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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 855 KB, 1600x906, DungeonSiege3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2205563 No.2205563 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a good game where I can go dungeon crawling. Maybe something in the vein of Ultima Underworld but it doesn't have to be first person. Just looking for a dungeon to get lost in but that's not quite as labyrinthine as Daggerfall.

I know ''game where I can go dungeon crawling'' is pretty vague but I wanted to leave it a bit open. Any suggestions? PC or easily emulated games please.

>> No.2205571
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1420645538095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vagrant Story

>> No.2205616

Ever play Shin Megami Tensei 1?

>> No.2205632


Both amazing suggestions, actually.

>> No.2205636

Not sure if retro, but have a look at Temple of Elemental Evil.

>> No.2205663

King's Field games are great for that. The dungeons themselves are not endless, featureless labyrinths either and are very satisfying to explore because of all the secrets, shortcuts, alternate paths, traps, etc. Just don't dismiss it as boring after watching videos, the they're something you have to play for yourself to appreciate.

>> No.2205691

Assorted roguelikes

>> No.2205738

Legend of Grimrock

There is a new Underworld game about to be kickstarted.

>> No.2205745


/vr/ - Retro Games

>> No.2205748

but it's retro gameplay :)

>> No.2205767


There are only so many games that have been made in the past.

>> No.2205775

And this is the place to discuss them.

>> No.2205781

Yes. Now go back to discussing them instead of making a big deal out of one "offtopic" post.

>> No.2205782

All released games have been made in the past.

>> No.2205791

So let us look forward to the potential of future retro games.

>> No.2205934
File: 18 KB, 330x327, Shadow_tower_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah /vr/trooper, *Bro fist*

I completely agree, I'd also suggest for it's chilling atmosphere and awesome art style, Shadow Tower. It's a game done by the same company responsible for the King's Field series. I remember popping that evil-son-of-a-bitch in around midnight after work the day after getting it, and didn't stop playing till around 3am. It dominated a month of my life, looking for secrets, fighting monsters, and delving deeper into the bowels of tower.

>> No.2205942

All the Shin Megami Tensei on the SNES are fun as fuck dungeon crawlers.

>> No.2205960
File: 12 KB, 210x300, er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this similar to Eternal Ring on PS2?

Both are agetec games.

>> No.2205975

Agetec was just the publisher, and yes, it is. The company responsible for the games is From Software, the awesome company that also brought us the Armored Core series.

>> No.2205979

man i forgot about that game, thanks

>> No.2205987

>Now go back to discussing them instead of making a big deal out of one "offtopic" post.

Nobody made a big deal out of anything. No need to exaggerate.

Might and Magic
Dungeon Keeper

>> No.2206023


>> No.2206058

Oh yeah Shadow Tower's fucking awesome too. Not retro but Abyss is probably my favourite of the FROM dungeon crawlers. I'm thinking of getting a PSP just to emulate these games. Playing them while comfy in bed at night seems like it would be the best thing ever.

>> No.2206284
File: 77 KB, 752x798, 1416194011627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about Neverwinter Nights?

>> No.2206490

>ocarina of time
yeah, my favorite dungeon crawler

>> No.2206497

Eye of the Beholder

>> No.2206520

not sure if ironic, and not following that link you quoted, but i agree with this. it isn't a dungeon crawler, but the dungeons there are very well designed with fun to figure out puzzles. i am playing it for the first time and i am having a fucking blast, but stuck at the forest temple after killing all the ghosts. try not to use guides as i swear, figuring out puzzles with the hints in game is very satisfying.

anyways, there are a fuckload of good ones out there op. i am a big fan of roguelikes and diablo, dungeon crawler: stone soup, and sil top out as my all time favorites of my loosely defined idea of the genre. for one, all experiences are unique, and while survival in some aspect is based on chance, generally you do get better and last longer until you finally grab the end item or kill the evil demon.

also i believe i have said it before, in a similar thread, but quake. every level is very dungeon like, and the puzzles and secrets and everything make it very fucking entertaining. it really feels like a first person arena shooting ocarina of time to me. and it's atmosphere is astounding, especially with the music. if you have beaten the game without the music i encourage you to replay it with it as well.

you have also got to check out dungeon explorer for pcengine. it is a top down 'shooter', think gta2 but with magic and dungeons. so it is like gauntlet, another fucking fantastic gem of the sort, except with classes, a very user centric leveling system, and up to five fucking player multiplayer. and it is hard as balls even with five.

>> No.2206531
File: 35 KB, 640x400, DH_ClericSpell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked Dungeon Hack when I need a quick first-person dungeon crawl fix.

If Eye of the Beholder had a baby with a roguelike, it would be this game.

>> No.2206571
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>> No.2206580

Hey, a to-be-released game that's actually on-topic

>> No.2206676
File: 699 KB, 1200x1707, Phantasy_Star_Official_Production_Compendium_Page_09_Image_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play this one. If you like dungeons, you'll thank me later.

I seem to remember being fucked over playing as fighter, finding no magic weapons, and getting a level full of enemies immune to mundane weapons. Shit like that made me get tired of that one pretty quick. Still have the game on disc, though.

>> No.2206752
File: 28 KB, 320x240, Ancient Evil_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient Evil

>> No.2207050
File: 94 KB, 700x447, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggar I don't think you know what a dungeon crawler type game is. Just because a dungeon exists in a game does not make it applicable.

For example, there are driving portions in deadly premonition , but that does not make it a car sim.

Do you understand Better now?

>> No.2207067

Shadow Tower

>> No.2207069

>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.

>> No.2207090

oh sorry you guys already mentioned this

Dragon Quarter is pretty dungeon crawl-y

I'd also recommend

Light Crusader
Baroque (sega saturn)
Etrian Odyssey
Dark Law
Silent Hill 2
Wizardry (any except for that one insanely hard one)
Armored Core series (a lot of good cavernous winding passageway mini-labyrinth missions)
Megaman Legends

some of these aren't retro but they can all be emulated

There are a bunch more I could say but they're more mysterious dungeons than dungeon crawlers

>> No.2207091

what about gameboy advance

it'll be 15 years old next year, you gigantic faggot

>> No.2207094

15 years old isn't retro. What are you 15 years old or something?

>> No.2207171

>I know ''game where I can go dungeon crawling'' is pretty vague but I wanted to leave it a bit open.