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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 12 KB, 509x417, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2181436 No.2181436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>download a collection of SNES games
>see this

Is there really a game called 'sex pics' for the fucking SNES?

>> No.2181438

There were a number of janky hentai pics put into SNES roms, yeah. No idea why the fuck anyone would want to do that, but it happened.

>> No.2181439
File: 235 KB, 841x672, WOAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2181445

>Shoot Your Load

>> No.2181452

I remember downloading a ROM called "amanga" back in the day. It was short for Adult Manga. This was before I what hentai was.

>> No.2181454

There are also roms with idol pics and hentai.

>> No.2181468

this thread gave a good kek

>> No.2181470

You should post a link to the collection.

>> No.2181471
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Oh my...

>> No.2181481
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Man, I was hoping you were some giant dick destroying cities with your cumshots... It's just some space shooter with terrible controls.

>> No.2181491

>>suddenly memories of my friend buying the lion's porno party on disk for his wildcard back in the day.

>> No.2181506

Why is this a thing? I remember downloading zipped up roms back in the 90s and every damn time there was some type of porno in it.

>> No.2181526

>learning how to play mahjong just so you could see some pixelated anime tits

only true 90s kids will get this reference

>> No.2181542

>playing miss world 96 or some derivative
>clearing screens, revealing most of the girls
>do poorly
>picture switches to pinhead from hellraiser

>> No.2181546

My grandma had already taught me mahjong when I was little...

but not how to play the shitty Jap version with all their stupid rules

>> No.2181606

Someone I think made one SNES picture viewer and lots of others probably just used that and switched out the pics.

>> No.2181671

tell me about it
talk about poker on steroids

>> No.2181681
File: 20 KB, 256x223, 5051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2181690

>download a mame set
>find fantasia
>it actually has hardcore pics in it
>they're so laughably 90s that you still can't fap to it

Still, I never knew stuff like that was actually allowed in arcades.

>> No.2181702


>> No.2183345

Do it OP!

>> No.2183358
File: 303 KB, 510x632, cenoboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>picture switches to pinhead from hellraiser
We are on two entirely different wavelengths.

>> No.2183362

Someone made a program called Lion's SNES Slideshow creator back then (like, 2000-2001), where you could make a slideshow with images. Most people used them to make hentai slideshows. All the "Anime # (PD)" are from that program. My 15 year-old self thought "PD" stood for "Porno Something", and not "Public Domain".

If anyone still has a copy of the program, please share it.

>> No.2183370

You might also have a rom called Rape Games

>> No.2183382


Just nerds trying to corrupt children.

>> No.2183658
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>> No.2183682
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Let's see if you are a sickfuck and remember this song.

>> No.2183695

Is that an AIDS warning on the right?

>> No.2183703
File: 15 KB, 400x321, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but take care for AIDS
Shit, man. Is the girl that much of a slut?

>> No.2183731 [DELETED] 

these are not "official" games, they are homebrews and demos.
I have no idea why shitty goodsnes decided it was a good idea to put them there since literally anyone can make them.

>> No.2183732

That explains it, thanks for the info.
I have no idea why shitty goodsnes collected them since those are made with literally zero effort.

>> No.2183740

I remember a couple of those galleries with some hentai pictures.
Fun times were had. I was like 11. I never had a chance of being a normal person.

>> No.2183981

>no one remembers the evangelion rom

i guess im too old.

>> No.2184041

You guys must not be old enough to appreciate how hard it was to find and stash porn before the internet. This would have been a great way to hide some titty pics on your game shelf.

I remember it, and I remember being disappointed that it wasn't an actual Eva game.

>> No.2184050

Got a link for it?

>> No.2184073

the first hentai site i found had like 20 pics on it, all maybe 300 pixels wide max

had to make that shit last

>> No.2184116

I came into this thread just to suggest this. Thank you anon

>> No.2184335

Here you go: http://ge dot tt/8w1Wwm82/v/0?c

>> No.2184359

Kick ass thanks!

>> No.2184380

>You guys must not be old enough to appreciate how hard it was to find and stash porn before the internet. This would have been a great way to hide some titty pics on your game shelf.
it wasnt even a real game though
the sega genesis did, however, eventually get an unlincensed porn shoot'em up cart at one point

>> No.2184385 [DELETED] 

it was called divine seal

>> No.2184392
File: 95 KB, 773x580, 100_3160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was called divine sealing

>> No.2184394

>can't fap to 90's porn

Underage detected.

>> No.2184402

I always figured they were in bars. I've seen "solve the puzzle to reveal naughty pictures" games on touchscreen bartops in America.

>> No.2184403

I actually think 70s porn looks better than 80s

>> No.2184412

This is a trash level /v/ thread
Wtf /vr/?
So disappointed.

>> No.2184421

yet turning it into a metathread is a much better idea, right?
also learn how to hide

>> No.2184424

Depends. You had a fuck ton of "business woman" porn in the 80's, with women in dresses/uniforms being fucked, where-as with the 70's it was really just about girls with round faces and big tits.

>> No.2184428

>SNES ROMs from the 90s
>not /vr/

I don't think /vr/ means what you think it means.

>> No.2184432

Late 80s/early 90s were a horrible time for porn.

>> No.2184603 [DELETED] 

Doesn't matter, it had titty pics and that's what mattered.

>> No.2184607

Doesn't matter, it had titty pics.

>> No.2184635

There were hentai games for the Famicom. Look up Hacker International.

>> No.2184669

That's pretty cool.
Any more? I know sega saturn had a few official ones, like steam hearts.

>> No.2184676

Wait, I'm a retard, I just realized hacker international was the developer house name.

>> No.2185220

SFC had licensed censored eroge, namely Dohkyuhsei 2 and Dragon Knight 4

>> No.2185239


>> No.2185246



Holy hell, the pics of the girls are done well enough but what the fuck is that ear-raping hit sound effect? Who thought that shit was a good idea?

>> No.2187987

It's like Xexex except it actually goes as far as it threatens to.

>> No.2188004

Oh shit, those boss attack patterns.

>> No.2188448



>> No.2188661

Nah, she's just responsible. Always use a condom!

>> No.2188675
File: 432 KB, 537x491, absolutely disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really love to know what stupid shit they're saying as they strip. I bet it's hilarious.

>> No.2188716

>download a romset of SNES games
>have to sort through a massive clusterfuck of every single fucking version of the game I want to play because some dumbass thinks people really want to play [a1] versions

>> No.2188802
File: 2.94 MB, 480x360, SpacePhallus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might be more up your alley

>> No.2188869


I also recommend Beat 'em and Eat 'em.

>> No.2189756
File: 34 KB, 257x316, 119377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for OP

>> No.2190027
File: 491 KB, 630x630, 1408491935366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

>> No.2190108

the shooting sound effects...in my mind, im just picturing king hippo yelling at his wristwatch alarm thats going off

>> No.2190116



Had to attend a funeral, so I was out of town.

>> No.2190138

My condolences.

Huh, seems like nintendo have a habit of putting part of the consoles' name in their games.
super *
* 64
wii * or *wii


>> No.2191053



>> No.2191060

I just wanted to learn mahjong, I swear!

>> No.2191062

Pretty much everything on Saturn is pretty SFW though, only some suggestive stuff. Only the PC-98 version of Steam Hearts has the porn left in.

There is this mahjong game where you make girls strip, but they're 3DPD.

>> No.2192674

That's why you download the No-Intro rom set

>> No.2193090

You, me, and everyone born after. I think that generalised easy access to porn at a young age is a very prominent society changer that we will understand better a lot of years in the future.

>> No.2193105
File: 8 KB, 279x204, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what they were thinking when they made that game. Are you supposed to take breaks between stages to fap? The porn isn't even that good. Well, ok, the game isn't that good either, but that's to be expected for a PC98 shooter.

>> No.2194095

I bet they were thinking "everything is better with porn".

I like the Saturn and PCE versions quite a bit though. The PC-98 version is kinda difficult to play and it scrolls badly (that's what you get with no scrolling hardware (I guess maybe commander keen-esque tricks could've been employed to make it work better though; but not same video hardware so don't know if that trick applies)

>> No.2194102

Pretty sure the PCE-CD version still has the porn left in too

>> No.2194136

Nah. I've played all three versions. It's all censored (it's still heavily implied however).

Unless they only kept it in the later stages in the PCE version (have yet to play all stages for PCE-CD)

>> No.2194549
File: 2.79 MB, 2611x1958, IMG_2296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are much better games for the Super Famicom though.

some from my collection:

>> No.2194561

wowowow nice
whats that called

>> No.2194567


it'S the SM Teacher Hitomi series

and REverse Kids.

can find them as roms on the net.

>> No.2195870

I've seen the one at the far left for some ~2600 yens at my local Mandarake.

Worth it?

>> No.2196028
File: 34 KB, 720x300, centipedes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolicon? On my Super NES?

>> No.2197996


a fair price I'd say.

not easy to play though - it's basically a Princess Maker copy with SM content.

you have to beat her in Otello though.

5 grown up men tried it and we all failed to strip her past the shirt...

>> No.2198019
File: 345 KB, 612x513, step up senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't beat a child in othello
What kind of lolicon are you even?

>> No.2198138

Older porn was the best. Such charm.

>> No.2198146

I need to get some SFC porn games. Are they hard/pricey to come by on the Yafuoku?

>> No.2198154
File: 433 KB, 586x433, sportsporn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in Japan sports games get sacrificed for case-swaps.

>> No.2198165

>Zico soccer
What? Never knew he had a title of his own. I guess he was really popular in japan though. He even worked there later, I think.

>> No.2198169

So this was "Music to Fap To" before Zone came along.

That said, the beginning rif reminds me of T&C Surf Designs.

>> No.2198179

Back in the 90's my brother and I used to buy copied games for the Amiga 500 from a friend, in the collection there were some 'games' that were just hentai pics on the disk that you could scroll through. People always make these bootleg shits.