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2186020 No.2186020 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Awesome dungeons

>> No.2186031

is there any floating ruins/temple/fortress dungeons that -aren't- awesome

I feel like they're almost always the best in the game they're in

all laputa as fuck and shit

>> No.2186052
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>all laputa as fuck and shit

In contrast all underwater dungeons are shit like it's inferior rip-off anime

>> No.2186068

The tower in Link's Awakening. Having to destroy the pillars was so much fun and I loved the boss.

>> No.2186074
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I feel the same way about train levels. There is no such thing as a bad train level in video games.

>> No.2186075

The Sky Castle in Rygar. It fucking sucks.

>> No.2186085
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the murgg tree/tower at alundra

>> No.2186086

I'm not much of a fan of Wario Land 2's train levels myself. And for shooters they're pretty iffy in my experience.

I love snow levels. They're almost always great. Especially if they have some Christmas theming.

>> No.2186098

River Styx from Wizardry 6


Miyazaki is overrated as fuck anyway

>> No.2186152

I like dungeons where you have to mess with waterflow and water level, but yeah I'd rather they not have any parts that are UNDER water.

>> No.2186159

Reptite Castle

>> No.2186316

Not quite retro, but the sky castle in Boktai. It fucking sucks.

>> No.2186324
File: 520 KB, 1680x1050, nadia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Laputa ripoff

It was originally going to be a Miyazaki series, based on a draft of the story of Laputa. Then I don't know what happened, but Hideaki Anno and Gainax took the project and merged the Laputa concept with Jules Verne's 20,000..., at any rate it isn't a ripoff, Nadia is more like a Laputa cousin.

You can say it's "inferior" or whatever, but they're different things, although they crome from the same source material so none if a ripoff of one another. Disney did rip off Nadia with Atlantis though.

>implying the final episodes with the new nautilus vs the red noah aren't awesome

>> No.2186656

Dude, the metro part of SoM was great.

>> No.2186879

>Disney did rip off Nadia with Atlantis though.
Atlantis is a real-world legend that has existed for centuries though.

>> No.2186891

This game was filled with awesome dungeons and music. I could never get into Terranigma or Soulblazer, but this game holds a special place in my heart.
Wish I still had the t-shirt that came with it...

>> No.2186903
File: 105 KB, 409x611, nadia_atlantis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fact that both protagonists turn out to be the Atlantis princess, are dark-skinned and wear a near identical blue jewel isn't the only coincidence.

>> No.2186905
File: 61 KB, 625x500, secret_of_mana_world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that t-shirt somewhere, thank you for reminding me. I got Illusion of Gaia as a birthday present one year, after asking for another game. It was a happy accident.

The music in that dungeon is really top notch.

>> No.2186908

Well, fuck the chinks anyway, at least disney turned their moeblob loli into an grown woman.

>> No.2186961

collapsing that tower felt badass + the boss was also great

>> No.2186995

I still don't know if you can get permanently stuck there or not. Sometimes I hear you can, sometimes I hear it's impossible. I never know, so I'm always scared I'll do it wrong.

>> No.2187129

>Air Castle - Phantasy Star IV
The best music, the best enemies, and the best boss.

>Blue Dragon's Cave - Lunar: Eternal Blue
Hard to pick one from this game, but this is one of my favorites graphics-wise.

>Ocean Palace - Chrono Trigger
See above. So shiny.

>> No.2187217
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u gay nigga, the girl from atlantis looks like a tranny.

>> No.2187263
File: 142 KB, 320x592, legitcorp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me splebtacular spleber-pleb, but the Shinra Building is for me one of the most memorable ever; it's not the most challenging or the most fun in the game, but there's just so much shit to do, so many ways of doing it, and so much to get, and miss, and learn and fight.
Plus, it works great as the climax of the first part of the game while, at the same time, tweesting into the main plot reveal.

>> No.2187272

man, moeblubs weren't even a thing back then you fag

>> No.2187276

I always love a dungeon that keeps you on your toes. Like FFV's Dimensional Rift.

>> No.2187348
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Ugh. The scenario amalgam level thing is way overused.

>> No.2187395
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I just realized Alundra uses the same font as Dragon Force. Sorry for getting off-topic, though

>> No.2187860
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Mana Fortress FTW.

>> No.2187882
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Greenmaze in Landstalker is a marmite experience, but I enjoy how it's positioned in the plot (right after you escape from the Duke of Mercator going super-villain on everyone) and that it plays on the game's perspective while still being enjoyable.

>> No.2187935
File: 109 KB, 571x292, floating-island_lrg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Floating Continent from FFVI is one of my absolute favorites. That god damn Atma Weapon fight and it's music is glorious.

>> No.2189339

>It was originally going to be a Miyazaki series

Nadia is a Miyazaki work, it's called Laputa. Kid from shit town no where finds a girl with a magical jewel, legendary city, gang of rogues that become allies, succession crisis to the throne of said legendary city. All elements Anno ripped off for Nadia.

>> No.2189363


Is filtering the shit out of SoM screenshots a thing you're supposed to do as a joke?

>> No.2189375
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>that feel the first time fighting Atma Weapon

>> No.2189393

I really liked the Gaea's Cliff

>> No.2189396

My favourite /vr/ FF tune.

Yeah, the gloves were definitely off for that one.

>> No.2191145
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I swear I had a comparison shot somewhere, but can't find it. Anyways, the Illusion Woods in the Sega CD version of Lunar Eternal Blue was really cool. You see these fading in and out hidden doors in trees, go underground with them and explore this really cool area.

Then in the remake it's not even really a forest, just a bunch of shrubs that you walk through. It's so strange how many things they actually did worse in the remake.

>> No.2191148
File: 34 KB, 640x450, 42-update4333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final dungeon as well, in the Sega CD version looks both creepy and beautiful with weird architecture and jewels sparkling all over the place. But in the remake they just made everything brown and dull looking.

And somehow on the Sega CD they were able to have doors that swung open with a little animation and then cut that out of the remake. GameArts was kind of in decline by that time, but still...

>> No.2191250


She's not an unappreciative hyperbitch though.

>> No.2192020

>It's so strange how many things they actually did worse in the remake.

I'm pretty sure it did everything worse.

>> No.2192047

Floating island in ff6
Dq1 that tunnel cave with the dragon
Soul blazer the mechanical house
Cronotrigger dark omen

>> No.2192903

Lufia 2's ancient cave

>> No.2192954

that music

>> No.2192971

I loved Shinra Building it combines many cool elements like humor and horror, there are many ways to move forward and a lot of cool shit to do. Also in the context of the story is really exciting, i remember when i played this for the first time i belived that i was on the final stage

>> No.2193836

FF7 blew its load in the first CD. Everything after Midgar just pales in comparison to the epic beginning of the story.

>> No.2193848

sometimes I just play through midgar and then stop playing after escaping from shinra hq

>> No.2193898

And so did FF8. Except the president kidnapping wasn't nearly as hype.

>> No.2194317 [DELETED] 
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Nah; it's just you get kind of a shock when you're kicked and locked out of the place you've learned to play the game -and feel safe- in; seeing the world map for the first time and just going around mystery machine-style is an interesting change of pace to catch you off-guard. While you're crashing from the adrenal rush, the game lets you recover with some lightweight battles and some more detailed exposition through the flashback to reel you in.