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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 20 KB, 350x287, grinds-my-gears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2262608 No.2262608 [Reply] [Original]

/vr/ edition. Things you want to get off your chest, things that annoy you, and/or discussion of factory and clock tower levels.

I'll start by saying that it really upsets my autism when people here post songs recorded off of emulators during music threads when there are usually recordings taken from real hardware available.

Also, the clockwork level in Castlevania III is a real bitch, but I think the one in IV is the more annoying

>> No.2262625
File: 1.31 MB, 1201x1250, 1403231335834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate when modern gamer shit is brought into /vr/. Actually I just hate modern gamer shit in general.

Bullshit like "lel", "salty", "scanlines suck", and all the other personal attacks/other bullshit. So much damn drama taken to the next level with modern gamers. Doxing bullshit is another example.

None of that shit happened when I was playing my SNES or 5th gen consoles. Just shit talking consoles wars. Nobody threatened to kill someone, call the cops on them, or tell them to kill themselves.

I really don't know. Maybe I'm just old.

>> No.2262637

I blame the internet. Back in school, if I told someone to go kill himself because he couldn't beat the turbo tunnel, I'd be surely in the Principals office with perhaps a black eye. But now, with today's day and age, I can say whatever I want to you, without any repercussions. I completely understand how you feel.

As for something actually /vr/ related, front loading NES. Goddamn I know they had to do it but it's such a pain when a cartridge doesn't work.

>> No.2262658

its funny because shitty meta discussion is one of those modern things that you just described

>> No.2262673

It's relevant to the OP. Now you're post on the other hand...

>> No.2262680

Earthbound/Mother, in general.

I'm sick of the game, I'm sick of its fans, I'm sick of it.

>> No.2262686

>songs recorded off of emulators during music threads when there are usually recordings taken from real hardware available.

Damn son, you just went full autistic.

A normal person wouldn't even notice the difference.

>> No.2262691

It's pretty damn overblown.
Not OP but Genesis especially sounds terrible with some.

>> No.2262693

>Genesis especially sounds terrible with some.
Yep, FM emulation has a lot to be desired. Quite a bit different than the PCM samples of SFC.

>> No.2262698
File: 1 KB, 256x224, SMB2_W4-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate conveyor belt and sliding ice levels in games. They need to die.

>> No.2262702

Autoscrolling levels for me. Agree about the ice levels, add mine cart stages to that.

>> No.2262704

I hate emulation jerks, the shit up this entire board with their cancerous threads. I'm not 100% against emulation, this is vr, emulation should have one thread where the shitters can post yo stop them from infesting other threads.

>> No.2262712

They really are terrible. They completely derailed the XRGB thread with their shit.

>> No.2262716

I love how in literally every thread about any console, one of the first responses is "you know you can just emulate it for free".

>> No.2262723

No one says that unless your thread is one of the very small minority of threads asking where to get the best deals to buy games. That shopping hoarder shit is barely even about games, it's just compulsion.

>> No.2262737

They pop up in nearly every thread. Even the damn CRT threads.

>> No.2262743

Arguably a valid response if the person in question doesn't know about emulation.

>> No.2262751

It's as valid as shilling for the clone consoles.

>> No.2262757

They didn't have to do it. No one forced them to.
It had to be grey, look like a VCR, and have the name "Entertainment System" inserted into it because people were weary of video games after the crash and calling it an Entertainment System made consumers think that they were buying more than just a video game console, even though that was exactly what they were purchasing.

>> No.2262764

Well, they kind of had to. If NoA wanted to sell the NES and make it not look like a video game console, it was they're only option. Sure, maybe it still would've sold just as well if it were a top loader, but that could've gone either way.

>> No.2262773

I'm not the only one who out right screams "FUCK!" when I die in a Gradius game am I?

Dying in those games is so annoying since you lose your upgrades, and it's especially made annoying when most of the deaths are because of scenery or something you might have not noticed

>> No.2262779

I've definitely blew my stack at Gradius 3.

>> No.2262783


I don’t normally quote ecelebs but Commodore of CoTGW made a really interesting point about why games are viewed as kid toys in their last podcast. And it applies to this.

Nintendo had to market the console as a kid’s toy because that was the only way a toy store would take it. A mock VHS player? It’s perfect to be passed as a kid’s toy.

>> No.2262789
File: 254 KB, 840x525, EAT SHIT BUDDY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Wing Commander on SNES boils my blood sometimes. There's a severe limitation with the game in that it will only allow one full ship sprite at a time, with the rest being distant dots and radar markers. So if someone is close to you, no one else can be until that one backs off - they will stay perpetually out of reach no matter how hard you punch it and how much afterburner fuel you waste.

You have mandatory wingmates throughout the game, some of which will not obey you when you tell them to fucking leave.

>> No.2262793

It's as valid as playing on original hardware with CRT being the only one true way to play.

>> No.2262794

No emulation guy, it really isn't.

>> No.2262805

>Clone consoles
You mean the emulation machines? Because almost no one makes actual clone consoles.

>> No.2262806

You're the ones focusing too much on the visual CRT experience. Are you playing for your shiny CRT graphics or to actually play games?

>> No.2262813

I like CRTs but I stick to a XRGB and real hardware. Thanks.

Good job shitting up yet another thread with emulation bullshit.

>> No.2262814
File: 80 KB, 640x480, dscf0597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because almost no one makes actual clone consoles.

Anymore. You can still find HiTex's and Family Game's online/at your local thrift shop if you look hard enough.

>> No.2262828

I'm okay with that, and I would agree anyone that isn't is collector trash, but I don't think that's what anon was talking about.

>> No.2262834

Huh, I never noticed that.

So when you close with a wing, the AI will make one of them pull off so it stays far enough away to be a small sprite if you happen to see it?

Only played WC2 on PC, WC1 was SNES. Never got a sound card until I got a P166.

>> No.2262886
File: 141 KB, 330x331, FF fans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say something positive about FFIV
Go kill yourself nostalgiafag!
>say something negative about FFIV
Go back to FFVII you underage piece of shit!

>say something positive about FFV
Kill yourself you pretentious hipster piece of shit!
>say something negative about FFV
Fuck you, it has the the best version of job system and is the most fun FF!

>say something positive about FFVI
Kill yourself hipster, FFVII is where it's at!
>say something negative about FFVI
Kill yourself you FFVII fanboy!

>say something positive about FFVII
You only like it because it was your first FF!
>say something negative about FFVII
You only hate it because it's popular!

>say something positive about FFVIII
HURR Squall is dead!!!1! R=U!!!1! DURR
>say something negative about FFVIII
You didn't play the game correctly and/or didn't understand it's story you casual piece of shit!

>say something positive about FFIX
FFIX is a slow piece of shit! FFIV / VI / VII is better!
>say something negative about FFIX
Fuck you, it's the best FF because reasons!


I for one am tired of this "My favorite FF is the only good one, all others are shit and my opinion is the only correct one!!!!!11!" bullshit and the fact that FF fags usually can't keep this shit in one thread isn't exactly helping either. I can't believe I have tortured myself by actually trying to talk about the games themselves, their stories, gameplay and characters in FF threads for 7 fucking years and even used make daily FF general/FF girls threas couple of years ago. All of this has been in vain due to the sheer shittiness of the FF fanbase.

>tfw the FF fanbase will NEVER mature past this bullshit
>tfw you genuinely like the FF games (even if just because of the nostalgia you have towards them) but want to strangel the entire FF fanbase to death

>> No.2262914

The amount of misinformation and resulting dismissal of Mark Flint (pseudonym) gets me. He was a Japanese programmer (likely Ushio Osamu) who did a series of games for System Sacom that pushed the PC-98's tech earlier and better than even NEC's production demo programmers.

Zone, an exploration rail shooter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae4g5BNa16Q

Highway Star, a SEGA-like checkpoint racer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRwzqqYrLw4

The FDS games he produced are definitely of mixed quality (Moon Ball Magic and Fire Rock), and the less said about later work on FMV games the better. Still, the guy helped popularize gaming on what was then considered an office business PC, and I think his earlier creations in the ALU Corp. department (Moon Ball and maybe WOOM) are interesting too.

>> No.2262915

I know there are people on the internet who still use Yahoo Answers, but everyone who posts here knows what emulation is. It's not a valid response to to anything.

>> No.2262925

Doesn't mean they're good at it. Like all those posts saying Retroarch is too hard to use.

>> No.2262939

Maybe some people don't want to emulate?

>> No.2262941

Thank you, anon. Hopefully you find solace in the fact that at least one person is happy to see somebody say this. But your words are wasted, as all Final Fantasy communities all over the internet are completely terrible. Even /vr/ is no bastion for decent Final Fantasy discussion.

>> No.2262945

The NES may have been the big breakout system for Nintendo in the US, but I think they fucked up big time. Worst console design and poor functionality. It barely stands the test of time

>> No.2262948

This is some truth. A+, Anon-kun.

I'll be over here, playing FF4 and not really giving a shit.

>> No.2262951

>It barely stands the test of time
I think it will always be iconic.

>> No.2262958

He's talking about the hardware itself. I agree somewhat, but I've never come across a NES that I haven't been able to get working eventually.

>> No.2262962

Ya the pin connector could be improved but it's pretty well designed.

>> No.2262967

Because of those pins, it will always break down again eventually. It just takes time.

They would have made it a top loader and still made it look somewhat like a VCR. Either way, it should have been a top loader.

>> No.2262972

That's not a VHS goes into a VCR. That's something I like about the front loaders. Reminds me of those terrible VHSes.

>> No.2262981

Functionality was compromised in exchange for looks. For a company who back in the day, was supposed to be all about quality, that's pretty low of them.

>> No.2262985

It's lasted over 30 years and still going. That's bad?

>> No.2263000

>Still going.

Define that, because all I ever get asked to repair is the front loading NES. Never an SNES or Genesis, hell, even the Model 1 Master System, I've only ever gotten one of those enter my doors for repair.

Sure they still "function". Sure an NES new in the box or gently used may work just fine, but a lot of them have been heavily played, and your lucky to get anything to work without having to remove an reinsert them several times.

On the other hand, I can't think of a time that I have ever played a Master System that didn't play games flawlessly after a little clean up job in the pins/connectors.

That's pretty sad.

>> No.2263003
File: 50 KB, 342x195, vcr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't last one year before getting finicky as fuck. Blowing on games, wedging them in different ways, hundreds of voodoo incantations you'd try and remember the one that worked last time for luck to try and get your games to load. Trying cleaning kits and shit that never worked...

Nah, it was shit design.

mfw not animated.gif

>> No.2263012

Clean it?
The thing was finicky day 1. All those weird sprite flickers and what not. Still works though.

And nice googleing but I doubt many people owned a VCR like that.

>> No.2263017

It was a more popular look for early VCRs. Our first VCR had a loader like that. It was a pretty neat gadget.

>> No.2263019

They don't need cleaning. The pins on the connectors get all fucked up, partly because kids just shoved games into the system, and partly for no fucking reason at all.

That shit has to be opened up and repaired very carefully.

>> No.2263020

I know they're out there. Most people including me had one where the VHS went in the front. Not those ones that worked like a cassette player.

>> No.2263023

All I do is clean them. Works...

>> No.2263025

I got to buy a used game and there IS A GODDAMNED RENTAL LABEL STUCK ON IT.

Try to peel it off and the original label RRIIIPS.

>> No.2263027
File: 1.76 MB, 2938x2204, IMG_0282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain. The sticker has already started peeling a bit, and over the years, it's taken the label with it. I just have to accept it.

>> No.2263035

Also, if you rip the label and try to print a new one on sticker paper the cartridge isn't legit anymore.

>> No.2263094

You can tell with ZSNES at least since it doesn't do sound properly.

>> No.2263096

I actually thought the cassette style looked more like the nes than a front loader. Because it has the bit that swings up above the rest of the case I guess.

>> No.2263106

Either way I think we can agree the NES is pretty unique in that aspect. Whether you think it's a bad design or not.

Personally I think going with a more traditional design would had failed. Especially in those times when there wasn't an expected standard in the first place.

>> No.2263110

>Not preserving the history of retail rental stores

>> No.2263615

I don't know why people who emulate and people who use real hardware feel the need to argue. I use both depending on the system, why people feel the need to shitpost about their method in the other thread baffles me. And yes, this goes both ways you self-important shitlords.

>> No.2263634

>Long running franchise
>Like the early installments more

"Nostalgiafag, nostalgia goggles! Nostalgia nostalgia nostalgia."

The garbage Pokemon fandom is especially bad with this. God forbid you like anything prior to generation 3.

>> No.2263636

Honestly I don't know why anyone would question that Pokemon has gone to shit. It started off as an interesting RPG but it's just to sell toys and shit since 2000 or so. That much was obvious even as a kid.

>> No.2263642

Excellent post.

>> No.2263649

I'm not even saying the new games are bad but try posting anything positive about Gen 1 on /vp/ and see how long it takes you to be called a GENWUNNER. It's baffling.

>> No.2263651

I hate how Castlevania threads are just a battlefield to shit on the one popular game you hate, and glorify the one you think it's the best.
Nobody really discuss Castlevania anymore.

>> No.2263652
File: 366 KB, 1024x896, RetroArch-0114-220313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This "nostalgia goggles!" crap seriously needs to stop. Thanks to /vr/, I've fallen in love with ancient games that I never even owned the original hardware for. People can't even consider for one second that older games can still have compelling atmosphere and mechanics despite the technical limitations of the era.

If they'd really just sit down and give the games an honest, serious effort instead of writing them off as "lol old", they'd find themselves getting just as sucked in and immersed as with any modern title.

>> No.2263657

I can't stand the janitors and the cancerous tripfags. Also, jet from stage 2 of streets of rage 2

>> No.2263662

I don't know if being a 2edgy4u internet asshole is unique to video games. People doing that shit started off trying to imitate Madox,Lowtax and Seanbaby. Kids then started to imitate the imitators and so on and so fourth. It's a dickhead nesting doll.

>> No.2263663

Gears grind my gears. I don't like clockwork levels in general.


I'm okay with that shit, as long as it's /vr/ related. You can write angry rants that are so dank, even the Navy Seals guy would think twice before tracking your IP. As long as it's about retro gaming instead of what some indie dev said on Twitter.

>> No.2263678

11/10 post. Thank you anon.
I don't think FF games should really be compared to eachother, they all offer a unique experience. Everyone has a favourite and least favourite. I don't care if my least favourite FF is someone elses Favourite, good for them, i'm glad they enjoy it.

>> No.2263701

This. In a broader sense, I've become a fan of many things that were created before I was born and i only found out about because of the internet very recently.

People grunting that I only enjoy it because of nostalgia really get under my skin.

>> No.2263703
File: 26 KB, 300x317, 1391914386986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things you want to get off your chest, things that annoy you

Deus Ex, i bought that game months ago, mostly because i see threads about it pretty often here on /vr/, i expected something like Half-Life with some RPG elements, what i got was a game with horrible gunplay, maybe, one day, i will force myself to finish it at least once, just to feel i didn't waste my money, but, seeing Deus Ex threads lately on /vr/

> Deus Ex is a mature game for mature gamers such as myself :^)

that doesn't make feel motivated to play that game again

>> No.2263749

Buy three levels in guns if you want to gun your way through it?

Max level shotgun is best, each shot is several bullets and your accuracy reduces the spread of the shotgun blast somehow. So at ma, level your auto shotgun is a million damage in a hutscan the same size as a large bullet

>> No.2263760

what in the flying fuck made you think Deus Ex was anything like half life? It's a first person RPG, not a shooter.

To be fair, it's aged pretty badly, but how far in did you get? Once you level up a bit, guns aren't that bad at all.

>> No.2264282

I'd have to disagree with you there.
I still love mine, and nothing ever needs more fixing than a gentle nudge.

>> No.2264308

You've got to level up your gun skills for them to be useful. Stealth your way through the first couple levels.

>> No.2264309

tell that to everyone that gets screen glitches, blinking gray screen, or needed to replace their 72-pin connectors. It was a shit design.

>> No.2264319

The thing I love the most about Gen 1? How you could make Chansey into a special attacking tank. And how you could make Snorlax into a special attacking tank with Amnesia. Gen 1 might've been wonky, but it surely encouraged some interesting, and viable, tactics. Since Gen 2, both have been reduced to stallers, the former only being effective with toxic.

>> No.2264397


>A normal person wouldn't even notice the difference.

That /really/ depends on how good or bad the emulation is.

>> No.2264408


>Bullshit like "lel", "salty", "scanlines suck", and all the other personal attacks/other bullshit. So much damn drama taken to the next level with modern gamers. Doxing bullshit is another example.

That's an internet/4chan thing not necessarily related to gamers, although with so many people playing games there is naturally a good deal of crossover. You agreed to the unwritten terms and conditions when you came to this website, those terms and conditions being to drink bleach and commit sudoku. If you can't deal, don't come here.

>> No.2264449

It's annoying when people claim that games cannot age. It's like they read it as "your favorite game is SHIT because it's old."

>> No.2264459

They don't age... It's literally the same game.

>> No.2264461

To be fair, most people using that terminology are badmouthing the game for things other than those tied to age, if they offer any argument at all.

>> No.2264464

An Amiga 500 is literally the same as it ever was, but that doesn't mean it's fit for modern computing.

Something like System Shock has aged because the controls are shit. They were ok for their time, but much better control schemes have been designed since then. Atari 2600 games have aged because the presentation is incredibly crude by today's standards, and so is the gameplay usually.

>> No.2264484

"The way the the developers inteeeended!" ugh...

>> No.2264490

It only aged in years.

>> No.2264495

Nobody is saying that your favorite game--whatever it is--is shit. People are just saying that games age. Games are intimately tied to technology, and technology ages. Why is this supposed to be so controversial?

>> No.2264504

It makes no sense to me. A car ages. it's a machine it wears down. A game doesn't. It's just code.

>> No.2264508

Because the people who say that tend to use it as a lazy justification why they think something revered is shit.
Pac Man has aged. No shit Sherlock, so has Fritz Lang's Metropolis. That doesn't fucking mean anything in and on itself, offer some actual critique that acknowledges historical context or get the fuck out.

>> No.2264509

Games are technology. Technology ages. Do you still use your Apple II to browse 4chan?

>> No.2264513

No but If I boot it up an Apple II, it's the same thing as when it was new. The keyboard may have aged but the screen is the same code.

>> No.2264516

No, but I still play Karateka on it from time to time. Do you not watch movies or read books because they're old?

>> No.2264519

Ok, now try going on 4chan. Try encoding video or doing 3D modeling.

>Do you not watch movies or read books because they're old?
What the hell are you talking about? Where did I say anything like that?

>> No.2264521

How does that have to do with age? It does everything it did day 1.

>> No.2264524

It's no longer day 1.

Are you doing this on purpose? This whole "controversy" has to be totally faked.

>> No.2264527

Man that fire the caveman aged so damn badly over the last 30,000 years or so. Modern fire is so shit lel. You salty nerd?

>> No.2264528

I'm trying to show you where your point falters. You assume that age is an sliding factor when it comes to critique of entertainment, and fail to factor in the changing zeithgeist of the times. What was once "outdated" might be "chic" again tomorrow, and this very board is a testament to that, but the thing itself doesn't go bad like milk. It doesn't change, it remains timeless, but everything around it does. Also your point on encoding or 3D modeling falters as well, because that doesn't apply to the thing we're talking about: Entertainment. Not to say that there aren't enthusiasts out there using "outdated" technology to challenge themselves in making something new or because they like the aesthetics. It's not like the typewriter killed the pen. And things that "die" tend to come back. See: Vinyl records.

>> No.2264532

It's the same fire.

I assure you that System Shock's control scheme is not going to become chic. It's just shit. Better control schemes have been developed. It was good or ok for the time but design has improved.

>Also your point on encoding or 3D modeling falters as well, because that doesn't apply to the thing we're talking about: Entertainment.
It applies to encoding and 3D modeling, which applies to the concept of technology aging.

>> No.2264535

Note: "Outdated" is different from "aged"

>> No.2264536

>It's the same fire.
No fire ages like video games, poorly. Don;t you get it?

>> No.2264537


I never said or implied any such thing, and I wasn't even the one who brought up the topic. Try again.

>> No.2264539

Back track harder idiot. Game do not age and it's a silly thing to say.

>> No.2264542

I never brought up fire. Stop making shit up.

>Game do not age and it's a silly thing to say.
They very obviously do. What exactly are you gaining by claiming otherwise? Why all the fake controversy?

>> No.2264546

Modern rain is much better than retro rain. Aged so badly.

>> No.2264548

>I can't place things into their cultural context
>I can't enjoy things on their own merits
Citizen Kane is such shit, check out Tarantino.
Thoreau is a faggot, Chuck Palahniuk is so much better.
Folkways Recordings are garbage, listen to Deadmau5 instead.
Pitfall is for nostalgiafags, try some Far Cry 4.

>> No.2264551

You're all retarded. Games age just like books and movies age: they aren't physically changing, but their relevancy to current culture diminishes over time. That doesn't make them bad per se, and plenty of very old books are still extremely relevant today: but it certainly might make them bad.

Insisting on a literal definition of 'age' is being the biggest spurg known to /vr/.

>> No.2264556

See >>2264548

>> No.2264557

People that say movies age are just idiots looking for the next big thing to wow them.

>> No.2264560

You couldn't prove that I said anything about fire, so now you're trying to claim I said something about rain? Why don't you just go fuck yourself already?

>> No.2264563

My pet rock age horrible. Modern pet rocks are superior.

>> No.2264564

>It was good or ok for the time but design has improved.

Or rather, you've gotten used to another design and apply that retroactively to something designed in a time that didn't have that. Which is about as stupid as blaming Deus Ex for having worse graphics than Human Revolution. And it's not like you can't change the controls in System Shock, so I don't really get why you keep hammering on it.

>It applies to encoding and 3D modeling, which applies to the concept of technology aging.
Which is my point. It's such a pointless factor when critiquing older things. It's like declining a ride in a 1968 390 V8 Ford Mustang GT Fastback because your other friend has a 2008 Toyota Yaris that features a better AC and fuel economy.

>> No.2264567

I never said anything about rocks. Go fuck yourself.

>Or rather, you've gotten used to another design and apply that retroactively to something designed in a time that didn't have that.
Or rather, it really was shit and has been done better since then.

>And it's not like you can't change the controls in System Shock
We aren't talking about rebinding keys.

>Which is my point. It's such a pointless factor when critiquing older things.
Ok, then have fun browsing the web with your Apple II.

>> No.2264569

>things that annoy you
Ignorant people. Especially ones who know everything. Even more those who's autism prevents them from eventually growing out of it.

>> No.2264571

You have no point.

All you care about is new. A very shallow person.

>> No.2264573

You are making things up. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2264576

>it really was shit
It pioneered the things
>done better since then.
Which is why they are a thing to be appreciated rather than lamented. Before System Shock, no other first person game had lent you so much immediate control over your avatar.

>We aren't talking about rebinding keys.
Oh yes we are because the digital nature of games means they can be retroactively improved upon.

>Ok, then have fun browsing the web with your Apple II.
You know what, I probably will. Getting it to boot up at all is a challenge I might take you upon for the sheer enjoyment of it.

>> No.2264578


The Roundhay Garden Scene is considered one of the most influential earliest pieces of cinematography and certainly wowed the guests of Louis Le Prince at the time. However, it barely qualifies as film today. You can still appreciate it as a piece of history, but it has certainly aged as a piece of entertainment. Let's explore why:

A lot of artforms have an immediate and enduring component to their appeal. Often the immediate appeal comes from a innovative technology (eg colour film, or sound) or specific relevancy to a current cultural zeitgeist (eg WW2 movies). What creates lasting appeal is difficult to quantify and we won't go into it here because we all agree older movies can have lasting appeal, obviously.

The primary point is that things that make a game immediately appealling can certainly 'age', because the novelty or relevancy that made them appealing is superceded by a new zeitgeist or new technology. For the Roundhay Garden Scene, just being a film was enough to make it appealing - moving picture was a great novelty at the time and people could watch it for an hour or more, entranced. Moving picture is no longer a novelty in our time, so the film has 'aged': it is still amazing in context and noone would disagree, but you wouldn't sit down to watch it for an evening.

TL:DR you're a faggot and don't understand the complexities of the subject at hand.

>> No.2264580

>making things up
Coming from the guy who says only a specific group of what he agrees to age, actually ages and nothing else. Some funny shit.

>> No.2264581
File: 29 KB, 540x405, 1376791050614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you know, the both of you are
1.) bad at arguing
2.) unwilling to compromise

What really grinds my gears is people who takes words way too literally. I once posted a thread about on rails shooters with Rez as the picture and the whole thread devolved into whether it was or not please don't do this again.[/spoiler[
I just want to have a good time guys,

>> No.2264583

Sorry I don't expect an old movie to filled with Micheal boy explosions. You know that whole aging thing.

>> No.2264584
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Pretty sure this is happening currently.

>> No.2264587

>It pioneered the things

>Which is why they are a thing to be appreciated rather than lamented.
Nobody was "lamenting" anything. It's just a simple fact that the controls have aged.

>Oh yes we are because the digital nature of games means they can be retroactively improved upon.
You have no idea what you're saying. You can't change a game's fundamental control scheme just by rebinding keys.

Some things age, others do not. Go fuck yourself.

There is nothing to compromise. This is a fake controversy.

>> No.2264589

>Some things age, others do not. Go fuck yourself.
How does one thing age but another doesn't? Please explain.

>> No.2264590

Pretty sure you're a moron.

>> No.2264592

Use common sense and then go fuck yourself.

>> No.2264596

Jokes on you guys I was just pretending to be retarded the whole time lol!

>> No.2264597
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I got retro common sense. Guess it aged pretty badly, champ.

>> No.2264598

No, you're just a fucking idiot.

>> No.2264601

A poorly aged idiot right?

>> No.2264602

OMG I trolled everyone so badly in this thread! Haha I can't believe I actually got serious replies!

>> No.2264604

Look at where you are. This is a board for celebrating such things. If you want to dismiss them, you should do so on /v/, for the sake of your own sanity at the very least.

>It's just a simple fact that the controls have aged.
No, they've stayed the same. It is you who have aged and the world around you.

>You can't change a game's fundamental control scheme just by rebinding keys.
You might do well by googling what "control scheme" means.

>> No.2264607

I think your trolling is pretty aged. If you go by /v/ standards anyway. /v/ pretty much set the bar for modern trolling. I suggest making that troll more dank to attract modern audiences.

>> No.2264609

Once again:
>Some things age, others do not. Go fuck yourself.

You have no idea what trolling even means.

>If you want to dismiss them
But I didn't. Are you hallucinating?

>No, they've stayed the same.
And aged.

>You might do well by googling what "control scheme" means.
You might do well by actually playing games instead of reading about them and then coming up with half-baked theories that have no basis in reality.

>> No.2264610


Trolling can't age bro! Haven't you been following the thread? Old troll techniques are eternal!

>> No.2264612
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>> No.2264615

Literally anything but Kega Fusion and real hardware is hilariously bad with Genesis audio last time I checked.

like, it's the only emulator I can think of that does the Sonic signpost sound properly
they're corner cases, but a lot of other sound effects and instruments get screwed up as a result

ZSNES is hilariously bad at things.
>engine noise is so fucked in F-Zero that it sounds wrong even to people who haven't played it on hardware to compare

god, this
the amount of clone systems that are actually just emulators in a box is depressing, and there's no reason to get one of them instead of just emulating on your PC with a more accurate emulator

fucking this x1000

One thing I really hate is people putting stickers on CDs.

at least I could try to get a cart to look nice again by printing a new label, I can't do that for a CD (and trying to remove the sticker risks damaging the disc)

>> No.2264616
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>> No.2264617

retro games don't age. they play the same way they did when I was 7.

that said, your opinion of an old game might change when there's other stuff to compare it to.

>> No.2264618

Man cmon. Greentext is so last year. The shit has aged really bad. Find something new already.
Read the thread yourself. It's been thoroughly proven that your point is out dated. Get with the times and stop having that poorly aged opinion.

>> No.2264621

>retro games don't age.
Yes they do.

>Man cmon. Greentext is so last year.
I was quoting something I already said, you fucking moron.

>> No.2264627

I kind of dislike when people complain about the difficulty of games like ninja gaiden. Somethings in old games are definitely bullshit but without the challenge ninja gaiden is barely a 15 minute game and would have been a huge fucking ripoff back in the day.

>> No.2264628

Seriously though, you're an idiot. Code doesn't age.

>> No.2264631

>Yes they do.

but how? nothing changes except for alternatives and new things to compare it to.

smb3/smw don't make smb1 worse, but they provide alternatives which go beyond the original.

>> No.2264632

>Seriously though, you're an idiot.
Go fuck yourself.

>Code doesn't age.
Nobody said it does.

>> No.2264636


I love that behavior from those people, though. They're the worst people, and it keeps them away from my retro.

>> No.2264637
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What the fuck did just happen to this thread?

>> No.2264638

You are saying somehow a game has changed over the years.

>> No.2264640

>but how? nothing changes except for alternatives and new things to compare it to.
The same can be said for every single piece of technology that humans have created.

>> No.2264642

>Nobody said it does.

can you explain what you're saying, then?

>> No.2264647

I bet he still uses circular reasoning, ad hominem and straw man to get his point across, and those have aged more badly than video games.

>> No.2264650

It doesn't change but it ages all the same.

I already have.

I bet you're still a fucking retard.

>> No.2264653


Technically, saying it's "aged" isn't quite the right word, but there aren't many better alternatives. It's not that the game has worn down, it's that it's been overshadowed and superseded by similar games that do what it did better - generally in regards to controls and mechanics. We can't call the game "obsolete," though, as that word doesn't quite fit, so we say it's aged well or poorly.

Take, for example, the original Populous. It controlled fine to my knowledge, but it had a VERY tiny viewing window due to hardware at the time. Contrast with a later god game by the same man (Black & White) which had a full 3D view and completely unrestricted movement. Populous has "aged poorly" because we as gamers no longer have such a limitation.

Or, say, System Shock. It was a full 3D FPS at its core, and it had some basic RPG elements and was a maze game under the core. The interface is clunky and the controls are so far removed from the later WASD setup that more recent FPS games use that it can be a pain to play at first, especially if you use the cursor keys or the click-and-drag method of looking around (not using the mouselook mod). It's just fine as a game, but to play it requires either a lot of adaptation or modification, or both.

If it somehow still makes no sense, I assert that you are being intentionally obtuse.

>> No.2264656


Two faggots who feel the need to turn a public board into their personal argument space.

>> No.2264657

>The same can be said for every single piece of technology that humans have created.
So fire ages?

>> No.2264661

>It doesn't change but it ages all the same.
You're saying the perspective changes? Isn't that completely opinion?

>> No.2264662

Fire is not technology.

>> No.2264668


>> No.2264669


that does make sense. "aging" is just an obtuse way of referring to being eclipsed by newer stuff, but I guess there's no better word.

some retro games are made obsolete by newer games, but not all.

>> No.2264670

I'm saying games age. Everyone knows they do. But some people here insist on perpetuating a completely fake controversy for who knows what reason.

>> No.2264672

By itself it's just a reaction. The application of fire is technology.
So by your logic fire ages. You're an idiot as said.

>> No.2264676

Maybe you should actually read links before posting them.

Fire not technology and I never said that everything ages. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2264682

>there's no better word
Aspects of games have become outdated, aspects have greatly developed over time, norms of the time have changed, etc.

>> No.2264683

You said technology ages. The application of fire is technology. Therefore fire ages. Your logic not mine. Sorry but you may just be wrong.
>everyone knows they do
Completely opinion.

>> No.2264684
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> Two faggots

It is probably just one guy talking to himself

>> No.2264687


would you agree with >>2264669

some things are made obsolete, like the telegraph. others aren't. a well-written chess strategy book from 100 years ago would still be useful today. or a 1911 pistol still holds up well today.

>> No.2264690

Fire not technology and I never said that everything ages. Go fuck yourself.

>Completely opinion.
Completely fact.

>> No.2264695


'outdated' works.

>> No.2264701

>Completely fact.

You must be an Objectivist.
Objectivism is SO mid 20th century though, it has aged pretty badly, though I guess Bioshock made it "chic" again to a certain type of person.

>> No.2264706

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2264707

They are the same regardless. They may age in that they wear out. Something like game code will never corrode in theory unless the storage medium fails. It will be the same forever. People's perspective may change over time but the code never ages.
The application of fire is technology nimrod.

>> No.2264710

Fire is not technology. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2264715

An example of a game aging would be a game that is constantly changing and whose original version is inaccessible. Most of these games aren't /vr/ material because updates weren't exactly common, and when they were, they were usually done on hard copies that couldn't overwrite the original software.

A game has to have a life in and of itself to really "age". It has to change over time. All MMOs have aged, for example, as you can never truly experience them as they were at launch, except on maybe private servers, but at that point you're basically playing a shadow of its former self. It can also apply to hardware, too. Virtual Boys, for example, have all aged poorly, due to cheap manufacturing. It's very difficult to get these back in the proper working conditions they were in at launch. Game Gears are the same way. Practically all of them need to have their capacitors replaced and it's very hard to find one in 100% working order. These systems have aged poorly because their designs quite literally do not stand the test of time.

"Outdated" is generally a better term for things that vary by opinion, as it can apply to things that have since been replaced, but "aging" has a definition that specifically refers to change.

>> No.2264717


I don't know that a game itself can be made "obsolete." The game still has merit that can't be judged objectively - the artistic part of it, if you will. But, yes, that's the gist of it. The game itself is the same, but sometimes it's just hard to go back to the way things were done then. Graphics aren't hard to accept and stories are generally the same across eras, but controls and tech did so much evolution that some paths just ended up being dead ends.


Word, not statement. It's mighty inconvenient to spell it all out when you can use one word to cover what you want to say, and if it's common enough that there's a general understanding.


The connotations of being "outdated" don't quite fit, though. Outdated things aren't used because a better replacement has come along. A game still has merit, still functions fine, still tells its story, still accomplishes its goals. Often, there are games that have no real "replacement" anyway, and that's before getting into the large subjectivity of the matter. There are plenty of platformers, but to some, none can ever replace Mario, or Sonic, or Crash. FPS games come and go, but some could never ignore Doom, Quake, Duke, Blood, or what have you. RTS games are still made on occasion, but some never make it past the classics.

In essence, games remain valid, but they can be a pain to play at times for some. Not quite "outdated," if you wanted my 2 cents.

>> No.2264718

The term "go fuck yourself" has really lost all meaning in modern times. You could say the term has aged poorly.

>> No.2264721

>An example of a game aging would be a game that is constantly changing and whose original version is inaccessible.
An example of a game aging would be an average Atari 2600 game.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2264723

Completely fact.

>> No.2264725


To be fair, it never had much meaning. How would one fuck themselves? Would it really be so bad? Is there much a point? It's vulgar, certainly, but it carries little meaning besides "I find you most contemptible."

>> No.2264728

Now you're talking about the hardware breaking down. A game in working condition will play exactly like it did new.

If you want to say hardware age that makes sense. There's a physical change. ie. corrosion.

Software doesn't age on the other hand. It will be always the same ie. a game.

>> No.2264731

>Now you're talking about the hardware breaking down.
No I'm not.

>A game in working condition will play exactly like it did new.
And yet it has aged.

>> No.2264732

Software does not age. It never will.

>> No.2264734
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>> No.2264737

And yet it does.

>> No.2264738

I think the implication is that the person in question isn't a suitable enough specimen to attract a mate so he must remain content with masturbation, while the personage delivering the insult paints himself superior, as someone who doesn't need to masturbate.

>> No.2264741

Show me proof of the zeros and ones in code aging.

>> No.2264743


now we're getting somewhere. I still think outdated fits better. a telegraph in working order still accomplishes what it set out to do, but why use that when there's skype?

I think that's at least closer in meaning to games being eclipsed by newer games, rather than saying it aged - which connotes changing over time.

>> No.2264745

Nobody said code ages.

>> No.2264748

Not when it's dependant on timely factors to be fully functional. As I said before, most games that come to mind that suffer from this aren't /vr/ material, but to put it in perspective, World of Warcraft is not in the same state as it was in, say, 2006. Sure, you can jump around hoops and play on a private vanilla server, but there will be so few people playing that the experience isn't anywhere close to as it was nearly a decade ago. In the sense that it is now physically impossible to get the same experience as it was back then, the game has aged poorly.

>> No.2264750

So code does not age?

>> No.2264752
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>> No.2264753


That is certainly an interpretation, although I don't think most people using the expression mean it in such a way. Not that that would necessarily change the meaning, but it's mostly used in the context I mentioned before.

>> No.2264754

The original WoW build is still the same set of zeros and ones. It will never change.

>> No.2264757

Again: nobody said code ages.

>> No.2264759

I asked you a question. Do you not wish to answer?

>> No.2264763

Oh, totally. I was simply trying to provide a hypothesis on what it originally meant, the context in which it was born from.

>> No.2264764

Holy shit are you fucking retarded?

>> No.2264765


When people say a game has aged, it's generally understood that the bits and bytes are still as they were on release. Rather, what has changed is everything else. Compare to an early automobile, which controlled nothing like a modern car. A Model T had the throttle on the steering column, and the gear selector was a pedal on the floor. It's still the same car it was, but it's said to have aged a great deal because the controlling apparatus is not only old, but also phased out in favour of superior methods.

>> No.2264767

Does code age? If so how?

>> No.2264771

For the third fucking time: nobody said code ages.

>> No.2264774

Code does not age. Software does not age. Games do not age. The hardware ages.

>> No.2264775


and if a game aged like fine wine, that means it hasn't been outdone by newer stuff.

I guess this giant argument comes out of the fact that it's a vague, relative term trying to describe something complex.

>> No.2264778

Games do age. People only claim otherwise in order to perpetuate a fake controversy.

>> No.2264781

Basically, it's been "my opinion is fact" vs. "elaborate" with some lighthearted trolling in between.

>> No.2264784

>Games do age. People only claim otherwise in order to perpetuate a fake controversy.
How can something that is not physical and never changing age?

>> No.2264787

Stop pretending to be retarded.

>> No.2264791

Nice argument.

>> No.2264794
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>> No.2264798

>How can something that is not physical and never changing age?
I think his argumentative technique and reasoning perfectly answers your question: It doesn't. It just stays the same. Our perception of it however does. After a while it becomes tired to us, outdated, and its flaws become more apparent.

>> No.2264801

It wasn't an argument. You are just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.2264806


>and if a game aged like fine wine, that means it hasn't been outdone by newer stuff.

Pretty much. They got it right the first time, or it's the game that improved upon earlier titles. It plays like it could have come out today and there's no difficulty in just jumping right in and playing it with no real acquaintance with it.

>> No.2264808


>> No.2264809


but when games age, they also attain a retro feel.

>> No.2264812
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>> No.2264814


I think link to the past fits this category. so does smb2/dokidokipanic imo since it's a unique platforming engine.

>> No.2264815



The fuck kind of resolution and aspect ratio is this?

>> No.2264817

So does his rhetoric. It reminds one of childhood argument juvenilia, of a time when things like "stop hitting yourself" or "I am rubber, you are glue" were considered valid responses. Almost makes one nostalgic.

>> No.2264819

Nintendo of American And Europe before mid-late 1994 were ultra sensitive easily flustered white knights when it came to violence and overt sexuality. Their policies regarding game content rivaled the "triggers" of many tumblr femicunts. Whoever instated those rules for home nintendo games outside of Asia should never have been born.

>> No.2264820
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These fucking springs. I can never get these things to work. The only time I get past these sections is through blind luck.

>> No.2264823
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Gee, I guess it's pretty close the original nes, dingus.

>> No.2264940

What grinds my gears is when threads on /vr go off topic for really stupid reasons that have little or nothing to do with the enjoyment of games.

>> No.2264954
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> 215 posts
> half of those posts are just two people arguing about a topic unrelated to the thread

It is kind of sad, really...

>> No.2264993

My friend, you are seeing, feeling, and truly experiencing high-level autism.
bask in tism.... bask in it. You can see it, but it can't harm you.

>> No.2265153

except that a lot of people practically imply that your favorite game is shit when they say "it hasn't aged well" 90% of the time

>> No.2265161
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The only time i see that shit clearing out is in the doom general, people shitpost for a damn while the kaboom, no more shitposting.
Why this doesn't happen in other threads rather than in a single circlejerk? I don't know if this could also apply for the CRT and Kacho threads

>> No.2265163
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Typo: then kaboom*

Sorry, i am just bitter to how /vr/ gets derailed hard that i can't type correctly, the "hurr durr games do not age/do age" argument is pretty irrelevant for the sole fact is centered around RED HOT OPINIONS.

And going back to the topic, pic related is what grind ma gears

>> No.2265191
File: 335 KB, 636x478, 1410328752667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many things like

>I've played a grand total of 4 games and I can safely say the whole genre sucks
>Fanbases in general, the bigger the shittier
>It's not available in language X so it's not worth my time
>"This game hasn't aged well"
>People bragging about their powerlevel
>Your taste>My taste

But I think the biggest offenders are those guys that complain about this

>Game is a decent iteration of a series/genre, not mindblowing or innovating but does it's job fairly well
>Game does innovate, introduces new concepts in a series/genre and forces player to learn and use its system well

>> No.2265194

What grinds my gears is faggot janitors deleting my posts criticizing a romhacker because he almost left a project in the middle of it all while leaving all that bullshit about aging right there.

>> No.2265224
File: 16 KB, 500x558, 1407715904352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The special stages in Sonic 2 have a much too high difficulty spike.

I didn't grow up with a Genesis so other than plaing it a couple times at a friend's house this is my first time trying to beat the Sonic series, beat 1 no problem with all the emeralds.

20 hours of play time into Sonic 2 and haven't left Emerald Hill Zone because I don't want to not be able to find checkpoints in later stages and get the bad ending due to it. I still haven't been able to get more than four emeralds out of the seven checkpoints in Emerald Hill, even with the trick on how to pause scum and play the special stages nearly frame-by-frame the fourth and fifth stages just kick my ass.

>> No.2265231

>>I've played a grand total of 4 games and I can safely say the whole genre sucks

Eh Im willing to let that one slide. The fact that someone tries a genre 4 times at 60 bucks a go and still don't like it still shows they gave it a fair go

>> No.2265238

Is it 60 bucks now that toasters are able to emulate pretty much everything /vr/ except maybe the Dreamcast or some obscure system that nobody coded an emulator for?

>> No.2265240


AFAIK the Super Retro Trio is a relatively recent example of clone hardware. Hell, even though recent Retron consoles are android emulator boxes, the earlier models were hardware-based.

>> No.2265241

Really? I always found them to be rather easy.
Not as easy as 3 was, but still.

S&K caused me fits of rage, though.

>> No.2265242

Uh, there's no bad ending in Sonic 2 for not getting all the emeralds. You just get to play on easy mode for [rings] seconds in each zone, and bragging rights for doing it.

Also, you can reset and keep your emeralds so long as you start again through the options menu. It's possible to get super-sonic on the very first zone by doing that a few (or, well, more like several) times.

>> No.2265247

>nostalgia for things you didn't even exist to experience in the first place

I'm convinced these faggots don't even understand the meaning of the word. You have the same fuckwits calling older gamers, who enjoyed a game when it was originally released, hipsters.

>> No.2265263

It upsets me that I can't find a game to stick to and beat it. Way too fucking many of em. I'm just trying to contribute with a game review.

>> No.2265546

BUMP to save the thread.

>> No.2265552
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It really didn't deserve it.

>> No.2265797

How the fuck?

I feel like I'm going to need to goddamn TAS this shit. No matter how hard I try, inching frame by frame with the pause button, I can't make the checkpoint on the fifth stage. It seems impossible to do without a second player.

>> No.2266015


>> No.2266153

turn off Tails or do it with a friend plugged into 2P
the 7th emerald is a nightmare though

>> No.2266162

does anyone have a license.xml for launchbox?

>> No.2266183

What twists my nipples is the hoarder/collector mentality that takes over so many people ,so many people with massive collections and not enough time to play any of them yet they still keep buying them ,like the pickups and packages culture on YouTube ,trying to outdo one another and show off.

It's good to just ignore all that shit and just sit down and actually play a game and beat it rather than putting it on the shelf for the "collection"

Tl;dr collectors who don't even play games

>> No.2266204

Don't hate the game, hate the players

>> No.2266206
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People who complain about the difficulty of shmups.

I have this theory that they are in the bottom of the dunning-kruger hole of incompetence, and instead of getting on with the process of practicing they just bitch about the whole genre being designed unfairly to eat quarters.

>> No.2266216


>the whole genre being designed unfairly to eat quarters.

Are you implying they're not?

>> No.2266236

any general that's not centered around Q&A will always devolve into tripfag circlejerking. Doesn't matter the subject matter or the board. At first they always start out nice, but then people eventually exhaust things to actually talk about and it becomes more and more a facebook substitute

doom general should be banned to /vg/ anyway.

>> No.2266240

I have nothing against shmups, but they ARE designed to eat quarters. You really can't deny that

>> No.2266251
File: 63 KB, 256x360, Dragon_Quest_VIII_Journey_of_the_Cursed_King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that grinds my gears is that we have nowhere to talk about gen 6
>/v/ is complete and utter shit, never wants to talk about anything but the latest controversial release
>/vr/ says gen 6 will never be retro
Not that I disagree with /vr/'s stance, but I just wanted a non-shit place to talk about it, as it is right now gen 6 doesn't belong anywhere

>> No.2266896

Weapons that are thrown in an ark, making it impossible to kill smaller enemies.

>> No.2266910

Honestly I don't think /vr/ will magically turn into a shithole and stop talking about older games and hardware once gen 6 consoles start being allowed. That's literally what they're afraid of.

>> No.2266930

There's more than just one chan. One of them has a /vr/ with a cutoff set at 2003.


Oh, sorry, never mind.

>> No.2266935

What's /vg/ all about? I've never really browsed there.

>> No.2266941

/vg/ is like a way less snarky DOOM general. Or more snarky. Depends if the multiplayer emphasizes co-op or competitive play.

>> No.2266943

it'll die on /vg/.
/vr/ it probably will die too, but at least i can see he wants a civil discussion because 6th gen had some great games and that sort of talk is verboten on /v/ or it will die really fast on there.

>> No.2267329
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People shitting on other people when they ask for help. Yes it's best to work through obstacles in games on your own but people often hit a brick wall, not just failing to spend 5 minutes testing things out but hours upon hours of getting nowhere or repeatedly failing. The fact they are asking /vr/ and not just consulting a guide that will give the answer right away is another thing, at least give some form of hint.

This kind of ties in with my next thing: people failing to have any self awareness when using the board. I always keep a good sense of what I am posting, what I am replying to, and how the general attitude in the thread is. Some people seem to ignore all levels of tact and shit all over the place to force their opinion or whatever they feel like, as if they're completely blind to how much impact individual posts have on such a small board.

Game related: Random "1 shot get fucked" traps or enemies in shoot em ups, its nothing but trial and error when a random beam decides to ram its way up your ass out of nowhere.

>> No.2267371
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It annoys me more because other idiot resellers see that kind of price on other common games and think that they too can make a quick buck.

>> No.2267647



>> No.2267686

people callimg the nostalgiacube retro

>> No.2267731

who's that girl on your mousepad?

>> No.2267740

Amen. They should at least allow GBA threads here. I think a cutoff around 2005 would be pretty good.

>> No.2267741

Wait a sec wtf does the dunning-kruger effect have to do with my post? Stupid clipboard.

>> No.2267784

I've asked multple times for you 6th gen babies to name me ten common attributes that 6th gen has with the prior generations that separates it from the later gens.
Yet no one comes up with anything. 6th gen is far too simular with the later gens to ever be called retro.

Don't go claiming that kool kids club shit. I haven't seen a single argument come from the 6th gen crowd that wasn't entirely based on age.

FPSes of that time bring with them far too much drama and /v/ children.

>> No.2267802

because it should be based entirely on age.

shit, I don't associate 5th gen at all with previous gens. I find that there's much MUCH more in common with gen 6. If anything there should be boards for old 2D and old 3D, including gen 6

>> No.2267803

Let's see... online play was still in its infancy, microtransactions were unheard of, games actually shipped in a finished state, dlc was usually free if there was any at all, single player games were more than 6 hours long, local multiplayer was still relevant... do I need to go on?

>> No.2267846

I disagree completely about the 5th gen comparison. 5th gen has far more in common with the later gens. If you'd like I can post examples again?
Are you supporting why they're like the later gens?

>> No.2267862

No. Those were just the biggest differences I could think of between gen 6 and gen7/8.

>> No.2267864

Damnit, I fucked up.

>> No.2267889

Well LAN was supported on all the 6th gen consoles.
>microtransactions were unheard of
There were map packs.
>games actually shipped in a finished state
Ok? Not sure what this point means.
>dlc was usually free if there was any at all
It started out as demos but you had to pay for the service. Calling it free isn't true.
>single player games were more than 6 hours long,
Umm? A lot of 5th gen and earlier games are much short than 6hours.
>local multiplayer was still relevant...
Define relevant? The Nintendo consoles have always had excellent local multplayer games.
>do I need to go on?
Looks like it.

Here's some glaring examples.
-6th gen had 480p and progressive display support in general. No longer SD centered.
-graphics are simple and limited. 6th gen was the only time in video game history were the consoles outdid PC at release. They were graphical power houses.
-consoles marketed as a video game system. No dvd remotes in retro video games.
-FPSes never held number 1 selling spots

There's much more but those are very much defining.

>> No.2267913

>5th gen has far more in common with the later gens.
Should read 5th gen has far more in common with the prior gens.

>> No.2267919
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>Stereo-enhanced NES music
>NES & Master System games with the attack & jump buttons reversed (the latter is worse in this regard)

>> No.2268079


I emulate most consoles because there's usually only one or two games that I play for them. I have my little collection of three or four Atari games that I really like, and I'm not going to spend money for a thing that I would only buy a handful of games for and then barely play.

>> No.2268098

>Modern games are all shit all the time every single one

Shovelware bullshit has existed on every console ever. The only reason it seems like there's more today is because there's more games in general. If you were to actually look for a game instead of saying "HURR DURR COWWADOODY" to dismiss everything outside of your own little nostalgia bubble, you will probably find at least one thing you like.

>> No.2268121

>attack and jump buttons reversed

what does it matter? I could understand getting mad about suboptimal button placement when there are 3+ face buttons, but when there are only two, it doesn't really matter.

It's just muscle memory and nothing more. If you grew up playing games with "reversed" controls and then got a game with "correct" controls, you'd feel the same way.

>> No.2268141

They switched the buttons for the Mega Man Anniversary Collection....made me so mad.

>> No.2268157

Those are the console pusher games. Would you consider any of the top selling games on PS4 to be the best in anyway or even good?

I'm in the group that modern console games are largely shit. Very few exceptions.

>> No.2268159

It'd make sense for the buttons to be switched, since on the GC controller the orientation of B and A are reversed compared to an NES controller and any other ninty controller

>> No.2268163


"Top selling console games" is a small category. That's like saying all that the Genesis had was Sonic games. You are taking an extremely large thing and narrowing it down to the specific thing you do not like.

>> No.2268173

>"Top selling console games" is a small category.
Umm be definition it's not a small category. Maybe a small amount of titles.
>That's like saying all that the Genesis had was Sonic games. You are taking an extremely large thing and narrowing it down to the specific thing you do not like
I can enjoy all the top selling games for retro consoles. They may not be my favorite and I may not want to complete it either but I can find something to enjoy. I can call some of them the best of the genre, the best of the series, even the best of all time.

6th gen and later that went out the fucking window.

There's a lot more older games I'd rather play than modern ones. There's still modern games I've played and enjoyed and ones that I still want to play.

>> No.2268206

Heh yeah, I don't understand the "Unboxing" videos.
What's the point of it?
Why do people watch them?
Might as well make a video of opening your christmas presents one by one and going into full detail about the new pack of Socks that your grandmother got you, eh?

>> No.2269710

Enemies that steal shit from you. In particular, those fuckers in Gradius III that come up behind you and steal your Options in the bubble stage.

Fuck those guys.

>> No.2269743

fixed knockback effects upon being hit by an enemy

>> No.2269761
File: 87 KB, 2400x1588, 1372794891715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metroid II
>getting hit typically knocks you upward
>tfw you accidentally jump into a ceiling spike
>tfw you hit a flying enemy and just get caught stunnedly bouncing on it, watching your health sap away

>> No.2269772

>It's not available in language X so it's not worth my time

I don't have time to learn moon runes, friend. Not everyone on /vr/ is NEET.

>> No.2269779

I think youtube in general is super bizarre. There's so much inane stuff like the unboxing thing, or "haul" videos, or pointless reviews of frozen food. I'm constantly surprised by the supposed relevance of everyone's detritus that they put online. LP videos are in that category, for the most part.

>> No.2269796

Dragon quest 6 had probably one of the grindiest class systems I've ever seen. Did not like it. Almost killed the game for me. And I REALLY don't like how characters sort of have "classes" already through their stats and abilities they learn, but then actually picking a class skews their stats even further, so mage type characters who decide to be a mage get punished twice on important stats like HP.

Basically just really hoping dragon quest never goes back to that kind of system again.

>> No.2269812


LPs in particular serve as jumping off points for all sorts of irrelevant shit. People have gotten into the "form" with the expectation that it's gonna have some dude talking over the gameplay footage and so they just show up and run their fucking mouths even if they don't have anything enlightening or worthwhile to say about the game. Like sorry dude, I'm watching this video so I can figure out if I want to buy this game, not so I can listen to you mumble for twenty minutes at a time about what you do when you feel depressed. Fuck off. Narcissism at its finest.

>> No.2269852


People are strange. Why do people like unboxing videos? I couldn't tell you. They do, though, and as such there's a market for it.

>> No.2269862

I watched la mulana lps and am now sad I spoiled so many puzzles.

Though fuck there's plenty of puzzles i forgot about.

>> No.2269883

Get 3 options instead of 4. I think that either reduces their frequency or flat out makes them not appear.

>> No.2269937

This grinds my gears.
You understand what the person means when they say it. But all of a sudden everyone starts acting retarded like they have no idea what it means.
Games decades apart are going to have a lot of differences. From a human perspective, they have "aged".
People just say this when they're assblasted that someone doesn't like one of their favorite retro games.

>> No.2269945

Well if you don't like games then I know the perfect board for you!

>> No.2270335

How did you get that I "don't like games" from my post?

>> No.2270369

>People just say this when they're assblasted that someone doesn't like one of their favorite retro games.
Saying aged makes no sense. If you didn't like it then and don't like it now that's just your opinion. I have likes and dislikes with retro video games. Opinion may change over time but that's only because of you not the game.

For example I thought Star Fox was awesome as a kid. After playing it as much as I did my opinion has changed. Now I think of Star Fox as game with mediocre performance but still very fun. Still the same game.

>> No.2270464

Living in a PAL area. Basically doubles the amount of research to do, in addition to making importing expensive unless you want some 50hz fucking or hardmoding.

>> No.2270548

Could be worse. You could be brown in South America.

>> No.2270723

Being brown anywhere sucks

>> No.2270851


>Saying aged makes no sense.

Someone hasn't read the thread.

>> No.2270901

Here we go again...

>> No.2270906


It's been explained what the intended meaning of the phrase is ITT. If you still don't understand, you're just being obtuse.

>> No.2270912

Aged means something has changed. Stop.

>> No.2270923


You're just being obtuse. Rather, being anal about word definitions in addition to being overly literal.

>> No.2270926

No. Aged cheese for example has changed. An aged man no longer looks young. Games don't age. Just stop.

>> No.2270930
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It will never cease to amaze me how a single fucking word, "aged", can derail a thread this bad

>> No.2270940


That's already been covered ITT. You're adding nothing new at this point.

>> No.2270942

Then you either dislike retro games or are an idiot. My SNES games look the same as the day I got them. They haven't aged.

>> No.2270967


>My SNES games look the same as the day I got them. They haven't aged.

You still haven't read the thread, you are still being overly literal, and I would assert that you're deliberately being obtuse. I'd throw you a bone, but I'd just end up repeating one of the earlier posts ITT, which would clearly be an exercise in futility.

Try actually reading the discussion/shitposting earlier in the thread and there's some decent info on the term - perhaps the most important in your case being that there's really not a better expression for what is meant in use of the term.

But, since neither you nor I am contributing anything to any actual discussion of any sort, I'm done arguing unless you come back with something other than what you've thrown out thus far.

>Then you either dislike retro games or are an idiot.

Baseless assertions are so unbecoming. Stay classy, Anon.

>> No.2270969

How have my games changed? You keep saying they have but you provide zero evidence. Fuck off.

>> No.2270981


>How have my games changed? You keep saying they have but you provide zero evidence.

I never said that they changed, nor am I even saying any games have changed. Technically, I haven't even said any games have aged well or poorly. All I've told you is that the non-issue of games "aging" has already been tackled earlier in this thread, and as such it does anyone little good for me to repeat things that have already been said.

If you're not up for a bit of reading, well, that's your right. My goal has been accomplished, which was to try and point you to beneficial information. If you won't go where I point you, I have no further stake in the matter.

>Fuck off.

Stay classy.

>> No.2270984

>Games decades apart are going to have a lot of differences. From a human perspective, they have "aged".
One more time kiddo. How have my games changed?

>> No.2270985
File: 51 KB, 584x262, mad charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>final boss doesn't have its own theme
>it just uses the regular boss battle theme
>even worse, it uses the normal battle theme

>> No.2270989


That's not even one of my posts nor would I say it tackles the issue at hand. But here, I'll throw you a bone. Rather, some links.


Nobody is saying that the game has changed. You are adhering to literal definitions too strictly, forgoing any attempt to understand connotations, implied meanings, and metaphorical contexts.

Next time, try reading the thread before posting.

>> No.2270992

The view point has aged? Then why not say something like "My views have aged". Saying games have aged makes no sense.

>> No.2270996

I hate it when I play an old game again and discover that it has aged badly

>> No.2271003


It has gotten older. It hasn't worn down, but things have changed while the game stayed the same. It's just a trap of the language that if something gets old, then it follows that it must age.

Some games age well. That is to say that the game holds up well in its new frame of reference. This generally means it's not a pain in the ass to play, which is about the only way a game can truly age unless it's of a topical nature, though that is rare. Storytelling doesn't age - it's timeless. Presentation changes, but ultimately an older way of presenting things doesn't really change - that's a matter of taste. What can change is the way we interface with the game and the underlying mechanics of it, and many genres have seen large changes that have made some games so much easier to play and enjoy.

Some games age poorly. Usually, this means that it controls awfully/awkwardly, often with no control rebinds. Imagine playing a platformer where your controls are hard to reach and not shared with any other game, or a platformer where movement just doesn't work right. Those games are said to have aged poorly, even though the game itself hasn't changed at all. What once worked well enough has since been phased out in favour of things that work better.

Generally speaking, few games actually age poorly if they were good in the first place. Rarely does it happen that you have a game where it is just so different from anything else after it that it actually is a pain to try and play. Even then, there are usually workarounds for old hard-set settings and tech limitations, but if a game requires that then it's said to have aged poorly.

I will make a note here and say that the expression is used wrongly - oftentimes it's just a buzzword to say "I don't like that game and it happens to be old." That doesn't mean the term has no meaning or doesn't have its place.

>> No.2271006

SaGa 2 pulls it off so well. It starts off with the regular boss theme then when you start beating its ass it changes to the regular battle them and it's actually too good when it happens. You feel the momentum shift to your side in the battle then you shut arsenal the fuck down.

>> No.2271008

To me if I liked a game back then I like it now. I think it's just modern gamers and people that don't actually like video games unless they're new.

>> No.2271013
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x1250, Face when not giving a fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, someone said it!

>> No.2271025


>To me if I liked a game back then I like it now.

I never said you couldn't. That's perfectly fine. I'm not trying to tell you X game is bad because it's old - more often than not, old games control just fine anyway. Games ought to be judged on their own merits, not their age.

That said, some games do stand out for just being a pain in the ass to play. Like the earlier mentioned System Shock - it's a good game, but without workarounds it really is just a chore to control. It's not just poor controls, though. When System Shock, there were no standardized controls for a FPS with a full 3D view. Before it, there was Doom and there were Doom clones, which didn't have a true 3D environment. Looking along the Z axis wasn't a thing yet, and then you had all these other functions that didn't have "typical" keybinds. And the interface was different, too, so there was no standard for how it should be setup. That's how System Shock "aged poorly," but with a couple of workarounds and a little bit of patience, it's still a good game in spite of it.

>I think it's just modern gamers and people that don't actually like video games unless they're new.

Only rather young people are like that, I find. Generally speaking, most people old enough to post on 4chan without being banned for being underage are old enough that they played older games when they were young, which makes sense considering those games weren't old back then. It's a fairly recent development that kids are rejecting old games strictly on the grounds of them being old, but as they grow up they usually stop being retarded and learn to judge games for what they are and not on a superficial quality like age or polygon count.

>> No.2271034

>That said, some games do stand out for just being a pain in the ass to play.
It's fair to say those game were bad day 1.

>Only rather young people are like that, I find. Generally speaking, most people old enough to post on 4chan without being banned for being underage are old enough that they played older games when they were young, which makes sense considering those games weren't old back then. It's a fairly recent development that kids are rejecting old games strictly on the grounds of them being old, but as they grow up they usually stop being retarded and learn to judge games for what they are and not on a superficial quality like age or polygon count.
We're at the point where mid 90s kids would ha never played a retro console. Not that all of them haven't but the majority.
The common thing I hear in person and see in youtube videos are people saying 5th gen is ugly. I don't agree. A lot of those people are old enough to have played them new too.

Modern gamers like indieshit, they don't like retro games.

>> No.2271057


>It's fair to say those game were bad day 1.

Not necessarily.

>We're at the point where mid 90s kids would ha never played a retro console.

Mid 90s is kinda 50/50. I was born in '94 and most everybody my age that I've known had a PS1 or an N64 at some point if they played games at all. Late 90s kids are about as you describe.

>The common thing I hear in person and see in youtube videos are people saying 5th gen is ugly.

Well, when you get down to brass tacks, they were. Low polygon counts and blurry textures are not very aesthetic - I'm not alone in saying that late 2D stuff generally looked much better than early 3D stuff. I still enjoy such games, but I don't go about saying they're beautiful.

Of course, graphics snobs are well-known for completely disregarding games that don't look good enough for them. It's best to ignore them - they're the size queens of video games.

>Modern gamers like indieshit, they don't like retro games.

I suppose it really depends on how "gamer" is defined. There are a lot of self-identified "gamers" that are just casuals with an ego.

>> No.2271068

>Not necessarily.
I think an example for a game that has gotten worse over time is rare. I'd assume it would be because of some kind proprietary hardware.
>Mid 90s is kinda 50/50. I was born in '94 and most everybody my age that I've known had a PS1 or an N64 at some point if they played games at all. Late 90s kids are about as you describe.
I can see that. But someone born in like 95 or 96 probably didn't have anything retro.

>Well, when you get down to brass tacks, they were. Low polygon counts and blurry textures are not very aesthetic - I'm not alone in saying that late 2D stuff generally looked much better than early 3D stuff. I still enjoy such games, but I don't go about saying they're beautiful.
I love 5th generation. Love the look.

>Of course, graphics snobs are well-known for completely disregarding games that don't look good enough for them. It's best to ignore them - they're the size queens of video games.
Pretty much.

>I suppose it really depends on how "gamer" is defined. There are a lot of self-identified "gamers" that are just casuals with an ego.
Well too me modern games and modern gamers are all shit for the most part. I have no interest in playing anything in the top 10 sold games. Some of the non AAA games do look good.

>> No.2271080


>I love 5th generation. Love the look.

Eh, I personally have a hatred of all things blurry. I don't care if things are low poly and low res, they just can't be blurry.

>> No.2271081

Depends on the game really. But some things are blurry. It's personally my favorite generation.

>> No.2271083

Intelligent discussion? In my /vr/?


>> No.2271085

I think that everyone who says that modern games are shit and that the golden age of gaming is gone is a fucking idiot.

Its not like you suddenly can't play all the amazing games from the 80's-early 2000's anymore since its 2015.

If -anything- we're in the golden age -now- since most platforms are emulatable or cheap as fuck (with shit like flashcarts readily available for entire libraries, and the previous gen (ps2 and ps3 for instance) plummetting in price besides a few standouts).

The good games are still good. The bad games are still bad. Good games are getting released, bad games are getting released. Its just how its always been, you just have way more games to play then ever.

>> No.2271090

>I love 5th generation. Love the look.
that's because you're a hipster faggot
even back then the ps1 was considered blocky and the n64 fogged and blurry

>> No.2271098

"Dank" post, champ.
>I think that everyone who says that modern games are shit and that the golden age of gaming is gone is a fucking idiot.
I don't know man. Like I said the top selling games for the PS4 are pretty trash, I wouldn't want to play them.

The amount of stuff being made by the community for retro games is amazing right now. Flashcarts, drive replacements, mods, homebrews, etc. It's great.

>> No.2271108

It always takes a few years for a new console to really gain some steam. Nothing I've played on PS4 so far has been terrible, although I did find Evil Within and Lords of the Fallen a bit unfun at times. The PS3/Xbox360 have a lot of titles worth playing, and to a lesser extent, the Wii does as well, and with PS4/Xbone/WiiU starting to get some decent games in the coming months the prices of the last gen will plummet.

>> No.2271115



There's your problem. :^)

>> No.2271119

Have fun never playing great games that are console only.
>tfw idort.

>> No.2271128

I actually want to primarily console games during 6th gen. Mid 2000s were the golden age of PC games if you ask me.

Console gaming really died for me during 6th gen. 7th gen didn't help either with the DLC bullshit. I really don't like or want to support games requiring day 1 DLC.
Never owned a 7th gen console. All I have modern is a WII U. Don't like 6th gen much either.
I may pick up a PS2 but it's only for 3 games about. And a Gamecube would only be fore about 5 or 6. WII I may pick up too but again just for a handful of games. No interest in anything on PS3/4 or the Haloboxes.

There just isn't much modern games that aren't Nintendo I'd want to play. Especially platformers.

>> No.2271132

Primarily PC games I mean...

>> No.2271149

Thats cool but some of the greatest games I've played ever are console-exclusive.

>> No.2271157

I was talking about modern games. Only thing modern that really wowed me was MK8. WWHD was really good too. I liked the original but that remake made that game near perfect.

>> No.2271434

/r/ the pic on your mousepad

>> No.2271678

Why is that so? If you hate them personally, fine. Just don't be a complete douche.

>> No.2271686

Being brown sucks because you don't have white privilege and you suffer systematic oppression by the kyriarchy.

>> No.2271702


Not him, but you'd be delusional to think a lot of people don't hate brown folks. Hell, just look at all the hate against Middle Easterners, which, in case you forgot, are brown.

>> No.2271869

>>2271702 If you hate them so, why? Is it really worth it?
>>2271686 Fuck off with your tumblr-esque trolling

If you want to bash/shit-talk other cultures or nations go here


>INB4 you scream at me and call me a "white knight for disagreeing with you

>> No.2272012

Actual Americans I don't care about. Long as we aren't talking about gangster didndonuffins.

Browns in South America are ignorant and I really don't like their culture. And the ones I run into online are almost always absolute trash at video games because of it.

>> No.2272050

Very well then...

>> No.2272074


>If you hate them so, why? Is it really worth it?

I don't hate them. I think they get an unfair amount of hate levied against them as a whole because of the radical Muslims from over there. I do, however, recognize the hate they get from other people, which is a fuckload. As such, for a lot of them, life is of a quality lower than that of other minorities in many locations.

>> No.2273517

As a tangent, every time I read "games don't age physically - our perception changes so we say they aged" I read "Games don't age, We age, and we like to deny that we are the ones who have changed, because we know we are ageing and we know we are dying."

this is independent of any view on games "ageing", it's about how we're ageing.