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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2229235 No.2229235 [Reply] [Original]

Updated my *Journal*.

>> No.2229284

>don't trust the skull

>> No.2229292
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Through the teachings of Zerthimon, I have become stronger.

>> No.2229295

Why did he tattoo all that vital information on his back of all places?

>> No.2229297

>in enduring, grow strong

>> No.2229302

you know what

this game kind of sucks

>> No.2229304

to get to the other side

>> No.2229306

your mom kind of sucks

>> No.2229310

*Know* that your opinion is bad, and *know* that I disrespect you for it.

>> No.2229319
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>> No.2229330

No seriously Dak'kon is a gigantic faggot

the entire disc of zerthimon is just a bunch of lies and he follows you around in the hopes of dying the entire time

every character in this game is a gigantic cunt

>> No.2229335

planescape: that's the point

>> No.2229336

torment brings torment

>> No.2229338

playing the game itself is torment

it's like reading a terrible novel, the entire way through

>> No.2229341
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>> No.2229343

seriously it's like Goosebumps: Choose your own adventure: The Game

The ending is complete shit too

>> No.2229347
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>> No.2229349


wow, you have a different opinion than the vast majority who played the game. i am shocked and feel we should talk about it for the next 100 posts

>> No.2229357

Oh I don't actually want to talk about I just want to rustle your jimmies and then leave knowing that my work is done

>> No.2229360
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I felt the same way, maybe I was too old when I started playing it.

>> No.2229683
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>yfw you realize you can use the Modron Cube as an action figure

>> No.2229709

So was this game unfinished or something? After like tier 3 mage spells you only start getting like 1 or maybe 2 spells for every tier beyond despite there being a ton of spell slots.

Also there's a sudden spike in difficulty in Batorr

Anyway, I got pretty far but just couldn't continue. It wasn't a terrible game, it just dragged on and I lost interest .

>> No.2229759 [DELETED] 
File: 1.70 MB, 1673x2256, fall from grace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best wrpg I ever played.

>> No.2229763

If you made it to Baator you were almost finished.

>> No.2229919 [DELETED] 


for those who haven't hear about Torment: Tides of Numenera, check that link...

>inb4 this isn't retro faggot go back to /v/ lol

sure it's not, but it's PS:T v2.0

>> No.2230670

Please let TToN be good

>> No.2230832
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thread music:


>> No.2230924


>it's like reading a terrible novel

Marvelous post, Anon. You have not only put forth your opinion, but with your incredible elaboration you have proven it to be the superior opinion to hold. I now understand why my previous thoughts of the game are wrong and why your opinion is superior. You have changed my views, completely rewriting my previously held ideas about the game. Thank you, Anon. You're doing God's work.

>> No.2230945

It was an Infinity Engine game. They were all various degrees of unfinished.
I can't really blame you for losing interest. I think it's a great game, but you do need to have a pretty high tolerance for neverending dialogue and bad UI to play it. And some of the late-game combat encounters were, frankly, bullshit.

>> No.2230971

I never understood this, someone explain it to me.

>> No.2230985
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you haven't played the game mate... or haven't paid attention.

>> No.2231054

You talk about opinions but then you make posts like this which show just how much you can't deal with a dissenting opinion.

>> No.2231136

I have played the game, but it never seemed like Morte was gonna stab me in the back or anything.

>> No.2231165

"don't trust the skull" was written by an incarnation of TNO that didn't trust the skull, why? The reason (iirc) is because Morte was the one responsible for the original incarnation to end up going through with Ravel's immortality plan and that's why he ended up in the pillar of skulls. I don't recall if it is stated somewhere that the incarnation that wrote the tattoo knew this or not, or had other reasons to not trust the skull too...

>> No.2231183

I bet this kind of passive aggression gets you all the ladies

>> No.2231225

The Practical Incarnation got tricked into releasing More from the pillar of skulls.

>> No.2231353


>> No.2231407 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2231518

had to install a hundred different things just to be able to play it but its worth i got hooked the first 15 minutes

>> No.2231708

welcome back to 4chan

this actually happens to me a lot. no matter how into the game i am, i come crawling back.

>> No.2231854



It's not that I can't deal with other opinions, it's that you just threw your negative opinion out with no further elaboration in a thread largely filled with people who like the game. It's shit-tier trolling at best and pure laziness at worst. You could have given some further information other than "I dislike thing," but you didn't.

>> No.2231860

the person who posted that originally was actually me, but the guy you're responding to there was someone else.

good job jumping to conclusions though.

>> No.2232068

After beating Ravel, the device team changed for one section. That's why that part is more combat intensive.

Your "paranoid" incarnation leaves you that note. The first time through the game I totally believed it too and didn't go back for Morte after visiting the tomb. I mean he didn't tell you that part of the message and I thought it was mad suspect

>> No.2232069

Dev* team

>> No.2232090

it's a book but it's a game but it's a book.
PS:T discussion should be taken to /lit/

>> No.2232150

You have gameplay elements that can't be replicated in a book or even in a visual novel. Even discounting combat you've got freedom of choice where a multitude of different choices change the story and stack upon each other effectively making it different than CYOAs.

The exploration aspect, puzzle solving, and inventory can't really be replicated in book form.

Not only that but there's enough text for different branching dialogues and descriptions in the game that it's better to put it in the medium of a videogame because it'd get ridiculous as a book.

I know this is bait, but it was stimulating bait.

>> No.2232154

The Planescape novelization is actually pretty shit.

>> No.2232286

The dialogue choices are amazing

Agree (truthfully)
Agree (Lie)

One of these days I need to replay this as chaotic evil. Apparently you get to do some genuinely evil shit, not just be a pointlessly murderous evil retard.

>> No.2233848
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-1 point for trying. So you have -1/10, good work anon.
I think /v/ might suit you better.

>> No.2233851
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>> No.2233858

That's just a fan theory, we will never know if Morte had anything to do with gaining immortality by TNO.

>> No.2235239
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>tfw selling Dakkon into slavery

>> No.2235260

>Apparently you get to do some genuinely evil shit, not just be a pointlessly murderous evil retard.
Well, at the very least, you get to betray almost all of your party members.

>> No.2235284

>Zerthimon is lies
I don't remember this. Could someone elaborate?

>> No.2235472

it was written by an incarnation of TNO, as a method of control for Dak (hey sounds like an aspect of every religion out there...)

>> No.2235793

if you have Annah and Grace in your party TNO imagines them swooning over the Modron Hero

>> No.2235802

Fuck Dakkon and his shittymods and his not releasing the hacks atitude!


>> No.2235841

I want to cum inside Annah-of-the-Shadows

>> No.2235867

I can't believe I don't remember this. Maybe I should replay it some time.

>> No.2235908 [DELETED] 

The Practical One talks about making it if you bring it up in the conversation with him near the end before Deionarra frees you from the prison.

>> No.2236178

*In knowing...

>> No.2236183

I literally got shivers at this part

>> No.2236190

Morte was the one who caused your death. He lied to the practical incarnation and he lies to you about a LOT of shit. He's a bro, but he fucking full of shit.

>> No.2236191


>you get to betray almost all of your party members.

Could you sell more than one people to slavery?

If you can't then
>Leaving Morte in the Pillar
>Making Vhailor self-destruct
>X gets sell into slavery

>> No.2236194

Vhailor is a fucking faggot, I hate that bastard so much
>decide to let angel man go

I reloaded a save and took him out of the party just so he wouldn't kill him. Left him in the room behind the angel. HE STILL KILLS HIM.

>> No.2236198

that fucker deserves to die tho

>> No.2236207

So does TNO, but he gets his shot at redemption. Angel man should too.

>> No.2236546

Buy TNO never redeemed himself. That was like the whole point of the ending. He either erases his existence completely, or accepts damnation in Hell. The crimes of his original incarnation could never be redeemed even with an eternity of good deeds. And some of his later incarnations added even more crimes to the list.

>> No.2236657

People relaly need to stop pretending this isn't just a generic badly written fantasy story

>> No.2236662

/lit/ has enough threads about shitty fantasy books. Please keep your shitty fantasy games in here

>> No.2236752
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Care to elaborate? Or are you just trolling?

>> No.2236805


Shit novels make great games, great novels make shit games.

>> No.2236845

It was based on an earlier version of the script too, which made it even worse since it involves things that were changed in the final version of the game.

>> No.2236986

You can also play with Annah's feelings and I think there was something involving Ignus, too.

>> No.2237403


>> No.2237567

>not /mu/ with books

>> No.2238162

In his last speech I'm pretty sure he says that he is going to hell to atone and mentions that it's possible that he may come back.

>> No.2238626

Morte believes the reason he ended up on the Pillar of Skulls was a lie he told the original TNO incarnation (good incarnation) that led to him seeking immortality from Ravel. He doesn't know this for certain, but he feels guilty enough that he's willing to follow TNO around for all eternity.

>> No.2238643

he's damned to fight in the blood war that he probably started

>> No.2238672

He didn't start the Blood War, The Blood War predates TNO. Its origins have been detailed in various Plan escape and other D&D sourcebooks.

>> No.2238750

I like to think the original incarnation did fight in the blood war, and became a general of demonic or infernal armies. It would explain the memory you have after defeating Dolora at chess and account for some of the blood on the "good" incarnation's hands.

>> No.2238760

I dunno, I don't see why the "Good" incarnation would have been fighting for fiends. I always assumed those memories were from a different incarnation, its likely that TNO fought in the Blood War several times throughout his existence.

>> No.2238771

Good Incarnation is the original incarnation, and he outright states the crimes of the other incarnations are a drop in the bucket compared to his. That's why he sought out Ravel. He would need an eternity to atone for his sins. I wouldn't put it past him to fight for the lower planes.

You're probably right that TNO fought at other times in his long existence, though.

>> No.2238852

Why would somebody who was fighting in the Blood War seek immortality to avoid fighting in the Blood War?

>> No.2238857

>What can change the nature of a man?

For Good Incarnation, the answer was regret.

>> No.2238859


As a VIDEO game, yes it sucks.

As a text-based role playing game is amazing. I wish this was a book instead of a game to be honest.

>> No.2240162

The thread's at his last leg and we never got that fic

What a shame