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2214683 No.2214683 [Reply] [Original]

How about a Half-Life thread /vr/?

>> No.2214692
File: 45 KB, 575x432, DoD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my game for most of the early 2000s. Thanks Halflife.

Base game is whatever.

>> No.2214695

I still play that, I try to convince my friends to play too sometimes but they think source is better somehow?!?! Old school DoD is the best shit though.

>> No.2214702

Anyone here still play TFC?

>> No.2214715

Certainly the best multiplayer goldsrc mod.

>> No.2214716
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They're waiting for you, Gordon.

>> No.2214725

In the tessst chamberrrr.

>> No.2214727

I could never realy get into DoD after playing 1.6, everything just felt so clunky and slow

>> No.2214729

Half Life deathmatch is probably the only competitive mp game I ever liked.

>> No.2214742
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Who still have their Sierra copies? Unpatched Half-Life has a lot of differences that are arguably better, like cool weapon bobbing, and 18 rounds in the pistol.

>> No.2214757
File: 685 KB, 2080x1544, 101_7658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also have a few cdr's of old as fuck HL mods & map packs from a decade ago at least. Prolly half of the damn things will have vanished off the net. So much creativity back then.

>> No.2215268

Why is CS American?

>> No.2215303

Not a clue. I ordered it from games store on sky digital, fuck that was a while ago.

>> No.2215353
File: 107 KB, 800x312, blue shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me where the term Race X is from? How do we know the Opposing Force aliens aren't just Xen creatures?

>> No.2215368

I don't know the canon explanation but the real-world one is that Gearbox did their own thing when they made Opposing Force, the aliens for example.

Like Adrian Shephard, Valve chose not to follow up on Gearbox's original creations, so HL1's race and the original aliens in OF are considered different races. This is why we don't see them ever again.

>> No.2215454

How many TFC servers with a decent number of players are usually around?

I come back to it for a while every few years but every time it's sparser.

>> No.2215459


Blue Shift wasn't that bad. It just felt lacking, which it was.

It did come bundled with the HD model pack, though, and was later released bundled with OpFor so you didn't need HL1 to play it. I can forgive its length for that.

>> No.2215471

I have mine in a giant CD case from forever ago. (Along with 20 CDs backing up low quality music downloaded from KaZaa and Napster!) Also Ultimate Doom. I don't even have a CD drive in the computer I have now. I wish I would have kept my old win98 computer and the random software it came with.

I still have fond memories of playing on the LAN at school during the 30 minutes you had after finishing your work and installing CS before the bell rang. Good times.

>> No.2215498
File: 23 KB, 840x525, hl 2015-02-03 23-53-12-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm replaying the Half-Life: Invasion mod right now. It's still awesome.

>> No.2215512

>I also have a few cdr's of old as fuck HL mods & map packs from a decade ago at least. Prolly half of the damn things will have vanished off the net. So much creativity back then.

Torrent please. I've long since lost my collection of Half-Life skins and maps.

>> No.2215517

I miss Gunman Chronicles.

>> No.2215521

Actually, I just found some of them. I think I lost my collection at one point and had to rebuild it, so this is what I had afterward:


>> No.2215539

>tfw flash and donner look fucking lame in dod:s compared to 1.3

>> No.2215687

liked it a lot more than 2, and i played both of em like in 2011. 2 is great too but kinda feels like just a long gravity gun tutorial

>> No.2215693
File: 354 KB, 1280x960, 1390888627273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some time ago there was a mapping thread and some anon posted WIP of his map. I'm so in love with this style, the texture set, the mood, the pixely software rendering. Anon, if you're here, please post more.

>> No.2215701

>tfw no british guns or german para guns in source

>> No.2215717

Looks pretty safe...

>> No.2215843

Holy cow, you and me both anon. I want to play this map so bad.

>> No.2215858

Half-Life 1 was amazing, but it's style marked the beginning of the end for single-player FPSes.

Also, Counter-Strike is the best online FPS ever made.

>> No.2215867

I uploaded them a while back, and now i've found the original post!

My friends.

Yesterday, on an epic HL thread, I promised you all that I would upload a large collection of Old Half Life Mods.

Here they are.

Part 1 - https://mega.co.nz/#!M95A0AJA!MEZJGyUCH18e9sKgP4ZCVFAHYDQ_u6K7cGum6lF0J50

Part 2 - https://mega.co.nz/#!0lYFVYaL!EWSDaz2ocwPqH4x8ruLc0W1nbpUeoCtugA7WBImqrSA

I collected all this from old CDR's I burned years ago, and some more recently. Basicly a large colelction of Mods for HL1. Some will work with STEAM, some will require the old Disc Based Version of HL. Some may not work at all.

There are SP & MP Mods, some for Oppposing force.

All credit of course to whoever originally created them, I've just compiled them all as a collection of fun stuff that might be hard to come by these days with long lost files etc.

Have fun, think, shoot, live.

>> No.2215886

Architecture reminds me of one of the planets in Anachronox.
Which is positive.

>> No.2215916


>counter strike

It's fucking overrated. I tried playing it after hearing the hype, and it seems the exact same as any other FPS, except even more boring. You play as the terorrists or counter terrorists and have a team deathmatch. So what? I can get the same shit out of Quake or any other game and have a larger variety as well. I just don't get what the big deal is behind it. Am I missing something here?

>> No.2215921

But it's so realistic man and the teamplay is just awesome, you just didn't get that kind of stuff in Quake III.

>> No.2215945


I assume you're taking the piss because that's exactly what CS lacks and in no way encourages or facilitates. It's a tactical shooter without tactics

>> No.2216003

> Am I missing something here?


>> No.2216013

A thread about the best game of all time? Nah...

>> No.2216185

There's a good bunch of servers with relataively frequent players. Some of which have been keeping the game alive since '06.

Feckin' Mad
are still going pretty strong

>> No.2216251

So many treasures here. I'd forgotten all about Redemption.

>> No.2216365

Only the American version included Opposing Force.

>> No.2216382

Why is Half-Life so comfy?
The ambient sounds always calm me down, and seeing some new areas makes me want to be there in real life.
>You will never work at Black Mesa

>> No.2216442

faggot who has only ever played a pub detected.

>> No.2216483

I knew some autofellator would bring that up. Any team-based game can feature teamplay when everyone's taking it seriously. Where teamplay doesn't emerge naturally among plebs, it clearly fails to be a quality of the game, regardless of some mooby Dew-fueled clanners squeaking orders at one another

CS is just terrorist rambos v counter-terrorist rambos

>> No.2216506


>team-focused game isn't team-focused because some people don't play the game as intended

I guess MLP isn't a show for little girls since so many grown men watch it, right?

Stop being retarded. We don't like /v/-tier trolling here.

>> No.2216526

People do try to use strats in pubs but the problem is most of the players are shitty kids like you. Me and my friend could wipe out you and 10 of your rambos stacked against us

>> No.2216535

what are your favorite chapters?

I liked Lambda Core, Apprehension and Surface Tension.

Interloper made me angry.

>> No.2216553

Surface Tension is probably the most memorable for me and what comes to mind when I think of Half-Life.

My other favorite is the much-maligned Residue Processing, actually. I really liked the feeling of exploring the "behind the scenes" guts of the facility with well-integrated obstacles and platforming.

>> No.2216676
File: 36 KB, 300x347, Colette_Green_and_Gina_Cross_(Half-Life).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Decay on the PS2 and lured a zombie to the room where you meet Keller. Rosenberg then ran towards the zombie and looped the syringe healing animation on it without holding one. Pretty weird.

>> No.2216685

>tfw physicist but not good enough to work in any cool research facilities

>> No.2216708


I think videogames stir people to wrong expectations (sometimes).

>> No.2216729

once I was just fucking around spamming E on the two scientists who let you into the chamber at the start and one of them grabbed me by the shoulders like I was a retinal scanner and shoved his face up into mine

>> No.2216757

>it seems the exact same as any other FPS
>You play as the terorrists or counter terrorists and have a team deathmatch.
>Am I missing something here?
sure do

>> No.2216768
File: 1.99 MB, 320x188, ZMgr4J.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was a neat thread

could've used webm technology back then to post worldcraft tricks & gimmicks

>> No.2216973


>> No.2217190
File: 176 KB, 1280x960, 20080926173515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunder? The one full of scientists. It had similar wall-high windows all over the place (pic related)
I guess CERN is the clothes you could get to Black Mesa.
Do you have any more screens from that thread?

>> No.2217221
File: 22 KB, 398x544, freemanzinho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the best single player mods you know. I liked Blue Shift and Opposing Force a lot. Opposing Force was 1000 times better than blueshift, though.

>> No.2217230

Xen all the way. I loved how I was suddenly transported to an alien planet with flying platforms everywhere. And I loved first person platforming from the first time I had to jump across pits.

>> No.2217235

Azure Sheep
Nuclear WInter for Op4

>> No.2217250
File: 209 KB, 1280x800, 277151_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are official expansions though. If you mean actual mods here's my power ranking:
Paranoia - slav as fuck stalker-ish setting, quality total conversion, available as standalone game. (pic related)
Ispitatel 4: Classic - bizarre and hilarious, got something random about it (like Gravity Bone/ Thirty Flights of loving games)
Poke646 and it's sequel Poke646: vendetta - just all around good total conversions, but as far as i remember one of them have infuriating final boss fight.
Azure Sheep is a fucking turd.
>million of corridors that looks alike
>closed doors everywhere
>braindead strong independent womyn escort who stuck in doors and get herself killed
>around 4 medkits for this stupid bitch in entire mod
>each restores about 20 HP
>it's like one vortigaunt zap worth of damage
>those two phrases she keeps repeating (vanilla guard have like 4x times more lines than she)
>Lore rape with Aliens pulse rifle that makes MP5 obsolete

>> No.2217262

Wow guys, there was a pretty cool HL1 single-player mod that I had on a PC Gamer disc,

The thing I remember most is one of its original guns, a modified MP5 that had a scope on it. And the ending boos battle took place in a kind of arena on Xen and it was kind of downbeat

I've looked everywhere for clues but haven't found it yet.

Anyone remember this mod, circa 2002 or 2001.

>> No.2217278

They Hunger was a lot of fun in a campy horror movie way. Not funny. Campy. And with the entire pack it's fairly long too. There were plans to release a paid version running on Source 2 but that just faded into nothingness I suppose.

>> No.2217349

Anyone play Sven? It's a half-life co-op mod.

>> No.2217361

I hate 4.0. It fucks with the balance so much.

>> No.2217395

What is it in CS that signals intention for teamplay? The gameplay suits rambos, so the rambos descended. That's the whole point. You're getting your knickers in a twist over insults to a mediocre non-tactical-shooter that signaled the inception of Generation Cawadoodie. If you managed to find your own fun in CS, good for you- it's hardly representative of the game as a whole.

I haven't played much CS, wasn't that obvious? NS is the best teamplay mod.

>> No.2217401
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, k-on-s2-ep12-scr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much anon, I love you.

>> No.2217421


>a mediocre non-tactical-shooter that signaled the inception of Generation Cawadoodie.

Yep, straight from /v/. Called it.

>> No.2217479

Thank you for keeping a little bite of the old internet days alive, anon

>> No.2217480

Anybody played Half Life: Zombie Edition?

I want to play it

>> No.2217636

I fucking loved Afraid of Monsters.

>> No.2218013

Thanks guys.

I do have a bunch of HL2 mods too but they're still more widely available. Let me know how you get on with those packs and if you find anything fun. I think theres one set of maps in there called "Tucked up" With their own weird voice acting which was quite funny.

>> No.2218020

CS you have to play organized 5v5 matches with rules and shit. Pub free for all CS isn't even the same type of game, as just a pub game just shooting people CS isn't that great Id way rather play DoD, playing organized matches though is a lot of fun. The only time I play pubs really is when I want to stomp shitties.

>> No.2218038

CS you have to play organized 5v5 matches with rules and shit. Pub free for all CS isn't even the same type of game, as just a pub game just shooting people CS isn't that great Id way rather play DoD, playing organized matches though is a lot of fun. The only time I play pubs really is when I want to stomp shitties.

Real CS is fun though cause you have to have good stratgies know how to take over bomb sites, know where to throw your smoke grenads (nobody smokes CT connector on dust2 in a pub), actually use flashbangs. I can totally see why you would be unimpressed with the game just playing pubs. Trust me though when you have a good team and use actual stratgies and communication it's so much fun.

>> No.2218094
File: 475 KB, 1024x768, mmm chicken taste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half-Quake series - Trent Reznor: The Game
Afraid of monsters - creepiest mod I have ever played
Ispitatel 4: Classic - cocainum.avi

>> No.2218202

Is there a torrent/download of the latest WON versions of HL/OF/BS? I'd love to try out all the old mods that were linked without messing with Steam HL.

>> No.2218208

Buy it.
Should be easy to pirate. Just make sure they are all pure CDs that can be mounted so you'll hear music. If not a torrent, then try theisozone.

>> No.2218364

>hating on Azure Sheep
THANK YOU. Everyone lists this mod in their top 10, I guess because it's one of the larger ones. But it's one giant escort mission with lots of boring corridors, as you said. I also remember several branch points that take you to the same place, so you do the whole "wait, maybe there was something good down that other corridor" thing and just end up backtracking to find it was an alternate route that offered nothing. Lame.

It did have a fun Matrix lobby bit, though.

>> No.2218373
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>Heart of Evil
Apocalypse Now meets Resident Evil. Very goofy and tongue in cheek, LOTS of item-hunting and backtracking for the puzzles, and corraling the AI buddies can be a pain, but it's action packed and I enjoy exploring the huge sprawling maps. The new weapons and sounds are great, too.

>Half-Life: Invasion
Basically a string of set pieces, but probably the best scripted events and effects in any mod. Excellent mapping quality too.

>Sweet Half-Life
Another one that's all about the awesome set pieces, including a really cool boss fight. Mapping is kind of ugly, things are oversized, and it's a little buggy, but a lot of cool moments.

>Point of View
The one where you play as a vortigaunt. Level design isn't so hot (lots of copypaste corridors) and combat is limited, but it's so different it's worth playing.

Already mentioned, but it's damn pretty for GoldSrc.

>> No.2218384

I can say that my LEAST favorite is Blast Pit. It's iconic, yeah, and it was cool playing through it... the first time. But I find it annoying when I replay the game due to the hub layout and dodging the tentacles, and it's the one chapter I wish I could skip.

Yes, even more than On a Rail. I actually like On a Rail because it has lots of HECU fights and turrets.

>> No.2218385

>escort mission: the mod
Escort missions are shit. Why would anyone do this?

>> No.2218387

you can play it if you use that one (gold)sourceport

>> No.2218393

I really like Halfquake, You can tell the earlier ones were made by an angsty European kid, but thats half the charm

>> No.2218395

Probably because being able to lead NPCs around and have them chat and activate stuff was considered cool at the time Half-Life was popular.

>> No.2218398

I'm pretty into Half life, but I've never heard of Invasion before, it seems really cool, I guess that's part of the fun of the old Half-life modding scene, it was so huge there are a bunch of hidden gems that you might have missed

>> No.2218419

Peaces Like Us

Fantastic maps and some pretty weird ideas.

Timeline 1,2 & 3

A fantastic trilogy of map packs with time travel, nazis & apoclyptic ice ages.

>> No.2218425

Koumei Saito's the best

>> No.2218427

I hate it too, too many weapons are just a replacement for an old one, it's like the guy was trying to make the game into a DBZ tier power level thing.

>> No.2218436

It's French, so I think that caused it to be overlooked. All the VA is in French, but there are subtitles packaged with the version on moddb. I had to rename some txt files to get them to work, but it was otherwise fine.

>> No.2218443

Anyone remember that one old mod that eventually became E.Y.E.?

>> No.2218451

Peaces Like Us is too weird to not like. There are parts from it that still stick in my head. It's like half decent level pack, half surreal dream.

>> No.2218485

People have already mentioned They Hunger, but Niel Manke's previous work, USS Darkstar, I still think is great. It's not as fancy as a lot of the later stuff, and you only fight aliens throughout the whole thing, but it's got some good moments like when you get shrunk down to the size of a mouse, a la "rats" deathmatch maps.

>> No.2218489

"I've waited 40 years for Gravy Trader, and i'm not going to give up on it now!"

Shame Sp campaigns for HL2 never really seemed to become as big as they did for HL1.

>> No.2218676

I rather like Xen, especially whenever there's room to platform and new paths to jump down onto platforms. Lot of variety in that chapter you don't quite see before then.

>> No.2218867

>"rats" deathmatch maps
Speaking of, does anyone know of any other singleplayer FPS games or Half-Life maps that use this concept? I always liked those deathmatch maps, but imagined a whole game built around that idea.

I know there is a section like that in Duke Nukem Forever (not retro though) but I can't think of any others.

>> No.2218901

>lots of copypaste corridors
No wonder, it's by the same people who did Azure Shit

>> No.2219160

Anyone remember this one mod called "Visitor" or "Visitors"? You played as a civilian who got caught in the middle of the invasion. IIRC you didn't even have the HEV suit and it wasn't very long. Was released 10 years ago or so.

>> No.2219221

Yes. There was another mod which extended the original HL by adding mod maps into the main game and several of those were involved.

>> No.2219224


This was a fantastic place for HL SP Maps & mods, long dead now and half the file links will be down but the site still works as a great way of discovering stuff.

>> No.2219276

We need to archive as many Half-Life files as possible. I myself am trying to get all the Half-Life patch versions. It's easy to find everything for the base game, but I had a hard time finding the very first Opposing Force patch.
There was only one single clue, a list of directories on an obscure CD which I found an iso of, and it contained the patch! It's interesting to see what has changed through the many released updates.

>> No.2219317


>> No.2219324

What was changed? I also wanted to play the alpha releases of it,

>> No.2219339

I assume you've gone through the archives of The Internet Archive? There's thousands of CDs in there, maybe they got something.

Also, if you complete your archive, offer it to IA for archival.

>> No.2219364

Theres a good size HL add ons CD here.


The original OP4 demo.


>> No.2219448

In a nutshell.
Half-Life is released as adds Team Fortress and mod support in 1999 in 2000 has a major change to the engine, adding tons of features, but also infamous for breaking previous mod support and introducing many new quirks. from 2002 is the final version before the migration to Steam.
Opposing Force follows a similar pattern. CTF was introduced in 1.1.

Blue Shift was released as stand-alone and was based on the 1.0.x version. When it was moved to Steam, it switched to being based on 1.1, and that has caused controversial game breaking glitches.

>> No.2219449

Just had a blast through the OP4 demo.
Demo starts where the game does, play up until the room filling with acid then timejumps to the mp where you first meet the black ops.

A few differences, mainly item locations and the MP5 Grenades seem noticeably slower and a shorter range.

>> No.2219456

I think there was a single standalone patch for Blue Shift too.

>> No.2219469

Redemption, USS Darkstar, They Hunger trilogy, Gunman Chronicles if that counts. I just played through them all again recently for the first time in many years, it was wonderful.

>> No.2219528

It's a damn shame SP Mods just don't seem to be a thing any more with modern games. I remember playing some pretty good COD 1 map packs.

>> No.2219551

Counter strike is the only place I've seen them on, sadly.

>> No.2219556

There was one for TFC called "Turkeyburgers"

>> No.2219563
File: 3.73 MB, 3264x2841, Half-Life_Add-ons_Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The add ons cd linked here >>2219364
Has all sorts of HL Patches on. Along with all this other stuff.

>> No.2219920


>> No.2220067
File: 1.96 MB, 320x240, ZR7W5E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have any more screens from that thread?
only my other gif

>> No.2220174

>Play online for the first time in years
>Laser mines everywhere
For fuck sake.

>> No.2220193

I'm suprised CS 1.6 still has such a solid community.

>> No.2220202

I was talking about Half life. And Last time I played like half the servers where zombie mode, which isn't strange because it's the only fun mode for CS.

>> No.2220441

That patch supposedly fixed animations for the HD models, but fuck that when it also breaks Barney's mouth. The Steam version still uses this very same broken model.
Someone post a screenshot of it.

>> No.2220552

>Barney making noises when he presses button's
That's funny as fuck.

>> No.2220938

Were there ever any Mods for Blue Shift?

>> No.2221096


The original DoD is the best. My friend and I always have a blast with old Half Life mods.

>> No.2221256
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Is it just me, or did HL2 feel like a completely different game that got shoehorned into the Half Life universe in the last two months of development?

>> No.2221268


no it felt like a part of the same story but still I didn't like how the co-opted out of following the conclusion in hl1.

>> No.2221285


The first time I played HL2 I spent a long time wondering "What is this Combine thing, and why and how did they take over Earth? I stopped the invasion for crying out loud! Earth should be safe! Were all the hours I spent playing HL1 for nothing?".

And I still occasionally feel like this. But the rest of the HL2+episodes are so well made I usually ignore these questions and just keep on playing.

>> No.2221357

>Press some key by mistake
>Window goes smaller a la doom

>> No.2221383
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>> No.2221837

I've always felt the enemy AI in HL1 is more interesting than the AI in any other FPS since.

I'm not talking about how good they are at fighting the player, because it's easy to make good aimbot/wallhack AI. I'm talking about how animal-like some of the alien behavior is, and how interesting the interactions between Marine AI's could be. It really kept the game engrossing during extended play periods, unlike earlier classics like DooM and Duke 3D which lose their luster by the time you finish an episode because there's inherently less variety to how shootouts go down.

An FPS that mixed the non-linear level design of Doom/Duke with enemy AI like Half-Life/FEAR would be God-tier.

>> No.2221908

Afraid of Monsters
Sweet Half-Life

>> No.2221910
File: 78 KB, 640x480, lightingtwo03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw Poke646 looked like Half Life 2 before Half Life 2

>> No.2221967

Am I right in thinking somebody was remaking HL2 in the HL1 engine, or a closer approximation of it?

>> No.2221972

Its called the Black Mesa project. They got through a significant portion of Half Life, up until Zen. We don't have part two yet.


>> No.2221981

Nahh wrong way round.

>> No.2222154

Questionable Ethics, Surface Tension, Forget About Freeman, Lambda Core and Xen

>> No.2222158

Let me check my mods folder:
Afraid Of Monsters DC it's better than CoF
The Timeline trilogy
Fate Reversal
Hazard Course 2 This is like the Kaizo Mario of Half-Life
They Hunger
The Mistake duology is pretty good
Poke646 and it's sequel
Prison and The Trap wish Prison was translated though

And those are pretty much the ones I like to play the most.

>> No.2222163

So how come Calhoun got to be in Half Life 2?

>> No.2222165

In memory of:

The Specialists mod

One of the best multiplayer HL1 experiences I ever had online.

Peaked in 2006 with more player skins and weapon skins than one could shake their akimbo golden colts at.

>> No.2222168

It's never explicitly stated that it's actually Barney Calhoun.

>> No.2222173


>>2215368 here

I'm answering only because this answer >>2222168 is insufficient

Barney was created by Valve for HL1, not by Gearbox

>> No.2222182

loved the community too, had so much fun going into the melee servers

>> No.2222205
File: 74 KB, 1440x900, 2015-02-07_00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2222217

My favorite mulitplayer mod was Hostile Intent, so tacticool it hurts.

My favorite singleplayer mod was the poke646 series and Afraid of Monsters.

My favorite chapters were Surface Tension, the one were Freeman gets kidnapped and makes its way into an experimental weapons facility and the very last boss fight.

>> No.2222270

I was looking through the source code in the SDK and there are some interesting comments for the AI. Like the assassins have a frustration level that goes up when you injure them or blow their cover and make them move without getting a shot on you, and only after you do that a couple times will they start throwing grenades.

There's also stuff like the marines sometimes throwing grenades at your last known position, which somehow I never realized. It's nothing super complicated but it's got touches of personality here and there.

>> No.2222320

most people have seen it by now but the roach AI video is always cool:

>> No.2222390

Those are all interesting videos he has made. After watching some of his Houndeye AI videos I realized I've seen that behavior in-game, but I always assumed it was pre-scripted. But it's not, it's AI.

>> No.2222429

I think marines were able to throw grenades at sounds you made even if they weren't able to see you

>> No.2222456

That lab is FILTHY. :O

>> No.2222460

Does the HL2 AI have such things? My impression was always that the HL2 AI only starts pulling actual maneuvers if you deliberately leave them alive longer than you normally would after they pop up in your face.

>> No.2222469

I've tried to sort through the HL2 AI code but it's just too much for me to sift through. It's way more lines and way more distributed than HL1's source.

I'm sure the HL2 AI is better from a technical standpoint, there's simply no way it's not more advanced than what they did in HL1. But it goes to show that the player's perception and how the behaviors come across while playing is way more important.

3-4 cool and effective tactics the player notices > 100 dynamic realistic decisions that still result in the player mowing down enemies that don't pose enough of a threat.

>> No.2222480

Comparing HL1 to 2's

I still remember all the stuff Valve passed off as unscripted AI behavior in those e3 bink previews

then of course, it's 2004, i'm already on my second playthrough, i mess around and try to recreate some of the same scenes, like the one where Gorden barricades himself inside a house/flat (among others), and all I got was FPS AI 101 unlike what they'd shown before.

At least it wasn't buggy or retarded in hl2 but HL1's is still one of those cases of lightning in a bottle

>> No.2222640

AI is a lot like that. We have studied it for decades, but most AIs are more of "Throw it at that and see what happens" than "throw it at that and it'lll do X"

>> No.2222641

AI development is a lot*

>> No.2222682

I get an error when trying to download the first file (something like "Time Error"). Second one downloads fine. Can you reupload?

>> No.2222690
File: 258 KB, 1360x652, hint line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide whether the UK or the US version is of higher collector's value.
On one hand, the American box has those nice flaps, but then there is picture related.

>> No.2222701

Stop being a freaking imperial man, American all the way proud owner here

>> No.2222714

Somebody pls help

>> No.2222745

Well fuck me then.

>> No.2222753


Still the best easter egg.

>> No.2222775

it always fucks me in the ass how all the combine soldiers seem less intelligent than the marines. Like all the time they're just standing and shooting. Ocasionally throwing grenades.

But they are actually really smart combat-wise against other AI in a combat-friendly map.


>> No.2222829


This game was THE shit along with TFC, still mad they took the british and some really good maps out for the source version

>> No.2222921

One that that has improved, as seen in Half-Life: Source, is the path finding.
God fucking damn, it was a nightmare to escort scientists.

>> No.2222925


>> No.2222936


>> No.2222951


These Action Half-Life maps by Hondo have bizarre, convoluted and incredibly intricate secret areas. I remember trying to figure out the one in nocredit with some other people (while a normal multiplayer game was in progress) but never made it far. 5am is like some proto-Antichamber. The first Endless Rain map I recall being very atmospheric and beautifully designed, but I can't find videos or good screenshots of it.

>> No.2222972
File: 22 KB, 309x346, 1393018895799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HL Invastion was completely god tier
I have only a few memories of it but they made so many good additions and it was polished as fuck
also they had were nice level design shit like that scene where you are in an auditorium and it gets attacked by a chopper

>> No.2222982

Invasion was so fucking hard though. And the default keybindings were obviously built for AZERTY keyboards.

>> No.2223141

Guys, please don't burn me for this but I've never played a Half-Life game in my life except the short Lost Coast one which came with CSS package. How do I get into it? Do I just finish SP and then move to mods? If so, where can I find a quality-modding site?

>> No.2223165

It seems harder to find now, but the original version of Afraid of Monsters is still worth playing. The DC essentially completely changed most of the game.

>> No.2223193

If you want to play everything, then Half-Life -> Opposing Force -> Blue Shift -> mods.

There's also a version of HL called Half-Life: Source that runs on HL2's engine, but I don't know how it differs aside from some graphical improvements like better looking water.

>> No.2223196

i think it got upgraded skyboxes, like when the F-16 passes by.

>> No.2223212

>There's also a version of HL called Half-Life: Source that runs on HL2's engine, but I don't know how it differs aside from some graphical improvements like better looking water.

It also has laughable bugs like rockets passing through enemy choppers

>> No.2223243

Complaining about keybindings is THE laziest thing.

>> No.2223247

>box has those nice flaps

>> No.2223252

That mod had a lot of custom stuff to bind though.

>> No.2223475

The pathfinding in HL:Source is great compared to the original, but there are a number of graphical and other pretty bad glitches as well. The last time I played it a few weeks ago was a pretty lousy experience.

Helicopter hitboxes were way off, sitting scientists hover far above their chairs, barnacle tongues appeared to be retracted but you still got caught if you walked under them, loading a quicksave at the wrong time in Questionable Ethics caused a scripted sequence to trigger too early and lock a door in front of me, forcing me to noclip to make progress... That one revamped skybox somewhere around Surface Tension did look nice though.

The original version is absolutely the definitive one, at best HL:Source is an interesting curiosity that one might want to check out if they've already played the original and want something slightly different for a replay. Besides, anyone playing HL for the first time should play Opposing Force next, and it's probably good to experience them both in the same engine.

>> No.2223603

yeah if you made gordon's name different, changed the hev suit, and made headcrabs look different it could easily be a totally different game

and i fucking hated how everyone kisses your ass even though youre the reason earth went to shit in the first place. fuck half life 2's characters

>> No.2223607

*gives you morphine to fix hundreds of bullet and plasma wounds*

>> No.2223664

Chill out, all will be explained in the third one.

>> No.2223678

yeah theres a reason its never coming out. along with every other valve series being much more profitable

>> No.2223686

Half Life 2 is the third best selling PC game in history, dumbcluck. Don't act like a third one wouldn't make bank on day one.

>> No.2223696

yeah that doesnt mean that much when you consider the console sales of l4d/portal along with whatever ton of money theve made off tf2 hats/weapons. but yeah the number one thing is probably that they wrote themselves into a corner with episode 2

>> No.2223739


I have been making a half-life mod, it seems to be going alright.

>> No.2223747

First link won't download

>> No.2223763

I hate how you keep agreeing with yourself at the start of all your sentences.

And you can't write yourself into a corner when you have godlike beings like Gman there to deus ex machina anything they need to.

>> No.2223818

First, learn to write for fuck sake. Using the same word/expression two times in too little time is a no-no in every single language.
Second, you cannot be seriously underestimating the shekels Valve would get for making HL3. Remember that time when they gave L4D2 for free and the page kept falling? A webpage maintained by THE colosus of video games?
Now take that and multiply it by ten, that'd be an aproximation of how busy would be their servers with all the people downloading HL3.

>> No.2223881
File: 11 KB, 184x274, bfg up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I play half life without steam?
I bought a used copy but it doesn't work without steam?

>ultra faggot here
>played in 1999-2001
>haven't gamed in a decade

>> No.2223898

If you got a pre-patched copy it should be as easy as installing it and running it.
The most current patch does require steam.

>> No.2224073

>You are the reason
>Not the G-Man, who delivered the sample
>Not Breen, who oversaw the facility
>Not Eli, who decided to go ahead with the experiment that day

>> No.2224075
File: 28 KB, 256x512, Eli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Not Eli, who decided to go ahead with the experiment that day


>> No.2224083

Rest in peace.

>> No.2224093


You do know they had to remake the whole game due to some leak or some shit around E3, right? I can't imagine AI was high on the list of priorities to rewrite.

>> No.2224102

The leak only changed story and set pieces. Much of the AI and engine is still the same, as for the most part, they have the same console commands.

>> No.2224103

>and i fucking hated how everyone kisses your ass even though youre the reason earth went to shit in the first place.

Firstly, no you're not. You got blamed for it by the Marines, but all you did was push the sample in under orders to push it in. It's equivalent to being told GORDON PUSH THE BUTTON and then you push the button.

Secondly, the people outside of Black Mesa don't know that you pushed the sample in. All they know is that you were there and you apparently kick ass, based on what your colleagues say about you.

>> No.2224246

Played TFC competitively for years when I was young. I loved that game more than any other game i've ever played

>> No.2224550

Is TFC Still going strong?

Always preffered dust bowl TFC.

>> No.2224556

You're post is shit and you're an idiot.

>> No.2224687

>Reading this thread
>Remember Counter Strike Condition Zero
>Never had that much interest on it, but why not?
>Download it from some torrent, 400 MB is quite heavy for a HL mod
>Expect a campaign with three or so companion AIs that I select at the start or something like that
>>>>>>>>>Single player CS with bots
>Every time I give an order there will be at least a NNNNOUP.
>I've seen enemy bots just looking at each other for almost a minute while in freecam
>Half the time I am gangraped, half the time I get a single guy following me and manage to win
For fuck sake, is there anything like what I had expected? A tacticool game where I guide a team of counterterrotirsts or whatever, with as many weapons as CS?
Also Shield+Eagle is best combo

>> No.2224703

CS:CZ sure didnt live up to expectations, development hell hurt the game considerably and 9/11 meant further changes/censoring.

>> No.2225013

Did you make one of those oldschool frag videos?

>> No.2225448

Condition Zero Deleted Scenes.

>> No.2226547


>> No.2227246

So fat... So much flesh!

>> No.2227408

Recently played the entire TH trilogy through again, still as great as ever. Really used to scare the hell out of me as a child.

>> No.2227503

Residual Point (kind of a remake of HL1's story, uses some new enemies and some from OF & very similar maps to vanilla HL1, OF, BS, etc.)

>> No.2227505

you want the old rainbow six games like rogue spear. plan out the mission in a map screen beforehand then you can issue go commands so your squad moves tactically as fuck.

i can't fathom why they moved rainbox six series from that type of gameplay into being cowadoody clone shit.

>> No.2227545


>> No.2227659

>It doesn't work on wine

>> No.2227664

How come no Half-Life for android?

>> No.2227861

>Playing FPS on a tactile screen
It's almost like you want to break it.

>> No.2227909

Ehhh, not that big of deal to me. I'd just like to get all nostalgic on my trolley ride to work and lunch break.

>> No.2227930

Gearbox really nailed the map design on each of their expansion packs, both Opposing Force and Blue Shift have even better maps than the original Half Life.

Man, if they had made XEN maps like the ones on Blue Shift on the original, it would've been a completely different experience.

It's a shame gearbox can't do shit on its own.

>> No.2227961

>both Opposing Force and Blue Shift have even better maps than the original Half Life
Completely disagree. They're all "like Half-Life, and still good, but slightly worse."

>> No.2228364

It's called a laptop.

>> No.2228396

You should try Deleted Scenes.

>> No.2228403

Did anyone play Lost in Black Mesa?

>> No.2229387

Looks interesting.

I'm having a bash at the various HL Mods on Desura at the moment.

>> No.2230339

Just played Half Life: Zombie edition

The concept itself its pretty intresting, play as a headcrab, grow into a Zombie, hunt humans and evolve.
The mod is still very buggy, tho; the AI is kind of stupid, I had some issues trying to break vents as headcrab, forcing me to engage super stealthy zombie tactics to proceed without triggering any alarm.

Although somewhat good, the mod itself is relatively short, it only took around 30-40 minutes to finish the game, leaving me wishing for more.

Rusher best zombie.

>That radio conversation scene
They didnt put too much effort on it.

>> No.2231634

Quake Live I believe

>> No.2232067

A great mod for HL1 is "Lifes End" Succeeds in being pretty funny alongside being a great playthrough.

>> No.2232110

Blue Shift > Opposing Forces

>> No.2233635

time to choose

>> No.2233641

The original troll.

>> No.2233645

What's wrong with FPS developers and happy endings?

It's rare to see an FPS with a satisfying self contained happy ending.

>> No.2233648

Those get in the way of making sequels.

>> No.2234825



>> No.2234840

This is a common belief, probably even among developers, but it isn't true. For example, Star Wars has a happy ending that leaves few loose ends, but sequels weren't an issue. Indiana Jones is almost entirely episodic with self-contained stories.

>> No.2236602


>> No.2236606

Surface Tension guys, holy shit

From the moment they knock you out to when you'er finally out of the labs and into the war outside, with armored vehicles, choppers and aliens and marines fighting everywhere, just amazing fun.

>> No.2236638

>Counter-Strike is the best online FPS ever made.

fuck no its slow and dull and not very different than CoD you are fucking joking or what?

>> No.2236640

boring as shit in other words

>> No.2236643


Listen samekid, it isn't /vr/'s fault if you didn't get any pussy this valentine's day.

For your temper tantrums, go to /v/ or /b/


>> No.2236648

fucking idiot you yourself can go fuck back to /v/ they love this piece of shit game
low skill ceiling, slow, dumbed down in every possible way casuals love it

>> No.2236659

Thanks janitors

>> No.2236896


calm the fuck down
stop arguing over counter strike

>> No.2237219



>> No.2237230

Shut the fuck up or I'll kick you in the NUTS!

>> No.2238485

Since this is a Half-Life thread, I just want to post my problems running this game on my laptop using Steam.

Most of the time, my fps goes only ranges from 20-30fps when playing online.

Here are my specs:

Intel® Core™ i5 Processor 3230M (2.60 GHz up to 3.20GHz, 3 MB L3 Cache)
Intel HM76

NVIDIA® GeForce® 710M Graphics with 2GB gDDR3 Graphic Memory (Optimus™)

4GB DDR3 System Memory at 1600MHz (4GB x 1)

HL's settings are 1024x768 OpenGL low video mode enabled

It's a Samsung one anyway..

>> No.2238540

First: Online will always have a lower fps than single player.
Second: Try directX/Software mode
Third:Try a lower resolution.
Fourth:Go to the advanced settings (I think they are in the player tab, where you change your name) and tweak it to reduce CPU usage, mainly decals and bodies.

>> No.2238551

Yeah, I remember that being worked on. I don't think whoever was doing it got anywhere, and I can imagine why since GoldSrc would have a tough time doing the outdoor sections with the vehicles, not to mention the physics and gravity gun.

>> No.2238726

Goldsrc is an amasingly flexible engine, but it's physics only go as far as "Things fall downwards". The gravity gun is plainly imposible there.

>> No.2238816
File: 23 KB, 200x297, ilc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still do!


>> No.2238831

I still play Day of Defeat from time to time, had a lot of fun back in the day. Mostly play as Sniper or MGer.

>> No.2238873

If it was knowingly done within the engine limitations, the vehicle sections could be on a rail of sorts, maybe the grav gun could work as a trigger for scripted sequences in certain places?

>> No.2238890

I'd send the creator a message.

>> No.2239187

The tank in Gunman Chronicles was pretty sweet and not on rails, couldn't they do something similar to that?

>> No.2239298

does /v/ still play half life multiplayer? Is there any servers you guys play on?

>> No.2239381

What's the best way to play Half Life? The original or the remake of the original?

I have vague memories as a child running around with a Crowbar in the game and not doing a lot else. Never played it besides that.

>> No.2239384

Original, especially since Black Mesa is incomplete.

For the original, you can play with the original graphics, or with HD models that came with the Blue Shift expansion.

Or, you can play Half-Life: Source, which is HL1's graphics and models with ragdoll physics and enhanced lighting and water effects from the Source engine.

>> No.2239392

or hell, just mod the shit out of the original. I'm sure there's mods out there that are better than Valve's official HD pack.

>> No.2239457

The original, absolutely. There's two notable remakes, but neither should be played before the original.

Half-Life Source has mostly identical assets to the original, just ported into the Source engine, but it has a lot of bugs that weren't present in the original. For the most part they're visual glitches but some that can be game-breaking.

Black Mesa is a fan-made re-imagining of the original game made from scratch; they have some nice ideas but it's not the same experience at all. And it's not complete yet, anyway.

On top of that, once you finish Half-Life, you'll probably want to play the expansions, and it's probably better to play them all in the same engine rather than switch from Source to GoldSrc halway. Not to mention all the great mods that only work with the original.

>> No.2239994

I used to host a Jaykin Bacon Source server.
Only had 1 player come every month, so I had to shut it down.

>> No.2239998


The Lone Player was a person too, he had FEELINGS!

>> No.2240009

even counter-strike had vehicles (early version of cs_siege; cs_hive_apc; de_jeepathon2k), though much simpler than gunman's tank

>> No.2240270

Press F12.

>> No.2240274

I have that "Generation" case somewhere...
>Sierra best seller series
Did it have that amazing small magazine with all the good Sierra games ?
I wish I still had that around, I must have lost it.

>> No.2240283

Are you sure it's using your graphics card and not the igpu ? Check from the Nvidia control panel.

>> No.2240295

>try to get friends to play some retro games with me
>I didn't buy a good PC to play shitty graphics arcade games

>> No.2240301

That shit was so good. Some modders made a remake HL2 mod to compete with TF2. Anyone know how's that going?

>> No.2240338

Playing through Half Life for the first time since my brother bought it for me, its really fun so far, what do I do after the sheild comes down over the windows and I launch a rocket? I don't know where to go from here

>> No.2240358

A guy I was playing with the other day mentioned it, acording to him:
>The game is fully playable
>Is accesible to new players
>Has a shit h4rdc0r3 community of like twenty guys that drive any new player away

>> No.2240417

you have to leave the area and go back to where you came, a large door should have opened up on the tracks to the left

>> No.2240475

>tfw donated and never actually experienced the bonuses

>> No.2240616

I just finished Opp Force with a friend who had never played it, and I really regret it because he got a really shitty first impresion
>There isn't any punishment for dying besides waiting five seconds to respawn
>No increase in dificulty
>No ammunition administration
>Suposedly there are new enemies, but we found two baby gargantuas in the whole game
>Dumb model replacements
>The new weapons are overpowered
>The final boss doesn't even exist

>> No.2240813

That sucks, man. Opposing Force is the fucking best.

Ever play the DM in that game?

>start with Barnacles
>entire game is everyone grappling around a huge area, zipping and zooping around trying to munch at each other
>two people grapple each other at the same time and the wonky physics make them spin into the sky before one explodes into gibs
Best death match.

>> No.2240953

Wow, that's hardly a full server.

>> No.2243627

OpFor was just awesome in all aspects, I'm glad I at least got to play the multiplayer a couple of times, I suppose it's dead now

>Has a shit h4rdc0r3 community of like twenty guys that drive any new player away

So it's got fighting game community syndrome, alright

>> No.2243741

Fortress Forever right?

>> No.2243751

I've been playing a whole lot of HL2 mods since this thread was created and I've noticed somthing. A lack of seuqels. For HLC we had They Hunger Trilogy, Xeno Project 1 & 2, ETC 1 & ", Resistance 1,2,3 and of course Poke 646 & Vendetta. So many HL2 mods end with planned sequels that never turn up.

>> No.2243756

>So many HL2 mods end with planned sequels that never turn up.

Kinda like the game they're based on, huh?

>> No.2243824


Thank you so much. I remember playing it back in the day, was a really great mod, couldn't remember the name though.

Man that takes me back, THANK YOU! Gonna try download it!

>> No.2243832


>> No.2244119

It became harder to make a mod, the HL2 engine takes more work and dedication than HL1.
Also the indie community took off and now people want to do a standalone release in order to make money, like Natural Selection or The Stanley Parable.