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File: 229 KB, 1024x768, bkwallpaper[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2245454 No.2245454 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite pinball machine? For me, it's Black Knight followed by BK 2000, Star Wars (Data East) and Addams Family. Do note that I've only recently gotten back into pinball, so my selection is limited. Any recommendations?

>> No.2245458

Medival Madness on Future Pinball and Visual Pinball. Have yet to try the Pinball Arcade version.

>> No.2245470
File: 3.30 MB, 3264x2448, 20140919_053110_Android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Bang Bar, WWF Royal Rumble, and Super Mario Bros Mushroom World. I got to play a ton of SMBMW at the hockey rink in my childhood town, but sadly the other two I'll only ever get to play like pic related. I guess I shouldn't complain...but I'd give anything just to touch a big bang bar in person.

>> No.2245882

I'm not sure what to recommend but I really like BK and BK2000 as well. One of my favorite machines is Tales of the Arabian Nights so maybe check that out but it doesn't really play the same.

I've played Big Bang Bar a bunch and while it is a pretty solid game, I think the rarity plays a big part in why people think it's so great.

>> No.2245905

Williams Star Trek by a mile.

>> No.2245910

Bride of Pinbot for me, please! I also like the old EM machines.

>Future Pinball and Visual Pinball
No thanks.

>> No.2245920

Have you played the Data East Star Trek? I never see anyone talk about that one but I love it and would put it over the Williams one.

The new Stern Star Trek is awesome though.

>> No.2245947

+1 for Data East over Williams on Star Trek.

Also, I loved playing Rescue 911 when they had it at a local store. Played the shit out of it and was stunned and saddened the day I showed up with a bunch of quarters and it was gone.

>> No.2245985

I just recently got to play Rescue 911 and really enjoyed it. It has been removed too unfortunately

>> No.2246046
File: 243 KB, 386x578, woz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played this yet?

>> No.2246059

Saw it at my local arcade last week, but I was too distracted by Firepower and Black Knight

>> No.2246064

Grand Lizard > Black Knight

>> No.2246074

I have, really uncomfortably bright lights and initially fairly difficult ruleset but grows on you quickly. I really like how the whole game, artwork, video and sound are put together as one and I only look forward to Jersey Jack's next table.

Anyway, I'm a big sucker for the Twilight Zone and Funhouse tables, I will have to come up with a more definitive list.

>> No.2246095

Post continued

What I mean by uncomfortable is that LED lights don't make for great general illumination. I grew up with older Bally and Williams tables (Medusa, Elektra and Space Invaders) and for me the soft glow of bulbs cannot be beaten for GI.

>> No.2246112
File: 562 KB, 250x104, iQv2XDJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a big sucker for the Twilight Zone

>Immediate flashbacks of playing this table at a local chicken place Sal's Bird Land
>The scent, taste, and scenery of the place immediately fills my mind
>Never would have remembered it without this prompt
Thanks anon

>> No.2246117

Man I fucking love pinball but the machines are so expensive. I've been stuck playing a shitty South Park version on my phone.

>> No.2246118
File: 313 KB, 850x1106, sst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best pinball machines I've ever played. He a good table, good props and is just Starship Troopers as fuck.



>> No.2246159

Holy shit I want to know more

>> No.2246513
File: 1.33 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20140503_192946_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BK2000 is great, and the music is awesome. My favorite themed pinball is Medieval Madness. AC/DC a close second.
Stern is putting out WWE this year. You can play a Big Bang Bar at the Ann Arbor Pinball Showcase (in May).
TNG is great but I actually prefer Stern's newer Star Trek offering.
WOZ is okay...
Whereabouts do you live? There are some maps that tell you where you can play pinball just about anywhere.
Yeah, it's great, but tough. Still can't get to Klendathu.
What do you want to know?
Source: My living room.

>> No.2246526
File: 290 KB, 692x922, A-WWF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrestlemania doesn't look as fun as Royal Rumble was. Maybe it's just because I fucking hate new wrestling and the sideart and bezel is plastered with it, but it's way too symetrical and doesn't look as much fun. That said, I'll probably play the piss out of it when I see it, it's just not the pin I dream of owning.

>> No.2246578

Medieval Madness > Funhouse > The Black Hole

>> No.2246596

You're probably right. At least I knew who the wrestlers were in Royal Rumble.

>> No.2246602

I completely agree. Hopefully it won't end up like Mustang or Walking Dead.

>> No.2246661

Which Walking Dead, show or game? What's bad about it?

>> No.2246682

I kind of like The Walking Dead...
Based off the show.

>> No.2246969

Of any of you all are in the Tri-County area of South Florida, The Florida Arcade and Pinball Expo is going on this weekend at the Don Taft UC Arena at Nova Southeastern University. Go play some pinball and shit.

>> No.2247001
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Still waiting for the PC version.

>> No.2247017
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>Southern Florida
God damnit...I'm central Florida and my weekend is already booked with shit.

>> No.2247496

For me, the table seemed to me made for fans of the show and not fans of pinball. When playing, it just feels bland with basically nothing to shoot for and the all white LEDs make it nearly impossible to see. For someone new to pinball though, its bright, loud, and gives you multiball very easily which can quickly draw someone in.

>> No.2247503

Terminator 2
Addam's Family
The Simpsons

Those are the most-memorable to me.

>> No.2247514

Addams Family
Big Hurt Baseball

Good to see addams family on the pinball arcade now. Still not the same as an actuall machine. But none the less, good shit

>> No.2247516

LEDs have ruined pinball for me. I was playing a Metallica LE and couldn't stand to look at it because of how fucking bright everything was. The game itself wasn't bad, but it was ruined by the ultra-bright, ultra-white LEDs.

>> No.2247523

I actually love LEDs on the new Sterns especially the new Star Trek but the Walking dead is nothing but white. I agree that Metallica is a bit hard to follow too with the white and strobe effects as well and greatly prefer the AC/DC table over it.

Wizard of Oz has a 'rainbow' assortment of LEDs and I find it looks amazing, even more so when played in a dark room.

Basically, fuck white LEDs.

>> No.2247524
File: 788 KB, 1840x3264, IMG_20141203_162412_152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own an F-14 Tomcat pin and have been kicking around the idea of making it LED. They just make the game look crisper and brighten it a bit so you can see better in a dim room. Just my .02c tho, haven't actually played a LED pinball in person yet just seen vids.

pic related, my table

>> No.2247538

Funny you should mention that, because I own one too. It came with LEDs in the backbox, which aren't too bad.

If I were to put LEDs in the playfield, it would only be for the inserts.

>> No.2247560

My father has Banzai Run. It's pretty fun, but it's a bitch to repair.

Any idea how rare is it/how much it's worth?

>> No.2247565

Pinpedia gives a production run of 1750, which is fairly decent but by no means common. It was the first pin designed by Pat Lawlor, whose later designs (Addams Family, Twilight Zone) were some of Williams's biggest hits, so it might have a little extra collector value.

You can see recent auction results at Pinpedia, although I'm never sure exactly how much to trust the numbers.

>> No.2247708
File: 1.01 MB, 3264x1840, IMG_20150221_130234_951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice! Love this Tomcat pin to death! What's your high score? Mine's 3,962,600 and I'm only in 2nd place on my own table. Still trying to beat the score from the previous owners son.

Pic related, the top two high scores

>> No.2247778

How do we make these pinball generals less sporadic? I want bros to talk about pinball with all day erryday.

I really like Who Dunnit and Cactus Canyon. Big Shot is also a great purists table, kind of like the Smash Bros Final Destination of pinball.

Here's my steam if anyone fellow pinheads wanna add me:

>> No.2247958

There are different types of LED's. You were probably playing a game with bright/clear whites, which can cause strain on the eyes.

If you're worried about heat from the older bulbs at all, swap them out for LED's. You'll probably want to try a couple different kinds to see what you like.

Banzai Run's are rare. Not impossible to find, but they go for a pretty penny. Pins are wayyy up right now. If it's in good condition (and depending on where you live) you/he could get ~$4000-5000.

What pin?

>> No.2248084
File: 568 KB, 640x1600, timeshock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timeshock. Not sure what is so special about a remake of a computer game but its being kickstarted I guess.

>> No.2248168


What the fuck, we got Banzai Run back in the late 90's for like 500$ (european here). What can be behind today's insane price?

>> No.2248171

Pinflation. Prices on everything are going up.

>> No.2248185


But why? Are they suddenly more sought after, or maybe are they more rare because some of them don't work anymore because of their age?

>> No.2248194

i would guess that its a combination of a somewhat scarcity, nostalgia, disposable income, and just the pinball experience. You can't re-create playing a table by just downloading roms or running mame.

>> No.2248206


I guess so, but then why is there no air hockeyflation?

>> No.2248215

I used to restore pins and can tell you that the prices shot through the roof as soon as those pawn shop shows and shit like that got popular. Those shows always inflate the prices to make it look good. When idiots see them claiming to sell a table for $1500, then they go out and see the same table for $1200, they think it's a good deal because they don't know that collectors have been paying $500 for years.

So basically, dumb asses are the reason.

>> No.2248217

lots and lots of generic air hockey tables out there. Only so many Addams Familys pins, T2s, Black Knights, etc etc.

>> No.2248251


Thanks for the info, man. I forgot that there are actually shows about pawn shops in the USA (I'm happy to have no T.V at home).


Indeed; I didn't think about it that way, thanks.
The same could be said about arcade cabinets, some old cabinets' prices are now skyrocketting in Europe. I'd have a lot more fun with a generic jamma cabinet than with pac-man tough, so that's a bit confusing.

>> No.2248253

It's because pinball is getting more popular again. More people are wanting to buy, and less people are wanting to sell.

I really think it has more to do with pinball video games getting more popular in the past few years, though pawn shop shows did start popping up around the same time.

>> No.2248258

Fuck you pleb, go back to your Pinball Arcade no-physics mobile game

>> No.2248262
File: 168 KB, 603x850, ACDC_Pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have is this

>> No.2248267

>all these plebs
>Data East anything better than B/W
>Gary Stern Star Trek better than Steve Richie
>wondering why Pat Williams' first game, 2 playfields, produced at a fraction of the volume of his later games, is worth money
>all these plebs

>> No.2248271

>Steve Richie
>Lyman Sheats
>not at all pleb

Except for that big fucking Angus up in my face shit

>> No.2248301

Uh...I was saying that I don't like "Pinball Arcade no-physics mobile games". Maybe you don't know what EM games are? Not sure where you got confused.

>> No.2248305

What I can say, Premium machines are expensive

>> No.2248309

Everybody complains about the big Angus face. It's too much.

>> No.2248315
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This when I was a kid, always this.

>> No.2248323

Please enlighten us then. What are some of your favorite tables? I'm sure I've never heard of or played them because I'm such a pleb. Also can you post picture of your cathedral hall of pinball machines?

>> No.2248327

>Medival Madness on Future Pinball and Visual Pinball. Have yet to try the Pinball Arcade version.

>Future Pinball and Visual Pinball
No thanks.

BTFO, you're hard for Pinball Arcade you little fucking mobile game BITCH. Trying to make people think real simulators are mobile platform no-physics? I'll fight you right now where are you.

>> No.2248328

>>Gary Stern Star Trek better than Steve Richie
Gary Stern didn't design DE ST or Stern ST.

DE ST was done by Joe Kaminkow if memory serves, and Stern ST was designed by (surprise surprise) Steve Ritchie himself.

>Pat Williams
You're a funny guy.

>> No.2248335

>What are some of your favorite tables?
Nothing beats Firepower. Nothing.
>Also can you post picture of your cathedral hall of pinball machines?
I don't own any, too expensive.

>> No.2248368
File: 305 KB, 960x1280, notmygorgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2248420
File: 2.97 MB, 3264x2448, 20140918_051029_Android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to say I agree with this anon.
I don't want to come off as mean or unwelcoming, but why on earth would you want to shoot down two of the best options for simulating pinball? Visual Pinball is wonderful and there's good reason why its been around for over a decade. I fucking love turning my monitor on its side and playing some goddamn visual pinball, and this will always feel like the best way to play outside of a real table. Future pinball is the way to go for original tables too, shit there's recreations of some of my favorites from games like Pinball Dreams. Plus FP lets you do insanely cool shit like head tracking:

Usermade content always trumps developermade stuff.

>> No.2248438

>Usermade content always trumps developermade stuff.

This is only true because a competent developer has never actually tried.

Farsight Studios (PHOF/PA dev) is the same developer who made Color a Dinosaur on NES and Action 52 on Genesis. Let that sink in for a moment.

>> No.2248467
File: 130 KB, 760x1000, last gladiators.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm sure the staff is completely different from then to now. Remember when Capcom used to put out quality titles? Those days are long gone. I'd describe PA as above acceptable, but it ain't got shit on VP and FP. Things have to be made out of pure love and obsession to be truly excellent, hence why the users constantly churn out quality tables.

>> No.2248514

So is Future Pinball or The Pinball Arcade better?

>> No.2248621
File: 422 KB, 948x800, digital pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's everyone's favorite flavor of digital pinball?

>> No.2248638

Simulation / Fantasy (not Fantastic) >>>> Realistic

I don't understand realistic. If it's not real, why try and make it real?

>> No.2248641

Are there any good Pinball games for the Playstation 1?

>> No.2248657

Look, what I'm saying is I don't like any of this digital fake computer monitor pinball bullshit. As dumb as you seem to be, it's probably just fine for you though. Jesus, you're dense.

>> No.2248660

is pinmame still a thing. I remember using it a few years ago. What is the new hotness today?

>> No.2248693
File: 432 KB, 948x800, digital pinball2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't understand realistic. If it's not real, why try and make it real?

There's a challenge in working with restrictions like realism, especially with something like a pinball table

>> No.2248704

Yeah rereading what I wrote it sounds stupid. I personally don't care for realistic tables though. Also thanks for fixing the picture, looks fantastic.

>> No.2249171

>still doesn't get it
>uses word dense without irony
>ignores another poster in the thread who fully agrees with those who oppose you
>other poster implicitly also wants to fight you

>> No.2249563
File: 90 KB, 632x842, whoooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played this?

I think it's poorly designed as far as shots go but the music makes up for it and when the shutters come out to block the view of your flippers it's awesome.

>> No.2249647
File: 1.66 MB, 2200x3767, dat prerendering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game that came out in 1997 looked far better than any other pinball game and had physics that are still miles ahead of VP/FP/TPA/whatever. .
The remake was kickstarted in 2013 and they've managed to release the iOS version (which was originally only a stretch goal). It has the original physics (with plans to have more advanced ones from a later Pro Pinball game (1999)) and looks fucking photorealistic.

If all games had physics as good as Pro Pinball, I wouldn't care about the flavor. Physics are equal to controls in pinball so if they suck, playing isn't very fun.

>> No.2249996

It's an okay machine. A lot of people give it points b/c of the theme. The topper design was a nice touch, more original than most other pins.

>> No.2250005

I wish they did all of the PP tables and not just Timeshock. That one is my least favorite.

>> No.2250742

It's about the rules and the programming isn't it...that's early Lyman Sheats. Monster Bash / Medieval Madness shit. It has a mode where you're molested by your cousin. And one by your uncle.

>> No.2251553

What's the ETA for Timeshock Redux?

>> No.2251698

Just bought Season 1 of Pinball Arcade. Glad I did, having tons of fun.

>> No.2251770

Big Race USA is the best, IMO. Plenty of things to do and a lot of fun modes.

I feel like this table doesn't get enough love compared to Timeshock.

>> No.2252340

As an addendum: Holy shit Black Knight is buggy

>> No.2254160
File: 381 KB, 1213x888, BanjoKazooie2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best music in pinball


>> No.2254305

Medical Madness, Scared Stiff, Catus Canyon, Cirqis Voltaire. I'm also quite fond of the music for BK2000 and Theater of Magic.

Oh yeah, and Addams Family.

>> No.2254312
File: 133 KB, 725x675, marsatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive only played maybe 3-5 different tables IRL (22, live in a smallish area, they simply arent around), this is my favorite. if i had space i would buy my own, although id look around for cooler looking boards than this one.

>> No.2254352

Anon, check online for arcade auctions in your area. All games and tables there will be set to free play, provided their working. That's where I've got the chance to play tons of games I would probably have never seen in real life otherwise. Any decent auction will have all the big titles.

>> No.2254360

I think the theme is too goofy and the announcers with ridiculous accents extremely annoying.
Also, lack of center pin makes me mad after getting so used to it in Timeshock and Fantastic Journey.

>> No.2254362

>lack of center pin

>> No.2254365

Swords of Fury beats it. Both in terms of music and as a game.

>> No.2255167

I definitely like the game more, but I dunno about the main theme/song being better than BK2000.


>> No.2255178

What makes the music in Swords of Fury so great is that it builds as you progress and adds new layers to it. It also fits the feel of the machine perfectly.

One ball locked:

Two balls locked:

And then, of course, the badass multiball theme:

>> No.2256563
File: 2.87 MB, 900x500, Pinball FX2 02.25.2015 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys feel about fantasy pinball? It seems to get a lot of hate outright but I think that's like saying there's no room for Burnout games when you have Gran Turismo.

This table came out today for FX2 on steam. Cool themed multiball activation.

>> No.2256569
File: 2.95 MB, 900x500, Pinball FX2 02.25.2015 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the bumpers above the triggers are activated and the guns shoot it's Cactus Canyon as fuck.

>> No.2256603

>How do you guys feel about fantasy pinball?
Can't speak for everyone, but personally I'd rather do without pinball if the fake stuff is my only option.

>> No.2256612
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>> No.2256775

Yeah that's really cool how the ball goes into the barrel just by touching the edge of it and that's some really great double flipping action. Crayola Crayons as fuck.

>> No.2257464
File: 617 KB, 644x168, merlins magic.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came out on steam today
isn't /retro/, people been playing it for two weeks already
do you play videogames [badly] for a living?

>> No.2257520

Fuck off dickshit, this is a pinball general.

>> No.2257537

Why are machines so expensive

Why can't I make money enough to have a dozen in my fucking basement

>> No.2257538

Same guy, Space Cadet pinball gives me massive nostalgia and there are Windows 8 compatible versions, thank the lord

>> No.2258225


im all for it, but im the anon thats only played like 3-5 different boards IRL. pinball fx2 is one of the best console versions ive played, for portability im partial to pinball of the dead.

odama and devils crush deserve a mention for being both fun and different, although odama can be too hard.

>> No.2258229

Yeah, you clearly haven't played many in real life.

>> No.2260913

Back during the recession machines were way down. Now Pinball has gotten popular again and there is way more demand than supply. If you look at Craigslist there's usually a 1/2 dozen 'establishments' asking to buy pinball machines, so they can flip them for a profit.

>> No.2263120
File: 174 KB, 600x800, ft65[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always had a soft spot for pic related.

>> No.2263158

my best friends mom had a volley pinball table I remember...i played maybe 2, 3 other tables irl..im in a town of about 500k and 23 years old so I wasn't really around during the golden age of pinball..i have pinball arcade on steam and its pretty good I enjoy it..blackknight is my fave table in game i wish i could play one irl

>> No.2263168

How big was it?

>> No.2263447

Are there any good pinball games for the PS1? Looking to buy one

>> No.2263480

oh man, I can still remember that lock shot

came screaming back down the middle nearly every time I knocked down the drop target that blocks it

>> No.2263501
File: 2.27 MB, 1600x3598, pro pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's the Pro Pinball series, but playing it on a console (ie. with a max resolution of 640x480) is an inferior experience.

>> No.2263956

>tfw prices keep on inflating

>> No.2263958

the bubble has got to burst at some point


>> No.2263983

Inferior visuals don't equal inferior experience. My retro gaming setup is way more enjoyable than my PC setup, so I prefer it for most games.

>> No.2264059

Favorite table from pinball arcade would probably Arabian Nights
Favorite table i've played that i don't own: That one pinball machine thats themed around dirtbikes, and the back board is part also part of the table

Favorite and Only table I own: 8 ball deluxe

>> No.2264064

>That one pinball machine thats themed around dirtbikes, and the back board is part also part of the table

Banzai Run, definitely a sweet gimmick