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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2266335 No.2266335 [Reply] [Original]

My favorite genre of retro games! Let's discuss them.

I didn't have z N64 until recently so I have never actually played the Rare games.. But I heard they're pretty great.

>> No.2266345

if 3d collectathons are your favorite genre, you're in for a treat when you play BK, BT and DK64. DK64 has a mixed reception, but I like it and think it's held up well.

also, not /vr/ but currently playing through the first 3 Ratchet and Clank games on PS2, goddamn these games are great!

>> No.2266347
File: 151 KB, 1024x768, Gex_snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wss thinking of making a Gex thread but...

>> No.2266389

Banjo-Tooie is surprisingly shallow as an adult.

>> No.2266512
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, gfs_50535_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone play this? one of my favourite games growing up

>> No.2266517

That's the thing with most exploration games, the magic is just gone.
Jrpgs suffer from that as well

>> No.2266579


Well I'm 19 so I'm at that awkward point between childhood and adulthood. I haven't become a bleak depressed grown up yet

>> No.2266592

Goemon may be right up your alley.

>> No.2266689

yeah but the first one was way the fuck better. the voice acting was bad,graphics look like shit, and getting invincibility at the end kind of ruined it. other than that, pretty decent game

>> No.2267038

Compared to Banjo Kazooie, yeah

Compared to any other collectathons from the era, it's still head and shoulders better. Tooie imo is better than Rayman 2 and all of the spyro games.

>> No.2267065

I'm in my 30's , I just played it a couple years ago and had a blast.

>> No.2267092

I'm pretty sure this guy meant gameplay wise.
Why everybody is assuming it has anything to do with maturity is beyond me.

>> No.2267098

probably the last three words of his post.

>> No.2267119

I still get the same impression, you guys are just insecure.

>> No.2267149

Gex 2 for the PS1 is freaking amazing. I grew up with Gex 3, but I can understand why 2 generally scored better among journalists: superior atmosphere and level design. The gameplay is mostly the same, but Gex 2's themed stages are more fun.

Where 2 keeps its quality pretty consistently all throughout, Gex 3 gives you some completely awesome levels and some stinkers. The first three stages (Totally Scrooged, Clueless in Seattle, Holy Moses) are fun every single time I replay them, no exceptions. The major buzz killer is that awful, annoying army level that just keeps throwing enemies and shit at you. I don't get it, which part of that stage was supposed to be fun? That horribly controlled tank sequence?

Tbh, I would rank the stages in 3 as:

Holiday Broadcast
Anime Channel
Tut TV
Mystery TV

Fairy Tale TV
Mythology Network
Buccaneer Program
Superhero Show (I want it to like it a lot more, but it's extremely hard to fully complete.)

Western Station (lazy and boring level design)
Army Channel (the worst stage in the game)
Gangster TV (the other worst stage in the game)

The N64 Gex games are both equally bad.

>> No.2267718


I never got all the criticism directed towards BT. For me it had better level design and the added difficulty was a welcome change. As fun as BK was it was a bit too easy.

>> No.2269389

>the added difficulty was a welcome change. As fun as BK was it was a bit too easy.

Funny. I felt BT was easier, myself.

>> No.2270468


Maybe you live in opposite land

>> No.2270506

In BK, there were plenty bullshit moments in the final worlds. BT was just tedious.

>> No.2270947


You had to work a lot more in BT, and it wasn't just backtracking and the length of the game, but there were far more complex scenarios and shit you had to figure out than in BT.

For me, the only really challenging parts were In Clanker's Cavern where you had to release Clanker and collecting the notes, particularly cause I suck at swimming, Rusty Bucket Bay, and tree-related tasks in Click Clock Wood.

The final 3 worlds in BT was just this consortium of shit that you need to figure out which was hard for me. Maybe I was just dumb though.

>> No.2270965
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I love BK and BT more than anything, but honestly BK was too easy and BT was too hard. DK 64 was somewhere in between but it was more tedious.

>> No.2270994

Whyd she stop rhyming?

>> No.2271104

Donkey Kong 64 is probably the biggest collect-a-thon of all the Rare games, anon. So if thats your thing, you will be in for a treat. Golden Bananas, Crystal Coconuts, Banana bird photos, Colored bananas, item powerups....I dont think I mentioned it all. Its pretty amazing the amount of stuff to grab. That and you have to unlock every character and retrace steps to get things previously unavailable.

I have to replay it actually sometime.

>> No.2271109

Because her sisters told her to stop.

>> No.2272943

I understand why everybody calls dk 64 a collectathon but its still a really fun game and has the best intro son. Ever along with the best noise when you do a running attack with dk

>> No.2273614

Why nobody mentionned Conker : A bad fur day?
It's my favorite rare game.

>> No.2273721
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I loved Gex 2, never got to play the 3rd one.
The horror channel scared me shitless as a kid. Had to play them with the volume turned low. Looking back those levels were really dark. There was a portrait in one that depicted cannibalism, and another of a satyr pissing blood.

For me though, my childhood favorite was pick related. On retrospect it was clunky as hell, but the music in that game created some of the most chilled atmosphere in gaming I've ever had. Personally I think the music surpasses the spyro games.

>> No.2273780

N64 was my childhood. I used to just stand on top of the snowman in Freezeezy Peak and just look around at the landscape. Maybe I'm just autistic but that was the first time I truly appreciated the incredible fact that I was, in my mind, standing on another world disconnected from reality. Or maybe I'm not autistic and it's just a kid thing, but I miss that, I miss being able to look over these amazing worlds like I'm there and just revel in such creativity that can never be achieved for real.

I miss it, I miss the feels when Hyrule Castle collapsed and Ganon was defeated, knowing that I was just moments from a great adventures end. I miss looking across the water at the Goldeneye dam and wonder if I'd ever be able to get to the island. I miss all the mystery behind the strange events in Starfox, the secret paths, why Spyborg went nuts, is James was actually alive.

I miss my ability to give myself up to the world I'm in, and just wonder, instead of judging and comparing every aspect to another game before or after it.

Also my favorite sort of platformer was Shadows of the Empire. Not sure if it officially qualifies as such, and yeah the camera was shit and controls were sluggish, but fuck did you feel like you accomplished something when you beat it.

>> No.2273806

Great game but not much collecting

>> No.2275902
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3D platformers I played as a kid power rankings:
1. Spyro 2
2. Super Mario 64
3. Crash Bandicoot 2
5. Croc
5. Gex 3

Is Gex 2 really that much better than 3? Will I still enjoy it at the age of 24?

>> No.2275908

The Spyro games were my jam when I was younger. I think I 120%'ed all of them. I recently emulated Spyro 2 and the nostalgia fucking hit me like a truck.

I also loved Gex 2 and 3. I think I 100%'ed them but I'm not sure. Memory's hazy.

>> No.2275919

the bears coming to life freaked me out

>> No.2279069
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I played Banjo-Tooie last year after not playing it for a long time.
I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

pic related

>> No.2279101
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>> No.2279104
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The best

>> No.2279116


>Ty the Tasmania Tiger

I hve never ever heard of this character. Some kind of failed mascot platformer? Or does he in some form still exist?