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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 176 KB, 640x480, 28215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2216451 No.2216451 [Reply] [Original]

Been wondering, what games are there that have been remade as TC mods for other games?

Examples I guess would include the Hexen TC for DOOM 3, and the Goldeneye mod for DOOM.

Retro-games remade into TC mods on modern games count, as they are still retro inspired.

>> No.2216460 [DELETED] 

I miss doom TCs, the shitty doom babies only want to play MAP01 with different gameplay mods for the rest of their lives. So fucking sick of game mods that don't have levels balanced around them. Wrath of Cronos would be 1000x better if it had maps designed for it instead of just getting OP as shit on vanilla maps and wrecking everything halfway through the game.

>> No.2216493 [DELETED] 

Why don't you make some levels for them then, or are you pretending to be retarded by complaining that something someone else made doesn't have what you want?

Nevermind the fact you'd blame the map editor for not making the map for you.

>> No.2216509 [DELETED] 

keep projecting bud, why don't you just go back to brutal wrath of russian overkill. Nobody was complaing the mad editor didn't make the maps for you.

>> No.2216513 [DELETED] 


There went the thread.


Don't even respond. Nobody seriously complaining about "doom babies" is giving out legitimate opinions. He's just trying to shit up the board.

>> No.2216514 [DELETED] 

Majority of the time someone makes a gameplay modification, it's because they don't actually know how to make maps, so your insult right there is sort of hypocritical.

Also, he can complain and criticize whatever he damn well pleases. His "sense of entitlement" only derives from the devs sense of entitlement thinking that we want to play their wet dreams.

>> No.2216519
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's Zen Dynamics.

>> No.2216521 [DELETED] 

Majority of the time someone makes a gameplay modification, it's because they don't actually know how to make maps, so your insult right there is sort of hypocritical.

Also, he can complain and criticize whatever he damn well pleases.

>> No.2216527

Oh, wait, games REMADE in the form of TC's?

Well, there's Starfox which is in the early stages of development.

>> No.2216534

Some dudes made their best attempt at recreating Alpha Centauri in Civilization IV. It's called Planetfall.

>> No.2216536 [DELETED] 

why don't they recruit people to help? I really do miss those total conversions like ghostbusters doom and shit.

shut the fuck up doom cancer is the worst shit on this board, those kids are horrible at doom too. Don't act like your so high and mighty if anyone asks for maps made for certain mods in your shitty containment thread they get laughed at or "WHY DO YOU NEED MAPS FOR THIS CANT YOU JUST PLAY MAP01 GAIN DURRRRRR" Fuck you doom baby piece of shit. You suck at your favorite game

>> No.2216550

They don't recruit people because either people aren't interested, or they don't feel like investing the time. Finding people is also not very easy, but then again, asking for help on 4chan for something like that is fucking stupid, and they should really be asking on doomworld.

Also, I guess this could be just a general "TC thread", though I'm mainly looking for remakes of games.

>> No.2216560

Quake had this mod I think its called in the shadows, it adds stealth elements and shit. It is fucking amazing actually.

>> No.2216570


I remember that game. Never played it, but I downloaded it when going through my typical "focus on mods" phase for certain games. Wasn't it not finished or something?

>> No.2216573 [DELETED] 

>missing the point this hard on purpose

>all dat mad
I'mma laugh at you while I make my Demonsteele wad.

Yeup, thread's over. It's going to be this one guy being retarded on purpose.

>> No.2216581 [DELETED] 

>thread's over
>because I got angered over another posters comments that fit me

No, I don't think so.

Someone made a fallout wad for Doom 2.


>> No.2216583

>thread's over
>because I got angered over another posters comments that fit me

No, I don't think so.

There's half-life ZDoom


Also, wasn't there another Half-Life mod made with the doom engine? Or was it with the Duke Nukem 3D engine?

>> No.2216612 [DELETED] 


You need to calm down, friend. You're mad over nothing.

I agree that weapon wads are generally pretty stupid with no maps to accompany them, and I further agree that Brutal Doom kiddies are a cancer upon any community they appear in, and indeed I agree that people making weapon wads are only doing so because they lack the skill to map. That doesn't change the fact that you're nothing more than an angry shitposter trying to stir up an argument or maybe even a very slow-moving shitstorm, which most of the denizens of /vr/ don't exactly take kindly to.

So, if you would, kindly fuck off.

>> No.2217437 [DELETED] 

I'll agree that its disappointing we dont get many TCs anymore, and that gameplay mods have become a bit overdone now. But this kind of attitude doesn't help, and only makes you sound like a crybaby who couldnt get that chocolate bar at the grocery store.

I personally just stick to playing vanilla/boom mapsets with standard gameplay nowadays.

>> No.2218087 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 500x272, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but brutal doom is awesome. john romero likes it. seems to me the SJW scene banned the brutal doom creator from every forum. i think it's hilarious how fucking butthurt people get over this simple wad. good lord, just don't play it people.

>> No.2218090 [DELETED] 

He was banned from zdoom forums for encouraging someone who was contemplating suicide to go through with it.

>> No.2218092 [DELETED] 

Also, IIRC, he was never banned from Doomworld.

>> No.2218136 [DELETED] 


>edgy as fuck without reason
>breaks game balance
>shit-tier metal soundtrack
>outright stolen assets
>creator has a serious case of USI and told some dude to off himself, apparently forgetting he wasn't on /b/
>fanbase is a bunch of younger individuals with no real appreciation for old games, only Brutal Doom

>> No.2218142 [DELETED] 

>encouraging someone who was contemplating suicide to go through with it
The situations where this is applicable under legal terms is pretty limited. Like how is this any different from slaying pixels on a screen? How am I to know what you type is to be taken seriously and even if I do, why should I? I find how sensitive these people are to be more offensive than a fake suicide threat.

>fanbase is a bunch of younger individuals with no real appreciation for old games, only Brutal Doom
I hope you're only pretending to be retarded cause the creator of Doom seems to like it and I started with Wolf3d shareware as my first FPS so I'd say its appeal is far from limited to younger people. Really it's a great extrapolation of what people enjoy about Doom. Dat brutal shotgun gibing the fuck out of a demon, only amplified ten fold. I guess the only thing I don't really like about it is the screen shake, that's annoying.

>> No.2218169 [DELETED] 

Oh man, this thread

>> No.2218176 [DELETED] 

>The creator of Doom likes Brutal Doom, so it must be good.

>> No.2218183 [DELETED] 

here's your reply

>> No.2218185 [DELETED] 

>the creator of Doom seems to like it

He has taken great care to neither confirm or deny liking it (which means he's polite about not liking it.)

His only on-the-record comment was that if they had released Brutal Doom back then, congress would have probably banned video games altogether.

>> No.2218187 [DELETED] 

>Dat brutal shotgun gibing the fuck out of a demon, only amplified ten fold.
Sounds hella f*king epic, good sir! I tip my hat to thee!
please stop playing video games.

>> No.2218198 [DELETED] 


>I hope you're only pretending to be retarded

Here we go.

>cause the creator of Doom seems to like it

Which creator? John Carmack? John Romero? Sandy Peterson? That Adrian guy? Bobby Prince? Or do you mean the entirety of id Software?

Even then, that really had little bearing on anything. The creator, despite being the creator, is still another man with his own tastes. Do you define what you like entirely by what others like?

>I started with Wolf3d shareware as my first FPS

OH WOW YOU ARE THE SPECIALEST SNOWFLAKE. You want a cookie or something?

>so I'd say its appeal is far from limited to younger people.

You've named a grand total of two non-teenagers that enjoy it. This does not change the number of 13 to 17 year olds that comprise the majority of its fanbase.

>Really it's a great extrapolation of what people enjoy about Doom.

Okay, I know RIP AND TEAR and FISTFUL OF VERTEBRAE AND A HEAD FULL OF MAD are quite prevalent in the Doom community, but you need to understand that it's parody and jokes. The main appeal of doom is not the gibs.

>> No.2218215 [DELETED] 

That's exactly why people played Doom back in the day. For its time, Doom was far more graphic and violent than anything else in the mainstream vidya.

>but you need to understand that it's parody and jokes
>main appeal of doom is not the gibs
>it's what I say it is because I said so!
Yeah, nah.

>> No.2218224 [DELETED] 

>OH WOW YOU ARE THE SPECIALEST SNOWFLAKE. You want a cookie or something?
you claim brutal doom is only for young people and you got called out. deal with it capsboy

>> No.2218226 [DELETED] 


>it's what I say it is because I said so!

And you're so different? The main appeal of Doom is not the gibs, especially at this point where there are MUCH gorier games around. It's not 1993 anymore. People don't flock to doom because of meat chunks and fountains of blood. Well, they do now because of Brutal Doom, but the existing Doom community wasn't a bunch of gore crazy teenagers.


>you claim brutal doom is only for young people and you got called out.

Bruh, reread the post.

>You've named a grand total of two non-teenagers that enjoy it. This does not change the number of 13 to 17 year olds that comprise the majority of its fanbase.

Furthermore, I didn't claim it was only for young people (it really isn't aimed at such a demographic), but I did claim that a majority of the fanbase is teenagers (a factual statement).

>> No.2218231 [DELETED] 

>not because of the tight game play, amazing sound design, great art direction & level design, unique enemies, unsettling atmosphere or rockin soundtrack
The gore may have drawn people in, but it's not what kept them playing, or what spawned the Deathmatch culture, or what turned id into millionaires.

Spend less time reading Wikipedia & more time actually playing video games.

>> No.2218235 [DELETED] 

>And you're so different?
Yes, I am. I'm the literal opposite. I said you should enjoy it however you want. My opinion doesn't exclude others for enjoying the game how they want. Yours is the entire basis for this discussion, you narrow minded faggot.

>but I did claim that a majority of the fanbase is teenagers (a factual statement).
[Citation needed]

You're mad as fuck right now because your pea sized brain has associated Brutal Doom with something else you don't like and I find it hilarious. It's just another wad that you're butthurt as fuck about because it hurts your inner hipster.

>> No.2218237 [DELETED] 

>but it's not what kept them playing
I think we can all agree that it's wads that kept people playing and brutal doom is one of them. You're just part of another equally cancerous crowd that thinks you're important for hating on it. Do you also hate Demonsteele? Because I mean it's nothing like classic Doom at all.

>> No.2218243 [DELETED] 

>I think we can all agree
LOL keep patting yourself on the back.

>> No.2218253 [DELETED] 

If the appeal of Doom is solely "killing demons in a gory way with shotguns", then how come Doom 3 was shit? And don't say the flashlight because even with the duct-tape mod it's still shit.

It's because, as this great article points out, that's not at all what Doom is about and what makes it great. Doom is essentially about turning enemies against each other and themselves. Every monster has a clearly defined purpose, so every good map is about placing the player in a series of unfortunate situations and challenging the player to think their way out. The article compares it to chess which works: you need to be able to see your opponent (the mapper's) combination of enemy placement and geography and rapidly work out a solution to exploit the weaknesses of the enemies individually (e.g. circlestrafing a mancubus, using cover against an arch-vile) and/or collectively (e.g. using cacodemons as meatshields against other enemies).

Brutal Doom shifts the emphasis entirely on to reflexes and overpowering the enemies instead of outplaying them. It also simplifies things like the BFG and slows down gameplay with fatalities and things like reloading and the mancubus kicking up flames. It's not that Brutal Doom is hated for being different: it's that it's hated for being a fundamental misunderstanding of the game in the same way that Doom 3 was.

>> No.2218258 [DELETED] 

WADs are a big part of it for sure. I don't know if you can contribute stuff like Brutal Doom to that when it started over 15 years after the game's original release.

Yes, WADs are a big reason why people still play it today. The original games are still very good either way.

>> No.2218265 [DELETED] 


>Yes, I am. I'm the literal opposite.

Nice high horse, nice delusion, etc. You're saying X is Y because reasons, so to try and call me out on that is the utmost hypocrisy.

>I said you should enjoy it however you want. My opinion doesn't exclude others for enjoying the game how they want.

And where and how am I excluding others for enjoying something? And where are you getting that goriness is the main appeal of Doom? I didn't say someone can't enjoy Doom because of the gore, I said that that is not the general trend.

>You're mad as fuck right now because your pea sized brain has associated Brutal Doom with something else you don't like

I didn't like Brutal Doom before I knew the fanbase was terrible. Even with the creator having a severe case of USI and being a thief, I really didn't hate Brutal Doom much in the first place. It's only the people that are fanatical about it I find insufferable. I didn't need to associate two different things - they associated themselves.

>It's just another wad that you're butthurt as fuck about


>it hurts your inner hipster.

Bitch, please. My hipster is an outie, not an innie.

But, to be serious, you have demonstrated a critical misunderstanding here. Just because someone doesn't like something that's popular doesn't mean that they hate it /because/ it's popular. The two can be entirely separate, and they are in this case. Granted, if BD wasn't popular as fuck, I wouldn't even know about it, but its popularity ultimately matters little in regards to the issues I have with it.

The popularity /has/ produced its sizeable fanbase, though, so there is that.

>> No.2218274 [DELETED] 

>someone blogged about it so it's true!
lol literally cancer

>overpowering the enemies instead of outplaying them
god forbid anyone plays the game a different way!

>It's not that Brutal Doom is hated for being different: it's that it's hated for being a fundamental misunderstanding of the game in the same way that Doom 3 was
to misunderstand you would have to assume brutal doom was trying to be an understanding of doom. it's not. it's clearly different and many mods totally change the way doom plays, all the way to a completely different game.

you're just another push button topic trashbag like the rest of them. if brutal doom wasn't popular, you wouldn't have an opinion about it since you're just parroting the other anti brutal doom trendsters. you even cited a blog post about it. what a faggot

>> No.2218280 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 400x382, rape (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was banned from zdoom forums for encouraging someone who was contemplating suicide to go through with it.
Now I love him even more.

>> No.2218281 [DELETED] 

>You're saying X is Y because reasons, so to try and call me out on that is the utmost hypocrisy
Nice Strawman, retard. I said people should enjoy Doom however the fuck they want. You're specifically doing the opposite, trying to lump everyone who plays Doom a certain way into a group because you believe you're actually superior to them. You're not. You're actually worse.

>And where are you getting that goriness is the main appeal of Doom?
Because it's Wof3d with demons if not.

> It's only the people that are fanatical about it I find insufferable
How ironic since you're the fanatical opposite of brutal doom fanboys, sitting here on an anonymous forum doing and saying anything you can to bash them.

>Bitch, please. My hipster is an outie, not an innie
Quit posting, retard.

>The popularity /has/ produced its sizeable fanbase, though, so there is that.
Says the hipster trash

>> No.2218283 [DELETED] 

>to misunderstand you would have to assume brutal doom was trying to be an understanding of doom. it's not
Then why is it called Doom?

>> No.2218290 [DELETED] 


you are fucking retarded.

no. Stop fucking posting. Put your fingers in a blender so you can't post anymore. This is as bad an argument as "WELL WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DRIVE A CAR IN REEL LYFE" when people post about driving ferraris on the nurbergring in racing threads.

Before you post how mad i am, and how epik of a lul it is, no one cares. You are fucking retarded. You have shit for brains. If i sniffed your ear it would smell like an anus. You have shit in the middle of your skull.

You are a shithead. Take a bubblebath with a toaster

>> No.2218292 [DELETED] 

to make it easier to identify that it's a mod for doom
the difference here being that it's not a sequel to doom, it's a mod open to its own interpretation. it has no responsibility to the game's lore. it can be whatever the fuck it wants. thank god morons like you aren't the authority on doom.

>> No.2218303 [DELETED] 


I'm fucking done. I can not argue or debate with a person this stupid. I could make more rebuttals and keep this going until the inevitable delete, but I won't. It would be an exercise in both frustration and futility. You have demonstrated a critical inability to understand anything put forth to you and have failed to offer any insights or opposing points of view, resorting only to shit-flinging.

This place really is turning into /v/. It's not the "Doom babies" the shitposters complain about, no, it's the Brutal Doom kiddies and the people whining about the "Doom babies."

Drink bleach.

>> No.2218307 [DELETED] 

That's exactly my point: that, even to you, it's primarily a "mod for doom" not a "mod of doom". That's why demonsteele which someone mentioned earlier gets a pass: because it's distanced from doom. And it constantly hypes up itself as an evolution of doom, which it plainly isn't: it's a divergence from doom in the same way that doom 3 was. Demonsteele doesn't do that.

>> No.2218309 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 400x350, 8986-stop-liking-what-i-dont-like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can not argue or debate with a person this stupid
This is literally your entire argument, pic related

>stop liking what I don't like

You realize Doom itself is a game for kiddies. Muh edgelord dark and demons with gibs. Real men play Wolf3d, you literal child.

This also applies to the next response

>> No.2218316 [DELETED] 


>Real men play Wolf3d, you literal child.

No true Scotsman puts sugar in his porridge.

>> No.2218325 [DELETED] 

well, sorry about your thread OP. Honestly I thought the board was better than this. We are adults, act like it. For those of you who enjoy childish arguing and name calling for no reason, we have a board for you >>>/v/

>> No.2218326 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 416x416, 1386227694569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well, well, well, what have we here? another faggot neckbeard (most likely yuro) shitting up the place with his /b/ faggotry. you picked the wrong night to fuck around, asshole. i've just texted the /vr/ mod (we're friends irl) about this thread, so he'll be here shortly to deal with the matter, and most likely hand out some sorely needed bans. i'm also going to report and sage the thread (for safe measure), as well as alert the other moderators in the 4chan irc channel. and just in case you wanna try and pull a fast one, i'm screen shotting *the entire thread for additional proof* and e-mailing moot about the matter personally. i'm tired of you stupid fucking dick sniffers pressing out whatever lolrandom faggot shit you want on the fucking retro vidya board. it's time for you assholes to get a reality check, because this shit won't fly for much longer. prepare your anus, you 500 pound piles of shit. your days are *fucking numbered*.

>> No.2218337 [DELETED] 

The "creator of Doom" also likes The Doomsday Engine.

>> No.2218374 [DELETED] 

go take your meds and calm down. Sometimes quality posters make the occaisonal shitpost, getting your neckbeard friend to stop eating hot pockets and hand out 15 bans is probably going to wipe out half of this board bud. Stop being so sensitive the shitposting is contained to one thread so just hide and move along instead of getting all pussyhurt.

>> No.2218380 [DELETED] 

>all these people responding to this guy who s obviously off his meds

>> No.2218382 [DELETED] 
File: 618 KB, 400x229, 1383453103508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know, I hate people like you. You're the kind of person who would drive around, completely nude, in a car shaped like a giant penis. And you'd be leaning out the window, with a bullhorn, yelling about how everyone but you is gay because they're all staring at a giant penis with a naked man inside it.

>> No.2218435 [DELETED] 

>No, I don't think so.

Yeah, I think it is.

>> No.2218438 [DELETED] 

well it's the doom babies fault. they didn't have to reply it could have been one shitpost. I'm sorry skeleton man you actually seem like a really cool guy

>> No.2218445 [DELETED] 

actually I just keep my mouth shut and let people do their thing until someone likes you thinks they can bully people around. go heat up your hot pockets

>> No.2218446 [DELETED] 


>they didn't have to reply it could have been one shitpost.

...Wouldn't it be the shitposters' fault for shitposting?

>> No.2218449 [DELETED] 


I may look small but I'm a very worthy adversary.

I have a girlfriend.

I'm considered Kamina in my group of friends so I'll say anything I fucking want. And it's that kind of attitude that earned me the name Kamina.

>> No.2218454 [DELETED] 

>implying he wouldn't post without attention

Shitposter gonna shit. Ignoring an infection doesn't make it go away.

>> No.2218457 [DELETED] 

It sure is and I"m sure he knows that too, but it was made exponentially worse by all the butthurt that came from it. Personally I think if you get pissed off at the word doom baby, you probably are a doom baby in denial. sorry sage doesn't seem to be working Im always getting upload failed.

>> No.2218460 [DELETED] 

>responding to a post automatically equals U SO MAD

I didn't realizing calling someone out on pretending to be retarded meant I'm mad. Learn something retarded everyday.

>> No.2218462 [DELETED] 

So you made that one female weeaboo in your group of autists your girlfriend. I'm proud of you man

>> No.2218463 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 221x221, 1388803917602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I have a girlfriend
>my group of friends

I have located the High School kid

>> No.2218465 [DELETED] 

You sound pretty mad.

>> No.2218471 [DELETED] 



all of you are cancer

>> No.2218476 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 450x338, kill yourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.2218478 [DELETED] 

you can't say you're not mad and then post like that though. You are definitely mad.

>> No.2218483 [DELETED] 

you replied to 3 different copypastas in a row like they were actual posts

get your shit together, man

>> No.2218486 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 180x222, 180px-Ahhahahafaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I may look small but I'm a very worthy adversary.

>> No.2218490 [DELETED] 

Actually those responses were also copypasta.

>> No.2218495 [DELETED] 

>the shitty doom babies only want to play MAP01 with different gameplay mods for the rest of their lives

Or it's because making a full fledged TC takes a shit ton of work which is why you rarely see them.

>> No.2218497 [DELETED] 

I'm sure they just used that as the official excuse to finally get rid of him like how the police used tax evasion to get Al Capone. The guy who made Brutal was notorious for being an annoying cunt on the forums before that incident.

>> No.2218509 [DELETED] 

Janitor if you're gonna delete like 90% of the thread you may as well just axe it all together.

>> No.2218517 [DELETED] 

>just looked at this thread in the archive

what the h*ck?

>> No.2218520 [DELETED] 

yeah, because all of that bickering about brutal doom was on topic to the OP and quality posting

maybe now tripfag can have discussion rather than 100 posts of doombabbies and brutal doom kiddies and fucking autist and shitposter go back to /v/

he did fine except he needs to axe
and this post I posted just now

>> No.2218523 [DELETED] 

Have a hot pocket on me, janitor-kun.

>> No.2218524 [DELETED] 

I'm not defending the shitflinging either. Just seems like a huge waste of time to go through nearly 60 posts to delete. It's not like doing it is gonna stop people from bringing up Brutal again anyway, that mod is pretty much the Godwin's law when it comes to Doom mod discussion.

>> No.2218527 [DELETED] 

>Just seems like a huge waste of time to go through nearly 60 posts to delete.
if the janny is spergy enough to do that I'd rather he do that and have the possibility that normal discussion could take place afterwards rather than just axing the whole thread which just says "the shitposters won, you can't have nice threads if they decide to shit them up, gg"

>> No.2218535 [DELETED] 

The problem is there won't be normal discussion because either the guys who were arguing will just ignore the janitor and keep going or the thread will be about the janitor mass deleting everything. Either keep most the thread or get rid of it because pruning nearly the entire thing is gonna do anything but keep it on topic.

>> No.2218536 [DELETED] 

Apparently this is a hot topic worth saving. Ya know, a question that could've been asked in other threads and didn't need its own?

Dunno why this was made.

>> No.2218543 [DELETED] 

Wait ... did the janitor make the thread?

It all makes sense now.

Anyone got any info on this The Skeleton Man !MAxPETUTTk guy?

>> No.2218550 [DELETED] 

I doubt that's the case because even a few posts by Skeleton Man were deleted too. Janitor just like over moderation, I understand not wanting this place to turn into /v/ but god damn at least leave some shit to the community to sort out on their own.

>> No.2218553 [DELETED] 

No ... only one of his is "deleted by a mod".

The other one looks like a self deletion because he wanted to say something else or something to that effect.

>> No.2218563 [DELETED] 

>Wait ... did the janitor make the thread?
I don't think so

>> No.2218582 [DELETED] 

the guy replying to him sounds like a mod though, if I ever heard modspeak

is The Skeleton Man !MAxPETUTTk a janitor/mod roleplaying as a retarded tripfag so that they can argue with them in threads before deleting them to make their own rules look better so the board agrees with mods rules instead of siding with the board personalities because of their using a scapegoat strawman to sway opinion? I wouldn't put it past them...

>> No.2218593 [DELETED] 

>could Mozart be alive??

>> No.2218596 [DELETED] 

The shitty thing is we have no way of showing our disapproval of mods past passive aggressive hotpocket memes.

Is there not some form of probation for mods who abuse power? How do they even determine that?

>> No.2218605 [DELETED] 


Most of the big TCs were made for Doom, so you'd be better off asking in the Doom thread. Especially since some nerd is intent on shitposting here.

>> No.2218610 [DELETED] 

email mods/admins
moot used to have an email but, you know

I dunno if this counts as an abuse of power, cause the thread was pretty shit:

>> No.2218613 [DELETED] 

ayy lmao
I think you need to lay off the weed buddy.

>> No.2218615 [DELETED] 

It's not just hotpocket memes.

There's also "he does it for free".

>> No.2218627 [DELETED] 

laugh all you want but it's the truth
99% of shitposters on this boar (on E V E R Y board) are mods
doombabbies guy is a mod
the people replying to doombabbies guy is an mod
99% of shitposters is a mod
they get ad revenue from people like you viewing shitposting,
it's been that way since gawker bought moot
the sad truth is shitposters = more posts, and guess what that leads?

if you follow the money it all starts to make sense

>> No.2218630 [DELETED] 

Ooooh BaaaAAA---BY!!!

Is that another delete-athon I smell?!

>> No.2218632 [DELETED] 
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quality thread

>> No.2218634 [DELETED] 

The guy was only lamenting the loss of good TC's. Really don't see how that's worth deleting.

We really need the doom/retro fps community to get a fucking grip when discussing things they don't like though. They either try to outright censor stuff ( pretty sure there is a mod who goes out of his way to do just this ) or make a bitchfit until mods come and just delete everything.

>> No.2218639 [DELETED] 

>pretty sure there is a mod who goes out of his way to do just this

There is. Go mention Brutal Doom in the Doom general and the mod or janitor here will delete the post the instant they see it. I don't even like Brutal but people should still be allowed to at least fucking mention it there.

>> No.2218641 [DELETED] 

Ad revenue?

Bitch please my shit is ad-block plus.

>> No.2218652 [DELETED] 

The guy started his post mentioning "doom babbies" and every post after that was idiots arguing with him, and him arguing with those idiots, and then arguing about Brutal Doom, which is not a TC, and none of it had to do with TCs
Have you been in the doom community for any appreciable length of time?
Everyone is fucking retarded about Brutal Doom. Everyone. People that like Brutal Doom and people that hate Brutal Doom. They all scream like autismal children any time it gets brought up. ZDoom forums had to outright ban all Brutal Doom discussion outside of Brutal Doom related threads.
/vr/ is particularly bad because as much as people here like to say otherwise, they are just as addicted to being mad at thing as /v/ is, so one jackass starts shit for or against it and everyone else has to pile on and get their shitposts in and is immediately NUCLEAR MAD at whatever poster they disagree with.
See for yourself:

>> No.2218659 [DELETED] 

whoops that is all posts containing Brutal Doom, not just deleted ones. Here:

>> No.2218668 [DELETED] 


Actually, if you make a post about BD in the doom thread then they'll post the copypasta that sums up how /doom/ feels about it; which is: "hey, some people like it, some people don't, but don't act like it's the second coming of jesus."

You're just as bad as people who spout "doombabbies." A few people do not make up the whole board, but you seem to think they do.

>> No.2218674 [DELETED] 


>most of the posts are simply mentioning BD, and the few that are shitposting are clearly shitposting

What are you trying to say? Because you're starting to look like a shitposter.

>> No.2218682 [DELETED] 

lol u mad bro . jpeg

>> No.2218684 [DELETED] 

Yeah and then after that you'll get doom goons going off their rocker telling you things like "Even the Doom creator doesn't like doom!"

It's ridiculous.

>> No.2218686 [DELETED] 

I'm not saying that all Brutal Doom discussion should be KOS. That's stupid. Nothing should be KOS. It isn't, anyway; if you look at https://archive.moe/vr/search/text/brutal%20doom/ you see plenty of BD posts that aren't deleted. I think ZDF is dumb for doing what they did, and dumb about a lot of shit.

I'm just explaining why BD has the status that it does. It becomes the "Cut Vs Uncut" of Doom very often.

Which one are you looking at?
And I'm not a shitposter.
If you think that saying that /vr/ can be (CAN be, not is consistently) just as bad as /v/ about getting unnecessarily mad at shit, then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.2218689 [DELETED] 

>A few people do not make up the whole board, but you seem to think they do.


>Opinions! Whoa!

>> No.2218694 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure the doom community does very little to stop anti-brutal doom posting, they encourage it.

You know what I just realized, if the doom is the fucking problem why is the general allowed here. Shouldn't those users on both sides be punished if they are going out of their way to make their own and other threads miserable?

Maybe /doom/ should be regulated to /vg/ only.

>> No.2218695 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you have no idea what /doom/ does. You ask questions that's been answered there a thousand times yet spout off like you know what you're talking about.

And you really don't know what you're talking about.

>pretty sure the doom community does very little to stop anti-brutal doom posting, they encourage it
Go ahead and post all this shit you just typed into /doom/ and see what responses you get.

>> No.2218703 [DELETED] 

Nobody is saying that those people are the whole board, or at least not all posters at all times.

Guess who posts a whole awful lot though? People (on both sides) flinging shit about Brutal Doom, whether they're just flagrant shitposters or normal posters that decided to shitpost for a bit.

They can and do easily out-post the reasonable posters when an argument pops up because it's a lot easier to mash out 20 replies in 10 mintues explaining why "All people that like Brutal Doom are shitty 13 yo babbies" or "All people that hate Brutal Doom are shitty hipster idiots that hate it because it's popular" than it is to discuss something that quickly.

This isn't even only Doom, look at the threads of people having console wars from 20 years ago to this day, and people calling each other dumb faggots that deserve to be shot in the street for using filters, or not using filters, or playing on a CRT, or not playing on a CRT, etc.

see >>2218695
also: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=47678
Also as I said earlier in this post, /vr/ shitposts not only about Doom, but about everything. The BD shitposting is just a Doom phenomenon mostly contained to /doom/. I don't agree with disallowing all discussion of Doom because of BD any more than I agree with disallowing all discussion of BD.

>> No.2218706 [DELETED] 

I don't think sgt.markiv should be banned anywhere the guy is such a lolcow and so easy to set off. It might be blatant shitposting but god damn is it ever funny.

>> No.2218708 [DELETED] 


>> No.2218709 [DELETED] 

He is not banned on Doomworld, /vr/, moddb, or Facebook.

>> No.2218715 [DELETED] 

I haven't seen him post here for a while so I just assumed.

>> No.2218723 [DELETED] 

People tend not to suck up to him like they do on other sites and laugh at him when he whines that Bethesda stole his 100% Original Content Do Not Steal ideas about more blood and gore for Doom 4 that he got from the Doom comic so he doesn't post here as often as he did on the forums he's now banned on.

>> No.2218730
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>muh golden goose
that was so funny.

I'd like to steer this thread back on topic cause I actually feel horrible for OP.

HOW GOOD was ghostbusters doom I loved that shit back in the day.

>> No.2218751
File: 210 KB, 1024x819, couchfishing4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't wanna interrupt whatever y'all are bitching about but i thought i'd mention that marathon got a tc in the UT engine, always meant to try that one out

>> No.2218752
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also ultima v and vi were both remade as tcs in the dungeon siege engine

>> No.2218765

After playing Zombies TC and Hellraiser TC, I'm going to have have to assume that modders in 90s gave fuck about congruity with the subject matter (the Mission Impossible theme for map01 in Hellraiser gave me a chuckle)

>> No.2218768

*gave no fucks

>> No.2218780

*gave two fucks

>> No.2218787

*gave a fuck

>> No.2218791

*gave fourty fucks

>> No.2218794


>> No.2218806

Fourty keks

>> No.2218820


>> No.2218835

>is The Skeleton Man !MAxPETUTTk a janitor/mod roleplaying as a retarded tripfag so that they can argue with them in threads before deleting them to make their own rules look better so the board agrees with mods rules instead of siding with the board personalities because of their using a scapegoat strawman to sway opinion? I wouldn't put it past them...

That doesn't even make any god damn sense.


This is what I'm talking about.

>> No.2219001

Wasnt Quest of the Avatar remade in Neverwinter Nights as well?

>> No.2219138

*gave forty fucks*

>> No.2220554 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2220560 [DELETED] 
File: 1.49 MB, 352x288, it's.ogre.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janitors, you can delete these thread's posts all you want, you've been busted already.

>> No.2222040


doomero has reimplemented a good chunk of RE2 in zdoom. Same guy also ported RE4 models into zdoom for the mercenaries mod, but that's not quite a TC.

Marathon was remade in the unreal tournament 99 engine:

unfortunately, I don't think any of the DL links work anymore. really sad, as it was this mod that made me get into UT99.
...oh wait. >>2218751 mentioned this.

meh, oh well.
>always meant to try it
tbh, not the best in the world. the enemy models are ugly as shit, and some maps have to be cheated in order to win because of bad scripting

OOT has zelda's birthday, but that's not quite what you're looking for.

There's a mortal kombat mod for doom.

umm, technically, minesweeper is remade in system shock 2...but I dunno if that even counts.

other than these, I can't think of any more.

>> No.2223543

Brutal is a pretty good TC remake of the original Doom. Some have even claimed it is more Doomier than Doom.

>> No.2223552

Action Doom 2. You take Doom 2 and turn it into a Beat-Em-Up. Even got branching storyline.

The first one turns the engine into a Run-N-Gun, but it's not quite as impressive.

>> No.2223737

>>2215072 seems like a good place to ask

>> No.2223754


0/10 - Too unbelievable, no subtlety.

>> No.2223778

Except I'm being serious. If you wanna circlejerk over how "bad" one of the most popular mods is then fuck off to the Doom general. There's a good reason OP didn't make his thread there and it was to stay away from you fucks.

>> No.2223817


>Except I'm being serious

That's even worse. Ignoring anything else to be said about Brutal Doom, it's not a total conversion.

>If you wanna circlejerk over how "bad" one of the most popular mods is

Popular doesn't mean good.

>you fucks.

Implying I even go to the Doom general.

>> No.2224130

technically, his question is just about games that get remade in other engines, which isn't specifically doom related.

...however, given that doom is one of the stupid-easiest engines to mod for, it's going to be over represented.

This doesn't seem to be within the scope of the OP, regardless of how shit/not-shit brutal doom is or is not.

Brutal is a weapons mod. That's it. It's not a remake of "game A" in "game B's" engine. If we want to call it a "remake", we might as well call Accessories to Murder, Burl Tumd, and Smooth Doom "remakes".

Either way, since we're on the subject of Doom:

Doom64 EX reproduces Doom64 in a customised version of some shit-can sourceport no one uses.

>> No.2224147

>Doom64 EX reproduces Doom64 in a customised version of some shit-can sourceport no one uses.

But is it worthwhile or is it shit too?

>> No.2224168


OOT mod for Halo

>> No.2224183

oh no, it's fucking excellent.

the "shit" part was about Doom3D, which is the sourceport Doom64EX's codebase is descended from...the mod itself is fucking good.

>> No.2224191

I am pleased to hear this, maybe I'll give this one a try soon enough

>> No.2224192
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