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File: 82 KB, 2000x1334, 2000px-Maxis_logo_new.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2270396 No.2270396 [Reply] [Original]

We gather here to mourn the passing of Maxis, which was another gunned down, another victim of EA.

Let us all remember the good times, SimCity 2000, SimAnt, Sim Tower.

>> No.2270426

>another victim of EA.

They were a victim of not releasing anything good for years, Simcity 5 was shit, they kinda deserved what they got.

>> No.2270428

Let this be as a warning to other game companies. With Maxis' demis, EA must now feed again. Lock your doors and windows! Hang garlic & crucifixes about! Be sure not to invite EA inside; it doesn't have power over you until you do!

>> No.2270460
File: 449 KB, 286x119, 1321658297962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simcity was shit due to EA's influence, as was spore. They didn't "get what they deserved".

>> No.2270465

Remember how hard they tried to get Take Two 2008? They went to the point of attempting a hostile takeover. We nearly lost Rockstar too.
What exactly does EA gain from this mentality? I miss Westwood most of all, god damn the pre-EA Command and Conquer games were so fucking good.

>> No.2270470

Short term profit.
>release recognized name brand product
>guarantee sales

Gut the franchise, move on the next. Like a bunch of looters.

The last EA game I bought was Mass Effect 2, back whenever that came out, and it will forever be the last.

>> No.2270472

SimTower was legitimately hard.

has anyone actually managed to become a 5 star tower there?

>> No.2270639

It had to be impossible. You weren't allowed to build enough elevators.

>> No.2270648

The mobile one is good to play on the shitter. I wonder what will happen to my save now or is that what was meant by "the cloud will set you free"

>> No.2270668

Further proof that EA is worse than Satan.

But you already knew that

>> No.2271212

I mourned for Maxis a decade ago, there's no reason to cry over the fate of a zombie.

>> No.2271215

I thought they were just a name? Sim games hadn't been good for well over a decade and the last SimCity really was a shit.

>> No.2271219

Weren't they pretty much a shell of the original studio at this point?
And honestly, i've been thinking of them as dead for a while now. If anything it's a good thing that the name gets to rest.

>> No.2271224

Maxis died a long time ago.

Only now is it being buried.

Still though, EA rapes and murders everything I held dear about my childhood gaming experiences.

I did. Fuck knows how I pulled that off, but I did.

>> No.2272025


>"Hey dude, c'mon let me in! I'm a game fairy!"

>> No.2272034

What's sadder than seeing a developer go under is seeing a shambling corpse of a once-good developer still pathetically limping on. I'd much rather see a good developer go out on top than to fade into mediocrity. Maxis did the later. They technically only just shut down, but for many years before that, the still weren't the real maxis we knew and loved. Same situation as rare.

>> No.2272053

Good riddance.

I am tired of people going by company name to determine game quality.

It's entirely based on the team, all these archaic companies lost their good programmers and developers decades ago because why work in a shitty environment when you can work a job with twice the pay and quality of life

>> No.2272061
File: 23 KB, 300x200, 1313211489277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your company if publicly traded, there's little you can do to prevent an EA raping once they have their eye on you. This is how they almost got Rockstar.

>> No.2272062

EA offered pay, that's how they got those studios on the first place. What EA doesn't offer is creative freedom.
Will Wright held out longer than most others.

>> No.2272067

I really don't get EA at all. I can understand them wanting developer to play it safe and make guaranteed hits, but that doesn't really work IRL. You'd think after the first few times where the more they restricted creative freedom the worse the games sold, that they'd wisen up and cut devs some slack. But they don't learn, and they keep buying good developers and running them into the ground.

>> No.2272073

I think the uncomfortable truth is that shitty games still sold.
Ultima 8 is one of the earlier examples of EA completing fucking a classic title over and it still sold more than its predecessors.

>> No.2272090

I worked for Maxis for a month in 2012. It was by then already just a name with nothing else to it. Workers were shared across a wide range of offices and it was inevitable that it was going to go down as a brand.

>> No.2272093

even before that, Serpent Isle was a rushed heap

>> No.2272458
File: 1.99 MB, 289x163, EA summons a new CEO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maxis has been dead for years - they're just now getting around to burying them. The corpse has been propped up for some time now like Weekend At Bernie's.

Sad to see them go, sure, but at this point it's not murder, it's euthanasia. Granted, EA's the reason they needed a mercy killing in the first place, but expecting EA to not be evil is like expecting... well, there's really nothing on par in terms of naivete that I can think of on the spot.

>> No.2272463

You realize this is because of EA skinning them and wearing them as a coat, right?

>> No.2272480


>They were a victim of not releasing anything good for years

Will Wright left in 2008/2009.

>> No.2272707

Their localization of A-Train is now lost forever to bean-counters at EA who'd rather make it available for Origin rather than GOG where it would have an audience.

>> No.2272903

GOG has more than a few EA properties...? i'd get mad at Artdink instead

>> No.2272913

>Will Wright left in 2008/2009.
What's he up to?

>> No.2272929

EA games aren't landing on the site anymore, not their old titles anyway. Artdink localizes their newest PC games through Degica, and I'd much rather be mad at Degica for going silent on support for A-Train than blame Artdink. Fan translators are taking a whack at one Lunatic Dawn game on Steam already; doing the same for all the old games Artdink's made available for modern OSes could force Degica's hand and get the game on GOG if they're first successful on Steam.

>> No.2272980

EA did exactly what they wanted to do with maxis. They bought their properties, and they generated an outrageous amount of money from the SIM brand. the SIMS. SIM city,

all that shit. I remember when I couldn't get away from the sims.

Maxis lost the ability to take risks, make wird games like sim ant that were like.. digital toys, not games designed for the mass market.

and maxis does indeed make games for the mass market. or at least they try to.

The worst thing they did though, was take will wright, and just rob the world of the kind of stuff he might have made were he still in full control of his company. Maybe he'd make the same bullshit. but now we'll never know.

fuck EA

>> No.2273256


According to Wikipedia, he collects space stuff, helped make a TV show called "Bar Karma," and became involved with Second Life.


>> No.2273346

That's one of the cruellest things EA has done in this regard. Not only did they destroy Origin Systems, they're even using their name for their own sinister purposes now.

>> No.2273431
File: 1 KB, 320x200, 44933-caveman-ugh-lympics-commodore-64-screenshot-electronic-arts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I actually never thought that POS digital distribution platform had something to do with Origin Systems. Of course they own the brand.

Fuck EA. Why you do this?

>> No.2276880

Bizarre Creations

All gone...

These are truly the Shit Times.

>> No.2277140
File: 798 KB, 1280x1280, 080Slowbro-Mega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were dead long before this, OP.

>> No.2277331

Hey ...... what about Yoot Tower and such?

>> No.2277372
File: 1.40 MB, 1366x657, simufun_0849.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this here looks amazingly reminiscent of SC2K!

>> No.2277373

With the shit they released recently, EA was just amputating the gangrene
Fuck Maxis

>> No.2277442
File: 506 KB, 698x507, simufun_0850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REALLY reminiscent! I wonder how good it is?

>> No.2277469

are you going to say what the hell it is

>> No.2277515
File: 69 KB, 640x480, simutrans1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SImutrans, apparently it's based on Transport Tycoon rather than simcity

Whoops, most of the screenshots had the name in the filename.

>> No.2277530

someone in this thread please tell me if and how you have gotten simtown running, tia

>> No.2277847

>using gradients in your logo

I would've sacked them too

>> No.2277848

>With the shit they released recently, EA was just amputating the gangrene

Technically, those titles sucked due to executive meddling.

>> No.2278042
File: 70 KB, 960x720, 1365922328204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a question.

At this level of notoriety, how does anyone buy a game with EA on the box anymore?

I know I wouldn't, and don't.

>> No.2278047

EA put out some good games back in the day ,what they do now is of no concern to me.

>> No.2278089

They were evil even during Trip Hawkin's days. And they're a publisher and not a developer. Any decent games published by them were good despite them and not because of them.

>> No.2278523
File: 13 KB, 400x400, failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I feel so guilty about having enjoyed Extreme Pinball, Fire Fight, Car And Driver and many early Need For Speed titles so much.



>> No.2278572

I'm not so sure. I mean, yeah, the whole "always online" thing was probably thanks to the executives at EA, but even ignoring that, new Simcity just wasn't very well designed. The agents system was broken, with sims going home to a different house than where they left, etc, and the increased resource intensiveness caused by this led to tiny city sizes. I think that one's probably the developers' fault.

>> No.2278575

>People still think Maxis created Sim Tower
They didn't. Some Jap did, and licensed it to Maxis

>> No.2278580

Get OpenTTD instead.

>> No.2278582

The uncomfortable truth is that the NEXT game of a good franchise can be shitty and sell really well, because its sales of an ongoing are heavily based on reception to the previous entry, but EA interprets this pattern from one iteration as "it doesn't matter ever". And when they put down a franchise for being unprofitable they just think people have lost interest in it naturally, like a life cycle with a predestined end.

EA is a hospice for game series.

>> No.2278607


>> No.2278615

>At this level of notoriety, how does anyone buy a game with EA on the box anymore?
Filthy casuals don't know or care about any of this

>> No.2278654

I thought people knew the name of Yoot Saito from Seaman and Aero Porter at this point.

>> No.2278667

See >>2277331

>> No.2278691
File: 44 KB, 480x320, Kritschgau-highways.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, it does also sometimes look rather like SC2K. Kind of suggests they share sprites.

Both apparently have arctic settings. Arctic settings are interesting to look into.

>> No.2278726
File: 462 KB, 1279x968, 20091018_panswat_tongvorarat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, definitely can look alike.

But I wonder how rigidly they're tied to a formula, how much detail they have, or anything like that..

>> No.2278736

If you're looking for a Citybuilder, look elsewhere.
Transport Tycoon is just about building roads, rails, and the vehicles that travel on them. The cities build themselves.

>> No.2278738

No one knows about Yoot Tower because nothing particularly good about it was translated over to english!

>> No.2278739


its easily possible, but the elevator layout is completely unrealistic. each elevator only covers like 3 floors, rest is escalators.

yoot tower is garbage cuz they implemented a new noise thing thats a complete bitch todeal with

>> No.2278758


does this improve or worsen the chances of us getting sim copter on GOG.
Cause that, sim tower, sim safari, and streets are literally all I care about with maxis.

>> No.2278767


When you're given an unrealistic deadline and have to push the game out ASAP to meet said deadline, quality tends to drop off.

>> No.2278940

I'm just intrigued by it having that much of a simcity 2000 esque aesthetic, it could just as well be based on, say, afterlife, simhealth, simfarn or populous.

>> No.2279151

Just pirate them.
It's not like giving EA money will bring Maxis back.

>> No.2279181

Hold on, the source code for simcity was released, so that might be a reasonable direction to look.

>> No.2281013
