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2260414 No.2260414 [Reply] [Original]

So, which one has the best music?

>> No.2260428


>> No.2260431

Mega Man only has a handful of OST's that compare to the other two, I'd say Mario and Sonic are pretty even in quality, after that it just comes down to opinion in which style you like more.

>> No.2260434

Mega Man 2 shits all over the best either of the others have to offer

>> No.2260435

Sonic > Mega Man >>>>>>>> Mario

Mario still has some good tunes though.

>> No.2260438

Sanic music is objectively the best out of these three. It's so varied and so fucking good. Even while the games continuously fall in quality, you can always count on the music to be fucking delicious (with the exception of Sanic Bum).

>> No.2260440


If we're counting the newer games as well, then:

>> No.2260446
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>counting the newer games
>on /vr/

>> No.2260449

Such a variety on opinions show how good is the music of all three games.

>> No.2260495

>Mega Man has the best tunes overall but the quality between games is very inconsistent.
>The only Mario games that have soundtracks I find myself listening to outside of the games themselves are the RPGs, Galaxy titles, Mario Kart 8 and 3D World.
>Sonic consistently pushes out some of the best tunes in the industry even in his absolute worst titles, although I'm not a fan of all the Crush 40 songs in the 6th generation.

Sonic > Mega Man > Mario

>> No.2260496

First off, sonic doesn't even deserve to be considered.
Winner: metroid

>> No.2260504

Sonic autist detected. You people are a plague and deserve a holocaust, leave and return to /v/

>> No.2260508

The only Sonic game I even like is Sonic 2 and I haven't bought a single game starring him over a decade.
This thread is about music.

>> No.2260512

Samefag. Go back to /v/ with this bullshit.

>> No.2260552

Megaman > Sonic > Mario

>> No.2260604
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Mega Man by far. I love Mario and Sanic, but the MM2-4 OSTs blow them out of the water. Metal Man, Pharaoh Man, and Spark Man's themes are all incredible example of NES music.

>> No.2260752

Sonic > Mega Man > Mario

>> No.2260767

Megaman by far had the most variation in its music. So obviously there were bad songs. But on the whole, megaman's OST's made the best of their 8/16 bit limits
Except for the first one. Megaman 1's OSTs were total shit

>> No.2260771

Sonic tunes tend to get stuck in my head the most and have the best beats. Even though Nintendo always had the best sound, Sonic always seemed to make the best use of Sega's less than stellar sound chip.
Megaman tunes have such a variety with every stage and game that I think there's something for everybody. A few of their songs are crazy good while the majority of them are okay.
Mario music just fits with the games so well that listening to them outside of playing doesn't really do them any justice. I never find myself listening to mario music beyond playing games. Just really gets me in the mood to do some platforming.

Kinda hard for me to choose but I'd probably have to go with Sonic. My brother and I used to quiz each other on game shit a lot when we were kids. One thing we did was play random music from games and see if the other can remember which game and what level they're from. Sonic music was always the easiest to do because it was so memorable for us. We didn't even own a Sega console, either. We were total Nintendofags

>> No.2260775

Sonic > Megaman >>> Mario

The only memorable (with the exception of the iconic SMB tune, of course) Mario tracks for me are from the spinoff games, the RPGs, Wario Land and Yoshi's Island

Megaman and Sonic on the other hand have consistently good and memorable tunes

>> No.2260779

>Sega's less than stellar sound chip
nigger please, the sound chip in the genesis was fucking rad, even if only a small portion of the library really took advantage of it

>> No.2260793
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But a discussion about the three in the OP, well...
That discussion has places to go GOT TO FOLLOW MY RAINBOW

>> No.2260803

Mega Man
>that 2 soundtrack
>that 3 soundtrack
>that 4 soundtrack

>> No.2260804

I think the Mario tunes are easily overlooked because they're not as "cool" or "hot" as the Sonic and Megaman tunes. The interesting thing about the music in the marios is rather their compositional qualities.
I really like how the music in SMW has an underlying theme (a 'leitmotif' if you wanna sound fancy) for instance and how the music changes ever so slightly when you ride Yoshi.

Also I have a penchant for early jazz with banjo accompaniment, so that's there too.

>> No.2260894

Well it's a pretty heated debate. Can't mess around. GOTTA KEEP MOVING ON

>> No.2260958

Mario for me no question. They aren't as high energy but I think they're much more consistent. Mega Man and Sonic have some great music too though.

The Castle theme in SMW still makes the hairs on my arms stand up when the music changes tempo and starts doing that arpeggiated melody

>> No.2260992

Sonic has some of the comfiest songs like Starlight Zone but it doesn't really have that many tunes that get you pumped. Nothing even on the level of the tune that plays when you select a stage in Mega Man 2

>> No.2261440
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Sonic of course.

>> No.2261456
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>the sound chip in the genesis was fucking rad

>> No.2261458
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I've never played much Sonic, but having played a lot of Mario Bros and the early Mega Man series, the only tune that I have stuck in my brain is this.


>> No.2261469

Mario > Sonic > Mega Man

Mario's only because his stayed good into 3D, Sonic's became cheesy, awful rock music when he entered 3D.

>> No.2261497

>even if only a small portion of the library really took advantage of it

I take a bit of offense to even that, there are even GEMS games out there that take full advantage out it. Stop meeting SNES fags half way please, their opinion tends to be I'll informed because of lingering console wars loyality/bad FM chip emulation.

>> No.2261505

>cheesy, awful rock music
you'd think that, and on the surface it sounds like it. But once you get over what you think is a cringe barier, you'll actually discover that it's fairly compitently made. You should open your heart anon, it's gonna be allright.

>> No.2261531

Mega Man>Sonic>Mario

Gameplay: Mario>Mega Man>Sonic

>> No.2261539

I like all of their soundtracks but Sonic has some of the most memorable ones that I would actually listen to regularly. Sonic also has tracks by Naganuma so I couldn't possibly put it anywhere but the top.

>> No.2261551
File: 4 KB, 80x80, Megaman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Megamegamega,mega man
>Megamegamega,mega ma

Not counting new games the Mega Man's has the sweetest soundtrack.
>People saying otherwise never played Mega Man
>Capcom made awesome sauce back then

Also i am missing the love for Ducktales Moonstage here

>> No.2261554

>Sonic's became cheesy, awful rock music when he entered 3D

>> No.2261567

Sonic > Mario > Mega Man

but really i haven't played much Mega Man

>> No.2261629

It's a tie between Sonic and Mega Man. Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.2261841

Super mario land was a shit game but it beats all other video game soundtracks.
Besides runescape, it's the only vidya soundtrack that is actually good.

>> No.2261851
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I hate Sonic but gotta admit that the music on the first three games were pretty good, Mario though have some great songs trough the history of the series, but none of them can compare to Mega Man.
So for me it would be
Mega Man >Mario >Sonic.

>> No.2261860

I like you.

GEMS could have not been the best sound driver out there, but there are still some classic tunes.


>> No.2261925

I was gonna bring this up too. I think Mega Man probably has the best music of the 3, but Mario is really good at re-using themes and evoking different moods with essentially the same compositions. Koji Kondo is a genius.

>> No.2261932

Not retro, I mean Adventure and 2.

>> No.2261947


You're crazy. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were abysmal games, absolutely, but their soundtracks were fantastic.

>> No.2262040
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I disagree with your opinion, anon. Apart from Windy Valley, I like that.

>> No.2262153

I would play Sonic 2 and 3&K on sound test like a radio. Some of the best vidya tunes ever in those early games. I'm sort of a grandpa though and can't stand most songs from Adventure onward. I can't even remember any from the Advance series and Rush's music was obnoxious as fuck.

Mario of course has the very best examples of how to do a catchy, 30 second loop perfectly. All of the tunes in just about every game to this day is solid. But I'd never say any Mario tune is like, listenable in a non-gameplay context.

Mega Man, the first X game especially, has memorable tunes by the dozen even if they start to all bleed together...

I say Sonic>MegaMan>Mario

>> No.2262167

>Catchy J-pop feat. MJ tier


>Iconic masterpiece tier


>chiptune heavy metal tier


It's pretty hard to say which I like better. I think I like Sonic the most.

>> No.2262181

Totally. GEMS was not the end of the world many people make it out to be.


>> No.2262183

I really liked Sonic Adventure DX. Never actually played the original. Wasn't fantastic or anything, but wasn't bad.
I even liked fishing as Big. But the Chao garden was the best part.

>> No.2262187

Ignore the DX/Battle bullshit
The games were the same

>> No.2262229


Fuck off, and take your console-warring garbage with you.

>not able to enjoy both the SNES and Genesis

>> No.2262240

That was what I was getting at you moron.

>> No.2262249

GEMS bass is actually too good if used properly

>> No.2262490
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And to further prove this point:


Now, that's not saying the SNES didn't have outstanding music and the Genesis could produce the fartiest fart music you've ever heard (I'm looking at you DOOM), but to call the YM2612 a less than stellar sound chip is just plain wrong.

>> No.2262507

That Streets of Rage song sounds better after being recorded from real hardware instead of an emulator.

>> No.2262515

I love the genesis but come on, you are comparing two different game composed by different people.


>> No.2262540

Nope. I was comparing the music from the first levels of two "flagship" brawlers that were released around the same time on competitive consoles. THINK man, THINK!!!

>> No.2262556

Stupid comparison anyways, you should compare music by the same composer like Super Adventure Island since we are comparing music, not games.


I still prefer Final Fight arcade to SoR

>> No.2262562

Fair enough. SoR2 on mania still feels more fair than FF.

>> No.2262571

>>you should compare music by the same composer

Why should I? What's the point? No one is comparing games. It's the music on competing systems that was being compared. Anon, your autism is getting the best of you this day.

>I still prefer Final Fight arcade to SoR

Comparing an arcade game to a console game? Yeah, no shit you're going to like it better.

>> No.2262573
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Comparison thread?



Same song, same composer.

>> No.2262578

i think the point is you shouldnt compare ANYONE to yuzo koshiro

>> No.2262583

Heh, fair enough anon. I rarely do these days.

>> No.2262584

Aside from maybe a few bosses, i think Final Fight is pretty fair.

Oh god you are retarded, did you came from /v/ or something?

>> No.2262604

Given that the obvious winner is Mega Man, let's discuss which mega man games had the best music, and what the best individual tunes are:

1. MM3
2. MM2
3. MM4
10. MM6
11. MM5
9001. MM1

Best tunes from the games (no order):

>Elec Man
>fortress fight

>Quick Man
>Crash Man
>Metal Man
>boss fight
>Wily Stage (both themes)

>Spark Man
>Snake Man
>Shadow Man
>Top Man

>Ring Man
>Pharoah Man

>Proto Castle stage (BEST IN SERIES)

>Flame Man
>Plant Man
>Dr. X stage

>> No.2262619

I don't know about that, but Sonic makes for the best mash-ups.

>> No.2262843

That sounds like shit.

>> No.2262875

While the most consistent quality of Sonic has been catchy solid tunes, Mega-Man has provided some of gaming's best scores. Period.

You don't see bands covering the entirety of Sonics soundtrack, you don't see anyone really doing much with Mario outside his first level tune.

But you see a band dedicated to writing a rock opera inspired by Mega-Man. You see Bit Brigade cover the entire soundtrack in a night. There is simply so much going on in Mega-Man's discography to ignore it.

Point goes to Mega Man. No question.

>> No.2263497

Mega Man 2, 3 and 4 soundtracks are literally perfect.

>> No.2263613

Add Dive Man and Cossack's stages two to MM4 and it's perfect

>> No.2263886

My only real problem from four is that the regular boss music is pretty Lame. The stage themes are GOAT though

>> No.2263905

1. MegaMan
2. Sonic
3. Mario

I could listen to MegaMan music all day every day.

>> No.2264243

Sonic because of dat FM.

>ever so slightly
>annoing kongas
Yoshi's Island is the only Mario game that I really like.

Sonic soundtracks have so much variation between songs in terms of instrumentation that it's hard to recreate live unless you want be a band with a drummer, a basist who switches between bass guitar and a bass synthezer plus at least two dudes on keyboards.
Also, stuff like Project Chaos (a cover collection of S3&K soundtrack) does exist.

Mario soundtracks concentrate much more on creating the atmosphere (for example, the underworld theme of SMW) and they recycle the songs for lots of tracks, so they don't usually make that big of an impact.

NES era Megaman soundtracks have three channels of melody as two square/pulse and one triangle wave, so making half-assed arrangements for a live band is so much easier.

>> No.2264341



>> No.2264941
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Mega Man, but the punch out song is the best 8-bit tune, period.

>> No.2264983
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Megaman, especially if the X games also fall under the umbrella of the MM franchise - which unfortunately used the awful SNES SPU instead of the beautiful Megadrive FM synth chip, though the actual compositions are still really fucking amazing.
