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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 418 KB, 1047x1220, 8_16bit_Nintendo_Sprites_by_Fullmetal_Edward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2202062 No.2202062 [Reply] [Original]

So, are there more good 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit games?

>> No.2202073


>> No.2202074

I wanna say 16 bit. 8 bit systems like the NES had a lot of shovel ware. The 16 bit systems had a lot more memorable and hidden gems I find. I can't say anything for 32 bit though...

>> No.2202096

>go to /mu/
so is there any music that is actually good?
>go to /ck/
so is there any food that isn't shit?
>go to /g/
so is there any software that isn't shovelware?

This is you.
Bait thread or you're retarded.
Hopefully a janitor will give this thread what it deserves.

>> No.2202097
File: 28 KB, 276x320, sprites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2202103

Nope, the only good games ever worth playing are in the OP

Thread's done.
Move along.

>> No.2202110

>Hopefully a janitor will give this thread what it deserves.
good luck, he's too busy deleting on-topic posts that are fully within the rules of the board.

>> No.2202112

For the most part I think /vr/ janitors do a pretty good job. There might be a fluke here and there, but overall I see no reason to complain.

>> No.2202114

then you're new here.

check the archive(.moe/vr) for all the deleted threads.

90% of which are valid, on-topic threads. deleted manually by janitors/mods

check it out, then get back to me.

>> No.2202116

How much do you want to bet that the posts herein critiquing the janitorial overlords will be deleted whilst the thread stays?

>> No.2202117

I'm not new here, so let's just get that out of the way.
I know of the archives don't worry, but we can't exactly filter out which posts were user deleted or janitor/mod deleted. The only ones that we can know for sure that were deleted are the threads, as AFAIK you can't delete your own threads on 4chan for a few years now since that /v/ debacle.


And look at that, tell me that for the most part those threads didn't deserve the can.

>> No.2202121

Almost no good games were made after the early to mid 80s, no matter what the children here say.

>> No.2202126

>And look at that, tell me that for the most part those threads didn't deserve the can.

they are mostly valid, on-topic threads.

besides the retronV shill and the sorta-shitty poll threads, there was some good discussion that could have been had.

>> No.2202128

There's more to the rules than being on topic.
I'm not going to take chances by letting shit stay up just because it could develop into a better direction. Every of those threads also takes place of another thread on the board.
The real problem is that the staff doesn't delete enough or is slow to react.

>> No.2202141


Except you're a giant faggot OP, Mega Man and Mega Man X are different characters you stupid nigger. Should've put the sprite from MM7.

>> No.2202146
File: 86 KB, 680x989, 1412021624759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2202150

X is a better representative of the Mega Man series on the SNES. No one said they were the same character.

>> No.2202156

>I'm not going to take chances by letting shit stay up just because it could develop into a better direction.

The infamous janitor outs himself. Admitting to deleting on-topic threads.

>> No.2202157

The same could be said about these Links.

>> No.2202165

Isn't the idea of a chan board that less interesting and fully discussed threads get naturally pushed to the bottom over time, allowing more interesting and not yet fully discussed threads to rise to the top? It isn't like /vr moves so fast that good threads are at risk of getting pushed off the board by a deluge of shit threads. Some boards might move so fast that the natural order of a chan board falls apart due to a deluge of posts (both relevant and shit), but I don't think /vr is one of them.

>> No.2202171

In theory that's how the board can work but the fact is, most people who use the internet will willingly eat the shittiest bait imaginable particularly in a coolkid place like 4chan where everyone needs the last word in a bad thread or an argument. The chance to troll even if it means contributing to shitposting means low quality threads will alawys remain at the top.

>> No.2202173

I actually (wrongly) interpreted OP in the way that he wanted to talk about games which made a smooth transition across the different generations. In that case his choice would be fitting.

>> No.2202182

If I was a janitor I'd just delete this thread and all the other shit that has accumulated.

>> No.2202274

>mid 80s
>not late 90s

what is wrong with you?

>> No.2202292

So OP wants to know which of those 3 generations had the most good games

and apparently this is bait and shitposting



>> No.2202295

Nice bump OP

Just want to say the janitor/mod has been doing a pretty decent job the past few days. That retron thread was only up for like 2mins.

Unfortunately threads like these seem to go for awhile.

>> No.2202321
File: 23 KB, 512x386, racoon mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a tangent note, why does SMB3 mario look so much better than SMB1 mario? Same hardware and all that.

>> No.2202326

not really, smb3 uses a custom mapper

>> No.2202371

4th gen.

>> No.2203520

Off topic, but does anybody have a similar pic to OP's with Samus, specifically the Super Metroid variant.

>> No.2203716
File: 76 KB, 480x480, 1360112228031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2203719

What the fuck is wrong with that Mega Man sprite

>> No.2203720


I thought SMB1 had better overall aestetics, SMB3 had delayed physics and really washed out colours.

>> No.2203721
File: 25 KB, 628x561, Samii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone saved my edit
I will never understand why the original gif used the standard suit for the first four, then jumps to the end-game suit for Zero Mission. Incredibly stupid.

>> No.2203725
File: 6 KB, 568x468, AST Gloves'n'Mails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delayed phsyics
Did we play the same game? SMB3's physics are leagues more responsive than SMB1's.

>> No.2203727

>SMB3's physics are leagues more responsive than SMB1's.

I clearly remember a slight input delay when jumping and using the spin tail attack

while SMB was pretty straightforward

>> No.2203730

I guess we played different games.

>> No.2203759

The "art" part of sprite art evolved a lot during the 80s. Artists gradually figured out how to get better looking images out of those few pixels and colors.

>> No.2203908


Sounds like you're retarded.

>> No.2203910


>90% of which are valid, on-topic threads.
Not true at all.
Only thing that was questionable were the battle station thread deletes. But those lead to doxing and are borderline /vr/.

>> No.2205638

What's wrong with this thread? Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me like it's /vr/ related. Is it not?

>> No.2205643

Being /vr/ related doesn't stop it from being shit.

>> No.2205647

Why is it shit? It's a legitimate question, especially if you don't have loads of knowledge in retro vidya.

>> No.2205652

No it's not. It's a completely stupid question asked in a shitty way.
If you don't have loads of knowledge in retro video games you should lurk more and do your own homework.

>> No.2205712

I was confused too

Then I realized at least a few people ITT are retards who think he's asking if those three franchises are the only good ones

Then in spite of supposedly recognizing the bait, get baited anyway

>> No.2205837

Why is asking whether 3rd, 4th, or 5th gen is best a stupid question?

Is it just me or do some people in this thread mistakenly think OP is asking if Zelda, Mario, and Megaman are the only good retro franchises?

>> No.2205857

Because it's shitty bait, little different from console wars.
Not to mention that the whole idea of bits is stupid. 8 bit also incorporates the Turbografx-16 and all of the second generation except for the 16 bit Intellivision. Fifth generation would normally include the N64 and the Jaguar should also fit somewhere. Add in computers and arcades and it goes full retard.

>> No.2205861

>more good
The word is better.

>> No.2205893

that guy is retarded and doesn't know how to word his distaste for the thread.

op is asking for subjective answers in place of objective ones. these types of threads are guaranteed to be shitty because nobody will unanimously agree on anything art related.

>> No.2205989

What word?

>> No.2205994


You misread the OP. The thread is asking which generation had the best games.

>> No.2206039


The Battlestation threads that were pictures of CRTs and old consoles were fine.

But God have mercy on your soul if there is a single PS2 game amongst a sea of retro stuff, because then your ass is in trouble, Mister!