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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2267362 No.2267362 [Reply] [Original]

How do you play your retro games, /vr/? Emulation on PC or on a Wii? 3DS/Wii/U Virtual Console? Actual hardware fucking richfags? I switch around but personally I'm using OpenEmu a lot lately.

>> No.2267380

The only "real" games are the ones on my Commodore64 and ZX Sinclair (I love playing Jet Set Willy on this), for everything else I just emulate on PC.

>> No.2267385

Real hardware if I have it. Wii VC if I don't (thank you based .wad installer). And all my CD-based consoles are either modchipped/hacked or play burned games without modification, so I use CD-Rs for them.

>> No.2267396

I'd like to emulate more, but I can't play stuff for long if I emulate it.

Nothing against emulation itself, it's just that I can't make it work for me.

>> No.2267397


Even if I do have the original hardware. Old console emulation is pretty much perfect, if not totally perfect, and I can't be bothered to have 5+ consoles connected to my TV anymore.

>> No.2267404


I don't agree with emulation. I prefer on the actual consoles.

I have a long life ahead of me. It doesn't bother me if I don't play a game until I'm 40.

>> No.2267405
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These days it's probably 95% emulator. Sometimes I'll play a gameboy cart or pull out the Nomad or something like that. But it's getting rarer and rarer. The only old system I still have hooked up is a Saturn, other than that all my games and stuff are packed away in boxes.

For pretty much anything other than SNES games these days I just use a PSP which works surprisingly well. Even for SNES stuff sometimes, but individual games take individual fiddling I have found.

>> No.2267412

What do you mean by you "don't agree with emulation"? You mean you don't like the feel of emulated games?

Sadly some of us are already 40 and up and feel our precious life minutes draining away. Make good use of your time, especially when you're young!

>> No.2267434

The VC stuff just seems so expensive, for someone without a lot of disposable income it's difficult to justify spending $10 on a 2MB game from 1990. I have tried putting emulators on my Wii but it never seems to work right. The GX emulators have lag and audio weirdness, and retroarch's scaling is trash without excessive fiddling with each game.

>> No.2267445

If you've got F-Zero to run correctly, please tell me your secrets.

>> No.2267457
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No, F-zero is one of the ones that never runs well on it. Anything with much mode7 is hard to get working right. Star Fox, don't even dream of it.

For most regular 2D stuff, like Metal Warriors and the like which is what I play it works fine.

It can get expensive, but I would recommend maybe checking out a game on an emulator even if it's not a perfect experience for you and then buy the VC version if you really liked it. Even though it's 10 bucks for a game from 1990, that's still less than we paid for them in 1990.

>> No.2267465

I prefer hard copy's where I can.

But I have nothing against emulation, and use it quite frequently. Plus Emulation comes with the added bonus of rom hacks.

>> No.2267473

>The VC stuff just seems so expensive,
That's why I said "thank you based .wad installer"

It's 2015. Do you still not have your wii softmodded? Fuck if I'll pay 5-10 bucks each for some roms

>> No.2267481

I prefer platformers and action games on the original hardware, but for most of the rpgs I play there's no real difference between the two.

I tend to play more on emulators though, because unlike my laptop, it's inconvenient to lug my genesis and CRT around with me all day. It's also easier to pick up more games/consoles - I can just download a rom or an emulator instead of having to hunt down a physical copy and hope that it still works after 20-30 years.

>> No.2267486

I emulate ps1/ps2/psp on my cfw ps3.

>> No.2267492

You can just pirate the VC wads and load them on your wii.

>> No.2267494


I burn Japan-only PS1 games, put them in a chipped PS2, and pretend it's summer 1999 again

>> No.2267508


I don't support pirating

>> No.2267528
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Actual hardware of course. And that doesn't make me a richfag, I have collected the consoles over the years and I spend a bit of my money on games from eBay

>> No.2267531
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Actual hardware of course. And that doesn't make me a richfag, I have collected the consoles over the years and I spend a bit of my money on games from eBay. I think you'll find that most /vr/tualboys do this.

>> No.2267548

I do.

>> No.2267557

You don't have to pirate for emulation and you don't need emulation to pirate games.
You don't even necessarily need a to pirate a copyrighted BIOS.
I emulate legitimate copies regularly.

>> No.2267572

I'm a collector and still play my owned games through my computer if emulation for the system is accurate enough (SNES emulation is essentially flawless now) because it's simple and convenient compared to finding and hooking up the right console and locating the game in my shelves.

>> No.2267578


Most people don't, they download their games. People don't wanna dump themselves

>> No.2267592

I can see how some people make take issue with pirating current games, but to say there's something morally wrong with pirating 20-30 year old games is, imo, ridiculous.

>> No.2267602

If there is still a way to buy the game through the publisher, like Virtual Console and the likes, it is morally wrong.

>> No.2267616

This, I keep the real stuff save at home and play the Wii emus here at school. Much easier and cheaper than having the real stuff and it's much less of a liability.

I also emulate a lot on my PSP. Helps the portable games to still feel portable.

>> No.2267617


For new games, or old games that have been made available otherwise, I fully agree with you. However, either games that are not available to buy new anywhere either because the company has chosen not to re-release them or has gone out out business, that's a whole different story. There's nothing at all unethical about playing ROMs for games like that.

Though in the case of still active companies, if I'm playing a ROM of one of their older titles a lot I will look for another way to support them. Buying one of their newer games or something like that.

>> No.2267618


>> No.2267619

>Plus Emulation comes with the added bonus of rom hacks.
except for N64, most rom hacks work on flashcarts.

i play super metroid hacks on my sd2snes all the time, it's marvelous.

funny side story that's not /vr/
the only game i own for gamecube is metroid prime 1.
it's also the only game i emulate because i can't be arsed to hook up my gamecube

everything else is actual hardware with flashcarts

>> No.2267623

All they did was take a ROM and upload it. That's not worth a penny. These are old games that have already made their money. And it's not about supporting anyone either, because if you bought the real thing, then you're paying second-hand anyway. And even if you truly care enough to pay nintendo directly for their ROM, it's not like you're even supporting the devs anymore since they're in all likelihood far gone.

>> No.2267625


I disagree. It's still illegal and wrong to me

>> No.2267628

If anything is wrong; its that copyrights can last 30 years. Ridiculous.

>> No.2267641

>half the thread is one guy yelling about how piracy is illegal
T-thanks guys

>> No.2267646

Interesting. So is this superior to running Wii emulators or does it still have similar issues? I have the Homebrew channel but haven't fucked with my Wii any further.

>> No.2267648

The companies do still own the rights to those games though. If they're making them available for purchase, it's still good to support them. Even if you don't care about the ethics of the situation, if only to show your support to the company and that those old games (and therefore possibly new ones in that style) will still sell.

For buying used old carts and things from re-sellers though I agree with you completely. Unless you want to collect for collecting's sake it's basically throwing your money in the garbage. Except worse because it encourages people to try and make profit re-selling things they never had a hand in creating in the first place.

>> No.2267649

Nobody gives a fuck if you care.
Nobody else cares about pirating retro vidya.

By your logic, I should re-purchase on VC all the old games I bought used since none of that money went to nintendo.

>> No.2267652

Lawfags get out

>> No.2267653

Actually you should travel back in time to the release date and firmly place the money (cash only, Yen preferable) in the hands of the developers on the midnight of release day. Fucking casual.

>> No.2267657

Why is that wrong? 30 years is a relatively short time. I guess it's hard to conceive of if you don't make anything. But for example, I am an artist and that's where I try to make most of my income. Why should there be a timeline on how long I can sell something which I have created?

>> No.2267661

I haven't dabbled with emulators ported to wii like snes9x, but I can say with certainty that all the virtual console games run perfectly without a hitch. The downside is that many lesser-known games have never received virtual console releases, either because they couldn't get the emulation 100% perfect or because of lack of demand. Or probably for no good reason (I'm look at konami for not porting ANY of their genesis games like bloodlines, hard corps, or rocket knight adventures)

>> No.2267670


>> No.2267673

because the product is no longer being sold
>b-but VC ports
that's not the original product. That's a digital-only emulation of the original product. I'd pay if publishers rereleased games in their original cartridge format for the original systems, but that's never going to happen.

So you're an artist. Let's say you made cool paintings and you sold them 20 years ago. And now you're re-releasing those paintings as jpeg files for a fee. That's how I feel about it.

>> No.2267705

That's seriously stretching it. The product is the game, not the original cartridge or CD. The format of what you're buying is irrelevant. It's the content you're paying for.

>> No.2267714


Listen to the law.

>> No.2267720

Fuck off copyright shill


>> No.2267724

Not him, but I see his point. And imo, just as looking at a digital scan of a painting isn't as satisfying as standing in front of the painted canvas, playing an emulated rom on a PC or Wii isn't as satisfying as pushing the cart into the original machine and playing it in the original format. I'll pay for a physical cart I can own and touch and shelf much more readily than I will pay for a revokable license for a bit of code that occupies a slot on a screen.

>> No.2267725

I buy my games physical

>> No.2267726

The VC games are FAR cheaper than a reprinted cart in 2015 would have to be sold at in order to make doing something like that profitable. Saying it's not piracy because you can't buy the same format is ridiculous.

If you want to pirate games then go head, but t least don't delude yourself about what you're doing.

>> No.2267730

Which is why they're far less expensive than the carts were when they were sold in stores.

>> No.2267746

What are your thoughts on secondhand buying of games in regards to piracy? In both cases, the devs see no profit. Genuinely curious.

>> No.2267752

Back to /v/ with you, little one. Either make an actual argument or don't respond. Cool kid finishers don't belong on this board.

>> No.2267753

I said a few posts up, that unless you're buying a cart for the sake of collecting the item, or you have a special love for seeing the game running on the original system, then you're basically throwing your money in the garbage if you buy used carts. Like you say, the original developer and publishers get nothing at all for it. All you're doing is lining the pockets of someone who makes their profit by reselling things.

My policy is essentially, if the game is still available to purchase in some way like the VC shop for example, then I buy it there. Doesn't necessarily mean I will play it there, since I mostly emulate on PSP these days, but I do it to support the company if I really like their games.

If the game either hasn't been made available for purchase new in any way, or if the original company that made it is defunct then emulating is perfectly fine. However, again if it's a game I really like and the company is still around I'll consider finding some other way to give them a few bucks. Like buying one of their newer games or the like.

>> No.2267775

I'm not saying it's not piracy. I'm saying pirating old games is not the same as pirating new games.
And repro carts actually are that cheap. You can buy them from china for like 7 bucks a pop

The content is both digital and physical. The fact that people care about owning original games rather than just emulating or buying flashcarts proves this.

I don't care if VC games are cheaper than what the games cost when they were new. That is completely irrelevant. They are dated software that has already had its print run and already made its money. If nintendo can squeeze some free extra cash by uploading roms again, then that's great for them. But there is absolutely no moral obligation to buy nintendo's roms vs downloading them off the net for free.

>> No.2267787

Where is the copyright only 30 years? We have life of the last main creator plus 70 years. No game has ever come close to reaching public domain that way.

>> No.2267795

Nice assumption. I'm not a little kid at all. Just quit being so damn bossy.

>> No.2267827

I was thinking of getting one of those android boxes, like an Ouya or Amazon TV just for emulation on my TV, are android emulators good? I hear they have decent support and go up to PS1/N64, and even supposedly the PS2. Seems better than a Wii

>> No.2267829

Depends on the country you live in

>> No.2267838
File: 1.03 MB, 2751x1162, World_copyright-terms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Afghanistan and Laos don't have copyright at all.
Libya, Iran and Yemen also don't seem that bad.

>> No.2267847

Actual hardware, not against emulation, just haven't found a need for it yet.

Collecting consoles isn't too expensive. Some games are though.

>> No.2267891

Real hardware if possible, although emulation is fun for gamesharking and savestating

>> No.2267918

It isn't 30 years, it is more like 100+, as you said. A decade would be more than enough to cash in on a creation, but we live in a world controlled by corporations and where "popular culture" is privately owned.

As an aside, I prefer actual hardware. Emulation is cool, and its an awesome way to test games out, but I don't have a dedicated PC set up for it, or a CRT montior (just 2 TVs), so it doesn't look at all like the real thing. Paying for ROMs is absolutely out, but I bought a few steam releases that support multiplayer, such as the D&D (super ugly filters) and Metal Slug (actually has awesome upscaling) collections.

>> No.2267927

>It isn't 30 years, it is more like 100+, as you said.

Do you think people will still play retro vidya in a 100 years?

>> No.2267932

that being said, Genesis Plus GX on the Wii is probably one of the best Genesis emulators around

>> No.2267943

Why shouldn't they? Original hardware may stop working but emulation should keep the spirit alive.
I can play a 50 year old game and I'd still play it in 50 years time.

>> No.2267997

Copyright law is fucking bullshit. The duration keeps getting longer and longer and now we're at the comically long "creator's entire lifespan + 70 years extra" duration.

All thanks to disney, of course. If they could, they'd change it so copyright lasts literally indefinitely. But that would require an amendment, so throughout the years they've instead been able to keep getting it extended and extended instead until it might as well be indefinite.

I wonder if we'll ever actually see the day when mickey mouse is public domain

>> No.2268010

>Emulation on PC or on a Wii? 3DS/Wii/U Virtual Console? Actual hardware?
Pretty much all of the above. As long as I can play the game comfortably.

>> No.2268190

I know they physically will be able to, but will there be people with the interest, like how people read old books?

>> No.2268198

If I like it and I can get it on my 2DS, then I'm gonna get it on my 2DS. Most other times I'll just play on my PC since I don't have the actual console anymore.

>> No.2270961

How the living fuck are you going to play SMK with a keyboard?

>> No.2270998

>fucking richfags

Heh, more like "rich" parents since I didn't just start buying old games because of the recent fad. Some people have several of their consoles and games because they've had them since they were still available at retail or bought games back when they were relatively cheap. Not everyone is just buying all of their stuff on 2013-2015 ebay.

>> No.2271328

I emulate a few things on my handhelds but can't really stomach it for normal play.
It has nothing to do with being rich. Nearly all my consoles cost me $10 or less.

>> No.2271445
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Did you manage to get Power Stone to run on PS3? May I ask where do you get your converted PSP games?

>> No.2271502


What the fuck isgoing on in this thread?
Can this level of faggotry finally reached vr?
Fuck everything.
I play my vidya on their consoles.
And for the record some of them i bought back in the day some to day...back then, the same games were much more expensive than what they are today.

>> No.2271597

For the consoles I own, I generally buy everything and only emulate the ones I absolutely can't find/afford.
I did buy my Dreamcast however solely because you can just burn games to disc and play them.

>back then, the same games were much more expensive than what they are today
Maybe overall, but many have grossly increased in price.

>> No.2271674

A lot of people seem to think of emulation and piracy as synonyms, but is it really that inconceivable that someone rips ISOs from CD and DVD based media? I primarily consume my legally bought PS1 and PS2 games on a PC nowadays, though I use actual hardware from time to time when emulators can't produce a playable experience.

>> No.2271683


I emulate and use original hardware.
I have most consoles, but since i still don't have flashcarts for NES and SNES i tend to emulate those two.

>> No.2272126
File: 99 KB, 640x640, 10408042_1009845782375569_7464188479756010579_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With these babies. 15 consoles across 3 TVs, come at me bros.

>> No.2272143

Emulators, cause i dont want my house full of garbage.

>> No.2272245

how does the delay compare for a screen like that against a CRT?

>> No.2272274 [DELETED] 

10/10 would kék again

>> No.2272716

>authentic pre-2000 LCD
>plays his NES at native resolution like a boss

>> No.2272792

Real hardware and actual cartridges for N64, since I have a sizeable collection of them I've been buying for years now and N64 emulation is shit.

I emulate SNES, Genesis, PC=Engine and all the rest on my Wii. For GBC and GBA I used real hardware until my backlit OG GBA died on me so I'm just emulating on my phone for now (have an iPega 9017 controller)

>> No.2272908

I buy hard copies for consoles that have a large number of games I enjoy for example Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, Master System and Game Gear.

I emulate games for consoles I have no interest in owning because there isn't much I find worth buying for example NES, SNES, GB, N64, and Gamecube.

>> No.2272991

I used to only use emulation, because back in my early teens what little disposable income I had wasn't going to games that I could play for free. But since I had a massive library of vidya at my disposal I never actually beat games, instead letting my ADD get the better of me and play around 2 hours of a game before playing a different one, with the mentality that I'd come back to it later( I rarely ever did.)

Now that I'm an adult and I can afford to buy retro games (For the genesis at least), and can actually fix my attention span at one game at a time due to the quicksand box of emulation being gone.

>> No.2272993

*I finally can fix my attention span

>> No.2273010

For most CD/DVD based systems that can be emulated, it's pretty easy to just stick a disc into your machine and go. Even on the DC, you could transfer your own GDI rips from a DC if you had the know-how (and ideally, a broadband modem in the thing).

For actual ROM-chip based systems, it's a fair bit harder to believe, since most people don't have cartridge copiers or general purpose ROM dumping hardware.

>> No.2273012

>I can't afford nintendo stuff
>Thanks Youtube

>> No.2273028

I find that the Dreamcast is the one disc-based console I end up buying discs for more, instead of burning, since many of the compressed versions are inferior or buggy (I'm looking at you Skies of Arcadia) due to compression. Also I have a generally real hard time to find the JP releases of games online when it comes to the DC.

Saturn and PC Engine i just burn away happily, however.

>> No.2273032

I have that problem anyway since I started having enough money to buy more games than I have time playing...

I actually find flashcarts help, in a way, since the games are more immediately available (just boot up, select in menu).

>> No.2273035

>thanks youtube
I think all the pro-nintendo stuff you see on youtube is just as much effect as the marked up prices on nintendo stuff. Both effects are caused by there being a lot of nintendo fans who are shit-eating drones who just act retarded when it comes to anything nintendo. Doesn't matter if its old SNES games or if its modern amiibos

>> No.2273351

>implying you can't use gamepads on a PC
>implying d-pad is any better for racing games than a keyboard

>> No.2273382

On real consoles of course. This is why this board will never be anything but a bunch of children born in the 90s acting nostalgic over gba and gc games. Emulation isn't /vr/ is a cancer of the early 2000s.

>> No.2273384

>On real consoles of course. This is why this board will never be anything but a bunch of children born in the 90s acting nostalgic over gba and gc games. Emulation isn't /vr/ is a cancer of the early 2000s.

I have over 10 retro consoles, and i don't see the problem of emulation.

>> No.2273386


I always asked myself what it means to be a children that doesn't know to be one.

>> No.2273414

keep justifying money spent on plastic

>> No.2273430

on my PC with:
-Groovy Arcade Arch Linux
-cheap radeon 9800 card
-PS2 to USB controller converter
-VGA to scart adapter
and CRT TV

>> No.2273437

I mostly play on actual hardware, but every now and again I emulate a game if I have trouble finding the cart/disc or it's just really pricey.

>> No.2273453

I can taste the jelly off this post.

>> No.2273460

Actual hardware playing roms. Whether that's stuff like flashcarts, or modchips, or soft modding, I'll use them all. Old games cost stupid prices, consoles are expensive but not at insane levels.

>> No.2273464

richfags, what? You come across a system by chance, you buy up a deal here and there..you are collecting games. Its not a rich man's hobby.

I tried emulating, and I do with N64 games still. But I usually lose interest of the game when I am in front of a computer. So now I have an SNES and NES. It just feels right to play it on the console it came from.

>> No.2273473

>But I usually lose interest of the game when I am in front of a computer
How do you play computer games?

>> No.2273476

You buy an old Win 95 box with clicky keyboard, ball mouse, and old CRT, all in beige.

>> No.2273479

And then I emulate all the other computers I play?

>> No.2273487


I emulate SNES and NES, but i a win98 machine.
People should just play how they like, the game is the most important thing in the end.

>> No.2273496
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Stick with the times!

Y'all need a fucking gameboy.

>> No.2273629

let me guess, all composhit or rf

>> No.2273642


Unless he's european the probability is pretty high.

>> No.2274134

>plays his NES at native resolution like a boss

What? I seriously hope no one plays NES on a HD flatscreen.

>> No.2274135

This. I prefer the real deal, but I see the practicality of emulation. If emulation is the only way for someone to enjoy retro games then I am glad they can do it that way.

>> No.2274154

A fate worse than death. S-video+ or you're wasting your time with ugly picture.

>> No.2274186

you don't need to convert them. Using a Cobra hybrid CFW you can use standard ISO files and run the games directly from MultiMan.

>> No.2274240

S Video and Composite for the retro stuff mostly. Pictures fine, especially since it's fed through the DVD player...the setup got a little batshit.

>> No.2274246

actual console is possible but otherwise on my Wii/WiiU
I'm honestly surprised at how nice most VC games turned out on the Wii VC

>> No.2274282

I might collect for an actual retro console or handheld at some point. Or get an old-ass computer just for gaming. That'd be fun. But right now I mostly emulate.

>> No.2274286

Emulation is damnation. I prefer original hardware and software. I am a purist.

>> No.2274341

>Emulation is damnation


>> No.2274434

Surely you don't need to be rich to play with original hardware.

I used to be 100% emulators. Then after some years went by I just felt like I want to own an original cartridge (or CD) and boxes & manuals if possible. I like that feeling of taking a game out of a box, putting it in the machine, clicking the power on and playing with original controllers on a CRT TV. Maybe it's old school retro nostalgia, but it just feels right for me.

>> No.2274441

You'd be surprised how many people do, at least on local retro gaming community. I've always thought if you're gonna use actual hardware, you might as well get a CRT.

>> No.2274470

You can put together a sensible collection of most major consoles and some 99%+ flashcarts/modchips for a few hundred bucks. It depends on the console a lot though, if you want a fucking Neo Geo MVS then you're not going to get it for 100 bucks unless you're the luckiest guy in the world.

>> No.2274480

MVS isn't a major console, not even the AES is. Some people want to play more than just "most major consoles" and a hundreds of dollars is quite a bit of money than could easily be used for other things.

>> No.2274521

But if you want to play games on the more obscure and uncommon consoles, aren't you a bit more than a casual gamer/collector anyways, and can justify spending a bit more on your hobby?

I've worked at lower middle class or even low-paying jobs my whole adult life (32 now) and had no problems buying a game or two every now and then. Most I've spent on one game is about 100 €. Most of them are significantly less, though.

>> No.2274553

I usually emulate on my Wii U. Its nice to play on the tablet, even if i have to use another controller and retroarch is such a hassle with the resolution.
I also play on the original hardware and prefer it that way

>> No.2274560

Oldfag here, I fucking hate CRTs. Always have. Even as a kid I felt like they were distorting the game I was playing and making it look uglier than it should have been. So even though it's less authentic to what the games looked like in the day, in a weird way I feel like playing games on modern high end screens is like finally seeing what it was always supposed to look like or could have looked like.

>> No.2274606

Funny, I'm comparing it to typical normie spends on gaming. A new Xboner or PS4 would run you 400 bucks, add in online for a year and the cost of a single game, and you're talking 500 minimum.

Retro gaming is incredibly cheap by comparison. Flashcarts are pretty much the only major purchase, and they're still cheaper than buying even one of the highly rare games.

These games were made on CRTs to be displayed on CRTs. There are a lot of games that used the assumption of things like scanlines to create better looking graphics. Ideally, you'd be playing on a pro grade RGB monitor to achieve the look they were seeing while designing it. You can still get lucky and pick one up pretty cheap.

For me, CRT is the only option simply because of one genre, lightgun games. I fucking love those things, one day I'm going to get TC2 or a Virtua Cop cabinet put in my house. Just waiting for a cheap one.

>> No.2274745

Paying to pirate, paying out of your ass for used games or buying things when they are brand new is all retarded. There are so many other things I can do with my money.
gog is the only real option for me and I'll pirate anything they don't have.
I couldn't even legally import many of the games I play.
Room is another issue. You may think connecting five console to the same TV is simple but setting up dozens of computers and arcade cabinets is a completely different story.
Ultimately I prefer emulation even for the pieces of hardware I own because it offers a lot more options. Screenshots alone are a blessing.

>> No.2274847

Hory shiet, are you me?

>> No.2274854

>Paying to pirate, paying out of your ass for used games or buying things when they are brand new is all retarded. There are so many other things I can do with my money.
That's funny, I find buying old-ass games one of the best wyas to spend my money, specially when I get to play some stuff that I haven't tried before. Stuff like PC-FX games or PSX/PS2 VNs that weren't ported, for example, are things I didn't mind spending money at all.

>> No.2275570

You have never known the pleasure of owning retro consoles. The aes neo geo is such a beauty.

>> No.2275764

Publishers get cash, not developers. I don't feel bad about denying publishers money that should go to developers.

>> No.2275814

>There are so many other things I can do with my money
>buy a pack of gum, a loosie, save up to become a hundredaire

>> No.2276217

>These games were made on CRTs to be displayed on CRTs.

While I do understand that, I still think those old games just look so much better on modern monitors that it's like I'm truly seeing the game for the first time. I understand I'm in the extreme minority though and that's cool.

>> No.2276225

Don't let anyone tell you how you should enjoy your games.

>> No.2276226

except when they are played on an emulator, because all emulator bros are shitters.

>> No.2276232


just play video games and enjoy yourself, its not a big deal

>> No.2276250

Yeah I don''t it's all good, just adding in my thoughts on it. I think CRTs are fuck ugly, even the super high end ones. We're all different though.

This attitude is hilarious to me. I almost exclusively emulate these days due to the pure convenience of it. I'll pull out my Nomad every now and then for some nostalgia kicks, and I have a Saturn hooked up in my basement cause nothing else seems to do that well. But other than that it's all emulation and even then mostly on PSP.

You do whatever you want though.

>> No.2276287

I was just playing Ecco on my PSP the other day.
Good taste.

>> No.2276293

lol try to do this with famicom

>> No.2276770

>This attitude is hilarious to me
filthy casuals have a weird sense of humor

>> No.2279905

It is being called "casual" by some children on the internet that I find most hilarious

>> No.2279960

My guess is that SOME people really dedicated to collecting consoles/games hate it when people talk about emulation, because it philosophically flies in the face of their whole shtick. Something along the lines of "how dare you play all these games with zero effort when I've dedicated so much time and money toward buying the real physical versions!"

And I say this as a moderate collectorfag. Hating other people who emulate/pirate/whatever is just childish

>> No.2279962

Well you're fucking stupid, I hate people who emulate because it's considered non vr. It's a cancer of the early 00s, and the people who emulated in the 90s don't post here, because most of you are under the age of 25 and would rather be ironic posting dipshits, than actually engage in honest to goodness vr talk.

>> No.2279970
File: 1.79 MB, 245x196, her smile and optimism... gone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2279975

I usually stick to my consoles, though I only have a NES and playstation. I'd probably enjoy emulating more if I had something like OpenEmu on Windows.

Anyone got anything? I love how neat and tidy OpenEmu looks, but I'm not about to buy a $1,000 emulation machine

>> No.2279991

And others hate it when people talk about collecting and prices.

>> No.2280014


My god, the sadness.
I did emulate in the 90's

>> No.2280028

Sure you did anon. <3

>> No.2280036

h3y n1gr4 w4nn4 Cy83R

>> No.2280040


I'm a 26 years old guy that used bleem and mame in the past.
You want to believe that people that emulate are all idiotic kids, just because you have some deep mental problem anon.
Like i said before, i have over 10 consoles, but i emulate because i don't have certain games or consoles, you know i actually care about playing instead of sperging solely on HOW do i have to play it.

>> No.2280046

wow so old
what are you doing on a chinese imageboard? get it together, your worse than that old collector fag. I'm out of here when i turn 19.

>> No.2280049


You should get out of here and go straight inside a classroom to improve your english son.
I'm on 4chan since 2007, and honestly since i actually do stuff i like in my life, i have no problem roaming this cesspool.

>> No.2280082

On my wii through emulation and actual hardware. Im not rich I just never got rid of my consoles

>> No.2280139

Actually, 100 bucks for an MVS board without a cabinet is fairly reasonable.

There's a full MVS cab with a 100-in-1 cart on my local Craigslist for 300 bucks. That's cheap. Less than I've spent on Genesis games in the past year.

>> No.2280149

In order of prevalence:
1) computer
2) hardware
3) wii VC
4) 3DS VC
5) Xbaks

>> No.2280193

>I'm out of here when I turn 19
That's adorable.

>> No.2280396

I set my wii up to emulate most things (pretty much from MAME to N64) and its nice when going to friends houses since we are limited by lugging giant consoles around.

That said, I prefer original hardware when I can get it. Its just something intrinsically pleasing about holding my snes controller and flipping on the console. Even blowing on the cartridges is something i consider part of the game.

>> No.2280439


The snes emu on 3DS runs F-Zero perfect.

Pretty impressive from this one guy who ported it

>> No.2281150

To be fair, I don't think it's a shtick exactly, but you're probably generally right that the anger associated with people who emulate is tied to a kind of jealousy that other people are enjoying things in a way they can't. I get why people want to experience it exactly as it was in the 70's and 80's but we're not all like that.


And this is even more hilarious to me. Plenty of people emulated in the 90's. Hell for a a lot of shit, that was the only way. I played through 10fps Seiken 3 and Bahamut Lagoon like a ton of other people back then.

And here's the thing that will really blow your mind. We didn't go anywhere! We're still HERE! ON THE INTERNET! What's worse, we have cushy jobs or are semi-retired. Most of us old timers on here far more than you kids who think 25 is old.

>> No.2281204


Being old on 4chan used to not be a big deal.

Then /b/ got wrecked, and all the teenagers spread to the other boards. People just don't get how much different image board culture was 10 years ago compared to today.

>> No.2281498

If I had a nickel for everytime I heard someone say that I would own a NWC gold cartridge.

>> No.2281774

>Being old on 4chan used to not be a big deal.

That's exactly my point. Though honestly, as someone who's been here for a long time, although the specifics change every time a new group flooded in, the essential nature of 4chan has stayed the same. This is still one of the few places left that feels a little like the old internet did and that's why I come here.

>> No.2281786

>This is still one of the few places left that feels a little like the old internet did and that's why I come here.

I don't know about you, but i don't want to enter a forum ever again in my life, the anonymous nature of this site is appealing and a hassle at the same time.

>> No.2281815

Yeah, I feel like forums were the beginning of the end in a way. The only forums I go on now are a couple private ones that are basically just hangouts for small groups of friends.

There's almost nowhere around anymore that's just a bunch of anonymous discussion and I think it's sad because you see very different sides of people.

>> No.2281824


I stopped visiting an old chat group 2 years ago, since it's mostly always the same discussion and at least in my case everyone they just had a thing for blogging.
At least once in a while you have a decent discussion or little event here.

>> No.2281840

I find that the forums I still go to, even though we originally came together because of video games most of the discussion these days is just about what's going on in our lives. Most of us haven't met, but some of us have known each other like this for over 20 years now. So it's sadly now mostly kids and medical problems that get talked about more than gaming.

>> No.2281870


I once had one of my best gaming experiences thanks to a forum.
It was a public forum, pretty famous and videogame related, this was the spam section, a place for jokes and humorous shit.
I start to know pretty interesting fellows, we start playing on super arcade, and holy shit, playing metal slug, garo, marvel vs capcom.
Then kailera, after that on mame, after a year i stop visiting the forum and i don't connect to the chat any more, since i always tend to drift away from people in the same instant they open with me.
Never again something like that happened in my life, and how fun it was.

>> No.2281928

I emulate with my PC. I use a controller too. Obviously it's not the "real" experience but I don't really care about that. What's important is that I'm playing the actual game. How is not important. I'm planning on getting Raspberry Pi 2 soon though.

>> No.2282051

> Obviously it's not the "real" experience but I don't really care about that. What's important is that I'm playing the actual game.

The type of people who tell you you're not getting the "real" experience by playing an emulator are akin to the types of music fans who think anything not played on vinyl sounds like shit.

>> No.2282059

No, it's more like MP3s vs FLAC.

FLAC will always be better. There's no question. What matters is how good the MP3 is. Emulating SNES and earlier? You're looking at 320kbps, nobody is really going to tell a difference. Playing on console is just a matter of preference.

Emulating Saturn, Playstation, N64? Now you're looking at 192. Some games will be fine, some are buggy as fuck. Given the cost, you should probably just be playing on the original systems.

PS2+ is 128kbps trash. Some games work fine, but the majority have issues. At the very least, use the console for most games, emulate the few that work well for ease and graphic scaling.

>> No.2282089

Yeah, that's a good point. Somehow I didn't really think about PS era and going forward when saying that. My impression is more that it's the people saying that not playing on a CRT is not giving you the authentic experience. Which while I can see, I just disagree with.

But yes, emulating the newer retro systems is harder. Though a hacked PSP does a pretty fine job of playing PS1 ISOs.

>> No.2282091

Kind of, except that with SNES/Genesis I find the real thing looks way better because they don't have resolution/tearing issues when hooked up to a TV.

Whereas PS2 benefits hugely from emulation because you can turn on anti-aliasing and higher resolution. SMT 3 looks jaw dropping on an emulator. Problem is that its unstable, often runs poorly, and crashes.

>> No.2282130

I usually assume emulation goes along with LCDs and the occasional silly CRT plugins, rather than plugging your PC into your TV.

The only reason you'd do that is if you want to play MAME shit cheaply. If you want to use an old CRT, just buy the console and a modchip/flashcart, they cost next to nothing.

>> No.2282351

Playstation is 320kbps at this point

>> No.2283268

But that's true you fuccboi. Vinyl is superior.

>> No.2283271

How's the Vita for emulation? I'm planning on getting one because new games, it is as flexible as the PSP for emulation? What are the restrictions?

>> No.2283278

For DS, N64, and GCN, I use actual hardware. For PS2, I will prolly go that route as well.

For everything else (including PS1) I emulate. Hell, I even emulate certain DS and GBA games, if they're fan translations. Mother 3 and Tales of Innocence come to mind there.

>> No.2283281


Last I heard Vita was in extremely preliminary stages of emulation. Sony didn't like how the PSP fared against the homebrew scene, so in addition to the barrier naturally presented by new hardware, there's a fuckton of security to bypass. I'd say wait another year. Either Sony abandons the poor thing entirely to homebrew or it becomes popular enough to attract reinforcements from the hacking community.

>> No.2283290

heh homebrew was the reason why most people bought the psp in the first place.

>> No.2283294


I know, right? It's like they learned nothing from the success of the Wii (to be fair, Nintendo didn't have a clue in that regard either).

>> No.2283306

>flashcart, they cost next to nothing.

Anon, 100$ for something with limited compatibility it's far from next to nothing.

>> No.2283565

You buy the chink rip-offs, they're 50-70 bucks with 99% compatibility.

Compared to the cost of games today, it's nothing. Plenty of old games cost that, and all new games are 60 bucks at launch.

>> No.2283609

Yup! And Sony's efforts to stifle the homebrew scene are the reason I still haven't bought a Vita. The games they've released haven't interested me much, but once it gets good homebrew I think it could be a great system.

>> No.2283630


Well i would like to have a list of the good rip-offs.
My problem is that i give priority to other hobbies, but for 50 $ why not ?

>> No.2285276

Emulation is MIDI, not MP3

>> No.2285290


There is also the Soft15khz transcoded to TV route

>> No.2285292

Just go to Aliexpress, they're all everdrive clones of old models that don't support one or two bullshit tech demos from Japan.

Is that really so much more convenient than just using the console? I understand building a mamecab, but I'd just have a second TV and some SCART splitters for all the consoles.

>> No.2285294


I agree I could only see that really being feasible for a mame build.

Myself, I'm too deep and can't do emulation anymore without feeling dirty

>> No.2285301

That's a silly comparison.

>> No.2285342

>United States(No materials entering public domain until 2019)
>Where it'll just get extended another 20+ years.
Should change that picture to fuckdisney.jpg

>> No.2285368

I've currently got a SNES, N64, and Wii (for a few games that I don't have original cartridges for) hooked up to my TV. No reason not to play them on the original hardware.

>> No.2285372

I'm first gonna try it here cause it kinda fits in this thread
anyone know a site or shop where I could send a gameboy cartridge too and they would slightly edited it for me? not on the outside but put an actual mod on the game

>> No.2285376

and not like gameshark when that turns to normal when you start a new game if I remember that correctly

>> No.2285378

Used to play everything on console, I have a decent retro setup, all my old consoles up to PS2 hooked on a CRT, on a second bedroom, but now I rent that bedroom to a roomate and now I play a lot more on my PC, with retroarch mostly. Say what you want about n64 emulation, but now I actually prefer to play Mystical Ninja without slowdowns and higher res, even if there's a small graphical glotch here and there

>> No.2285391

What's the gain for a developer if youre buing expensive old games second hand on ebay? None. I say, if you can't get a game on a store, much less from the authors themselves, fuck it, I'm gonna pirate it.
I can understand people bashing piracy of games available, say, on GOG or VC, but if I'm only possibly denying profits to some ebay reseller, I don't care

>> No.2285395

>GOG or VC
These are both utter cancer. With GOG, there are no devs being supported for older titles, at most it's just a kickback to a publisher that owns the rights.

With VC, you're giving money to Nintendo, but 99% of the people who worked on those games won't see a dime of the profits they're making from selling glorified roms.

If you support either of these systems, you're far worse than the people buying actual games off scalpers. At least there's a tangible product associated there, as well as a potential investment or the joy of just owning the physical cart.

>> No.2285403

Do you have proof that not a singe developer gets money from gog's sales?
Does Brian Fargo earn not a singe cent for sales of Wasteland 1?

>> No.2285409

The GOG business model is to buy up rights to old games, usually from publishers, and then churn out a version using no-cd cracks they find online and scrape the warez credits out of. Nobody gets paid on a sale by sale basis, they sell the rights to GOG for a pittance and then GOG makes a few bucks off them. At most, a dev might get a very small payout if he happened to keep the rights to a series out of the hands of a publisher, which is very rare.

>> No.2285491

>What's the gain for a developer if youre buing expensive old games second hand on ebay? None.
Who gives a shit? I buy games because I fucking want them. Not because I care about some corporation getting money (if you think developers are paid on commission instead of salary you're a gigantic retard). If you don't care about physical copies, that's fine. Enjoy your imperfect emulation.

>> No.2285501

There is a lot more to buying games than just the lame "devs are not getting the money anyway" excuse you're giving to yourself.

First of all, a publisher is part of the making process of a game, I don't know why it's so hard for so many people to realize that. In most cases, no publisher, no game. They supported the idea of making the game, it's their money that was dealt with and which in many cases wasn't even made even back, and that's without even mentioning games which were made because the publisher had the idea in the first place and not the devs, which for companies like Nintendo, happens quite a lot.

Now VC and similar online stores selling old games are important for another reason.
Here is an example. Do you seriously believe Megaman 9 would have been made if the older MM NES series didn't sell so well on VC? No, it wouldn't have.
And then, MM9 had a MAJOR influence in the trend of new retro games being made, which led to NEW games being made in the style WE love, and some excellent ones too like Castlevania Rebirth.

Supporting VC, GoG, etc, is telling those publishers "this is the kind of shit we want to play, we don't care about your new stuff on the new consoles", by supporting those services you're supporting retro games, and it's literaly the only way to still support them nowadays.

If everyone had your mentality I would probably have never played Megaman 9, 10, Castlevania Rebirth and plenty others.

>> No.2285510

>Enjoy your imperfect emulation.
I do :-)
And I also enjoy my games on actual hardware. That wasn't the point. I was making a point about how useless it is to bash piracy in cases where your only other option would be a second hand resellers.

I agree with most >>2285501 said

>> No.2285534

>Do you seriously believe Megaman 9 would have been made if the older MM NES series didn't sell so well on VC?
Good joke. It was made because lazy cash-ins on old properties are hot business right now, and they could churn out a soulless imitation for next to nothing. It could have sold 2 copies and still broken even.

If there was any real demand for these titles, we'd see a new MMX. We'd see retro titles that aren't rehashes or awful bundles like NES remix.

The sales of these old games mean nothing. What matters is that publishers are well aware that there's a decent crowd of idiots absolutely gagging for retro indie style shit. See the Retron 5, and a billion kickstarters based around "big names" from the 90s. Ooh, this one has Chris Roberts, or this one has Avellone. They're lazy cash grabs, and the world would be better off without them.

>> No.2286004

Buy a used Macbook/Macbook Pro/Macbook Air right after the new slimmer/lighter/more waterproof version is released. Or just Hackintosh.

>They supported the idea of making the game, it's their money that was dealt with and which in many cases wasn't even made even back ...which for companies like Nintendo, happens quite a lot.
Bullshit. Ever since the Famicom, consoles have been deliberately sold at a loss, with the profit coming from the games. A game that does not earn back it's expenses is the second worst thing that can happen to a 1st party publisher (the first being the console itself flopping). If this happened "alot" to Nintendo, they would have gone bankrupt a long time ago.

I'd point out all the other categorically dumb things you said, but >>2285534 already did a pretty good job of it.

Developers make games.
Publishers make money.

>> No.2286010

Oh god so much this. It really is a pain in the ass to set up every different system when I don't have enough switches/power strips for everything ever.
I'm a collector and I still play my owned stuff on emulators on my Wii. Most NES/SNES/Genesis games run perfectly (except for a handful of SNES games) and there's a lot of good VA wads for Turbo games. Plus I have it hooked up to my SD TV so it's even closer to playing them on the right consoles.

>> No.2286014

I'd say 70/30 split between actual hardware and emulation.

Investing in flashcarts for my favourite systems was the best thing I ever did.

>> No.2288227

My children find that hilarious