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File: 424 KB, 1600x1200, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2180897 No.2180897 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people who got this game used or online and think that "CyberSniff 2000" was a joke and not a real thing.

Also, best Larry.
Also, most 'passed the test of time' Sierra game.
Also, what's your opinion about extra material such as this that used to be shipped with games?

>> No.2180961
File: 451 KB, 778x1167, 1419387875450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played it, but I remember when the media kept trying to make scratch 'n sniff a thing. And to think, kids today think 3D glasses are gimmicky...

>> No.2180963

What's the point of scratch 'n sniff in a game about getting pussy? The smell is the worst part of getting pussy.

>> No.2180974

hey I liked scratch n sniff stuff

>> No.2181007


>Not liking the fresh stonk of a dank ass puss

Makes my mouth water.

>> No.2181086


You probably like going down on girls, I assume?

I hate it so much that I don't even care that it means I hardly ever get a blowjob. I actually find it a worthwhile sacrifice if it means I don't have to deal with a dank ass puss. Stink vag kills my boner every time.

>> No.2181103

there's a smell for ass, too.

>> No.2181115


>somewhere a 10 year old boy was smelling artificial ass while stroking his cock to pixel babes

I'll confess, it was me. Anyone else?

>> No.2181535

I still remember the smells of that card.
2 smelled like sunscreen lotion
8 smelled like rotten cheeze
4 smelled like the ocean
9 smelled like chocolate
and 5... we don't talk about 5

>> No.2181707

Believe it or not, some girls don't smell and don't taste like much of anything either.

>> No.2182076
File: 100 KB, 706x489, drewdat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best girl coming through. I remember I used to do her route first so she'll just be in my shower for the majority of the game

>> No.2182140

>do her route first so she'll just be in my shower for the majority of the game
dude, that's brilliant. can't believe i never thought of that during all the times i've played it back in my teen years

>> No.2182149
File: 74 KB, 640x480, 1421347264753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leisure Suit Larry games: the ultimate Seinfield effect.
somehow "it wasn't that bad" turned into "this was a classic"

>> No.2182165

She was even there when Annette was blowing Larry. awkward....

>> No.2182168

Not sure what you mean? Seinfeld was considered a classic even as it was airing. If you're old enough to remember the insanity that happened before the finale, you'd know what i'm talking about.

As for Larry, I personally think Larry 7 is not only the best Larry game, but I consider it the ONLY good Larry game. I never liked the other games in the series. They always felt very amateurish next to the other main Sierra titles. (I still can't believe the awful Larry 6 was in production the time as KQ6 and Gabriel Knight)

>> No.2182172

i genuinely enjoyed Magna Cum Laude and it's my favourite Larry game tied with Lounge Lizards

I'm sorry, /vr/

>> No.2182174

I just started it a few weeks ago and the whole mini game extravaganza isn't really for me. does it become actual adventure-esque at any point?

>> No.2182180


What makes Larry 6 so bad?

>> No.2182208

the same thing that makes them all fucking terrible

>> No.2182224

which is the male chauvinism

>> No.2182273

I don't wanna go into detail, but in general: The music is annoying and repetitive (the Bolero rip-off tune gets really grating really fast). The gameplay mechanics are terrible (separate icons for use and pick up is stupid, having to look AROUND certain objects just to take something off it is needlessly annoying). Graphics are just a jumbled mess of photorealism and overly saturated color pallets (which makes the pixel hunting all the more frustrating). Voice acting in the hires version (or I should say voice directing) is sub par. The layout of the hotel is needlessly confusing. Some puzzles are just lazy ("Larry please get me an orange because reasons."). Larry comes off as a total creep throughout the game (his little giddy cheer when he finds out Shamara's a virgin is the worst) and overall the game is just crass without being funny enough to get you to disregard that.
That's just my take.

>> No.2182747


That's good enough. Will probably never get around to playing any of these but I always found the various ups and downs in a long running game series interesting. Which game would you say is the best in the series?

>> No.2182752

Did everyone else have seperate save files for each time you got to see nipples for fapping purposes?

>> No.2182805


What kind of nasty un-hygienic slobs do you hook up with?

>> No.2182814
File: 23 KB, 587x616, jerry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no liking Seinfield

>> No.2183000

I already said it. follow the quote line.

>> No.2183010
File: 92 KB, 300x423, leisure_suit_larry_magna_cum_laude_frontcover_large_F613xVCNGdk39lV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Magna Cum Laude?
I loved Love For Sail and i'm mad about Sierra deleting Larry's next game and then left Al Lowe like he was fucking nothing.
I asked about Al Lowe about Magna Cum Laude if the game was fun for him, and he actually replied, saying that some parts of the game were actually pretty good.
It was a Q&A on reddit when he was involved on Larry's 1st remake made on kickstarter.

>> No.2183020

didn't he post a quick review on his website back when it was out, saying it was shit?

>> No.2183028

Yeah he did, he just said that some parts were good on Q&A, the rest is utter shit trought, especially the gameplay.
But i still like it because it was one of the my first games played on PS2, then playing on PC and found out that loading screen were completely fake and they were there just for the pictures

>> No.2183038

Found it

>> No.2183048

no, but i did have a save for the Clinton comedy routine. seeing as you had to sit there for 40 minutes just to get 5 points, i decided that every day i would start up the game, give it 5 minutes, then save, quit, and do it again the next day, until i got them points. In retrospect, it wasn't worth it. the only real incentive to getting 1000 points + all the dildos + all the easter eggs was you got to see the secret scene at the end, which you could have just as easily see by renaming some video files in the installation folder.

On a different note, i've noticed a lot of people didn't know they can put their face and voice in the game.
protip: inside the cd there's a file called beastar.txt. read it

>> No.2183648


>> No.2183657

Larry 7 was always awesome, especially with that awesome original jazz soundtrack and humour.

Can't speak for the other games as I never played them properly.

>> No.2183812

try Larry Reloaded. It's still not as good as 7 but at least the art style is similar so it'll feel familiar.

>> No.2183815
File: 106 KB, 640x623, 8383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are you talking about? Seinfeld is one of the greatest TV shows of all time! Don't know about the reputation of Larry games because the only people I know who know about Larry is my Dad and my older brothers.

Seinfeld is pretty much the Leisure Suit Larry David, the show.

>> No.2183818

No no no. Seinfeld was the most annoying show of all time.

"Do you want to order a pizza?"
"Sure, lets order a pizza."
"What do you want on your pizza?"
"I don't know, what do you like on a pizza?"
"It doesn't matter. Anything is good on a pizza."
"Well who's going to order the pizza."
"You order the pizza."
"You want me to order the pizza?"
Then Kramer comes scooting into the room.
Not classic.

>> No.2183849


>Take worst part of a show
>Don't call it a classic because of that

Yeah, well you can look at the last 15 years (most) of the Simpsons, and then not call it a classic, but that'd be fucking retarded. Because, it is a classic. As much as anything else. Everything is kind of shitty, just the least shitty things humans make are considered good.

I bet your favorite video game sucks in a lot of places too.

>> No.2183861

>Leisure Suit Larry David, the show
fund it.

>> No.2183862


>> No.2184173

protip: the DRV files inside the DRIVERS folder in the game directory are actually BMP files.

>> No.2184210

>Also, most 'passed the test of time' Sierra game.
That's not Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers.

>> No.2184258

any sierra game you can get a dead end in does not pass the test of time.
you can't get a dead ends in Larry 7.

>> No.2184546

You can only get dead ends at the very end of the game, on day 10. That's pretty good for a Sierra game.

Don't get me wrong, I like Leisure Suit Larry 7, I just think that Gabriel Knight 1 has a better atmosphere and story, etc. I'm not going to bother even trying the remake though. The graphics look okay (though they have much less charm than the original), but the fact that they redid the voices and replaced Tim Curry and Mark Hamill is asinine.

>> No.2184660

What about a Curb Your Enthusiasm point and click adventure? Everything you do results in some confrontation where someone cusses you out and calls you a bald asshole.

>> No.2184661 [DELETED] 

>on day 10
what the hell are you even talking about? "Larry 7 - love for sail" has no dead ends. and it has no "days". maybe you're thinking about some other game.

>> No.2184667

>on day 10
i got a dead end in day 3. because the dude that came to buy my painting or whatever came on day one and i told him i'm not selling, and he never came back. ergo, i didn't have the money, and couldn't finish day 3. dead end.

>> No.2185527
File: 437 KB, 1680x1050, upstairs_room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we all in agreement that Reloaded was shit, right?

>> No.2185712

Anyone knows where i can download the full Larry Casino? i found a download but it's only like 500kb, which doesn't seem to make sense, since the game has voice acting...

>> No.2186716

eh, it was adequate. But really the first one is not the game I would have remade.

>> No.2187227

well they remade it 4 times already, so obviously they disagree with you ;^P

>> No.2188474

which one would you have remade, then?

>> No.2188501

For which game?

>> No.2189127

the one in op

>> No.2189709

Stop, you can't write comedy, don't blame Seinfeld for your poor skills.

>> No.2189827
File: 219 KB, 696x900, lsl1lick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm one of the few that preferred the games that used a text parser.

>> No.2189983

Larry 7 has a sort of a parser.

>> No.2190357


>> No.2190361

>that comes later
So do I, I hope.

>> No.2190935

nevr played the game...
What's 5 ?

>> No.2191004
File: 49 KB, 470x706, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that comes later

>> No.2191032


>> No.2191751

It was good, or rather, it wasn't bad. It's just that at the end of the day it's still the same game you played 20 years ago.

>> No.2191770

Except it has some new puzzles and a new character.
It was also pretty lame they didn't have voiceovers in the inventory.

i'd personally give a 6/10.

>> No.2192529
File: 56 KB, 501x600, fefefe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing Larry when I was about 8 years old
>didn't get any of the sex jokes
>playing Larry now when I'm 22 years old
>tfw still don't get any of the sex jokes

>> No.2192550

Maybe you should go have some sex.

>> No.2192840


i just really hate how it looks

>> No.2193406

well unfortunately, 2d graphics these days is almost synonymous with 'flash games' and 'mobile casual shit', so it's hard to shake that image when you see this type of remake, especially with the low frame sprites.

>> No.2193607


Probably right. Phone games have ruined a lot. It can still be done though. For example, I really like the look of the Deponia games but I can't put my finger on why I prefer that so immensely over the LSL remake.

>> No.2194183

I loved how Eve in the 91 version was a beautiful black woman, why would they change that??

>> No.2196217

is this the only Sierra game that lets you have speech and text at the same time?

>> No.2197717

Is the craps dealer's voice actor the Spy or is it just a similar-sounding accent?

>> No.2197721

Let me guess, you're 15 years old?

>> No.2198172

>tfw Larry 6 is one of my favorite games of all time

>> No.2198173

That's cool, he answered one of my questions on his AMA too.

>> No.2198847

it's alright bro. in /vr/ we respect different opinions ;^)

>> No.2200269

I actually really enjoyed Magna. My favorite part was the Summer Nights parody in the gay bar.


Boy did I get in trouble when my younger brother saw me playing the game once I unlocked the nude girls.

Fuck quarters, though.

>> No.2200315

>you need to be at least 15 years old to appreciate comedy
not even him nor underaged, seinfeld sucked shit and there are much better shows with mindless laughing cues in the background available today.

>> No.2200380

there are barely any sitcoms with laugh tracks these days.