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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2177848 No.2177848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

- Mario Bros 3 was not fun.
The levels were too short and repetitive and the fun powerups too few and far between.

- Kirby's Adventure was better on NES than on GBA.
The GBA remake lost all the heart and soul of the original. Replacing the fun graphics for the same 5 or 6 templates.

- Final Fantasy IX was the best Final Fantasy.

>> No.2177858

Donkey Kong Country 3, Bare Knuckle 3 and Golden Axe 3 are pretty good games. Except by GA3, the other two are my favourites in their respective series. Also, unpopular opinion threads are all shit.

>> No.2177868

Final Fantasy IV is by far the worst game in the series, and that includes even II and the modern installments. The alright story doesn't make the atrocious gameplay and party mechanics that make full-on visual novels a more engaging experience compared to FFIV any more fun.

Duck Tales 2 blows the first game clean out of the water in all regards, including music.

Earthbound and CT are by no means the best SNES RPGs and are nowhere among the best games ever. Only as far as SNES RPGs are concerned, FFVI, any Romancing SaGa game and especially FFV blow both clean out of the water with regards to gameplay, and Live-A-Live was much more of an artistic experience than Earthbound could ever hope to be.

>> No.2177876

I mildly agree with you on SMB3. Repetitive level design was a problem, but what killed it for me was the lack of a save feature. The game is just too fucking long without one. Also, calling FF9 the best FF was an unpopular opinion maybe 10 years ago. It seems pretty common now.

As for me,
- Resident Evil: Code Veronica is the second best RE after 2.
- The Genesis has an overall shitty library with a lower gems-to-garbage ratio than even the N64.
- Except for the fragile analog stick, I like the N64 controller.
- Playstation-style d-pad > cross d-pad > 8-directional "pivot" d-pad
- Earthbound blows.

>> No.2177882

The master system is a shower of shit with about 5 games worth playing on it

>> No.2177886

I actually enjoyed Superman 64 because all the glitches and limitations made me try harder and sharpen my skills to align to the problems.

>> No.2177887

pretty sure last time I saw the topic discussed here, most people preferred the NES Kirby's Adventure to the GBA remake. Not sure if that's generally unpopular or what since my old game discussion(s) are limited to /vr/

>> No.2177940

>Mega Man X6 is fun and a nice challenge
>Earthbound is mediocre and isn't worthy of its praise
>Tales of Destiny II ( Tales of Eternia ) is the most fun of the Tales' series
>Mega Man X3 gets shit on too much, it's a good, fun game, with awesome rockin' music. PSX version was shit and its arranged soundtrack was mostly ( but not entirely) awful
>DKC2 is better than DKC1 ( and even DKC3 ) in every way.
>I like the Time mechanic in LoZ: Majora's Mask
>I enjoy Majora's Mask much more than Ocarina of Time
>Dragon Quest 7 is best Dragon Quest to me
>I like Castlevania 64 and did not find anything in it to be too difficult. Had no problems.
>Castlevania: Bloodlines is one hell of an excellent game and not talked about enough

And for the hell of it, i'll throw in this, even though it'll probably make some people angry.
>Never played a single Metroid game

>> No.2177968

Every time I've seen them discussed everyone always says just play the GBA one for the 'better graphics' and more gameplay modes.

But also:
- Zelda 1 is a terribly made game.
- Zelda: OoT was just... boring. Majora's mask was 100x better.
- There isn't a single good Sonic game. Not even the often cited Genesis trilogy.

>> No.2177976

SMB1 aged like milk and 2 and 3 are VASTLY superior in every way

>> No.2177984

I don't agree with you about SMB3 but I think you're dead-on for the other two opinions.

I think there are six, but yeah, you're right.

I wouldn't say Zelda is boring so much as 'hyped'. OoT...yeah, I had a tough time playing that. Stopped playing at different points more than once. Maybe at the time is was really good but I missed that boat. I have to disagree about Sonic. If you don't like the original games then you're probably just not a fan of the genre.

>> No.2177987
File: 9 KB, 256x224, contra3_2p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contra 3 is a better game than Contra Hard Corps.

>> No.2177997

You're me.

>> No.2177998

I thought this was pretty much popular opinion ?

>> No.2178002

Yup, that's me too. Agree with everything.

I did try out Super Metroid though, but never got too far into it.

>> No.2178003


Having grown up with a master system, that is not an incorrect opinion.

It has a handful of pretty good games (zillions, spellcaster, fantasy zone, etc), one truly great game (phantasy star), and the rest is an ocean of shit.

>> No.2178007

We should be friends and hang out.

>> No.2178032

probably not an unpopular opinion but the following anons are fags:

>- Mario Bros 3 was not fun.

>Never played a single Metroid game

>- Zelda 1 is a terribly made game.

>SMB1 aged like milk

>> No.2178036

-DuckTales on NES wasn't a good game.
When the remake was announced and everyone was ranting and raving about the original, I decided to give it a shot. The game is ridiculously short, the levels are uninspired and there's no sense made to the layout.
'The Moon' theme though IS as awesome as everyone said.

- Metroid was dull and unbeatable without a guide.
Even the remake was boring. Strangely though I felt like Ufouria was a fantastic game. Also Super Metroid was fun.

- Mario Land 2 was waaay too short to be fun. I remember 100% the game in about 3 hours. Wario Land was much better. Actually, I'd say Wario Land games in general are better than Mario games.

>> No.2178040

I wouldn't go as far as saying that SMB3 isn't fun, but I couldn't ever really get into it again after playing World.

>> No.2178054

>Metroid was dull and unbeatable without a guide.

This. The game is impressive in scope and concept though. I don't know if this is a totally unpopular opinion or not, but I felt that a lot of series that started on the NES only really hit their stride on the SNES. The NES installments laid the groundwork and feel like test runs.

>> No.2178058

Specifically I consider this true of Metroid and Zelda although I also feel that Super Mario World is superior in every way to the NES era Mario games.

>> No.2178061


I wholeheartedly agree with this post.

>> No.2178062

I agree with that, SMB 1 and 3 aren't even remotely similar past the core run and jump mechanics either. One is an exploration collectathon (this is not a bad thing, its about exploring the worlds and building up an item inventory to help later in the game) platformer. While the other is straight forward no BS platforming. Both of them are amazing

>> No.2178063

Resident Evil is better than RE2. The mansion setting is far more scary.

>> No.2178074

Daggerfall sucks.

>> No.2178078

-Zelda 1 is a great game, but needed to have the map in the game and not in the manual.
In fact, with the manual the game becomes easy in comparison to the average nes game.
People call it hard because most are people emulating it without bothering to google the vital information that was in the manual, where you can see the first 4 dungeons and the recommended order. The rest of the game can be deduced from npc dialogues and basic exploration.

-Virtua Fighter is one of the best 20 franchises in video games history, and has always been much better than Tekken. Limb based combat is one of those concepts that are better in theory than in reality.

-Of the 3 1986 games (Zelda, Kid Icarus, Metroid) Kid Icarus was the best one.

-N64 vs Playstation arguments are possible because some people just don't give a shit about JRPGs, and because Mame emulation destroyed the value of a console having had good arcade ports.

-Yoshi Island has better level design than gameplay mechanics. The game is full of great ideas, but just isn't very fun to play. It is a game more admirable than fun.

-Metroid and Zelda franchises aren't very replayable games because they have very simple combat, and most of the challenge comes from the path finding, finding out where you have to go, but that challenge can only be experienced in the first playthrough.

-It speaks badly of the Sonic franchise that the fans don't agree on which games are good from Sonic 1, 2, 3 & Knuckles. I find Sonic 1 very underwhelming.

-Crash and Spyro nowadays would sell more in Nintendo consoles than in Playstations.

-Super Mario World and Super Castlevania IV are worse and far easier than Bros 3 and Castlevania 3. Bloodlines and Rondo are really better than Super Castlevania IV, no hipsterism.

>> No.2178098

>The rest of the game can be deduced from npc dialogues and basic exploration.

NPC dialogue? You mean gems like:


>> No.2178174

Gameplay-wise, Sonic 1, 2, 3 & Knuckles were all very below-average (at best), and it was covered up by good graphics and music. They are all flash with no substantial gameplay substance.

>> No.2178186

earthbound isnt mediocre. it flat out sucks.

smash melee is a brilliant classic on par with starcraft 1. all other smash games are mediocre, cept smash 64 is also very respectable

chrono cross is complete garbage, salvaged only by nostalgia

>> No.2178190

Ocarina of Time was the last great Zelda game for a console. This is actually a popular opinion for the mainstream, but unpopular for /vr/.

Majora's Mask was essentially a emo romhack with a time limit gimmick, which killed the sense of being bale to explore. Wind Waker was a tremendous letdown that is only championed as the best one by people who either played it as their first Zelda, or by people who like the Tumblr-like artstyle.

>> No.2178193

>I don't like this game
>This series has always sucked
>This console is better than that console
That's pretty much what these threads amount to.

>> No.2178194

>emo romhack
>Tumblr-like artstyle.

Thank god I played both of those games when they first came out before these things existed. I still enjoy both to this day.

>> No.2178197

>emo romhack
>Tumblr-like artstyle

>> No.2178198

To me, the Legend of Dragoon sounds like it was written by Chris Chan. Also, the music is very boring, as are all the set pieces, they seem to just meld together into a blob of uninteresting (but fine looking) backgrounds.

Also, it's pretty darn boring as an RPG.

>> No.2178201

I like pseudo HD smoothing filters

>> No.2178204

>-Virtua Fighter is one of the best 20 franchises in video games history, and has always been much better than Tekken

That isn't exactly an unpopular opinion though. A lot of people I know who played both of them agree: VF > Tekken.
A lot of them also say that Soul Calibur and DoA are also better than Tekken, and all three (SC, DoA, VF) are superior and give more fast paced, to-the-point action, while still being balanced so well that with either skill or even just good reflexes, you can turn the tide of a battle completely. Tekken meanwhile is a slow juggling game.

I can agree on DoA, VF and SC being all extremely good and having great back-and-forth designs, but I only played all of them up to the 2nd games and never played any Tekken in any real depth (the series never had any appeal to me).

I should check out some of their more modern incarnations... It's a pity that Sega booted Yu Suzuki, I wish they made a new, high-end VF game.

>> No.2178205

He clearly needs to stay away from that place. It's a shame that /v/'s ridiculous bullshit tainted his view of two excellent games.

>> No.2178214

all the original mario games weren't very fun to me.

I more or less just saw them as this hurdle I had to jump so I could consider myself a decent gamer.

also, if you can't beat them, you are pretty much a terrible person in general.

>> No.2178217

Not to mention, using dragoon form would in fact, make almost every battle even harder, either from the crap spells, the really hard to hit dragoon mode attacks, locking you out of items, or the boss having a dragoon kill mechanic.

And half the party is useless.

>> No.2178226

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link was amazing, and it's perspective must be revisited fully in a later installment.

>> No.2178229

Most the Mario games aren't bad, but they're super uninteresting.

Hell, most sidescrolling 2D platformers are super uninteresting. Mario, DKC, Sonic, they're all just bland and uninteresting. It needs to have some deeper mechanics or have other redeeming qualities like difficulty in Ghouls and Ghosts.

Most first party nintendo games aren't that good, and are grossly over rated (primarily by casuals) while other lesser known games are better, despite sometimes being rougher around the edges.

Playstation has been the superior console from 1-4. Nintendo has been on the backfoot from SNES onwards and people still think its the best shit ever despite their consoles lacking 3rd party support and living in the past.

>> No.2178236

To each their own but I've always found that Nintendo and Sony consoles are very complimentary to each other. Especially in the sixth gen(not retro though).

>> No.2178284
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1420133360884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still pissed off about the bullshit that was World 7.

I liked the rest of the game but fuck that world. Ya done triggered me.

>> No.2178289

I don't think a game needs to be difficult to be worthwhile, nor does completing difficult games prove one's worth as a gamer.

If I find a game to be difficult, I will admit it rather than insist that it's too easy.

I think Turtles in Time SNES sounds better than the arcade (I didn't realize this was unpopular opinion).

>> No.2178296

Fatal Fury is better than King of Fighters, which is better than Street Fighter.
Virtua Fighter blows Tekken out of the water.
Deus Ex, System Shock, Thief and the entire canon of "immersive sim" PC games are totally worthless, terribly designed games that break themselves without the player even trying.
The only genres that the West is better than the East at are strategy and FPS.

>> No.2178306

FF7 looked like shit.

I mean the first steps into 3D were always ugly but I guess to be fair I can't hate for the game just trying to break new ground.

Still, it looked like you were playing 'Money For Nothing: the RPG.'

With that out of the way there was no excuse for hiding AN IMPORTANT PLOT POINT in a hidden cut scene so first time players would be scratching their heads at what the shit was going on when they beat it.

>> No.2178310

FFVIII was an enjoyable experience.

>> No.2178317

>- Zelda 1 is a terribly made game.
I agree with this along with the fact the translation made it damn near impossible to play

>> No.2178318

Turtles in time on the SNES is god awful compared to hyperstone heist.

This is good, hard pounding instruments get you pumped up for a boss fight.

Dat bass is fucking pathetic, the whole thing just sounds weak.

>> No.2178327


>> No.2178328

>unpopular opinion
>FF7 looks terrible

Everyone knows this. It was just that everything else about FF7 was great that you could look past its even at the time shit graphics. Its aesthetic was great with the pre-rendered backgrounds really helped. It was only the character models that really looked shitty.

>> No.2178337

I remember playing FFVII on release and being amazed at its jawdropping graphics. Now it's like watching a bad claymation cartoon.

You had to be there at the time I guess.

>> No.2178375

i think ff7 is much more aesthetic than ff8

ff8 chars are just a vomit of pixels

at least ff7 maintained coherency

>> No.2178392

In battle models? Good.
The "good" CG models? Amazing.
The world models and shit CG models? Awful.

I'm pretty confident Cloud has something like 6-8 different models in FF7 to boot.

>World Map Cloud
>Regular Cloud
>High Res Regular Cloud (the shitty cutscenes one)
>Battle Cloud
>High Res Battle Cloud (used for all of 1 fight in the game)
>High Res CGI Cloud (the good one)

I think I'm missing them too.

>> No.2178687

videogames are fun