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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 39 KB, 392x450, Mega_Man_X4_PSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2177018 No.2177018 [Reply] [Original]

Wich Megaman of the X series is the best and why is Megaman X4. I'll tell you why:
>Nice graphics
>Awasome music (except for that lame ass Frost Walrus stage theme)
>Cool boss names
>Magma Dragoon does Hadoukens and freaking Shoryukens!!!
>Zero voice sounds way better than the other games.
>2 storylines
>Levels are great and imaginative.
>Zero's techniques have cool names like RAIJINGEKI and RYUENJIN
>Iris is cute
>Possibility to use Ultimate Armor and Black Armor Zero
>You dont have to worry about bullshit like recue reploids and making parts.
There is probably more things that doesn't come to my mind right now.


>> No.2177025

The first one is the best (by a large margin). Mainly because the absolutely ridiculous X aesthetic was new and fresh. Kind of like "This is Megaman, but on the SUPER Nintendo". The series wore out its welcome before it even hit the Playstation.

>> No.2177029

>None of the jumps matter since you can climb out of every pit

Who thought wallclimbing was a good idea. Classic>X

>> No.2177063

when they dont want you to climb all they had to do was place a t shaped ledge or spikes at the top

but yeah i agree that X has less emphasis on platforming than classic, you might have a point

>> No.2177065

I don't think so, I thought the playstation ones were great, but flawed.
X4 gave you infinite lives at loading screens and X5 had fucking ayla interrupting you all the time to explain dumb shit like the controls and the most pants on head retarded grading system ever where you lose points for killing enemies

>> No.2177082
File: 40 KB, 400x614, 5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2177084

>retarded grading system ever where you lose points for killing enemies
thats another shit that grinds my balls. destroying robots is fun. then why the fuck you lose points for destroying enemies? stupiedest thing ever

>> No.2177095
File: 229 KB, 1024x1448, 1154272783912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't mean you can't die.
Heck, Kirby can fly but can still fall into a pit if you're unlucky.

>> No.2177097

>nice graphics
badly pixelated pre-rendered shit. showing the floor at an angle creates a claustrophobic feeling
>awesome music
can't remember
>cool boss names
>magma dragoon
>zero voice
fucking blew
>2 storylines
since the game had to be balanced for both characters it wasn't as tightly designed overall
>levels are great and imaginative
this is the worst fucking point on your list, what are you even talking about? X had cool shit like armored armadillo's stage where you're outrunning a digging machine and being rewarded with powerups if you do it quickly enough, riding on a minecart and flying off it while shooting down birds in mid-air. and the entire staged have you constantly moving deeper down into the mountain. X4 had flat inconsequential shit for levels

>> No.2177104


>badly pixelated pre-rendered shit.
What are you even doing on this board?
>awesome music
Split mushroom, jet stringray jump to mind
>fucking blew
I enjoyed them for cheesiness but it's not like anybody cared about the story

>> No.2177119


homm3 is nice pre-rendered graphics. super mario rpg looks decent. x4 is bad palettes, bad renders, bad designs the game, visually speaking. also the floor angle

I don't care if I get some complimentary anime show to go with my game, I'd rather not watch it at all if possible

>> No.2177123
File: 276 KB, 618x346, what_am_i_fighting_for_____gif_by_kayhedgewolf-d6ulr89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2177141
File: 182 KB, 640x1109, Mega-man-maverick-hunter-x-psp-cover-front-42668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wich Megaman of the X series is the best
This one

The challenge is in trying not to getting killed by obstacles, enemies, projectiles, etc. There are also still some tricky pits, and spikes.

>> No.2177146

>Mainly because the absolutely ridiculous X aesthetic was new and fresh
What the fuck kind of reason is that?

>> No.2177147

>portal system


>2.5d graphics

Kill me.

>> No.2177162
File: 91 KB, 480x600, 1415636231544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure X4 was all handdrawn, maybe aside from Split Mushroom's spiral staircase. X5 and possibly X6 have a few pre-rendered elements, but even then it's used sparingly.

The bike in Jet Stingray's stage is a bit similar to the minecart in Armored Armadillo's stage, but you can't jump out of it until the end. You can also use a mech to fight Magma Dragoon. I thought that was kind of cool.

>> No.2177170

Its a 2D game. Of course its gonna be pixelated. What u expected? The game looks fine and thats ir. Both of your arguments are nonsense.
Levels like Cyber Space where you dont wanto to be touched to get the armor parts, the s-tank or the heart tank while all this enemies, weird eyeballs and shit are chasing you makes your blood pump. Bio Laboratory you are climbing up a stair while fighting wich I think is cool. Marine Base you are riding the Ride Chaser the entire level and actually met the boss (Jet Stringray) in area 2 before fighting him.

>> No.2177171

>ou can also use a mech to fight Magma Dragoon. I thought that was kind of cool.

>> No.2177205

Stop that shit. It was a great game, and the 2.5D was executed nicely. While I personally prefer SNES Mega Man X, I still think Maverick Hunter X was good.

>> No.2177208

they use a lot more pre renders than you think, it's just that X4 took the effort to redraw them with a smaller color palette and dithering

>> No.2177219

I didn't even say it was bad. There's been a plague of people boldly listing portable shit as the "best" versions of anything, as if playing anything on a tiny screen with awkward controls is comfy.

Maverick Hunter X looks ok. Much better than most, but it still has worse graphics than the original.

On the plus side The music is better than the original. Though you'd have to wear headphones to hear it.

>> No.2177234

Wich Megaman of the X series is the best and why is Megaman X4. I'll tell you why:
>I'm a braindead Zero fanboy


>> No.2177246

ALL X series have Zero as a playable character. So... whats your point?

>> No.2177539

Uhh... You haven't played the first two have you?

>> No.2177587

X1 is great. X2 and X3 are just more of the same.

>> No.2177619 [DELETED] 

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>> No.2177859
File: 63 KB, 448x327, 1378278493490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ALL X series have Zero as a playable character

>> No.2177994

X was incredible when it came out. X2 and X3 didn't have the same impact. The PSX titles tried to change it up and do different things such as introducing Zero as a playable character, but since the overall formula wasn't changed they couldn't match up to the original.

>> No.2178094

X1 was the best game for X. X4 was the best for Zero. X4 for X was fourth verse, same as the first, which got old after a while.

>> No.2178319

>>Awasome music (except for that lame ass Frost Walrus stage theme)

Nigga, please. I got an eight minute remix of that shit on my mp3 player, and it's god-tier lifting music.

But, yeah, best X game by far.

>> No.2178867

vertical levels are much better in the X series

>> No.2178874

X1 is the best overall.

My favorite is X2 though.

>> No.2178882
File: 106 KB, 900x666, Mega_Man_Xtreme_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best X game.

>> No.2178901

I like X5

>> No.2179091

upload it please

>> No.2179679


>Nice Graphics

Ok. X5 & X6 have the same graphics.

>Awesome Music (except for Frost Walrus)

Go eat millions & millions of dicks. Both themes were great.

>Cool boss names

I guess

>Magma Dragoon

Oh you're a street fighter fan

>Zero's voice

Lucas Gilbertson shits all over Wayne Doster


Maverick Hunter X did it better

>2 storylines

Not really. It's the same story but from a different character

>Levels are great and imaginative

Yeah. So great and imaginative that they used it in X5 all over again!

>Zero's techniques

Weaboo detected


Fuck Yeah she is. Too bad they fucking killed her off.


Ultimate Armor is the shit. Black Zero is Shit

>Rescue reploids & parts

I agree.

>> No.2180428

You can find it here: http://www.mp3fil.com/download/strider-yokoshima.html

It's "Chilled Walrus." Mad repetitive, but gets me focused for some reason. Hah, and I was wrong; it's 9+ minutes.

>> No.2180518

Also, Black Zero on X4 is just a cosmetic change and doesn't enhance Zero's defense and saber power (unlike it actually does in X5 and X6).

Oh and by the way, X4's Zero is extremely boring to play as compared to god-tier X6's Zero. And... not saying X4's soundtrack is bad by any means, but... I can't recall most of X4's music except for a few tunes (Jet Stingray, Storm Owl, maybe Sigma 2nd, dat opening music with the X-Buster SFX...)

>> No.2180524

>Jet Stingray

idk why I like the synthy 90s music so much, but his level had the quintessential 1990s Capcom action music.

>> No.2181026

you will find no disagreements from me

>> No.2181027

tragic waifu

>> No.2181649

>I can't recall most of X4's music
Nigger, please


How anyone thinks this isn't the de facto X game intro stage theme, I don't know

Personal fav outside of that one

The tracks after X4 that I do like are

>> No.2181658

Megaman shouldn't even have been playable in this game.
Nothing happened in his story, the only gameplay difference is the weapons you can get, they didn't even get branching paths in the levels (which is all the more worse when you realize the levels themselves are smaller than X3). It's made even worse when you consider this came right after Sonic and Knuckles which made the paths alter a lot more depending on who you played as.

If they had focused on Just zero, they could have spent more time designing the game around his abilities.

>> No.2181852

I agree it's the best of the X games. I also have the most nostalgia for it.

>> No.2181870

Storm Owl's stage is great. That purple-y night sky. That sprawling city. Those searchlights. That jumping through a fleet of airships high above the ground. That fucking perfectly fitting music. I want to be there. I want to be able to sit on one of those ships and gaze at the lights of the endless city beneath me.

>> No.2181881

Okay /vr/ I need your advice

I want to play Megaman X Collection
I decided to download the game from Coolrom.com , but it asked me to download way too much innecesary shit and I canceled it, thinking those might be viruses.

Any recommended site, or way to download that game?
Is necesary the use of an emulator?
Is it safe to download from Coolrom.com?

Just for information, im typing this on a relic.
a Windows XP notebook.

>> No.2181882

I'm sorry my friend, I would help you with your quest but I'm afraid the Emulation Paradise of which you seek does not exist.

>> No.2181884

>does not exist

Explain yourself, gentleman.

You telling me that, the quest of mine is in vain?
That is impossible to play said game?

>> No.2181893


>> No.2181913

No, don't, do that.

The versions o the X games Found in the X collection are of inferior quality. Go for the real things.

>> No.2181917

Well, fuck.

In my defense, Im pretty much a newfig about emulation subject

And downloading stuff from coolrom.com was a very, VERY bad idea.

So should go for those games, individually?
Sounds gud.

>> No.2181942

Based malwarebytes at rescue

>> No.2181950


>> No.2182146
