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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 312 KB, 1280x1810, final_fantasy_vi___terra_by_emeraldus-d692h7t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2251704 No.2251704 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /retro/ I just completed FF6 for the first time and I have to agree with everyone and say that it is a masterpiece. I haven't felt so accomplished from finishing a game in so long. It was a long and perilous journey but it was fantastic. I wrecked Kefka with Ultima.

>> No.2251705

general ff6 thread

>> No.2251712

Now go wreck Kefka with Gau solo

>> No.2251716

Fuck that. Gau is my worst character.

>> No.2251723
File: 441 KB, 1000x1018, 1292264491443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terra is a qt
wud fug

>> No.2251725


>> No.2251735
File: 518 KB, 640x640, terra-celes-by-lunadelmar-zerochan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't choose

>> No.2251740

Relm, derp

>> No.2251741
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>> No.2251742
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>> No.2251885

Imma just drop this here


faggot youtube muted audio on the original

>> No.2251894

Wow, really? You get the right rages on him and he's amazing. Chicken Lip I think it is... just casts quake constantly. Cast float on your party and Gau alone will demolish everything.

>> No.2251896

Glad you liked it OP, it was my first and favorite FF game.
I should probably get around to replaying it.

>> No.2251905

so /vr/

would you a Chadarnook

>> No.2251925


>> No.2252245

OP here. I found the whole game to be so advanced for a snes game. The opera scene was spectacular. Also Celes' attempted suicide must have been crazy to see in 1994. What other video game character tries to kill themselves?

>> No.2252265
File: 366 KB, 850x1318, Alt Final Fantasy VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you enjoyed it, OP. It's my second favorite game of all time after Super Metroid.

Nobuo Uematsu has also said it's his favorite score from all the games he's done and it certainly shows.

Don't worry about Gau. Everyone always lauds him, and that's great, but I hate blue mages. Also, what challenge is there in just flat out wrecking enemies? My main party was Edgar, Sabin, Cyan and Terra. I left Gau and Strago on the ship when I went to Kefka's tower.

Also, Kefka is probably the best villain I've ever seen in a game. Fucking Doma castle...

I replay it every other year or so. I'll listen to the soundtrack while cleaning or doing work.

People will argue that Chrono Trigger was a better game, but I can't agree. It had better aspects (mostly the combat), but I just didn't care about all 7 characters as much as I did about the 12 (14) in VI. While I never used Gau, the side story with his father is heartbreaking.

>> No.2252287

Isn't she like 12?

>> No.2252319


>> No.2252349

I used Celes instead of Cyan.

Never played Chrono Trigger before but I plan to one day.

>> No.2252609

porque no los dos?

>> No.2252656

I'm playing through it for the first time and am having a fantastic time. Though I have a feeling some serious grinding will be necessary in the near future.

>> No.2252708

Stray Cat for WoB
Nightshade/Rafflesia for WoR (programmers forgot to program in a resistance to Entice so you can make bosses kill themselves with it)

>> No.2252846

>I wrecked Kefka with Ultima.

Same here. It was the only attack my party used during the final boss battles.

>> No.2252867

hey guys

/v/ was coherent long enough to muster together a flac upload of the latest final fantasy cd. it's orchestral arrangements performed by london symphony orchestra. the VI suite is good stuff.


>> No.2252868


>> No.2252901
File: 294 KB, 557x1435, Dancing_Mad___Kefka__s_Tower_by_Phead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most beautiful sprite art I've ever seen!!!

>> No.2252907

Why doesn't anyone make a perler bead out of this?

Even a painting would be nice.

>> No.2252942
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>> No.2252963
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>> No.2252980

Figaro Bros, Celes and Shadow were always my main team. I've tried other teams as well, but I always end up having Edgar and Sabin anyway.

>> No.2253020
File: 23 KB, 262x258, atmaweapon6-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason that Squaresoft is well known. From about 1990-1998 they released nothing but gold. Then FF8 came out and things went downhill quickly to the point where the only "Final Fantasy" games that even look like Final Fantasy these days are the MMOs and what are effectively FF games are released without even bothering to attach the now meaningless brand title to the game.

If you haven't played 4, 5, and 7, play them. Amazing games, amazing series. There are few other RPGs that place in that tier.

For the record: Terra, Sabin, Celes, Edgar

>> No.2253027


How the hell have I never seen this!?

>> No.2253046

Yeah, I don't know why don't follow Dragon Quest's lead and not fuck with the formula.

>> No.2253050

Wow, those character designs are terrible.

>> No.2253058
File: 136 KB, 600x2059, kefka-perler-bead-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2253060

Spirits Within.

Not just the movie being a flop, but that it exists, is a clue to what the fuck happened. The team that took over the series wanted to make movies. Replay X, and you'll notice its basically a boring 50 hour OVA with some random battles in it.

>> No.2253175
File: 1009 KB, 2637x1810, Final Fantasy Through The Years.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrono Trigger is totally worth it. Hands down. I just don't think it's quite as good as VI. It's probably the 3rd best RPG on the SNES after VI and Earthbound.

And Celes is always 5th on my list. She's a boss.

>> No.2253228

Locke, Celes, Terra, Edgar

However in my last run I would just RNG my parties at certain points in the game, it actually made it a lot more fun.

>> No.2253548

Spirits Within was Sakaguchi's baby though.
The real issue with the series these days is that Toriyama was the worst possible director to put in charge of an entire console generations worth of Final Fantasy titles, and while Nomura is a good artist his designs tend to prefer the modern aspects of the franchise rather than the whimsical and surreal elements like Amano.

FFXV is a step in the right direction though, so I wouldn't give up hope for the series.

>> No.2253565

Locke, Sabin, Terra, and Mog were my main guys.

That freaking 0% encounter trinket Mog gets is a godsend.

>> No.2253578

I'd switch my party up a lot during the playthrough but the four I always fall back on are Terra, Shadow, Setzer and Mog.
I really want to use Cyan but his Bushido skill is fucking garbage.

>> No.2253580
File: 632 KB, 2112x2816, Tower of Kefka - 144k beads (by Kallid).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2253592

Use him last, charge while the others ATB is recharging, you can unleash Quadra Slam basically for free, netting you four high-powered physical, unblockable attacks in the span of three.

Cyan is criminally underrated, and probably because people misunderstand how to use him - the Advance version of Cyan can charge in the background during other character's actions, that almost gamebreaking.

>> No.2253604

Terra's my favorite Final Fantasy protagonist.
It's a shame the Dissidia franchise completely botched the character.

>> No.2253639

> Toriyama
> director of Final Fantasy


>> No.2253641

Or, you know,

just put Cyan in a team with Gau, Umaro, and Mog

>> No.2253643

Motomu Toriyama directed FFX-2 and all three FFXIII games.
Am I wrong?

>> No.2253647

Even better, you're right.

>> No.2253648


Oh yeah he's shit

I don't know how or why he has a job

>> No.2253654

Oh did he? I always wondered why FF13 felt like FF10-2.

>> No.2253662
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x1600, e1f752876f001975c70f6eebe7c1bf02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concepts I've seen look really bad. Bravely Default is the best jrpg I've played in well over a decade, so I'm not giving up on the company, but the FF brand is really weak.

I actually gave up on it around the time FFX-2 came out. And, in hindsight, X isn't good either, though it has good points to it.

>> No.2253774
File: 275 KB, 583x356, Ultros_XIII-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultros confirmed best boss

>> No.2253775


>> No.2253907
File: 14 KB, 352x329, my nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For the record: Terra, Sabin, Celes, Edgar

Pic related

Also, I find weird that they chose Terra's theme as the overworld music. In the Piano Collection, it has a incredible strong emotional response, but in the game, you're bound to listen to it so many times that it's hard to slap it onto her, unlike Celes theme, or Locke's or Gau's

>> No.2254447

too fucking cool

>> No.2254481
File: 83 KB, 1000x808, FF6END.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time i beat FF6.
The fixed dice is so overpower, damn.
Celes best character.

>> No.2254535
File: 181 KB, 1115x800, bdb638d7026c06c82209d2be774fb082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fuckers, I needed an FF fix, and this thread put me over the edge. Hooked up my SNES with this S-video cable I bought a few months back and started it up. First time using SNES with S-video; it looks fantastic. Was leaning towards 5 because I just finished the fantastic Bravely Default, but I wanted to play on my TV and the Playstation version of 5 is not only terribly translated, but doesn't even work properly with the Playstation 2. So that's out and 6 it is.

>> No.2254541

godspeed friendo

>> No.2254553

Is Bravely Default worth the investment? I avoided it the same way I (sadly) avoid any Squenix shit nowadays

>> No.2254559

isn't it like 20 bucks at this point, max

>> No.2254565

The first half of the game is great and worth a play.
Then it shits the bed for the dumbest reason.

It's pretty cheap these days though so if you're in the mood for something similar in vein to the DS remakes of FF3 and 4 you should totally grab it. Just don't expect to enjoy it beyond Chapter 5.

>> No.2254572
File: 452 KB, 789x1000, ca07a09a22a16b5ac0143ca7e004c56a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing it feels like living in an alternate timeline where Final Fantasy games are still being made. Yeah, its worth playing.

>> No.2254579

Thanks guys, I'll pick it up if I see it on the cheap

>> No.2254664

His lv2 Bushido, Retort, is also really good and takes no time to recharge. A nice combo for him is to fire off Retort and then charge up a more powerful SwdTech while he waits to counter an enemy's attack.

>> No.2254762

Terra, Edgar, Celes and Locke for me. Because I'm a pairings faggot. I like to put Cyan with Gau, Sabin and Shadow. The third party is Strago, Relm, Mog and Umaro. It's not the most effective setup but anything else feels wrong to me.

If you think that's bad, Cloud's theme also doubles as the world map theme in VII.

>> No.2254786

I personally was bored to death. Suffered throught about 10 hours last year and still can't get myself to play further.

>> No.2254869
File: 49 KB, 600x720, c406a44ce2c45c3eada5da66e7ed3026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished it in 60, and still wanted more. Which, come to think of it, is a ton of play, even taking out about 10 of those hours as afk while the town builds. The problem with the later chapters isn't so much that they are tedious, since you can beat them in minutes. Its that the extra content is stuff you've seen before and don't really have incentive to do again. But the ending was satisfying.

Back to FF6, I still find it really silly how the best strategy is to put everyone in the back row and spam special attacks. But you gotta do what you gotta do.

>> No.2254978
File: 119 KB, 1280x1024, 1317582672792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello OP, i've played FF VI many, many years ago and beat it like 14 times.

At the time i became addicted to the game, i absolutely loved everything about it. I did a Low Level Challenge, a Low Level Natural Magic Only Challenge(no espers) and a speedrun in which i beat the game in 8 hours and 15 minutes. All glitchless, as in no 128MBlock Invincibility, no Vanish/Doom combo, no NPC Clipping and no Berserker Cyan.

I also did not use Ultima besides the first and second time i played the game. Ultima, Luminaire, Blue Yoshi, Mega Elixirs, etcetera, you understand what i mean? I never use any of this, i dislike game breaking mechanics, stuff that takes out all the challenge and difficult of the game, i try to never use them or use as little as possible if i have to. Don't take me wrong, i'm not elitist about it and there is nothing wrong with using whatever you want, it's just my way of enjoying videogames, specially jRPGs.

I'm currently playing Super Ghouls n' Ghosts. I have actually beaten the game already but i'm not satisfacted yet, i've lost too many lives, i'm improving at the moment and once i beat the game without continues i'll play FF VI again just because your post made me feel nostalgic about it.
I think i'll do a low level challenge again, it's gonna be interesting because it's been so long since i played it for the last time i don't even remember much about the game.

Have this nice picture.

>> No.2255036

I totally agree with you about those games. FFXII was actually an incredible game though once I got into it, but before that I have to say that you have to go all the way back to VII and before to find another good one. Of course XIII was complete crap. I am interested to see how XV turns out though.

>> No.2255157


I think they're both great games, and they both showed just how fantastic Square could be at their peak.

Their PS1 offerings were pretty good, too, but stuff like Xenogears suffered from budgeting constraints, and Saga Frontier was a lot of wasted potential.

And the FF games didn't feel nearly as huge, and grandiose as 6. They were still good, for their era.

>> No.2255612

going character to character is a horrible way of comparing the two though, Chrono Trigger has deliberate one dimensional characters

>> No.2255623

I liked the fact that the early FF's actually had older characters in the main party, like Strago, Tellah and Galuf. From VII onwards, you don't really get much of the old geezer archetype in FF's.

>> No.2255636

It would be nice to just have grown ass adults in a console rpg. That's something I really liked about Persona 2: EP.

>> No.2257487
File: 59 KB, 600x424, 1405056594225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping because Ultros is kawaii

>> No.2257853


I once played through VI by jotting down some job\class ideas, cross referencing them with applicable characters and playing by assigning each one a job that restricts the magic they can learn, relics that work with the theme, items tyou can use, etc. I plan to do it again with some job shifting mechanic thrown in.

You may not wish to go full autist with the idea like I did but it's probably the most fun I've had with a self imposed challenge, the final fight especially since you may lose your only heavy healers mid way.

>> No.2257854


I think Vincent is the king of old geezers.

>> No.2258057 [DELETED] 

>Cyan is criminally underrated
Proof on the statement with signatures of people.

>probably because people misunderstand how to use him

>that almost gamebreaking
Then again, proof.

If you don't provide us some actual facts, it is just words on the wind. I don't see how a character is useful at all and how its usefulness is comparable to other characters. Not scientifically at all.

Katt mechanically is the best character in Breath of Fire 2 unless there are facts regarding even mere existence of other characters.

>> No.2258076

>Cyan is criminally underrated
Proof on the statement with signatures of people.

>probably because people misunderstand how to use him

>that almost gamebreaking
Then again, proof.

If you don't provide us some actual facts, it is just words on the wind. I don't see how a character is useful at all and how its usefulness is comparable to other characters. Not scientifically at all.

Katt mechanically is the best character in Breath of Fire 2. There are no facts regarding even mere existence of other characters.

>> No.2258107 [DELETED] 

lmao you again ^ _ ^

>> No.2258237

I remember playing one romhack that did exactly that, and only a few of the characters could use magic. I thought it was pretty good, but it's been years since I tried it so there's a chance that it was really unbalanced. In any case it really made you think how to use the characters to their fullest instead of just spamming magic, and it's easier to play something like that than designing all the rules by yourself.

>> No.2258417
File: 519 KB, 800x691, cf70bab87af68cae03a28116278d6523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Locke was actually one of my favorite characters, wished he had something else he could do besides steal.


>Blue magic only attainable during one sequence of the game.

>> No.2259336

Anyone know if The Power Within has been picked up again? It's been almost 20 years, surely someone must have made progress with the game, especially since Squeenix could give less of a fuck about VI nowadays.

>> No.2259351
File: 313 KB, 1000x708, gogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is she?

>> No.2259363

Rand is the best character in BoF2 because he has the best spell list to keep your ass alive while all Katt does is hit hard and hit fast. Something that can be done by pretty much every other character. You take all the pros and cons in a character, and her having shit skills, crap defense and hp play into that.

>> No.2259364

Playing through the game for the first time, now at the part where I can freely swap teammates.

Is it better to just focus on one team or should I try to balance out everyone?

>> No.2259367

Emperor gestahl

>> No.2259371

everyone's pretty broken except cyan
cyan sucks

>> No.2259375

Doesn't look like a dog to me

>> No.2259396

>everyone's pretty broken except Cyan

How do I use Setzer, Strago, and Relm anyway? I can't seem to get them to amount to anything.

I end just sticking to the Figaro Brothers while the other two can be anybody else except the above three.

>> No.2259401
File: 1.00 MB, 2000x1494, Alt FF VI 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Daryl, Setzers lady friend. He found her airship wreckage on the Triangle Island but no sign of her.

>> No.2259415

Why is she not wearing any pants

>> No.2259424

I like to think that Gogo was the leader of the Crimson Robbers, simply mimicking their ways without then realizing it.
Their leader had been eaten by a sandworm after the end of the world and Gogo is found living inside of ones stomach.

>> No.2259476

Terra? Because she wears tights under her outfit. Just look at the OP for a clearer picture.

>> No.2259581

Her in-game sprite looks like she's wearing a one-piece bathing suit with shoulder pads

>> No.2259915
File: 9 KB, 160x223, Banon.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, what happened to Banon?

>> No.2260521

No idea.
Sakaguchi himself only said "Use your imagination," when asked about his fate.

>> No.2260610

Setzer can replace slots with gil toss, which is a perennial broken Final Fantasy attack. Don't spam it though, or you'll go broke. Blue Magic costs too much mana, but you use it like any other mage. Relm's sketch should be explanatory. It turns powerful monsters against themselves and is very powerful. Never ever use her in the SNES original, though. Her ability is bugged and can literally ruin your game. FF6 has bugs that you would normally only expect to see in something on DOS.

>> No.2260642

He shows up in the WOR but they got the pallet and name wrong.

>> No.2260648

Cyan literally has a set of conditions that can make him go into an ENDLESS ATTACK LOOP in both versions of the game. Who else even has something NEAR that level of broken?

>> No.2260662

In GBA you can manipulate Setzer's slots command to get 777 even against things that normally prevent it from happening.

The trick? Have anyone else cast a white- or grey-list spell, start up slots when the spell name appears, and wait to select the first slot (with 100% reliability using pause-buffering) so that it happens during the character's spellcasting animation (not the spell, the animation of the character itself). Then select the second and third slots at your leasure - you can pick 7 7 7 and autowin if you want.

>> No.2260689

Without a doubt my all time favorite game. Owned it since it was released and probably replayed it over 500 times by this point. One of the saddest moments of my life was when I had to sell my copy that Uematsu signed to save my apartment that I eventually lost anyway because of my lazy ass roommates.

>> No.2260706


But if you use the sketch bug in the right place at the right time you can glitch out your inventory to have 99 Atma Weapons, Gem Boxes, Economizers, Excaliburs, Paladin Shields, Ribbons, and a whole bunch of other crap.

>> No.2260728

That's terrific OP. It's nice to see positive posting like this.

I switch teams a lot, but I enjoy the manly team of Cyan, Sabin, Gau and Locke. Edgar is too easily enchanted by women to be in this company.

>> No.2261294

He disappears after the Empire betrays you at Thamasa, so a popular fan theory is that he was killed at that time.

>> No.2261295

you can also use it to warp from WoB to WoR and skip everything from IAF to the final dungeon

>> No.2261476

Brave New World? I haven't really played too much of it but I can remember that it limited espers to certain characters and "jobified" more characters. It's a great concept but the guys behind it had to fuck everything up and "improve" the script along with adding in forced obscenity.

>> No.2261586

No, I don't think that's it. It really was years since I played the hack, but after quickly reading through the readme I think the changes are a little bit different than what I remember.

>Version 1.0.0 (May 31, 2013) Initial public release
Also I think I played it way before this.

In any case, I really like the idea of limiting magic somehow, but I'm not really sure if there are any hacks that do it without screwing up something else. "Improving" the script sounds idiotic too.

>> No.2261698

Hey guys I recently picked up FF4,5, and 6 which should I play first?

>> No.2261821

I'd start with FFIV.
All three are good games but FFIV is by far the most dated of the three. Playing FFVI and going backwards to the game that set the framework for it might be underwhelming.

What version of V did you grab? The GBA version has the best translation.

>> No.2261875

I picked up all of them on PSX. Is the V translation that much worth it to play the GBA version instead?

>> No.2262057

don't play 5 and 6 on PSX if you value your time, the loading times for random encounters and everything else are unreasonable

just emulate the SNES or GBA versions

>> No.2262290
File: 21 KB, 256x220, edgar3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if she has multiple Phatasms

>> No.2262296

im tired

>> No.2262309

Chadarnook is the name of the demon
the goddess in the painting is Lakshmi

>> No.2262414


Don't listen to these people. I've played the crap out of all three of those titles on the PS1. It's playable. If you're using a PS2, enable fast disc reading for 5 and 6. It works wonders with 5. 4 does not need it.

>> No.2262438

The definitive answer:

Gogo is Gogo.

>> No.2262946

I bought 6 on psn and it ran pretty well

>> No.2262969

gogo is male, it was confirmed in dummied code... shopkeepers treat him as male when setting their prices

>> No.2263440

Just beat the game. The cutscene before the final battle was so cheesy.

Also, what was up with Shadow and Gogo? Did they die in the escape?

>> No.2263446

Gogo is as Gogo does. (He's pretty much just a bonus character with no story, despite silly fan theories).

Did you see all of Shadow's dreams before the final battle?

>> No.2263453


>> No.2263456
File: 492 KB, 460x345, 1340290133498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blonde Terra

>> No.2263539

FF6 check list:
Suplex Doom Train
Fail to save the world
Save Shadow
Save Cid
Find Everyone
Kill clown.

>> No.2264034

Gogo's alive, you can see him briefly (VERY briefly) on the airship at the end of the game.

>> No.2264068
File: 657 KB, 1136x1832, Cid_(Final_Fantasy_VI).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend told me that you can save Cid. It BLEW my mind!!

>> No.2264870
File: 1.16 MB, 1223x2048, isaiahjordan-lockecole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was probably the defining RPG for me as a kid.

My final regular party was Terra, Celes, Locke, Setzer (I was a Steal freak).

>> No.2264951

How is the new dancing mad difficulty mod? Too hard? A grind?

>> No.2264979

Sadly, the scene is more touching if he dies.

The attempted suicide has much more impact than "I feel better, also have a raft."

>> No.2264982

waiting for the SNES version so I can play it on my flash cart

>> No.2265564

bahahaha, oh well. I find it so awesome that this game has so many little secrets.

>> No.2265638

there's actually a scene between Setzer and Cid that not many people know about... to trigger it you have to go back to the airship after the banquet

>> No.2265656

I saw like three of them.

>> No.2265687

I can't believe Relm is Shadow's daughter. MIND BLOWN.

>> No.2265705 [DELETED] 

>Rand is the best character in BoF2 because he has the best spell list to keep your ass alive
They are things called consumables. And they can be used by any character to heal himself in-battle and out of it. Money isn't a problem. And Rand doesn't have a good full HP healing but the one which burns his manapool in 3 uses. Also, consider that there are many instances where he will need speed to heal himself before an enemy attack in order to survive.

>Something that can be done by pretty much every other character
After 9k hours of stat boosting. Also, no one can hurt 511 defence targets but Devil Katt via Keep. Also, not everyone can abuse counterattack. See, the extend to which it is done differs.

>You take all the pros and cons in a character, and her having shit skills, crap defense and hp play into that
Her shit skills, crap defense and hp don't ruin her ability to solo the game easily. Rand can't solo the game because:
-first, he can't get past kuwadora because he doesn't have an overpowered counterattack ability which you as you pointed out is shit. Unless he is overgrinded. Kuwadora is faster than level 18 Katt with IronML. Katt can beat him at 10 abusing counterattack while healing herself. I resorted to hacking the exp table in ROM for perma 10
-second, I don't see Rand Solo Run By You but only first impressions shitposting of a retard who never bothered to dig further into the game

Soloability is very definitive. You are shitposting about Katt's lack of some things lbut they don't ruin her a solo run. I repeat that things like "shit skills, crap defense and hp" don't ruin it for her, it is easy to solo the game not even abusing the shit out of 99% run rate which benefits her the most out of all the characters. By properly engaging in every encounter and winning. However, Rand's speed ruin a lot of thing for him. So does lack of equipment. He's a garbage character, of a tier lower than Jean's: Jean, at least, has a reliable overworld ability.

>> No.2265724

Wait... you can save Cid? Jesus I need to replay that game

>> No.2265728

Yeah, you have to feed him enough healthy fish while avoiding fish that are sick. Good luck figuring that out by yourself.

>> No.2265824 [DELETED] 

>Katt's crap defense and hp
Loled. Rand has the same if not worse HP and defense. Protip: he can't equip most of armors that grant high physical defense and elemental resistances. His natural defence and wisdom ratings don't compensate for that. Apparently, he takes more damage so his "high" HP pool is going down as fast as Katt's if not faster.

>> No.2265862

Read their item descriptions. They're something like Excellent, Fair, Unhealthy, and Rotten.

You wouldn't feed someone a rotten fish.

>> No.2265867

Oh, I didn't know that. I managed to save him by catching only fish that swam fast enough, and left the slow ones alone.

>> No.2265869





>> No.2265893
File: 977 KB, 562x616, atma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone already said it, but yeah, the story is much more touching if Cid dies. I always thought it was just "the fast fish are good", and I've saved him once or twice.

Anyway, I'm the guy who posted this:

And that asshole just killed me the first time. I forgot not to attack his bits. So I went Super Saiyan with Terra in the rematch and hit him for 7500 with Bolt 2.

I always hated the floating continent because it looked washed out and bland. But the colors are actually really rich on a real TV.

>> No.2265904

Ultima Weapon is one of those wakeup bosses, and is an exemplary boss fight in a game that has really good boss fights.

Plus it has one of my favourite FF battle themes, second only to Jenova and the surprising penultimate boss theme of FFX.

>> No.2265927

Oh, I was saying I got killed by Air Force. The pic of Atma is just because I love him; he's my favorite Final Fantasy monster.

But you are right, if you don't know about the Zone Seeker magicite and the rasp trick, Atma is almost unfair. Even though I know about it, poor Shadow was kill because he didn't have enough hp to take Flares.

Speaking of which, don't forget to wait for Shadow, newfriends.

>> No.2266256

Air Force killed me twice and I had to redo all that part. Was getting annoyed.

>> No.2267825

does anyone have any good final fantasy 6 wallpapers for phones?

>> No.2267835
File: 187 KB, 615x519, 1367579710275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaddarnook is MY GIRL.

Rest of y'all stay away.

>> No.2267924


you disgust me

>> No.2269129
File: 601 KB, 1000x720, Alt Earthbound 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Why? Because I didn't call it Mother 2 or because you don't like the game? It's no VI, but it's a fun game. I wish I owned a hard copy of it, but I refuse to give in to overinflated bullshit prices.

>> No.2269259


Where was that ever implied?

>> No.2269294

in his dreams

>> No.2269402

Wait, wait, wait. Chadarnook and Lakshmi/Starlet are two different things.

You're saying Lakshmi is your girl, right? Or do you have a thing for smoky hooded demons?

>> No.2269408

Here you go:


There's a section in there about Shadow being her father.

>> No.2269506

What is the correct way to use Locke?

I always found him to be shit in combat

>> No.2269508

Back row, with genji glove and two boomerangs in world of balance. Should do more damage than other characters during the first part of the game, though it will fall off. I believe he can use ultimate swords in the late game, so use those with him. And obviously mug.

>> No.2269509

Build him up with magicite however you want, like every other party member.

I love FF6, but it does bother me that everyone is pretty much interchangeable. Special abilities are really only useful insomuch as a way of changing things up. It's far too easy to minmax that game.

>> No.2269515

Do you mega grind or something? Getting spells that do as much damage as abilities on characters that you aren't making dedicated mages takes either most of the game, or just sitting in one place walking in circles, which is ridiculous.

Besides, locke definitely works best as a fighter with genji glove, due to mug and the fact that he can equip Atma weapon and other top tier equipment.

>> No.2269518

Locke's main gimmick is the Valiant Knife, which is one of two defense-piercing weapons in the game... and he can equip the AtmaWeapon as well. Of course the AtmaWeapon is shit when you get it, but Locke dual-wielding AtmaWeapon and Valiant Knife in the endgame has a higher damage potential than any other character.

>> No.2269520

I read that as multiple orgasms. Also tired.

>> No.2269524

Well, yeah, Atma sits in your inventory until then, but if you want to use Locke in the world of balance, you can just give him two boomerangs, as I mentioned.

I don't generally use him because I like other characters, but in the parts where you have to, he does just fine.

As a note: is this the only FF game where there's no reason to have anyone in the front row ever, until the very end of the game? It seems like that before basically the final dungeon, when Atma starts hitting like a truck, you should just put everyone in the back for the damage reduction, since specials do full damage from the back (and locke and setzer have ranged weapons too). Its weird.

>> No.2269536

Gau pretty much needs to be in the front row, since he can't use ranged weapons and will be attacking at least 50% of the time.

>> No.2269539

It all depends how you use him. I try to get the rage for Gau where he just casts quake 80% of the time. Then back row is fine.

>> No.2269543

All rages are 50/50 with "fight" so you must've been getting lucky.

>> No.2269545

>Locke dual-wielding AtmaWeapon and Valiant Knife in the endgame has a higher damage potential than any other character.

Even higher than having dual cast and doing Quick, Ultima, Ultima, Ultima for 30k damage every round?

>> No.2269548

Interesting, I never knew that. Yeah must be confirmation bias, that rage wrecks everything so fast. Also though I've rarely bothered to keep anyone except mages in the back row in that game.

>> No.2269553

Yeah. You can get off 5 ultimas in one turn with quick + gem box, for about 50k damage, which isn't even enough to kill the final boss. But with genji glove + offering you can get eight hits and do enough to kill the final boss in one turn (probably not 9999 per hit though).

>> No.2269557

BTW, how often have you guys seen the desperation attacks? I've beat the game 2.5 times, played a couple of hundred hours and I've only ever seen one, Celes. I blinked and neatly missed it.

>> No.2269565

Huh! And here I thought the game was super easy already. Stuff to look forward fiddling with if I ever do another playthrough though.

>> No.2269569

I've seen it once. It was when I was relatively new to the game and had no idea what happened. I always assumed FF7 introduced limit breaks even though I played 6 first. Problem is that it is good play to not sit at low hp, for obvious reasons.

Unrelated question; there are no bugs with the control ability in the SNES, right? It is entirely safe to use if you replace sketch with it?

>> No.2269578

it's not entirely without glitches but yeah it's safe, it won't corrupt the game memory

>> No.2269587

You know, I've heard of that (saves getting erased), but I've done the sketch glitch dozens of times and never had an issue. And that's on a physical cartridge. Anyone ever had that happen to them?

Never seen a single one in three or four playthroughs, although I suppose it's because the game is so damn easy and I'm never at near-death.

>> No.2269595

It depends on how you do the sketch glitch I think. The glitch changes depending on which monster formation and what magic you have learned. Generally speaking it seems like sketching Intangirs is a bad idea unless you know what you're doing.

>> No.2269605

It depends on circumstance, as this guy said:

Problem is I don't have it memorized and am playing on a cart so I don't want to take any chances. I have had sketch wipe my gear clean and replace it with worse gear; though fortunately that can be fixed by loading. Wouldn't want something worse to happen.

>> No.2271338

Looks like I should have stuck around and checked out his last dream

>> No.2272127

OP here. It's been 2 weeks and the music still plays in my head.

>> No.2272265

>From VII onwards, you don't really get much of the old geezer archetype in FF's.

It's actually kind of strange because you get Cid in 7, Steiner in 9, Auron in 10, and Sazh in 13, who are all pretty close to the geezer archetype in how they act but for some are all in their 30's.

Like the mannerisms and stuff are all there but they're not even really middle-aged.

>> No.2272641

You can do a natural magic run, basically no using espers..

That is sort of fun.

>> No.2272828
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FF final bosses are always astonishing sprite work

>> No.2272879
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but it's also like, wtf?

>> No.2272885

I've finished FF 1,2,3,4 a few years back and just recently 7. I tried playing 6 before but I lost my save after several hours of gameplay and my frustration didn't allow me to continue. Anyway, what is the absolute best option to play this? I mean the Snes, gba or psx version? I might even consider the Android version since I can play that at work but I've heard that one is awful.

>> No.2272886

obviously flat chest is the best so >>2251742

>> No.2273024


>> No.2273038

FF6 is shorter than I remember it being. I got to Kefka's Tower in 20 hours, at level 30ish. I'm doing the one party method, so my party will probably be 40ish at Kefka. Sabin is the most brokenest breaker. 9999 damage at level 35 for no mana. Not using the vanish trick, or using magic on non-mages, but am favoring magic evade gear (though not to the cap).

>> No.2273059

Gau can do 4x his damage output with Stray Cat from the moment you get him and can make bosses kill themselves with Nightshade in WoR

>> No.2273067

Gau could automatically win the game for you and I wouldn't use him. He attracts flies.

>> No.2273420

The main guy who made the mod is a brony. That should pretty much say everything right there.

>> No.2273424

Play Brave New World. I think the latest version they hacked in a way to keep esper levels as a seperate leveling system. Now you don't have to worry about have to equip magicite when your character lvls up.

If you can stand the "improved" dialogue, the wealth of gameplay adjustments, fixes and balances are so awesome.

>> No.2273524

What is Zeromus even supposed to be?

Like where are his body parts

>> No.2273546
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>> No.2273574

>the vanish trick
Oh man, I forgot all about vanish/x-zone. It's been so l long since I played this.

>> No.2273589
File: 54 KB, 449x594, 57bc71fad6db0bc48c5a45945a8a5647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved it. I'm currently replaying it.
Yes, the second half deals with other dimensions shenanigans, but you'll realise that the more you move in dimensions, the secondary characters begin to be different or you start to uncover something about their background and I found that interesting.

It was highly praised when it was released, but nowadays it's a fad to bash on the second half as if that was the entire game.

It has great music also

And btw, when you play it, break the crystal on chapter 6.

>> No.2273597

Ok, FFVI has been sitting on my shelf for a while now and this thread made want to play it.

anything important to know before I start like mid game decisions that change the course of the story?

>> No.2273738

Wait for Shadow on the floating continent when it starts to break down and you are near the ship, then leave a few seconds before the timer runs out.

>> No.2273741

Refuse to join the returners three times to get a Genji Glove.

Which version are you playing? Evade does nothing in the SNES version so don't primarily gear for it. Also don't use sketch in that version either, it has some really nasty bugs.

>> No.2273746

This is slightly misleading. A cutscene will trigger and automatically remove you. Get to the end point, hit "no", and just wait for it.

>> No.2273763
File: 110 KB, 427x539, Bizarro_sephiroth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely love the final boss music (both stages). Reminded me of back when bosses got themes like "Birth of a God", instead of generic orchestral junk. I just only wish it were on a better system. I don't want to play my RPGs on a 2 inch screen, I want to play them on my TV!

>> No.2273795

Don't use sketch on the Veldt, you mean. Should be fine everywhere else.

>> No.2273953

Don't use sketch on any enemies with the 'invisible' status effect.

That seems to cause the most issues.

>> No.2273968


I'm playing the Ps1 version.
I know it's somewhat inferior in some aspects (although I don't know which ones) but I'm a sucker for games with little things like bestiaries and alike.

>> No.2273980

Load times are the main issue from what I understand.

>> No.2273981

Right, forgot about that. Enemies rarely use that status, though. Chances are he wouldn't have had a problem but you're right to warn him beforehand.

>> No.2273986

Those Intangirs are where sketch is temping.

Since >>2273968 is playing the PSX version though, he can do invis+doom, right?

>> No.2274002

Yes he can. That wasn't fixed until the GBA release and is hilariously even more broken in PSX version since you can technically kill Phunbaba with it.

>> No.2274324
File: 1.72 MB, 1540x1097, 1366787041017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here and I played it on the Ps1 and I didn't find anything wrong with it?

>> No.2274328

bad loading times and some bass sound effects like the thunder don't work properly
other than that it's the same game

>> No.2274339

also the rain sound in zozo doesn't work

>> No.2274947

based on his 3D model, didn't we realize this his face was a bit below that

he was a fuckin mystery until the DS version came out, as a kid I always thought he had gigantic eyes top and center

>> No.2274989

This is why I object to people throwing around the term 'unplayable'so carelessly. Obviously FFVI and IX are not unplayable, but some people still blatantly just spirt it out. If now someone uses the term about a game I don't known, it has no information value at all, even if they used it legitimately, because how could I know?

>> No.2275041

>tfw no Cyan, Sabin and Gau adventures spin-off where they explore the Veldt during the day and party at Mobliz all night

>> No.2275108
File: 1003 KB, 600x504, ff6cosplay_battle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still my favorite game of all time, too. The GBA re-release had the best translation, though. There are a lot of really nice bits of plot and characterization that were lost in the SNES/ PSX translation.

Here's a great thread if you want to read through what someone translated. Interesting stuff. :3


>> No.2275110

It fucks me up that a few of the songs on the soundtrack are like 15 minutes long. Even modern games don't do that. And the character moments are so emotional despite being on such limited hardware, it's amazing.

I thought the Opera scene couldn't be as good as everybody was saying, then I played it and it blew my mind. It's totally cathartic and it blends interactivity and cutscene so well. Then there's the suicide scene, the coin toss between the brothers, Dancing Mad, the constant use of leitmotif on the OST and so on. The high points of the game are masterful.

My only real gripe with the game is that it's a little bit too long. I like that the second half feels open-ended but it drags on.

>> No.2275238

The Opera scene is pretty goofy. The synthesized "voices" are bad, and the climax of the thing is a battle with a cartoon octopus. Never saw what people thought was so great about it, other than that is introduces the Celes and Locke theme.

Other stuff is great, though.

Also disagree with your second point. FF6 is really short (like 30 hours short) and the second part is half the length of the first.

>> No.2275363

for a first time player with no knowledge going in, the second part is more like equal the length of the first, because a lot of the secrets are pretty cryptic... for each sidequest, usually there's one NPC somewhere who will drop a hint that may or may not have been translated well

>> No.2275373

I get annoyed by criticism of the world of ruin in general. It has better atmosphere than balance, a better overworld theme, is non-linear after you pick up Setzer, and is filled with hidden stuff that doesn't hold your hand.

Here's an actual complaint about it: unless you do things exactly right (getting Mog with the moogle charm first), get ready for multiple tedious trips through the Narsh mines.

>> No.2275384

I mean I don't disagree, I like the WoR more too because it really feels like another world and there's ancient demons that were released from their prisons and all kinds of other fucked up shit.

I'm not sure I would go so far as to say that you're supposed to pick up the Moogle Charm early on though. By doing that you miss out on a lot of content and it trivializes a lot of dungeons. You can always use Warp to at least get out of Narshe.

>> No.2275396

I mean for that section. If you get the damn charm first, you can run the whole Narsh thing fairly painlessly. If you forget about it, like I did, you have to revisit the same places with all the low level encounters all over again. I spent over half of my total world of ruin time in the damn Narsh Mines because its been a while since I played and I forgot things.

I don't abuse Moogle Charm, because I don't use Mog.

>> No.2275556

What was up with this game with dudes in ponytails anyway?

The only exception is Locke and Setzer

>> No.2275993

i used it for phoenix cave

>> No.2276001

I was back in the nineties when we didn't let rich faggots tell us to get a haircut

now everybody is a faggot and nobody knows what to do with their hair

>> No.2276813

How bout Shadow?

>> No.2278869


>> No.2279293

Do we ever see what Shadow looks like under the hood?

Maybe Shadow has the most glorious hair of all.

>> No.2282182


>> No.2282554

It's been ages since I started and stopped playing this. Before I get back into it I need a chronological story recap up until you get control of the airship for the first time. I remember the infamous suplex ghost train, a poisoned river, river rapids fun on a different river, I think the opera sequence happened, going to some shithole town after terra flew away and I either just raided some base or I was about to. Thanks in advance.

>> No.2282860
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We only see his head uncovered in flashbacks, and he has short hair then.

>> No.2283015

Game opens with Terra mind controlled in Magitek armor, marching with two mooks on Narshe because an Esper was found in the mines.

Terra and mooks fight their way through Narshe's embarrassing guard contingent and reach the Esper, who promptly fucks the mooks into nonexistence and frees Terra from mind control.

Locke is introduced, and he rescues an amnesiac Terra from imperial reinforcements, and the two travel to Figaro to meet with Edgar.

Kefka shows up in Figaro trying to track down Terra. When Edgar feigns ignorance, Kefka attempts to burn the place to the ground. Edgar is far too clever for Kefka's bullshit, and Edgar, Locke, and Terra escape as Figaro dives beneath the sand.

The trio decide that Terra's magic power could be the key to defeating the empire, so they make their way to the Returner's hideout to meet with Bannon. On the way they run into Sabin as he avenges the murder of his sensei, and he decides to join them.

Upon reaching the returner's hideout and hearing Bannon's plea for Terra to join them, the empire attacks. Locke travels to South Figaro to interfere with the Empire's progress and the rest of the party escape down the river where they fight Ultros. Sabin jumps into the water after him like an idiot and gets separated.

Locke runs into Celes and savers her from torture as he escapes to Narshe. Terra, Edgar, and Bannon make their way there as well.

Sabin ends up on another goddamn continent, where he teams up with Shadow for a bit and stumbles onto the Imperial siege of Doma. Kefka poisons the water and kills everyone there but Cyan, who charges out in a fit of rage and starts slaughtering soldiers left and right. Sabin teams up with him and they escape into the spooky forest, where they end up on the phantom train. Sabin decides to suplex it for shiggles.

(To be continued)

>> No.2283019

They get off the train and decide jumping off a goddamn cliff is a good idea, then end up on the Veldt, where they meet Gau. Gau takes them to where he keeps his shiny trinket, which turns out to be the diving helmet they need to get back to Narshe.

Once everyone's back at Narshe, they defend the Esper from Kefka then go check it out. Terra loses her shit and goes full Esper, then flies off to god knows where. Your favorite characters go to find her while the shitty ones dick around in Narshe.

After using Figaro as a submarine, the party makes their way around to ZoZo, where everyone is a lying dickbag, and they find Terra in the care of Ramuh, who explains all the esper bullshit. Espers shut themselves off from the human world because humans are dicks, but somehow Terra's mother made it through. A year later, the empire shows up to be dicks and try to kidnap the espers. Baby Terra and her parents get sucked out, and the emperor kills mom, takes Dad for experimenting, and adopts Terra as his personal magical slave. The party resolves to go fuck up the empire's research facility.

First, though, they need an airship. Luckily the notorious gambler Setzer has decided that he wants to get laid, and has announced he's going to kidnap a famous opera star who looks suspiciously similar to Celes. Locke gets the bright idea to have Celes star in the opera and get kidnapped.

Celes becomes the star of the show, then Ultros shows up to fuck with shit because he's a petty asshole. Then Setzer shows up because to hell if anyone else is going to upstage him. The party sneaks onto the Blackjack, where Setzer decides they're utterly unscrupulous assholes, and therefore just his type of scum. He agrees to fly them to the capital.

At the magitech research facility, the party steals all the magicite and breaks everything. Cid shows up to feel really bad about the atrocious things he's done, and Celes teleports away when her loyalty is questioned.

That's about it.

>> No.2283058

b-b-but FF8 was nice!

>> No.2283072
File: 1.21 MB, 1351x900, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best version of FF6?
Snes, PSX, GBA o.... androind[/android]

>> No.2283074

The new version, those graphics look terribad. Play on a snes or gba.

>> No.2283153

Thanks so much, that's perfect!

>> No.2283170
File: 513 KB, 660x1020, 6543213216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terra a cuteeeee

>> No.2283183

I do enjoy these updated character portraits.

>> No.2283191

I wonder how many hours it took to make that.

>> No.2283343

>the only ff game I fully finished

Terra, Shadow, Sabin/Celes, Cyan

>> No.2283601

it's absolutely stunning

>> No.2283672

What kills me is that aparently, the same guy who did the original character sprites also did the remake sprites. I really hope he wasn't being serious.

>> No.2283680


I'm tempted to say that would have been Amano or Nomura.

I reallyreallyreally hope it's the latter.

>> No.2283759

Do you enjoy making stuff up or are you just so gullible that you believe things other people make up?

>> No.2283763

Genius! Amano is a concept artist so it makes perfect sense that he would make sprites that look completely different from his original designs!

>> No.2284234

Yeah I thought my game was fucked it erased all my saves

>> No.2284245


That's why I said I was "tempted" to say such a thing, you condescending jackass. I couldn't remember whether Amano was just concept art or also a spriter.

Regardless I think Nomura actually WAS a sprite artist for all the monsters in the classic Final Fantasies. So that still leaves the mystery of who was responsible for the botched horror that is FFVI's new "look".

>> No.2284671

I doubt it was either of those guys, they're superstars now. They probably just got a credit for the remake sprites without having to lift a finger.