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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 88 KB, 1196x672, Crash Bandicoot U1 (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2204896 No.2204896 [Reply] [Original]

What was the first 3D game that you played?

How did you react/what did you feel about it at the time?

>> No.2204935
File: 16 KB, 1600x1200, Battlezone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I was around 5. I freaked out when my the "screen" cracked.

>> No.2204947

Star Fox on Snes, while not the first of its kind, blew my mind when it was released.

>> No.2204949

How strict are your definitions? Some things look 3D that aren't 3D.

>> No.2204956
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I got a very early start.

>> No.2204964
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This or maybe Star Wars. Was okay, I guess but wireframes are kinda primitive. My mind was ready.

>> No.2204982
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>> No.2205003

I played Robot Tank THIS year and I freaked out.

>> No.2205010

My first console as a kid was my older brother's Genesis. When he first let me try out Duke Nukem 3D when I was about six I was utterly bewildered. Moving left and right was all I understood, so it warped my little mind at the time.

>> No.2205012

Some racing game on the Genesis with an oversized cart whose name I don't recall - same sort of 3D as Star Fox. It wasn't very impressive to me, but that might have just been my not getting the difference it was at the time.

Or maybe not. I kind of hated the 5th generation of consoles during their lifespan because I felt that the very limited origami 3D of the time didn't even represent the art as well as the sprites had in the previous generation. Later on I've been coming back to it, both for the 2D games I failed to notice and for the 3D games I didn't appreciate.

>> No.2205015

Technically, Battlezone. A wireframe 1st person shooter in which you control a tank and must destroy other tanks. You're given a radar that shows the position of enemy tanks in relation to you, so you can use that to seek your targets as sometimes they were quite far away.

It was the first game I ever played, actually, and it was amazing.

Otherwise, Virtua Fighter at the arcade. GIT GIT GIT, GIT DOWN.

>> No.2205034
File: 12 KB, 1280x800, 39467-f-a-18-interceptor-amiga-screenshot-the-golden-gate-bridge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was the first 3D game that you played?
Probably pic related or some other 3D game for the Amiga.

>How did you react/what did you feel about it at the time?
*Shurgs* I grew up with the Amiga, so its graphical capabilities weren't really anything new to me.

Although, when the Nintendo 64 came out and I got a Voodoo 3D accelerator, that really stuck with me. I learned all the terminology like antialiasing, mipmaps and Z-buffering. That was a really exciting time to be a gamer.

>> No.2205041
File: 132 KB, 800x557, 800px-super_mario_64_box_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got an n64 for christmas when I was like 5 or someshit with super mario. i was obsessed with it playing all day erry day since this was like the first videogame I ever got. Was really into it but it took my parents to show me how to get into the paintings to go to the levels lol... i was not very bright :(

>> No.2205045
File: 55 KB, 480x391, 36574-Battle_Arena_Toshinden_[U]-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom. To be honest, I wasn't that impressed back then. Don't get me wrong, the game is one of my all time favs but the graphics weren't that impressive for young me

The first game which really blew my mind in terms of visuals was Battle Arena Toshinden. That game was the sole reason why I got a psx.

>> No.2205049
File: 203 KB, 1280x800, wolfenstein-3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat lead Robo-Hitler!

>> No.2205054


Umm... hmm... I dont remember. Medal of Honor maybe?

Wait no, Starfleet academy. fuck yes.

>> No.2205084

First 3D game for me as well.

>but it took my parents to show me how to get into the paintings to go to the levels lol... i was not very bright :(
Better than what happened with my father and I. We spent the better part of three days tossing King Bob-omb off the mountain and trying to figure out how to beat him.

>> No.2205132


haha I think I messed up on that boss too

>> No.2205172

>What did you feel about it at the time
I was 2-6 when I played Atari ST games. The 3D effect I took at face value, and wasn't really amazed by. I was more interested in trying to figure out what all the dials and inventory stuff did.
The most I could figure out at the time was that you needed to have water, and see how far you could get in the pyramid.

For some reason, despite growing up with this, Doom and that Screensaver with the mouse still amazed me when I was older.

>> No.2205174

Some flight sim. Don't even remember the name; they are all named after types of planes with "F" in front. After than, the first Star Fox.

Never really thought they looked great.

>> No.2205194

I was really impressed by psuedo-3D in SNES games like Star Wars, but that meant that actual 3D games weren't a big deal to me.

>> No.2205206

Mario 64: N64

Holy fuck, just jaw dropping

The biggest thing was the 3d analog control, and the graphics, it literally felt revolutionary like you were on the cusp of a new Era, it was so markedly different and amazing, you had to learn how to play again and what you could do felt magical because you were discovering again, it was the unknown and you got to feel it for the 1st time

Honestly I cried remembering this because of how it felt, revolutionary

Unless we get vr or 4d we'll never have a moment like that, in which gaming truly changed

>> No.2205214

Mario 64 I think. It was crazy. The level of control and the nonlinear design and size of the levels were really cool to me.

I don't count Doom or anything like that.

>> No.2205291
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>> No.2205308

I guess if I'm being honest, Stunt Race FX. And I did think it was pretty magical at the time.

But I came in here to post about seeing Wipeout on a Playstation demo kiosk at Circuit City. Completely blew my mind. I actually felt dizzy after playing it for a while. Aside from maybe the MGS2 demo, nothing gave me as much of a "the future is now" rush. The other demo playing was Battle Arena Toshinden, which similarly rocked my world.

>> No.2205317

I think my first 3D game was either Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition or whatever NASCAR game they had in 1994/5.

>> No.2206382

That game is Virtual Racing.

>> No.2206413
File: 838 KB, 1591x1600, Sophia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First "I think it was 3D" game: some old game on Mac called "Apache" I think. You flew an Apache helicopter.

First 2.5D game: Doom

First actual 3D game: Descent

First console 3D game: This >>2205045

It was the tits. Sophia was sexy as phuck

>dat obligatory shower scene in the anime

>> No.2206432
File: 7 KB, 512x448, Star_Fox_-_Gameplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Either Virtua Fighter or StarFox, but i know it was StarFox that changed my understanding of gamespace forever. I knew it was just ram and silicon, but seeing an explorable 3d volume moving around on screen really got my 10 yr old imagination going like nothing else.

>> No.2206449
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>> No.2206482

Strictly 3D - Daytona USA on Saturn.My mind was blown when I accidentally entered the pit, and the crew changed my tires.

>> No.2206528

As far as I understand nothing about Star Fox is actually 3D. Obviously the element of perception is there but in that regard it's no more 3D than Space Harrier or Outrun.

>> No.2206538

I was amazed by this as a kid.

>> No.2206549


>> No.2206554
File: 1.87 MB, 155x116, 1365969766105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not alone, bre. Exact same thing happened to my family.
>tfw your parents would force you to go to bed early
>tfw you could hear them playing SM64 in the living room

>> No.2206558

This, all of that

I mean I'd played Doom, Starfox, etc but it wasn't anything like Mario 64, with this whole world to run around in.

>> No.2206564

Probably Star Fox. It was alright.

If you want to talk about my first 3D game that wasn't a rail shooter, I don't know. I do know that I wasn't impressed with 3D back then. 3D games just felt mediocre.

>> No.2206589

Gosh, this is a REALLY good question. It got me to thinking way back to my childhood what my first video games were and how I felt when I played them.

I have no recollection of semi-3D games on old consoles, so I'd have to default to the PlayStation. I know I played other things besides Crash Bandicoot, but that's my most vivid memory. Before that, I had memories of Apocalypse (awesome), Twisted Metal 3 (brutally difficult for me), Syphon Filter (the best game of its kind at the time), and others.

None stick out to me as the definitive first, but I know for certain the PlayStation was my earliest memory of 3D games in general. And to be honest, I don't think there was much spectacle or marvel to it. It all felt natural, as if it was the way video games were supposed to be. Even now, graphical upgrades and new consoles get a mere head nod from me. It's always about the gameplay.

>> No.2206641

Fade to Black, first game I got on PS1. I thought it sucked and the gameplay was too difficult/awkward

>> No.2206705
File: 6 KB, 320x200, Death Track_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dunno, I did play it quite a lot.

>> No.2206756

Croc, aka babby's first 3d platform.
But it wasn't bad, just a more linear design compared to big names like Mario 64.

>> No.2206917
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Monster Maze, I thought it was shit

>> No.2206941
File: 19 KB, 480x300, 28628-ThunderhawkAH73M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2206949

Saw SM64 in a commercial

my mind was blown, because I was severely dissapointed in SNES

>> No.2206952


>> No.2206970

Is that supposed to be a smiling T. Rex? Because that's what I'm seeing.

>> No.2206972

I was still playing sega genesis in 1996. I saw Mario 64 at a store before it was out and my mind was blown.

>> No.2207484

I always wished this was actually playable. Years later I learned that stuff like Dungeon Master were a thing. Regrets were had.

>> No.2207490
File: 25 KB, 290x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2207553


Was blown away.

>> No.2207594

I think it was Mortal Kombat 4. I was very hyped before but once I finally got the game it was disappointing, I realized how much I preferred the old realistic sprites. The kids at school loved the fucking thing but all I wanted to do was go back to the old games. Those years in gaming were difficult, 3d was obviously more advanced but it felt like a long time until the tech advanced to the point that I could play the games without my eyes feeling like they were going to bleed from how shitty it looked.

>> No.2207843
File: 6 KB, 320x224, Zero_tolerance_(game).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this 3D?..

>> No.2207850

Some stunt car game on the Amiga. I wasn't impressed by it at all.

>> No.2207889

Mario Kart 64.

That was also my first vidya, so naturally I assumed vidya had always been 3D (I was quite young at the time).

About a year later, I discovered SNES and got into "retro" gaming.

>> No.2207895

oh man, 95 was ten years ago
time sure flies, huh

>> No.2207901
File: 6 KB, 200x251, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early 90s "virtual reality" at the mall

The way of the future

>> No.2207908

I played that and some other game with mechs that used the same helmet. Shit was cash.

>> No.2208020

Over 20 years later and VR is still in it's infancy. Pretty weird.

>> No.2208025

I remember playing something like this with some kind of shotgun I lasted about 5 minutes and game over ,couldn't work out how to use it ,any idea what game it was?

>> No.2208038

Never mind looks like I've found it


Pretty sad that I will never in a million years be able to try that machine out again it was about 2001 when i played it

>> No.2208093
File: 11 KB, 480x360, dactyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Total Recoil

That's the coolest name for a shooting game I've ever heard

Apparently the VR game I played was Dactyl Nightmare, I remember a few years later seeing a boxing one as well.

>> No.2208860


>> No.2208889

This. Had the Windows 3.1 Atari collection.
I freaked out when the screen cracked too.

after that, Doom or Duke3D probably

>> No.2208931

Fuck yeah. Mein Leben

>> No.2209240

Yeah. The 3D vector games were great. Before that were the EM sub games which were literally 3D but not so great. Still mind blowing at the time.

>> No.2209259
File: 221 KB, 448x632, Sonic3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to say this, but I'm not sure it's right. Maybe one of those racing games like Mario Kart of Pole Position if we're counting them. I can't really remember the timeline of these things.

With respect to Sonic I don't remember being very impressed. Sonic 2 and Sonic & Knuckles were both fairly difficult games to me. Games I never beat as a kid. But I got really far the first time I played Sonic 3D as a rental. I guess I understood that it was different (and technically impressive) but that didn't necessarily make it good.

>> No.2209403

Doom or Tenka on Demo 1

>> No.2209406

This shit I played on C64, really didnt give a fuck that it was 3d, I was 6 at the time..

I also had ZX Spectrum for 2 weeks then we upgraded to C64 but even on ZX Spectrum i played 3D but I didt like it , I didnt even knew they were in 3d

First game that actually impresed me with 3D was either Quake or Privateer 2.
Sorry for retards who comment on LP but I COUULDNT find one with pure gameplay, check at Privateer 2 link, it's a native DOS game, at that time came Win95 and literally puled gaming graphics 10 years back(i think Pitfall :"Something" was Win95 flagship game).
If you add 1080p resolution on Privateer2 and add hires texture pack, game would look like it was made today.I dont even want to talk about FMV included that was on par with Hollywood bullshit.

>> No.2210591

spyro 3 back in 2000
first experience ever actually

>> No.2210618

Super Mario 64. I don't think I cared that it was 3D. It was just another Mario game to me.

>> No.2210627

that doom port has some kickass music

>> No.2210828

Mario 64.
I was maybe 5 at the time and I had already seen Toy Story growing up, so I didn't think too much of it. It was just a cool game I hadn't played before.

The jump from the N64/PS1 to the GCN/PS2 was the one I remember being floored by, probably because I was old enough to appreciate it that time.

>> No.2210838

Playing an Ocarina of Time demo at Nebaksa Furniture Mart while my mom, I dunno, looked at furniture or something. I was a huge fan of Zelda beforehand, but I just picked it up when the kid in front of me dropped it and was could not kill the deku scrub because he kept popping underground. I also thought Navi was an enemy and kept trying to kill her. I remember thinking that it must be SO MUCH HARDER to hit things in 3D, since now your sword could accidently go over things and miss that way.

>> No.2210842



>> No.2210876

F-Zero X. I had an Atari 2600 before that, so N64 was my second console and it blew my mind.

>> No.2211157
File: 111 KB, 315x266, hoverwindows95[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either this or starfox unless we're counting doom

>> No.2212573

I guess my first experience with pseudo-3D was the First person levels and RC levels in the Toy Story game on Sega Genesis.

>> No.2212589

Super Mario 64. I was 5, so I was hardly used to SNES/Genesis enough for SM64 to blow me away as it may have done for others. I also transitioned back and forth between the systems very often.

To this day I think of it as one of the best 3D platformers ever created, and I can't help but be disappointed when I see 21st century 3D Mario, if only because it's only 3D in assets, not in design (except for Sunshine of course).

>> No.2212590

Virtua Racing.

The genny version is a good achievement but the arcade one is what's actually worth playing.

>> No.2212596

This, call me a youngshit but I was amazed by the graphics in Luigi's Mansion and Smash Bros Melee. Even today they look really good, I think.

Also played Descent for the first time today, and it's really cool. I know they're different games, but given that they're both early 3D marvels, I think it's fair to say that I like it more than I like Quake.

>> No.2212696

I don't care if someone renders a fuckton of bitmaps of you standing there in a 3D world, with a frame for every angle you look from every XYZ coordinate, featuring enemies and 3D object facing any direction and standing anywhere, if the illusion works, then it's 3D to me. I hate people who say Saturn/PS1 or the software renders for Quake/Unreal aren't "really" 3D then always recite the same thing about z-buffers and wobbly polygons.

>> No.2212704

>wobbly polygons

Before someone gets on me I meant textures, I know they become distorted because they're being mapped with affine which is faster.

>> No.2212713

>if the illusion works, then it's 3D to me
By this logic, games with pre-rendered sprites like Starcraft 1 are 3D.

For something to be truly 3D (both technically and artistically), it must be stable perspective correct. 3D is all about perspective after all.

Judging something as 3D or not based on feelings is laughable. There is a big difference in the mathematics underpinning the games.

>> No.2212715
File: 34 KB, 427x231, 642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was bought a N64 for my birthday when I was a kid, only games I liked for it were mario party and pokemon stadium. I don't care what anyone says, 3D platforming was shit on the N64 even for it's time.

>> No.2212718

>By this logic, games with pre-rendered sprites like Starcraft 1 are 3D.

That is not what I meant, I meant the 3D models being embedded into the render you're looking at. Your 3D card does a lot of computations and can hand you 30 frames per second, in a minute that makes about 1800 pictures. Now imagine you had those pictures beforehand for every possible minute of gameplay you could think of. Wouldn't that be 3D even if mathematics aren't actually involved? Not to mention Star Fox didn't even have texture mapping so your point is moot to begin with.

And please don't tell me I say laughable things. Go jerk off to your Voodoo or N64.

>> No.2212726

>Now imagine you had those pictures beforehand for every possible minute of gameplay you could think of.
I have no idea what you're trying to say here, but it sounds like pre-rendered graphics.

>Not to mention Star Fox didn't even have texture mapping so your point is moot to begin with.
You don't need texture mapping for something to be 3D, but as soon as you use a psuedo-3D affine texture mapper then your game has ceased being 3D.

>Go jerk off to your Voodoo or N64.
Carmack found perspective correction important enough to even implement in the software version of Quake. It's the reason the game runs so badly on 486s.

>> No.2212761
File: 40 KB, 776x579, Resident Evil 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and Blood. Don't hear too much about Blood anymore

>> No.2212764

I played SM64 at a Funcoland mall kiosk

I thought it was pretty neat you could move about in 3D, but I thought the graphics really looked like ass after Yoshis Island had just come out

>> No.2212767

You have a shit opinion, it's fine. There's no need to cry.

>> No.2212776


My first one, too. Minds were blown.
The soldiers had different capabilites, it sported a cool soundtrack and voice acting ("Shotgun collected"), plus gratious violence (with Blood running down the walls).

I always lost my passwords, so after a while I would just speedrun to the exits, to get to the second world. Took me a while to figure out how to get these damn snipers...


>> No.2212848

Virtua fighter at the arcade section of bullwinkles (now boomers!) when I was 5.

It was glorious and I remembered thinking it was the coolest thing ever. I always picked Akira because I thought ninjas were cool.

>> No.2212867


> I always picked Akira because I thought ninjas were cool.

Thanks for triggering my autism.


>> No.2212879

am i the only one who isnt hyped for vr or oculus or anything like that at all

>> No.2213136

Virtua Racing and Virtua Fighter for me. I thought they were cool and novel at the time, but I didn't expect it to tale off because 2D looked a much better at the time. Once Daytona USA came out I changed my tune. That game looked incredible and I could then see 3D being the new design format.