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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2205307 No.2205307 [Reply] [Original]

Your Favorite Zelda Title and Why

>> No.2205309

MM because it was the only game I had growing up and I spent fucking hours Sonicking around the fields as a Goron for fun. Best final boss music, best swag, best side missions (dat Anju and Kafei), and my motherfucking nigga Keaton

>> No.2205310
File: 67 KB, 453x600, LZv04-002(a).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link's Awakening.

It was my first Zelda game.

>> No.2205383

pic related cuz something something retro feel

>> No.2205408

Actually it's my favorite Zelda game ever

I love A link to the past because the story is immersive, the gameplay excels beyond belief. and the resolution against gannon in the pyramid is beyond satisfying, plus we get the amazing ending sequence and music

>> No.2205431

OP got it

LttP was the first Zelda I played and finished, and I suppose that might hold a special place in my heart because of that. I did also like how explorable the overworld is from the beginning, the bosses were fairly challenging without being too difficult, and the dark world was a great idea for its time.

>> No.2205436

It's mine too. /v/ likes to imply that the overworld is a hub rather than an open world because of the sequential order of the dungeons but it always feels so massive and free to me (if not a little lonesome, but I like that). I discover new things every playthrough (though there's nothing like the first time, discovering all the secrets on your own) and the soundtrack, color palette and gameplay are all top notch.

>> No.2205457


Moldrom, need i say more

also i totally agree with you both, fav zelda game of all time, love the sprites, the 4 levels of upgrading your sword (btw this was never repeated as in no final sword has ever been golden)

i really feel like im transported to another world when i play ALttP

>> No.2205459


btw, this, i never thought i could like a zelda story that wasn't in the main canon, but god is this game fun

you got a piece of power!

>> No.2205461

What this guy said

>> No.2205469

2D: Link's Adventure
3D: Ocarina of Time

>> No.2205470

It's not /vr/ but Link Between Worlds is my favorite game in years. As far as old games go though LTTP will always be my favorite. Never was a big fan of the 3d titles.

>> No.2205471


Based Zora.

>> No.2205573

Adventure of Link
I love the gameplay (read: fighting)

>> No.2205829

Never been much of a zelda fan. Always seemed like a boring baby franchise. At least it moralizes less than most JRPGs.

>> No.2205862

Here's your reply

>> No.2205865

My favorite is actually Wind Waker

But as far as retro ones go, I always have a hard time choosing. I like all of them for different reasons. If I had to pick I'd probably go with LttP just because it was the first one I played.

>> No.2205872

ocarina of time because it was pretty fun

>> No.2205890

links awakening has the most charm in any zelda game and i feel the developers put their heart and soul into it

>> No.2205894

The original LoZ.

Seeing my uncle playing it on a big screen tv when I was just a wee lad was my first exposure to video games. The dungeon music is forever etched into my memory, and the Death Mountain music still ranks as one of the most sinister tracks I've ever heard in a game.

I have to admit that I squee'd a little during the first part of the final boss.

>> No.2205897

Maybe I just got old, but everything after OOT felt like a bloated slog

Like, the games have the same structure, it just takes 50 times longer to get anything done

And I think the modern need to have "plot" has been particularly cruel to this franchise

>> No.2205903

My favorite Right now is "A link to the past" o just love this game and i'm playing in my 3ds.

>> No.2205904

>everything after OOT felt like a bloated slog

Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword are especially bad in this regard. I just finished TP the other day and when you aren't in a dungeon, that game is nothing but bullshit padding. At least the dungeons themselves are pretty good. Skyward Sword was so bad I couldn't even finish it.

>> No.2205915

Zelda II. It's the one Zelda game I go back to play year after year.

>> No.2205919

2D: Oracle of Seasons/Ages
3D: Honestly not too sure, it's a toss up between OoT, MM and TP

>> No.2205935
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>> No.2206189

Can't decide between Zelda II, Majoras Mask and Link's Awakening.

>> No.2206193

This. Retro-wise, it's Majora's Mask I'd say. Just for the atmosphere.

>> No.2206204

Wind Waker

>> No.2206234

Can't really decide. I like a lot of different Zelda games for different reasons.

Link's Awakening wasn't my first, but it was the one that I didn't get to finish as a kid. Just as well, I didn't really *want* to. I didn't want the story to end, everything about it was really comfy. I beat it without spoiling it last year; I won't lie and say I was tearing up, but I felt like there was a void after I did. I don't like endings.

Ocarina of Time, it was the Zelda game of my childhood. We'd always rent it from Blockbuster and pick off wherever the last player left off, typically around the Fire or Forest temples. It had the coolest atmosphere, and the final boss battle still turns my dick into diamonds.

Majora's Mask is a favorite of my teen years. I got it in a GCN bundle, along with Zeldas 1 and 2. I liked that it tried new things. It was an interesting play, with and without the use of an Action Replay disc (flying zoras are the tits btw).

I finished Zelda 1 with a guide, but I'd really like to pick it up from the beginning as one of those games you play after work. The lack of a story, or perhaps the simplicity of it, is really appealing. It lets the player make something up as they go.

>> No.2206248
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Probably this one.

In all seriousness I like TP the best, though WW is close to my heart. I would have to say Link to the Past for more retro, though I only played the re-release after I played Minish Cap and Four Swords.

>> No.2206258

I love minish cap and seem to be the only person who puts it at the top of their list..

>> No.2206265

Non-Retro : Wind Waker
Retro : Ocarina of Time.
While I say Ocarina of Time (and Wind Waker) ar my favourites, I do think that quality wise Majora's Mask is a better game than both. While I never got too into it, it does horror and atmosphere FAR better than most horror stories or games I've played.

>> No.2206280


I've heard other people say this but I don't really see it. I find it more depressing than anything else.

>> No.2206283

Wind Waker. I havent finished any other one yet. Shame on me, I ordered the new MM N3DS XL - Ill get OoT 3d for it and play it before MM tho

>> No.2206285

I think it's both. There's a lot of depressing things in the game, but a lot of horror too IMO. Like the falling moon. It's rather depressing, but I think at the same time the idea of every action you do ultimately being meaningless is a pretty horrifying thought. Link screaming upon putting on another mask, the little girl with her mummified father, and the Skullkid with his twitchy head always freaks me out. I'd say the main reason I can't play the game today is because it scared me so much as a kid that I still get horrified me today.

>> No.2206293

Yeah, ALttP. Wasn't my first Zelda, but the first Zelda I've actually beat on my own.

>> No.2206294

I can understand that. Horror is kind of a subjective thing.

>> No.2206347

/vr/ I hate to admit it but I never played a Zelda game. What's the best one to start out with/easiest?

>> No.2206349

A Link to the Past is a good entry. Easy enough and essential.

>> No.2206379

A Link to the Past or Links Awakening are good entry games for 2D, for 3D OoT is a pretty good entry Zelda.

>> No.2206392

Pic related is so awesome but i also love oot and majoras mask . Every Zelda game is gud but these are excellent

>> No.2206397


the original, A Link to the past,

it'll set the mood

>> No.2206403

I liked WW quite a bit, at the time it came out it got a lot of flack for not being more mature and taking too long to sail around places. For a modern Zelda it's my favorite (but I never played anything past TP)

LttP is definitely my all time favorite, new or old. I got the first and second ones as a kid, and the first was best for a long time. LttP though just seemed like a much greater version, with no non-sensical places to bomb hoping you'd find a cavern and more of a story.

Awesome graphics, awesome gameplay. I go back and play it every couple of years or so.

>> No.2206431

Link to The Past, because it's the only one I've really played.

>> No.2207008

MM because it's a game made for people who already beat OoT and want to cut the crap and get right to the good stuff.

I love the dungeons (even though there's only four they're a damn good and challenging four), I love the world, I love the music, the masks, the characters, just everything about it is as good as it gets in a Zelda game for me.

I wasn't disappointed by Wind Waker later, but a Zelda game still hasn't surpassed it in my mind yet.

>> No.2207153

Twilight Princess
best dungeons

>> No.2207160

The Legend of Zelda was the first game I ever played. I've been a Zeldafag ever since.

>> No.2207175

The music is also what gives the game a depressing/horror tone, especially with this particular song which has different styles for the 4 different regions of the game:
Marsh Land
Snow Mountain
Great Bay Beach
Ikana Valley

Personally, I really enjoy these and my favorite music, of all the ones from the game, is the Great Bay Beach one. I can literally listen to it for hours.

>> No.2207203


Because it's an actual follow up and not a rehash of the same tired rescue Zelda obtain the fucking triangle and in doing so actually lends some credence to the notion that Link and Zelda may in fact be characters instead of rebooted disposable pawns

>> No.2207213

Ocarina of Time. I spent countless hours trying to find everything. My favorite memory was unlocking big gorons sword that did not break.

Second favorite wad Zelda DX for GBC.

Least favorite was Majora's Mask, I did not hate it just thought it was hard.

>> No.2207352

Favourite 3D: Wind Waker
Favourite 2D: Link's Awakening, which is also my all-time favourite.

I played the DX version for a while, too but it didn't feel to me like it added anything worthwhile to improve on the original.

>> No.2207470
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A more pressing question...


>> No.2207473



that temple was fucking stupid

>> No.2207481


The water temple

That's why the 3ds remake gave you the autoequip/unequip button, because they screwed up that much with the iron boots on the n64

>> No.2207482


Well Zeldafag want to rub our wood swords against each other until we both become fairyboys?

No Homo

>> No.2207486



>> No.2207501

wow anon how did you guess that?

>> No.2207509

My favourites are Link's Awakening and the 3DS remake of Ocarina, but ALttP is objectively much better than both. I played it just recently, long after Twilight Princess, right before Link Between Worlds (whichw as shit), and it felt like some kind of unprecedentedly well-made game.

>> No.2207513

The series also does not contain even a single JRPG.

>> No.2207524
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Everything after OoT was indeed a bloated slog that entirely lost its purpose. I played Zelda games in late 00s, all in a bunch, so I had exactly zero nostalgia for any of them. My personal, anostalgic rating of the games that I've played for at least 15 hours would look something like this:


Zelda II
both Oracle games


Majora's Mask
Twilight Princess
Wind Waker
Link Between Worlds
Minish Cap

both DS games

>> No.2207531


you got shit taste m8 sorry to tell you

>> No.2207536

I still don't understand that.
The L button went entirely unused in OoT. They could have used it as an additional item slot, or dedicated it to toggling the iron/hover boots.

>> No.2207552


OoT is way more bloated and slow than Majora's Mask

>> No.2207568

Sure, thanks for posting.

>> No.2207597
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Haven't played a better one yet

>> No.2207612

>not understanding L and Z were meant to function as the same button.

>> No.2207617

>not doing misery more before the ice dungeon so you can cheat your way through it

>> No.2207657


Only one i'd challenge is Original Zelda, but it's personal taste so I respect it

I love wind waker and a lot of people bag on it

You Like what You Like

>> No.2207659


Twist: I'm the samefag

>> No.2207748

Legend of Zelda because its freedom is unmatched. You can go anywhere save for two screens on the overworld when you first start the game. I love that openness.

>> No.2207874

Retro: Link's Awakening
Not Retro: Wind Waker

I like both of them because I think they tell the best stories in the series.

>> No.2207882


>> No.2207886

LoZ and probably MM need a bump

Oh god surely LbW can't be that bad, fuck me for getting it on sale yesterday :(

>> No.2207893

It's a great portable Zelda game. Don't hesitate to play it.

>> No.2207942

What he said.

I'd even go as far as to call it better than Link to the Past, though I admit I was never too big a fan of that game.

>> No.2207989

lttp > adventure of link > zelda 1


>> No.2208035

Has to be wand of gamelon for the cd-l

>> No.2208124
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original zelda. used to watch my dad play. when he was at work id play my own save file.

he passed away when i was young, so ive hung onto the same system and game. i have a lot of good memories from it.

second favorite is probably a tie between OoT and WW.

pic related. the nes.

>> No.2208443

Minish Cap is a fantastic zelda, in my top three for sure.

>> No.2208458
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They might be reproduction games...

But, I love 16bit and these are actually very hard...

>> No.2208463

Majoras mask is a masterpiece, I've aleways found it sad that it didn't get as much fame as its younger brother.

>> No.2208568

Wouldn't Ocarina be its older brother?

>> No.2208635

thats not how age works. also it didn't get famous because everybody hated it when it came out. only recently it became like a cult classic with the #SuperDeep teenagers on /v/

>> No.2208721

feels like a lot of people here are trying to be edgy and avoiding oot. too mainstream to like?

>> No.2208727


I quit playing OOT for six months because of the water temple.

>> No.2208751

nobody thinks Majora's Mask is deep

It's unique, has a wonderful gloomy atmoshpere and creepy art style

>> No.2208752


I literally love you right now, exact same thing happened to me, i swear i pushed a block the wrong direction and couldn't reset it and it fucked the temple

people have told me thats not possible, but i swear it screwed the temple

>> No.2208757

Honestly I thought it was hard, mind you this is 15 yr old version of me, but that's why deterred me from really liking the game

>> No.2209251

Ocarina is still an amazing game but after playing other entries in the series, it's no longer my favorite.

>> No.2209409
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It has to be links awaking after playing Pokemon and others then getting this blew my mind, really made me feel u was on an adventure, the sound and looks were beautiful.

>> No.2209428

Oh, man... nothing kept me company on long road trips more than this game (for Game Boy). I remember being like 8 y.o and not knowing where to go next, but I would just kill bushes and fight chickens and run away for fun. Of course I beat it one day, but, you get the point.

>> No.2209437


I did the same, actually reset the game twice, amd friend of mine talked about being stuck "four years in the water temple".

However I am fairly sure that it was actually to do with a silver key, that there was a hidden one which prevented it being unsolvable... but because of the freedom of the dungeon, many guides wouldn't mention the key until later on, so people would check a guide, realize they didn't have one of the keys which the guide assumes you have, and assume that their game was broken.

>> No.2210393
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My favorite is Ocarina of Time. In my opinion it's story and gameplay are unmatched. I suppose it was also my introduction, so it has a lot of nostalgia for me.

>> No.2210717

Not sure. It changes around when I replay them every other year or so. Right now it's a three-way tie: A Link to the Past == The Minish Cap == Majora's Mask.

>> No.2210729

2D: A Link to the Past
3D: either Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask

OoT and MM just have an "adventurous" feel that can't be matched.

>> No.2210731
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People should really stop using this word.

>> No.2210739

Windwaker in first, Twilight Princess in second.
Love these games.

>> No.2210743

Windwaker was my first LOZ game I played, so it has some nostalgia behind it, and twilight princess is just OG.

>> No.2210747

What did you like about TP? Don't take that the wrong way, I'm just curious. I finished it recently and thought it was alright, but not amazing.

>> No.2210748

The story( to me) was pretty leet. I hear complaints that it was too long, but so was half life 2. Idk, I guess it's just a personal preference.

>> No.2210750

I just watched a video on it, sooooo.

>> No.2210795

All of them--save the DS games because I haven't played them.

They all kept my attention long enough to beat them.

Except Wind Waker. I waited months before beating the last dungeon, due to the game's short length.

>> No.2210797

Edgy faggot

>> No.2210798

Another edgy faggot

>> No.2210839

Link to the Past was actually one of the later Zelda's I played, grabbing it on the GBA, but it instantly became my favorite. I love how dense the games overworld is and how you can't go even a single screen without finding some cool puzzle, hidden equipment, heart piece or dungeon. It struck the perfect balance between the original LoZ's pure exploration and the structured puzzle games 3D games eventually became.

Link's Awakening and the Oracles are also great but their overworlds are structured more like confined levels and labyrinths, rather than one seamless field that's quick to navigate, so I find them less interesting to explore. The Wind Waker also got close but it has tons of little problems here and there that stack up over the playthrough.

>> No.2210846

Link's Awakening

It caused me to cry my 7-year old self to sleep one night with just four shades of green. That's impressive.

>> No.2211021

I never really got into this series. What's so good about Zelda that makes every one love it?

>> No.2211023 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2211026

I'm sorry for making a question about understanding a popular opinion. Next time I'll just parrot it, because that's obviously better, right?

>> No.2211054

There's many reasons and opinions as to why the LoZ series is good to some people.

Some being about the adventures in the game and some are about the secrets you find. The list can go on but I think it's more about the experiences you have with those games, Wind Waker has to be my favorite because of the endless sea deal it has, that Toon Link is probably the most expressive Link in that entire series.

Despite most of the games in that series being linear, they have a decent pace to them to not make it repetitive which I think is good thing, however Skyward Sword is shit..

Take that however you will, remember not everyone has the same tastes in vidya.

>> No.2211057

Play any of them. Minish is one of the worst.

>> No.2211059

It's an absolute travesty. The whole point is that it's nonlinear, which it really is: imagine ALttP (almost literally ALttP, in fact) where all dungeons are available from rather early on. You buy the weapons, and most puzzles have 2-3 solutions (i.e. different wands, or a boomerang, or you can throw a bomb, too).

The end result is hideous, though. There is no difficulty curve at all. Since they never know where you'll go first, all dungeons are equally challenging, and by that I mean not challenging at all. They are on the general level of the first three dungeons in ALttP. They could have made difficulty scalable, but obviously that's too much work, better just add more Zelda romance and call it a fucking day. Aozelda in a nutshell.

Puzzle "nonlinearity" also works against it. Imagine a fucking puzzle. Throw almost anything in your inventory, and it'll fucking work. A bomb is a solution. So is the boomerang. Or the bow. Or whatever the fuck you've got on hand. Because what if you don't have the right item with you, right? We can't ahve that.

Fuck this game. It's a travesty. The map is literally 80% ALttP. The music, the characters, everything. It's a fucking ripoff masquerading as a spiritual sequel. And the thing's pretty fucking ugly, too, with brown muddy textures everywhere. Fuck the dumb game. Maybe you'll like it more if you ahve no expectations, though.

>> No.2211062

Also shit for gameplay and the general sense of the beginning of the end for the series. Style over substance, story first, afterthought gameplay - it kinda appeared by Ocarina already, but it's all in full bloom in Majora's.

>> No.2211067

I feel you, sister. Today it takes at least 50 shades to make a modern girl cry. Hyuk hyuk

>> No.2211169

>zelda 2
>minish cap
yeah, no

>> No.2211172

MM or ALttP

because i dunno

>> No.2211408

shut the fuck up you stupid cocksucker

>> No.2211460

sorry you made a terrible list but its really not my fault

>> No.2211467

>minish cap
Right where it belongs.

>> No.2211604

Legend of Zelda. I've tried to play LttP/OoT but couldn't get into them. LoZ was the only one I enjoyed any bit and just played it for the first time last year.

>> No.2211624

Are there any other games like LoZ? It seems one of a kind.

>> No.2211635

I've read/seen that StarTropics is pretty similar. Never played it though.

>> No.2211639

Probably Oracle of seasons / Ages or Minish Cap

>> No.2211646
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>Are there any other games like LoZ? It seems one of a kind.
The genre is action/adventure, and it's quite numerous. Do you not consider bazillion games that inspired it or were inspired by it similar enough? Like Hydlide or Ys.

And if you don't limit yourself to the top-down variation, even Nintendo's own Metroid is almost exactly the same kind of game.

>> No.2211683

They're all the same

>> No.2211697


Startropics is good, and features a lot of superficial similarities, but it's very, very linear and doesn't end up playing like Zelda, really.

>> No.2211705

Try not to cut yourself on that edge.

>> No.2211707


I was seven. Telling me all my favorite characters were going to disappear when I beat the game was sad, okay? It was like telling me that Santa wasn't real, and neither were my parents.

>> No.2211713

...and also that you're the Hero of Time and your adventure goes on.

>> No.2211716

>muh Nintendo feelings

>> No.2211717

Just ignore the trolls, tryhards, shit posters, (master) baiters, and edge fags. They'll say and do anything for attention.

>> No.2211720

>muh contrarianism

>> No.2211739

>don't hurt my feelings for a video game company!

>> No.2211759

You're on a Nintendo thread, try harder.

>> No.2212620

>how dare you bring s differing opinion to my circle jerk

>> No.2212632 [DELETED] 

Took you that long to come up with something? Come, on you can do better.

>> No.2212635

Took you that long to come up with something? Come on, you can do better.

>> No.2212651

>in nintoddler land, people don't sleep

>> No.2212672
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I'd also go with Link's Awakening. I think I played the original first but LA evokes so many good memories. The second one would be a tie between Minish Cap and A Link to the Past, both are great games imo.

Out of the 3D ones I'd say WW as it's the only one I've ever really enjoyed.

>> No.2212673

Twilight Princess

I never owned any Nintendo console growing up. It was the first one I played, which probably explains my affinity for it. The dungeons are quite good though, and I also enjoyed the story and characters (specifically Midna and Zant) quite a bit.

>> No.2212679

kinda same here although i think it was two years ago
i couldn't get into any other because they feel too story driven and i don't find it very interesting to begin with
LoZ really had that feeling of going into unknown adventure

>> No.2212727

I never really was clear on what was supposed to be happening there

>go back to your own time
>spend the next seven years twiddling your thumbs and watching Ganondorf holocaust everyone

>> No.2212857

Is that really necessary?

>> No.2212909

He can't handle people having different opinions than himself. Typical child.

>> No.2212917

To answer your question anon, until Majora's mask every zelda game had better than par graphics, music, good plannings for their 2D puzzles and dungeons, etc.
But nowadays the 3D transition effectively killed the exploration and turned it into a uber lineal game series (before they already where, but it showed less), and nintendo don't monopolizes anymore the music or graphics department.

>> No.2212940

A Link to the Past, that's the first one I've played and the one I've played the most times. So fucking hard to get 100% without any help.

Nowadays I'm starting to really look back to Twilight Princess in nostalgia, would emulate if it wasn't for the hideous tortuous wolf segments.

>> No.2212994

I never played Link's Awakening. Should I?
Which is better? Normal or DX? Why?

>> No.2213001

DX has an extra dungeon, so play that one. Great game.

>> No.2213009

>not playing the best game of the series
Just do it. Also DX is better.

>> No.2213163

A Link to the Past is my favorite by far.
The world is fairly large with lots to do.
12(!) dungeons that are all very fun and challenging. Special shout out goes to the Thieves Town's boss Blind, one of my favorite puzzles in any video game.
Lots of useful weapons and items with the cane of Somaria being my favorite item from any Zelda game.

None of the other Zelda games have kept my attention like ALttP did.
All the 3D Zelda games have bored me and I've ended up not completing any of them.

>> No.2213292


Not sure you replied to the right post.

>> No.2213309

I assure you that I have.

>> No.2213342


In that case, LA Link isn't the hero of time.

>> No.2213349

The original LoZ. The combat wasn't the best, but I loved everything else. You can explore so much of the overworld right off the bat. Tons of little secrets. Felt like a real epic adventure. Had awesome atmosphere/music.

>> No.2213371

Who the fuck cares. Or knows, for that matter.

>> No.2213387
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I prefer the original. Somehow LA is not in colors to me. I won't spoil the game for you, but it kind of made sense to me as a kid that the whole game was in black & white (actually, green and black)

However since you don't have nostalgia for the game whatsoever, just go for DX. I personally don't like how they colored the game, and the extra dungeon isn't that good tbh, but objectively it's the definitive version*, so go for DX.

*some people genuinely prefer the original LA because of the screen-jumping glitch.

>> No.2213835


>> No.2213837

I heard a rumour that the Water Temple was soft-lockable. I never managed it, but I always made a point of saving before I entered and completing it in one sitting, just in case.

>> No.2213838

This fucking song used to piss me the fuck off when I first played MM. But after a while I came to realize, its purposely off-putting. Its meant to make you feel awkward, and it fulfills it purpose. Now I love it.

>> No.2213843

I've never understood how 'too long' can be a complaint with a game.

Unless it's 'too long and boring', in which case the problem is the gameplay. If it wasn't boring, its length would be a strength, not a point of complaint.

>> No.2213859

1. lttp, for reasons already stated. links awakening is a close second.

>> No.2213861
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Obviously best is newest zelda to the worst which is the oldest because as time goes on things get more on with it, simple technological question can't be been a seen through though out the timeline of Zelda one games. Obviously not the newest are best but with when whence the older and greater it happens to always end up that way. Pattern in all games, Doom 1 + Doom 2 and on wards if Doom 3 will ever with be out again. Hah, be mirror shield fraction and pack up back to you. Winder Wales is a great sea fairing adventure but you must love the sea in order to enjoy the water in game you know? I could talk and belong with you for a whilst about the Zelda games but it's up to you. Whatever makes you happy is important to me.

>> No.2213876

I uh... what?

>> No.2213997

tru dat negga

>> No.2214009
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A...a broken promise, i...is a lot like a child's pinwheel. You have to be yourself, or at least within the confines.

>> No.2214018

The worst is always Zelda 2 tho

>> No.2214026

Winder Wales Zelda is best Zelda.

>> No.2214053

The only one I can stomach these days are the GB ones. Every other one is just the same shit repackaged and made slightly more annoying everytime.

Truly a series for casuals. I have no idea why its so universally loved. Its boring, and incredibly formulaic.

>> No.2214058
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>> No.2214065

The Legend of Zelda: Link to the BUY CHEAP C1AL1S

>> No.2214067

OOT because of nostalgia. Link to the past is the runner up I'd say.

>> No.2214070

golden axe warrior ripped it the fuck off but did a pretty good job of it

>> No.2214073

Landstalker and Alundra, both known for their tear-your-pubes-out-by-the-roots difficulty.

>> No.2214084


Ocarina of Time, because nostalgia. I'm sure I only like it because I mostly know where to go for each part of the quest, because I tried Majora's Mask and got bored when I couldn't find the story again after the first three-day cycle.

More objectively, the first game. ALttP has more solid gameplay, but I find the world of the first game so much more interesting and fun to explore.

>> No.2214089


Not retro, but the Sierra adaptation of The Hobbit is an okay shovelware ripoff of the LoZ formula, down to the basic controls. GBA for the 2D games, PC or consoles for the 3D Zelda formula. It's actually pretty neat because it's not strictly based on the Peter Jackson films.

>> No.2214096

>tfw its not bait
>tfw its my genuine feelings of the series.
Yeah man, I think its the single most over rated series of all time in gaming. Come at me.

>> No.2214101

>for their tear-your-pubes-out-by-the-roots difficulty
Alundra's difficulty doesn't come from combat (early on yes, but once you start getting more health, weapon upgrades, and items it gets a lot easier, magic trivializes boss and difficult enemy encounters).

Alundra's bane is timed jumping puzzles. Never have I been more frustrated by a games puzzles then in Alundra.

>> No.2214404

Neither was really bad at all. Especially the Ice palace.
The biggest issue with the water temple was simply waiting for water levels to change and equipping and dequipping the boots and shit with the slow menu system. The slow menu system has always been a problem with Zelda but it was particularly bad in this case. Otherwise it wasn't particularly challenging or anything.
Ice Palace wasn't even remotely bad. The ice was easily counter-able and maneuverable and was pretty much never a problem.

>> No.2214437

My favorite is Zelda 1 on nes. That one was the one most open adventure games ever. You just had to explore the world and you would find things and feel satisfied from it. I don't know am I crazy? I know it's hard and dated but it's my favorite.

Fuck ocarina. When I played it as a kid it was good, but I played through it again a couple years ago and hated it.

>> No.2214918

you probably just couldn't beat the first palace.

>> No.2214982

top kek

>> No.2214995

Link's Awakening for sure. It's the complete package without any BS. Zelda 1 and 2, OoT, and Link Between Worlds make up the rest of my top 5.

>> No.2215027

Nobody reasonable, the fanbase of MM really is cancerous, it's my favourite too but I fucking hate those guys.

>> No.2215035
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I's green for me too. Colored feels weird, never finished it.

Have a wall.

>> No.2215040

Majora's Mask.

Just something about it keeps me coming back to it over and over again. I can't really explain it. I guess it just gives me so many feels. The characters, atmosphere, music, everything seems just right.

I've never wanted to play through any of the other Zelda games more than once or twice.

>> No.2215045

>bloated slog

I hate you, but i will fight to the death for your right to have shit opinions

>> No.2215065

Let me fix that for you.

Ocarina of Time, Link's Awakening

Oracle of Seasons
Wind Waker
Minish Cap

Twilight Princess
Link Between Worlds

Majoras Mask
Oracle of Ages
Zelda 1

Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks
Skyward Sword
Zelda 2

>> No.2215096

Link's Awakening is perfect and probably the best videogame ever made.

>> No.2215115
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>> No.2217302


mostly for aesthetic reasons (just love how it looks)

runner up is WW because ADVENTURE

>> No.2217307

>capcom oracle games
>not the most repackaged of the zelda games

>> No.2217370

Link to the Past. Almost beat out by A Link Between Worlds. Not a big fan of handheld games (in general), and prefer the top-down Zelda games. If A Link Between Worlds wasn't handheld, that would have become my favorite.

>> No.2217878

Tiny bit off topic. I have 400 Club Nintendo coins, is the emulation for Zelda 1 and Link's Awakening good?

>> No.2217890
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I have distinct memories of tripping the fuck out on the psychedelic-without-psychedelics experience of gamebreaking LA with a gameshark on long car rides. I recall some really weird stuff happening during that in game dream dungeon thing.