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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 630 KB, 1366x768, uhhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2244298 No.2244298 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, I don't remember this game being so depth-perception-y.

>> No.2244323
File: 462 KB, 1366x768, platforms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't judge these jumps at allllllllll

>> No.2244332

Well.. It is.

It's why I didn't like it in the beginning it was like an acrophobia simulator.

Now that I'm desensitized by games like Mirror's Edge, I don't mind so much going back to it.

>> No.2244350

Stiff controls is bigger problem, especially compared to crash 2/3

>> No.2244361

Isn't that just the first one?
I never had any trouble with the sequels.

>> No.2244372

Greatest platformer series of the decade?

>> No.2244496

get good

>> No.2244530

Greatest "traditional" platformer series of the 90's for sure.

And by "traditional" I mean games based on moving through linear levels, overcoming pitfalls and squashing enemies, rather than running around open levels on fetch quests, punching and kicking things with barely any platforms to be had (like Mario 64).

That said, I'd still have to give Sony the win as far as 3D adventure platformers go, since Spyro was just better all around than Banjo and had better controls than Mario 64. And don't tell me to "git gud". You people sit around bitching about stiff controls in Crash Bandicoot and tank controls in RE, yet the sloppy shit in Mario 64 eternally gets a pass because "MUH CHILDHOOD!!!" Well fuck THAT!

That game controlled like sloppy, over used, homosexual ass. End of discussion.


Crash 1 is a pretty great game either way, and I especially love Crash 2. Crash 3 is more or less a level pack for Crash 2, being that it's almost 45% vehicle levels, and the non-vehicle levels are "meh" (IMO). But it's still enjoyable. I did enjoy the new powers in Crash 3 at least.

Crash series power rankings:

>CTR=Crash 2
>Crash 1
>Crash 3
>an entire world full of dog shit
>everything that came after

And there you have it. My opinion, stated as if fact, by the only person with enough common sense and respect to listen to my opinion (myself, derp). So suck it.

>> No.2244548
File: 711 KB, 301x302, 1409248260776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario Kart will always be second to CTR because of hang-time turbo and boost mechanics. There's nothing better than ramping off a sick jump, pulling into a powerslide, and turning your controller into a vibrator for 3 seconds.

>> No.2244612

Why did the have to cancel the CTR sequel? It was on a whole new level compared to Mario Kart and it was super popular.

>> No.2244627

The Crash game engine isn't actually perspective correct 3D. Crash himself is literally a layer on top of the level layer. Sometimes when you get into certain positions you'll see some real Dali style shit of Crash in proportion to the level.

>> No.2244632

My main problem with Crash 1 is the fact that if you die in a level all the boxes you broke return so you have to go backwards to rebreak them. Has anyone ever gotten to 105%? My bro and I had a Crash marathon where we completed 105% through the first four Crash games.

>> No.2244676


My facts are the same as your facts. Wanna fuck?

>> No.2245636

Loot at Crash's feet when approaching any edges.

>> No.2245640

What's the point? At least the time trials and hidden gems are fun to do.

>> No.2245658

Please stop sounding like reddit.

What you're mentioning is not lack of perspective correctness (that's a texture-mapping issue), but the lack of a Z-buffer which leaves the engine with no clue whether to draw Crash before another object or viceversa. Crash is not a layer though, he's physically in the level.

>My main problem with Crash 1 is the fact that if you die in a level all the boxes you broke return so you have to go backwards to rebreak them.

Actually, to get a gem the level has to be done without dying, if you die no kind of backtracking will hand you the gem. I guess this makes it easier somehow.

>Has anyone ever gotten to 105%?

That only happens in Warped.

>> No.2245707
File: 113 KB, 512x256, Crash_Bandicoot_(PSX)_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you need to break all of them to get clear gems

>> No.2245726

GTR is godlike.

You mean in the PSX? There was one on the PS2.. I didn't play much but I remember it being less fun (suppose it was the controls but I don't remember well).

>> No.2245847

Yes, but if you die on the level, even if you backtrack and break them all, you wont get the gem. You have to return to the map and restart the level fully.