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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 188 KB, 512x448, dbz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2162156 No.2162156 [Reply] [Original]

Dragon Ball Z game thread go!

>> No.2162165

thanks doc

>> No.2162168

Pic related is the best of the three.

>> No.2162169

The SNES Super Butouden trilogy is akin to Streets of Rage, quality wise IMO.

First game was odd but set down many of the standards of the series.

Second game perfected everything, even if it was a bit slow.

Third game felt unfinished and a huge set back, but it played so much faster.

Also, best DBZ fighting game I played was Hyper Dimension by far.

>> No.2162170


Really? I always thought this one is the worse, I was pretty disappointed when I found a bootleg cartridge, but it was the first game instead Super Butouden 2 or 3. SB3 has a neat soundtrack also.


>> No.2162176
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN0089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Butouden 2 is actually really fast if you put the turbo speed code in. I used to think Hyper Dimension was the best until I put that code into butouden 2. Hyper Dimension doesn't have beam struggles :( but it is still a damn fine game. I also love Super Butouden on the saturn mr satan mode is damn fun. Never bet against Goku.

pic related is all my /vr/ dragonball games.

>> No.2162180
File: 157 KB, 622x868, 57002[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legendary Super Warriors (on the GBC) was amazing to me as a kid.
Dozens of playable characters, the entire Z story and a fun game overall. I clocked hours and hours on that thing.

>> No.2162186


>Saturn's Shin Butouden

My nigga.

>> No.2162201
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN0093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally forgot I have this too haha.

I want to get that game I should pick it up if i see it.

>> No.2162205
File: 394 KB, 1024x768, DBGTFB (49).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retro DBZ games were absolute shit except for the music and Hyper Dimension, which is only half-good because its slow and the flying mechanic is terrible and even slower.
Butouden 2 is the best retro game of the Butouden series, but that don't mean much. Still a bad fighting game.

The Mega Drive and Playstation ones were so bad that I can't belive they ever get released.

Also, "beam struggles" suck. They're just button mashing crap that ruins the flow of the fights.

Possibly the worst of the bunch pictured.

>> No.2162212

>Retro DBZ games were absolute shit

Millennial fag detected.
The Megadrive game was the absolute most awesome thing around here back in the 90s. Especially once we figured out how to deflect beams and do meteo attacks.

>> No.2162215

Pan fireball glitch was hilarous.

>> No.2162225

fuck you legend of the super saiyan was awesome.

>> No.2162237

Here where? In a shithole like Brazil, from where I hail? In some Euro country where Genesis still is the most played system and survives with pirated games? Among poor and retarded kids?

Go play a real fighting game. Buyu Retsuden, the shitty Genesis game, was released in late 1994. By this year Capcom and SNK had plenty good fighting games while Bandai just shat licensed crap.

>> No.2162243

The brutal grindfest Super Famicom RPG with the cards battle system?

Man, if they seriously toned down the grind and made the battle system less random it could have been a decent game.
Better level design would also help a lot.

>> No.2162275

Is the PCE CD version worth it?

>> No.2162278

i was whistling this song before I even hit play

>> No.2162305

For some reason I find this to be a brutally difficult game. I could barely get to Frieza and never beat him. It was a huge surprise when I found out that it isn't considered a hard game by anybody else!

>> No.2162317

DBZ games sucked until the Budokai series debuted on PS2. Ever since then the games have been at least decent at times.

>> No.2162328

Isn't that fight from the original Dragon Ball?

>> No.2162332

Yes. A handful of DBZ games started with this fight as the intro. As I recall, the manga didn't originally make a distinction between DB and Z. Hell, there weren't even distinct traits between the two until midway through the Saiyan Saga in the anime. The first like, 20 episodes resemble Dragon Ball, where Goku's still a lot goofier and not a muscular powerhouse.

Captcha: ayspi

>> No.2162334

Frieza saga kicked your ass without remorse, but after that it mellowed out, probably because you started to get good cards.

Also, the OHKO card was far more precise that it should be, I abused that shit.

>> No.2162348

Europe, and everyone here played PC games in the late 90s - simulators and RTS mostly. The Megadrive game was distributed via emulators (genecyst and Kgen at the time), when they started showing Dragonball Z, and everyone absolutely loved that game.

Capcom may have had more and better fighting games (I owned a Saturn at the time so I should know), but we didn't have any tourneyfags here who played 2d games, and the only fighting games people cared about on consoles was Tekken (which is a fucking joke as far as mechanics go).

Only problem with that game was that it forced random fights after moving 4 spaces on the map... it was too easy to get lost. Otherwise it was kick ass.

>> No.2162681

legacy of goku/log2 get my vote for best dbz games, although not retro.

>> No.2162692

I liked the spritework in Hyper Dimension.

>> No.2162812

dude it's not that grind heavy if you understand the system, plus there are multiple ways of breaking the game if you want to boost you power levels to over 9000.

It's a weird game, if you're a big fan of the series though I would recommend it if you find it cheap.

>> No.2162818

>plus there are multiple ways of breaking the game if you want to boost you power levels to over 9000.

How so? I only know two; one is the body change glitch which allows you to use Ginyu (and have him steal the body of the final boss...), and the other is to max up all your troops before the Guru powerup, pushing them to an otherwise impossible to reach final level with very impressive power levels.

>> No.2162819

>Frieza saga kicked your ass
Fuck yeah it did. I remember thinking Frieza MUST be the final boss because he was impossibly hard.

>> No.2162835

Ill copy this from gamefaqs cause whatever

"When Goku, Vegeta, or Gohan reaches a health level below 5, use a card like Korin, Kami, or Shenron, that fully heals a character, on them, and they will grow one level. This can be recognized in the show when Vegeta tells Krillin to hurt him badly and then let Dende heal him so he can become stronger."

The technique i was thinking of specifically involved raditz goku and picollo, I can't remember exactly what you had to do though, I just remember you were able to grind some crazy levels on raditz alone.

>> No.2163112

I really really love this song from the first game for some reason.


>> No.2163123

oh, that. I thought there was something else as well.

Yeah, having Goku with ridiculous strength is pretty fun in the Vegita fight, but that's like the only place where you can use it, and then carefully power up Gohan mid-game.

>> No.2163378

I hope the gokuden games get a decent translation soon, the first one was fun enough even with the sloppy translation.

>> No.2163379

I actually liked Final Bout and still play it every now and then...

>> No.2163410

Super butoden 2 is the absolute best DBZ game, people who say otherwise simply dont know how to properly play butoden, niggas need to learn how to meteor combo and counter special attacks. And yes, turbo mode makes it even etter.

Butoden 3 is good too, but its pretty barebones.

Shin Butoden on Saturn is also great.

DBZ legends is also interesting, repetitive, but unique. Played it a lot a a kid, beat it multiple times.
Famicom and SFC RPGs are also good.

Never liked Final Bout or UB22, I think they are pretty bad games.
Hyper Dimension has really nice graphics, but gameplay is simple SF clone, Butoden series emulates DBZ style fighting much better due to dashing and being able to fly

>> No.2163414

I'll never understand why people who hate Ultimate Battle 22 love Shin Butoden. They're basically the same game, except Shin Butoden has that split screen feature. Shin Butoden doesn't fix any of UB22's problems at all.

>> No.2163436


>> No.2163445

Pretty much stock up on as much Kami cards as you can, after getting the Gohan card. If you don't go to Raditz after a while, he will come straight to you.

Once you use the Gohan card and have Raditz in the lock, don't use any Ki cards. Piccolo/Raditz will keep damaging Goku at a pretty low damage rate. This should let you spam Kami cards for levels.

>beat super saiyajin densetsu about a dozen times and have messed around with codes and glitches because I had no life as a child

Ask any questions about the game and I can probably answer it.

>> No.2163453

The game design was absolutely terrible. I remember being stumped for the longest time on Namek on why I couldn't get progress anywhere. I had to look in a random pot in a random pot to find Cargo, Dende's retarded clone. You have no indication of this too.

>> No.2163509

Shin butouden at least has beams, honestly UB22 would not be anywhere nearly as shitty as it is if every ki blast didnt look like a shitty little fireball.

>> No.2163513

thats cool thanks man I knew there was a trick. That shit was the best, nothing screams early days of SNES emulation like that did.

dude you were playing what was probably an old translation, the game just got a fully complete updated translation like last year. It was one of the earliest and most downloaded rom translations cut it some slack.

>> No.2163550

I don't think a translation would fix it, as there is no dialogue anywhere after beating Cui that you must find him.

I could be wrong, as it's been a long time. Might give it another run with the new translation.

>> No.2163564


Have you actually played both?

Shin Butoden, as the name implies, is a Butoden game. It plays like the previous Butoden games, you say "it just has the split screen" but thats one of the key features that makes the difference. And as the other anon said, also the super powers and being able to counter them, just like in the previous butoden games.
UB22 feels completely different. Both have similar or nearly identical sprites, maybe thats why you think they are similar, but gameplay wise they are leagues apart from each other.

By the way I forgot to mentio. Buu yuu retsuden. I like it, it is almost like a Butoden game, and has a nice roster. However its a bit stiff and slow, but I would say its better than Butoden 1

>> No.2163796

someone make a cool webm of butouden 2

>> No.2165458
File: 29 KB, 380x200, masterroshi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had my desktop cluttered with this shit back in the day

>> No.2165950
File: 20 KB, 224x400, SuperGokudenTotsugeki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no pic related
>pic related will never be completely translated.

This, and Kakusei-hen, were my cup of tea on the SNES

>> No.2166150

Have any of them been fully translated yet?

>> No.2166170

There was a partial translation for the first one, and I believe the second one has a 50% complete Spanish or French translation.

>> No.2166213


This guy has it right.

Hyper Dimension at least had some good points.
DBZ Legends 3 on 3 was an interesting idea but overall was crap.

DB GT is fucking horrible,

>> No.2166241

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's desktop was filled with shitty game gifs.

>> No.2166265

I used to have a homestead page with Mega Man and DBZ gifs strewn about in such a way to make it look like they were all shooting beans and shit at each other. This was long before emulation was wide spread. Super Famicom imports were relatively rare at the time as well.

>> No.2166269


>> No.2166367

Shin Butouden was the worst of the series though.

>By the way I forgot to mentio. Buu yuu retsuden. I like it, it is almost like a Butoden game, and has a nice roster. However its a bit stiff and slow, but I would say its better than Butoden 1

You have a turbo code which doubles the speed. The only stiff thing in the controls was the fact that you only had 3 buttons and had to do combinations to do fireballs, and they gave retarded commands for a lot of them like "hold down for 2 seconds, then forward + punch".
On the other hand, they balanced a lot of moves great. Beam attacks had greater variance in power and strength, throwing the enemy didn't meant a guaranteed hit in your face due to unblockable reversals (in fact if someone did a close-up reversal you could guard against it by immediately following up with a fireball - which left you open if the guy reversed the throw into the OTHER direction, etc).

Really, other than the simpler graphics (compared to the SNES games), Buu-yu Retsuden was great. And the roster was good as well. You could actually do Body Change with Ginyu!

Also "triple fireballs" were completely useless in the entire series other than in Butouden 3 (and hyper dimension) where they actually managed to combo each other. What is the point of doing a triple fireball when all hits other than the first are blocked...?

>> No.2166384

no he doesn't he got a bad taste in his mouth from the PSX games and now he's a shit baby. Butouden series was great, buu yuu was good, HD was good, and the RPGs are good too.

>> No.2166763


Yeah, I'd say after Butoden 2, Bu Yuu Retsuden was the one I played the most. Body change with Ginyu was great.

You think Shin Butoden is worst than Butoden 1?

>> No.2166768

Well both of them were barely playable messes so does it really matter which one is better? The only thing either did good was the music - admittedly, there are many ear catching tracks in both (and the remix soundtracks are awesome; there was an extended Mr Satan theme from Shinbutouden in one of them which was super funky).

>> No.2166813

barely playable?
yeah maybe if you're retarded and don't know how to push buttons. With the speed codes activated both of them are smooth solid games, the level 4 turbo in super butouden is even too fast.

>> No.2166942

The NES one that plays like a trading card game was super badass.

>> No.2166946

All of the NES ones do and they should all have decent translations now too I think.

>> No.2169228

>legacy of goku
Really? It's a pretty uninspired RPG.

>> No.2170769

Shin Butouden for the Saturn was GOAT retro DBZ game.

>> No.2170780

Super Butouden 1 was retarded as far as gameplay went, DASHING was a knockdown attack, you couldn't charge your ki, etc.

Shin Butouden, I don't remember what was the exact problem with that, from what I recall the balance was all over the place (some attacks too powerful, beams are all ridiculously powerful, controls were unresponsive), and it also had some stupid irritating moves that ruined the gameplay rhythm (I think you could do a flying kick while standing up that covered like 2 screens). Also some levels were so small they barely even scrolled.

I wonder if you had any meteo attacks in that game, though? They were spectacular in all the other games, but I can't find of any videos showing them off for shin butouden.

>> No.2170797
File: 41 KB, 538x354, shin3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, Butoden 1 set a lot of the things that were later perfected on Butoden 2, but boy Butoden 1 was clunky. Not being able to charge your ki made me feel desperate.

I haven't played Shin Butoden in a long while, but I remember it being good, at least as good as Butoden 2 and 3 (although I still preferred 2 overall). I should try it again though and pay more attention to the mechanics.

I fucking loved the VS screens on Shin Butoden though.

>> No.2170817

The graphics in Shin Butouden all felt disgustingly poorly digitized to me. All the other games had pretty damn good sprites made for them, and so did Legends and Hyper Dimension, but Shin Butouden stood out as having just a couple of cardboard cutout paintings run around. All the artwork except the backgrounds felt too much like that.

>> No.2170842

there was a weird card reader DBZ game for the NES where it randomly picked a dbz person and you had to fight with them in the tournament. I remember getting Chiaoutzu and Yamcha as playable characters. Maybe I was just really fucked up, but i swear i remember this

>> No.2170862
File: 82 KB, 427x355, cell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's because Shin Butoden uses the same sprites as Ultimate Battle 22 (which is a terrible game). It uses the same sprites, but they're totally different games.
And yeah I wish they would be nice like the other Butoden games instead of a flat texture.

>> No.2171821

You guys can charge ki in butouden 1 you have to be flying in the air though. I think you press down when you are flying.

>> No.2172329

I could not do the timed button sequences for the life of me. The game looked so cool but it was so hard

>> No.2175004

The game is not really hard. The only time (at least the one I remember) where I really struggled hard was the Ginyu/Jeice fight. Also, the timed commands were horrible sometimes.
>tfw had to press 6 buttons in 0.7s
Also, is it some kind of glitch or intended to be able to fix the commands if you fucked up? I remember mashing the specific button and it sometimes worked.

>> No.2175021

Which was the one on SNES where you could do retarded inputs, like Down Up Back Foward Punch super quickly and you would like instant transmission in front of your opponent and completely fucking wreck them through a mountain?

When I figured that shit out, it went from "meh" to ABSOLUTELY HYPE.

>> No.2175036


Super Butoden 2 and 3, meteor combos.

>> No.2176339
File: 2.79 MB, 320x240, DieCell.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is too fun, and the graphics are pretty nice.

>> No.2176368

Those comic panel effects are really nice.

>> No.2176390

This is one of the few DBZ games on the 16-bit consoles that's fun to play.

>> No.2176430
File: 2.43 MB, 320x240, freezer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

layin the smackdown on frieza

>> No.2176451

There was indeed such a game, although IIRC it was Japan-only.

>> No.2176460

Now do one of the final battle with Vegeto when going through Gohan's mode.

I had to resort to save states for that one. It was fucking bullshit.

>> No.2176481

I don't even think I could make it there. I'm doing this on my actual SNES too so I can't even use savestates D:

>> No.2176516

>turbo speed
Stop this shit.
I only ever see it mentioned in GFAQs and the occasional thread in here. Unless there's proof out there in the form of a video, I'll assume this is just another "Mew under the truck"

>> No.2176556


>> No.2176575

What are you babbling about? The code is right there on GameFAQs for you to try it yourself. The game's title screen music and logo completely changes to confirm it, too.

>> No.2176912


What an idiot.

I tried it on my actual cart of Super Butoden 2, it works.

>> No.2176929

I wish someone would do a Butoden 2 mod and insert the roster from Shin Butoden. Dashing, beam battles, and meteo attacks were what made B2 a fun game and it's such a disappointment that the other DBZ games couldn't compare until Supersonic Warriors on GBA and Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and 3 on the PS2.

>> No.2178540

Grindfest? What grindfest? I didn't have to grind at all.

>> No.2178561

I hope Xenoverse is good

>> No.2178607

It's the same Sparking game we've been getting for the last four or five years. No idea why people keep falling for it.

>> No.2180496

Hyper Dimension Cell is Terry Bogard from Kof 97.
He has both Triple Geyser and Overheat Geyser

>> No.2180502

Super Butouden Goku also has a meteor smash, unblockable even.

But, I think the specific teleport and smack is Hyper Dimension Goku meteor/dm. Regular meteors look like a regular punch/kick when whiffing.

>> No.2180547

Butouden 2 had you smashing the enemies through mountains, but it was usually just after 2-3 hits.

Buu-yu Retsuden didn't have mountains but had longer and much flashier, faster combos (Gohan punched you in the air, then back to the ground, five times in a row, Krilling jumped around and kicked you twenty times in a second, stuff like that)

Butouden 3 had no mountains either, but had longer combos than Butouden 2 and most of them ended with a super fireball.

Hyper Dimension had no mountains, but had extremely baller shit. Goku teleported in, did a twenty hit combo, went SSJ3 and did the dragon punch from the movie, then dropped out of SSJ and hit you with a genki dama.

>> No.2181301

I have been playing lots of Butouden 2 and Hyper Dimension Lately. I made it to the trials of gohan on HD and got my ass kicked, I beat butouden 2 though. Both of them are really fun in the story mode though. It's a shame they really dropped the ball on butouden 3 although it is still a solid vs game. I will admit I have a soft spot for butouden even though it's kind of floaty. It has a great roster though with perfect and imperfect cell and dr. gero. I have not played enough bu yuu retsuden yet though, it also has a turbo mode I believe so I will get playing that after I switch out my SNES for my Genesis (I rotate consoles out on my TV)

>> No.2181353

Oh man I had the exact same thing. I miss homestead that was a hell of a free webhost.

>> No.2181682

Buyu Retsuden is neat for having Krillin, Ginyu, and Recoome, but it doesn't look or sound anywhere near as good as Butouden 2 -- no paralax scrolling like Butouden 2 has, which is weird because the Genesis is more than capable of it --, and the lack of shoulder buttons kind of kills the controls, too. No support for the 6 button pad, either.

It's a shame the Genesis never got the Dragon Ball game it deserved.

>> No.2182007

The latest Sparking games don't even feel like Sparking to me anymore. It's more of a QTE fiesta.

>> No.2182018

sparking meteor was the last game I enjoyed, it had the perfect blend of move variety, roster. Only thing is areas are too small.

>> No.2182031

Yeah, but for what its worth, it played better than Butouden 2.

>> No.2182091

A pretty blend of roster it is. Besides, that's the only DB game to include pre-Z stuff on a non-Nintendo console.

>> No.2182114

Have you never played UB22? You can play as pre-z Goku and Roshi

>> No.2182164

..and that's it. I've played UB22 a lot of times and that's the only thing they had there. The pre-Z roster could've been used in Legends instead though

>> No.2182305

you can play as roshi or kid goku on shin butouden too.

>> No.2182316

1. Buyuu retsu den
2. Hyper dimensión
3. butoden 2
4. Shin butoden
5. Dbz legends ( dont remember the jpn name)

>> No.2182352

I've got this on my Mega Drive and it doesn't run nearly as good as in the gif. It's a pretty slow and shitty game. I like the graphics though.

>> No.2182429

Thats butouden 2, not the mega drive game. Have you tried using the turbo code though? It does make all the games a lot better.

>> No.2182589

>legacy of goku
That shit was horrible and my only buyers remorse I've felt as a kid

People in this thread have it right, Hyper Dimension was great and the Budokai games finally made DBZ games awesome, with the Legacy of Goku sequels being great as well

This is looking back at them now, of course. DBZ games of ANY variety were legendary treasures found on the internet back then. Nothing brought so much hype to school than some Japanese DBZ game talk, at least not before Yugioh became a thing

I never got into the card DBZ games though, the ones with 1st person battles like DQ

>> No.2185479

Once you start getting decent cards, and build your muscle memory so you can actually use the 5 Stage Attacks without fucking the commands up, the game gets easier. It's still pretty hard and can be very luck based, but once you get half way through the Buu Saga, you can get a 1HKO card. It's inaccurate as fuck, but it works enough of the time that you can win any fight with it if you retry enough times.

>> No.2185535

>that scenario where child Trunks finds future Trunks in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber

The hell was that?

>> No.2188338

The first Legacy of Goku game is just awful. The sequel is much better and Buu's Fury is even better still.

While also not retro, Attack of the Saiyans for the DS is pretty cool.

>> No.2190823
File: 17 KB, 180x324, dbz legend of the super saiyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how I beat this as a kid

>> No.2190854

I find both Goku Hishouden and Goku Gekitouden pretty good though I'm more fond of the former because the battle system was simpler and my 4yo brain couldn't handle the Gekitouden's BS as well as the first one.

>> No.2190901

random encounters : the game

>> No.2190982

But that isn't Tales of Phantasia.

>> No.2190991

In DBZ you can get a random encounter immediately after a previous random encounter. And I mean immediately in the literal sense - push a direction button and you're in another encounter before the sprite hardly even moves.

>> No.2191003


Sounds like typical 3rd gen/early 4th gen RPG.

>> No.2191014

Yeah but you at least get to fucking MOVE off the spot you're in with those.

>> No.2191075

it's by far the worst rate I've ever seen. Almost Lufia foul water level

>> No.2192024

You should probably avoid Megami Tensei I then.

Pretty sure I fought something like 24 of these in 3 separate encounters in 3 steps.

>> No.2192025
File: 2 KB, 122x122, A_Bao_A_Qu_Kyuyaku_Megami_Tensei.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture

>> No.2192589
File: 5 KB, 256x223, screen131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you call that The Battle of A Bao A Qu?

>> No.2192591

>Attack of the Saiyans

Oh yeah. I was surprised at how good it was. Too bad we never got any sequels.

>> No.2192604


I don't like DBZ. I like DB. It sucks how all the good DB* games are DBZ based

>> No.2192676
File: 1.61 MB, 240x160, demon-king-piccolo-boss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro, but Advanced Adventure is lots of fun and it follows the entire DB timeline.

>> No.2193618

how do you not like both? I like dragon ball more cause it's a fun adventure and kid goku is the most adorable thing ever but I still love DBZ too. The saiyan saga is amazing on par with dragon ball, everything else isn't as good and the buu saga stuff is pretty silly. Goku sacrificing himself is one of the best moments in chinese cartoons


>> No.2193630

how do you not like both? I like dragon ball more cause it's a fun adventure and kid goku is the most adorable thing ever but I still love DBZ too. The saiyan saga is amazing on par with dragon ball, everything else isn't as good and the buu saga stuff is pretty silly. Goku sacrificing himself is one of the best moments in chinese cartoons


>> No.2193636

how do you not like both? I like dragon ball more cause it's a fun adventure and kid goku is the most adorable thing ever but I still love DBZ too. The saiyan saga is amazing on par with dragon ball, everything else isn't as good and the buu saga stuff is pretty silly. Goku sacrificing himself is one of the best moments in chinese cartoons


>> No.2193748

how do you not like both? I like dragon ball more cause it's a fun adventure and kid goku is the most adorable thing ever but I still love DBZ too. The saiyan saga is amazing on par with dragon ball, everything else isn't as good and the buu saga stuff is pretty silly. Goku sacrificing himself is one of the best moments in chinese cartoons

>> No.2193761

holy crap the servers shit themselves how did that repost 4 times that far apart

>> No.2193763

Unfortunately it stops at Daimao.

It seems like most games tend to consider the 23rd Budokai the start of Z (Like Butouden 1 in the OP) which makes sense when you think about it but it's a shame that it doesn't go through the entire Piccolo arc.

>> No.2193770

best dragon ball game i've played, hands down.

>> No.2193778

We are currently moving the servers to gawker media, sorry for the inconvenience.

>> No.2193789

when do you send out the good goy injections?

>> No.2193853
File: 2.62 MB, 407x300, 1385507233532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst battle ever

>> No.2194243


Making Goku an alien is just a part of why DBZ sucks

>> No.2194323

What's so bad about it?

>> No.2194643

>Chinese cartoons

U wot

>> No.2195242

are you new?

>> No.2195653

I've beaten that game a couple of times, and this never occurred to me. Definitely going to try it out. I always loved getting Goku to arrive at the Nappa fight.

>> No.2195702

I ground a lot in it, but that's because I liked getting Gohan to be neigh untouchable on Namek.

>> No.2195718


Neigh is sound horse makes.

>> No.2195719

Thanks, I suppose.

>> No.2195873

the graphics are cuter and sfx are more comfy than the other. i like all the little touches like the jinzoningen not having ki so they're invisible on the radar and piccolo getting his arm blown off if he fails trying to block a ki attack

>> No.2197367

I agree with that actually the first one might be kind of clunky but it's really comfy. I love the graphics