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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 173 KB, 1200x900, superretro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2237702 No.2237702 [Reply] [Original]

I ordered one of these yesterday.

>> No.2237713
File: 56 KB, 620x350, super_retro_trio_gamingtrend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit, I hate mobile. I wanted to ask /vr/ what it thought of clones. I hear this clone has great compatibility. Also, it's pretty good looking compared to the Retron 3.

>> No.2237724
File: 67 KB, 720x572, lnYocbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying the r-word

>> No.2237728

OP you are a fucking retard

>> No.2237734



>> No.2237746

You can do whatever retarded bullshit you like but why announce your idiocy to us? Why do we care?

>> No.2237765

HDMI output?

>> No.2237783

me and my wife...

>> No.2237793


me and my wife...

yesterday, ordered one...

>> No.2237801


nice system OP, me and my wife play Secret of Mana on ours. :^)

>> No.2237954


Is that a clone or does it emulate?

>> No.2237974

Wow OP, awesome choice

appreci8 and contragratul8

wher can I buy one?

>> No.2237983

u fukt up

>> No.2237992


hahaha, holy shit how come no one pointed this out before

>> No.2238000
File: 10 KB, 242x208, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes because emulators, and old consoles aren't available

>> No.2238001

Who is your marketing supervisor?

>> No.2238003

What marketing supervisor?

>> No.2238008

I have the original Retro Duo (no Genesis slot). It's a good clone system and never gave me any problems. RetroN 3 is much older than the Super Retro Trio and not as intuitively designed (controller ports on the sides = a mess if you have them all plugged in at once).

>> No.2238009
File: 29 KB, 474x595, download_20150211_120801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally if you used the same money to buy CP it would have been a better investment

Retropie, retron, anything else, Jesus you are autistic

>> No.2238034
File: 4 KB, 125x125, 1423941047730s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> doesn't do simple research

> makes horrible decisions

> shows everyone

> should have been molested as a child

>> No.2238038
File: 50 KB, 480x640, 1423528359568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just heard about secret of mana

Just heard about women today


Be An Hero

>> No.2238058
File: 240 KB, 469x506, 1420084152744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hacked Wii can do even more than that or you can just use your computer. You bought an emulation box. An Android based emulator from what I read!

>> No.2238063

>bought some games and console from some dude selling off parts of his collection to pay off student loans
>feel bad because I was getting a really good deal and it was very apparent he was desperate and didn't want to sell it
>see a retron 3
>don't feel bad anymore, even tell short change him 5

>> No.2238067

>An Android based emulator from what I read!

And a very buggy one at that, one that doesn't even perform the most basic tasks without finding some way to fuck the exper--

oh who am i fooling

Nice one OP, been thinking about geting one for my wife, any recommentations?

>> No.2238080

>You bought an emulation box. An Android based emulator

Why do you retards keep saying this?

>> No.2238081

sup op

>> No.2238085

Because the Retron 5 does run on Android. Also, you're better off playing it on a device with better specs running Android.

>> No.2238096


And the OP is clearly talking about a Retron 5, right?

>> No.2238098
File: 45 KB, 590x250, rocky4-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit OP is back


>> No.2238558
File: 10 KB, 165x194, 1300064028790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op clearly posted a NoaC clone you fucking mongoloid. It is entirely possible to have a thread about clones without you people freaking the fuck out about that one shill system that should not be named.

>> No.2238571

I doubt there is clone hardware for 3 systems in this thing. It's a crappy emulation box.

>> No.2238572
File: 42 KB, 500x277, 1187660847443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these

it actually works quite well.

>> No.2238616

Nice advertisement bro.

>> No.2238624

How does that controller feel? Looks comfy. I always preferred the Genesis d-pad disc to Nintendo.

>> No.2238628

>works quite well
I hope you're trolling, that thing had HORRIBLE sound.

>> No.2238640

meh. not great but not terrible. I could play games on that.

>> No.2238642

damn that guy have chris chan voice!

>> No.2238647

>that voice

Does that speech impediment have a name and how can you prevent someone from developing it?

>> No.2238649

>how can you prevent someone from developing it?
Send them to public school.

>> No.2238650

>not terrible
are you deaf? Why would you think this is even acceptable when there are clones with accuate sound now? The only thing it has going for it is a sexy as fuck design. I wanted one of these when I first saw them but they're fuck terrible.
It was the only video I could find with a quick comparison that didn't have some attention whore talking for two hours before getting to the beef.

>> No.2238654

Sorry, but my wife and I think that think looks very tacky and we can only assume that it does not work well.

If you are interested in retrogaming on a sleek, stylish, durable, and space-saving super-console with unsurpassed compatability, you should check out Hyperkin's Retron 5. It is a fantastic piece of modern hardware that let's you play your real retrogame cartridges from the comfort of your own sofa without having to invest in unnecessary and unreliable old game consoles. It looks gorgeous hooked up with an HDMI cable to our 65" LCD TV.

Be back later, it is time for my wife and I to go stomp some Koopas on our authentic retro Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt NES cartridge... with a little help from our Retron 5, of course ;-)

>> No.2238660

It was definitely off and the PCM sounds were cut short but everything except Kirby was acceptable.

>> No.2238663

You have extremely low standards. Super Mario Bros sounded like ear rape.

>> No.2238667

>whyaliss contwollahs

why do so many autistimos have youtube channels?

>> No.2238708
File: 1.19 MB, 197x119, 1389387483132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So ignoring the fact that OP's system is apparently garbage, is there a decent modern NES or Genesis or some such out there?

>> No.2238718

>I ordered one of these yesterday.

Well, that certainly wasn't smart of you. In your follow-up thread, do you plan to express buyer's remorse, or desperately attempt to justify your purchase with something like a "Why don't you have one, /vr/?" thread?

>> No.2238728

>Modern NES or Genesis
topkek, there is NO such a thing as a Modern NES or Moder Genesis, what you are looking for is a damn Wii with a Classic Controller at least, so you can hack the shit out of the bitch and play anything that is also played with a Shitron but better and without issues

>> No.2238730

Never use actual cartridges unless you're using actual hardware, a hacked wii has better sound and graphical emulation for gen / snes/ nes than any of those clone consoles.

>> No.2238736
File: 1.36 MB, 2938x2204, IMG_0279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I payed 10 dollars for this Model 2 Genesis, and it came with 2 games.

The fucking thing was cheap, and if you look hard enough, you can probably find an NES and SNES for whatever that monstrosity costs.

Also I always figured the general idea was that, if you could afford a decent sized library for all 3 of those systems, then you could afford the systems themselves.

>> No.2238737

Why would you waste your money on such a piece of shit? You should have got yourself a Retron 5 instead.

>> No.2239024

Sure are a lot of assholes on here lately.
I bought mine in the middle of last year and it's worked great so far. I just hope you didn't buy it to play on an HDTV, because besides the SNES port, the s-video output from the Genesis and NES ports look horrible on an HDTV. Everything looks fine on my CRT, though.

I don't know how people are mixing this up with the Retron 5.

>> No.2239192


OP Clean that system - Fyi toothbrush works great for controller port dont press hard though on pins

>> No.2239198

What about using a 3-in-1-system for space-saving reasons?

I don't use one myself, but I'm starting to run out of space for my systems in my ridiculously tiny apartment and could definetely see myself using some 3-in-1 clone system if compatibility was good enough.

>> No.2239208

There are far better solutions that also save far more space.

>> No.2239229

How much smaller can a 3-in-1 get??

>> No.2239236

Why restrict yourself to just 3 in 1?
The most effective way to save space is to remove the necessity for cartridges both on the device and in your shelves.

>> No.2239252

So you're saying that emulation is the better alternative? I like emulation and all, but I'd rather choose playing on the actual cartridges (which I have a ton of)

>> No.2239269

I don't care what /vr/ says, I love the idea of the system, its a 3 in 1 that could play all my physical
carts, I don't want a hacked wii because I don't care for roms or illegal dealings, I'd rather play on the OFFICIAL hardware I bought.

Only problem is,

These clones don't let you do that, they dump the memopry off the cart into an emulator box and make you play an emulator. No data is saved on the cart, which makes it useless to even own.

If they make a REAL 3 in 1 that can accomodate and play all those games, I'll sell my SNES, Genesis and NES in a heartbeat.

>> No.2239289

But the SRT doesn't emulate. If you researched a little you'd find out that it uses real hardware. Even though the real consoles like the Super Nintendo output a better s-video signal, it's still a nice alternative.

>> No.2239297

there is that thing that one person made that's simply hardware for each system all together in one huge box with a switch, lol

>> No.2239302

a fool and his money shall soon be parted

>> No.2239314

The Retron V lets you upload saves back to the cart. My wife and I are using ours to backup our saves while we swap out batteries.

>> No.2239371

Grab a top loader, SNESmini, and a model 3. There's your space saving.

>> No.2239386

>Three consoles instead of one.
>Three fat AC Adapters in my power strip instead of one that's half the size.

Yeah. That'll save me a ton of space.

>> No.2239393

It's not smaller than a clone console, but they're considerably smaller than their full sized brothers and boast near perfect compatibility(Mini doesn't play well with a few games, and the model 3 has a few due to fixing a problem with the older hardware) and without all the sound problems that you run into with clone hardware.

>>Three fat AC Adapters in my power strip instead of one that's half the size.
I don't have one, but you could get a squid. And the Model 3's brick is somewhat smaller than the Model 1 and 2's. Still annoying though.

>> No.2239414

I hear ya. The SRT does have a few sound glitches every now and then, but they really aren't that noticeable. And being sort of an audiophile, I like running my games through my amplifier to get some nice stereo sound. Compared to my Model 2 Genesis, Streets of Rage 2 sounds fucking amazing on my SRT. Although I'm sure the Model 1 is still top tier.

And the squid does sound pretty neat. I might have to check that out. Also I just wanna say that I'm not trying to shill this console or anything; I just wanted to clear up a misconception.

>> No.2239487

>they dump the memopry off the cart into an emulator box and make you play an emulator

ONE (1) clone console does that. Not every single fucking one. Why are you fucks so thick? Is it that hard to read?

>> No.2239579

You think I haven't been cleaning it? You should have seen the inside. There is a reason it was 10 dollars.

>> No.2239790

You should have just softmodded a Wii and ran emulators ya dingus

>> No.2239941

I feel that I need to update this post.
I had recently bought a PVM and I've been using my Super Nintendo with an s-video cable since I got it. Earlier today, I decided to test my Super Retro Trio on it and apparently this console seems to output s-video much better on a regular CRT TV than a Sony PVM. I seem to get the same problems with the PVM as I had on my HDTV. Luckily, the composite video still looks very nice.

So if you have a regular CRT television like my 14 inch Toshiba, then I'd definitely recommend this console as it's s-video output comes very close (in my eyes) to the actual console. But if you're using a PVM with s-video input, then I'd rather just recommend get the real console.

>> No.2240040
File: 10 KB, 259x194, images-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no one gives a fuck about your wife

go read any review, the retron 5 doesnt always load the saves and its build quality is poor , and the emulation may not be further supported since it was stolen from other emulation projects

i'm surprised your wife didn't tell you

>> No.2240061

leave /vr/

>> No.2240062
File: 33 KB, 544x400, 2ius31j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2240071


I don't know who's worse, the people that make these things or the people that buy them.

>> No.2240074
File: 44 KB, 400x350, Mk7x9lA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2240080


Ah, project unity. Looks like an ugly ass small cupboard, also has the most retarded contoller in a long while. Poor systems that had to give their lives for that.

>> No.2240237
File: 14 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Retron 5 is gay

You love penis no matter how many times you pretend to have a wife

>> No.2240562
File: 3.43 MB, 3984x2988, tmp_8512-20150215_2227021637091534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No FDS drive

>> No.2240602

>people (rightfully) calling out the actual OP for his stupidity
>not knowing the "my wife" reference in a fucking clone thread

I don't know who's the bigger idiot here.

>> No.2240638


$150. One hundred fifty dollars. That's what they charge for this piece of shit. And people are not only paying that much, they're paying MORE for it on places like Craigslist and Ebay.

Why? How?

>> No.2240650

Is that some Nutty Professor 2 stuff going on there?

>> No.2240651

hahahahahahha the tranny and the deforme fat guy hahahahahahha

>> No.2240696
File: 155 KB, 880x660, FlopTron II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FDS gaems? For that you need the revolutionary all new ***FlopTron 5^TM***!!! With a nintendo floopy drive, an amiga floppy drive, a commodore floppy drive, a sega master system disk slot, and a TurboGrafX disk slot, this bad boy delivers games from 13 different systems to the smooth comfort of your living room! Yes, with it you can play famicom games, amiga 300 games, amiga 500 games, amiga 600 games, commodore 64 games, commodore 128 games, commodore 16 games, sega SC 1000 games, sega mark III games, sega master system games, TurbografX games, PC-engine games aaaaaaaand even SupergrafX games, you'll easily get not just all the games you desperately need, but far more games than you can handle!

(very early prototype shown, just to get your appetites wet, your game as well as chip hungry mouths salivating)

>> No.2240767

Amiga is a Commodore.
What you really need is a tape drive so you can enjoy Speccy games with authentic loading times and problems.

>> No.2240794
File: 107 KB, 1300x957, husband-wife-25284894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heavens to betsy, OP, you're an idiot™©® for purchasing something other than God's greatest invention on Earth, the Hyperspin Retron 5™. Me and the wife™ have had such a blast playing all the old systems on it (The Nintendo©, Super Nintendo©, Sega Genesis©, Game Boy©, Game Boy Advance© and even the Sega Master System© if you have an adapter). Can't wait to play Super Mario Bros + Duck Hunt + Track & Field© tomorrow night with the wife®.

>> No.2240878

Couldn't he just buy an actual FDS drive and plug it in?

Famicom + FDS > Twin Famicom anyway, IMO. (It just looks nicer).

>> No.2240884
File: 23 KB, 288x499, 7bY0v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying usb replica controllers

good goy

>> No.2240901

>le replica consoles == emulators
If it is an actual hardware replica it is, by definition, not an emulator. This holds true even if it is inaccurate.

Not all of these machines are the Retron 5

Heck, I'd love to get me a crazy chinese famiclone some day just for the lulz.

>> No.2241071


the guy who spends his whole day on /vr/ and knows every "my wife" reference

>> No.2241089

My wife and I browse the archives to ensure we never miss a discussion about the Retron 5.

>> No.2241401
File: 92 KB, 725x325, pc mac linux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bro, you don't know how needs go, you don't know that with a retro dynamo, in glorious unity, the media types must flow! You don't know the line you have to toe, you don't know the untouchable wisdom of the game-tech pro! And so...

What you need is the TapeTron! It plays more games than any sort of singleminded spectrash unitasker, whether it's a a smelly fallen-apart ancient spectrash, or a "modern" spectrash reproduction by even more smelly fat antisocial boring game-hating commie linux nerds! It also includes a video tape slot, to open up you narrow minded probable-bigots to true pieces of art, to fill your empty heads with a wide range of vibrant ideas about the world, to defend _you_ against the vicious torrent of dirt from your narrow pool of influence that fills _your_ heads with garbage that's, above all else, harmful to _you_!

As yet another generous bonus, included for you fat gaming-pigs is a tapeworm, it burns more pounds than you slackers have braincells!

>> No.2241427

My fucking wife

>> No.2241429


>> No.2241430

I am actually thinking of buying one.

I have NES, SNES and Genesis but it drives me fucking crazy dealing with the fat AC adapters, cables, controllers, etc.

I will either get the same thing OP got or just use my PC and emulate everything. I am done unplugging cables and ac adapters

>> No.2241443
File: 228 KB, 485x883, 1423600097925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went to read your post but all it said was you are a Faggot

I agree

>> No.2241446

>I am actually thinking of buying one.



>> No.2241462

>I'd rather play on the OFFICIAL hardware I bought.
Then why don't you buy the console instead?

>> No.2241469

>know nothing of OP's system
>everybody making fun of OP for being an idiot
>google the system
>nothing but praise from everyone

Yeah....I don't know. From reading this thread it seems OP is an idiot. From actual research it seems you are all faggots.

>> No.2241481

That's nice OP, but I already have a machine that will play all those games and more. A PC...

>> No.2241513
File: 72 KB, 594x595, 16iflhx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>google the system
>>nothing but praise from everyone

>> No.2241527 [DELETED] 


yeah, I just googled it with my wife, it seems to be the best system ever made from our research. god bless this system and everyone who made it. I'm personally buying 3.

>> No.2241543


you guys are trolling people here, right? You didn't even read the name of OP's system?

Alright faggotron, I'm out of this thread, the shitposting here is too strong

>> No.2241564

it's like dendy but worse and can't even play proper bootlegs

>> No.2241572
File: 286 KB, 600x450, oooh-kay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2241686

> this thread

And /vr/ has the nerve to say they aren't like /v/

>> No.2241697

me and my wife bought 7 of these for each room in our home.

>> No.2241713 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 515x480, 1424290617212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me fill you in on a little secret.

I started the "My wife and I meme"!

>> No.2241718


wrong. it was started by me and my wife.

>> No.2241995
File: 63 KB, 318x240, thatfeel;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The retron was a present from a former girlfriend
>He's sold all his consoles, all his games, but he can't bring himself to get rid of this piece of shit
>because she bought it for him.
>The one time she supported one of his hobbies
>They actually played it together for a time and despite being an emulator box full of stolen code designed for hipster wankers, this was the most fun he'd had playing old games
>because of her
>and now there's nobody
>alone with his memories and mounting student debt

>> No.2241998

Report, sage, hide.

>> No.2242034

What Sonic game is that? Why doesn't it have a title on the label?

>> No.2242048

Britfag here, that's how my Sonic 1 looks. Could be a EUR or JP copy.

>> No.2244785

But the retron is already a flop...

>> No.2245279
File: 44 KB, 443x376, 1421703725089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want a hacked wii because I don't care for roms or illegal dealings, I'd rather play on the OFFICIAL hardware I bought.

Yeah, I only play on TRUE and HONEST hardware.

>> No.2245284

Its a pal copy of sonic 1

>> No.2246228

>wasting money on clones instead of using emulators

>> No.2246234
File: 177 KB, 555x563, gotta be kidding me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want a hacked wii because I don't care for roms or illegal dealings,

>> No.2246416

>I'd rather buy a knock off of 2-4 nintendo systems than an easily hackable new nintendo product out of agonized contrition towards nintendo and their associates

>> No.2246441
File: 1.49 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20150220_182540730_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice choice OP, I bought one last year. I have a real NES and Genesis but finding a cheap used SNES is harder than most people think.

>> No.2246453



>> No.2246765
File: 96 KB, 725x325, fyr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2246774

It should say something about his wife.

>> No.2246784

About his wife and "saving up space"

>> No.2246802
File: 32 KB, 720x540, acer-gateway-ne-56r-laptop-with-pentium-dual-core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Get yourself a nice Dual Core laptot at goodwill or garage sales
> Make a fresh Windows reinstall
> Install emulators and roms of whatever system you want
> Hook it to your TV
> Plug a USB controller

There. Endless hours of fun and next to zero space used for a titfuck of the cost of buying pirate consoles and overpriced carts.

You also get to play fan-translated games and hard to find games like Earthbound, which is bobbytrapped top NOT work on anything that isn't a genuine Snes.

>> No.2246869


Shill Factor 7, Mr. Sulu.

Jesus, they don't even try to hide it anymore...

>> No.2246883

Do any of these multi-system-clones actually run the games using hardware instead of some build-in emulator?

>> No.2246893


>> No.2246926

Your a good man anon.

>> No.2246929

My laptop looks exactly the same as the one in your pic, but different model.

>> No.2247901 [SPOILER] 
File: 589 KB, 1280x991, 1424548872266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This Thread
>This OP
>not everyone using one of these

>> No.2248429

That video is a terrible example comparing stereo-ified mono to mono.

I'm more inclined to believe if it were a fair comparison.

>> No.2248434

>Shills Vs. Shills: The Thread

>> No.2248447

>finding nice laptops at garage sales and goodwills


>> No.2248719

You can get nice laptop there for $30 or less, anon.

Dual Core processor, 512-1 Gb of Ram and 60-120 Gb HDD and such. Not exactly a great machine for today's standards, and most of them lack the battery, but they will do nicely for all of your emulation and multimedia purposes.

I got mine like that (Olidata brand though. It lacked the battery and the DVD drive is a bit unreliable, but that's what thumbdrives exist for.)

>> No.2248734

really depends on where you live actually, you would need there to be a large tech culture where they change over their computers all the time, which doesn't happen around here.

>> No.2248763

Dual Core laptops are nearly 10 years old by now.

>> No.2248816
File: 218 KB, 630x630, HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the absolutely based, GOAT Core2Duo is that fucking old

>> No.2248818

Not who you're responding to, but I think I know what he means. It's hard to find stuff like laptops around here too because people usually have a friend or relative to hand down their old computer stuff to. It's not so much tech around here as it is redneck. Now if you need a huntin' rifle around here, you're in luck.

>> No.2248858


>> No.2248876

Your chances of finding a place selling used laptops are still much higher than your chances of finding a place that sells those pirate consoles, anon.

>> No.2248882

So anywhere except a few remote villages and nomadic tribes that postmen refuse to deliver to because they're cannibals.

>> No.2248998

Tech culture =/= phone-obsessed culture.

Everyone and their grandma around here jumps on the new iphone, but entire swaths of this culture do not own even the shittiest computers. Time was I was absolutely surprised when people didn't own a computer, and those I spoke to about it thought of it as a luxury. Nowadays everyone I mention a computer to basically acts like even owning them is outdated because they can "just use my phone for all of that stuff."

Peoria, IL.

>> No.2249501

Although, now that I've made that argument, I am still going to be checking out local goodwills on a regular basis to see if I'm proven wrong. I admit I don't look often enough. Bet laptops get snatched up fast.

>> No.2249530
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Sorry op I suppose that by this time you already know you fucked up.

>> No.2250103
File: 92 KB, 650x1024, ichluge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, it's the same shit here as any other blue board. /a/ and Naruto, /g/ and Beats/Alienware, /vp/ and Charizard, /v/ and Bioshock Infinite, /co/ and Family Guy, /ck/ and mixology.

This device is shit, but that's now why you're all dogpiling on it. It's your way of developing your personal identity as a "retro gamer" and fitting in with a group of "enthusiasts" who look down on anything that attracts the plebs. You want to be unique an different, and you want others to know your interest is genuine, so you do this by disassociating yourself from the larger, entry level, "fake" retro gaming community.

In other words, you're a hipster, and a higher level hipster than the target audience of this product. Your hatred of this is a fashion accessory, in the same way that kids use their NEW SEALED VGA85 copies of Earthbound as a fashion accessory.

>> No.2250110

As a general rule, you could check your newspaper's "Buy and Sell" ads for deals.

More than once I've bought used laptops for a song, which then I repair and resell for a decent profit.
Most of them only need a fresh OS reinstall, and the replacement parts are very easy to find as you can also find ads giving out busted laptops for free, which you can cannibalize for spare parts.

I have a Lenovo triple core hooked to my TV as my main entertaiment center, which I literally made from several spare parts collected from dead laptops. (The laptop's monitor is dead but who cares when I have a 32" TV hooked to it.)

>> No.2250146
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People is dogpiling on this device because it's shit, that's all.

If you have been around you would remember that /vr/ has zero tolerance against crappy clone consoles and much less tolerance against people who blatantly come here to advertise them.

Pic related: another confirmed shill.

>> No.2250149

So fuck this thing to be sure, but what of the Super-8/Tristar? Is that peripheral an emulator, or...?

>> No.2250545

There are quite a few issues present within the system that affect gameplay. Some games aren't able to function properly when playing on the Super 8 (One example would be in the compilation cartridge Super Mario All-Stars + World there are many occasions in which the screen rolls, rendering gameplay practically impossible). The Start and Select buttons on the second controller do not work at all, likely a relic of the Japanese Famicom which had hard-wired controllers, only the first of which had Start and Select buttons. The use of specific NES joysticks and other controller peripherals that were meant for the original consoles usually do not work when connecting it to the Super 8. European model SNES users are only able to play European SNES games, other overseas games were incompatible. There are also brightness issues present in some games.

However, there has been much controversy over a misleading piece of information that was included with the system. The instruction booklet for the Super 8 apparently claims that the Super 8 provides RGB output, however this is actually false. There is no RGB-support for the peripheral at all—as the pass-through lead that is plugged into the SNES multi-out only carries composite video and stereo audio

>> No.2251085

>/vr/ has zero tolerance
I know a lot of you like to think that way, but not everyone lurking /vr/ subscribes to the hivemind lifestyle. The person you're responding to explicitly stated that the device is shit, but you automatically cast him as a "shill" not because he's defending the system--again, he's clearly not--but because he's criticizing your mindless behavior. People like you might have zero tolerance for whatever "rules" you treat as gospel, but no: collectively, the denizens of /vr/ do not.

This man is absolutely right.

>> No.2251096
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>have a collection of games from three consoles and either..
>don't own either of the three
>or view them as taking up too much space

This fuckin' confuses me.
Someone justify this shit.

>> No.2251110

>one multiconsole
>one flashcart per console

That's quite the space saver. Justified.

>> No.2251117

But what about these piles of carts laying around with no console that all these people supposedly have?!

>> No.2251151

Not that dude but one of the ways I make a little side cash is by going to Goodwill, buying up $50 of parts, throwing them into a case, loading up a windows pirate and flipping it for $150.

You can basically build what would've been a top of he line machine 8 years ago for next to nothing. And yeah, people regularly buy that shit up or have me custom build . goodwill is a fantastic source for cheap components

>> No.2251154

Composite, on an HDTV?

Wouldn't that look ungodly horrible?

>> No.2251156

These are really good composite cables. If you want pixel clear video play on a PC, these games are supposed to be a little blirry.

>> No.2251157

Glad to see someone else supports a lowtech mindset. Right on

>> No.2251161


>hipsters in denial

choose 2 . But really people just use the word hipster to describe someone with more developed taste then themselves. I think the term people are more looking for is "poser" or "wannabe"

>> No.2251164

Some HDTVs aren't quite as bad with composite, though it still won't look great.

A group called HD-Retrovision is making component cables for the SNES and Genesis though.

>> No.2251167

19 year old
Yes they look like shit, and no those games are not supposed to look like that

>> No.2251170

Your post is all kinds of nonsense. "Hipster" is a negative term and roughly interchangeable with the other two. If you really think they're just describing someone with more developed taste, why are you advocating they use other negative terms when you apparently think the subject doesn't fit their meanings either?

>> No.2251172

>Shitty phone with small screen
>a $5 SD card with every ROM
That's quite the space saver. Just as shitty.

>> No.2251179


I think when the word hipster was first used it was to describe the scene in johannesburg - people were using it to describe the certain fashion/music/lifestyle tastes. Nowadays people use it more to describe wannabes or posers.. I don't it fits how the above poster was using it

>> No.2251180

Don't be obtuse. People who buy these consoles want to play on a TV with a controller.

>> No.2251183

Words' meanings can change over time. Do you get upset when people say "gay" because they aren't referring to an emotional high, too? The poster's usage was fine. If you're going to nitpick for the sake of nitpicking, make sure it's justified.

>> No.2251194

I'd rather play pirated games on a legit console than play legit games on a fake console like OP's crap

>> No.2251197

You say that like that'd be morally superior to OP.

>> No.2251209

You can do that with a phone you ding a ling.

>> No.2251216

Not all phones, certainly not all controllers, and personally I don't want to tether my phone as a gaming console.

Yes there are dozens of alternatives, thanks for highlighting that. But if one alternative is negated by the existence of others, then those alternatives can also be negated by this one.

It's an item of convenience that appeals to certain people. Obviously you're not one of them, but flailing around about how stupid it is isn't going to change anything (and using an equally stupid option as an argument against it doesn't make any sense).

>> No.2251217

>It's an item of convenience

No it isn't. It's all the flaws of shitty emulation and collecting with very little of the actual benefits.

>> No.2251218

> Samefag

>> No.2251220

> One laptop
> 500 Gb HDD full of roms and isos

Even bigger waifu savespacer

>> No.2251227

could say the same to you

>> No.2251241

Good thing I was justified.

>> No.2251247

"Convenience" and "the perfect solution" are seldom the same thing. Chances are, people who purchase these things aren't as exacting as you are and thus either won't notice or won't care about the flaws. Not everyone is a purist. Not everyone is a collector. To them, it is indeed a convenience. If their existence offends you, well, tough luck pal.

>> No.2251381

They have no place on this board.
This isn't like Naruto for /a/, it's like streaming anime.

>> No.2251397

Please be trolling.

Oh shit. You weren't trolling.
There are tons of cheap phones and other android devices that can play more+better than any of the scamiclones. On a TV. Using whatever controller you want that can be converted to USB.

Also love your logic of how you can spend money to buy shit+flash cart but can't buy a second phone. I'd call you a shill but I suspect you actually might be that retarded.

>> No.2251758

Apparently the market has room for options. Deal with it.

>> No.2251790

I can understand why people dislike emulation boxes and I can understand why people dislike cloned hardware.

But the amount of people on /vr/ who don't know the difference makes you realise how many peopel have just jumped on the anti-retron bandwagon without actually knowing what's wrong with it.

>> No.2251804

Ultimately both will deliver a subpar experience.
I'm not sure if people generally dislike emulation boxes. The problem with the R5 is that it's underpowered, requires cartridges and got shilled on /vr/ at some point. Furthermore there's that point about unlicensed emulator code which also enrages some users.
You could make an emulator box without those issues. Pandora for instance just isn't popular due to its price. With clones you're stuck with incompatibilities because certain hardware is missing and there's no way around that.

>> No.2251831

>Ultimately both will deliver a subpar experience.

Do you argue with people who buy cigars at the gas station, too? Even if something is vastly subpar, some people just don't give a shit.

>> No.2251849

Maybe if they kept rubbing it under my nose. I'm done arguing with this shit anyway. Nowadays it isn't even shills but trolls pretending to be shills.

>> No.2251874

No one is rubbing it under my nose. If you don't like a thread, don't read it. You can even hide the damn thread. By choosing to participate in the thread, you're rubbing it under your nose yourself.

My guess is that you first encountered the word "shill" on 4chan and incorrectly deduced its meaning. People who say a product is "vastly subpar" aren't shilling that product. "Shills" aren't "people who disagree with my Correct point of view."

>> No.2251891

I guess you're just a troll trying to keep the thread alive by baiting people into responding. It doesn't even matter which side you take just as long as the thread stays up.
Past threads were pruned for good reason.

>> No.2251903

At least you found the word you were looking for, though I'm sorry that you consider any opinion not your own to be "baiting trolls."

You're participating in this thread just as much as I am, so I don't understand why you're attributing this thread's continued existence solely to me.

Perhaps this thread hasn't been pruned for good reason. Do you really need someone to delete it for you? You can't simply ignore it? Are you really so helpless that you need moderation to shield you from threads you willingly entered?

>> No.2251939
File: 172 KB, 1200x1200, 71ZWkP4W3pL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend in college had something called a broadband, he downloaded 300+ SNES roms and burned them on a new kind of storage device called a CD-R. It saves a lot of space and holds all the games I need for this console. I then myself downloaded a small piece of freeware called an emulator, it was so small that it was endurable even with a 56k dial up connection, and I can now play all these games for free on my PC. I highly recommend this solution.

>> No.2251950

What did your wife say?

>> No.2251953

She left me.

>> No.2251993

For being a man child?

>> No.2252003



For once, someone actually used that term right.

I don't think OP is a shill, but if he were here to try and sell the thing, then he would indeed be one. A+, Anon.

>> No.2252086

>I don't think he's a shill, but if he WAS a shill, he'd be a shill!

what am I reading

>> No.2252145


A shill is not just someone trying to sell a thing. It's someone working with a swindler/scammer acting as a happy customer to drum up sales. It's fairly specific, as opposed to the previous buzzword "viral marketer."

People here generally use "shill" when someone likes something they don't like, much like how viral marketer was used.

>> No.2252152

Your explanation of what a shill is (I'm familiar with the actual term, not the 4chan lingo, thanks though) only further illustrates how nonsense that post was. If a shill is NOT just someone trying to sell something, then why would OP trying to sell something "indeed be" a shill?

>> No.2252165

>Ex wants one
>Tell her about emulators
>She looks at me like I'm stupid

then we break up because my intuition was right and she was a dumb retard, I'm going to assume OP is one too.

>> No.2252195
File: 81 KB, 224x428, Whoda thunk that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SRT is a really good clone compared to the others, but it still has a number of issues, most of which can be solved if you're willing to crack it open and tweak shit.
Either way, you should generally stick to real hardware, but clones aren't always terribad.
Here's the link to SatoshiMatrix's review of it. Some of the parts have the info for the aforementioned tweaks
tl;dr It's great but always stick to original hardware as much as you can purely to avoid any issues that may crop up

>> No.2252206
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>which is bobbytrapped top NOT work on anything that isn't a genuine Snes.
I was able to run my copy of Earthbound even on some of the more shitty clones like the FC Twin.
That only triggers if you're playing a pirate copy of it or something similar

>> No.2252428 [DELETED] 

>Ultimately both will deliver a subpar experience.

I fully agree, but that's not the point. I prefer original hardware myself, though I do have a second hand Wii I picked up for emulation. But people can pay their money and make their choice. Some peopel see the appeal of one console that can play multiple systems. Some people are just interested in clones, and really is collecting clones. It would be nice if we could have discussion on hardware clones here and make informed choices. And of course informed criticism is a big part of that.

But whenever someone posts a thread about modern clone consoles people jump in flood the thread with posts parroting the criticisms they've read of the Retron 5. A lot of the people criticizing these things don't know what they're talking about, they're just jumping on the bandwagon.

>> No.2252434

>Ultimately both will deliver a subpar experience.

I fully agree, but that's not the point. I prefer original hardware myself, though I do have a second hand Wii I picked up for emulation. But people can pay their money and make their choice. Some peopel see the appeal of one console that can play multiple systems. Some people are just interested in clones. It would be nice if we could have a decent discussion on hardware clones here to help people make informed choices. And of course informed criticism is a big part of that.

But whenever someone posts a thread about modern clone consoles people jump in flood the thread with posts parroting the criticisms they've read of the Retron 5. A lot of the people criticizing these things don't know what they're talking about, they're just jumping on the bandwagon.

>> No.2252446

I wasn't saying it was supposed to be the perfect solution. My point was there's nothing convenient about it because all the convenient pros you get from emulating and collecting are pretty much thrown out the window owning this thing leaving you with only the cons. It just causes you more hassle than it's worth opposed to either using an emulator or playing on a real console.

>> No.2252460

>all the convenient pros you get from emulating are thrown out the window
Name some

>all the convenient pros you get from collecting are thrown out the window
(A) As already stated, not everyone's a collector
(B) I'd really like to know what the "convenient pros" of collecting overpriced old games are

>It just causes you more hassle than it's worth opposed to either using an emulator or playing on a real console.

You are emulating on a "console," yet it's somehow inherently a "hassle" compared to its analogues.

Look, you don't have to like the thing, but there's no point in making it your personal mission to demonize if you can't even adequately do so.

>> No.2252518


New Jersey has it's own video encoding scheme?

>> No.2252556

>Name some
This shit has been discussed at length and all the shill myths thoroughly debunked. If you're too young to remember what happened a few months ago you can always check the archives.

>> No.2252563

You don't even have an argument, gotcha. Hate on, hater.

>> No.2252576

>I'd really like to know what the "convenient pros" of collecting overpriced old games are
It gives me a large degree of satisfaction to have an abundance of objects that I highly valued as an adolescent. I don't think anyone will argue that emulation doesn't have its benefits, but it's a different way of playing games. It's the difference between listening to vinyl records versus MP3s. Neither option is better, in fact it's preferable to have options. The debate has no reason to exist.

>> No.2252581

>The debate has no reason to exist.
Lol, when has that ever stopped us?

>> No.2252586

Just saying it's pointless and most sensible parties will avoid it. Might as well yell into a canyon and listen to the echo.

>> No.2252596


I'm under the presumption that the product he's bought is of poor quality and more of a cash grab than anything else, much like a multitude of similar devices.

>> No.2252675

In fact mp3 is digital audio which has lossy compression, vinyl is analog audio and arguably the most pure way of listening to recorded music. Not a good comparison, mate...

>> No.2252684


Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.

>> No.2252690

>digital files change over time
>i know this because MP3s ripped in 2001 don't sound as good as MP3s ripped today

This has to be a joke.

>> No.2252716

0/10 I don't think you understand how digital storage works. In digital something is either on or off their is no in between a zero can't degrade into something else a 1 can not degrade into something else. No matter how many times you copy a digital file be it a jpg/mp3/etc it will always remain the same because you are not changing any data. Even if the surface of the harddrive was to degrade it would only make it harder to read the data surface would just take longer to load but the data itself would remain the same. Digital files can not degrade fuck off with that nonsense.

>> No.2252747

Troll just had you for dinner.

>> No.2252758

This reminds me of how people used to say silver cd-rs sounded better than gold, etc. So much misinformation around digital audio.

>> No.2252765

>calling out an obvious troll
>"ha ha he trold u"

>> No.2252768

I can't believe anyone would seriously say "rotational velocidensity."

>> No.2252774

Geez, that escalated in a funny way...

anyway... in my opinion, as a hobby, it's really cool to have the old school consoles, cartridges, cds, old TVs, etc. As far as emulation concerns, if you have the same gaming control, a perfect rom/cd dump, then it's just a matter of the monitor you use and how your emulator performs to get close to he real experience.

>> No.2252813


>> No.2252821

Yes. And it doesn't work in Pennsylvania.

>> No.2252881

is there a reason to buy a clone system

like, isn't emulation of all of these systems actually better than the hardware in these clones?
and aren't some of them just emulators with cart slots anyway

Serious question.

>> No.2253045


Please tell me this isn't your first time seeing the rotational velocidensity copypasta.

>> No.2253297


1: You still have to buy the games and prices for everything has been going up like crazy the past few years.

2: The emulation accuracy is on par with one from the early 2000s

3: Muh space isn't a valid argument because you got a fucking pile of carts laying around

4: It's a waste of $150 if all you're going to do is play a few select games you've had since childhood because you can probably buy most the missing consoles for about half that.

>> No.2253298

Well shit my reading comprehension flew out the window writing that post. Oh well you should still be able to piece why just emulating or using the actual console is a far better and cheaper idea from that post anyway unless you got donkey brains.

>> No.2253303

The Retron 5 offers (read: REQUIRES) HDMI connection, and unlike genuine retro consoles looks pretty good on HDTVs.

So unless you've got faith in HD retrovision's efforts or don't want to deal with learnin what scalers and other external equipment's about, it's a mostly decent fix.

>> No.2253339

>>calling out an obvious troll
>not knowing it's old pasta

welcome newfriend and lurk moar

>> No.2253352

>(B) I'd really like to know what the "convenient pros" of collecting overpriced old games are

I've nothing against emulators, I have emulators for several systems on my pc and the romsets for each of them. But I rarely play them, when I do I find I spend more time scrolling through a list of hundreds of roms trying to pick something than playing it.

I also have a decent collection of megadrive games and a modest collection of games for other systems. It's for more enjoyable for me to browse through my collection, pick out a game, sit back in my arm chair and play it on my nice big CRT. Though I am aware you can emulate through your tv, I have a Wii for that with a much smaller collection of roms on it, it doesn't see much use unless I specifically want to play a game for a system I don't own or that's too expensive to justify buying.

>> No.2253898
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>google around for it

>> No.2253905

You're right, Anonymous is indeed the one responsible for the wife meme.

>> No.2253915

You didn't really address his concern though. Emulators also offer HDMI or whatever other input method you'd like.

>> No.2253930
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