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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.34 MB, 2592x1936, WP_20150226_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2268751 No.2268751 [Reply] [Original]

>Sega was ahead of their time

No fucking shit, right? Has anyone used a master system before? Mine has been stored away with its rgb cables until I finally got myself a game (sonic 1). Used the thing for the first time and it literally amazes me how much more advanced it is than the nes.

>splash screen
>version 1.3
>welcome message if no game is inside

Has anyone tried to put a game in as well? I can physically abuse the system and it won't freeze. I can slap the cartridge and it won't freeze. No wonder these japs fucking lost against Nintendo, and no wonder they're sucking first party cock as a third party publisher.

>> No.2268758
File: 922 KB, 2592x1936, WP_20150226_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to post this pic first, then the sonic pic second.

Forgot to mention that I was impressed with the visuals of a master system game. They look considerably better than NES games; more evidence of how this shit company tried so hard to be so advanced when it bit them back in the ass so hard.

>> No.2268763

It never got fully realized and pushed to its limit like the NES. It also lacks two buttons and the pause button is on the console.

>> No.2268772

Going by your incoherent sentences and inability to properly setup a monitor, I'm going to guess you're 3rd world.

>> No.2268783



>> No.2268786

i dont think that was bait
your last sentence really is incoherent

>> No.2268787

Probably the most underrated system in history. As a NES owner I was always super jealous of my friend who had one.

>> No.2268789

Not to mention that if you didn't have any games, it came built in with snail race. You can always at least try to beat your time, or your friends time. It's the only cartridge system I know of that has something like this.

>> No.2268794

why are you so angry at sega, though?

>> No.2268797


>> No.2268798

I don't know, master system games might look better in screenshots but gameplay always seemed laggier and slower than the NES.
Might be the lack of dedicated scrolling hardware, I don't know. Shit's slow.

Also the sound chip is junk, wish they went with FM.

>> No.2268802

Both you idiots think that monitor is set up properly?
I don't know what OP is trying to say at all either. Not the only one.

>> No.2268803 [DELETED] 


Shut the fuck up faggot. Stop trying to derail this thread with your bullshit. I'm trying to create a discussion here and you're being a cocksucking nitpicker. Drop that shit because I fear it'll take precedence over the main topic and cause everyone to deviate.

>> No.2268806

>Shut the fuck up faggot
You need to chill out or get back to your containment board.

>> No.2268807

>improperly set up
I don't know. The image looks clean as shit to me. I don't see any problems with it.

>> No.2268810

You're joking?

>> No.2268819
File: 54 KB, 300x267, 881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking losing it right now.

>> No.2268820

No. I see what appears to be a bordering issue going on, but I'd hardly find that bothersome. The rest of it looks incredibly crisp. What is wrong that I'm not seeing?

>> No.2268826

that's just ovescan

>> No.2268827


You aren't even explaining how it's improperly setup, and everyone else is disagreeing with you. Seriously if you're going to keep complaining about it at least tell us what your problem with it is otherwise you're just being a blatant faggot troll.

>> No.2268829

Yeah, I know. But if that's not the issue that guy is getting his panties in a bunch over, then I don't know what is.

>> No.2268832

você é br, op?

>> No.2268837

>being a blatant faggot troll.
You really need to get back to your containment board.
Why would you buy a PVM if you don't understand basic CRT adjustments.

Still no ideo what you're OP is about. All you have been doing is spamming /v/ tier trash.
Hasn't adjust underscan at all.

>> No.2268845

I had a friend who had one along with the clunk 3D visor which I thought was so cool and futuristic. Too bad there weren't any games that utilized it well at all.

Also, one of the coolest things about the SMS, it had a game built in! There was a simple little maze game, maybe OP can show a screen of it.

>> No.2268847

so it is just the borders, then. Wow, such a glaring mistake.

>> No.2268849

Is that your first CRT or something?

>> No.2268851
File: 103 KB, 469x746, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1345444596971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>CRT Adjustments

There it is...! Something I can go off of now. Instead of being a FUCKING FAGGOT why not teach me sensei? There's room for more improvement on my pvm? That sounds great. How ironic by the way that you guess I'm third world when you're literally autistic. Someone with half a fucking brain stem could understand the OP. Congratulations on being a retard.

>> No.2268854

>literally autistic
Shout some more /v/ memes at me guy.

>> No.2268856

yea sure i was literally born in 2008
stop being a fag

>> No.2268862

You seem to have very little experience with CRTs if you can't even handle underscan, man.

>> No.2268869

get youre autismal away from me

>> No.2268874

If your goal was to shit up your own thread with that kind of childish shit I guess you achieved it. Good job.

>> No.2268886


That's not even the op. I'm the op. I don't even understand what you're saying when you spout "you can't even handle underscan."

What? There's an underscan option and all it does is toggle black bars and no black bars. What am I missing that could potentially make my video so much better?

>> No.2268896

What do you mean black bars? And how are you toggling the underscan? Perhaps read the manual...

>> No.2268897


>read the manual

You mean that pdf? It doesn't say shit. And I meant that it just makes the image smaller rendering black boarders. I toggle underscan off just to have it fill up the screen because its more satisfying.

>> No.2268903

>muh underscan/overscan
you guys are retarded.

the sms video is 192 lines high, not 224 like the nes,snes,genesis,etc etc.
horizontal scrolling games blank out the left 8 pixels to cover up tile popup glitches

its completely normal to see background color on 3 of the 4 sides of the image.

>> No.2268905

If you properly set the monitor up it'll only show the active lines.
I have no idea what you're doing honestly. Fucking up I know that.

>> No.2268907

Then adjust the vertical and horizontal position/higher or width. This is simple shit.
Bunch of kids that never touched a CRT ITT I guess. Well I guess consumer CRTs don't have height adjustments.

>> No.2268908


Quite the contrary actually. If anything, you're the one that's fucking up since you cant replicate my flawless setup.

>> No.2268912




>> No.2268913

>since you cant replicate my flawless setup.
If you like a picture with all that overscan then have a field day with it.
Oh man this is turning into an amusing night. Glad I stayed up.

>> No.2268914

Are you saying you can't adjust it? Because you'd be wrong.

>> No.2268919

Graphically the MS was ahead of the NES but man did it's sound hardware suck some serious shit. Ear piercingly bad.

>> No.2268923


It's nowhere on the fucking options man I searched through thick and fucking thin in the whole menu.

>> No.2268930

Do you know how to open the service menu?

>> No.2268934

Why compare it to the NES? Compare it to the Amiga.

>> No.2268936

A broadcast monitor is not intended to be used as a toy, it's a piece of industrial equipment that was used for real work.
The geometry options are buried in service modes for a reason.

>> No.2268939

They're bought for the best possible picture you can get with a CRT for these old games. Sometimes you may need to adjust the height or width. There's test suites out there specifically for video games so you can adjust it.

>> No.2268940

Are you serious? Also, if you live somewhere that got that FM Expansion audio, that thing could make anything south of Crisis Force quality blush.

>> No.2268943


Are you shitting me? There's a hidden menu??

>> No.2268946

It's magic, kiddo.

>> No.2268947


>mfw there's a power outage

Not gonna be able to try it, but despite your crude behaviour I appreciate the assistance.

DEGAUSS + ENTER should do the trick.

>> No.2268950

coming from the guy calling me a faggot..

Any way that menu is for adjusting the size or position/geometry, etc. The underscan options should be in the "normal" menu.

>> No.2268951


>compare it to the Amiga

Amiga a shit.

>> No.2268953


Now I'm fucking hyped. Overscan I noticed does go a bit off screen so it's not perfect (on my nes). It'll be great to play with perfection.

>> No.2268958

A promising thread, quickly derailed by a guy who gets angry over other people's screens and/or their lack of education on screens, and also refuses to shed light on how to correct what makes him so angry because it feels better to assert intellectual superiority. Good job anon. We're all very impressed and intimidated.

>> No.2268960

Nice contribution to the thread, champ.

>> No.2268963

Right back at ya, kiddo.

>> No.2268965

I appreciate it, sport.

>> No.2268968

The SMS has hardware horizontal and vertical scrolling. I think the games that feel laggy are just not well made games.

>> No.2268970

I'm jelly Japan got this with their master system

>> No.2268981

>Also the sound chip is junk, wish they went with FM.
Do you even SMS?

>Sound is provided by the SN76489 PSG chip. The Japanese version also integrates the YM2413 FM chip,[23]

>> No.2268983
File: 976 KB, 490x353, Master System PSG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They look considerably better than NES games
Too bad the audio is considerably worse. FM synth should have always been built in.

>> No.2268985

I've made songs for both the NES and SMS (without FM chip) so I have a pretty good understanding of what they're capable of.
The SMS' chip is definitely less capable than the NES', for example only 4 channels, only square or noise waveforms, no triangle wave, no DPCM, etc.
Although you can still do plenty of cool things with just 3 squares and a noise, SMS game composers were just lazy and often made shitty music.

>> No.2268987

Could we hear samples of your work? I'd love to hear it.

>> No.2268998

Golvellius was a top down, side scrolling, platformed, RPG... With beach skeletons. But most will never know the joyish feels of Randar, and how much he's got your back.

...makes Zelda look like salty garbage.

>> No.2269000

What's wrong with the monitor? And I can understand what OP is saying pretty easily.

>> No.2269002
File: 487 KB, 500x370, 1423144167855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mainly put out stuff for Game Boy and NES, haven't released any of my SMS stuff yet. But yeah, here's some examples of some NES stuff I've made.


First two are cute Christmas songs I've made that use the NES' 2A03 + VRC7 expansion chip.
Third is a dnb track that is 2A03 + FDS expansion chip.

>> No.2269004

-Alex Kid in miracle world > Mario
-Alex Kid in high-tech world < everything else

>> No.2269028

This is outstanding, I thought the drums were added on, but the nsf file proved that wrong. It stuns me how capable those machines really were.

>> No.2269035
File: 1.84 MB, 290x260, 1311793738364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alex Kid in miracle world > Mario
You can't possibly be serious. I enjoyed Mario is Missing more than Alex kid in miracle world.
Rock Paper Scissors bosses sure were a great idea.

>> No.2269037

Thanks man, glad you like it.

>> No.2269043


first one would be much, MUCH better without vocals

>> No.2269046

Vocaloid isn't for everyone.

>> No.2269229

Europe here. I remember my friend's Master System coming with Alex Kidd when no cart was in.

I also remember a sonic game that was pretty good, with skydiving and shit

>> No.2269245

You need to calm down a bit, not him or the other guy but I gotta agree with them, your posts are pretty unclear and contradictory.

I'm guessing it's some kinda attempt at irony, but what you actuality mean by it isn't clear at all. Not trying to insult you there, just saying I don't understand you.

>> No.2269257
File: 92 KB, 325x478, Sonic_1.5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't really say SMS sonic was ahead of it's time when it came out AFTER the mega drive version can you?

>> No.2269272

Sega was ALWAYS ahead of their time and underappreciated for it. It was their biggest consistent fault, trying to bring the consumer the freshest technology and they suffered for it. The Mega Drive/Genesis was the only console it really worked out for them on.

>> No.2269276

>The Mega Drive/Genesis was the only console it really worked out for them on.
And even then it was only in the west and Sega of Japan didn't give a shit about that market so they released the Saturn with a cartridge slot that couldn't play Mega Drive games.

>> No.2269281

I know you're trolling, but the slot was for expansions like RAM and Action Replay carts, etc.

>> No.2269305

You need to go back to your containment thread.


>> No.2269313

The initial plan was pretty much backward compatibility, but they ultimately had to give that up. The console was already becoming too complex hardware-wise.

>> No.2269338

'Has anyone used a master system before?' What a dumb ass fucking question

>> No.2269384

Sup OP, you should clean your camera lens, it seems to be dirty

>> No.2269458

>I can physically abuse the system and it won't freeze. I can slap the cartridge and it won't freeze.
You can do that with pretty much any console that doesn't use a ZIF socket. If the cartridge slot is loose that's a bad thing

>> No.2270551


>> No.2270835

The Saturn was already $400 on launch.
Pushing that up to $450-$475 would only help the competition.

>> No.2271235

Then they should have done it, it would have fit with the rest of their business strategy

>> No.2271412

I never played the Master System, but always felt that Sega hardware was much better built than Nintendo hardware.

>> No.2271419
File: 3 KB, 92x180, actionfigurenudeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had more colors than NES if I'm remembering right but the music chip was dogshit, couldn't do tunes remotely complex as the NES which is why all MS and GG games have the same bloopy sound to their music. If that's your jam good for you but they literally couldn't make it sound like anything else because the chip is so limited

>> No.2271449

Master System came with RGB cables? Or is that just what SCART is referred to? Forgive my ignorance, new to /vr/.

Posters like that guy make me sad, I spent a good few minutes reading through his shit trying to learn about what was actually wrong with OP's setup.

>> No.2271490
File: 6 KB, 256x192, alexkiddmw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SMS was technically advanced, but something about the games really disturbs me for reasons I don't quite understand.

I think one problem is that the sound quality is just off in some way. The NES has that nice chippy sound that defined the generation, whereas the SMS feels more like whistles and boops.

Another thing that bothers me is the graphics. Many games have kind of an MS Paint look to them. I guess while it's technically more advanced than the NES, it comes at the cost of aesthetics since developers used a wide palette over good style.

Also, there's a lack of high action games that the NES was full of.

the controller was shit too

I don't know. I love Sega, but I always feel uncomfortable and kind of creeped out when I try playing SMS games. They feel too...empty.

>> No.2271492


Check out this brother

I won SMS2, no AV.

>> No.2271574

C64 > NES > SMS

>> No.2271586 [DELETED] 

for some reason, all the reasons that you have mentioned, including being slightly creeped out by them, is way I have become some what fascinated with the SMS in recent years. Also, another, better lesser known outside of japan, console named the Super Cassette Vision, which had similar graphics, similar sound, and similar style games.

>> No.2271589

>Many games have kind of an MS Paint look to them. I guess while it's technically more advanced than the NES, it comes at the cost of aesthetics since developers used a wide palette over good style.

Eh, it's less-popular-console syndrome. The SMS was technically superior, but all the talent was off making NES games so the quality isn't there.

> I love Sega, but I always feel uncomfortable and kind of creeped out when I try playing SMS games. They feel too...empty.

The NES has a fairly shitty video encoder and the sound output picked up a whole lot of noise. This fuzzed out a lot of the too-smooth edges. The SMS was crisp to a fault.

>> No.2271595

>Eh, it's less-popular-console syndrome
actually in european countries the SMS was a lot more popular than the NES, nintendo didn't really make a huge foothold over there until the Super Nintendo because they saw NES games as not offering anything that different from what they already had on the amiga and the like.

>> No.2271603

Very interesting, and it makes me feel similarly. While it's clearly more capable than other consoles from 1981, it gives off that same odd, cheap feel.

>> No.2271608

I have actually been facinated by the SMS for all the reasons you mentioned, including being creeped out by it, lol. Also, another, but lesser known outside of japan, console that I have been fascinated with is the Super Cassette Vision, which had similar graphics, similar sound, and similar style games.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mU5SvIRdhc [Embed]

>> No.2271614

the Super Cassette Vision was actually moderately popular in japan until the NES caught on.

>> No.2271625

>released two years after the NES
No wonder it's more advanced.

Hate to be that guy, but no games.

>> No.2271630

I keep hearing horrible things about pcsx2 development. I settled on a version from like a year ago, and I have a couple of games Id like to see improvements on. Is it worth it to keep this emulator up to date? Or will I encounter more regressions than not?

>> No.2271637

in the US it came out less than a year after the NES came out over here, and also, it had a shit ton of games, just the only thing was most of them were released in europe and brazil and not over here because it was more popular over there.

>> No.2271639

meant to respond to

>> No.2271641

ummm... was this meant for a different thread... on a different board?....

>> No.2271646

>No wonder these japs fucking lost against Nintendo,

No wonder the Japanese lost against the Japanese?

OP, this is like the least of your offenses against proper communication and I, good sir from a poorly developed country, must say:

You, OP, are a faggot.

>> No.2271652
File: 950 KB, 1176x1444, 140964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this post
Disregard, move on to next post

Read this
>pic related

>> No.2271653

Doesn't matter about the US release date. It was delayed in the US thanks to Atari's super fuck ups.

>> No.2271654

Service Games is an American company unlike 任天堂, 日本電気 or 当り.

>> No.2271752

In SOME european countries, most likely the UK. I know in France NES won the console war.

But man did I love this thing, even if I never played more than a handful of games. The Asterix one, Alex Kidd in miracle world, Sonic 1 and 2, Shinobi and a F1 game, can't remember which one sadly.

>> No.2271761

>SMS Thread
>On /vr/

My hope gauge has dropped to unprecedent heights

My SMS doesn't have that. I have a TecToy mk1 SMS, and if you boot it without games it just gives you a prompt to begin the built-in games.

I think that means your version is one without built-in games? That really sucks...

>> No.2271781

I see what you did thar.

>> No.2271928


>> No.2273624

I kinda feel the same way, maybe not "creeped out," but I get how you feel. It would have been best if the SMS always had FM synth, it would have made the games feel more whole. Also the early box art designs and the cartridges not having nice artwork on the labels really feel bland to me.

I wonder how things would have been if companies like Capcom and Konami would have been allowed to make games for the SMS. Fast action games would have been very helpful and would have been impressive, just look at Ninja Gaiden for SMS. If you're a fan of the trilogy on NES, there's actually a fourth one you may have missed.


>> No.2273634

OP setting a new low in sense and comprehensivness

a border line shit-post so to speak

>> No.2274837
File: 24 KB, 400x318, md-powerbase-converter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys

Didn't want to make a whole new thread for a simple question so I'll just ask here.

I have a sega genesis which I play through rgb scart, but my question is pic related compatible with this output?

thanks in advance

>> No.2274852

The SMS's sound chip doesn't go very low (it really needed a clock divider badly). Sega themselves were pretty good at making it sound nice, but the SMS sound is pretty much three high pitched squares and some noise.

As for the lack of FM, the Japanese Master System came out after the US one. The equivalent system to the US Master System is the Japanese Mark III.

Graphically, it's capable of more than the NES, but the NES's limits generally forced graphics to be more stylized on the NES, where they could be pretty plain and look distinct on the SMS.

the controller is bad, but you can generally just use a Genesis pad at least

>> No.2275145
File: 1.72 MB, 1280x1024, Phantasy_Star_Promo_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sound for the SMSis all tingy. That FM sound addon or whatever was way better.

>> No.2275504


The GameCube was more advanced than the PS2. Hell, the Xbox destroyed both in sheer power. But neither had any games.

>> No.2275530

>Used the thing for the first time and it literally amazes me how much more advanced it is than the nes.
It came out four years after the Famicom in Japan, no fucking shit it was more advanced.

>> No.2275534

The Mark 3 came out in 1985.
The SG-1000 came out on the same day as the Famicom yet was way behind it.

>> No.2275636

The Master System on its own outputs RGB and so does the Genesis 1, so I would wager it's a a safe bet.

>> No.2276081


This. How is this not the first and last reply?

>> No.2276086

Not /vr/

>the PS2 had games

There are no games after 2000, NONE

Except Ninja Gaiden Black which was a xbox exclusive anyway, checkmate atheists

>> No.2276092


Surely you can make comparisons? Is everything capped at 1999? Can you use pics made after that, new words?

>> No.2276094

You'd think, but a mod just purged every mention of the post-2000 games from the Castlevania thread, who the hell know what that sort of thing accomplishes

>> No.2276112

>But neither had any games.
No, they had plenty to choose from. But Sony had better PR and crushed it with the PS1.

>> No.2276170

>I know in France NES won the console war.
this is incorrect. master system was much more popular than nes in france just like the uk

>> No.2276336
File: 154 KB, 500x572, overheat1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On /vr/
You have no shame /v/. Fuck you from the bottom of my heart.

>> No.2276365
File: 176 KB, 1299x1322, 1424889810672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

angry children belong on >>>/v/. /vr/ is for mature adults. thank you.

>> No.2276389

I thought the rule was it was games for the CONSOLE made before 2000. so nintendo 64 and PS1 is /vr/, but that shouldn't mean we can't talk about games made for the console made in 2000 and on, right?

>> No.2276407 [DELETED] 

No fucking way.

People, whether they played video games or not, called consoles (any console) "Nintendos".

I never even saw a master system until I was 12 or 13.

>> No.2276412

No fucking way.

People, whether they played video games or not, called consoles (any console) "Nintendos".

Even the Playstation was "a Nintendo" for people.

I never even saw a master system until I was 12 or 13.

>> No.2276498

Here's the ironic thing. The SG-1000 uses almost entirely similar hardware to the Colecovision from 1982, and Nintendo was inspired to make their own console from the Colecovision. In fact, the Famicom's controller resting slots are directly inspired by the Colecovision. The Colecovision has been referred to as "the father of Japanese consoles" for a reason, every Japanese console made was built off a similar system the Colecovision had.


Ironic that Sega released a variant of the Colecovision on the same day when Nintendo's Famicom hit the market, the Famicom was basically Colecovision 2.0.

>> No.2276505

The Epoch Casette Vision came out before the Colecovision.

>> No.2276514

It was this odd Atari-like machine in it's hardware, with no support for sprites like the Colecovision or anything after it. Everything had to be drawn on a per-scanline basis, just like Atari machines.

>> No.2276872

Oh man, this.

Back when all I had was Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt, my buddy down the block had a Master System with Phantasy Star, Ikari Warriors, Alien Syndrome, Astro Warrior, and more.

But then I got Legend of Zelda for christmas and wasn't quite as jelly for a little while, anyway.

>> No.2276898

>Many games have kind of an MS Paint look to them.

You nailed it with that ,the graphic capabilities are superior to the nes but still don't really look very good.

I kinda like the sms and i want to enjoy it but the library is just shit ,and many of the games are really poor arcade ports which were made redundant by the megadrive arcade ports.

>> No.2276965


it was pretty much neck to neck, with NES having only a slight advantage.
And in europe the NES had a way thinner library than in US or Japan

>> No.2277128

There was nothing stopping them from making games for Nintendo's competitors if I read right, the only thing Nintendo prevented them from doing was making multiplatform releases. Developers only followed the NES because it was more popular. Had the SMS and NES been on equal corporate terms (no 'monopoly' or contracts), the NES would've still beaten the SMS because it was a more well rounded machine, and it had fucking Mario. Would Contra, Mega Man, Castlevania, etc have had iconic music with the SMS' inferior sound hardware? Would the Moon Theme even exist?

The SMS didn't have Ikari Warriors, but it did have Time Soldiers, which is similar. The NES also received a version of Alien Syndrome, which in some ways is better than the SMS version (screen actually scrolls, for example). And the NES had dozens of vertical shooters like Astro Warrior, in fact the name is a knock off of 'Star Soldier' while the gameplay resembles Star Force.

>> No.2277226

I think Ikari Warriors was changed into a Rambo game on the SMS.

>> No.2277408

you can play all sms games on the converter except for f16 fighting falcon.

fun fact: phantasy star was rereleased on the jap MD, its still the original 8bit rom just in a custom cart that enables sms mode.