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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 85 KB, 953x953, Deus_ex-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2223128 No.2223128 [Reply] [Original]

Why is that game so based?
It came basically 1 year after HL1 yet it has *tons* of gameplay improvement. Also I think they had god tier ideas when they allow you to free roam into unatco and other offices like that. Also perfect OST.

How come there isn't a worthy sucessor yet?

>> No.2223139


>> No.2223147

everything you said is wrong
it came out 3 years after HL and it sucks

>> No.2223151
File: 49 KB, 900x713, example-of-reality-centre-graphics-shark-david-parker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deus Ex isn't /vr/

>> No.2223157


By six months.

>> No.2223181

Doesn't matter, it's still a rule.

Besides /v/ has no problem talking about his game.

>> No.2223225

The main thing I think it faltered in was not knowing what to reward exploration with later on because you're always going to already have the dumb shotgun or nanotool pile or whatever they hide behind a top-tier lock across an electified acid pit any point past the game's ~35% completion mark.

If you ask me there should have been some kind of system or tool for disassembling found weapons into upgrade parts that improve your own gear, in a way that is infinite but with diminishing returns - and I guess slightly randomized enemy health to make even small variation in your damage output have an effect overall.

Not that worthwhile combat even happened in the game much really. The enemies could have used a Goldeneye-ification in terms of variety of maneuvers they can do instead of running straight at you and holding down the trigger.

>> No.2223245

No. Within the week.

>> No.2223269

The combat sucks and >>2223225 makes an excellent point about exploration. AI is pretty stupid too from what I remember.

But its still easily one of my top favorite games ever.

>> No.2223332

Actually it is. It is very much an old-school FPS hybrid in every sense of the word. The 1999 rule applies to platforms, not games. If you want an actual strict adherance to the rules then every game that runs on Windows 2000 is within /vr/'s filter, but that would be silly.

Is this like one of those paradoxical statements? 'Everything I say is a lie'?

>> No.2223358

>How come there isn't a worthy sucessor yet?

Deus Ex comes close, but suffers from being a late prequel that can't go all out in order to fit within the frame of the original, was a bit rushed, didn't offer non combat options to boss fights and had the "press button for ending" system. Meanwhile, Invisible War had a lot of great concept and ideas, but suffered from a tight development time and being simplified for consoles to retardation.

>> No.2223383

>didn't offer non-combat options to fight bosses

Director's Cut does.

>> No.2223384

Exactly. Should have been offered from the start.
This is what happens when you outsource a chunk of your game.

>> No.2223392

>I'm so mad they didn't get it right the first time, I'll still complain when they fix it!

Shut up, you don't get to have your cake and eat it.

>> No.2223413

>That buttmad
You a Eidos Montreal employee or something?
Because this is more the case of buying a cake you expect to be as good or even better as the one you bought before, only to find that a large slice of it is missing and having to wait for them to cook up a replacement slice they then charge you for.
I'm not being entitled here, Eidos Montreal did a fine job in most respects but fucked up in others.

>> No.2223440

>The 1999 rule applies to platforms, not games.

No, it applies to games, as evidenced by deleted posts and threads whenever someone brings up a post-1999 game.

In my own opinion, Deus Ex is very much part of the retro era. Rather, it's right at the end of the era. It came out in 2000, yes, but was still 1998's Unreal Engine under the hood and shared more with System Shock 2 than other shooters in the same year.

>> No.2223448


>it sucks

10/10 post. You have fully educated me on not only the game sucking, but why the game sucks and why I shouldn't like it. I have since renounced my previously held opinions of this game in favour of the superior opinion that you have put forth in this thread. Thank you, Anon. You're doing God's work.

>> No.2223449

I feel like there should be some kind of exception for games that were dated as fuck even when they came out, but it's hard to quantify.

>> No.2223465


It is hard to quantify, but I do at least think that games running on pre-2000s tech ought to qualify. That at least takes care of the games in that sort of crossover zone right after 1999 but before 2001, 2002.

Then again, you end up with some oddball games like Call of Duty. Came out in 2003, but ran on id Tech 3.

>> No.2223540

>a large slice of it is missing and having to wait for them to cook up a replacement slice they then charge you for

No, you got a cake. Not 4/5ths of a cake, a whole cake. What YOU want is a bigger cake, which was later provided, both as a DLC addon for existing DXHR owners, or as a packaged deal for people who heretofore didn't own it.

DC isn't a patch. It is a new set of content, with some expanded options, and a lot of new work was put into it and new work deserves compensation.

>> No.2223576

Subtle. I like it.

>> No.2223598

I got a 3/4 of a cake that got mended with a large slice afterwards.
Sure, there's new content. But you also had to pay for the one that should have been there in the first place and didn't get patched in for free.
I'm sorry for your shit work conditions though, hope it'll go better for you next time around.

>> No.2223760


>Meanwhile, Invisible War had a lot of great concept and ideas

It had exactly one: the Biomods revamp. Literally everything else about IW was bad. I say this wholeheartedly and without hyperbole - Invisible War was a bad game in every aspect.

>> No.2223795
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Hey now, the NG Resonance hologram spying on people for the WTO was a good idea.

>> No.2223805


It was, but not all that special. This is still the Deus Ex universe - I would be more surprised if whoever's in charge /wasn't/ using anything they could to spy on people.

>> No.2223849

Electronic old men, RULING the WORLD

>> No.2223850
File: 97 KB, 640x640, 1423418983528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember having the Demo when I was younger, but I've never finished this game and I constantly see it praised. So how can I into Deus Ex in modern computers?

Is it on steam, or is there a better way to play it?

>> No.2223886


Steam, GOG, TPB, old CD copies. It runs natively on modern systems, although you'll need a patch file to fix a HUD scaling issue with some resolutions.

>> No.2223908

The GOTY edition is 80% off on Steam. Go get it now!

>> No.2223913
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>> No.2224084

>should have been
There is no "should have been," there is only you saying "I wanted."

>> No.2224087


There was some degree of a promise that bosses would have non-lethal methods instead of just straight-up boss fights.

This promise was not delivered until later for more money.

It can be argued that such content should have been there. Truly extraneous content that had never been mentioned or alluded to pre-release, however, can not be classed as such.

>> No.2224279

I enjoyed it even though the AI sucks, combat sucks, stealth is mediocre, story's pants-on-head retarded, it's not a looker, and it drags toward the end.

DX's greatest distinction is it's basically the only game where you can kill kids

>> No.2224285 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 689x352, 1423472268120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the AI sucks
>combat sucks
>stealth is mediocre
also true
> story's pants-on-head retarded
see related pic
>it's not a looker
engine is dated, what they did with it was good though, the overall look is one of the things I've seen fans remember about DX1.
>it drags toward the end
before or during Area 51?
>DX's greatest distinction is it's basically the only game where you can kill kids
I'm O.K. with this.

>> No.2224428

Deus Ex threads pop up here regularly and aren't deleted. It obviously doesn't apply to games because we converse about PS1, N64, Dreamcast games released in 2001, 2002, 2003

>> No.2224621

Please provide evidence of a promise that bosses were to have non-lethal takedowns, as this is the only crux of your argument now.

>> No.2224626

If we put it like that we'll have no way to discuss homebrew for old consoles for example

>> No.2224640

I want you to go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in like the US marshals.

>> No.2224753

Ah fuck you, I laughed

>> No.2224765

It's a real shame that Cliff Stephens never did more voice acting work, I absolutely love him as Bob Page

>> No.2224902
File: 346 KB, 524x511, infected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone always shit on DX voiceacting but i played it for the first time when i couldn't understand shit and loved all those deep, moody voiceovers and cold-hearted main char.

Also, Tom Hall as a pic related fucking rules.

>> No.2224964


He clearly didn't need a response. He's just trolling.

>> No.2224970


It is a Deus Ex game. It carried a few connotations with it, such as non-lethal being an option. It was, certainly, but the implications were that you could play through the whole game non-lethally. Boss fights were not only a later reveal along the development timeline, but really did not fit into being a Deus Ex game. Based on previous implications of being able to beat the game without killing anyone, one could expect a non-lethal option for boss fights.

It was an implied promise.

>> No.2224981

So we're having this entire discussion now based pretty much solely on your argument boiling down to "It wasn't what I expected."

And now you don't like boss fights at all, so you bitching that you had to kill them is a total non issue now.

>> No.2224989


I'm actually not the guy from before. I was just tired of seeing this back and forth shit show.

>your argument boiling down to "It wasn't what I expected."

There is such a thing as a reasonable expectation based on implications. "You can finish the game non-lethally" implies such things unless they say "...except for bosses. They gotta die." That was revealed even later after some hopes and expectations had been built up.

>And now you don't like boss fights at all,

Where are you getting that from? I'm perfectly fine with boss fights. I just don't think they fit into Deus Ex very well, especially with how they were implemented in HR. A decent Deus Ex boss fight has the lethal option, the non-lethal option, and an avoidance option. HR's boss fights are a more traditional video game boss fight where you have to fight him in an arena and there are no choices to be made, no stealth options, no non-lethal options, etc.

>> No.2224998

Some of the voice acting is great, some of the voice acting is so bad it's great.

>> No.2225028

>no stealth options, no non-lethal options, etc.

They fixed that later on, rejigged all three boss fights.

No idea what they were thinking outsourcing the boss battles to a whole other company, originally...

>> No.2225034

Our electronic oldmen and their...flexibility has allowed us to make progress into the mythical city on the hill.

>> No.2225035


I know they fixed it later. That Anon was arguing with another Anon about whether it could be argued that it should have been a part of the game in the first place or if the other guy was just being entitled.

>> No.2225124

>They fixed that later on
Trough DLC you had to pay for. Which was my original beef. Which the other anon, presumably someone at Eidos Montréal's payroll because I can't imagine why he'd be this frustrated otherwise, took issue with. I wasn't lamenting the extra content. I was taking issue with the fact that this specific thing wasn't patched in for free, considering player's expectations, considering that they pretty much acknowledged they fucked up by outsourcing it and had to rush the game in dev interviews released shortly after release, which is pretty apparent by the original "chose which button to push for preferred ending cinematic" ending.
A ton of things can go wrong during development for such a large project, and all things considered Human Revolution was a good game. But it isn't perfect, and it's pretty reasonable for us fans to be a bit miffed to be charged extra for something that was an obvious communication error/we'll fix it later omission.

>> No.2225209

Again, evidence that any of this was stated. I believe you're confusing an implication with an inference here.

Also, if our conversation is a "shit show," you were free to not bump it. Don't bitch if you're part of the problem.

Speaking of mixed signals, stating that you don't mind boss fights, but you think they don't fit is incongruous as hell. What is your specific issue with how the boss fights were handled, because story wise they end up dead regardless.

And lastly the heads up that you're Dumbass #2 would have been appreciated in your first post.

>> No.2225451

never got into this game

It's like the grand theft autos, waaay too much freedom to the point where the game is useless to actually play and serves as a pure sandbox

I get my kicks blowing up everything, killing everyone, then I get bored and drop it

>> No.2225456
File: 51 KB, 550x550, Kevin-Spacey-Cast-Winston-Churchill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they're desperate. They can smell their deaths, and the sound they'll make rattling their cages will serve as a warning to the rest.

>> No.2225610

So I've played through the original Deus Ex like four or five times and I bought Invisible War and Project Snowblind during the Squenix sale just to see what I haven't bothered to play all these years.

What am I in for?

>> No.2225706

Manderley raps

>> No.2225731

shame and torment

>> No.2225746

>Invisible War

>What am I in for?

Do you like watching a game load every time you enter a new part of a map? What about unified ammo for all of your weapons? (With some weapons using more than others.)

Because that's what you're going to get.

>> No.2225774

>trying to play it
>stealth so awful I cannot into it (or maybe I'm awful, but there isn't enough feedback to tell why)
>hideous control scheme
I need to force myself to play this.

>> No.2225786

>What about unified ammo for all of your weapons? (With some weapons using more than others.)
I kind of like the idea behind this, as ham fisted and flawed as it is, to solve the "weapon you'll never use because there's barely any ammo for it" problem. AKA, the plasma rifle in DX1.

>> No.2226151


>absolutely stupid story
>shit for stealth
>different approaches don't really matter
>universal ammo for all weapons
>game is piss easy right up until the end
>some characters return from DX, albeit poorly written and not matching with their DX persona
>god-awful performance
>tiny maps with strangely long load times
>most weapons are useless or just overshadowed
>endings that will completely underwhelm you with the shit show you just put up with to get there

Kill everyone. It's the only way to play.

>> No.2226158


>stealth so awful I cannot into it (or maybe I'm awful, but there isn't enough feedback to tell why)

Stealth is actually pretty simple; arguably too simple. Crouch so you don't make noise when you walk (and/or get the Run Silent aug later) and stay out of their FOV. The AI has a rather narrow FOV and is pretty near-sighted, so once you get a feel for how big their FOV is you'll do much better.

For the most part, if you're not in front of them then they can not see you.

>control scheme

It's a little odd by default, but there's no excuse for not rebinding the keys. It's not one of those old games where the keybinds are the keybinds and that's that.

>> No.2226169

I think I was trying to sneak up on someone and taze them. But they walk faster than I do when I'm crouched, and the moment I stand up they hear me, and eventually they turn around and see me, so I've really no way to get close to them.

I probably just need to try it a few more times and git gud. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.2226173


You actually move _slightly_ faster than they walk when you're crouched. It may not look that way, but it is. You will eventually get up close to them.

Also, when meleeing them from behind, be sure to be perfectly in the middle of their back and aim up towards the back of their head or their upper back while you're right against them. They don't notice if you're touching them and, due to the damage calculation math of the Unreal Engine, it will count as a headshot and you'll knock them out in one shot instead of 2 or 3.

>> No.2226174

Heck, I'll go try it now.

>> No.2226180
File: 162 KB, 1366x860, shit sorted out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing gud?

>> No.2226189

Everything he said is true. Deus Ex gave the industry the design document for greatness and everyone ignored it. Deus Ex becomes trivial the more you play it. You don't get better, you just know how to exploit it. While this is fine, you better be damn sure there is a good pace an variety to what you do. Given the game is featured in such a limited time frame, the chance to really do more with the concept is lost. While focused games are good, Deus Ex's shortcomings make the focus seem lack luster. That being said, I do like the game a great deal. I like everything about it, it's just not perfect.

With all that said, I feel a remake is inevitable. And closed minded people will have a similar reaction to Watchmen being made into a film. If Deus Ex were to be remade, how would you do it? Brick for brick with better visuals? Reimagine and expand? Should the tech not be upgraded to fit the time/setting when poised against HR? Should you be able to shoot out lights? Would they add sections cut like the UNATCO arch? A lot of what ifs and I would love the be the game director to make those calls.

>> No.2226191

IS the cattle prod supposed to have ammo or something? I tased one guy successfully then walked after the second getting 'non-function' noises as I futilely attempted to zap 'em.

>> No.2226194

It has a fucking ammo counter dude. Fucking christ.

>> No.2226201


I would actually recommend taking a rank in medicine instead of electronics. There aren't many keypads on Liberty Island, and b the time you need to use multitools you should have plenty of experience points. A rank in medicine doubles the health you get from medkits, from 30 to 60. It helps a lot before you get the Regeneration aug halfway through the game.


The prod does have ammo.

>> No.2226242

no see, what they told me was that the first cake I got really was great, and that the second cake I got was definitely not the same quality and a botched version of the flavor, and that the mistake was theirs, but THIS TIME the cake would come out right. So I waited for their cake. I ate that cake. and you know what? It was a cake.

but it wasn't a fucking good cake, because I don't like Lemon-Lime, I wanted fucking Orange flavor cake and they fucking lied to me.

>> No.2226250

honestly I'd rather just play another metal gear game

>> No.2226554


Except that when you run out of ammo for one gun you run out of ammo for all of them. Makes you not want to use those guns that use a ton of ammunition and just stick to boring low-tech guns. How is that good design by anyone's standards?

>> No.2226564


I think that better graphics and adding more emergent gameplay and more depth in the story would nail it. Basically take the good things from Human revolution and add more wacky conspiracy theories while keeping the classic serious tone. More people in the cities, more places to visit, more books to read, more refrigerators to throw at enemies...

What a shame that shit would need quite high production values to look good and nobody ain't gonna get the cash for that.

>> No.2226565

go untrained in pistol. You'll get extra points to use, and it'll automatically put you up to trained when you start anyway.

>> No.2226595

Deus Ex bugs me because people INSIST you play it by not shooting anyone. As in you get responses of disgust if you mention that you had to kill someone.

I get that you CAN play it that way but why did it become such a mandate?

>> No.2226639

The 'kill nobody but anna' is an extreme, but not killing NSF is the given you're referring to.

Fuck MJ12 and fuck the robots, too.

Besides, shooting enemies once or twice is an easy way to get them to panic and run.

>> No.2226645

>So how can I into Deus Ex in modern computers?

Deus Ex runs natively on modern Windows and the DirectX renderer works well enough on WINE if that's how you roll.

You can follow the "buy it from this DRM source" suggestions everyone else is giving...or you could realise that it's an ancient game that was made before CD keys and it easily pirated.

Don't feel bad, either: Deus Ex was developed by Ion Storm...which no longer exists. No one who worked on the game gets royalties when you buy it.

>> No.2226647

>not choosing black Denton

How else are you going to blend in to the night?

>> No.2226649
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Desu Sex is my all time favorite game. That atmosphere, that music, that everything! The sealab level is one of the spookiest things I have ever experienced in a video game. Just this massive science facility in the bottom of the ocean, pitch black, and all kinds of weird creatures swimming around in the water.

>> No.2226651

There's also a dx10 renderer for the game:

>> No.2226652
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I wanted to be a terrorist-fighting patriot when I played, sadly that doesn't really work out

>> No.2226656
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>> No.2226659

don't forget
>retcons everywhere

the only good thing in the game was the omar...and that's debatable.

>> No.2226664

doos ex
day-us ax

plz reply

>> No.2226665

don't go with electronics. also, you're going to have a hard time neutralising enemies. I'd dump something into low tech...but then again, I fuck with mace and the beating stick for much of the game.

>> No.2226670

honestly, not to come off as /pol/ or anything, but I don't think deus ex 1 could be remade in the modern age.

the plot of the game is literally to kill a guy who's trying to make what essentially boils down to a sentient PRISM system with the assistance of a thinly veiled allusion to the cascadian militia movement and radical frenchmen.

if it were remade, the plot would be neutered and the flavourtext would taste like soyfood.

>> No.2226672

yes. do you even into reading the UI?

>> No.2226674

Douche Eggs

>> No.2226676

meh, for me, when I suggest pacifist playing, I'm suggesting it because it's legitimately easier up until you're going up against mj12 mecha-dudes.

I mean, the guns are hard to aim, do shit damage and...well, guns just suck in DX1.

Turning off auto-run, walking up behind someone and shoving an asp up their asses, or gassing a crowd with mace/gas grenades and THEN shoving an asp up their collective asses...or shooting some dumbass from 100m with a tranq dart and waiting for him to die. They're all easier than a firefight with a regular gun.

about the only worthwhile firearm is the sniper...and it's limited application means it's not often employed.

>> No.2226680

who was to voice actor for that? warren spector looks like an old buddy of mine who used to do that kind of voice, so I always figure spector did it, but I've never heard spector talk.

any ideas?

>> No.2226682

day of sex

>> No.2226702

due sex

>> No.2226703

>Deus Ex comes close,
No it doesn't HR was complete garbage.

>> No.2226714

No it wasn't, it was a great game and you're complete garbage.

>> No.2226715

plz, don't feed teh troll

>> No.2226837

I like how they brought him back in HR

>> No.2226954

I have once done the no-kills-except-Anna playthrough and avoided even nonlethal takedowns as much as possible. It was almost completely weapons-free play. I ultimately ended up taking down maybe 10-15 enemies in the whole game. Mostly some guards I just couldn't get around, mostly because I didn't yet have suitable augs. The Gas Station mission is where I racked up the most body count, because you have to take down them all if you want to save Tiffany, which I did. It was quite boring way to play, I doubt I'll ever try it again.

But I can recommend a melee-only playthrough. It is surprisingly fun. Prods, batons, knives and swords. All takedowns become very personal, as you don't have any weapons that could kill from distance (not even grenades). Lethal or not, everything has to be up close. Absolute stealth is the key to survival.

>> No.2226979

But they didn't even do a great job the second time around. You still have the cutscene transition, you still have to kill them lethally, there's not much room for stealth (which during a boss fight, might be a good thing). You seem to be pretty deluded about the quality of the Director's Cut. I fucking love the game, but I call it like I see it.

>> No.2226991

this anon is right. the other anon is dumb.

>> No.2227063

>engine is dated, what they did with it was good though, the overall look is one of the things I've seen fans remember about DX1.
It has its moments visually but for the most part everything's real dark to hide shit gfx (common at the time). For a real cyberpunk look, it would have made more sense to push high contrast of light and dark with the two balanced in each image.

Is interesting, keeps you engaged, but still retarded as hell, name-dropping as many conspiracies as possible and with no strong themes guiding it. Story is always tough in games, because when people praise it it's always against games in general, not media broadly (otherwise DX is laughably ham-fisted and bogus).

>before or during Area 51?
During Area 51 I think, but it's been so long.

>> No.2227107

>disassemble found weapons
>upgrade improve gear
>infinite, but diminishing returns

Maybe it's just cause I played through Parasite Eve three times this past week but that sounds exactly like Parasite Eve.

And it would have fit brilliantly into Dues Ex, I agree.

>> No.2227117

They still run on a highly modified idTech 3

>> No.2227128

>but I do at least think that games running on pre-2000s
By that logic Duke Nukem Forever applies as it runs on Unreal 1 engine (albeit with a new render engine).

Then again, by that logic mods running ID Tech 2 also apply, and that does go here.

>> No.2227195

DNF also started development in 1996, so you could make arguments if you really want to.

>> No.2227225

If you played the original that many times don't expect ANYTHING from the second one. It's fun enough playing through it once, but it is nothing like the first. Overly simplified compared to the first, you can only carry like eight things or something and it's all too often more than sufficient. Every time you get a new power it doesn't feel like you utilize it to overcome a challenge so much as to just make the game even easier than it already was. Also, a shitty main character compared to JC or AJ, same goes for all supporting characters, even the story is barely there and ends up turning into a "Hey, remember how good the original's story was? Let's just bring that back."

Plus tiny maps. This was quite unbearable on my mid-tier PC back then but nowadays it would probably load fairly quickly on my new mid-tier PC.

Like I said, it's not an entirely bad game, but it's nothing like it's predecessor. They took everything good about the original and basically threw it out the window for the sake of making something cool and flashy that would play well on consoles and it didn't pay off at all.

And yeah, the endings are pretty much all decided at the end level.

>Go help this guy for ending A
>Go help that guy for ending B

I remember reloading my last save and spending maybe an hour running through the last level to see the different endings. There's no prerequisite for them IIRC.

>> No.2227236

>Plus tiny maps. This was quite unbearable on my mid-tier PC back then but nowadays it would probably load fairly quickly on my new mid-tier PC.

lol dude that got me thinking, the framerate is still shit, after all these fucking years

i even know the story behind that, but wow, seriously more than 10 years later, still the same shit performance

>> No.2227242
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Hmm. That almost makes me want to install it to see how it would run on my rig.


>> No.2227265

Once again, third time now, provide evidence that anyone said you could do this before the game was released.

Secondly, stated previously, doing this would require new work because this would alter storylines and cutscenes. It's not reasonable to expect this much work for hotpockets. What WAS done was a compromise where you get some of what you (unreasonably) expect but also make the effort worthwhile with extra content, delivered with existing DLC cheaper than cost as a bit of a meeting halfway.

Thirdly, your assumption that I work for Eidos is, as most of your "evidence", fictitious. You seem to be again jumping to conclusions because you feel your inferences and opinions are facts. They aren't. I didn't feel the need to address it, but this is the third time you've said it and you're just embarrassing yourself with your idiocy now. "I can't imagine!" you cry, "I can't imagine that someone who likes this game isn't an employee sent to convince me otherwise on a messageboard where this game isn't even allowed! This isn't possible, all my uninformed opinions are unassailable!"

I'm tired of repeating myself so here's my deal; I'll argue with you some more just as soon as you start posting some tangible evidence.

>> No.2227339



How good of a Deus Ex game it was is up for debate, but on its own it was a pretty good game. With a legacy like Deus Ex's to live up to, it's probably the best we could have hoped for, and the hopes were not high after the abysmal failure that was Invisible War.

>> No.2227345


>but still retarded as hell

Not really. Once you get past the basic premise of "what if the conspiracies were real?" then it's perfectly fine.

>conspiracy afoot
>you work for gov't
>fight terrorists
>America, Fuck Yeah!
>there's a conspiracy afoot
>gov't is real terrorists
>you get betrayed
>kick gov't asshole ass
>become Jesus Christ stand-in

>> No.2227350


For Call of Duty 2 up they did make their own engine.


I already pointed out the problems with a few exceptions here and there.

And I'm pretty sure DNF is running on something more recent than UE1.

>> No.2227353

>provide evidence that anyone said you could do this before the game was released.
I never claimed that, but seeing how you could in the first two games, me, fans, hell, even some of the development staff expected this to be included in the game.

Admitting the fuckup:


>During development, the team recognized that the boss fights were an issue, but didn’t anticipate the widespread criticism of them. Lapakis explains, “Play tests did flag the boss fights as a problem, but they didn’t flag the severity of it.”
>He concluded discussion of the subject with “[The boss fights] were a big part of the game, and we should have put more effort into them. I’m truly sorry about that. Next time we’re gonna think about it more.”

>doing this would require new work because this would alter storylines and cutscenes
No shit, but other developers have done more for free in the past, from minor tweaks to expansions and entire multiplayer add-ons. And I think you are overrating the extent of work that would go into fixing a few boss fights so you can skip them or approach them from a slightly different angle.

And your third meltdown only makes you more suspicious of having further emotional ties to the game beyond just that of a consumer.

Lastly, here's the man responsible for one of the reasons why an otherwise fine game was lesser than it could have been:


>> No.2227356

>And I'm pretty sure DNF is running on something more recent than UE1
You'd think, but with the exception of the graphics it's still running UE1.

>> No.2227898


Put everything into Medicine and Demolition.

>> No.2227952

Any particular reason?

I just assumed that electronics, lockpick, and security would be the gatekeeper skills. As in, preventing/enabling access to regions, doors, secrets, what have you. I hate having to miss things, so I tend to max them first in games where they exist.

>> No.2227963

The world needs more cyberpunk games.

>> No.2227976


>I just assumed that electronics, lockpick, and security would be the gatekeeper skills.

It is reasonable to assume that, but the game doesn't really play out like that.

One of my issues with Deus Ex is that there are so many ways to get into each area your accomplishments feel cheapened a lot of the time

>What was the point of picking that lock if I could have just gone through the vents or taken the keycard or hacked the computer or gotten the password

>What was the point of hacking that terminal if I could have just picked the lock or gone through the vents or taken the keycard or simply gotten the password

>etc, etc

Very rarely are you going to be like "FUCK if I only had my electronics skilled" or conversely "FUCK YES I had my electronics skilled high enough that I could do this thing".

It is my only main issue with the game and it really cheapens some of the experience.

>> No.2227987

Alright, thanks. If I restart I'll do that, or put skill points into those two from now on.

>> No.2228035

sometimes you find safes or can sequence break into hidden areas with fat loots that will refresh if you access them soon enough and return to the area

there's a nice cache near the helipad at unatco for example, that you need either high electronics or high hacking skill to access, iirc

for all the bonuses you get just for finding secret areas, lockpicking, electronics, hacking, and swimming aren't bad grabs at all

it's not like the combat is actually hard, being at "trained" and just firing scope-less with a sniper rifle has perfect accuracy anyway

all being at master does is make it so you can, what, break doors or fight security robots while going full retard?

you can do much of the same things with LAMs

>> No.2228060


I think you might be misunderstanding me.

I'm not saying that lockpicking, electronics, hacking, and swimming are bad skills (I usually get swimming to master fairly quickly just because GOTTA GO FAST). Just that being able to access any area 50 different ways makes none of them feel special. And if you get a skill like, lockpicking for example to master early on you will probably feel like it is a waste because hey, there was a couple different ways to access that loot anyways.

>there's a nice cache near the helipad at unatco for example, that you need either high electronics or high hacking skill to access, iirc

You can actually find the password for that very easily. In my current game that password is literally the first note in my goals/notes tab.

I agree with you on combat skills, though. The only combat I skills I get are "trained" on pistol and "advanced" on melee and big weapons. I get master on environmental training and swimming.

>> No.2228069

I always got heavy weapons because of how ridiculously powerful the flamethrower gets and the WP Rockets with the GEP are hilarious

also "Wooly Peter" makes me laugh

>> No.2228085

Put everything into poison and swimming, you'll guna nid that shit.

>> No.2228109

No troll, I actually recommend one level in swimming just so the Hong Kong canals and the ocean lab aren't as painfully tedious as they are without it.

>> No.2228117

K. I assume 'hazardous environment' or something is the poison one?

>> No.2228124

Environmental training I think makes some equipment work better/last longer like IR goggles/hazmat suits/rebeather/cloaking device. It might give you better natural resistance to stuff like poison but I'm not sure.

It's mostly useless since they can all be replicated with augs and better and once you use one of those devices you can't take it off and it will run out regardless of how long you wanted to use it. In shifter it's more useful because it lets you take them off and save the remaining energy they have, but augs are still better.

>> No.2228125

Also quick tip: Never choose silent run over speed boost for your leg augs because they both have very low power drain and crouch running+speed aug = free silent run

>> No.2228128


Let's talk about Invisible W..*gets pelted with tomatoes*

>> No.2228173


*scrapes the tomato off your face and turns it into ketchup*

*unzips your pants and sticks your dick in a hotdog bun*

*squeezes freshly made ketchup on your hotdog dick*

*laughs at you for being a faggot with a garnished hotdog dick*

>> No.2228178

you sir, are a gay flake

>> No.2228183

>And yeah, the endings are pretty much all decided at the end level.
>>Go help this guy for ending A
>>Go help that guy for ending B

Isn't that just how it was in Deus Ex, but with 3 options?

>> No.2228212

Almost none of your skill choices can hamper what you can do or where you can go in Deus Ex if you're a thorough explorer.

Explosives (Especially the GEP gun) trivialize locks, you can find enough nanotools to do what you want, rebreathers and just food/medkits can get you through water and most dangerous areas, passwords are usually around for terminals, and shit like cattle prods, nightsticks in the back, thermoptic camo, cloaking, and the beautiful enemy AI featuring "turn to stare at that crossbow dart for a while before deciding nothing's wrong" functionality trivialize enemy encounters from guards to bosses.

Basically skill your JC Denton to fuck around in the ways that are most amusing to you at the time.

Your augs aren't that big of a deal either, but for fully exploring things just make sure you have either good lifting arms or good jumping legs.

>> No.2228217

not retro
>gameplay improvements over half life
thanks for the laugh anyway

>> No.2228226

How's life attached to the floor of an elevator anon?

>> No.2228232


Not him, but yeah. It is one of my main criticisms of Deus Ex, and Invisible War didn't improve on it. IW did have a grand total of 4 different endings (not counting the secret dance party ending), but really only one of them is good (kill everybody). Your 3 options are basically boiled down to take over the world with AI, join the conspiracy, join a bunch of violent luddites.

>> No.2228235


>not retro

Thread's still up and nobody's crying about it but you, so I'm guessing it's okay by the board rules. Nobody here much minds it.

>> No.2228256

This just means the player would harvest literally every armed person they encounter though.

>> No.2228270
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>> No.2228274
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>> No.2228289

It's not really related to HL1.
It's a successor to System Shock 2.

>> No.2228291

First DX and HL1

Now DX and SS2?!

Fuck y'all fools

>> No.2228295

Both Deus Ex and System Shock 2 are "immersive sim" games, you faggot.

>> No.2228307

Thank you for replying,

now I kno I was talking to a retard

love, anon

>> No.2228385

What's the wrongest way to play Deus Ex?

>> No.2228387

There really isn't one, but if you must.
Purposefully jumping off the statue until your legs break then trying to play the rest of the game without healing them would be the most wrong way to play the game.

>> No.2228401

Trying to pretend it's not a stealth game. There is no skill for being stealthy that you can choose to avoid or anything, that's just a core part of the game that you die or fail objectives for not adhering to.

>> No.2228412

Heavily invest into swimming

>> No.2228423

Well you can go stealthless, it's just not fun at all because enemy AI is so bare bones once alerted. Everything on the map will just run straight at you shooting and give you both unrewarding combat and annoying health loss due to everyone but you being unafraid of just tanking shots face-first as long as they get theirs in on you. All of it encourages taking out unaware targets, and hiding + waiting out alerts. The boss fights are godawful in DE because even they obey these patterns. They just want to engage in a bullet-tanking competition with you.

>> No.2228449

What does the GOTY adds to the game?

>> No.2228451

That guy always sounds like he's completely detached from the situation.

I guess having biomods makes things differents.

>> No.2228468


It's just the fully patched version with couple of minor changes.


>> No.2228469


Picking all the "wrong" and useless augs and all the wrong/useless skills. Use only unpopular and low effectiveness weapons. Go in guns blazing where you would do much better to be sneaky, and vice versa. Exploit every glitch you possibly can that would not really help you much at all.

>> No.2228472

Ha, so it's not like Human Revolution : Director's Cut then.
Because apparently Director's Cut adds magical way to oneshot the bosses.

>> No.2228473

>Ha, so it's not like Human Revolution : Director's Cut then.
>Because apparently Director's Cut adds magical way to oneshot the bosses.

haha, yes, is very funny
DX:HR wif one shot kill bosses big shit!

>> No.2229043


>Because apparently Director's Cut adds magical way to oneshot the bosses.

I don't know about that. I heard they did something about the boss fights, but my toaster can't run the game. With minimum settings at 800x600, I get about 4 FPS.


This isn't /v/ or Tumblr.

>> No.2229049


There's your problem. You need to use a fridge.
(Whether to keep your chips cool or to splut some jerk, that's your choice.)

>> No.2229053

How come people who don't like Deus Ex are so vocal about it? It wasn't a game catered to you in the first place.

>> No.2229079

It was one of the earliest examples of a shitton of media calling it Game of the Year - thus by extension calling your gamer cred into question if you hadn't played it.

>> No.2229202
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>gamer cred

>> No.2229214

Too bad they couldn't add fucking HD textures.

I had HIGH hopes for HR, being in the legacy of games with massive TECHNOLOGY.

Tried to play it. 512x512 textures on max settings? Warped normalmaps? fuck this shit.

Double dipped because Director's Cut promised "updated textures"

A flat faced fucking LIE.

>> No.2231565

>The 1999 rule applies to platforms, not games.

Oh cool to know I can discuss Crysis on /vr/ since the PC has been a platform for over 40 years now.

>> No.2231623

overrated game take your shitty game back to /v/

>> No.2231635

in the case of computers, it's separated by OS versions. Also, why are you so angry about everything?

>> No.2231641

it was made in 1999, it fits here, over rated or not. People have the right to talk about things you don't like.Though I do agree it's over rated and think it is only interesting from a historic standpoint.

>> No.2231671
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>How come people who don't like Deus Ex are so vocal about it?

I mostly see DeusEx fans getting overly defensive when someone doesn't like their game

> you're just too dumb to enjoy it!

I've seen those words in every single Deus Ex thread

>> No.2231675

It's okay not to like something.

It's not okay to shit on someone who likes something you don't like. That's what underage edgefags do.

>> No.2231720

>dumb people say dumb things
>everyone calls them dumb

Yes, you'll be seeing a lot of that

>> No.2232195

The Director's Cut actually used an earlier build of the game, which caused a whole host of other issues and bugs to rear their ugly head which never occurred in the original release.

>> No.2232201

First time hearing this, any more details?

>> No.2232242

Why would he need to go to /v/ when he already received the standard /v/ response over here?

Read the reviews on Steam.

>> No.2232351

Bit late to the thread, but Deus Ex is greater than the sum of its parts.

Each individual mechanic is a bit clumsy or--even for the time--antiquated. Where the game famously excelled is in creating emergent situations for the player, which is where Human Revolution falls short.

Combine that with an X-Files-ish conspiracy story and some memorable dialogue and you have yourself a classic. One of my favorite games of all time, but it's not without its problems.

>> No.2232370

Should I play Invisible War? I've already beat DX and HR. I bought IW during the Squeernix Steam sale last week.

>> No.2232383

It helps you appreciate what made the first game a classic.

>> No.2232398

Hey man it's an intelligent game for intelligent people, not a big deal.

>> No.2232420

You seem enough into the series already, why not?

>> No.2232509


Play it for the sake of playing it. You'll hate it just like we do in time.

>> No.2232671

IW draws alot of flak, some of it justified, some of it not, but at the end of the day it's almost as fun as the first. Easily the worst of the series, though.

>> No.2232848



Highly debatable. I hold that the only fun in it is not to the game's credit but rather the wonky physics and stupid AI. Also, the stupid AI barks when hostile/hurt.

>WHEN I FIND YOU, I'M GONNA-uhhhhhhhhh

The game itself doesn't even hold up well as a shooter. The gunplay is awful - none of the guns have much feel at all to them.

Even then, there are only 3 or 4 good weapons with a decent damage:ammo usage ratio, so most weapons are a complete waste if they're not melee.

>> No.2232857

Deus Ex is not a retro game.

Take it to /v/.

>> No.2232903

when I played invisible war I went into the config and changed the damage multiplier to 2.5 times so I'd almost always die in one hit, but headshots with the sniper rifle would be an instant kill like they're supposed to

because of the way the physics worked, whenever I hit someone in the head with it, they'd do a full backflip and land on their back

hitting people so hard with the tonfa baton that they flew across the room, or killing people by throwing coffee cups at lethal velocity

it was fun when I did that, that guy is correct in saying that its fun

>> No.2232984


That just goes back to the wonky physics, though. They're entertaining, sure, but not really a feature of the game so much as a side-effect of it being shit.

>> No.2232986


You're not a retro game. Go back to >>>/v/.

>> No.2233176

>being this pedantic

>> No.2233282

I never really had any problems with this, ammo is easy to find. I used the pistol the whole game until those beefy armored guys showed up, then I used a mag rail which took like 3 hits to kill them.

>> No.2233751

you do know she has a killswitch word too don't you

>> No.2233757

right, but you actually have to kill her to get out of the building

you can just run from gunther

>> No.2233759

oh i see, sorry anon

>> No.2233763

You can actually glitch out of the UNATCO building without killing her, so technically you can do a full Pacifist playthrough. But you're not supposed to be able to, and the story continues on as if you've killed her.

>> No.2233958


True, there are mountains of ammo lying around, such that I never had an ammo problem until the power armored Templars. That doesn't mean I'd use the wasteful weapons, though. I carried an SMG just so I had an EMP gun, but aside from that I ended up mostly just using the sword and Hellfire Boltcaster until the endgame.

Speaking of the endgame, that was a hell of a difficulty spike. The game is piss easy until they throw so many armored goons at you that you for once in the whole game end up using more ammo than you gain, largely because armored mooks don't drop ammo.

I think Ion Storm forgot what balance is.

>> No.2234149

Not retro
Half Life 1 is far better

>> No.2234162
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>Not retro
Say that one more goddamn time

I dare ya, I double dare you motherfucker, SAY IT

>> No.2234176


>Half Life 1 is far better

The two are quite different and only directly comparable in one area, that being the FPS elements.

Half-Life does indeed make for a better FPS, but if all you want is a pure FPS experience then you probably wouldn't gravitate towards Deus Ex anyway.

>> No.2234178

It's really not.

>> No.2234183

Not retro posts are the most autistic shit on this board. Keep applying for that hot pocket position bud, maybe one day they'll approve you when they see your record of "not retro" posts on /vr/.

>> No.2234196

>the rules don't matter because I say so

>> No.2234198


>runs on tech from 1998
>plays like a game from 1998
>looks like a game from 1997
>largely grouped with other retro titles by self-professed retro gamers

The only thing non-retro about it is that it was released in 2000, but if we go by the logic of a game 15 years old being retro (extrapolated from the 1999 -> 2014 timeframe), then it even falls within those boundaries. Even if you go by the hard 1999-or-thereabouts rule, Deus Ex is one of those games which is in that grey area where "retro" crosses over into "not retro." And /even then/, /you/ are not in charge of what is or is not retro and what stays or is deleted.

What I'm saying is that you complaining does fuck all. Either the mods delete it or they don't. The thread is still here 6 days later, so my guess is that they're not deleting it no matter how much you bitch, moan, and complain. Shitposting more is not going to improve this board, this thread, or anything. It's just shitposting.

>> No.2234202

Well, shit, someone better tell those guys who've been posting in the RCT2 general for the last two years the bad news.

>> No.2234204


"I'm in charge of the rules and their enforcement. You should do what I say because reasons." - Not-A-Moderator, 2015

>> No.2234205

>the only non-retro thing about it is that it's not retro
Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.2234238


"I only respond to and agree with things that make me seem right, even if that means taking things out of context." -Anon, 2015

>> No.2234251

But that game is literally RCT1 but slightly better.

>> No.2234254
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>How come there isn't a worthy sucessor yet?
>VTM: Bloodlines
>Fallout New Vegas

>> No.2234273


Debatable. It's great, and I'd put in on par with DX, but I don't know that you could call it a "successor," if for nothing else but it's a game about vampires instead of cyberpunk conspiracies.

I wouldn't even call the two directly comparable.

>> No.2234303

open-ended first person shooters with a rich rpg experience? From someone who played the piss out of both, I'd say there is a comparison. It seems you really only care about is the story theme when you mean "comparable"

>> No.2234354

Bloodlines is a soggy piece of shit by the time you hit the sewers.

F:NV is OK, nothing special, gamebryo holds it back.

>> No.2234358



Fallout NV is an open world game. Deus Ex is a semi-linear game with choices.

>It seems you really only care about is the story theme when you mean "comparable"

Nope, although that is a major part of it. If we're just comparing how they play, well, they don't play very similar at all. They're both FPS-based and both are classed as RPGs, but the similarities end there. I suppose I don't mean "comparable" so much as I mean "similar," but the end result is the same. They do share some basic similarities, but to compare them is just going to end up with a multitude of differences ranging from major to nit-pickingly minor.


The Sewers aren't all that bad IMO. Worst case scenario, you can just run through most of it. Where the game really falls apart is the whole endgame stretch, starting with that fucking werewolf.

>> No.2234371
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What do you guys think of the extra weapons in Shifter?

Pretty nice to have those dragon tooth prototypes handy. They take up less space. (Finding them is also a good excuse for exploration.)

>> No.2234429

What's your beef with the werewolf, that was a very cool puzzle to figure out.

>> No.2234482



I wouldn't call running around like a chicken sans head for 5 minutes waiting on an exit to be a "puzzle."

>> No.2234485

Oh, didn't you trap him in the observatory door? That's what you were supposed to do - I'm kind of surprised you managed to outrun him.

>> No.2234579


I actually ended up scrambling to a spot he didn't find me until the time ran most of the way out, then I booked it right out of there.

>> No.2234747

Except the rules clearly say it's retro. I mean the thread HAS been up for a week now. Checkmate sperglord.

>> No.2234779

Ok. But you were intended to kill the werewolf with the door - it makes the tram arrive instantly and gives you something like 7 xp.

>> No.2235191
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If Dreamcast is retro, then I think Desu Sex should be considered retro as well.

I seriously think this game is god tier and possibly the greatest PC game of all time. I still find myself humming the soundtrack from time to time. It's also one of the most quotable games of all time.

>Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>What a shame.
>You're gonna burn alright!
>I spill my drink!
>J.C. Denton in da fresh!

DX is the original baneposting.

>> No.2235207

To the faggots who keep insisting, every single motherfucking time Deus Ex is posted, that it is not retro, here's the thing:

it's one of the best games ever, looks and feels retro, mods/janitors apparently agree and do not delete Deus Ex posts or threads, and last but not least, do we really want a shithole like /v/ to have this awesome fucking game? Seriously? If so, then just GTFO before you get BTFO because you're playing against your own team here.

>> No.2235285

Why don't you guys just talk about System Shock instead? It's definitely retro and so much better than Deus Ex.

>> No.2235289

That is true. Almost everything System Shock 2 and Deus Ex get credit for? System Shock did it first. And if you want to go even further, Ultima Underworld did it first.

>> No.2235298

Better yet, just make a Looking Glass/Ion Storm/Warren Spector general thread and you can probably discuss DX there without shitposters ruining the thread by screaming NOT RETRO every other post.

>> No.2235493

I played and replayed Deus Ex over and over. I wanted to try every combination and approach different things in the missions.

I never found the MJ12 base in the New York sewers on the first play through. I also didn't know you could save Paul from both the attack on his apartment and later from the MJ12 base, if you do he appears in Hong Kong and survives the game.

Whether the sequels live up to it I don't know. I didn't feel like trying them as I never heard really good things about them.

I managed to beat the game without killing anyone, other than those situations forced which are very few. It's tricky taking down those MJ12 commandos alive.

I used to like upgrading my combat skills to the max and getting the combat Aug, then with a Dragon sword you can destroy anything. Smash alarms off the walls, destroy turrets, jack through doors, even destroy those bulkheads on the ship you have to sink, and save on LAMs.

>> No.2235570

>VTM: Bloodlines
Sure, it's one of the best of this kind of game

>Fallout: New Vegas
Not even part of the Shock-alike lineage, ugly visuals, ugly gameplay, lame setting, everything about it sucks

This is obscurantist, as though all first-person RPGs are fundamentally identical.

>> No.2235583

>slowly figuring out how to play this game
>died half a dozen times trying to figure out how to save hostages in subway station, then having to reload because I didn't realize I needed to wait for them to board the subway before I did
>getting to bar, pay 20cr to hear guy rant about Area 51
>know area 51 is part of the game from this thread
>heard enough that I'm pretty sure whatwho's there
>bum in the subway station rambling about abnormal voices in his head
>ends up giving up and just repeating 'Majestic, Majestic' over and over again
>that intro cutscene + Paul and JC being the only two non-mechs so far has me thinking that they're the 1 & 2 referred to

It took a bit to get into, but I'm enjoying it an awful lot. Just wish I played it a decade ago, so I could have the full experience.

>> No.2235590

See if you can get a mate to play multiplayer, that's pretty fun.

>> No.2235598

Youre the first one i hear say that in a long time

>> No.2235607

For Deus Ex? It was a long time ago now, it seemed good at the time. You get allocated points to spend on skill/Aug upgrades before the game starts. I remember spending it all on rifle skill and then shooting people through the head at extreme range.

>> No.2235945

Has anyone attempted Deus Ex coop mod? I tried some ancient build some time ago with my two brothers and it did work but it was buggy as shit.

>> No.2236364

The VA for JC was a sitcom actor that now does real estate. He originally tried to play JC as a tortured soul but Warren wanted him as flat as possible.

>> No.2236609


When I first got Deus Ex I thought that the singleplayer was dumb and I just spent weeks on the RP servers (which were probably the best RP servers out of any game I have ever played if that means anything)

Years later I picked the game up again, played through the campaign and now it's my favorite game

I was a really dumb kid.
But yeah the Deus ex MP is pretty great, it actually utilizes most of the singleplayer mechanics really well. You got the leveling up, the augmentations, the hacking, the cool level design. Basically everything except for NPCs and dialog

>> No.2236689
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Funny thing is that JC Denton is even modeled after the voice actor.

>> No.2236717

what a beautiful man

>> No.2237647

I was exploring in Hell's Kitchen and I think I accidentally wandered into the primary objective.

Like, I know that's the eventual point of exploring, but I wasn't done! There was still a bunch of stuff I hadn't tried yet! This is a really annoying feeling.

>> No.2238308

Are gas grenades lethal?

The game seems to imply they are, but I got killed by one.

>> No.2238324

To think, there are people who have played the entire game multiple times and never ran into Ford Schick, or even knew that Ford was someone you could save.

>> No.2238327

I'm playing it for my first time and am busy trying to bust up the place. Lack of ammo and ineffectiveness of my crossbow/prod are really hurting.

>> No.2238440

That early on, it's easier to get your hacking skills up and let the turrets kill the MJ12 troops.

>> No.2238590

I can do that? Does it count against my 'people killed' record?

>> No.2238604


They are non-lethal to enemies, but due to limitations and balance reasons they damage you minutely.

>> No.2238617


I threw one and then tried to run around in the cloud tasing everyone. IT seemed to work but then I died before I could get out.

>> No.2240905
File: 8 KB, 255x354, denton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. I'm going to play DX someday again and this time I'll make sure I explore it all.
it was the underground hobo bar thingie you missed, am I right?

>> No.2241125


Very soon in the game you'll get an aug that reduces poision and gas damage. Very worth it, compared to the alternative aug. It'll reduce gas damage.

>> No.2241127


Wait, how would you not? You'd have to run into smuggler, and he tells you about him.

>> No.2241128

Half-Life is a better action game.

>> No.2241130

That will be your butt.

>> No.2241140


Paul! I thought you were a GEP gun.

>> No.2241163

Unless you want AQUALUNG
>not maxing out swimming

>> No.2241197

Dreamcast didn't come out in my country until late 2000 so therefore Dreamcast isn't /vr/
Checkmate athiest

>> No.2241550

It was some random store with a locked front door and a not-enough-open cargo door. I wandered around and found a way into their basement... which allowed me to either head underground, find the generator, then take an elevator to rooftops, or walk to an alley with a bunch of ladders up to the rooftops.

I'd missed dealing with the MJ12 base and the 'ton hostage situation. Went back and did them properly though.

>> No.2242101

I did max out swimming my first runthrough because I wasn't sure how much water there would be and I figured more exploration potential is always good for the game that inspired VtMB. I was mostly melee anyways and it helped with some exploration so no loss.

>> No.2242158

>Dreamcast didn't come out in my country until late 2000
Your country being shit doesn't mean anything in the ongoing discussion of whether DX is retro or not.

>> No.2243496

i'm playing this game for the first time and am having a blast. already logged 20 hours. it's fascinating how a 15 years old game can entertain more than movie-esque modern games that are finished after ~6 hours

>> No.2243516
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You man, I like you.

>> No.2246298

because illuminati

>> No.2246318
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>still no good Deus Ex mods.

>> No.2246326

lol, one shittier than the other, all of them

raphics upgrade mods suck, total conversion suck, original stories with original voices suck

though there's one that knows it will suckby default and goes for the lolz instead, a game version of the classic machinima video.

>> No.2246335

Screw you, nameless mod is awesome.

>> No.2246339
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>> No.2246348

The gameplay is obviously pretty similar to deus ex. How can you hate nameless mod and like deus ex?

>> No.2246353


nameless mod is full of ancient shitty memes and forum crap, its the equivalent of a reddit mod circa 2003 or whenever it was

>> No.2246358

Well shit, it's the only mod that made some kidn of impression

maybe people can play it for the nostalgia, see what was happening back in the day

>> No.2246359

Notice I said gameplay, who cares about that stuff?

>> No.2246368



Revision (when it finally gets released)
New Vision
Hotel Carone
Burden of 80 Proof

>> No.2246375


>nameless mod is full of ancient shitty memes

It's not that bad, and a good chunk of them are DX-centric like the newbies asking how to get on the boat.

>and forum crap

Because it's set on a DX forum.

>hurr durr Reddit


>circa 2003

Which is about the era when the mod started being made. That's like complaining that 80s stuff is too much like the 80s.

>> No.2248392

How badly do I want to go through this game without killing anyone? (or few people?)

And should I fight to kill Navarre when she comes for you?

>> No.2248401

it came out in 99

>> No.2248407
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Early on, you are constantly rewarded in a concrete manner if you defuse situations non-lethally, such as the Statue of Liberty situation. This means things such as money and experience points.

On the other hand, from my experience, going about things guns-ablazin' will mean a faster playthrough but less experience points and/or money on completion of your objectives.

It's been a long time since my last run but I know this applies mostly up to La Guardia.

As for Navarre, it's more efficient to kill her via killswitch. Avoiding doesn't affect the game in any way so it's up to you and how you feel about it. She's a bitch, though.

>> No.2248413

One last thing, by "mostly up to La Guardia." I meant to say that I forget how much better it is to be non-lethal after that point, it could vary so some places may suit one approach more than the other.

One thing is that in Deus Ex, you can't ever go wrong by going non-lethal, in case you want to get the most out of it in one run. I suggst doing a more violent playthrough after finishing the game once.

>> No.2248725

Thank you very much.
MJ12 location just got a lot easier after I found floor vents.

>> No.2248860

I loved this game when it came out

I outsmarted it though, during that part where the german guy captures you in the hobotown as soon as you exit the subway. I ended up luring him down the stairs into the subway using flares, then crawled into a vent to a surface exit, blew up some of the ED209s, then ran like fuck and happened to have the 'high jump' leg augmentation, so I jumped over the barricades and essentially escaped...but basically that just broke the game, because you had to get caught in order to progress. I got away , but I was stuck on that island b/c there was no other exit but being caught. It took me like 2 hours of quicksaves/reloads to do that too.

>> No.2248896

Same thing happened to me. I knew beforehand that I should get caught tough.
But yeah, I remember quick saving a lot trying to kill Gunther. He is immortal if I recall correctly.

Right after he catches you, if you open the inventory before the loading screen, the items will remain in there for a second and you can drop them (they would disappear in the unatco prison normally) to grab them again and keep them.

>> No.2248956

I had a problem where some event wouldn't trigger in Paul's apartment from a non-obvious decision I made. Basically I was DETERMINED to play the Anna assassination scenario the absolute most moralfaggiest way: wait until she starts firing, but get in the way and prevent her from killing Lebedev when she does, then kill her. No pre-emptive murder or allowing murder or allowing murder THEN retaliating, or any of the bullshit the game actually expected you to do. Some dialogue acted like she killed him anyway just because I waited for her to start firing, which was annoying.

I believe later patches fixed this.

>> No.2248963

Deus Ex is such a horribly broken game.

>> No.2249013


I don't think you know what "broken" means. Deus Ex plays just fine and is completely completable.

It is pretty easy to exploit the old game engine for fun and profit, though.

>> No.2250478

Active defense or spy drone?

>> No.2250592

Never used either of them to be honest with you.

>> No.2250846


ADS can help if you make a habit of getting rockets fired at you. It also terminates other flying projectiles - darts and LAMs and such.

Spy Drone isn't too useful for spying, but at levels 2 and 3 it has a rather powerful EMP blast that can remotely take out bots with ease.

Generally, Spy Drone is better for sneaking and ADS is better for combat.

>> No.2250936


>> No.2252146

Wait does this have anything to do with Mirai Nikki?

>> No.2252925

Fucking crabbots.

Also, shit is this game long. I was kinda expecting to be wrapped up in Hong Kong, or most of the way through there, expecting it to finish on a superfreighter.
And now I'm going to Paris? Fucking hell.


>> No.2252928

Paris is about halfway.

>> No.2252939


Maybe I'm just basing it off of how much time I've spent on my first playthrough rather than how long it has actually taken without all those save/loads/etc.

>> No.2253590

There is some degree of tolerance for certain 2000 games such as Red Alert 2, Diablo 2, Thief 2 and Deus ex

>> No.2253619

I've always felt DX is slightly too short. It could easily have 2-3 more major missions without any problems.

IIRC they had a White House mission planned, but it was cut from the game early. A Moon mission was also planned and even built, but it was repurposed as Area 51.

There's a short White House mission in Deus Ex: Nihilum, but it's boring.

>> No.2253940

I still haven't gotten to paris, but I'm really pleased with the way they re-use levels. Feels like it both adds continuity and rewards you for mastering a map, and then also probably saved them a bunch on their design budget through efficient re-use of resources.

>> No.2253950


The game is perfectly long. It might could have used another mission or two if the pacing were tweaked a bit so the beginning wasn't quite so slow, but as it stands the pacing is just fine and the length is just about perfect.

That said, I've played it too damned many times to do anything but breeze through it. I can't wait for Revision to come out so I can replay the game without knowing everything offhand.

>> No.2253963


>> No.2254000


Mod project remaking every level in the game.


>> No.2254029


>> No.2254036



Understandably so.

>> No.2254041

How did a Diablo 2 thread get deleted for being not retro, while this is still up?

Either the mods have no clue what they're doing, or the OP of the Diablo thread was the one who deleted it.

>> No.2254051


>How did a Diablo 2 thread get deleted for being not retro

It was more than likely deleted for some other reason. The mods go easy on those games that are on the border of retro and not retro from 2000.

It would be nice if reasons were given for deletions to clear that up, but that's not how 4chan moderation works.

>> No.2254082
File: 43 KB, 640x512, deus-ex-every-time-you-mention-it-someone-will-reinstall-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naysayers be damned! /v/ will never put its hands on one of the best games of all time!

Now onto the game itself, I've played it so much that pic related isn't true for me anymore.

I've played all the ways I wanted to: normal casual run, completist, peaceful and killing machine, you name it...

>mfw I've reached the final GAME OVER
>hold me /vr/

>> No.2254086

Does it actually keep track/acknowledge a 100% peaceful playthrough?
Or do I not need to worry about, say, one NSF goon shooting his buddy while I'm tasing him and resulting in a dead body?

>> No.2254096

Nah, the game doesn't keep track of anything, there's no counter or statistics screen anywhere. It's all up to the player.

If one enemy were to kill one of their buddies by means of friendly fire, then I guess it's your choice whether that counts as YOU being responsible for a death or whether it's the guy's fault and move on.

>> No.2254102

Hong Kong and Paris got pretty damn comical on the voice acting front, then there's the bomb scene...

>> No.2254104

>/v/ will never put its hands on one of the best games of all time!
I thought /v/ splooshed its collective vagina for Deus Ex. Maybe things have changed though, I haven't been there in an age.

>> No.2255172

I believe it's at that 'it's now become too popular so we must hate it' stage for /v/ but I don't visit half-chan /v/ anymore either.

>> No.2257875

Here, take this medkit. Don't die just yet. IOW, bumping.

>> No.2258008


They used to, but it's become popular enough that the next wave of newfags hates it by that virtue.

>> No.2258829


what's the latest status on this?
I'm more psyched for that than for the rumored HR follow-up.

>> No.2258981


The last update was on the page I linked - they're finishing up Area 51, but can't give a release date due to inconsistent schedules.

>> No.2259282

It has SHIT physics and SHIT combat mechanics

I played HL1 since it was released and still I can replay and do replay it

But Deus Ex? NO It's dated as shit specially when you never played it

>> No.2259285

An old game being old? How surprising. All this means is half-life has simple mechanics.

>> No.2259287

the shooter aspects are terrible

they are at the same level than DOOM 1993

>> No.2259291

Way to ignore what I said and poke at hole at something else. The game obviously isn't your average run and gun shooter, so I don't see the problem.

>> No.2259293

that means they're good?

>> No.2259314
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>mfw seeing this comment on /vr/

>> No.2259412


Is there any way to kill them without EMP/scramblers? Shooting, even with plasrifle, doesn't seem to do much.

>> No.2259441
File: 27 KB, 200x200, lates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explosives. There does not exist a problem that GEP gun can't solve.

>> No.2259498

Finally got to paris.
Got to the bottom of the building you arrive in, told something about greasels. Open the basement/warehouse door with the code 0001, take two steps inside, and die. Every time.

Is this a glitch?

>> No.2259509

Philosophical problems such as "is Technology really the dialectical movement of humanity into a higher form" and "is it okay to steal those chunk-o-honey bars from Paul's computer closet"

>> No.2259518

I usually just jump around them, they don't seem to target JC as easily when I jump or crouchjump.

Could always just blow them up like >>2259441 says

Thought that building has poison gas inside

>> No.2259545

>"is Technology really the dialectical movement of humanity into a higher form"
If a human specimen can survive the impact of just one GEP rocket, then he is worthy of passing on his genes.

Thus the technology of the GEP gun plays a vital role in natural selection.

"is it okay to steal those chunk-o-honey bars from Paul's computer closet"
After having opened the closet, equip the GEP gun and point it at the ground on why you stand and meditate on the consequences of this specific set of actions. If you're afraid of shooting the GEP gun, don't grab the chocolate bars. If peace is within you and you do not fear the crossing of the river Styx, then you can unequip the GEP gun and dig in.

Thus the GEP gun is the scale on which you weigh your choices.

>> No.2259680

Assault shotgun with sabot shells, works every time. Needs at least advanced skill in rifles to work properly, though. 20mm grenades are also good.

Massive levels of radiation. Pick up the hazmat suits nearby and heal yourself to max. Run!

There's a medbot in the subway ahead you can use if you take too much damage and don't have anything to heal yourself with. Beware of the greasels.

>> No.2259785


>It has SHIT physics

It was 1998. Nothing had good physics that wasn't a simulator.

>SHIT combat mechanics

It's like Unreal with RPG elements. Combat is not the game's strong suit, but it's more than functional.


I hope you're not actually this mentally deficient.

>> No.2259789


>it was 1998

I should clarify that the tech DX runs on is, of course, the Unreal Engine from 1998. I did not mean that DX came out in 1998.

>> No.2259804


>I thought you were a GEP gun.

Mind blown.

>> No.2259809
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>It came basically 1 year after HL1 yet it has *tons* of gameplay improvement.

It was about 1.5 years, from November '98 to June '00.
But you forget that developers used to actually come up with incredible advances every few years back then.

> Wolf 3D -> Doom: 19 months
> Doom -> Quake: 30 months
> Quake -> HL1: 29 months
> HL1 -> Quake 3: 13 months

W3D and Q3 were as close chronologically as 7th and 8th gen consoles, which look pathetic in comparison for them.

>> No.2259814


Wolfenstein 3D wasn't designed to be a technical showcase, that would be Ultima Underworld. It was designed to be a FPS that can run on anything.

Honestly, we've stagnated since Quake since the technology it created is just too convenient. We still use skyboxes, BSP and lightmaps. It doesn't help that Carmack's newest inventions (virtual texturing and stencil shadows) cannot be dropped into just any game.

>> No.2259819


>Wolfenstein 3D wasn't designed to be a technical showcase


>It was designed to be a FPS

Practically invented the genre, rather. It's a maze game with guns.

>that can run on anything.

[citation needed]

>It doesn't help that Carmack's newest inventions (virtual texturing and stencil shadows) cannot be dropped into just any game.

Don't forget megatextures.

>> No.2259837
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>How come there isn't a worthy sucessor yet?

I'm gonna have to disagree with you right there.

>> No.2259845

>>It doesn't help that Carmack's newest inventions (virtual texturing and stencil shadows) cannot be dropped into just any game.
>Don't forget megatextures.

(virtual/partially resident/mega)textures are all the same thing, I'm pretty sure.

>Honestly, we've stagnated since Quake since the technology it created is just too convenient. We still use skyboxes, BSP and lightmaps.

I generally agree with this, but computational power is still waaaay to limited to do proper real-time simulations of the real world in any meaningful way.
Hardware geometry/Z-culling/texturing/pixel shading are great since the amount of work required is a pretty flat and linear function of resolution*refresh rate, but it means you are really just taking a wraparound painting and distorting it in clever ways. Rendering is just throwing big lists of textures and vertices where there are virtually no parallelism conflicts and things just come out right if you can perspective-correctly texture a triangle and keep track of per-pixel Z depth.

Conversely, environmental simulations in FPSs are still nowhere close to what Carmack initially wanted in the mid '90s: no global interconnected persistent world with fully deformable geometry, full simulation of player bodies with IK and model-mesh-level physics, etc.

Rendering has a small set of problems that were easy but expensive to move into dedicated hardware, but simulation becomes arbitrarily complex even when you cheat and do things like simplified bounding boxes for level and object geometry. But, players largely don't seem to care, so that's why we're here.

>> No.2259849

DX was absurdly ambitious, whereas HR is visibly cut down for the sake of being more polished.
Pretty good game, but the spatial and navigational aspects of its level design disappointed me.

Thief 2, DX, and Quake 1 are where the genre peaked IMO in this regard, sadly.

>> No.2259851

>invented the genre,
naw, first person mazes were already a thing in rpgs, if it weren't for wolf3D probably marathon would have done it first a couple years later

>> No.2259867

>marathon would have done it first a couple years later

Pathways into Darkness was nearly there, but I never really liked it that much, especially after Doom came out 4 months later.

> Remembering the days of MacFags and muh Bungie, good times...

>> No.2259883


Pathways does some things right and is incredibly interesting as a historical artifact, but to anyone who's played it it should be no surprise whatsoever that it didn't inspire a legion of imitators a la Wolfenstein/Doom. I like the game a lot. It's surely the first FPS that focuses on trying to convey an atmosphere or tell a story. The creepy enemy designs, the slow speed of the player, and the scarcity of ammo make every encounter tense and dangerous. The problems with the game are mostly technical (separate windows for status, inventory, and map? really guys? even for 1993 that sucked) but partly also that it's hard as fuck, slow as fuck (it makes King's Field look like Quake), and once you get the Cedar Box, it becomes tedious as fuck. It does deserve recognition, and I had fun playing it, but the recognition it deserves is mostly for the massive influence it allowed Bungie to go on to have, and the fun I had isn't the sort of fun I'm eager to go experience again.

>> No.2259889
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Yeah, the interface was horrid.
I loved all the Marathons, but PiD was a pokey survival horror pretending to be an FPS, which just never did it for me.

>> No.2262269

>begin watching House of Cards
>realize I am watching Bob Page being a villainous politician

>> No.2262272

In other words; skip the game and watch the endings on YT instead

>> No.2262741

>tfw you will never play DXMP_Funline again with 20 other players in 2004

>> No.2262781


I agree on it being a historical artifact. the atmosphere, story etc. were unique. I got really into it back in the day, but as you said - too slow and too difficult. it's much better to play with pathways into cheating (it had an upside blue pyramid icon) to smooth it out to where you want it.

I remember bringing it in to school on a floppy disk and letting kids play it on a school computer. that was fun.

>> No.2264956

You forgot
"get the hell out of here, Denton!"

>> No.2264959


This is the moment I knew, this was a classic in the making.

>> No.2264965

"Then I must be one ugly son of a bitch"

>> No.2264969
File: 38 KB, 245x280, 2673988-5254102284-src_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"sticks and stoooones :D"

>> No.2264975

You forgot

>> No.2264980



>> No.2265003


No, the endings don't quite convey everything that led up to them. You watch the endings and you might be led to believe that maybe the game isn't quite so bad. Also, they make little since without the rather dumb plot.

>> No.2265065

I just read the description.

That's the gayest thing I've ever read.

>> No.2265083

Except you're forgetting its a Deus Ex mod. Considering how great Deus Ex is they can't do anything to screw that up, since it plays just like Deus Ex.

>> No.2265361

That's what I thought about TNM too when I heard about it. Then I played. Best mod I've ever played. Yeah, the story and the setting are insane and non-sensical, but don't let that stop you. There's lots of good stuff in there and surprisingly, it works. Give it a try.

It's quite long, almost as long as the original game, and there are two major storylines there, so if you get serious about it, you have to play it at least twice to see both sides.

>> No.2265491


>That's the gayest thing I've ever read.

Just roll with it. It sounds bad, but it's really fun. The story is surprisingly good - it's not a memefest like being set on a forum circa 2004 would imply. It's nice and Deus Ex-like in spite of its setting, which is good considering it's a DX mod.

The writing is great, believe it or not. What started out as essentially glorified fanfiction actually became a pretty compelling story, and dialogue is done quite well throughout. The voice acting is as good as Deus Ex, so you don't have to worry much about hearing some weak-voiced teenager talking into a $10 microphone.


That's really not a very good argument.

>> No.2266384

Wow. I kinda feel bad finding the logs and then having to 'fight' Laputan Machine.

Everett is interesting to. As of yet, he seems like a pretty awful guy for keeping deBeers on ice, but on the other hand, that book with his rambling on whether or not to do a full-systems-diagnostic on Morpheus and concluding that he seemed to feel some fondness of the machine.

Of to Vandenburg, heard first mention of Undersea Base I think.

This game is pretty based.

>> No.2266407

>That guy always sounds like he's completely detached from the situation.

That's what makes him so great. He's cool, uncaring and shit, but the part where he's posturing about your great work and how you can "rest assured that your brother's actions will not reflect on you" in that typical GI voice shows you that this is intentional.

>> No.2267302

>Undersea Base
This probably won't be a big surprise, but you're going to visit that place soon. That place is a nightmare, and you have to fight Walton Simons. Like all the boss battles in Deus Ex, you can avoid fighting him if you're fast. But if you don't kill him, you'll face him again later.

>> No.2267335

Yeah it is, but the level design is fantastic and almost on par with Deus Ex.

>> No.2270170

That's because PID was more like classic dungeon crawler RPG's rather than a FPS. It just made everything real time and not based on a grid.

>> No.2270185

>level design
>almost on par with Deus Ex
I'm going through and playing this for the first time, and I have to say; holy shit these levels. They're huge. They're absurdly huge. (and they load really fast, but that's just 'cause I'm playing a fifteen year old game on a four year old machine)

But like, really. They're huge. There's a dozen little secrets and tricks to wrap your head around. They don't seem to be forgetting the various options they've given so far. This is consistent and sustainable in its ability to blow me away. And this came out a decade and a half ago!

Goddamn am I glad I got this over GOG's winter sale.