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File: 44 KB, 638x452, Tactics_orge_ps1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2288549 No.2288549 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /vr/, I was thinking of playing tactics ogre, but I heard some bad things about the original SNES translation. Is the PS1 translation any better in comparison?

>> No.2288552
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There IS no SNES translation. Play the PS1 or PSP translation.

>> No.2288558

Ah, so the problems I heard about were likely related with the PS1 translation. Is it that bad?

>> No.2288563

SNES fan translation is the same as PS1 with no loading.

>> No.2288564
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The PS1 translation is better than Final Fantasy Tactics but otherwise not particularly good or bad either way. I hear the PSP version is the ultimate version now, but...Ya know...


>> No.2288568
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And a fuckton of bugs, stop shilling Gideon.

>> No.2288569

So it's actually the same script? No editing or changes done whatsoever?

>> No.2288570

that pic looks dangerous. i wanna go there.

>> No.2288572

what are you talking about?


>> No.2288573

The translation is pretty good, but the gameplay in the PSP version is pretty borked.

>> No.2288574


Play the gameboy one

>> No.2288584
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None whatsoever. And he still managed to fuck it all up.


Read the goddamn text file actually included with the patch you lazy whore.


It's in Texas, I believe. Bryce Canyon. Protected national park, if memory serves.


Thought that as Final Fantasy Tactics with its bullshit slowdown?


Elaborate. I wasn't aware a GB version existed.

>> No.2288585


>> No.2288587

Isn't there any translation patch using the PSP script?

>> No.2288593

Just play the PSP version. It's great.

>> No.2288602

>Final Fantasy Tactics with its bullshit slowdown?

It's not a slowdown thing. I don't remember too much of that. It's the systems they implimented. The time rewind function ends up being more of a chore than anything else since they really ratcheted up the difficulty to compensate for it. Which sounds good, but the result is that you'll often get in a situation where one of your key party memebers gets killed and you just keep rewinding till things go better.

The other option is to grind till you're powerful enough that your guys aren't getting killed in 1-2 hits by everything but that ties into the other thing that sucks about that version. You can recruit all sorts of enemy units and monsters, but they all join your party at level 1. Early on it's not so bad but by mid game you're looking at a solid several hours of grinding every time you recruit a new unit just to be able to use them. And that only gets worse as the game goes on.

GB version is decent, but boring. The classes are unbalanced and the alignment/element system has almost no depth to it. It's at least not hellishly grindy like the PSP, but I thought it was a pretty lackluster game.

>> No.2288606

> It's at least not hellishly grindy like the PSP, but I thought it was a pretty lackluster game.

Whoa there, hold on, they fucked with the gameplay on the PSP version to make it more grindy?

>> No.2288612

Yeah, the rest of my post describes it pretty well. The rewind system makes the battles themselves feel grindy because they can take a really, really long time by mid way through and you will be rewinding a lot if you don't want to keep loosing units to cheap critical hits and the like.

Then the enemy recruiting system makes it so that if you want to get many of the more interesting units like cool monsters, lizardman warriors and the like, you're in for a fuck ton of grinding just to get them up to a level where you can take them into a real fight.

Out of all of the games in this series, the PSP version is the only one I ended up never finishing because it got so boring by end game.

>> No.2288620

I guess I'll stick to the patched SNES version then, thanks. Hell, I already had trouble putting up with FFTs grind, so I'm not sure my patience could survive that.

>> No.2288624


Shit...So the PS1 version sounds like the only one they got right.

I had no idea they'd fucked it up that badly. I never heard a thing, and I was already entirely satisfied with my Playstation version.

>> No.2288625


I hope you enjoy your bullshit display corruption.

>> No.2288628

Ohh god, TO on PSP makes the grinding you need to do in FFT look like nothing at all. Like multiple hours of grinding just to get one new unit strong enough to take into battle. Then inevitably in that next battle you see something really cool like a Hydra and your first thought will be "wow I should get a hydra for my party!" Then you're in for another several hours of grinding.

The GBA one isn't bad, especially if you're looking for a more streamlined experience than FFT. It's just that it's a quite simple game in many ways.

>> No.2288631


You ah.....Do know Tactics Ogre for the GBA is an entirely separate game....Right?

>> No.2288635

I really, truly, genuinely hate having to say this. But in my heart, I think FFT is actually the best of any of them. It's far from perfect, but it's the best balanced one where they got the least wrong. Which really says something considering all the issues with it and the fact that you can pretty easily kill the end boss before he ever even attacks.

>> No.2288637

Ohh yes, but I'm comparing the games in the series. I'm just saying if he wants to play a Tactics game, that one might be more up his alley.

>> No.2288651
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Ah, OK. Gotcha.

>> No.2288702
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>Whoa there, hold on, they fucked with the gameplay on the PSP version to make it more grindy?
That guy is bullshitting you.
Don't listen to his lies.

The only problem with the PSP version is that skills take a long while to master and that crafting system has a chance to make you lose your already crafted items.
But you can go through the game just fine without worrying about either because only completionists would worry about those.

You won't really use rewind unless you suck and don't plan ahead, though it will help you a few times.

The PSP version is more than worth it.

>> No.2288704

>recommends gba TO over the PSP because of the "grinding"
>GBA version has a fucking training area dedicated to grinding

>> No.2288772

I most definitely did not make up the idiotic amount of grinding you have to do to raise new units you get in that game. Having a newly recruited monster that was level 45 when you got it suddenly revert to level 1 so you have to spend 4 hours slowly leveling it up just so you can take it in your party is terrible game design.

Yes, but my point is that you never have to grind in that game. It doesn't have the same time sinks the PSP one does.

>> No.2288780

I will never like that shitty purple prose infested PSP version. I just want all the nice new shit without the dialogue that makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.2288786

What's wrong with the new dialogue? I bet you're one of those guys who also prefers the ps1 translation of FFT.

>> No.2288791

I just have a general dislike for "thou"s and "forsook"s and everyone speaking like they're on a stage.
Don't sound like "real" people, but just actors.

>> No.2288794

It's supposed to represent the time period more, as if the people are speaking as they would in the era TO sort of mimicks. I liked it well enough, but I can understand not enjoying it.

>> No.2288798

Thou doth not understand!

>> No.2288804

In translation we call those marks "historical/period colouring". They're an optional style mark, that's for sure, but it's not inherently wrong. It has been used not only by translators, but writers alike (Walter Scott frequently uses this in his middle ages period novels, for instance). I personally like it for two reasons:

1) What you lose in one form of immersion, you gain in another. Yes, people don't speak like that anymore, but marks like these help convey the notion of cultural differences and habits different from ours. In non-historical fantasy pieces, it's a great way to distance the fictional cultural from our standards, and thus make certain differences and events more acceptable ot the audience. And besides, people DID speak a lot like that in the middle ages. Just read anything by Chaucer to get a few references.
2) Like it or not, period language colouring really helps enriching your vocabulary with archaisms which are not only useful for formal situations, but also cool as fuck to know.

>> No.2288809

I know it works for a lot of people and its fine. Its a matter of tastes I suppose.

TO feels like the real war.
PSP TO feels like the stage reenactment of it.

at least to me. I've also never been in a conversation where knowing purple prose would score me brownie points but maybe I'm just not hanging around the right people.

>> No.2288815

I like the dialogue. I find a lot of the time if people translate something like that with contemporary language it either comes off as very bland because they end up avoiding modern slang and everything comes off as stilted and dry. OR, they go too much the other rout and the characters end up jive talking and don't belong in the world they're in.

>> No.2288824

>PSP TO feels like the stage reenactment of it.
This but shows you're not used to read proper historical novels. Try these two, both by Walter Scott:

The Talisman

Both are war novels, both are written in pseudo-middle-english, and by jove, both are FUCKING AWESOME.

>I've also never been in a conversation where knowing purple prose would score me brownie points but maybe I'm just not hanging around the right people.
They're still sometimes used in academia, hence why I said they can be useful. But then again, you likely spend most of your time with the fine folks of your local anime club.

>> No.2288826

It's super handy for scrabble. But that's not a popular game with kids.

Also when seeing plays of some of the classic writers like Shakespeare, being familiar with the older ways of speaking will make for a much easier time getting into the flow of the dialogue.

>> No.2288868

I played Tactics Ogre on PS1 about 3 weeks ago so its still pretty fresh.

The translation is fine.

Its perfectly acceptable and probably a bit less obtuse then the FFT translation as stated. I guess its that while the plot is probably just as in depth as FFT you're constantly given immediate short-term goals while unraveling the bigger picture which keeps the focus of the story and the pacing good (although there are some parts that seem like padding, but that is because theres branching story paths and they all needed to be equal in length). I think the story is also presented better then FFT.

The game can be fairly grindy, depending on what you do. I used a trick that made 2 clerics fight each other in the training area on auto-battle until like levle 45, then put them to sleep and let my other characters beat on them. You kind of need to do this in a "casual" playthrough because each story battle usually adds ~1 level to the enemy or so, so you can end up pretty behind quite quickly.

I also had characters up and leave my party (Chaos aligned Wizards, when I went the Chaotic > Neutral route) seemingly for no reason. Which, when they're my strongest generics its frustrating.

General Advice:
Bows are really good and you can shoot outside of their range.
Magic is super overpowered. Incubus has insane range and a very, very high probability of putting enemies to sleep, and its available to a wide variety of classes.
If you kill a bunch of enemies as a cleric, then change out of cleric, its possible to lose access to cleric, so be aware.
Some classes are rather obscure to unlock, and you may miss out on some story due to random bullshit happening like NPC's running off and suiciding.

>> No.2288871

Honestly it sounds like you're just bitter that you can't face roll the game from what I'm reading here. Which is a very common problem with SRPG's is that they're way too easy.

>> No.2288895

No it's really not that. The time rewind function wasn't that bad, it's more that I felt like they balanced the game around it. I found there were too many instances where one of my guys would get hit with a brutal critical and knowing that if I didn't rewind he was probably going to die on the field.

It's really the recruiting thing that bugged me more and more as the game went on. One of the things I like in these games is building an interesting army of units and playing around with party configurations. They made that aspect of it really prohibitive when they made all your new units start at level 1. To me that really destroyed the flow of the game by forcing you to go out and just level grind if you wanted to use the weirder party memebers you can find.

It's a personal thing though, you could easily avoid ever recruiting new types of units and play straight. It would probably be far less grindy and straightforward. It's just that's not how I tried playing it. To each their own though.

>> No.2288989

> you likely spend most of your time with the fine folks of your local anime club

> But that's not a popular game with kids

Can you guys at least try to hide the fact that my opinion upsets you? I don't like a certain style of writing. I prefer the PS1 version of TO to the PSP version. whoop-de-doo.

>> No.2289023

It doesn't really upset me to be fair. I was just making fun of you for my personal entertainment.

You should still totally read those books, by the way.

>> No.2289025
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>Having a newly recruited monster that was level 45 when you got it
Dude, that's way WAY WWAAYY past end game

>you never have to grind in that game. It doesn't have the same time sinks the PSP one does.
The PSP doesn't have it either unless you go for endgame stuff, which you have to grind for anyways, so your point is moot.
Very moot.

>> No.2289034
File: 51 KB, 427x600, 12078255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it hard for you too when you watch a movie or anime and they aren't wearing hot topic tshirts and rag jeans like all your friends do?

>> No.2289037

No. Not really.

>It doesn't really upset me to be fair.
Yes it does.

>> No.2289041

>If you kill a bunch of enemies as a cleric, then change out of cleric, its possible to lose access to cleric, so be aware.
Can anyone explain whether this is true and why?

>I found there were too many instances where one of my guys would get hit with a brutal critical and knowing that if I didn't rewind he was probably going to die on the field.
You can use items to revive units you know.
And you don't lose them anyways unless you let them die 3 times. So there's that too.
Stop being wrong on the internet.

>> No.2289046

He's definitely upset.
You should buy the books and just let them rot in your home without ever reading them too, just to troll him that much harder.

>> No.2289091
File: 6 KB, 129x96, oink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitting on alexander o. smith and joseph reeder
not allowed

>> No.2289105
File: 222 KB, 450x338, tacticsohshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing a language makes not a translator out of you. Much less a skilled one.

>> No.2289109

I lol'd

>> No.2289113

Cleric has a "killed less than 12 characters" requirement. So if you change to cleric, then your cleric gets 12 kills, you lose the ability to become a cleric again if you change out of it. You will stay a Cleric until you swap. Its kinda dumb, but for the most part your clerics will stay clerics, its just annoying.

The same thing applies to Chaos and Lawful aligned classes. If you have a Wizard that becomes Lawful, if you change out of Wizard he'll lose access.

It can be annoying.

>> No.2289137

how does the psp version solve this?

>> No.2289138

>Can you guys at least try to hide the fact that my opinion upsets you?

Your opinion doesn't upset me at all. The comment that scrabble doesn't appeal much to younger people wasn't meant to be derogatory. My comment on the text was
> I liked it well enough, but I can understand not enjoying it.

>> No.2289175

I don't think the PSP version has those requirements.
All you need are the cards for the job you want to change to.
Might be wrong, but I never saw those requirements in my playthrough.