd be like saying me playing a twitch shooter with a $20 Logitech keyboard and mouse is a joke and not just me being a cheap fuck.

>> No.2311078

Jesus you're an idiot.

The IP isn't the obscure part, it's the N64 emulation scene. Instead of mentioning n64 emulators, they could easily have made the shitty joke I wrote because just saying "I'm playing Mario" isn't the least bit funny.

That joke wasn't written for "them" it was for guys like YOU to pick up on, since the whole thing was factually accurate. If someone grumbling that the only way they can play Mario 64 outside of their apartment is on a poorly coded emulator doesn't touch your sense of sardonic humour then you're clearly not one for any degree of subtlety.

Seriously, this show never genuinely tackles humour like this and you just want to slice it to ribbons because some foley editor pushed the applause button. But no, rather than admit they got one right, we have to maintain the hivemind.

>> No.2311101

>The IP isn't the obscure part, it's the N64 emulation scene.

Yes, dear, we know that. The obscurity is what makes it funny to the average person. People get "I'm playing a game." Not everyone gets "I'm playing a poorly coded emulator." That's a geeky thing. The entire show revolves around "these guys are helplessly, unbelievably nerdy." The joke stems from that.

If you want to feel like the writers were giving a sly wink to you, pat yourself on the back. But that's not why it made it to air. That's not why it's a "joke." This is not a show catering to a niche crowd.

> you just want to slice it to ribbons because some foley editor pushed the applause button.
You yourself JUST SAID "everyone else is being prompted to laugh." Now you're shoving those words in my mouth AND thumbing your nose at me for it? I'm really sorry you got rubbed the wrong way, but you're acting like a spaz.

>> No.2311105

Man, I had no idea they were still using canned laughtracks in TV series.

I swear, I thought that stuff had ended in the late 90's.

>> No.2311124

You have to admit that by TV portrayals of video games standards, they get bonus points just for knowing emulation is a thing and using the appropriate sounds for the game.

>> No.2311137

Welcome to the shitty world of CBS sitcoms bucko

Someday someone will write an article like this about them

>> No.2311140

I don't have to, but for your sake, I will. Honestly I think they just scrape online posts, wash off the vitriol, and give it to one of the guys to say. Someone responds with bewilderment or confusion. [laughs]

>> No.2311162

Are you and actual autist?

The line is, quote, 'Playing Super Mario 64 on a poorly coded emulator"


The entire premise of that scene and the entire show is
>aspie says something nerdy
>Laugh track tells brain dead viewers when to laugh

>> No.2311173

>mednafen has opinions
>mednafen is an emulator
>I'm retarded
Choose the last one

>> No.2311182

Chuck Lorre not only uses them in his stuff but he goes completely overboard with them.


>> No.2311187

Even if you had a perfect hardware simulation of the N64's circuits, is there even enough information to reproduce the firmware code needed to run the stuff?

>> No.2311191

In a way, all the silence between lines feels natural--like they're all very uncomfortable which each other's crippling flaws but don't know how to broach them.

>> No.2311198

[audience laughs]
Oh, Sheldon!

>> No.2311207

the weird thing is that someone on the show knows more about n64 emulators than about the 64
in another episode one of them, I think it might have been the one that lives with his mom, found his 64 and wanted to play mario with the other guys and mentions that they can play on his old saves because he has the memory card

>> No.2311226
File: 34 KB, 500x342, N64_controllerpack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and mentions that they can play on his old saves because he has the memory card

To be fair the N64 did have stuff to store your save data on but I don't know if Mario 64 was compatible with it or not.

>> No.2311229

>I don't know if Mario 64 was compatible with it or not.

I don't believe it was.

>> No.2311238

it wasn't. the only games i recall it being compatible with were games where you could make a custom character or car or something and bring it to a friends house for multiplayer

>> No.2311267

It was compatible with a decent amount of games. Perfect Dark, Turok 1 and 2, and Pokemon Stadium, and others.

>> No.2311345


>> No.2311730

This is true. Everyone who has ever emulated SM64 has played it on a poorly coded emulator. Saying it's poorly coded is completely redundant.

There is no joke, there is only flat truth.

The 'joke' is that they dropped in a fact known only to 'geeks'.

>> No.2311732

Wait till Rapture happens.

>> No.2311741
File: 53 KB, 640x468, 2327_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC, one of the Goemon mystical ninja games required a memory pack to play. So did Chameleon Twist 2 (which is weird since the first chameleon twist didn't need it)

>> No.2311757


Because people with low IQ cannot into coding or science, but they don't like to admit this, and they want to signal interest in science in order to leech off its status. So Big Bang Theory.

>> No.2311780

The Controller Pak was mostly meant for 3rd party games which didn't include a battery in the cartridge itself to reduce costs. Only a few 1st party games used it, the only one I can think of is Mario Kart 64 for ghosts.

IIRC the Controller Pak is simply a little board with a battery on it. Nintendo didn't start using flash memory until some of the late N64 games like Majora's Mask and the GBA.

>> No.2311790

You are going to need to a scientific workstation level machine and a like 5 graphics cards just to get it running at full speed though.

>> No.2311793

oh ho ho

>> No.2311795

>a game that was developed slightly later than another game need an add on that the other game did not
yeah, so surprising, you can not comprehend how shocked I am.

>> No.2311805

>implying that cycle emulating a pong machine would be hard on consumer grade computers
good job at pulling things out of your ass.

>> No.2311825


>> No.2312156

He said "Perfectly" which implies transistor accurate, not cycle accurate. And he would be correct, since they just recently emulated Pong at the transistor accurate level, on a super computer, running at about 12fps.

You could have replaced your post with "I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about but I want to attempt to appear smart!" and it would have had the same effect.