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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2194981 No.2194981 [Reply] [Original]

What is so good about this game again?

>> No.2194983

Literal children who had never seen a PC in their lives somehow thought Goldeneye was an innovation rather than an eye-raping nightmare with the worst controls imaginable.

>> No.2194987

It's a pretty good game but it was babbys first fps for a lot of people ,lags like a motherfucker too,what killed it for me though was the infinite re-spawning enemies like that level where you have to disable the satellites ,your trying to get shit done and find the right hut but they just keep on coming.

>> No.2194998

The box art obviously.

>> No.2195008

yeah it's a shame about the framerate
but the controls was the one thing they got right, r-aiming is essentially a really archaic implementation of modern fps's iron sights

>> No.2195019
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>> No.2195032

4-player, license to kill, pistols.

>> No.2195041

Last night I bonded with the buns of your sister?

>> No.2195049
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Going for the easy answer (it's innovating!) really does not mean a thing. A lot of games were innovative, but the final results were average to mediocre

However what I like, and probably most part of the fans, in GoldenEye 007 is how fun is to play it. Part in how the game does not take itself so serious, part because of the amazing OST, part because of it's 4-players battle, but most important, of how much is satisfying to kill a enemy.
If you shot him the hand, he loose his gun. If you shot him in his helmet, it will protect him.If you shoot him in the cap, it will fly away.If you shoot him in the asshole he will jump miles away, etc.
To make things more ludicrous fun, almost everything explodes. Chairs, toys, barrels, computers and all the rest in the room can explode and send your enemy (or you) away. Those tiny little things make the game always a blast to play, because even when you are trying that train level for the 56th time, that guy dying with his hand on throat will amuse you.

Add to the formula the fact that Bond is a famous character that have LOTS of guns and cool gadgets and you have a really solid, fun game.

>all that mustard race

>> No.2195058


>> No.2195069

28 year old gamer here.

Goldeneye was my generation's Halo or Call of Duty.

Like, you know how today hardcore FPS fans are playing games like CS:GO on PC while casuals and children are playing CoD on XBox?

Well, back then hardcore FPS fans were playing Quake online/LAN on PC while casuals and children were playing Goldeneye couch split screen.

>> No.2195070

>being born post 2000

>> No.2195074
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>le hardcore gamer

>> No.2195103

Compared to other fps at the time:
- 30+ different weapons
- objective-based missions
- an actual story
- hot-seat multiplayer with loads of different ways to play
- timed challenge with cheat rewards on every single stage
- stealth mechanics
- enemies have more AI scripts than just "shoot player or shoot other monsters"

>> No.2195110

What are hardcores playing now?

>> No.2195114

Zuma Revenge

>> No.2195121

Licensed game that's actually good

Getting to play as Bond

>> No.2195123


Counter-Strike, Starcraft 2, Path of Exile, Dota 2

>> No.2195140

lots of fpses in there, i see

>> No.2195147
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>> No.2195181

Not much. It's an okay game. Flamboyant hit/death animations are cool and so are objects blowing up everywhere during firefights, as this anon talks about-

>> No.2195196

It was the first real multiplayer fps on a console. So it exposed a lot of new players to the genre.

>> No.2195413
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It's not like they didn't port PC FPSes to N64, and in some cases even did a decent job

>> No.2195423

None of them took off like GoldenEye though

>> No.2195426
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Back in the day, it was all about multiplayer matches with 4 people.

>> No.2195557

>What is so good about this game again?
It's a fun game with a lot of cool features.

>> No.2195560
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I just picked this up at a thrift store the other day for $4. This cheat alone makes it worth every penny.

>> No.2195562

balding makes you age like shit

>> No.2195582

All my friends and I were playing PC FPSes at the time--I remember Doom, CyClones, Dark Forces, Duke 3D, and the Quake 2 demo (thought that must have been a little later)--and we all still thought Goldeneye was great.

>> No.2195612

>shoot dude in foot
>he actually hobbles around for a bit

still better than most fps today

>> No.2195798

Pretty much this. It's a fun game. The short levels make for quick fun without any big time commitment, and allow for fantastic optimisation. The multiplayer is entertaining. The attention to detail is hilarious. It doesn't take itself too seriously. Everything about it is designed to be entertaining rather than dark and gritty.

Also, siberian special forces > oddjob.

>> No.2195821

>shoot guy a bunch while he's rolling
>hear him do a death sound mid-roll
>finishes rolling animation, stands up straight, then begins dying

I love how the game has stuff like what you pointed out but still has moments like that. It's good tech and good comedy.

>> No.2195842
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Hardcores are playing Heroes of Newerth and AoE 2 HD, anon. You just literally named baby-tier party games, only a step above the likes of Candy Crush and League of Legends.

>> No.2195849

I like how everything explodes when shot in Goldeneye. Shoot computer screen: Explosion. Shoot a fucking table: sure an exploding table is yours.

>> No.2195851


Could a FPS today have "everything explodes" physics without being criticized for it?

>> No.2195853

Dunno. As far as I'm concerned there hasn't been any FPS's released since around Halo 2 (yes, it's painfully modern but it isn't War Simulator 20XX. Also what happened to arena FPS's like Quake and Unreal Tournament?)

>> No.2195860

Not unless it was a cartoony comedy FPS.

>> No.2195862


Quake Live was recently re-launched on Steam but purists dislike it because it now has weapon load outs, a new announcer, and no gore.

>> No.2195867

>shoot that miniature toy car in the cabin on surface
>explosion fills entire room; killed instantly
We laughed for a good five minutes.

>> No.2195909

i pierced your sisters buns
the only good oc to come from [s4s], ever

>> No.2196071

back when cheatcodes and showboaty gadgets were earned.

>> No.2196218


>> No.2196620

A nice part of this game was increased difficulty included extra objectives instead of just more damage.

Beating control room on 00 was a real accomplishment

>> No.2196645

Control was the devs being arseholes.

Grischenko pulls a gun on you. You shoot him. Objective failed, Natalya bitches you out.

>> No.2196654

It's just a fun game FPS game. Not the best in the world, but it just has a good feel to it.

Also if you complain about it's controls you never actually went into options and changed it to the setting where it's basically like any other modern FPS control scheme.

>> No.2196669

What's the point in engaging in a discussion or debate where only one side is actually invested, and other side is laughing there ass off.

This whole thread is bait.

>> No.2196787

When are Goldeneye threads NOT bait? I'm pretty sure somewhere out there is an image file of how to troll the different boards of 4chan, and the updated one includes starting a Goldeneye thread on /vr/

>> No.2196803

It's an entertaining action/adventure game with decent atmosphere played in a first person perspective. Additionally, it has lots of optional shit in it and one of the best MP modes of that entire generation.

Modern gamers are generally too retarded to see it as anything more than an FPS, hold it to that genre's standards, and then hate on it.

OK, so you don't run down a 20 hour long corridor blasting at enemies and taking cover from their shots in fast paced gameplay while the game tells you exactly where to go and what to do. It's not an FPS, and not a modern game.

What it has is a soul. It's fun to play, has actual mission objectives (that the game leaves you to get done for yourself and will fail you for missing one, BTW) and above all else, it manages to recreate the feel of the James Bond films without literally being a movie itself.

Don't like it? Fine. But don't expect to run your mouth and not get talked back to motherfucker.

>> No.2196814

They're never not bait but at least on /vr/ you get reasonable and valid responses.

>> No.2196856

It added/combined a lot of new aspects to the FPS genre that has kind of spearheaded many of the products that you see today.

For instance, objective-based gameplay that required you to escort people places, sneak into places and break into safes under a time limit, etc. (inb4 Quake 2, I enjoyed Q2 but the objectives were 'find this button by shooting lots of Strogg and run into it.').

Secondly, the stealth aspect was fairly new at the time. Some missions would become nearly impossible if you didn't try to be sneaky.

Third, the method of unlocking cheats by doing speed runs was pretty neat.

Fourthly, it made use of R-aiming for sniping.

Fifth, it had a cool storyline because it was based on one of the better bond movies.

Then you had the 4 player MP which was loads of fun.

The game certainly doesn't stand the test of time, but that's because the console FPS genre is overloaded with tons of different games that have incorporated the things that made Goldeneye good and improved upon them.

>> No.2197515

Shhh...the mustardrace will hear you. They like pretending that they were all hardcore dudes who played competitive Quake back in the day and are above everything else. Be careful not to disturb their precious imaginative play, they might realize that games like HL2 are actually more casual than what they perceive to be a primitive console FPS, you wouldn't want to see the consequences of that now would you? You can at least sit back and watch them come up with made up reasons as the why the game is for babies.

>> No.2197524

HL2 was always shit though and this is coming from a lifelong PC fag.

>> No.2197526

>20 hour long corridor

No modern FPS lasts more than 4-5 hours.

>> No.2197549
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What he said.

Although to be fair, Perfect Dark is WAY better. Like, it's not even close.

>> No.2197550

PD isn't better for MP. You can't see shit trying to play 4-way on a 20" CRT with those small textures that get lost in 240p fuzziness.

>> No.2197556

Oh, and fucking Farsight camping.

>> No.2197560
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>Heroes of Newerth

>> No.2197564
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Perfect dark for the Singleplayer/Co-op and GoldenEye for the multiplayer

>> No.2197638

It had decent controls at the time and was on a Nintendo console. That's pretty much it.

>> No.2197652

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.2197658

The funny thing is, exploding fireballs aside, Goldeneye was considered pretty realistic in that regard. Stuff like bulletholes in glass that you can shoot through, plus shooting through doors with powerful weapons, was considered really cool, and the ability to blow up scenery went along with that.

I'm pretty sure that one was done on purpose as a joke, just like the box in Caverns where it keeps spitting out smaller boxes when you blow it up.

>> No.2197680

Let's vote.

>> No.2198023

you forgot

>> No.2198416

Eh. PD tried, but well... The humour it tries doesn't really work. And when it takes itself serious, it just embarrasses itself. And multiplayer was never as exhilarating as Goldeneye's.

The missions themselves are great, and while it had some stinkers, well, so did Goldeneye. But the additional focus on story and 'Wit' ultimately hurt the game, tbh.

>> No.2198449

Yeah but Perfect dark had this:
>I ashume that you have some?


>> No.2198524

i remember enjoying beta as fuck, then they shilled and everyone stopped playing it, kinda sad, i think it's better than both dota 2 and lol

>> No.2198641

kek'd too hard at this

>> No.2198801

Haha you're right. I also forgot that sweet feeling of putting a proximity mine on some body armor.

>> No.2198812

Semi destructible environments and the fact that those 30+ weapons were from the bond movies helped a lot too.

>> No.2198820

This. It may have a lot of nostalgia value for us now, but people played it back then because it was fun, well made game. The people that say it was never a good game either never really played or are more likely just being contrarian faggots.

>> No.2198871

I post an answer like this each time this topic rears its ugly head on /vr/ (a lot). The atmosphere is a huge part of the game. If you don't like James Bond, spy thrillers, good music, and never got to play multiplayer back in the day, then fine, hate on it all you want - but if all of those things really do apply to you, then cripes, where's your sense of fun?

Most of this game's detractors are jaded players who'd stick their noses up at any game with a bigger following than their own favorite games. Yes, Goldeneye is THAT good, people love it THAT much, and you should probably get over it.

>> No.2198882

Er, why? Is anyone ever going to give reasons for Perfect Dark being better, or am I to assume it's just the gadgets?

I admit, it's hard to deny the sheer amount of content Perfect Dark had, but that stinker of a single player campaign makes it pretty worthless for single player outside of challenge missions. Also, horrible slowdown with some weapons, mostly explosives and Reaper.

>> No.2198919 [DELETED] 

>this much bullshit

Not a single fucking kid I knew back in the day identified as a "hardcore gamer". Kids either knew that you were good or made fun of you when you sucked, there was no "hur durr git gud casual".

If you visited a kid and they had Bond, you played bond. If you had a computer and a modem on your ass at home playing Diablo and Starcraft hoping someone didn't call and dc you, or your parents were cool enough to pay for another line just for the internet. I didn't know anyone rich enough whose folks would let them take the family computer to a LAN party.

D.O.B 5/29/86

>> No.2198925

A lot of the anti-sentiment came from people claiming years later that GoldenEye was some sort of genre-changing revolution in terms of FPS, whereas the truth was that it was mostly quite derivative of the PC FPS scene.

Then Halo made the same claims, but unfortunately it WAS a genre-altering experience (for the worse), though again, all of its so-called revolutions had been available in PC games years earlier.

In either case, whenever these facts are pointed out, they tend to be glad-handed away because it was the first time they had appeared on consoles - infuriating, because what difference does it make? Throw in some ad-hominems about hating fun and not having friends and you have the equivalent of being told "Well you might have facts but you're a sad loser for pointing them out," and stifling any chance of actually critically analyzing the numerous positive and numerous negative aspects of the game.

>> No.2198930

I find PD's weapons set to be a clusterfuck. So many weapons have weird secondary fire functions that it's almost impossible to have a match with conventional weapons and still have any variety.

The lock-on function of the CMP150 is one of the most fantastic examples of this bullshit. At range it can be more accurate and easy to use than the Sniper Rifle in the Villa. Anything that aims for you (like the laptop gun) will be garbage in this way. Likewise, the explosive/threat detector being a function of mines themselves makes no sense and make it impossible to hide them and really set clever traps. Any otherwise normal weapon with an explosive feature effectively temps you to use it as a grenade launcher, while replacing the actual pure grenade launcher with nothing else (making custom weapons sets less powerful, since it becomes harder to make mostly explosive, or just conventional sets). The Farsight is ridiculously better then a golden gun. The really powerful shit that you can make go around shit (Slayer, Rockets) has no standard variation that doesn't have tracking or manual control. Same with weapons with 'overfire' secondary modes like Cyclone and Shotgun.

Most things are too exotic. If you imported the entirely of Goldeneye's weapons, with slight modifications, but without the bullshit, that would be great, because then you'd have more freedom to mix and match.

>> No.2198934

>it was mostly quite derivative of the PC FPS scene
Wait, how? What other games at the time actually played like Goldeneye? I know of no other campaign with the same kind of tactics that the game encouraged that came out prior to it.

>> No.2198940

>the truth was that it was mostly quite derivative of the PC FPS scene.
>whenever these facts are pointed out, they tend to be glad-handed away

Funny, since this thread seems to be the exact opposite of that: tons of features pointed out and not a single PC FPS mentioned that "did it first", just people claiming that they exist.

>> No.2198946
File: 4 KB, 150x219, rad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking Bond, dude. It's still fun even if the bros you're playing it with are laughing about how bad they think it is now.

"Duuuuude! Remember how this used to be, like, the coolest fucking game ever?" moments are always rad.

>> No.2198958

I'm also 28 and this is all bullshit. Back in 1995 we didn't give a fuck what you played as long as you didn't suck enough at it that it made it not fun to play with you. There was no casual vs hardcore shit going on when we were 9 years old, bro.

>> No.2198960



>> No.2198964

Proximity Mining your friends.
Variety of objectives in single player missions and multiple ways to do them. (actual good scaling difficulty though crippled by controller)
More complex hitboxes than most modern games.

That said the controls are fucking terrible, but well N64.
Sometimes you have to guess at what it means for you to do, like how on the damn there is no indication that jumping off isn't just instant death but rather how to end the level.
Deathmatching was not new at this time and it got more credit then warranted for that.

Overall a lot of fun pizza filled nights with friends, but if you are on a quest to play the classics of each generation you can skip this one. It was a you had to be there game and its time is past.

>> No.2198969

>That said the controls are fucking terrible, but well N64.
This is the one criticism that's just blatantly false. The defaults suck, horribly, but nothing is otherwise worst than modern console games.

>> No.2198973

Doesn't the Objectives list say pretty clearly to bungee jump off of the dam?

>> No.2198979

To be entirely fair, Goldeneye DID have considerably more varied and complex gameplay than the usual PC fare that, at the time, revolved around Quake and Duke Nukem 3D. Even popular post-Goldeneye PC releases like Quake II and Unreal didn't really change this. Prettier, yes, but gameplay wise?

Half Life (And for the purists, Rainbow Six) was of course more advanced, but they also post-date Goldeneye.

The only PC FPS one can genuinely say brought the same and more on the table than Goldeneye did and existed before Goldeneye is System Shock.

Let's not shortsell Goldeneye. Not all that many PC games that could outdo it when it was released.

A fair assessment would be that Goldeneye belonged to a new breed of FPSes, together with Half-Life and jointly preceded by System Shock (And allegedly the Marathon series, I suppose. Never played it. Why the fuck would anyone release games for MacIntoshs?). Whereas, say, Turok was blatantly old-school and brought nothing new to the table.

>> No.2198981
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>> No.2198992

Um, the first scene in the movie has Bond jumping off the dam. It was featured quite frequently in the trailers also.

>> No.2199001

Yes it does. And I spent a lot of time running up and down the thing looking for a bungee or rope not a stark drop into the void. Which is what animated for a few seconds before it jumps to the cut scene.

I played it last weekend on an N64 binge. Its controls are shit. And then I used custom controls, which was playable not good. Got annoyed and emulated it instead to use another controller and it was still meh.

The dual stick movement that came in later times was a godsend to consoles to get horizontal and free movement on different sticks.

>> No.2199007

Medal of Honor was better

>> No.2199013

>The controls
In my group of friends we'd occasionally agree to adjust our sights before entering the same arena to duel it out, lel.
At that time we hadn't discovered anything but the default controls and had yet to migrate to the better, Turok-style, controls.

Default controls: You walk and aim sideways with stick. You aim up and down and strafe with C-buttons/D-pad

I think this changes if you press the aiming button, but I don't remember as we always use the Turok style control schemes these days anyway (or the funky 2 controller control scheme :^)

>Its time is past
Not if you can gather the same group of friends/a group of friends with similar experiences of this game again. It's still fun.

>> No.2199015

>Dual stick.
I find that you rarely want to do anything but run anyway so digital 8-way walking using the D-pad (or C-buttons if you prefer controls for lefties like me (I'm a righty though..., my left thumb is just better at aiming)) works out okay, but it isn't perfect of course.

>> No.2199021

>The dual stick movement that came in later times
Goldeneye had dual stick in single player.
It was probably one of the first FPS titles with that too, I don't know.

>> No.2199037

>And then I used custom controls, which was playable not good
I assume you didn't toggle on Lookahead? That's pretty fucking important.

>The dual stick movement that came in later times
It came with Goldeneye. You could do that, it was that far ahead of the curve.

>> No.2199039

It was the best console shooter ever at the time it was released. Before (and even a little after) you just got gimped PC ports.

>get three friends
>buy pizza
>play Goldeneye
Fun times guaranteed.

>> No.2199041

I didn't want to go out of retro territory so it was a bit vague.

But Perfect Dark built on it and Timesplitters on top of that. If you have friends around you are better off with Timesplitters or an actual party game. The game even expanded on what made it fun ie, tight levels with mines everywhere or other ridiculous weaponry.

I was use to it back then, but having better controls later makes it feel very awkward to get use to again. And playing through old games there are just others that did it better now or no longer being a kid there are PC games to be had.

Not trying to hate on it. There was a year or two of my life defined by Goldeneye, Smash, and Twisted Metal rumbles with friends.

Like I said it did many things will like difficulty that made gameplay more complex rather than tedious and hitboxes that aren't head/body only. Those two things alone great. And the dumb AI is so funny I love it for that as well as 40 guys run around a corner to get mowed down. But going back made me really grateful for things that changed later in this case. Or having a mouse.

>> No.2199047

I don't get the hate for the controls? I pretty much only move while strafing, and then I shoot people. Easy enough.

>> No.2199050

Agreed. Still great, just hard to enjoy as much when what came after is so much improved. Controls can also be a bitch to get down once more. Framerate helps too.

I wish I could set the controls myself in the 360 version of Perfect Dark so I could basically redo the controls directly from the N64 (I have a 360 pad with six face buttons so I could do c-button movement). Using two sticks feels wrong on that game for some reason.

>> No.2199058

Oh yea framerate Didn't even think to mention that. Fuck me the N64 hurt on that badly.

In the end I think what made Goldeneye what it was is the same thing that makes CoD popular now. Friends. Though Goldeneye was a fuck load more impressive for its time as a console game.

>> No.2199094

I think you both miss the point. Goldeneye was unique at the time, just not particularly high quality. Its peculiar ideas could have been implemented much better.

>more varied and complex gameplay than the usual PC fare
Let's say there's "stealth" (shoot them in the head before they start shooting) and run 'n gun. Okay, on the face of it, that's more variety, but these add up to less than the sum of their parts. Due to poor level design, generic man-with-gun enemies, AI lacking in aggression, and a lethargic pace tuned for console controls & low framerates, little variety is to be found. Much less than the best raycaster FPSes like Doom and Blood, and less than Quake. Jedi Knight was contemporaneous to Goldeneye, and it's miles more varied than any preceding FPS. I don't think it's a fantastic game, either, but it stands a hell of alot straighter than Goldeneye.

Complexity is an almost meaningless measure of a game, because it's only indirectly related to depth. Goldeneye has complexity in its location-specific damage, reloading, aim mode and other trappings, but these fail to add significant depth. So I agree with
>A fair assessment would be that Goldeneye belonged to a new breed of FPSes
but it's a fact I interpret differently. Goldeneye spearheaded the ongoing decline in FPS, where design decisions are made to achieve either a realistic or filmic effect, instead of gameplay uber alles.

>> No.2199113

>realistic or filmic effect, instead of gameplay uber alles
So, you're saying that because it didn't play like run the fuck around everywhere Quake, it was a strict downgrade gameplay wise? I disagree that it didn't add depth, the slower, steady aim based gameplay is a different style, but there's room for more than one type of FPS.

>lethargic pace tuned for console controls
This is kind of the point though. The controls prevent it from being a 'point and click' style game and demand that you set up your shots. If you changed this it would no longer play like Goldeneye. HL2 did far more to encourage the 'cinematic', linear style where the game throws you through a sequence of simple obstacles, with tons of variety, none of which adds up together to create depth.

>> No.2200143 [DELETED] 


The game came out at a time when 3D FPS titles were not very common on consoles. Additionally, the ability to play a multiplayer game split screen was pretty cool as well.

The game also features simplified gameplay mechanics, easy controls, and a popular brand. Everything about it just worked for the time that it had come out.

>> No.2200147

>>2194981 (OP)

The game came out at a time when 3D FPS titles were not very common on consoles. Additionally, the ability to play a multiplayer FPS game with split screen was pretty cool as well.

The game also features simplified gameplay mechanics, easy controls, and a popular brand. Everything about it just worked for the time that it had come out.

>> No.2200152

4 player splitscreen and you could landmine the levels.

>> No.2201349

>simplified gameplay mechanics
How is Goldeneye more simplified than any other FPS out at the time?
Sure Quake 2 was more 3-dimensional when it came, and Dark Forces 2 was spectacular (save the terrible FMV parts), but other than that most FPS games at the time were fucking Pac-Man compared to Goldeneye.

>> No.2201356

>Quake 2 was more 3-dimensional
you have no idea what you're talking about do you?

>> No.2201362


ALL three of its dimensions were more dimensional. Proven fact.

>> No.2201368

also didnt half lfie come out months later?

>> No.2201369

Are you saying it was less 3-dimensional than Goldeneye, the most 2-dimensional shooter since Wolfenstein 3D?

>> No.2201372

More like a year later, close to the release of the Dreamcast.

>> No.2201393

dreamcast was 99 though, it was still a little off

>> No.2201395

yeah sure i have no idea whatever

>> No.2201398

>Half-Life - 8 November 1998
>Dreamcast - 27 November 1998
All depends on Jap or American release dates.

>> No.2201447

nigga you just used the jap date to win an argument

alright, you won this one, r u happy?

>> No.2201913

>Goldeneye spearheaded the ongoing decline in FPS
maybe but it wasn't goldeneye's fault the copies declined so hard
its successor was another step forward (perfect dark)
it was the lack of innovation, not goldeneye, that spearheaded any perceived decline

>> No.2201919

>Due to poor level design
GE pioneered FPS design that resembles real locations.
>generic man-with-gun enemies
Strangely, a secret agent is most likely to encounter men with guns while on his or her mission.
>AI lacking in aggression
Fair point. Perfect Dark made the AI more aggressive. But the relaxed "stop, aim, shoot at you, move, stop, aim, shoot at you" style is extremely nice because it allows you to dodge. GoldenEye and Perfect Dark are more like tennis. Two sides lobbing projectiles back and forth in a semi-relaxed fashion.

>> No.2201969

>3D FPS titles were not very common on consoles

In 1997 3D FPS titles were still not very common period.

>> No.2202003

It was four-player splitscreen deathmatch FPS on a console, featuring a beloved classic character, lots of different weapons, and tons of secrets and easter eggs.

If it had been a PC game I doubt it would have been nearly as popular, because it would have been sharing shelf space with Quake, Unreal, Half-Life, and Doom 2. Plus Quake 2 came out not too long after Goldeneye.

>> No.2202013

GoldenEye is to FPS games what Mario 64 is to platformers.

>> No.2202424

>GoldenEye and Perfect Dark are more like tennis. Two sides lobbing projectiles back and forth in a semi-relaxed fashion.
That's something I really like about the Goldeneye damage system that I haven't seen in any other fps. The enemies fire a cloud of bullets in your general direction. If you stay in the cloud, a chunk of your health is shaved off, but if you get out of the cloud in about a second you don't get hit. Meanwhile all of your shots make contact with the enemies immediately. It sounds dumb, but with a bunch of different enemies firing at you at once you kind of end up juggling them, trying to shoot one guy to lock him in his injury animation while you dodge another guy's shots. This might have been done to compensate for shitty controls, but I like it.

>> No.2202446

>So, you're saying that because it didn't play like run the fuck around everywhere Quake, it was a strict downgrade gameplay wise?

The filmic effect (which Goldeneye pulls off well, for what it is) doesn't suit games. It shapes games in service of something other than gameplay.

>the slower, steady aim based gameplay
>The controls prevent it from being a 'point and click' style game and demand that you set up your shots.

Not really. You can just run 'n gun most of the time, and those moments are far more fun than the bastardized stealth or weighty precision shots. Run 'n gun is especially important given lots of reliance on infinitely respawning enemies. Goldeneye is a rare FPS where you can't just kill everything, which makes killing anything relatively less important. Often you just run past things.

The lethargy thing was more in reference to the pace of the world other than the player- enemies are very slow to react, very slow to acquire you as a target, slow to track, slow (+ reluctant) to move, slow to die (sans headshots), slow everything. Again, this is deliberate due to controls & framerate, but it's not ideal.

The player's own mobility is fairly high and well-judged, with the exception of a lack of jumping & associated level design (another factor you overlook in your assessment of variety). This, too, seems in deference to controls & framerate, but I can only speculate.

>maybe but it wasn't goldeneye's fault the copies declined so hard

Goldeneye is as encumbered by its faults as anything that aped them. Anyway, barely anything copied Goldeneye writ large. It influenced the rise of realistic environments and the filmic style, and otherwise is a historical odd-man-out. The same historical significance without total influence is the case with Doom and its so-called clones.

Plus, the one game I can think of inspired by Goldeneye to the point you could (loosely) call it a copy, No One Lives Forever, is far superior in every respect.

>> No.2202457

>GE pioneered FPS design that resembles real locations.

Right, and this is a huge constraint on level design, as should be familiar this deep into the era of realistic design. Abstract can be anything, realistic can only be a few things. Particularly bad for Goldeneye because it's hit by severe hardware constraints at the same time.

>Strangely, a secret agent is most likely to encounter men with guns while on his or her mission.

You illustrate my point here. Enemy design was constrained by film logic to generic men-with-guns, all mutually identical, save perhaps some variance in the power of their guns. This is poor for variety.

>> No.2202495

Honest answer, it was fun. and has some of the best memories with my dad.

>6 years old
>Go to blockbuster
>Decide to check the used games area, (you know back when they had open carts just sitting there because nobody was scummy enough to steal them)
>Dad sees Goldeneye, is a huge bond fan and suggests it to me.
>Being a morally raised christian kid I go, "But guns and violence and its rated T! I can't play that!"
>Dad instead offers we play it together then
>Still skeptical, but we buy it go home
>Start playing on the Dam.
>Terrible as fuck since its my first shooter
>Dad helps me, guides me, we learn the controls together, and we decide to do one mission a night (2 one night because it was special)
>Every day after work dad would come home, get dinner prepared and then we'd play for an hour.
>We eventually beat the game together a month later.
>End up playing Splitscreen mode all the time on weekends.
>Literally best moments with my dad.
>This became such a trend, it went on to other bond games each year, Nightfire, Agent under fire, Everything or Nothing, Rogue Agent, Russia with love.
>Finally ended with The goldeneye remake because of how disappointing it was, and that we both grew up.

There are times I wish I could just go say "Hey dad, lets play some goldeneye" but hes so damn busy now ;_;

>> No.2202506

a simple* action gaming mechanic with map detailed to the real time

>gun reload
>enemies motion
>used recycled sound
>text dialog

>> No.2202517

Are you underage? In late summer of '97 when Goldeneye came out it was significantly more evolved than any PC FPS at the time. Duke 3D had a similar level of interactivity but wasn't 3D while Quake was brown and lifeless with nothing to do inside the levels. It wasn't until about a year later that Half Life upped the ante to any major degree.

>> No.2202701


They're still playing Quake

>> No.2203589

This is actually a pretty fair thing to say.

>> No.2203602

Speaking of which someone made a mod in the n64 emulator where you could use your mouse to aim. It made the game way more fast paced and way better.

>> No.2203613

Okay I'm now going to play this game again. I kept getting a few levels in and just quiting because of the assbackward N64 controls. Even mapping them you were left a choice of weird movement or weird aiming, but this fuck yes.

Damn link to it is dead though.

>> No.2203649

everything man its GOLDENEYE for n64 for my pets sake i like my pet 1010101

>> No.2203651

or they play clones like Xonotic or Warsow

>> No.2203654

Personally I find the game too easy with 60fps and mouse input, I'd recommend turning up the difficulty (maybe playing on 007 and giving yourself low health/enemies high accuracy).

>> No.2203658

Had planned on it, but can't find a way to get mouse support.

>> No.2203662

mustards will always be upset that a console shooter was the most innovative FPS of 1997

it's that simple

>> No.2203671

It was Turok without the horrible fog

>> No.2204020


>> No.2204165

How did you get the mouse to work?

>> No.2204176

What's the best Rareware N64 game, and why was it Jet Force Gemini?

>> No.2204179

It didn't innovate shit. Everything it did had been done on PC years before.

>> No.2204196

Yeah, all those mission-based stealth FPS games on PC back in the mid-90's...

>> No.2204202

Weak troll attempt.

>> No.2204203


Excuse me for the non-VR comment.

But Nightfire is the best bond game of all time. OF ALL TIME.

>> No.2204215


LoL, PC and console player here,

I had just as much fun playing GoldenEye on the N64 as I had with the 90's best shooters.

Go back to training and improve your bait-fu, my friend.

>> No.2204218

>stealth FPS
>pick exactly one

>> No.2204225

>never played harder than Agent

>> No.2204236 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 500x500, basketballshades.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>league of legends player here
opinion discarded

>> No.2204239

Killing everyone in the level with your silenced PP7 , even without a single alarm being set off, isn't exactly people's idea of "Stealth."

>> No.2204241 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 625x656, son-this-is-bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2204258 [DELETED] 

>Killing people silently while avoiding alarms isn't stealth
There's dumb shit and then there's holy shit it's you.

>> No.2204265 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 625x626, 1369311055743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2204518

the music, the models, the story telling, and the license (to kill) generally being nailed

the variety of weapons and action at hand as well as pretty great level design with various different types of segments and set pieces

the party game aspect, which N64 did a lot thanks to the native 4ports.

>> No.2204519

It was fun.

Go figure.

>> No.2204538

>It was fun.


>> No.2204571

Bunker 2 is pretty stealthy.

>> No.2204643

I remember making Lego-replicas of the weapons, while looking at them in Bonds' watch for model. Was good times.

>> No.2204851


That video is not the best example..



>Damn link to it is dead though.

I can upload it to Mega...

>> No.2204859


Wrong video, kek..


>> No.2205119

It was the first time anyone had a real first person shooter. You have to understand 3d graphics didn't really exist much before the N64.

>> No.2205216

It provided some much needed exposure for the rare facial contortions Piers Brosnan suffered from.

>> No.2205234

Protip: If your N64 controller has sustained more than a year or two of consistent use, the control stick is probably too worn to play GE comfortably.
Just throwing that out there.

>> No.2205238

I would have liked it if the mod didn't also fuck up enemy accuracy. It made the game way too easy. I remember being able to dash through the train level effortlessly, hardly sustaining any damage.

>> No.2205239
File: 2.94 MB, 297x348, 1392443992079.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It blows my mind that the multiplayer was pretty much tacked on at the last minute. Imagine the alternate universe where the game was just single player.

>> No.2205258

Are there any good stick replacements around these days? Like better than original/not made out of shitty plastic.

I'd prefer actual stick replacements and not alternative controllers as I happen to like the wierd trident that is the N64 controller.

>> No.2205271

I would appreciate it greatly if you wouldn't mind.

Is it for Project 64 or a different one?

>> No.2205343
File: 863 KB, 2592x1456, IMG_20150128_234816646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a couple of these.

I can verify that it's a high quality product, I've used it for three years with no issues. I think it's slightly larger than the original joystick because I had to readjust it a couple times to stop it from screwing up the depression of the z-button, but that might be incompetence on my part.

>> No.2205419

You can always bump it up with 007 mode.

I like playing with enemy accuracy and reaction set to 100%, but health and damage left at normal.

>> No.2205507

Same. Biggest thing for me were the objective based missions and the 'realistic' guns.

>> No.2205929

I loved the FMV in Dark Forces II.

>> No.2206409

I love the ost so i decided to play the game i got into it and can understand how good it was at its time due the fact i also loved turok and mission impossible but this is way better funny moments with npcs u could multiplayer and also blow up any objective by shooting at it

>> No.2206447

>taking damage briefly stops your ability to shoot
>can only sustain 7-10 hits on 00 Agent difficulty
>guards literally multiply if alerted from far away enough
>security cameras fucking everywhere
>weapons are clearly balanced for loudness vs. effectiveness

If you were playing on 00 you NEEDED to rely on stealth in a good chunk of the game. The ideal way to play is to kill enemies before giving them an opportunity to retaliate, otherwise there's not much you can do to avoid getting shot.
Granted, it was less stealth than, say, Thief, but it didn't feel tacked-on, either, like in Far Cry.

>> No.2206760

it is still enjoyable but you cannot blame anybody for disliking it. they are progressively taking a competitive shooter and dumbing it down for casuals. there are more changes than just that.
>auto bunny hop which increases in speed regardless of your mouse movements
>new hitscan machinegun which does 1 more damage than the original machine gun in quake 3 and does 2 more damage than the nerfed lg
>weapons nerfed to hell
>replaced all map ammunition with new ammunition boxes which refill EVERY SINGLE WEAPON INCLUDING BFG
>spawning with whatever weapon you like
>spawn buffs where you take 50 percent damage

>> No.2206861
File: 100 KB, 300x225, 300px-GE_Knife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now those were some good times.
>karate chop the cell guard
>wait at door w/ knives
>kill 1st patroller w/ 1-2 throws
>get impatient and get spotted by 2nd patroller
>frantically throw knives in his general direction as he perforates your skull
Also double PP7s was pretty baller.

>> No.2206914

As a Bond nerd, I love how the throwing knives look exactly like the throwing knives the twin assassins from Octopussy used.

>> No.2206919

the world is not enough>Goldeneye

>Cleary the better fps

>> No.2206923


No Mr. Bond, I expect you to bait.

>> No.2206965

>charge first guard
>he can't shoot you because his arms go through your chest
>slap the shit out of him

>> No.2206996
File: 41 KB, 476x358, rijkaard voeller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You judged a game based on whether it was fun, rather than the platform it was on?

Filthy casual.

>> No.2207841



The ROMs are included...

Read the Readme..


Maybe your antivirus says "Mouse Injector.exe" is a keylogger and delete it, because it is, add it to an exception..

>> No.2207983

I agree.
The multiplayer was better too.

>> No.2208181

Everytime I see this on the catalog, I kek

Here's to another week