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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2205485 No.2205485 [Reply] [Original]

I'm interested in finding a device to emulate older games, handheld stuff and possibly up to/including PSX titles. I own a PSP, but it's kind of big and bulky--anyone know of smaller devices that could handle emulating SNES and/or PSX games? My ideal device would be like a souped up GBA SP, though I know there's probably nothing like that out there.

>> No.2205502

PSP is the best choice out there no matter how you try to look for better alternatives.
OpenPandora is ridiculously overpriced
Dingoo A320 is too underpowered and pretty old by this point, but if you want small this is basically your only choice, just don't expect to be playing PSX games, that thing handles 2D emulation, and just for SNES emulation alone you had to overclock that poor fucker.
I heard a lot of conflicting reports about JXD handhelds but honestly I don't know a lot about them, and I'm always weary of android devices
And nobody likes screen controls in cell phones, unless you're just thinking of playing JRPGs, but even that is uncomfortable for the lack of button feedback. And please don't get me started with strapping a controller to a cell phone, that just looks fucking ridiculous.
And what was the name of that fucking thing that was always shilled here, that was crowdfunded I think? Can't remember the name now, but with that money you can buy 2 or 3 used PSPs.

My honest advice is just stick with your PSP, and since it can play PSP and PS1 games as well, I think it will continue to be the best choice for a long time.

You can try your luck in >>>/vg/emulation though

>> No.2205509
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It's a shame no one has made a decent controller for phones yet. This type of thing would work. Just make a hole in the top and slip you phone in and use the buttons. Instead we have shit tons of controllers with clamps.

>> No.2205510


that concept looks fucking cool

>> No.2205547
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You forgot to mention this one, which is also quite often seen here. I don't know much about it, though, but it seems it can do some PSX games.

>> No.2205556
File: 77 KB, 820x420, tonyhawk_shield-820x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A PSP will drop frames all over the place when doing SNES, so it's actually pretty far from ideal. Nvidia Shield was actually sent to some emu devs to test on, and is quite powerful for handheld, doing emulated PSX, PSP and DS all fine. It also supports some kind of Wii-U-like screen wireless connection to act as a remote monitor and gamepad for a PC, so if you're in your house and want to play actual PC games from somewhere comfy I guess that's... theoretically useful? I don't know that part.

>> No.2205570

J XD handheld or Nvidia shield is way better than a psp. In every way really, I don't understand why vr has a hard on for the psp.

>> No.2205627

Obviously because of the quality-cost balancing factor. It's definitely not the best, but it's pretty cheap right now, specially if you get one second hand, and it can do most of what the competition can do.

>> No.2205630

Looks like a peice of shit I would be too embarrassed to use that,plus op wants something small,the psp is still the best choice and has the best ps1 emulation but Snes emulation is no good

>> No.2205634

X-Play is cheaper, more powerful and has much better developer support than PSP. Literally the only reason to use a PSP for emulation is if you already have one.

>> No.2205635
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>> No.2205641
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