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File: 69 KB, 1380x506, North_American_SNES_cartridge_bottom_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2162850 No.2162850 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/, what's a good way to clean SNES and Super Famicom carts, both internally and externally?

>> No.2162852

Exorcism. That holy water does wonders.

>> No.2162854

Compressed air, AFAIK.
If you're talking about removing staining, just scrub firmly, but carefully, with an electronics-safe cleanser and soft cloth.

>> No.2162869

When I was a kid, my parents owned a small video arcade. We had a pacman game that I played a lot back then. When we closed shop and moved to another country, my parents bought me a console system with a pacman game.
And there were ghosts in it!
Fucking ghosts! Everywhere! There weren't any ghosts in the pacman we owned in the arcade, but there were ghosts in this game. So we got the priest to perform an exorcism, but it didn't work. Then I kinda liked it better with the ghosts, so everything turned out right in the end.

>> No.2162881


Take a Q-tip, press the cotton tip against the spray end of the bottle and very gently pull the lever until the cotton turns blue; use this to clean the contacts.

As far as cleaning the external plastic, I'm partial to rubbing alcohol in very small amounts, but I have heard of people using everything from lemon juice to sex wax.

>> No.2162891

Rubbing Alcohol/Surgical Spirits/Isopropyl Alcohol
All the same shit, just different names. Just make sure you get it without perfumes and the like, just alcohol and distilled water. Higher percentages dry faster, but 50% works fine.

Use it and q-tips to clean the contacts. Works nice for cleaning the shells of the games as well, but be careful around label; It will leech the color out of them if they're unlaminated, though I don't use it on laminated labels either just to be safe. Just plain water seems to work well if they are indeed laminated.

>until the cotton turns blue;
If you're talking about Windex/Window cleaner, you're better off just using normal rubbing alcohol and skipping the ammonia and all that.

>> No.2162897


Never done the contacts with rubbing alcohol, I just always used windex because it was what was in those bottles that came with those old "Official Nintendo cleaning kits" they used to sell in the 90's.

I never thought about the ammonia maybe corroding the contacts over time, though. Good call, anon.

>> No.2162923

rubbing alcohol is not pure iso though, it has a bunch of shit added to it to treat muscle stiffness like camphor and shit.

>> No.2162929

When using windex to clean the contacts, it's primarily the isopropyl alcohol that is doing the work. I'm sure the others have some effect, but it's not worth the residue from the fragrances or what the ammonia may do over time.

You can use a pencil eraser as a light abrasive if you have a contact or two that are in bad shape.

I've heard of using Brasso as a last resort for extremely bad cases, but it can and will remove metal from the contacts, so it should really only be considered if there is no other way that the game is going to work.

>Just make sure you get it without perfumes and the like, just alcohol and distilled water.
I've seen just plain Isopropyl Alcohol sold as Rubbing Alcohol before. That's why I made sure to add in the above comment.

>> No.2162931

Rubber eraser + a dab of rubbing alcohol (91%) works amazingly.

>> No.2162932
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>> No.2162935

All the rubbing alcohol here is with the added shit, they just sell isopropyl alcohol labeled as such. I buy it lots to clean my bongs and shit hahaha

>> No.2162975
File: 202 KB, 356x373, 1406507161015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I've been cleaning the absolute fuck out of my Jap copy of Yoshi's Island with rubbing alcohol and the darn thing won't work. Am I screwed?

>> No.2163136

Does it have PAL contacts

>> No.2163142
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No. I'm stupid, but not that stupid to mix up PAL and Jap carts.

>> No.2163163

I'm sorry, I had to after that one thread.

I've had a hell of a time trying to get this copy of Sonic Spinball working in any of my Gene- Mega Drives.

>> No.2163208
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But still, am I fucked or what?

>> No.2163212

You've you're absolutely sure that the contacts on the cartridge and those of the system aren't causing the problem, you may have to open up the cart and see if there's anything damaged in there.

Do any other special chip games give you trouble? Anything that uses the two side sets of contacts really.

>> No.2163215

>You've you're
What the fuck
If you're

>> No.2163217

Clean the console contacts with a credit card wrapped in a microfiber rag with a little alcohol.

>> No.2163218
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open it up and have a look around

>> No.2163219
File: 17 KB, 225x200, megaman's seen some real shit, too bad he's already dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirby Super Star works fine, and it's also the Jap version, so maybe I got a fucked up copy of Yoshi's Island.

>> No.2163220

I don't have the tools for that, sorry.

>> No.2163226

So buy them. Gamebits are pretty cheap and a good investment in maintaining older hardware.

>> No.2163238

Open it up if you can to check for battery acid damage on the pcb. I've had this happen to a gameboy game on me, the contacts were squeaky clean but when I opened it up the battery leaked all over the pcb, damaging it. You might be able to clean the pcb with some iso alcohol if that's the case.

>> No.2163243

There's a pen trick where you use the plastic housing for a ballpoint pen to open it, you can find instructions if you google it but really you're best off purchasing a $5 gamebit. They are infinitely useful for anyone who collects old nintendo games.

>> No.2163245

If there's battery acid leaking on the PCB, you'd want to neutralize it first and foremost.

>> No.2163254

Holy shit, this, but make sure they're white. Nothing gets contacts cleaner than white erasers, in my experience.

>> No.2163258

>There's a pen trick
You get a cheap biro, remove the ink insert, warm the tip a couple inches above an open flame (gas stove, lighter, etc.) and mash the softened plastic onto a screw. Wait a moment for it to solidify and you have a nigger-rigged screwdriver.

Wont last long though. A gamebit is ultimately a better investment.

>> No.2163301
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Didn't yoshi's island had an internal battery? If so, does it feel like it has one anon?
either way you should totally open it up to check what's the deal, there's a good chance that if it has a battery it got loose and is fucking up everything around.

>> No.2163308
File: 412 KB, 840x523, 1413937604551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll look into getting one of those screws to pop it open and see what's inside.
Thanks for all the help guys.

>> No.2163854

Rubbing alcohol on a q tip if it's not very dirty, white eraser then alcohol if it's very dirty and 0000 steel wool if it still doesn't work, the last 2 the cart is opened obviously.
As far as the shell, soap and water on an old toothbrush, maybe some goo gone or alcohol to remove marker and last is magic eraser gently for really bad carts.

>> No.2164565


Was one of them following you, one coming close just to run away when even closer, one of them seemingly running towards the direction you were looking and one moving seemingly much more random?

>> No.2164624

Yes! How did you know? You must have purchased my haunted cartridge at a boot sale or something!
The priest said the cartridge had been cursed by gypsies and must go, but I grew to love the ghosts in time, even if they were a little mean.
Please don't tell the ghosts where I am because I think they were angry I abandoned them at that charity shop.
Can you even abandon a ghost?

>> No.2164629

Yes, but you miss out on 200-1600 points

>> No.2164668


Yeah, I got to know them.
At first it was scary but them we arranged ourselves with them after noticing that after a while when suddenly reversing their directions they would scatter to the corners of the room and not chase you for a while so you could quickly get the fuck out.

>> No.2166203

blow on it nigga
ever touched a snes before?

>> No.2166210

No, but I kinda really want to now.

I'll report back when I'm done.

>> No.2166224


With SNES catrs it's like being a woman.

To get somewhere you have to finish the job first

>> No.2166756
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Also, use this shit for drawing/drafting artfags.

>> No.2167337

go buy some brasso and rub that shit on the contacts using a q tip

if it still doesnt work it is probably fucked

>> No.2167652

Brasso is okay as long as you re-coat the contacts with electronics lubricant afterwards.