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2289063 No.2289063 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think Castlevania II is a good game?

>> No.2289073


>> No.2289096


>> No.2289106

If you play it with the retranslation and a map with place names (like the Japanese version came with), it becomes less bad. Doesn't cross over into good though.

>> No.2289115

it's a shitload of fuck

>> No.2289119

Taking it for what it is after all these years it's not even as bad as some will make it out to be. Its just some fucking meme that people will forever parrot

>> No.2289123

It's the NES game in my Retro Duo right now, which is just a little display hooked up to a super cute 5 inch color CRT. For whatever reason, that CRT usually has Castlevania on it.

>> No.2289132
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B-But the AVGN...

>> No.2289136

It was okay. Not as good as 1 or 3.

>> No.2289139

The game has a lot of significant, glaring issues.

Sure, a lot of people dismiss it without even having played it, but the game still isn't good.

>> No.2289141

I like how the whip makes a 2.

>> No.2289145

James actually likes Simon's Quest...

He just thought a lot of the stuff was really obscure, and it has some issues which he bitches about in AVGN episode 1.

Simon's Quest isn't a fucking bad game. Its just different and a little bit out there, which was definitely not uncommon in that era. There were so many trash games on the NES and Simon's Quest is not one of them.

>> No.2289151

If the info that the people gave to you, have any meaning it could be a pretty cool game, but unfortunately that is not the case.

>> No.2289158

even once you know what to do the game is still boring as fuck

>> No.2289159 [SPOILER] 
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>The gameplay departs from the standard platforming genre of the first Castlevania for a game more similar to the nonlinear gameplay of Metroid, with several RPG elements such as a world map which the player is free to explore and revisit.
>with several RPG elements such as a world map which the player is free to explore and revisit.
>several RPG elements such as a world map which the player is free to explore and revisit.
>world map which the player is free to explore and revisit.
>the player is free to explore and revisit.

and on the NES in 1987.

Fuck all of you hating faggots.

True CV fans cherish this game.

>> No.2289185

It's a great game.

>> No.2289187

Not really, no. Even ignoring the overly cryptic hints, the game isn't really that well designed. Going places is boring, the enemies are no challenge, and grinding for hearts is tedious. I appreciate Konami trying something different, but they dropped the ball with Simon's Quest.

I still enjoy a playthrough now and then though.

>> No.2289247

>true CV is metroidvania shit
It's a pretty meh game. Zero challenge outside of the hints which are arguably too cryptic and a bunch are hidden in obscure places.
Its not godawful, but its just... there. There's nothing really great about the game besides the music. Exploration is boring, fighting is boring, it was a great concept but it plays pretty terribly.

If they had put some effort into level design and adjusted the rest of the game accordingly, yeah, it would've been mindblowing, as it stands its a misstep in an otherwise great series.

>> No.2289251 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2289253

No, they were headed in the right direction with it, but they dropped the ball. Maybe they rushed it out. The playability is disastrous.

>> No.2289270

Plenty of the town's people's hints are useful, and they even tell you in the manual that they will sometimes lie to you.
Some of the hints being false isn't one of the issues of CV2, I think its a novel addition that adds to the adventure. Now, if only there was anything worth adventuring through.

>> No.2289272
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>> No.2289323


thx james

>> No.2289762

The base gameplay is fine and changing to more of an exploration-based adventure game instead of being just a platformer was an interesting idea. The problem is that they didn't execute it all that well, resulting in the level designs and objectives being poorly implmeented. It had potential but didn't fully realize that potential, to the point where it's not really that enjoyable.

>> No.2289786

I enjoyed it at the time, but in retrospect it's not a very good game.

>> No.2289789

Yes, it's one of the best games for the NES.

>> No.2289792

If you asked James if he actually loved the game he'd easily answer yes.

The thing about this game is it's one of those games that you had to play back in they day to really get the full experience of trading hints and secrets among people you know to progress in the game.

It's usually the first game someone who played a lot in the NES era had to look up how to complete.

>> No.2289960

Terrible stage designs, boring "bosses", confusing, a hidden timer with RNG elements... this game can fuck right off.

>> No.2290006


Also, Goonies 2 (and to an extent, Vampire Killer) were better "adventure"-style vanias than Simon's Quest.
Hell, even Maze of Gallious is better than Simon's Quest.

>> No.2290040

It's pretty shit. It's very easy, drawn out and slow. Total snore of a game.

>> No.2290052

If it wasn't a sequel to Castlevania, it'd probably remembered as an underrated gem. As it stands though, it's the worst CV title and not a good action adventure game either.

>> No.2290192

Nice music, some cool ideas, mansions are a bitch to navigate, and I hate the imposed time limit seeing as you get a shittier ending if you take too long.

Really though I did like how some subweapons were infinite use, the flame whip is cool, and the shield was cool

>> No.2290196

Actually i find it quite enjoyable, but i understand why newcomers would go crazy trying to figure shit out

>> No.2290202

I liked the aesthetic and the music was baller, but the actual gameplay just felt kinda plodding and the level design didn't help.


>> No.2291727

I'm with you 100% on that.
if you just walk to the right and kill things with whip and weapons it feels like 1 and 3except you don't get to a boss.
That game took work and time (side scroller fans hate passwords).
Here's some quotes from mostly black kids in my elementary school when it was new:
>Ah'on't get it!
>They'ain'nothin there when he get at the end
>I get to a lake and cunnint jup over it so I turnt it off
>PSSHHT!! Dis cat says you could walk Lef' in that shit!
>You'cou''walk lef' in that shit?!
>Why you wanna go backward for?

>> No.2291735

>some suburban white kid actually typed out several greentext lines of non-black kid speak, far closer to redneck-speak

The autism and crimgeworthiness of this board is nearing /v/ levels

>> No.2291742

It was a proto Symphony of the Night so it wasn't that bad, it just needed more polishing.

>> No.2291918
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peple what say this game are dumb is dum

>> No.2291928

I still need to play it to see if James was full of shit as he is wont to be. He's not so bad any more, which I guess is a consequence of him branching in to lets plays and other shit, but there was a time where the nerd persona overshadowed an honest review of the subject game.

>> No.2291930

who is james is?

>> No.2291969

CV2 is one of those games I love for the aesthetics moreso than the gameplay. Not that I dislike grinding, per se. It never really bothered me is all.

CV2's visuals and music are some of the most memorable on the NES, and also contains neat little details like hanging corpses in the mansions (which caused no end of strife when my grandmother saw me playing it as a lad--IT WAS SATANIC!!) and NPCs that look like rival vampire hunters. That mountain sky backdrop is still one of my favorite 8-bit vistas, even after all these years.

>> No.2291975

if you're grinding for hearts, you're wasting them on garbage weapons and/or dying a lot. the only time you need to grind is right at the beginning so you can get holy water and the white crystal, but it should only take you 1 day/night cycle.

>> No.2292018

>CV2's visuals and music are some of the most memorable on the NES
I've always felt that it looked really bland, especially compared to Castlevania and Castlevania III.

>> No.2292507
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The problem isn't James himself, the problem is the legion of parroting fanboys.

I get it's a joke, you get's a joke but it's amazing how many people who watch him don't

>> No.2292619

That and he brings up enough legitimate points that people who don't know better end up thinking all of his points are legitimate and not exaggerated for comedic effect.

>> No.2292657

Of course the video is exaggerated, but that doesn't make Simon's Quest a good game.

>> No.2292676

It pretty much fucks up everything that made the original good except for the music/aesthetic. I guess it's an interesting experiment but I don't like it.

>> No.2292683

How so? Castlevania 3 I could understand but it was clearly a step up from 1 in terms of art. Way more stuff going on in the backgrounds, much more cohesive architecture and all those spooky locations.

>> No.2292695

It made the mistake of trying to be overly detailed (relative to its time period) without really respecting the limitations of the system. Sure the architecture looked more cohesive, but it also looked a lot blander due to the limited color palette. "Way more stuff going on in the backgrounds" also isn't necessarily a good thing, especially with such limited graphics, so all that stuff going on in the background reduces what you can do in the foreground where it matters.

>> No.2294082

Son of a bitch, I've never noticed that until now.

>> No.2295240


>Game not respecting hardware limitations


>All the stuff going on in the background reduces what you can do in the foreground.

So how does that argument test out when swapping Simons Quest with Castlevania III?
It would seem that Castlevania III has a ton more going on in the background than Simons Quest ever did. Did that ever take away from what you can do in the foreground?

Personally, the only problems I have with Simons Quest is that it lacked the challenge, the AI was pretty retarded, and it was too cryptic.

The things I do love is the fact that I wasn't so frustrated with the notorious difficulty associated with pre-Iga Castlevania games. I can see where they were going with this. They wanted people to explore the world of Castlevania, and have something different (similar to Symphony of the night). By doing so, they wouldn't need the typical Castlevania difficulty, because figuring out how to solve the puzzles and riddles in the game increased the games length within it's hardware limitations. The plan looked solid, but the problem was the execution.

>> No.2295321

>Do you think Castlevania II is a good game?
In concept, it's very good. In terms of challenge, length, etc, it could've been much better.

I've only ever recently played the game but it was the Redaction romhack, which at minimum, made it playable without a playthrough. I sorta lost interest halfway through but after having played between all four kinds of Castlevania games, I like Castlevania II's formula the best. It's the kind of addictive RPG that, when I get into the mood for it, I just can't stop playing.

By "four" kinds of Castlevania, I mean two 2D formulas, and two 3D formulas. The first two 2D are separated by the arcade style of game, and the RPG style of game. The two 3D formulas are the RPG style and the chapters (Lords of Shadow) style of game. I like all three. But if I have to be perfectly honest, I like the 3D Castlevanias on the PS2, which are RPG style.

Lately I've been stuck with Curse of Darkness because I'm just in that mindset, I can't stop returning to play it. I want to get 100%, or at least close enough, before actually facing the final boss. I'm sorry, but Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness are addictive and I find them fun as fuck.

>> No.2296225

i had it as a kid and loved it.when you have a few games you play the shit out of them. and learn to love em. it was sort of spooky. loved it but it was clear to me i couldn't beat it without help so i bought the old nintendo power about it. finished it but experiencing it fully made me realize how broken it was ; unfinished in some places and shit game mechanic like that one-shot spike.

>> No.2296237

Remember, if you don't like it you're just parroting AVNG. :^)

>> No.2296471
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>By "four" kinds of Castlevania, I mean two 2D formulas, and two 3D formulas
You forgot slot machine.