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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2174927 No.2174927 [Reply] [Original]

So I've got 3 options in front of me, each with drawbacks:

PC - Athlon X3 with other various leftover parts and a Radeon 6850. The issue here is I don't have a valid Windows key which I wouldn't care about except that the current 7 install is being assaulted by WGA so I may need to start over.

Android (Galaxy S4) - Much easier to get purpose made apps and plays well with PS3 controllers but for some reason whenever I connect it via HDMI the performance goes to shit. I think this is related to it rendering the image on each screen instead of just dumping output over the HDMI but I haven't been able to find a fix to this and it even makes older emus like SNES run poorly when using an external display.

Raspberry Pi (Model B) - I have this set up with EmulationStation and Raspbian but it never seems to work quite right. Out of memory errors when scraping, odd compatibility issues with certain roms, emulator quality seems lower than the other two.

At this point I'm leaning towards giving up on the S4 and Pi and going back to the PC with a valid 7 or 8 license. Any suggestions on how I can get this set up and working well in the long run? Would something like a modded PS3 work better for around the same cost of a Windows key?

>> No.2174931

Install Gentoo

>> No.2174932

just get you a pirated copy of Windows and save your money

>> No.2174936

This is a valid option, the reason I mention the Windows license at all is that there's already a semi-legit copy on there which for some reason is now in this constant battle with MS which Chew WGA isn't resolving. The real hurdle is reinstalling and getting all the apps and front end up and running again

>> No.2174937

Use your PC

Otherwise, Pi can be salvaged, just overclock it and install RetroPie. It should play most of SNES game fine, some will have slowdowns. All 3d PSX games will have a slowdown, 2d ones will be perfectly playable like Umihara Kawase

>> No.2174940

I hadn't looked into overclocking it but that's good info as I haven't looked into PSX emulation on there yet. I'd really like it if the S4 would just.. shut off the main display and run things normally on the external as that seems to run everything very well including PSX. I'm eligible for an upgrade through my carrier so if I could make that work nicely I'd just retire the S4 to media center duties. That and it's nice to be able to take it with me when I go places.

>> No.2174943

I dont understand. (Safe) Windows 7 builds are rediculously easy to find. PC is clearly the superior choice for performance across all emulated platforms, regardless of spec.

I have emu'd nearly all platforms on pc, ps2, xbox, wii, psp and android (s4 mini)

You will always find snes emu an issue on mobile platforms, perhaps due to poor coding or bad optimisation. Master system emu always seem to have radical sound issues (even meka on pc). PSP is a great platform for original ps1, but the lack of dual stick & shoulders will bug you.

Stick with pc dude, broader range of pad/stick compatibility, and established emu's with so very many years behind them. Zsnes ftw anyone?

PC has flawless atari/mame/md/nes/snes (except yoshis island - bloody spring bridges glitch under zsnes) great for sms/64/scumm engine, ok psx/ps2/64/gc/wii (musramasa booya) poor saturn & dc but didnt put in much effort.

Up to you buddy, I've even emu'd on a hacked gps that had winCE installed, some systems just arent worth the effort if you actually want the games to be playable in any way. Do youself a favour and stick to pc. It just makes more sense. If you are fetting burned by 7 why not backstep to xp? Easy. Great emu platform, but u may lose support for newer emus like dolphin or ppspp.

>> No.2174945

>this constant battle with MS which Chew WGA isn't resolving
Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about. You can't do a wipe because you'll lose some stuff you like?

you could invest in one of these

>> No.2174950

It's a bummer I couldn't wrap my head around the Pi, I feel like it's capable of so much if I could only figure out how to work with it. The S4 is just frustrating because it does everything I'd want it to as long as it's playing through the on board display. I guess I was fighting a losing battle, getting a working Win key would have been more to alleviate the hassle of WGA. Any recommendations on a front end seeing as it will be used exclusively as a media center?

>> No.2174953

>regardless of spec.
Only if it's from the past 10 years or so.

>> No.2174959

Chew WGA just kept it from checking the legitimacy of the license whenever it saw an internet connection. The only real issue with the PC is going to be reinstalling Windows to be done with the licensing issues then reinstalling and configuring the emulators. It's a bit of hassle but nothing that couldn't be sorted out in an evening I suppose

>> No.2174960

Hey man, my pentium 666mhz got me through ffiii(6) sans transparency ;)

>> No.2174964

>Chew WGA
I never had any problems with my fradulent copy of Win7 to warrant using something like this. I have a feeling you installed updates and weren't looking at what you installed. Windows throws a couple of hurdles in there to get people who don't check. By that I mean there's a couple of updates that detect activation bypasses and makes your copy shit

>reinstalling emulators
That's such a tiny inconvenience that I'm not sure why you even mentioned it.

>> No.2174976

I suspect it was a Windows patch as well, my room mate was doing something on there one night and when I next used it he had mapped a lot of his storage devices as network drives and WGA was throwing a fit. I did try uninstalling all recent patches and restoring but it was never the same. The Emu setups aren't in themselves a big deal but specifying paths and configuring controllers for maybe a dozen system is tedious. Like I said it's not a deal breaker though, I suppose any platform will require that be done and it'll probably be the most straight forward on the PC. Thanks for the input

>> No.2174987

No problem. In the future always remember to choose what updates you want

I'm assuming you have external drives but if you don't I recommend getting one and backing up things you had a hard time finding so you won't lose cool stuff. Used to have that problem before I had a job but now I got everything in order.

>> No.2175030

If you're serious about using a Pi, at least look into building a Beowulf cluster or something. A single Pi is worthless as an emulation machine, simply being too weak to handle higher level stuff. Get a couple extra systems into the fray, and you have something managable.

Cost effective? If you're only in it to play old videogames, hell fuckin no. Worth it? Maybe. Get a handful of those bitches together and learn a thing or two about computers in general, how to get a really beefy setup going with weaksauce systems.

>> No.2175062

OP, try this on your PC:

If it works, keep it around, because;
Trying to find it online (If you happen to remember the name) will lead you to a ton of virus-filled ones.
Windows Activator will come back every now and then (Every few months or so for me, normally). All you need to do is run this tool again and your'll be set for awhile longer.

>> No.2175103

Christ, just install Ubuntu and use Retroarch. This will need tinkering if you've never used Linux befor,e though, so the easiest way bar none is installing a bootleg copy of Windows.

Your Android device isn't up to par, it seems. That can't be helped. What emulator did you use, though? If it wasn't Retroarch, then try that.

>Raspberry Pi

>> No.2175181

I've used Daz Loader in over 20 computers I've built or fixed and I've never ever ever EVER had a problem, OP. I'd suggest you to google it.

>> No.2175203

Reformat and use the PC. If you don't have the time to hand-assemble your software then you should start your download of XP Black and the 92.49gb Hyperspin torrent right now.

It'll take a lot less time than worrying about it and you'll only wish you'd done it that way if you use the Android or the Raspberry Pi.

>> No.2175231
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>XP Black

>> No.2176053

I've heard that Linux Mint is pretty good (have Ubuntu dual-booted on my toaster to see if it would run faster than Windows it technically does but I don't like it and I'm terrified of fucking up deleting it and ruining everything.

>> No.2177658

I recommend installing Linux on your Athlon X3. I say this, because you are already looking for a free alternative and instead of pirating Windows 7 you could use a free operating system which uses less resources. It makes for an excellent emulation machine, as you should know if you have used either your Galaxy S4 or your Raspberry Pi (two additional linux machines). There are easy to learn distributions like Linux Mint, or if you wish to optimize even further, I recommend Arch Linux. Gentoo is also very efficient, running programs. Actually installing them though is a pain in the ass. You would have to compile absolutely everything, which if you aren't familiar can take hours for one program, like Firefox, and isn't guaranteed to succeed either. Though it is automated.

Anyways you should consider it. Learning a new operating system is an adventure in and of itself.

>> No.2179529

>comparing ubuntu to windows for performance
they are both horrible in that aspect because Ubuntu tries to be Windows. There is hardly a performance bump because it is bloated as fuck and it's default DE is the worst offender. If you changed to desktop environment to something like Fluxbox, Awesome, OpenBox, i3, or some other lightweight window manager Ubuntu might show some performance increase for you. Though I recommend you completely migrate from Ubuntu and use something else.